• Published 24th Apr 2021
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Twilight Daylight: Dawn of Equus - thedarktome

Arcadia's been arrested, the last hope against a coming storm. Narmeelah has returned. Only Dawn and Arcadia know of the truth. Will the world believe them?

  • ...

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Chapter 08 - Resist

It was over. All of it, done and buried with the past. But they would never forget. Sunset would never forget those times. How Twilight helped her become the best pony she was always meant to be. She no longer lived on the streets of Canterlot City, hiding her origins from creatures who would never understand.

Here she stood now, the engineer behind a project made to keep Twilight out. It lied in shambles. The gear inside was fried. Her greatest invention torn apart. But maybe this wasn't the treasure she needed. Memories of a time before flashed before her eyes. The pony that supplied her with the knowledge and inspiration to learn about this technology . . . She was gone now.

"Oh Twilight, why?" Sunset whispered to herself.

A small knock pulled her attention away. Like a gnat, it was seen, heard, and nearly ignored. She turned her head and identified thw gnat as Starlight, walking in with two letters in her magic and a small supportive smile.

"You miss her too?" She asked.

"I have never missed her more than I do now. The time she gave herself up to fight Maheera Dark; I knew she would return."


A chortle rolled from Sunset. She grabbed the envelope when presented. "Because it's Twilight Sparkle. The name alone means a beautiful new start. But this time . . . Do you think she's okay?"

Starlight ripped open her envelope and set it on the Friendship Map to read. There was a strange insignia on the front. Certainly not of any royal origin. "I have no doubt. I'm sure she's already found a place to live and call her own. What is this?"

Sunset raised it up and read it aloud. "'Dear Sunset Shimmer. My name is Snap Seed, CEO and Head Researcher of Integral Magics, based in Manehattan. Recently, we have come into contact with magical evidence spread throughout Equestria. After the Arcadian Attack, we are taking no chances with magic lying listlessly around the country. Integral Magics is requesting your assistance to work closely, and professionally, with our researchers to study, and assess, the uses of these Arcadian Remains. Our address is listed below. Thank you, and have a wonderful day.'"

She glanced over the letter to Starlight skeptically. Think they're legit?"

"Sounds legit. Look." She raised the envelope and pointed to a logo. "They even have their own trademark slapped on an envelope. Not the actual letter."

Sunset wasn't too certain. Anypony could get a trademark in Equestria if they had the money. They claimed to be a laboratory. How come Sunset's never heard of them before, especially if they're straight out of Manehattan as claimed? Twilight has every book in here from every single laboratory in the nation. Sunset couldn't recall Integral Magics.

Starlight folded up the envelope and hopped down from the map. "Come on. It wouldn't hurt to check it out. Especially if there's Arcadian Magic lying around."

She had a point. Sunset sighed and circled the address. "Fine. Let's go to Manehattan and check it out. Maybe the Princesses know something about this Lab."

The news of Psera's predicament quickly reached the ears of IHT's current leaders and speakers. Dragons, Equestrians, Prancians, North and South Neightons; all were informed.

After the story and report was presented by Princess Celestia, Madam Singe quickly asked her questions amongst all the murmurs

She stood from her seat. "Is it possible for magic to exist in both a solid and malleable form, able to duplicate and manipulate itself in such a way?"

"The same question was asked by Her Majesty," Celestia answered. "The truth is we are not sure. Magic can do many things, as exemplified by Twilight Sparkle. But the things that Twilight knew about magic excel even beyond the understanding of Equestria. In a sense, Twilight Sparkle is the only pony who can answer that question factually."

Dragon Lord Ember assumed, "So we're worrying over speculation then."

Cadance replied, "Yes, but also no. Even if this is merely speculation, it must be taken seriously. If this claim is valid it is a threat to IHT, our health, safety, and wellbeing throughout our countries. Everything that was grown by Twilight's magic, and whatever was created afterwards using what that magic created will disappear. Our land, food, structures, the history of our lands will no longer be."

"In other words..." Luna looked around the room at all of their forms. "It is a slow death sentence. We will have no food to feed ourselves. No shelter from storms, and no place to call our own."

IHT's Trade Room erupted into worry. Was Queen Arcadia's magic truly that powerful? Strong enough to create countries, build worlds, and cripple the lives of them all on any given day? Of course after everything that has happened, they've seen the strength of the legendary Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle, but if this was true, then...

Novo raised her claw and asked bluntly, "What would be the cause of this magic departure?"

Celestia answered, "The ponies responsible would be us. We removed Twilight's magic from her, which, according to diagnostics and readings, weakened her body. The magic is supposed to return and bring her back to full health."

"If we return the magic to Twilight's body, will that stop this magic departure?"

Celestia shook her head. "As mentioned before, Equestria isn't sure if this is even possible, let alone of any counter to it."

Madam Singe suggested, "What about her tomes? Equestria recently obtained ownership over all of Queen Arcadia's spell books, correct?"

Flurry nodded and answered, "You would be correct."

"Is there anyway we can check those tomes for an answer?"

Luna leaned into her mic. "No, it is not possible. Twilight Sparkle's collection is extensive. We have counted over eight thousand tomes in her collection, with two thirds of them being entirely her own works of which we've never heard of before. Some of it is even written in Old Pseratopian. Finding a single possibility or research study surrounding even the possibility of malleable magic would take us weeks, if not months."

"Is there any other way?"

Queen Farue quickly asked, "Wh-What about Princess Fresh Dawn? I'm sure that as her daughter, Fresh Dawn would know the answers to such information, or at the very least an idea."

Celestia sighed and admitted, "All ideas are worth a shot in these desperate hours. However, I am warning you now: Princess Fresh Dawn has already expressed her distaste and hatred for both IHT and Equestria following the banishment of her mother. To give us an answer without berating and expletives of the tongue would take a miracle."

She turned to one of the Guards standing behind her. "Please send forth a request for Princess Fresh Dawn to be contacted by IHT regarding this recent threat. We wish to question her."

Dad used to come here all the time. Mom would take her out here all the time. She called this the family garden, although, in reality, they both knew it belonged to the stallion of the family. She remembered when mom first disappeared, sacrificing herself in the name of the Psera and Equus. For the safety of all creatures everywhere. When she disappeared, so did the filly Dawn used to be. She fled to this very garden so the life of the flowers could lift her own spirits. The only pony who did was Erikia. How was she? Could she see her sometime? She's barely heard from her since mom's return. Then it was another six months away from Psera.

The silence here was incredible. It left her to the thoughts of her past and future. The only place left here to think peacefully. With no more reason to guard it, the last bit of home she had before Psera would soon take that away. Dawn could feel Grandma Ice's eyes bearing down on her from her own garden.

Dawn slowly turned her head to the sky, to see the floating greenhouse where Molten could be seen watching, just like the rest of her country. Earlier she had called for a meeting with The Senate Board underneath a Code Yellow. According to the time, they would be leaving in fifteen minutes. Would she be expected to be a part of it?

"We can't sit here like this," First Light said. "The darkness is coming."

Dawn pulled her sight up from the wilting flowers in front of her. "The darkness is already here. Decades, centuries. Narmeelah's influence will be the downfall of all of us."

"If we let it. You heard mom, we have to start acting."

"I know." Dawn turned around and dragged her long wings back to the castle. "But who will listen to us?"

"Grandma Ice did. So did Gardeen."

"Grandma Ice needed verification from Equestria. Gardeen will believe whatever we have to say. With no proof to back this up, we're alone in this, Light. The only way for us to act is for Psera to delve into darkness, then everyone will believe us.

Dawn opened the door with her magic and stepped back into the castle's frigid halls. As if death was near, she could feel the essence of an eternal battle. Good versus evil taking on many forms. How many forms has Narmeelah taken to come to this very moment?

Dawn traversed the castle halls in route for the elevator when she was approached by an Elite Guard.

"Princess Dawn," they greeted. "You have been summoned."

Summoned? "By who?"

"The International House of Trade wishes to converse with you."

Oh. If Dawn had any blood, the name itself would boil it through her skin. The nerve they had to even connect her personally. But she calmed her pot of anger, lest it boil onto the surface. Not yet.

Dawn sighed with regret and asked, "Where are they?"

The Guard turned around and guided her along. "They are in Equestria, but have set up a comm-line with us here in Psera."

Dawn nodded and followed after the guard. What did they want to ask of her now? As Psera's Heir to the throne, it would fall on her shoulders to see to their needs and requests. Of course, anything with Equestria would be denied immediately, but it would look good for her to at the least listen.

After their trek through the silent halls of the castle, the guard escorted her back to the same room where Molten Ice had her meeting with IHT. Now it was her turn. The ponies from earlier swiveled their seats around to face her when she entered.

One of them, a mare with a dark yellow coat rose and approached. "Do you know how to use this, Princess?"

"I have no notion of what it even is," Dawn answered.

She thought so. The mare pointed to a spot directly in front of the table. "Come stand right here and face forward. We're going to scan your body to create your shape."

Dawn did as requested and faced forward. Should she even breathe? The ponies went to work and began tapping away at their stations. The mare explained the situation.

"There are ten cameras setup around the room to shape your image virtually for the receiving party to see and will be magically transported to their space. In turn you will be able to see them as if you were right there. Close your eyes please, Princess."

The first time Dawn had to do this and she couldn't see what was going on? Perfect. Dawn closed her lids and breathed in and out. A click and a high pitched whine echoed around the room before a bright blue flash of light hit her face.

"I got her shape."

"Transferring. Stand-by, Princess."

Whoa, that tickles. Dawn grinned and shivered under her coat.

"Really?" First Light asked.

"It feels funny," Dawn said aloud.

The mare from before whipped her head around from her station. "Wait, you can feel it?!" She asked.

"Yes. Am I not supposed to?"

The mare turned to the stallions in the room. "Shut it down, shut it—!"

Too late. Dawn felt her body be grabbed and pulled forward. She was twisted and reshaped, painlessly so before being slapped back into what she was before, in the one place she would never return to had she a choice.

One minute they were all talking. The next, a pulse wave of magic washed over the coats of IHT. A hovering black ball slowly expanding in the center of the room. Dark Magic.

Celestia shouted, "Everypony, duck!"

Cadance grabbed Flurry and threw her down before following herself with everyone else. A sudden warp and pulse of magic flickered the lights in the Trade Room followed closely by silence.

"So . . . Did it work?"

Flurry popped her head up over the edge. "Dawn?"

Dawn finally popped her eyes open. "Ohhh, something went awfully wrong." This was not the situation room. At least in Psera. This was . . . What was this?

Celestia raised herself up with the rest and asked, "Did you teleport over here?"

"No. Something went wrong with the little thing we use to communicate." She smoldered to the table they hid behind. Through her teeth, she snarled, "What did you want?"

Straight to business. Luna queried, "I'm sure you've heard of the crisis Psera is in that may also affect the rest of us. We just wanted to verify a few loose ends. As daughter of Queen Arcadia, we're expecting you to answer a few of the questions. Upon Queen Arcadia's return, you studied magic, correct?"

Might as well get this over with. She sat down on the floor and nodded her head. "Yes."

"Did she ever mention malleable magic or magic being able to take on multiple forms at once?"

Malleable magic. Dawn made a face. "What do you mean?"

Flurry broke it down. "Like magic turning into a chair for a week, then into a picture frame."

Oh! Dawn nodded her head. "Yes. We studied that. But we called it Multifarious Transmogrification."

"So, it is possible," Cadance queried.

Dawn's nod triggered a murmur of worry. Look at them, realizing the extent of their mistake. Now they were freaking out.

Madam Singe asked, "Princess Dawn. As I'm sure you know, your mother was the reason behind the rapid restoration behind our lands during Maheera vs. The World. We fear she may have used Multifarious Transmogrification."

"Oh, she did," Dawn assured them. She looked around, feeling the magic tickle at her horn. This castle itself was made out of the magic in certain areas. Not just the lights in this room.

"I can feel it. It's not strong in here, but there is something nearby." She looked back at the expectant faces of IHT's leadership. "I can do it too, but not nearly as strong as mom."

"If you were to fall into bad health, would the magic you put down return to you?"

"With my unique situation, I would require magic to heal anyway. But to answer your question as if I were a normal Alicorn-Pseratep, yes. It would all come back to me based on studied test results."

Another round of worry. The only one not showing was Celestia. Her hooves were crossed in front of her mouth staring down at Dawn. She in turn was staring back.

"...you knew about this," she said. "Didn't you?"

"And I warned you," Dawn admitted. The room silenced once more. "Mom did too. But you didn't listen. None of you did. So, here we are, about to give way to a greater evil. Ourselves."

"How can we stop this?" Cadance tapped at her desk. "Do we have to look for Twilight? IHT will give her whatever she needs."

Dawn sighed and closed her eyes. "I wouldn't bet on it. Mom couldn't defend you even if you did find her."

"Why's that?"

"Well for one thing, mom is dead."

A hush reigned over the room, as if their breathing too ceased its flow. Dawn could see the disbelief in their eyes, especially in Uncle Shining's.

"...what?" Cadance asked.

"The empathic link mom and I shared since my birth is severed. I no longer feel her. And, before you say anything, be advised that I could feel mom even when I was in another dimension and she was trapped with Maheera Dark. I can't feel her anymore. I last felt her in the ocean, filled with anger and hate before she faded away."

Shining's hoof covered his mouth. Celestia's ears flopped down, something that has never been seen and Cadance looked away. Grief washed over all of them.

"This is happening," Dawn iterated. "And it's happening soon. In less than twenty-four hours, the magic of the world that mom gifted to you will return to her. There is no spell that can keep it back, no container strong enough to seal it away. Mom will regain her strength, rise from the ashes, and, well, do what she wants."

Dawn turned around and lit her horn a deep black. "I'm already prepping for the arrival of what comes after. You should too."

In a combustion of liquid darkness, Dawn teleported back home, leaving IHT to their meeting. But was it worth it now? Was it worth a discussion? Would time warrant them an opportunity to rectify the situation.

Queen Farue asked, "What do we do? If Dawn speaks true, then we're going to lose what we have tomorrow."

Celestia wasn't speaking. Luna could see the hurt in her eyes. She took over. "We keep an eye on what we have. I suggest we watch what food and building materials remain. Twilight couldn't have created everything."

Queen Novo nodded in agreement. "We'll keep watch over our assets. Until then, I believe we all have countries to address. Please, urge your citizens not to panic. Meeting adjourned. We'll convene again after tomorrow."

Author's Note:

Uh oh, magic is on the road again. We're about to kick off.

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