• Published 31st Jul 2021
  • 3,277 Views, 141 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 3) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard all seek to keep the peace between the two worlds together while they all now deal with the threat of Scar who's return is now threatening that very balance.

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Episode 1: The Crystal Empire Part One

Episode 1:

The Crystal Empire Part One

Sometime after the events that led to him being walked out on by his own brother, friends, and father, Scar now bears a thin pink crescent shaped mark over his left eye that is permanent and will remain on his face for the rest of his life.

Ever since that fateful day, Scar has now decided to take up daily patrols through the Pride Lands on his own. He hardly talked to his father, brother, and friends, nor even looked at them and when he did he gave them nothing up a look of pure hatred and bitterness towards them for the way they treated him. Whatever happened that led to him feeling this way along with receiving his scar sure took a toll on the young lion’s self-esteem and because of it he no longer sees Mufusa fit to be king.

During one of his scouts in the Outlands, Scar made his way nearby the area to where Zira and her pride would later meet Kyoga along with the Lion and Pony Guard along with the royal family years later where he came across a familiar foe that double-crossed him.

“You!” Scar snarled at the foe with betrayed eyes.

It was a strange lion with a bulky build, dark orange fur, red eyes, dark red nose and mane, a notch on his right ear, a dark stripe on his forehead, and a scar on his right eye in contrast to his glaring foe.

“Well, well, well, so we meet again.” The strange lion darkly chuckled. “Guess crime doesn’t pay does it.”

“Easy for you, since you made me look like the bad guy when I was actually trying to stop you from ruining my brother’s life.” Scar retorted with a growl and bared teeth.

“Come on now. We’re all friends here.” He confidently attempted to manipulate him into standing down but Scar wasn’t having it. Not anymore after what he did.

“You’re not my friend! No one is! Not anymore!” Scar roared back before charging at him along with his snake companion leaving the former barely anytime to react and realize how much trouble he is in now for messing with the wrong lion.

The snake quickly attempted to bite him to kill him with his deadly venom only to be quickly slashed and killed by the furious lion before he quickly pounced on the strange lion with blood boiling fury. The two tumbled across the rocky terrain before Scar threw his larger opponent off of him and towards the edge of the nearby cliff behind him.

The two lions growled at each other before charging at each other to exchange swipes from their claws directed at their faces while attempting to bite at each other while standing on their back legs and wrestling each other. Then the strange lion attempts to pin down Scar only to be quickly knocked off with consecutive paw swaps to the faces followed by another swipe to stagger and force him back.

He then quickly pinned down the strange lion who despite his attempts to get Scar off of him, the fiery fur colored lion then bared his teeth and then chomped them into the strange lion’s neck thus killing him.

Once they were both finished off for good, Scar then locked eyes on his dead adversary’s before unleashing the dark clouded Roar of the Elders to send their corpses flying towards the nearby volcano. The impact of the Roar was so powerful it caused the volcano to erupt which sent lava spewing out from the smoking top which splattered and incinerated the duo’s corpses away, never to be seen again.

Scar then turned away without a look of satisfaction on his face because even after putting an end to the traitor of the crown, the damage is already done.

“I should have known the truth from the start.” Scar said to himself with a stoic and bitter look while wiping the blood off of his jaws and taking a drink from a nearby stream of water.

During which he looked at his reflection with a serious frown upon his new scar. The day he got it is the day he would come to see that friendship meant nothing to his so called friends and family after they abandoned him even after all they have been through together and all he has done for them from day one.

“Face it, friendship has truly failed me.” He said to himself with a vow of what must be done now. “Because from this moment on, I won’t stop until I become king. The one and only true king that the Pride Lands truly deserves to see.”

During the present, Twilight looks at herself in the mirror at her new scar in the middle of the library with the same resentful frown. The mark itself which now runs across her left eye is also crescent shaped and identical to Scar’s. Clearly after what happened that resulted in her receiving her new mark she is through with friendship with her family and friends as well.

It's been a week since the Canterlot Wedding Attack and since Scar finally revealed himself. Since then both Equestria and the Pridelands were shaken by the attack, some of even started to question Simba and Celestia's ruling because they were so easily defeated by Scar and Queen Chrysalis. The two monarchs calmed the anxiety within their untied homes as best they could but not all of it with those questioning them whether the very bond between their worlds is meant to be or whether they are better off seperated like they were before. A question both leaders futilely tried to insist otherwise.

Thorax was accepted into Equestria and the Pridelands fairly easily after everyone heard of his heroics in standing up to Queen Chrysalis and protecting Kyoga from them. Mtoto and the youngsters even played with him with was fun being that he could easily change into one of them and play right along.

Thorax, Kyoga, Twilight, Kovu, Karabi and Lite were rewarded after the wedding ceremony by Princess Luna for their bravery in stopping Queen Chrysalis and Scar's evil plan and saving Canterlot together. Since then, their friendship had grown stronger, despite only knowing Thorax for about a week.

The Changeling was the timid and nervous type, easily scared when something surprises him, but the four lion friends always calmed him and down and told him no one will hurt him.

The friendship between the Pony Guard, on the other hand, was not good. Ever since the wedding, Twilight had giving Kion and all her friends (barring Thorax, Kovu, Karabi, Lite, Kyoga, Kiara, Tifu and Zuri) the silent treatment, resenting them for abandoning her at the wedding when she was right all along. She wouldn't even look at them whenever they were on patrol and she would give them a cold and heartless look.

The gang felt horrible for their actions towards her but Twilight wouldn't hear any of it, not forgiving them yet.

"We messed up badly.." Applejack sighed as they walked through Ponyville with Thorax, Kovu, Kyoga, Karabi and Lite.

"Yeah, you kinda did." Kyoga said bluntly, earning her a smack by Rainbow.

"What? I'm not lying!" she defended. "There were many signs that she was a fake Cadence but you guys were too oblivious to see them."

Kion lowered his ears, "Yeah... as leader I should have seen the signs that something wasn't right from what Twilight said about Cadence. But instead I abandoned her and it got her hurt. Some leader I am...."

Fuli and Bunga patted him on the shoulders, "It's not only your fault. I'm the keenest of sight and yet I couldn't see an imposter right in front of me." Ono said.

"And we could barely protect everyone from Zira and her large lion pride. Kyoga was the only one who actually fought against them, risking her life for everyone." Besthe added.

"We should have done the same thing..." Fuli added and Bunga rubbed his shoulder, sheepishly.

"Instead we didn't and now we may have ruined our friendship with Twilight because of it." Bunga added. "We have to make it up to her, but how?"

"You'll figure that out later." Lite reassured the depressed group before Kyoga's cutie mark on her cheek started shimmering. "Looks like its time..."

"For your lessons with the Tree of Harmony? C-Can I come?" Thorax asked shyly.

"Sure Thorax." Kyoga smiled before she, Karabi, Lite, Kovu and Thorax headed into the Everfree Forest and to the Castle of the Two Sisters. They entered the Cave of Harmony where the majestic crystal tree laid. "Woah....." Karabi, Lite, Kovu and Thorax gasped in awe at the Tree of Harmony's beauty.

"It's beautiful..." Karabi gawked.

"Thank you." a voice came before Astral Twilight appeared before them, "Ready for your lessons, my student?"

"Y-Yes, Mentor." Kyoga replied.

"Good, you've already made great process by neutralizing Zira's dark magic, but there is more you can do with your magic." Astral Twilight said. "First, we'll start with basic spells so you will grow comfortable with your new magic before moving onto advanced spells."

Kyoga nodded and the Tree of Harmony started her magic lessons off at the beginning.

Meanwhile, in the Canterlot Castle, things have been still a mess there since the wedding. Ever since the wedding, Princess Celestia has been increasing security all around the castle to avoid another surprise attack along with keeping back some of the restless ponies and Pride Landers still upset with her handling of the incident that nearly led to Scar and Chrysalis’s takeover.

Even with Shining Armor’s help in overseeing the security, the tension still remains to the point they had to postpone the wedding in light of these of recent events. And with what’s about to happen next it’s only about to get worse for them when one of the guard’s rushed inside the throne room when the princess is currently dealing with paperwork.

“News from Northern Equestria! Uh... Your Highness.” The guard reported after taking off his helmet as a sign of respect for her.


“I am simply to tell you that it has returned.”

Hearing this sparked a gasp from the alicorn before turning to the guard on her right hand side of the throne.

“Find Princess Cadance and Shining Armor.”

“Yes, Your Highness.” The guard immediately saluted and obliged before carrying out his task with the rest of the guards following after him.

During this time, she took out her quill and paper to compose a letter.

“My dearest Twilight, you must come to Canterlot at once.”

The one time the white alicorn princess could focus on something other than the civil unrest that is going on and now she is forced to take action. And she can only hope that her faithful student whom she hadn’t seen nor spoken to in a month is ready to help her out.

Especially after the last thing she said to her was telling her she had a lot to think about before getting imprisoned underground by Chrysalis and receiving her scar from Scar. And that was before learning that she was right to be suspicious of Queen Chrysalis all along. If Twilight wasn’t so forgiving she’d be smiling and happy to see her as she predicted...

…or so she thinks unaware that Twilight’s demeanor has drastically changed since that faithful day.

When she got her letter, she frowned and was not frantic in gathering all of her supplies together to make sure she is fully prepared for whatever she plans to test her on since that is the reason for summoning her to Canterlot. The rest of the Guard along with Karabi and Lite are planning on accompanying her to Canterlot. But it’s perfectly clear to them it’s out of necessity for the sake of whatever trouble is brewing nearby. So all they could do was watch Twilight gather everything together silently.

“Okay, okay, okay.” Twilight said to herself while trying to get her thoughts together with focused eyes. “Where are all my quills?” She used her magic to pull a few quills from her desk before sending them flying into a bag Spike had ready for her before looking through her books. “No, no, no, no, no...! I need the Magical Compendium volumes 1 through 36! Where is it?!”

She quickly pulled books from her shelf until she finally came across a giant one buried deep in the top bookshelf before carefully placing it down on the ground.

“Flash cards! I should make some flash cards.” She then remembered before pulling out a whole nearby drawer of them before turning to the baby dragon ready for her to hand them to her. “Spike, I'm gonna need you to quiz me. On everything. Everything I've ever learned. Ever.” She emphasized before placing them in front of him. But then she thought while rubbing her chin with her left hoof. “That isn't going to be enough cards.”

Just when Twilight moved to get more flash cards, Bunga couldn’t help but comment to the others. “Geez, what’s her deal? It’s just a test.”

Unfortunately for him, Twilight overheard that which triggered her anger when black smoke emitted from her scar again which got Spike suddenly worried knowing how Twilight will react to that.

“Just a test?” She responded in an ominous tone of anger.

“Uh oh.” Spike said while the brave honey badger is now rather frightened for once when he is suddenly face to face with the unicorn.

“Just a test!?” She shouted in his face to which prompted the honey badger to back away from the advancing mare. “Princess Celestia wants to give me some kind of exam, and you're trying to tell me to calm down because it's just a test?!”

“You might need these.” Spike quickly put on a helmet on his head along with pillows around his body while doing the same for Bunga.

“Uh... yes.” Bunga honestly answered feeling it was best than attempt to lie to her and make things worse for himself.

Twilight activated the aura around her horn with a stressed expression with black tints of magic coming from her scar again while the eye twitched from the twinge of pain it produced.

“I'd say she's handling things pretty well, considerin'.” Applejack whispered a comment to Rarity seconds before…

“Urgh!” Twilight groaned while exploding in anger with a spell that shot the library up a thousand feet into the air before it plopped back down to its roots.

Once Twilight obtained everything she needs, she led the way to the Friendship Express en route to Canterlot while Bunga is still shaken from her earlier outburst.

“Are you okay, Bunga?” Kion asked him out the unicorn’s earshot.

“A little shaken, but not stirred.” Bunga answered while brushing his fur. “On the bright side at least Twilight said something to me.”

“But that wasn’t the best approach.” Kyoga quietly chided.

“But how was I supposed to know she would flip out over something like that?” Bunga said in his defense. “Because it is just a….”

Spike quickly covered his mouth before he could finish to avoid Twilight going berserk again and risking blowing their train ride. “Please don’t.” Spike shook his head with a claw still on his mouth. “I’m lucky she is willing to talk me even after what happened so please don’t give her reason to drag me back into this.”

“But why would she be willing to talk to you even after what happened?” Bunga asked trying to figure how he got lucky.

“Probably because he was there for her when she needed it and felt if he left with the girls he too would have been singled out and given the cold shoulder.” Karabi figured before her brother had a more pressing question for the team.

“But what I don’t understand from all of this is, is why? Why did you all leave her alone like that?”

“Well she was running around claiming that the Cadance we saw was evil and acting like an immature filly from a daycare when she made her case.” Applejack defended. “So we felt she needed time to herself to see that she was wrong. Or at least we thought.”

“And yet you led everyone away from her.” Lite said unimpressed with her excuse.

“Yes.” She admitted in shame while lowering her head. “And to tell ya the truth I honestly don’t know why I did.”

“But we were there with Simba.” Bunga pointed out. “We stuck behind and comforted her. So why is she giving us the cold shoulder?”

“Because even so we still left her alone feeling that she was wrong about her accusations.” Kion answered with regret. “But it turned out she was right. Twilight was right to accuse her all along.”

“And none of us believed her.” Fluttershy sniffed a little with her ears lowered.

“And now the poor darling is left scarred because of our mistake.” Rarity added while draping her hoof around the remorseful Pegasus.

“And it sure is really and literally bugging her.” Spike noted upon getting another look at the mark on her face while she is currently going through her notes. “Ever since Scar clawed her she’s been acting like a completely different mare. She’s become more cold and detached, she’s been more quieter than usual and not in the good way, she’s never smiled not even once, and she doesn’t even go to bed until late in the night.”

“But doesn’t she always go to bed late at night?” Ono brought up.

“When she is usually reading a book she really likes.” Spike clarified. “But that’s not the case as of recently.”

“Oh, right.”

“Yeah, and it’s really worrying me.” Spike added while casting a matching look at the mare he looks up to as a mother.

“It’ll be okay, Spike.” Beshte reassured. “She just needs more time to cool down.”

“Hopefully an opportunity to be able to make it up to her will come along the way.” Rainbow hoped when their train arrived at the station allowing them to board it so they can all make their way to the Canterlot Castle.

“Better hope so.” Karabi sternly repeated to let them know that Twilight doesn’t seem to be accepting it anytime soon.

While everyone boards the train, Scar himself secretly watches from out of sight at the top of the building in front of the train platform with a devious smirk that says otherwise.

At the Canterlot throne room, both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna along with King Simba and Queen Nala are both gazing upon a newly created stain glass window depicting Shining Armor and Princess Cadance combining their love along with Kion using the Roar with the Pony Guard, Princess Luna, and Kyoga all working their magic to drive Scar, Chrysalis, and all of the accompanying changelings and lions away.

“Are you sure you don't want me or Simba to go as well?” The dark blue furred alicorn asked her sister.

“Yes. Princess Cadance and Shining Armor are already there. The others will be joining them soon.” Celestia answered with a nod of her head.

“I know you say you know what you are doing here...” Simba acknowledged yet voiced his disagreements with her plan for her student. “…But I’m not sure I feel comfortable standing idly by while placing the fate of the Crystal Empire in the Lion and Pony Guard’s hooves after what happened back at the wedding.”

“Indeed.” Luna agreed. “We barely managed to defeat Scar and his followers not too long ago just after learning of his return. And for all we know King Sombra could be giving them just as much a hard time that he might threaten the Empire’s powerful magic. It cannot fall again, my sister.”

“She will succeed at her task. And when she does, we'll know that she is that much closer to being ready.” The white alicorn assured both Simba and Luna. “And I know she will pull this off.”

“I hope you’re right.” Simba relented. “Otherwise we better be prepared to deal with him ourselves because we already have more than enough on our plates after Scar defeated us.”

“I know.” She acknowledged. “With all that has happened recently, some of the crowd has been greatly questioning our leadership and whether our kingdoms are better off separate or together. I hardly allowed myself time to see and talk to Twilight since the wedding. I hope she’s okay.”

“I don’t know.” Nala said breaking her silence voicing that it might be tough. “Because from what I heard from Kion, Twilight hasn’t been very cheerful since the wedding.”

“Really?” She asked rather surprised.

“Yes.” Simba nodded with a sigh. “She still hasn’t forgiven my son and his friends for what happened back then.”

“Right.” Celestia said while recalling the heartbreaking memory for the unicorn that left her scarred.

“It’s amazing that a warm and friendly mare can turn cold and emotionless after getting the cold shoulder from someone she’d least expect it from.” Luna remarked with a frown in her sister’s direction.

“I didn’t mean to hurt her.” Celestia insisted with regret. “I thought she needed time to think about her actions instead of giving her much needed comfort I should have gave her.”

“Well you’re lucky Twilight is a very forgiving mare because if she wasn’t it’d be Nightmare Moon all over again.” Luna returned without a change of expression while softening up a bit upon seeing that Celestia is truly sorry for what she did.

“I know. And I will assure you my sister, I won’t make this my third biggest mistake.” The white alicorn vowed.

“Ahem.” Twilight cleared her throat with a stoic expression with Kion standing alongside her to get their attention.

“Looks like now’s your chance to make it right.” Nala said to the tall alicorn before excusing herself along with Luna. “Good luck.”

“Trust me, little sister.” Celestia quietly whispered in her sister’s direction before turning her full attention to the leaders of the Guard approaching them. More specifically Twilight with her new scar over her left eye with a slightly agape expression while Simba once again has a chill running down his spine upon seeing Twilight like this.

“You wanted to see us? To give me a test?” Twilight calmly asked while levitating a blank parchment paper and a quill pen.

After a moment of silence from seeing the scar the villainous lion left on her student’s face Celestia spoke up of what she had in mind for them.

“Yes. But a different kind of test than you probably would have been expecting. The Crystal Empire has returned.”

“The Crystal Empire?” Twilight asked while raising an eyebrow.

“That’s sure is unexpected.” Kion replied just as confused as Twilight. “How can she be expected to do well on a test on something she has little knowledge over?”

“That’s because few remember it ever existed at all. Even my knowledge of the Empire is limited.” The sun monarch explained while turning to a crystal stone under a glass casing from across the room and levitated towards them. “But what I do know is that it contains a powerful magic.” She then focused her magic on it which turned into an expanding map of the empire itself with a tall crystal castle structure appearing in the center with many ponies happily conversing amongst one and another.

“One thousand years ago, King Sombra, a unicorn whose heart was black as night, took over the Crystal Empire.” She began explaining when the terrain turns into a barren desert surrounded by dark crystal stone mountains. On top of the castle was replaced by the head of a unicorn.

One with a dark gray coat of fur, a flowing black mane and tail, a red horn with a matching cape, and red eyes surrounded by green and purple colored pupils. Both Kion and Twilight saw the burning fire from within his eyes when black and purple magic steam from his eyes. To Kion, it was the similar steam that came from Twilight’s scar. The flashback focused on him standing over the balcony surrounding by purple flames while overseeing the empire’s citizens with many sad ponies lined up single filed in chains.

“He was ultimately overthrown, turned to shadow, and banished to the ice of the arctic north.” Celestia explained with the memory of her and Luna casting a spell on him when defeating him.

While Kion watches on in stunned shock while Twilight stoically looks on with full attention and taking notes as she listens to every word the princess says.

“But not before he was able to put a curse upon the Empire. A curse that caused it to vanish into thin air.” She continued while using her magic to make the map disappear before casting bright magic on the crystal which reflected a bright and beautiful rainbow. “If the Empire is filled with hope and love, those things are reflected across all of Equestria. If hatred and fear take hold...” She then said with an expression of seriousness before her normally gold colored aura turns into one mixed of purple and black similar to the magic from Sombra was using.

When she performed this magic her eyes glowed green which startled the lion prince when it created black crystals that surrounded him and his unfazed unicorn friend until the princess quickly used her normal magic to destroy them.

“Which is why I need your help finding a way to protect it.” She then finished while Simba shudders at the sight of seeing this dark magic since to him, King Sombra represents a unicorn version of Scar since the empire’s previous state mirrored the Pride Lands when Scar was king minus the slavery.

“You want me to help protect an entire empire?” Twilight immediately figured what her actual test is to which the princess confirmed with a nod.

“It is, as I said, a different kind of test. But one I'm certain you will pass.” Celestia remained her certain in her faithful student’s abilities while levitating the crystal back in its glass case on the pedestal.

“How do we begin?” Kion asked.

“By joining Princess Cadance and Shining Armor in the Crystal Empire.” Celestia answered.

“Shining Armor is there?” Twilight asked while looking aside uninterested at the mention of her brother’s name to which the others shifted eyes amongst each other in surprise at her blank response.

“He is.” She answered while shaking off her shock before approaching both Twilight and Kion. “And your Ponyville friends along with the rest of the Guard will join you there as well. I have every confidence you will succeed. And when you do, I'll know you are ready to move on to the next level of your studies.”

“Okay.” Twilight quietly replied before turning to leave. “Come on, Kion. Let’s go.”

“And Twilight…” Celestia added with the hope she’ll stop for one more word to which she does but with her back still turned away from her. “…I know the last time we saw each other wasn’t the kindest words I’ve ever said to you. But I just want to let you know that it was wrong for me to turn my back on you like that and that you are still my most faithful student and I’m sorry.”

Twilight just listened and pondered before responding. “Thanks. I’m sure everything who was there would want me forgive you…”

Celestia reached her wing out ready to hug her with the high hope she’ll accept her apology when she takes a sharp deep breath…

…and continues walking forward instead. “…Someday I hope I can.”

Celestia’s ears just dropped along with her billowing mane and tail upon her cold refusal to acknowledge it. She was silently speechless and stunned to see that the emotional damage was already done and that her apology came a little too late. And that really broke her heart inside with a lone tear falling her from her face.

Both Simba and Kion were both left equally shocked seeing this emotionless side from Twilight with the latter looking down with deep regret feeling even more of a failure as a leader. Even Luna and Nala were both speechless and visibly saddened by what Twilight had said as she makes her way out of the castle without even acknowledging anyone.

The mare everyone know and loved was just devoid and empty inside and it is like she doesn’t value friendship anymore and it was very heartbreaking to see.

“What have we done?” Kion spoke up feeling devastated with Twilight’s current emotional state. “Why didn’t we listen to her?”

“It’ll be okay, Kion.” His father assured with an affectionate nose brush. “She just still needs a little more time to take it in.”

“Let’s hope so.” Kion said while still downcast with the three meeting up with Luna and Nala before guiding the Lion Guard’s Fiercest out of the room.

“You better get going.” Celestia quietly and quickly urged him before shutting the doors after him.

Once the doors were closed Celestia flew off to her chambers so no pony would see her vulnerable from the painful feeling that she might have just lost her most faithful student. All because she didn’t take the time to hear her out and didn’t take the necessary precautions in preventing this from happening.

While Simba, Nala, and Princess Luna all rush after her to comfort her, Scar secretly watches from the hidden corridor, pleased to see the results.

“Too bad my mother couldn’t handle it all.” Scar secretly commented to himself with his satisfied smile fading into a solemn expression while recalling the memory of her funeral.

The one member of his family that was still by his side even after everyone else walked out on him still loved him and had his back no matter what. Even after denouncing friendship she was the only friend he could open up and talk to as someone he can trust and look up to. But now as a result of what happened, she was now gone.

Scar had no one else to turn to after that. From there he was on his own and one of the many factors in his decision to becoming the lion he is today.

Back outside, Spike who was sitting by the steps to the door saw both Twilight and Kion emerge from inside.

“Ah! Twilight! That was fast! Let me guess, you got a perfect score?” Spike asked who didn’t respond while quickly walking off ahead. “A-minus? B-plus?” He further guessed to the unresponsive mare. “Twilight, did you...fail?” He then gasped and hoped but that didn’t even get a word from Twilight who still pressed forward back to the train station. “Kion?” He turned to the solemn lion prince. “What’s going on? What happened?”

“Not much other than said test involves protecting an empire.” Kion just answered while still feeling down. “And in regards to our friendship with Twilight, We failed.”

Spike could only feel pity upon realizing that Twilight’s reunion with Celestia along with her attempted apology did not go well and essentially was told that Twilight will be done with her mentor after all of this.

“She was prepared to do her best

Thought she could handle any test

For she can do so many tricks

But I wasn't prepared for this.”

Kion sang before following after his best friend who kindly levitates a teapot and cup for a couple having tea on one of the outside tables from the nearby café.

“Levitation would have been a breeze

Facts and figures she can recite with ease.”

“The square root of five hundred and forty-six is twenty-three point three six six six four two eight nine one zero nine.” Twilight said off of the top of her head without even looking inside the classroom while the professor writes it down on his chalkboard.

“She is correct!”

“She could ace a quiz on friendship's bliss

But I wasn't prepared for this

Will I fail, or will I pass?

I can't be sure...”

Kion then sang while he and Spike both watch Twilight gaze upon the terrain at the edge of Canterlot with the town along with Ponyville and the portal that leads directly to Pride Rock on the far horizon.

“He can't be sure...”

Spike sang while he and Kion follow after the unicorn running off ahead and performing quick teleportation on each Lilli pad from the nearby pond with grace.

“Her mind is sharp, her skills intact

“Her heart should be pure...”

“Her heart is pure...”

Spike sang to assure that the Twilight they know and love is still there.

“Oh, I've taken my share of licks

I've made it through the thin and thick

But no I wasn't…”

Kion sang while continuing to follow Twilight with Spike still following after them.

“Oh no, he wasn't.”

“Oh no, I wasn't

“Oh no, he wasn't

“No I wasn't.”

The two traded before finishing the last verse together.

“Prepared... for this!”

By then, Twilight was already at back at the train station waiting for their ride when the rest of the Guard shows up not that Twilight even cares to even talk to them unless the situation calls for it.

“Twilight! Uh, did you pass?” Applejack hesitatingly asked the unicorn still not directly looking at her.

“You didn’t fail did you?” Ono hopefully asked.

“Are we gonna celebrate your awesomeness with Princess Celestia?” Pinkie also asked while leaping up at the same time her party cannon goes off along with Bunga.

“We're going to the Crystal Empire!” Twilight simply and seriously responded facing the oncoming train arriving at the station to which Pinkie and Bunga quickly reversed their previous actions to before the party cannon went off like they can press the rewind button in an episode. “There’s our ride, let’s go!” She added while walking in the train first leaving everyone confused while turning to both Kion and Spike for clarification.

“It means that Twilight’s test involves saving an empire.” Spike answered.

“Huh?” Everyone all questioned in confusion.

“Lion Guard! Pony Guard!” Twilight sharply called out to them. “If you care so much about saving lives then let’s go! Get in the train!”

Everyone all quickly rushed inside without protesting and once everyone was all settled the train set out in the Crystal Empire’s direction in the north. Their train went far towards the most northern borders of Equestria up until it had reached the train station at the end of the tracks. The place itself was surrounded by a blizzard of snow brewing across the area. And equally cold out to match the accompanying breeze on top of being one of the coldest places in Equestria.

“Brr! It’s cold out here!” Bunga shivered. “How did we manage to stay warm when we went take the gorillas back home?”

“Probably because we all have fur…” Ono answered before remembering Beshte is walking right beside him. “…along with those who are warm-blooded.” The breezy cold winds were so strong that Ono flew backwards into Rarity who had on a warm cozy pink scarf. “Whoa! Good catch!”

“Aw, thanks.” Rarity giggled before smugly facing the rest of the group. “And you all made fun of me for packing so many scarves.”

“I didn’t say a word.” Beshte protested while carrying her luggage.

“Yeah, me too.” Spike added while dragging a suitcase to help out his crush.

Just when everyone heads out of the train with Twilight looking around their surroundings along with everyone else they hear another voice call out for her while approaching them through the blizzard.


“Shining Armor?” Twilight turned to the direction of the stallion’s voice that belongs to none other than her brother Shining Armor wearing a black scarf with a matching pair of snow goggles. “Oh, great.” She muttered to herself with gritted teeth in agitation combined with her scar bugging her upon seeing him because of his last words to her before the whole attempted invasion fell through.

Not only that, he had spent the following month having to calm the citizens of both realms following the near successful invasion. All while Twilight was hospitalized from the mark Scar inflicted on her. They have never spoken to each other nor did he get the chance to apologize for the way he treated her back at the wedding rehearsal.

“Twily! You made it!” He happily greeted the mare while taking his goggles off while showing visible surprise upon seeing her new scar for the first time along with the bitter scowl from his little sister’s face.

“We'd better get moving.” Twilight coldly returned before moving ahead.

“Um, right…” Shining agreed albeit still taken aback by her little sister just moving ahead waiting for which way to go without even acknowledging him fully. “Come on.” He repeated to the others standing behind who all left at a loss for words seeing that the sibling reunion didn’t go any better either. “There are things out here we really don't want to run into after dark.”

“What kind of things?” Fluttershy asked in a scared whisper.

“Let's just say the Empire... isn't the only thing that's returned.” He could only say before going ahead to lead everyone in the empire’s direction.

“Oh no.” Fuli could only voice in a whisper and a knowing look on her face with what they are facing is only beginning before they all followed after the colt leading the way back to the empire through the blizzard.

“Something keeps trying to get in! Even with my magic to helping to rebel it from getting in the empire! We think it's the unicorn king who originally cursed the place.“ Shining Armor explained while shouting due to the very strong winds the blizzard produced.

“But Princess Celestia said we were being sent here to find a way to protect the Empire! If King Sombra can't get in, then it must already be protected.” Kion shouted back and deduced just when they heard a howl from nearby.

“Hapana!” Ono gasped in fright along with Fluttershy.

“Th-That's one of the things, isn't it?” Fluttershy also stammered.

“We have to get to the Crystal Empire! Now!” Shining Armor quickly barked at everyone who quickly did so just when they see a black shadow accompanied with a tornado and a pair of ominous green eyes with sickly red pupils and an equally sickly purple magic emitting from his eyes.

Spike was left frozen in fear with his legs trembling in fright along with Bunga’s before being quickly grabbed and tossed ahead so they can start running ahead while dropping the luggage the former was carrying.

King Sombra’s shadow growled at the retreating party with Twilight and Kion leading the way.

“Go, go!” Kion shouted to everyone while Twilight quickly nudges Spike up and plops him on her back.

“Almost there.” Shining Armor told the group nearing the protection barrier surrounding the empire before quickly stopping and turning around so he can face off against the looming shadow to buy her sister and her friends some time to which Kion quickly took notice and stopped upon seeing this.

Shining Armor quickly shot several beams of magic right at Sombra’s shadow who quickly dodged the attacks before preparing to advance on him. The unicorn was ready to take on whatever this evil unicorn had in mind to retaliate with when it advanced on him. But just when the shadowy spirit was about to attack while Shining braced for the impact, Kion quickly leapt forward in front of him and unleashed the Roar of the Elders on him.

The unicorn king growled upon being forced back by the lion cub’s roar while trying to advance on the two princes.

Shining Armor was rather surprised and amazed with the bravery the Lion Guard’s Fiercest was showing. And what really impressed him inside was that he was willing to sacrifice himself to save him.

Even though Kion’s Roar was powerful to force him back, the unicorn king’s spirit was powerful enough on his to still manage an attack on him that sent him and Shining backwards before being forced back himself.

While this was going on, Twilight and the others were able to run through the magical barrier. And once everyone managed to make it inside safe territory, they all stopped running so they all can catch their breath.

“Is everypony okay?” Twilight being the first to recover asked everyone who all answered “yes.” In agreement whilst gasping for breath just when both Kion and Shining Armor are both flung inside the barrier and skidded across the ground until they came to a complete stop.

“Kion!” Fuli reacted with sudden worry and alarm before she and Kyoga quickly rush over to help him up.

“Are you okay?” Kyoga asked.

“Yeah.” He answered before managing to stand up on his own. “Just a little…” Kion started coughing a little while covering his paw. “Just a little…” He coughed a little harder “…coughing a few throat bugs is all.”

Kyoga quickly suspecting Sombra did something to him examined the young prince with her magic from her right paw and found some dark black crystals stuck in his throat.

“More like a few dark magic infested crystals.” Kyoga analyzed. “You must have contradicted them when you forced that shadow king away with the Roar.”

“But…” Kion tried to insist through pained coughs. “…I’m…fine…”

“Easy Kion.” Fuli gently urged him to stop before he hurts himself any further. “Just refrain from talking too much.” She then turned to the honey badger and egret. “Bunga! Ono! Fetch Kion water!”


“On it!”

They both complied while rushing ahead without hesitation while Twilight turned to Shining Armor who also had dark crystals on his horn.

“Are you all right?” Twilight asked.

“Well….” He said while trying to cast a simple spell with his horn only to produce nothing but small weak sparks. “…other than the fact I can’t use my magic anymore to help keep the protection spell going, I’m okay.” He then demonstrated while getting up to his hooves.

“Good.” Twilight quickly turned away harshly before walking off ahead straight towards the castle where she’ll expect to see her favorite foal-sitter Princess Cadance while the others especially her brother could only watch on while the mare doesn’t turn back nor show empathy in return while briefly rubbing her scarred eye in pain before pressing forward.

“So much for a heartwarming reunion.” Shining Armor sighed while leading the others to the castle behind his now distant sister. “And it’s all because I ended up saying would I never should have said to her.”

“You’re not alone.” Applejack commented. “Because we all are to blame for what happened to her.”

“Can’t really blame her.” Kyoga spoke from personal experience. “You all along with the princess broke her heart and left her vulnerable for both Scar and Chrysalis to take advantage of it.”

“And how is this helping again?” Rainbow asked still offended she along with her siblings are still bringing this up.

“Oh, I don’t know…” Kyoga sarcastically responded. “…the cold and emotionless exterior, the fact she doesn’t want to have anything to do with you all, and of course the scar on her face.”

“But come on….” Rainbow protested feeling that she is laying it too hard on them. “…haven’t we suffered enough? We all said we were sorry to her.”

“Clearly not enough since to her a simple apology isn’t good enough.” Kyoga replied unconvinced. “Clearly you all are going to have to do more to prove it because from the looks of it she doesn’t want to have anything to do with you all.”

“But…” Rainbow tried to protest when Twilight calls out to everyone.

“Girls! We need to be getting to the castle right about now so pick it up and don’t admire at the scenery!” She barked at the rest of the Guard while eyeing Rarity specifically who quickly pressed forward and averted her gaze from the wonderful land in front of them.

“We’ll deal with this later…” Kyoga finished before quickly joining Twilight while they all make their way to the crystal castle.

They all quickly made their way to the throne room where they meet up with the alicorn princess sitting on her throne and she is not looking good. She had bags under her eyes and was constantly working her magic as if she had been doing this for days now.

“Cadance!” Twilight happily greeted upon seeing her being the first to arrive.

“Twilight!” Cadance happily returned while getting up from her throne and trotted up to her at the same time Twilight does the same. And together they did their signature greeting together.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!“

The two giggled just when the others arrive inside the castle to witness the girls happily greet each other like friends. By then, both Bunga and Ono have gathered plenty of water for Kion to drink to ease his coughing from the dark crystals in his throat.

“One of these days we need to get together when the fate of Equestria isn't hanging in the balance.” Cadance then said while nearly having the aura around her horn go off at the same time.

“Are you okay?” Twilight gently asked in worry for her upon seeing the baggage under her eyes.

“Cadance has been able to use her magic to spread love and light.” Her brother explained while walking up to her side to which re-triggered her stern expression upon seeing him again. “That seems to be what is protecting it. But she hasn't slept, barely eats. I want to help her, but my protection spell has been countered by King Sombra.”

“It's alright Shining Armor, I'm fine.” Cadance attempted to assure her husband while breathing deeply, but he wasn’t convinced when she stumbled on her footing a little.

“She's not fine. She can't go on like this forever, and if her magic were to fade... Well, you saw what's out there waiting for that to happen.”

“Trouble.” Fuli said with a pained expression knowing that this is really bad for them.

“Big trouble.” Ono repeated with the same pained expression.

“That's why we're here.” Kion firmly declared on behalf of the team in between coughs while sipping his water.

“Why we're all here.” Applejack pointed out with the others nodding in agreement.

“Well, with Cadance putting all her strength into keeping her spell going, and me trying to keep an eye on signs of trouble in the arctic, we haven't been able to gather much information from the Crystal Ponies.” Shining Armor explained to everyone.

“Crystal Ponies?! Hahaha, there are Crystal Ponies?!” Rarity gushed with her hooves on her cheeks and tugging her mane before quickly stopping herself upon seeing everyone eyeing her weirdly. Um, ahem. Please continue.”

“Yes, please before we find something even more dramatic like a fashion crisis.” Kyoga remarked. “Such as my crystal cutie being a little too cheeky.”

The Guard minus Twilight had to resist the urge to snicker least they want to get the stink eye from the unicorn leader of the Guard for joking around during a crisis.

“But we have to believe one of them knows how we can protect the Empire without having to use Cadance's magic.” Shining Armor further explained while Twilight was quick with a plan in mind.

“Well I can propose one way.” Twilight brought up while gesturing to Kyoga, Karabi, and Lite. “Kyoga along with her brother and sister can help provide their magic into helping keep her protection spell up and running and give Cadance some time to relax and breathe for a little while.”

“You girls are really up for that?” Cadance asked with a hopeful smile.

“Sounds good to me.” Kyoga didn’t protest with it before turning to both her siblings. “You both up to lend some extra magic?”

“I’m game.”

“Me too.”

Both siblings agreed while they were quick and join their sister in taking control of the protection spell Cadance has going with whatever magic Shining Armor put into it.

“In the meantime…” Twilight then continued still seriously. “…we will try to gather whatever information from the Crystal Ponies and deliver it to you. Hopefully, there is something that will ensure neither Cadance, nor Kyoga, or Karabi, and Lite will have to be relied on to keep the Crystal Empire protected alone.”

“Oh, thank you so much, Twily.” Shining Armor moved in to hug her sister only for her to quickly teleport away before he could hug her.

“Just keep in mind, I’m only doing it for one of the only friends in this room and for the Crystal Empire.” Twilight coldly clarified that this changes nothing before turning away and heading out. “Everyone else, let’s move.” She told them without even looking at them before leaving the room.

“Better get going.” Cadance could only say to the saddened group before allowing the trio of siblings to take control of the magic protection spell shield. “Not you.” Cadance quickly said to Kion before he could run off much to his confusion with a look of protest. “Please? Your throat needs to heal.”

Kion didn’t like having to sit by but knowing that hurting himself further along with Twilight’s former foalsitter would further upset his best friend he relented and obeyed her wish.

Once their magic was up and running, the pink alicorn princess dropped to her knees and passed out with both Kion and Shining Armor there to catch her before she hit her head on the ground. They would then carry her to throne before Shining Armor ran off to fetch a pillow for his wife to rest on along with food for her to eat. All Kion could do now was hope that Twilight knew what she was doing and that she’ll come around to forgive them soon enough while resting alongside her favorite foalsitter.

Elsewhere, the group has split up to cover more ground faster. Even with three lions capable of magic to match one alicorn’s power, time is still at the essence here.

Twilight allowed Spike to accompany him while she does her part in asking ponies questions starting with one with a grayish-blue coat of fur, matching blue eyes, a dulling shade of purple mane and tail, and a brown autumn leaf cutie mark.

“Are you sure? Absolutely sure?” She asked.

“I'm sorry. I wish I could help you. But I... can't seem to remember anything before King Sombra came to power.” She apologized before wincing from a vision of the unicorn himself. “And I don't want to remember anything about the time he ruled over us.” She then shuddered at the thought.

“King Sombra's spell must be why their coats aren't... crystally.” Twilight whispered to Spike while massaging her scarred eye when it started to bug her again.

“Have we really been gone a thousand years?” The pony inquired.


“It feels like it was just yesterday.” She returned with a tired and sadden expression.

Seeing that this is going to go nowhere, she decided it was best to politely leave her be and ask someone else who did have something useful to share.

“If you think of anything, even the smallest thing...”

“Of course.” She replied before turning back inside and closed the door after her.

“Well, that was a total bust.” Spike commented before walking down the steps.

“I wonder if the others are having better luck.” Twilight thought before moving on to the next pony in line.

But much like Twilight, the others failed to yield any useful results.

“A way to protect the Empire! You know anything about it or what?” Rainbow asked her trying a more direct approach.

“I wish I could help you. Really.” The mare responded with an equally depressed and defeated tone of voice.

“Come on! You sure you don’t know something!” Fuli tried press something out of her.

“But... I don't have any information.” The mare insisted before walking off with both Guard members face-palming themselves at the unhelpfulness they were just shown.

“Oh, um. Excuse me! Oh! Hello! Umm, I was just wondering.” Fluttershy futilely tried to speak with one passing by until Ono intercepted her.

“Sorry. Excuse me. But we’re looking for information on the Crystal Empire and a way to protect it.” He tried to ask her. “Does that make sense?”

The mare simply walked off ahead to make it clear that she does know anything about the empire too along with the many ponies passing by them .

“Hello?” Ono spoke with a slightly louder volume before flying in another pony’s face. “A way to protect the Crystal Empire? Know anything?”

Ono groaned before flying off in a huff.

“Oh, oh, that's okay, um, you all look really busy.” Fluttershy then gently said to the ponies before pressing on.

Pinkie and Bunga both donned black ninja suits before settling out to do some spying to get the information they need.

“Time to gather some Intel!” Pinkie whispered to Bunga while donning her mask and night vision goggles.

“Let’s!“ Bunga agreed in a whisper while cracking his knuckles before they both set out to do so by eyeing two ponies looking on at the Crystal Empire Castle.

“It just feels like something is missing.” The mare commented to the stallion next to her.

“I know. It looks the same, but it doesn't feel the same.” The colt agreed when Pinkie and Bunga lift themselves down to their eye level.

“Because it isn't!” Pinkie whispered while peering her head face to face with them.

The two ponies startled by her and Bunga’s sudden appearance quickly ran away from them while their sudden spook had the two tumbling face-first into the ground.

“A spy? How did they know?” Pinkie wondered.

“I don’t know!” Bunga shrugged. “Must have noticed our night vision goggles.”

The two quickly put them on and immediately got distracted by the colors they got to see in them.

“Ooh! Night vision-y!”


They commented before crashing into a light-post due to being unable to see through them.

And of course Rarity imagining herself with a crystal coat did little wonders to charming the crowd into giving her and Beshte any or whatever information they can share.

“Hm-hm-hmmm. And when you flip your mane, it simply must create a rainbow of color. Oh! Wouldn't I look just magnificent? So sparkly!” She said while the crowd backs away from her finding her fantasies very creepy. “Too much?” She asked Beshte.

“A little.” Beshte humbly and lightly answered before regrouping with the others in the center of town.

“We got nothing so far.” Rainbow spoke on behalf on herself and Fuli.

“Oh, me neither.” Rarity added while patting her curls at the same time Pinkie Pie and Bunga just happen to regroup with them while unzipping their Fluttershy and Ono costumes.

“What the…” Twilight said in surprise to see this before quickly teleporting away to avoid being touched by them.

“Our cover has been blown. We repeat, our cover has been blown!” Pinkie responded while looking around suspiciously along with Bunga.

“Anyone else have any better news than the two circus clowns.” Twilight asked the other’s while Fluttershy and Ono look at the wrinkled costumes of themselves with disturbed and creeped out expressions.

“Sorry, Twilight.” Applejack apologized. “These crystal ponies seem to have some kinda collective amnesia or somethin'. Only thing I was able to get out of 'em was somethin' about a library.”

“A library?” Twilight questioned with a raised eyebrow. “Well, why didn't you say so?!”

“Uh... thought I just did.” Applejack responded before Twilight rushed off ahead to lead everyone in that direction.

“Come on!” She shouted while everyone follows her without another word to the library.

Once they got there and opened the doors to the building, they were all greeted to a sight that makes Twilight’s eyes sparkle to her last name.

“Wow!” Twilight voiced her amazement with an excited grin.

“Good King Simba!” Ono exclaimed in amazement of all of the knowledge in this library when Twilight and the others are greeted by the librarian.

One with gray colored fur, yellow monocle glasses, gold mane accessories, and a dulling pink mane and tail.

“Ahem. May I help you?” The elderly mare asked.

“Yes. We're looking for a book.” Twilight replied. “A history book. Somethin' that might tell us how the Empire might've protected itself from danger back in the day.”

“Yes. Of course. History, history...” She processed this while scratching her chin. “Ah, yes.”

The Guard minus Twilight who settled for a small smile squeed until all they got was a blank response.

“Which is where, exactly?” Fuli asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I... I can't seem to remember. I'm not sure I actually work here.” She answered.

“Really? Just like every pony else. Shocker.” Fuli sarcastically quipped.

“Very well.” Twilight relented while still frowning. “We'll just take a look around. I'm sure we can find it on our own.”

“Let me know if you find anything.” The librarian returned before letting them get to it.

“I like her!”

“Me too!”

Pinkie and Bunga both exclaimed before they joined the others in searching the library.

They all searched the library high and low and through many books, yet so far have found nothing useful even though they have skimmed and looked through almost every nearby book. Not one book that had any information on the history of the Crystal Empire.

“Phew! That’s gotta be the most books I have ever read.” Ono remarked while wiping the sweat from his forehead.

“Boy am I beat!” Beshte added in agreement.

“Me too!” Bunga added.

“Bunga…” Fuli told him with an annoyed expression. “You only read one book.”

“Reading is just tough…” He attempted to justify albeit weakly. “…I just can’t keep up with the bookworms.”

“Uh, anyone else startin' to think this is a lost cause?” Applejack asked everyone about ready to throw in the towel.

“Yep.” Bunga was quick to answer much to Fuli’s dismay even though it’s about true but Twilight herself wasn’t giving up since she amassed a pile of books with her magic more than the rest of the Guard combined.

“No, no, no, no, no...” Twilight calmly uttered with each levitated book coming her way until… “Yes!” She smiled upon pulling the titled book. “"History of the Crystal Empire". I hope it has the answers we need.” She added while starting to read from the book before quickly rushing back to the throne room while dragging Spike with her.

Back there, Shining Armor is taking care of Cadance who is currently taking a quick nap while Kion is still drinking water while literally under Cadance’s wing.

“A 'Crystal Faire'. According to this book, it was established by their first queen and became their most important tradition. The Faire was held every year to "renew the spirit of love and unity in the empire so they could protect it from harm".” Twilight explained her findings before proposing another plan. “The Guard and I could put it together. Everything we need to know is in the book!”

“That sounds pretty promising.” Shining agreed liking what he is hearing while turning to his wife trying to rest with baggage still under her eyes. “I’ll make sure she is awake and ready by then.”

“Then we’ll get started right away.” Twilight agreed without even a smile before levitating the book away while heading out to quickly start the preparations. “C'mon, Spike, we've got a Crystal Faire to put together!”

The two then headed back towards the room where the others are waiting for their instructions from Twilight just ready to hear them out to what she has to say and wants them to do. Twilight for once smiles even if it was a small one before beginning the preparations with an encouraging tune.

“Princess Cadance needs our help

Her magic will not last forever

Nor will Kyoga, Karabi, and Lite’s

I think we can do it

But we need to work together

We have to get this right

Yes, we have to make them see

We can save the Crystal Ponies with their history.”

Twilight sang while levitating the book onto the table and starts handing out everyone their assignments starting with a picture of a pony jousting.

“It says that they liked jousting.”

“A very fitting way to have fun.”

Rainbow and Fuli sang while fitting themselves in armor similar to the crystal pony in the picture.

They flew a flag of many hues.”

“With various colors taken into consideration.”

Rarity and Ono sang together while gathering together fabric to create a flag.

“Made sweets of crystal berries.”

“They very freshest of the fresh.”

Applejack and Bunga sang while tasting the berries they were picking along with tasting them or least in Bunga’s case eating a whole bushel of them.

“Mmm, crystally.”

“They had a petting zoo with tiny ewes.”

“So very cute if you ask me.”

Fluttershy and Beshte sang together while leading the animals in the picture of the book together with the former dancing on her hind legs with a gleeful and giddy expression.

“Oh, we have to get this right

Yes, we have to make them see

We can save the Crystal Ponies with their history.”

Everyone all sang together when Pinkie and Bunga both look at the next page of the book for something else they need.

“There was a crystal flugelhorn

That every pony liked to play.”

Pinkie and Bunga both sang together while they both tried out playing the instrument with Pinkie going first.

“My turn!” Bunga exclaimed when he took control of the flugelhorn.

Of course, neither of them were naturally gifted with talent when it comes to that instrument so they both naturally sucked to the point the others winced from the terrible sound they each produced.

“And the Crystal Kingdom anthem

Can you learn it in a day?”

Twilight sang while levitating the flugelhorn away from both Pinkie and Bunga before they finished the song together. All while Twilight liked what she was seeing while the others were equally pleased that their unicorn friend seems to start warming up to them again.

“Oh, we have to get this right

Yes, we have to make them see

We can save the Crystal Ponies with their history.”

“It looks amazing!” Twilight commented while admiring the scenery. “I don't know how I could've done this without you!”

“Well…” Fuli tried to teasingly remark only to be playfully nudged by Spike not to answer that while Twilight walks off ahead reading something in the book.

“Anyways, one last check to make sure everything is in place, and then the festivities can begin!”

“What's this thing for?” Applejack asked Twilight while pointing to the crystal blue colored heart shaped rock on a pedestal.

“The last page of the book mentioned a Crystal Heart as the faire's centerpiece, so I used my magic to cut one out of a crystal block.” Twilight explained.

“If you don’t mind me asking Twilight, but are you sure this will work?” Ono brought up while examining her handicraft.

“I think it will suffice.” Twilight took no offense to his question and remained certain. “It’s least something to lift their spirits.”

“Nice work, Twi.” Applejack complimented. “Think we're ready to get this faire up and runnin'.”

“I’d think we’re ready.” Twilight answered with a confident smile.

Once they had the preparation for the faire ready, Twilight got both Shining Armor and Cadance ready to make their introduction on the balcony.

When Twilight gives the signal, Pinkie and Bunga both each took deep breaths before blowing from their flugelhorn’s. It produced a very strange sound, but it still drew a crowd just when Twilight leads both Shining Armor and Princess Cadance onto the balcony with Kion, Kyoga, Karabi, and Lite following after them. At that point Cadance had a nice enough nap she lost some of the baggage under her eyes.

“Hear ye, hear–“ Twilight began before being interrupted by both Pinkie and Bunga still attempting to blow from their flugelhorns.


“My bad.”

Pinkie and Bunga both sheepishly apologized upon the confused expressions from the others along with the stern and annoyed expression from Twilight when she levitates the instruments away from them to keep them from further interrupting things.

“Ahem. Hear ye, hear ye! Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor do cordially invite you to attend the Crystal Faire!” She announced to which everyone all gasped in excitement with their dull coats take on a more brighter shade of color before approaching where the fair is being held.

“Come on in, y'all. Got food and drinks thataway, games and crafts are thataway, Crystal Heart to the back near the Princess.” Applejack led every pony arriving at the fair to where all of their main activities are all the while some ponies were chattering upon the mention of the Crystal Heart.

As a matter of fact the Crystal Heart is the main attraction sparking every pony’s interest to which Rainbow Dash came across when having crystal corn-on-the-cob when two ponies were conversing with each other.

“Seeing all of this, I feel like I'm starting to remember. Remember things from before the king.” The crystal pony that Twilight questioned earlier said to the mare next to her.

“Me too.”

The two both gained their shiny coats when they both gasped with sparked awe.

“The Crystal Heart!” They both said in unison.

“Do you think they really have it?” The second crystal pony wondered to which Rainbow quickly flew over to confirm it.

“Of course we have it! Can't have a Crystal Faire without the Crystal Heart, right?”

“Of course you can't.” The librarian confirmed with a more upbeat tone while carrying balloons. “The whole purpose of the Crystal Faire is to lift the spirits of the Crystal Ponies, so the light within them can power the Crystal Heart, so that the Empire can be protected!” She gasped upon having her coat and mane rejuvenated. “I do work at the library!”

“Really?” Fuli asked having heard that while running by with a confused and heart-skipping reaction just when Applejack and Ono both join them wondering what she meant by that. “What's that about 'powering the heart'?”

“I just can't believe you found it. King Sombra said he'd hidden it away where we would never see it again! I only hope it will still be as powerful after all these years...!” She explained before finding something that quickly caught her attention. “Mm, funnel cake!”

“Wow! How nice! Thank you for telling us!” Fuli said with a fake smile before dropping it upon learning how much trouble they are in should they find out the truth about the heart Twilight constructed.

“Hapana!” Ono exclaimed before being whisked away by Rainbow Dash who quickly snags the flag from one the tall towers before using it as a tarp to quickly cover the fake Crystal Heart while nearly covering Twilight as a result.

“Care to explain?” Twilight demanded an answer.

“I think we may have a problem...” Rainbow answered nervously.

“Indeed.” Ono agreed just as nerve wracked before they all regrouped with Shining Armor, Cadance, Kion, Kyoga, Karabi, and Lite on the balcony so Twilight could reexamine the book again upon hearing their explanation for this.

“I didn't know it was an actual relic!” She exclaimed upon this discovery. “The book didn't mention anything about the Crystal Ponies powering the Heart!” She flipped over to the last page to which is revealed to have been torn off. “There was a page missing... How did I not notice?!”

“It's alright, Twilight.” Princess Cadance assured. “It could have happened to anyone.”

But no sooner than she said it the loud and ominous howl from King Sombra’s spirit who evilly grinned but increasing pressure with more harsh winds and ravaging snow which started to put a strain on the lion’s power when they all started to struggle maintain their control over their power. King Sombra is now moving in towards the Crystal Empire and it was not looking good for everyone.

“It’s time to take back what is rightfully mine.” Sombra cackled with an evil grin while looming over what he sees as his empire…

Author's Note:

As you can tell, Season 3 kicks off with the aftermath of the wedding which unquestionably has inevitable consequences with what happened in the Season 2 finale.

Because of what happened, Simba and Celestia's leadership is questioned along with the fate of the bond between the two worlds whether

And to make matters worse, Twilight now has Scar's mark over her left eye, with her negative emotions coming out in full force. A kind and caring mare who came to value friendship became cold and detached giving those who had hurt her just recently the cold shoulder and silent treatment.

Similarity we have a flashback of Scar confronting the very lion and his companion that set off the chain of events that led to his Start of Darkness along with a franchise of events filled with pain and suffering towards everyone he's come across during his life along with some hints to how it all happened.

In regards to what happened to Scar that caused him to receive his scar and his desire to overthrow Mufusa in this version of this story, that'll will be explained later in this season so keep your eyes open for that until then.

With a friend now devoid of emotion and friendship in her heart with nothing but eyes of brewing fury, the Lion and Pony Guard are left with the burden of seeing the consequences of their mistake.

The only thing they can do is hope that Twilight will come around and forgive them along with her mentor and her brother while the recently emerged Crystal Empire is under attack by King Sombra along that Kyoga and her siblings have the magic and power to help Princess Cadance before darkness consumes her recently inherited empire.