• Published 24th Apr 2021
  • 1,340 Views, 115 Comments

Twilight Daylight: Dawn of Equus - thedarktome

Arcadia's been arrested, the last hope against a coming storm. Narmeelah has returned. Only Dawn and Arcadia know of the truth. Will the world believe them?

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Chapter 20 - Wait In The Shadows

Author's Note:

Alright, sorry for the late update. But, here you go! What is Arcadia planning?

Sleeping was supposed to be easy. All one had to do was close their eyes, let go, and fade away. It was as simple as breathing, as simple as thinking. It was supposed to be so easy that you wouldn't even know you fell asleep until you woke up.

Maybe it would be easier if Dawn didn't have an audience as big as the room watching her. Leaning forward from their seats waiting for her to appear. Apparently, the only pony in this room who has ever seen her magical form away from her body was Flurry Heart. This was a first for everyone.

She lied at the front of the room, body down, hooves tucked and head bowed. Breathe in, breathe out. In. Out.

Her eyes popped open and made eye contact with all fourteen members of IHT, and their respective guards watching her alongside her own advisory panel, alongside the Legends of Psera and Equestria's ponies and creatures from Tartarus. She wouldn't even be able to fall asleep with Maheera staring at her like she was, let alone every last King and Queen of the Known World.

"This is hopeless," she said.

"Would a sleeping spell help?" Luna offered.

"It may interfere with the process. It's better for it to be natural."

The only problem was that natural wasn't working. There had to be a faster way to get this done. Some way to get her to sleep. Then, it hit Odega. There was a way to get Dawn to sleep. Rather unorthodox, but it'll give them what they were all searching for.

Odega rose from her spot on the floor and walked over to Dawn under the scrutiny of the rest of the room.

She dropped next to Dawn and cleared her throat, shocking her awake. "Alright, Dawn. It's time for a history lesson."

What was she doing? Odega held up her hoof to the standing ponies and mouthed, "Watch."

She turned back to Dawn and started recounting moments in their own history. The development of the Aquata, the founding of Cop, and, of course, the arrival of her mother. The story that would most certainly put the main character's daughter to sleep at any time of day.

Oh, this story again? Why was Odega even recounting it? Weren't they in a meeting? What was even going on?!

Gradually, Dawn began to drift. Tilting to the side, eyes fluttering closed, gentle twitches of the wing in an attempt to stay awake. She was slowly fading.

"...and that was the story about how your mother and I met. Now, here's the time when I first met your aunt, Merry."

Immediately, Dawn's head dropped to the ground, eyes shut and body stilled. Mission success. Proud, Merry rose and trotted back to her seat.

"Recounts," she explained. "They'll put Dawn to sleep at any point of the day."

Well, the ends justify the means. Now, were they supposed to wait or something?

Suddenly, Dawn's body jolted, as if struck by a sneeze. Flowing through her fur was a light blue mist, forming next to her sleeping form as Dawn herself.

Huh, so that's what she looked like when sleeping. She's seen it before, but not in such a ridiculous position. Muzzle to the floor, hind legs splayed about. Oh, how low.


She turned her attention to the ponies waiting in their seats. She only needed words from one pony in the room.

Her sights swiveled to Odega.

"Where is she?" She asked.

Odega raised her wing towards the distance. "The mass of magic is in the Southwest. From there you should be able to get a reading on what's going on."

Of course. But Dawn had a question. "Why don't you go?"

"I am. I'm going with you. You're not going out there on your own."

Secretary Manny saluted. "I have a full contingent of Aerial Guard to escort you both."

Good. At least she had some assurance she wouldn't get lost. After a firm nod and a transformation from Odega later, she and Dawn flew out from behind the walls of what remained of Canterlot Castle and into the airspace of Equestria. A blue star being guided by a phoenix of fire surrounded by a diamond formation of Aerial Guard.

Over thousands upon thousands of refugees they flew. The center of attention, they didn't allow the onslaught of gazes slow them down. For on a mission they were to convince the strongest pony they knew to join in the fight against Narmeelah.

Passing over Ponyville, they neared Las Pegasus to test the one thing they didn't account for, but weighed heavily on all of their minds:

Would they be able to pass through the shield like this? Did Arcadia trap them inside? Did she have full access to the shield? Would it stop them if she so wished?

Dawn narrowed her eyes, gulping down her anxiety. Closer they neared the visage of Arcadia, plastered on the shield's surface guarding them from the dangers beyond treacherous seas.

"Here we go," First Light said.

Odega pulled in her wings and closed her eyes with the rest of the team. A small buzz passed over her coat before Dawn opened her eyes, gazing along the Western Sea of Equestria.

She glanced behind her. They made it through! Dawn could see the front of her mother, those eyes staring ahead as if watching her fly. Maybe it was just her, but she could've sworn those same eyes shifted down to her.

Dawn turned around and faced forward, tailing behind Odega as Equestria grew smaller and smaller.

"How far out?" The captain asked Odega.

"At our speed," she answered. "Under thirty."

Thirty minutes until they see Arcadia. The time seemed to fly by. One moment, they were soaring over splashing waves, the next they were slowing down and straightening out in front of calm seas.

Odega transformed back into a Pseratep and faced Dawn, pointing in front of them.

"The source is coming from here," she said.

Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. Dawn hovered forward and eyed what lied before them: nothing. Of course it would always look like nothing when in fact there was something.

"Hmmm." She reached out and came into contact with a bubble. At her touch, a violet ripple expanded from her hoof and spread high and low in a single wave. So, there was something here, obstructing their view. A mirage, no doubt, shielding what truly lied ahead.

"How do we get in?"

"I don't know," Dawn replied. Was there some passphrase or something? She rubbed at her chin and squinted her eyes.

"If I know Arcadia..." Odega floated forward and tapped at the shield, receiving the same result. "Then we don't have to do anything. We just wait."

"For what?"


And wait they did. One minute became two, and two became twenty. Still hovering, Dawn grew restless. While they were waiting for her mother to open the door, Narmeelah was preparing to strike against Equus!

Dawn banged on the bubble three times. "Mom, open up! Come on! We don't have time for these games!"

A loud snap later and Arcadia teleported before all of them. Shining brightly, they covered their eyes and averted their gaze until the light dimmed down.

There she was. As if nothing ever happened, Arcadia had her horn and wings back. Practically glowing with magic and hope. Her beauty flawless. Her mane danced with the wind, clean as the air over the sea. The magic stripped from their lands held with her body. Unlike before, she had both of her eyes, illuminated with energy. On her side, the Sword of Arcadia, sheathed and attached to a belt strapped to a violet and red summer dress.

She was unamused and glancing from her daughter's escorts to Dawn herself.

At a mere raise of her hoof, Dawn was pulled forward into her loving embrace. With a tight kiss and a nuzzle, she whispered, "It feels good to hold my little filly again."

"Mom, I'm fifteen," Dawn murmured into Arcadia's coat.

"You will always be the same filly I held on day zero who sucked on my hoof." Reluctantly, she let Dawn go and stared down into her eyes. She was growing up so fast. Too fast. She was flying on her own, thinking deeply... Oh, if only Arcadia could turn the wheel of time so Madun could see her.

She felt her hoof down the side of Dawn's face. "I'm always happy to see my daughter..." She glanced up to the faces of soldiers and Odega. "But I have reason to believe your visit isn't one to recall memories and tales."

"Mom..." Dawn said. "We know you have a plan."

Arcadia held up her hoof to stop her and turned around. "We'll talk in privacy. Leave your guards with Odega. You will not need weapons here."

With a light of her horn, a bright white portal appeared before her that Arcadia floated into. Tense seconds followed before Dawn nodded firmly to Odega, then flew in behind her.

Blinded by the intensity of light, Dawn raised her hoof once again to block it. Then lowered it, losing the ability to breathe. It was a tropical paradise. Palm trees, endless lakes, towering mountains and streams overcast by a rising sun in deep blue skies, all under the midst of a massive steel pyramid, the center of attention. This wasn't Equus anymore. This was an entirely new world.

Below them, hidden within the trees and lining golden paths were a number of homes. All of different shapes and sizes. Fancy. Some were made of gems and jewels, others as simple as different colored wood and stone. Some had small little pools and waterfalls behind them while others had gardens.

Dawn caught up with her mother and flew alongside her, beneath her large wings.

"You've been busy," she commented.

Arcadia sighed and replied, "I had to prepare."

"For what?"

Arcadia landed beneath the palm trees on a golden pathway, leading into a garden behind the expansive towering pyramid and leaving Dawn's question hanging in limbo.

"Wait a minute..." Dawn landed behind Arcadia and stared accusingly. "Why would you waste so much energy on building a new world if you can just rebuild the old one after the war is over?"

Arcadia walked behind the fountain facing Dawn expressionless. "I'm taking precautions."

Dawn gasped and pointed at her. "You're expecting us to fail!"

"No, I'm expecting high casualties. But neither of those circumstances have to do with this place."

Dawn lowered her hoof and stared dumbly. "Really?"

Twilight dipped a hoof into the fountain, staring at her own reflection. "I may act impulsively at times, my Veola, but I do have faith that you will give Equus the air it needs to breathe life into itself once again."

Well. This is awkward. Now she felt bad. Mom wasn't that kind of pony, she knew that. As Queen though she needed to be sure. That was a good excuse right? Bah! She needed to focus on the mission!

Before Dawn could speak again, she quickly transformed into First Light.

She pointed at her and shouted, "We need your help! IHT wants to make a move that could possibly defeat Narmeelah before it even begins. But we need input on what it could entail regarding security."

Security? Why would they need security? What was going on over there? What move were they beginning to make so early?

Arcadia walked back around the fountain in front of First Light. "What are they doing, my little Light?"

First Light transformed back into Dawn. "We were going to grab the Diary of Narmeelah from Vendu—"

"No," she interrupted.


Arcadia turned around and walked back to the fountain. "Leave the diary. It is too late to grab it. You will have to go with the second plan. Begin planning to retrieve the weapon with the tools that have been given to you."

First Light transformed into Dawn. "What tools? We don't have any."

Arcadia sat down and closed her eyes. "After I was arrested, all of my material that was in Psera possession were transferred to Equestria. They are still in Equestria possession, buried beneath the rubble. Tell Celestia and Luna that I gifted them with an artifact a short time ago, one they may want to finally use. Even if they never open it again, they must open it now."

Dawn sighed and rolled her eyes. Even when the world was coming to an end, Arcadia just had to be difficult.

She turned around and nudged at a pebble. "Why are you hiding?"

Arcadia glanced at her daughter. "I'm not hiding."

Dawn whipped around and deadpanned, "Your entire little country is hidden behind an invisible veil, you disappeared when Psera spotted you in the seas, and you would only speak with me. You're hiding."

Arcadia turned her head in Dawn's direction. "I have my reasons. If I am seen—"

Dawn turned around. "She already knows you're alive, mom. Narmeelah's daughters are trying to intimidate me, and I'm sure there's another one closer to our asylum. We're running out of rations and time. I know you think I'm smart, but the stakes are too high. We can't afford to fail. You're smarter than me and have levels of experience. I don't."

Arcadia sighed deeply and closed her eyes. She was right. Maybe she did jump the gun a little too early. Dawn may need more guidance. Besides, perhaps the plan did need a little push. Time was moving faster than they were, a liability for the end of world.

They sat in silence, awaiting her words. Her decision. Arcadia sighed and closed her eyes.

"Dawn?" Dawn craned her neck forward. Arcadia walked around the water fountain and stopped in front of her daughter. She lifted her muzzle with a gentle hoof so she could stare into her eyes. "Change of plans. This is what I need you to do..."

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