• Published 31st Jul 2021
  • 3,277 Views, 141 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 3) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard all seek to keep the peace between the two worlds together while they all now deal with the threat of Scar who's return is now threatening that very balance.

  • ...

Episode 6: Magic Duel

Episode 6:

Magic Duel

On one rainy night in the market place, a hooded figure galloped through the alley and into an empty shop up ahead. The place itself was dark when the mysterious individual entered the place with the shop owner lighting up the place with a lantern in tow.

“May I help you, traveler?” He asked the stranger before walking behind the front desk. “Hmm, something drew you to my shop... something powerful.” The stranger pointed to the amulet under a glass case that was a gray colored alicorn with red and black wings with a bright red gem on the shield below the alicorn head. “Ah, you have a keen eye. The Alicorn Amulet is one of the most mysterious and powerful of all the known magical charms.” He explained to the potential customer who points to the object again to want to purchase it. “Uh, ah— I'm afraid this is... far too dangerous.” He then stated in refusal…at least until he was presented a bag of bits. “Would you like that gift-wrapped?” He then asked the viciously grinning individual when the shopkeeper hands her the amulet after making the purchase.

She immediately puts the amulet on and makes her leave…

…just when another hooded figure comes inside the shop just after the first mystery customer left.

“Good evening, sir.” He casually greeted. “Can I help you find something?”

“Yes…” The figure answered while removing his hood. “…I believe you can. In regards to that amulet you sold that mare just seconds ago.” Scar sinisterly said to him with glaring green daggers to which left him paralyzed with fear upon seeing him.

Before he could try to flee he was frozen in place by the lion’s magic before he levitated the bag of gold coins away from the desk and into his cloak before looking at the greedy stallion in the eyes for the answers he wants from him.

“So tell me…everything about that alicorn amulet and how it really works….” He asked in a slightly demanding and threatening tone with a calm and evil smile.

The shopkeeper scared for his life emits a loud gulp before preparing for the worst while telling him everything he knows about it.

The next day on a bright and beautiful morning at Fluttershy’s cottage, the critter’s caretaker have gathered them all together when Twilight, Kion, Kyoga, and Spike come by to visit with the former having a very special request for the butter-creamed Pegasus pony to which she reluctantly granted it.

“Don't be scared, little friends. Twilight is wonderful with magic.” Fluttershy gently assured to her critter friends before turning to get face to face with the unicorn. “Anything happens to them, Twilight, so help me...” She quietly whispered her threat.

“So help you what, Fluttershy?” She dared without flinching or a change of expression expecting the pony standing up to her to back up that attempted threat.

Predictably, she couldn’t bring it in her heart to actually go through and backed down with an apologetic look before being comforted by Spike.

“Aww, don't worry, Fluttershy, Twilight's magic has gotten a lot better since she accidentally crushed me, Kion, Bunga, and Applejack with a giant snowball.” He assured her when he appeared in between the two girls to which the latter simply nodded while shifting her eyes to the side upon that memory.

“Of course she's good with magic. Twilight's great with magic.” Fluttershy acknowledged before expressing her worries. “I guess I just don't want my little friends to be scared. Oh, oh, look how scared they are!” She then exclaimed nervously when sweat started forming from her forehead.

The critters were however more excited than scared ready for whatever Twilight had in mind for them.

“Are you sure, Fluttershy?” Kyoga asked while raising her right eyebrow. “Because they don’t seem scared to me.”

“It’s okay.” Twilight said to the lioness before turning back to reassure the troubled peagsus with a smile to match her tone. “I promise, Fluttershy. Nothing bad will happen to them.”

“I know!” Fluttershy again said while still gritting her teerth with a high-pitched voice.

Twilight then approaches the small group ready for her when she focuses her violet red-colored aura very carefully while she gives her full concentration when…

“Stop, stop! They can't take it!” Fluttershy desperately cried out before burying her head into the ground unable to bare the sight.

Everyone all turned to see this with mixed reactions of concern like Kion and Spike to dull confused reactions like Twilight and Kyoga.

Twilight then proceeded with her magical performance by levitating the happy chittering critters up into the air and then down and around in a figure eight maneuver. She started off one at a time before slowly working her way into levitating all of them into the routine.

All while Fluttershy nervously watches on biting down all of her nails until they were all trimmed down to the very brim of her hooves.



“That looks amazing!”

Kion, Kyoga, and Spike complimented the mare when she gently placed them all down on the ground. At that point Twilight had worked herself to the pointing she was sweating from all of that concentration.

“That's all for now, little ones.” Twilight told the eager and excited crowd gathering around her. “Maybe we can practice again later, if Fluttershy says it's alright.”

“Probably needs a little more convincing.” Kyoga commented on the pony still shielding her eyes and on the ground still shaken from what she witnessed. “Because she apparently can’t stand to see it. Literally.”

“It’s okay.” Kion comforted her with a paw on her head. “It’s over. All of your critter friends are all unharmed.”

“Oh, thank goodness.” Fluttershy sighed in relief while still laying on the ground.

“Your magic has really improved since we came to Ponyville, Twilight.” Spike complimented. “Princess Celestia's going to love it.”

“Thanks, Spike.” Twilight humbly responded. “I have to be at my best when she arrives with the delegates from Saddle Arabia. I can't believe she's trusting me with the entertainment.”

“Well believe it because it is actually happening.” Kyoga replied with a teasing smile. “Just like my training under the Tree of Harmony.”

She then found some nearby loose branches that fell from the previous rainstorm before piecing it together with her magic like she is healing and bringing life back to the tree. After a good minute the branches have now formed into a fully grown tree. Once the tree was fully grown as one of the big trees nearby, she planted down on the ground while magically having its roots grow into the ground.

“All right, All right.” Twilight was pleasantly amazed by how much improvement she has made since she was able to perform a spell that requires as much concentration as the performance she just did. “Now that is something I had to see to believe.” Twilight then nearly chuckled before quickly using her magic to freeze Rainbow Dash when she nearly ran her over.

“Twilight! Come quick! It's an emergency!” Rainbow alerted when Ono follows after her.

“What is it?” Kion asked while turning to Ono for what they saw that requires their full attention. “What’s the emergency?!”

“She’s back.” Ono reported to which had everyone all head into town without another word.

By the time they arrived on the scene, there was a large crowd of ponies and Pride Landers gathered there just when the menace worked a red-colored aura of magic around Rarity. The magic caused a brown dress with orange, pink, and green colors mixed into it. It really qualifies as one of the worst color combos on a dress ever created but Rarity being Rarity still wouldn’t take it very well.

“You beast! This shade of brown should only be used for accents!” Rarity dramatically cried before fainting when Applejack quickly catches her.

“Come on, Applejack. We've got to get her in a nice, soothing pink, stat!” Pinkie urgently told her before she followed after them.

“What happened?!”

“What’s going on here?!”

Both Kion and Twilight asked.

“And why is Rarity fainting over a dress she is wearing?” Kyoga asked while shaking her head briefly at the passed out unicorn’s overreaction to the dress before turning back to the others but just then the answer to the question came when the mare turned to their direction with her full attention locked on the leader of the Pony Guard.

“Well, well, well. If it isn't... Twilight Sparkle.” The mare greeted while removing her cloak to which the crowd gasped upon seeing this is a face that everyone recognizes…

“Trixie!” Twilight exclaimed with glaring daggers upon seeing the furious blood red colored eyes in the mare.

“What's she doing here?” Spike wondered with the same expression while Kyoga is expressing silent interest in the amulet around the antagonistic unicorn’s neck.

“You call that great and powerful?” Rainbow challenged pointing out all she accomplished was making a drama queen faint.

Trixie merely smirks while focusing her magic from the amulet by greatly enlarging her right wing to Celestia’s size which had her flying around uncontrollably.

“Oh! She's Rainbow Wobble, now!”

“Yeah! Ha ha ha ha!”

Both Snips and Snails commented before everyone scattered to avoid making contact with the aimless flying Pegasus.

“Good spell, oh Great and Powerful Trixie!” Snails sincerely complimented to her.

But to everyone’s surprise, her response to her loyal followers is to cast a spell on them that had their horns fused and stuck together.

“Uh, hey! W— What happened?”

“Get off of me! Brbrbr.”

“Let go!”

“Go this way!”

The two traded and argued while taking turns of who’s running and who’s hanging upside down.

“Trixie! Stop this now!” Kion furiously demanded.

“Or what little lion? You gonna use the Roar on me?” Trixie smugly taunted to which sparked an angered growl from the lion who was ready to do so when dark clouds formed in the sky around them.

Trixie, however, was able to place a bottle of milk into the prince’s mouth to stop him before he could. She also follows it up by having a red colored cloud form a lion’s head much like one of the Great Lions of the Past expect evil in the form of Scar’s head before having it roar and send Kion flying away and out of Ponyville.

Fuli angered upon seeing this before charging ahead to knock the bully off of her hooves before spinning around her so she can force her out of town with her own hooves.

Trixie however, was able to use her magic to free herself before reversing the maneuver on her so that she is the one sprinting the heck out of dodge.

“What the…?! Huewezi!” She screamed upon being forced out of town.

“You and I have some unfinished business.” Trixie then approached and turned to Twilight. “My magic's gotten better since I was here last. And I'm going to prove it! Me and you, a magic duel. Winner stays, loser leaves Ponyville forever!”

“Forget it! I'd never make a deal like that!” Twilight refused with her back immediately turned.

“Hm. Your choice.” Trixie responded with a smirk before using her magic to force Spike to be curled up into a ball before bouncing him like a basketball.

“Trixie, put him down!” Twilight demanded which is met with the mare refusing to before tossing him through an empty basket. “Why are you doing this?”

“Why? Because you humiliated me!” She angrily responded before showing her the flashback of the events from the last time they met before showing exactly what she went through since then. “After you showed me up with that Ursa Minor, I became a laughing stock! Everywhere I went I was laughed at and ostracized. I even had to take a job on a rock farm just to earn a living! A rock farm!”

“Hey! You're lucky a rock farm would take the likes of you! And that’s my family you’re talking about!” Pinkie angrily fired back taking offense to that.

“Not to mention the fact that you were the one parading around like a showoff and nearly caused all of us to get eaten by a giant bear!” Bunga added in agreement. “So why don’t you just shut up and walk on out of here you…”

Suddenly Trixie used her magic to have computer fingers on them so she can literally remove their mouths before tossing them in digitalized trash bins before making them vanish into thin air.

“Now I want revenge!” Trixie then continued while using her magic to further torment Spike while levitating the Golden Oaks Library. “And I'll just keep casting spells 'til you agree. Well? What do you say?”

Upon seeing the chaos she has created, and how much of a threat she possess to Ponyville along with the fact that she got personal when she used her magic to harm Spike, Twilight sees she is not being given an option here.

“Alright, Trixie. Let's duel!” She accepted her challenge.

“Excellent.” Trixie returned very satisfied to which she quickly undoes all of the magical harm she created in her awake…

…expect for Pinkie and Bunga who both released indignant muffled complaints that translate to “Hey! You forgot to put our mouths back on! Put them back!”

“If I lose, I won't set hoof in Ponyville again. But if you lose, you're the one banished from this one-horse town!” Trixie laid out her terms to which were all met with no protest from the pony ready to take on her challenge while the rest of the Guard minus Kion and Fuli could only watch why this all plays out.

Kyoga as much as she wanted to step in intervene, couldn’t because she couldn’t help but wonder more about the amulet since it is heavily influencing her magic into performing these great feats of magic. Not to mention the very odd glimmer of bright magic it produced for a split second as if it was trying to call out to her. And she wanted to really know what she is really going up against should she try to challenge her.

The two mares ready for a magic battle lock eyes with Trixie confidently grinning on her determined upon who returned a focused glare back ready for whatever tricks she has up her hooves.

“Draw!” Trixie commenced the beginning of the duel by hurling a wagon of apples at a crowd of ponies.

The crowd all gasped before fleeing with one blue coated mare with a silver mane and tail had bad luck and tripped leaving herself vulnerable for the impact.

Luckily for her, Twilight quickly used her magic to stop the cart from landing on her and gently placed it on the ground on her side much to the terrified mare’s relief.

When she turned back to face her opponent, she is suddenly faced by her viciously grinning rival sending a half dozen pies her way. She quickly was able to neutralize the attack by conjuring up a parasprite to eat them all up in one bite. The parasprite burped up another parasprite before they were both quickly zapped away on the spot.

Trixie then covered her with a blanket of snow to which had her appearing with stones on her face to form a sad expression from a snowman. She quickly heated up and melted the snow around her before retaliating by sending magic right at her face leading to a mustache to grow on her lips.

The Guard laughed in amusement at the mare trying to assert her dignity when she simply snips the mustache off with a pair of trimmers.

“Snips, Snails, step forward!” Trixie commanded of them.

“Wh— what is it, oh Great and P— P— Powerful Trixie?” Snips asked while he and and his partner bow to her out of fear.

She then uses her magic to perform a spell on them that had Snips transformed into a baby and Snails transformed into an elderly pony with glasses and a beard.

“An age spell?” Twilight spoke with high surprise seeing this. “But... how could you do an age spell? That's only for the highest level unicorns!”

Kyoga watching on frowned at the mare rubbing her amulet, definite that she has been greatly enhanced by it’s power.

“Well, Twilight? Give up?” Trixie asked smugly while the mare tries to do the best she can on a spell she’s had very little to no practice on.

She levitated both the aged ponies while trying to work her magic on them while friends watch on eager to see her match that.

“Come on, Twilight, you can do it!” Spike encouraged her.

She tried her hardest to muster up an attempt to perform it, but all of her sweat and hardest concentration was all in vain since the spell was too advanced for her and she ended up collapsing and dropped them both back to the ground in defeat.

“Trixie is the highest level unicorn!” The boastful victor proudly declared. “And now it's time for you to leave Ponyville! FOREVER!” She screamed the last part with her eyes glowing red.

“That's enough, Trixie!” Applejack declared on her behalf while she and the rest of the Guard move in front of Twilight who was pulling herself up on her hooves.

“You proved your point, but you can't possibly expect Twilight to leave Ponyville!” Rarity added in agreement.

“That’s right! Enough is enough!” Beshte seriously added.

“You fools! She's already gone!” Trixie replied while grasping the mare with her red aura-colored magic and effortlessly threw her out of town. She then created a huge red bubble that formed around the area of Ponyville. With that, and it’s magic, Twilight was cut off from Ponyville, and the rest of the Guard was cut off from her.

“Twilight!” Ono cried in her direction while she is being thrown out.

Spike who is unable to bear being separated from her mother-like figure and with the dome keeping them apart, the best the two can do is place a hoof and claw on the dome just inches apart from each other.

“It’ll be okay.” Twilight gently assured him while kneeling down to his eye level. “I’ll figure something out and it won’t be forever. Just please be strong until then, can you promise me that?”

“I’ll….I’ll try.” Spike replied with his voice cracking with tears forming from his eyes.

“Good.” Twilight warmly smiled before turning to the others. “Lion and Pony Guard, I'll figure something out. In the meantime just take care of each other. And keep an eye on Trixie. There's something strange about her. And Kyoga…” She added in the lioness’s direction. “…since Kion is still out there, we need you to lead the Guard in our absence, and try to do some research on that amulet she’s wearing while you’re at it because there is something strange about it that’s making her act that way.”

“Will do, Twilight.” Kyoga nodded in compliance with her orders before the unicorn runs off ahead to find Kion and Fuli along with trying to see if she can prepare her magic for another rematch against the vengeful magician.

“Twilight?” Spike quietly cried in his direction with his claws on the dome reaching out to her as she runs off into the distance.

“She’ll be fine. I can assure you that.” Kyoga repeated Twilight’s words again with a paw on his scales.

Spike still overwhelmed threw himself onto the lioness’s paws with tears streaming from his eyes to which she allowed him to let it all out before leading the group back to town.

Meanwhile, Twilight retreated to the Everfree Forest when she came across both Kion and Fuli who both just managed to regroup with each other and were on their way back until she explained to them what had happened after they were thrown out of town.

“So now we’re cut off from Ponyville!” Kion questioned while unable to believe what he is hearing.

“Yes.” Twilight nodded.

“Why the nerve of that unicorn.” Fuli commented in exasperated anger. “All to get back at you, never mind the fact that her constant boasting along with her dimwitted accomplices started all that in the first place.”

“I know.” Twilight acknowledged before turning to a nearby flower and tried to perform an age spell on it which didn’t go well even when she tried her hardest in concentrating her magic on it. “And what I don’t understand is how? How could Trixie know such advanced magic?” She then said while pacing around. “Without Spike, I can't get a message to the Princess in Saddle Arabia. So who else do I know who understands strange and powerful magic?”

“Well we obviously can’t turn to Princess Luna or Princess Cadance since we have no way to contact them and I doubt anyone in the Pride Lands other than Scar knows magic.” Fuli narrowed their list down with pulling out her claws one by one. “So else can we turn to?”

Twilight thought for a moment before remembering someone nearby who knows about magic. Someone that isn’t a unicorn nor an alicorn, Zecora the zebra. So she led everyone on over to her hut to where she explains to her what has happened today and how she along with the Lion Guard’s Fiercest and Fastest got banished from Ponyville.

“Your tale of woe upsets me so.” Zecora said while sipping her tea. “No wonder you're dour. It's an abuse of power!”

“No kidding!” Fuli remarked in agreement. “And I’m sure glad that cats know how to land on their feet. Because that stunt she pulled had me running off of a cliff!”

“You mean just when I was stumbling out of the bushes?” Kion inquired remembering things now. “Right when you landed…”

“Right behind you, yes!” Fuli quickly and hastily finished. “Right on the other side of those bushes!” She then shook her head at Kion to avoid the implications of them accidentally crashing into each other again like before. While Twilight had a pretty good idea of what happened, she had more important things to worry about.

“I don't know what to do, Zecora.” Twilight then expressed while pacing back and forth with Kion and Fuli standing behind her. “I feel like I've abandoned my friends. But I can't take her on horn-to-horn. And I don’t want to risk Kion and Fuli against that kind of magic.”

Zecora thought for a moment while sipping her tea again before offering a way she can help her out. “If you train with me, so good you'll be. I'll show you the way to make sure she won't stay.”

“You'll train me in magic?” Twilight felt very pleased to hear that before bringing up one major obstacle. “But she was doing age spells, weather spells, you name it!”

“When it comes to magic, it would be tragic if somepony licked me, especially Trixie.” Zecora remained certain she can help her out with who’s she going up against.

“You really think she can beat her?” Kion asked if she knows how they can take Trixie down.

“Mm-hmm.” Zecora nodded once more.

“Let’s do this.” Fuli was all ears to see how they can put Trixie in her place with Twilight taking her down. After all, with all things considered, they honestly have nothing else to lose.

“When do we start?” Twilight asked ready for whatever she has in mind for her.

Back in Ponyville, things have gotten a lot worse since Trixie took over or more accurately Trixieville is the name of the place. She had forced Rarity to create red and black banners with the evil-looking version of her image sewn on with gold linings hung around all over City Hall with Rainbow and Fluttershy having the bestowed honor forced upon them. The mayor herself is locked away in a cage.

“You two!” She addressed the Cakes who were dragging a dessert-made throne into the place with their baby twins sitting on it. “Hurry up with my throne.” They quickly do so before turning to the Guard’s strongest stepping on apples although Applejack is being stubborn in refusing to obey the power-mad unicorn’s orders. “And you, how long do I have to wait for my applesauce facial?”

“Forget it, Trixie! I ain't doing nothin' 'til you let Twilight come home!” She asserted with crossed arms until she finds herself tickle tortured in her grasp. “Okay, I'll do it! Just make it stop!” Trixie then tossed her into the gathered buckets of apples while glaring at the hippo to squish the apples faster to which he quickly does so not wanting anymore trouble.

“I thought I told you to dance!” Trixie then turned to the mouth-less duo who both did so against their will after another blast of red-colored magic sent their way.

Ono along with Rarity moaned while Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash pick up and hang up another banner she had just created.

“I can’t believe we have to kiss up to that arrogant blowhard while Twilight and Kion are away.” Ono grumbled while watching over Rarity’s stitching in progress.

“I know, Trixie's cruel magic is ruining Ponyville.” Rarity also complained while not completely paying attention to her sewing for a second.

“Rarity watch your….” Ono tried to warn her…


“…stitching.” He finished while the marshmallow colored unicorn tends to her now red throbbing hoof.

“Oh, somepony has to help us!” Rarity said to herself while Beshte watches the scene in pity for her.

“Come on Twilight, I don’t know how much more everyone can take. But it better be worth the time and effort you’re putting into it.” Ono voiced his prayers before helping tend to the poor unicorn’s bruised hoof.

Back in the Everfree Forest, Twilight is currently standing in the middle of the pond while using her magic to levitate herself on it while floating three water bubbles around her. Zecora watched over while perching on a stick in a mediating position while Kion and Fuli watch.

“Ah, no noise, no sound, no din, no fuss must interfere with your focus.” She instructed the unicorn with closed eyes deep in concentration. “Unlearn what you have learned. Only then can victory be earned.”

Twilight tried her hardest in concentrating and doing exactly what her mentor instructed of her but then Trixie’s boastful words from earlier ended up striking a chord in her mind.

“Trixie is the highest level unicorn!”

When that rang through her head, she ended up losing her concentration and plopped into the pond while dropping the water bubbles. She’s okay she is now soaking wet while Zecora shakes her head seeing she is still has much to learn.

“There is much, much that I can teach, but the answer you need may still be out of reach.” Zecora lectured her.

“I'm sorry, Zecora.” Twilight apologized. “I'm trying my best, but... I can't stop thinking about Trixie. There was something different about her. It's like she's gone from high and mighty to mean and nasty.”

“You’re thinking needs a readjust. Total concentration is a must.” Zecora told her before leading her back to the hut.

“I wonder if Kyoga is having any luck finding out why Trixie is acting the way she is?” Twilight wondered to herself while following after Zecora and walking out of the pond.

Back at the Golden Oaks Library, said lioness along with Spike has spent the entire time doing research at the Golden Oaks Library in search for the source of magic that Trixie has been using. She spent hours pulling aside books from Twilight’s shelf's and even went as far making sure no of the books were ruined out of respect for her. By the time the rest of the Guard arrived for an update, Kyoga has finally found a book that has the answers she’s been looking for.

“So how’s the research going?”

“Did ya find something about the kind of magic Trixie’s doin’?”

Both Ono and Applejack inquired while Pinkie and Bunga asked “Yeah, did you?” through muffled noises to make it clear they are sick of that tyrannical unicorn bossing them around like that.

“I hear you two, Pinkie and Bunga. She wants me to grow apples with no peels! Now how the hay am I supposed to do that?”

“I have no idea.” Ono replied.

“Me neither.” Beshte added.

“Yes…” Rarity agreed in disgust with her. “Hopefully you have something useful otherwise it might be time for us to consider our futures in this new Trixie-led Ponyville.”

“Not to worry everyone.” Kyoga assured everyone while gesturing to the dragon who really wants her mother back. “Because thanks to yours truly, he has found the book that has the answers to the source of magic Trixie has been using.”

“Look at this!“ Spike gestured everyone to the page with the book has a picture of Trixie's necklace to which everyone leans in to get a good look at the information he is showing them. “It's called the Alicorn Amulet, and whoever wears it is blessed with untold powers! Even though it provides great power, it also corrupts the user! You can't just take the Alicorn Amulet off her neck, it has a magical lock! Trixie's the only pony who can take it off!”

“Really?” Ono inquired finding that this makes sense. “That explains why her eyes were glowing red.”

“Along with the highly advanced magic she displayed and managed to out duel Twilight.” Kyoga added.

“We need to get this information to Twilight. She'll know what to do.” Applejack stated.

“But, how—“ Fluttershy wondered rather timidly.

“If any of us try to leave, Trixie's magical force field will tell her!” Rarity added.

“So how are we going to get past that?” Ono asked.

“I've got it!” Rainbow immediately came up with an idea. “Trying to sneak past the force field would be impossible without help, but I know who's got the goods to get into those woods!”

“We’ll go!” Kyoga volunteered herself and Ono.

“We will?” Ono repeated in Kyoga’s direction who frowned at him to remind him she’s serious about this. “I mean of course we will.”

“Perfect!” Rainbow felt satisfied with her brave response. “Kyoga and Ono will sneak out of Ponyville and find Twilight along with Kion and Fuli.”

“Alright!” Applejack cheered along with the others.

“Way to step up!” Beshte commended them when Rarity has the perfect idea of how to sneak the two out of Ponyville.

“I know just the design for a dangerous mission outfit!”

Sometime later, Trixie had her accomplices Snips and Snails drag her on a heavy wagon towards the barrier where her magic sensed someone has been touching the barrier which triggered an alarm to which she can sense with her magic. And both were struggling to pull her weight.

“Pull, you fools!” She commanded of them while cracking her whip on their flanks. “Somepony set off the magic force field, and Trixie intends to punish them!”

“But... wouldn't it be faster if we had some... wheels?!” Snips painfully suggested

“The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't trust wheels. Now pull faster!” Trixie arrogantly refused.

“I'm telling ya, Snips, she's getting weirder and weirder!” Snails loudly said to his partner which earned him whiplash on the back of the head.

The two carried her to the barrier where they all see beavers are constantly slapping the barrier with their tails.

“Stop!” She shouted at the two before addressing the source of the alarm. “You there! What are you doing?!” The annoyed unicorn demanded.

The beavers angrily chattered demanding that they need to get out of Ponyville while pointing to her magical barrier keeping them out and preventing them from leaving. Trixie deciding that it would mean a few more obnoxious beings she be rid of, opens the barrier for them to get by while carrying a log to which both Kyoga and Ono were well-hidden in.

Once they were all across, Trixie then transformed her wagon into a huge and golden queen sized bed with purple fabric on it. The bed had her head encarved on top along with blue stars and gems beside it and had alicorn wings on the side of the bed. And both Snips and Snails wided their eyes at the glaring mare who expects them carry even more weight.

“Gah, why is she so mean to us?”

“Yeah! I miss the days when she was just a fraud!”

The two traded before suffering whiplash from the power-mad unicorn ordering them to carry her ride away.

After Trixie had left the beavers immediately removed both Kyoga and Ono from the log they were hiding in.

“Let’s go!” Kyoga told Ono before they both headed on towards the Everfree Forest. “Knowing Twilight she’ll turn to the closet person who knows magic or more accurately the closet zebra nearby.”

“Zecora.” Ono answered knowing exactly who she is talking about before heading on over to her hut.

There they have come across where Twilight and Zecora are both having tea to help improve the former’s concentration more while Kion and Fuli watch. Once they arrived they wasted no time in explaining to them of the information they had just learned in regards to the amulet Trixie has been wearing.

“I can't believe I didn't recognize the Alicorn Amulet!” Twilight said while pacing around the room in light of this discovery.

“The more she uses it, the more it will corrupt her!“ Ono explained while he and Kyoga both sip their tea to which greatly helped calmed the former’s nerves.

“But how am I supposed to beat that amulet?” Twilight wondered. “My magic's not good enough!”

Just then Zecora spoke up with the answer to this approach. “Twilight Sparkle, much work have you done. You learned all of my lessons; all but one. If Trixie's tricks have you in a fix, you must nix your magic and use the six.” She advised.

“Huh?” Ono asked with a quirked brow.

“Nix your magic, use the six…” Kion wondered while Twilight thought about it with a few seconds deep in thought and concentration.

There Twilight immediately got what Zecora is saying to her. “Nix your magic, use the six! Use the six! That's it!” She smiled figuring out how she can defeat Trixie. “Zecora, you're a genius!” Zecora smiled in approval seeing that she got the cryptic riddle along with Kyoga. “Now we'll need to get you two back inside Ponyville, Ono, Kyoga.” She then said while composing a paper with a plan of how they will take down Trixie to which everyone gathers together with open eyes and ears ready for whatever Twilight has in mind.

After explaining the plan to everyone, both Kyoga and Ono were escorted back inside Ponyville so they can be up to date with the plan while the others stay behind so they can prepare what they need on their part.

Sometime later, Twilight tapped the bubble knowing this will get Trixie’s attention who likewise has her struggling lackeys pulling her back over there.

“This better not be another false alarm, or the Great and Powerful Trixie will…“ She demanded…

“You’ll what?!” Twilight demanded who was accompanied by Zecora, Kion, and Fuli “You!” She exclaimed before moving forward from her bed to taunt her. “What's the matter, Twilight Sparkle? Not enjoying your exile?”

“I know about the Alicorn Amulet. I know you cheated.” She rightfully accused.

“Cheated? Moi?” Trixie responded with fake innocence to which Fuli rolled her eyes in disgust at that claim.

“Yeah. And I thought you might wanna see what a real magical amulet looks like.” Twilight then presented said gold collared amulet with a green gemstone on it. “Zecora gave it to me. It's from beyond the Everfree Forest, and it's way more powerful than your measly little Alicorn Amulet!” She explained while putting it on.

“Ha!” Trixie immediately scoffed after a moment. “Nothing's more powerful than the Alicorn Amulet! And nopony's more powerful than the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

“Care to put your amulet where your mouth is?” Twilight challenged. “How about another duel?”

“Why should I?” Trixie responded in refusal feeling she doesn’t need to. “I already beat you.”

“That's up to you! But I guess you'll never see the totally awesome magic from beyond the Everfree Forest.” Twilight let it be with a smirk to tempt her into accepting her challenge.

“And I’ve heard the magic there has magic beyond your wildest belief. Something that you could never hope to achieve.” Fuli added with the same tempting approach just when Twilight leads the way away from the borderline of Ponyville.

“Come on, Zecora, Kion, Fuli.” Twilight told them before turning to leave.

“Wait!” Trixie called after them after her ego had stirred her curiosity and tempted her to reconsider by removing the magical barrier surrounding Ponyville. “Okay, okay, you're on! A second duel.”

“Excellent!” Twilight responded with a pleased smirk to see that her targeted fish has successfully taken the bait.

Once again, both Twilight and Trixie met face to face in the Town Square where everyone has all gathered together to witness their rematch. The two dragged hooves on the ground while glaring at each other ready when the other is.

“Let's start with a simple age spell, shall we?” Trixie proposed.

“Let's.” Twilight agreed.

“Snips, Snails.” She called for them who both did so out of feared compliance before turning them into babies who both cried upon being reduced to new born foals. “An oldie, but a goodie, ha. Now, let's see what your little charm can do.”

“No problem.” Twilight confidently replied before turning to two of her friends. “Applejack, Rarity, Beshte? Could you help me, please?”

“Huh?” The three questioned both surprised by this request before reluctantly stepping forward.

Trixie rolls her eyes thinking this duel will be over after this so she decided to pass the short amount of time by filing her nails. But when she did so Twilight had focused her magic on them and actually replicated the spell on both Applejack and Rarity after a puff of violet red smoke.

When Trixie turned back to see what had happened, she ended up dropping her jaw in shock upon seeing this. “Oh, ho-hum. So you can do an age spell, big deal.” She quickly recomposed herself before seeing that Twilight wasn’t done there.

She also used her magic to revert them back to their true age before using her magic to have Rarity and Beshte younger while standing on top of Applejack. She then turned the three with Rarity and Beshte back to their true age with Applejack now an elderly pony struggling to hold her weight before turning the later back to her true age.

“That's... That's impossible!” Trixie spoke up completely baffled upon seeing this display of magic.

“That's nothing!” Twilight simply replied before sending magic at Rainbow Dash, Ono, and Kiara’s direction with another pink puff of smoke.

When the smoke cleared, another Rainbow Dash, Ono, and Kiara appeared right behind them.

“Yow!” Rainbow exclaimed upon seeing her pony double who perfectly mimicked her every movement along with Kiara and Ono’s doubles.

“How did you–“ Trixie questioned unable to believe what she is seeing.

“Duplication spell.” She answered. “Ever see one pony along with a honey badger play ten instruments each?” She asked before turning to Pinkie and Bunga with a blast of magic sent her way to which they suddenly emerged playing ten instruments with the nearby ponies and Pride Landers ducking their heads to avoid getting hit.

“How is this possible?” Trixie silently thought feeling that she has the more powerful magic at her disposal and that something is not right here. “This... just can't be!” She then said out loud.

“Ooh, one more. I can turn a mare into a stallion.” Twilight added for good measure which frightened Applejack into attempting to flee. But she ended up zapped with a pink puff of magic before she could get away.

When the smoke cleared a larger male version of Applejack appeared in its place

“Eeyup.” The stallion nervously said before being transformed back into a mare with another puff of magic.

“And a female lion into a male lion.” Twilight added while turned her head in Kiara’s direction who looked on surprised before being blasted with pink smoke. The lioness turned lion cub with a mane on his head before pink smoke was sent his way to undo the transformation.

It was clear to everyone that Twilight had the better magic and won this magic duel but Trixie wasn’t convinced that it was all raw magic.

“Well, Trixie, looks like my amulet is more powerful than yours…” Twilight declared just when Trixie uses her magic to remove the amulet from around her neck. ”…Hey! Give it back!”

“With this amulet, I shall now rule all of Equestria!” Trixie then declared while putting on the amulet while keeping on the alicorn amulet. “Witness, my subjects, gaze upon an ever greater and 'powerful-er' Trixie!” She then bellowed before turning to face to Twilight. “Starting with the mare who thought she could have me remove this precious alicorn amulet from around my throat.”

“Okay.” She calmly replied. “We figured you’d say that.” She then locked eyes with her power-mad pony foe. "Bring it."

With red hot magic at her disposal, Trixie unleashed a super powerful one right at the unicorn in front of her. Having expected that to be her first move she quickly put up a shield of magic to protect herself from the long and continuous blast. After a good fifteen seconds, she ceased fire and witnessed a burned scorch mark on the ground in front of her.

Trixie smirked maliciously and triumphantly before being tapped on the shoulder. "Huh?"


...Came from a powerful blast to the face from the unicorn who revealed herself to be alive before forcing her back with another beam of magic.

"What the...?" Trixie was left baffled by that stunt before regaining her composure. "Very well..." She growled before sending another beam of fiery magic her way again, who this time caught the magic with her horn like she is catching a fastball before maneuvering and redirecting right back at her. Trixie with a sudden shocked expression had to quickly put up a force field to protect herself from that attack before being blown back halfway across town with one of the trees behind her being set ablaze from the explosion.

Everyone watches the fight go on with Trixie is now charging forward and doubling down her efforts in using her magic with increased intensity to try to take down Twilight. From multiple teleportation moves, to trying to charge from both directions in an attempt to catch the lavender unicorn off-guard to no avail only succeeding in setting fire to a number of nearby houses caught in the crossfire. Not to mention nearly dodging every attack she throws at her to the point it's like Trixie is giving Twilight ammo to force her to retreat.

Meanwhile, Kyoga stealthily makes her way through the crowd up towards one of the nearby buildings ready to make an attack while Trixie is distracted in dueling Twilight.

After tiring herself out after multiple and relentless beams of magic to which her foe effortlessly dodged, Trixie then saw the mare slowly approach her to which had her shooting another straightforward beam of magic her way in an attempt to push her back before dropping on her haunches. The attack slowed her down, but only for a few seconds before pressing forward with her stride unaffected by the Alicorn Amulet’s power.

“What?” She exclaimed in exhausted shock seeing that its power has been doing nothing to lay even a scratch on the girl before teleporting to the side while dropping down on her knees with nothing left. “But how? What are you?”

“I am the solution.” She simply responded before quickly teleported right in front of her face mid-jump in a flash while quickly wrestling down the unicorn. Once she had her pinned down, Kyoga quickly leaped down right above her and extracted her claws holding up her left paw ready to bring it down aimed at her neck.

Trixie then terrified for her life looks away with closed eyes when Twilight worked her magic at the same time Kyoga lunges her paw down right towards her neck to avoid seeing her own demise. Only to feel herself and open up her eyes to see herself still alive. Turns out they were really aiming for the alicorn amulet around her neck to which they managed to rip off from her neck.

Trixie nearly passed out feeling like she had her life flashing before her eyes for a second there when both Twilight and Kyoga let go of her before moving to have the alicorn amulet placed in a small wooden box that Zecora had ready for it.

“Sorry but this is going back into hiding where it belongs.” Kyoga told her while placing it in the small wooden box.

“By the way, Trixie…” Twilight then said to the sweating unicorn on the verge of a heart attack when she gets up to her hooves while gesturing to the green gem around her neck with her right hoof wrapped around on the back of the gold necklace. “…the amulet around your neck? It's one of Zecora's doorstops.”

The rock itself dropped to the ground and shattered upon crashing.

“But... how did you do those spells before I found out?” Trixie asked still very confused. “Nopony can do those spells!”

“You're right. Not even me.” Twilight replied before explaining while recalling Kyoga explaining the written plan to everyone in Ponyville. “Zecora taught me so much about magic while I was in exile. She even taught me when not to use it.” She explained when they have Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom painted to look exactly like their older sister’s with Big Mac and Granny Smith painted to be an older male version of Applejack along with an elderly female version of Applejack.

Furthermore, Mtoto served as the younger infant-sized hippo for Beshte while his father Basi served as the older Beshte when it was made to look Beshte had aged up. Along with Kiara’s lioness friends, Fluttershy, and Ono’s egret friends who were all painted and properly wigged and colored to look like Kiara, Rainbow, and Ono respectively. Kovu served as the male version of Kiara alongside Big Mac when it came to the gender spell.

“My magic alone wasn't powerful enough to take on the Alicorn Amulet head to head, so I needed to use a different kind of magic – the magic of friendship. I also knew that the only pony who could get the amulet off your neck was you.”

“But... what about the pony and honey badger with the ten instruments?” Trixie questioned.

“That's not magic. That was just Pinkie Pie who also happened to have extra insturments handy.” Twilight answered while gesturing to the two mouthless instrument players.

“But what about the Alicorn Amulet?” Trixie brought up. “That should have been something only I could take off by will.”

“That’s true. Kyoga’s magic is something that surprised even me.” Twilight acknowledged. “But apparently magic of the highest level can be mastered is actually capable of amazing feats on par with an alicorn’s magic if one puts her mind towards it and that’s exactly how with my help Kyoga managed to get that amulet off in case you didn’t take the amulet off in favor of the amulet I had.”

“But how?” Trixie still can’t wonder how that’s possible. “How can she perform that kind of magic alone and what about that magic you just displayed when I was trying to kill you?”

“Truthfully, we don’t know?” Twilight honestly answered to the former since the mystery behind her source of magic along with Scar’s is still up in the air. “But it also an interesting discovery along with the magic that helps keeps our worlds together. Something that the Lion and Pony Guard hope to achieve going forward. And as for my magic, well, let's just say I have been doing a lot self-improvement with training on my own since the last time we met. And it looks like I now have the edge over you now.”

Everyone cheered in celebration for Twilight and Kyoga’s victory just when both Simba and Celestia arrived to cut off Trixie’s escape just when she was trying to quietly sneak and back away from the scene.

“Hello, Trixie. We’d like to have a word with you…” Simba greeted with a serious tone accompanied with a gesturing claw for her to approach them to which had Trixie sporting a resigned expression with a scared gulp since they both know what she has done.

“Oh, Trixie cereal…” She muttered under her breath before being escorted away by the two for a stern talking to.

Just then the alicorn amulet rose from the wooden box with a magical rainbow glimmer shining across it to which everyone shielded their eyes from its very bright glare. Once it cleared up everyone sees that the red and black colored amulet has transformed into a brand new amulet. One with the appearance of a strong muscular lion king and a beautiful and majestic alicorn princess similar to Simba and Celestia in place of the evil looking alicorn with the silver colored metal turned into a bright gold color with the red-colored gem turned into a blue-colored gem.

Everyone watched in amazement seeing this just when Astral Twilight appears before everyone. “Hello again, every pony and everyone.”

“The spirit of the Tree of Harmony…” Fluttershy quietly voiced in awe.

“…What are you doing here?” Kion finished in the same tone.

“I came to say well done.“ The tree’s spirit replied. “The formerly cursed Alicorn Amulet is now free of all dark magic it had previously contained.”

“Dark magic?”



Beshte, Fuli, along with the mouth-less Pinkie and Bunga all questioned.

“Yes.” She nodded while turning to the lioness in question. “Ever since King Sombra lost the amulet following his defeat a thousand years ago, the curse he inflicted on it through his influence greatly remained there ever since.” She explained while showing a flashback of the two sisters recovering the amulet just after Sombra’s defeat. “So great that not even Princess Celestia nor Princess Luna could reverse the magic without succumbing to its influence. Only someone with a strong mind, great control over magic, and a pure heart can remove his magic from the amulet.”

“Someone like Kyoga?” Kion asked.

“Yes. And now that day has finally come, we know have a new element of harmony to add into the mix.” She said while presenting the shapes and images of the other elements. “Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter, Magic, and now for the Lion and Pony Guard’s wisest…” She added while placing the amulet around her neck. “…the Alicorn Amulet that is now the Pride Amulet.”

“Oooh.” The Pride Landers and Equestrian ponies all said together in amazement with this new discovery while both Celestia and Simba both nod in approval of her accomplishment.

“Congratulations, Kyoga.” Celestia commended. “Never have I ever imagined I would see the day that alicorn amulet would ever be able cleansed of the corruption it suffered for so long.”

“It’s better than what I could have said.” Simba added in agreement while keeping a stern eye on Trixie to keep her from trying to slip away from the distraction. “Now in regards, to your punishment for your actions in regards to terrorizing some of my animals from the Pride Lands including my son…”

“…Along with my most faithful student, who by the way I see her like a daughter to me along with the ponies in Ponyville…” Celestia added with her rare serious tone of voice.

Trixie briefly grinned sheepishly which did little to lightening the mood from the glaring rulers who did not hesitate to crack down on her punishment.

“…Because quite frankly young lady, your actions were inexcusable.” Celestia stated. “But in light of the fact that no one suffered serious injuries. Your punishment will be slightly reduced.”

“It will?” Trixie asked with slight hope.

“Yes.” Celestia nodded with her tone still stern. “We have decided that you have to clean up the damage you have done during your brief rule in Ponyville along with personally apologizing to everyone who have hurt during your visit. Especially, Twilight.”

“Along with my son.” Simba added sternly. “And after that, you will be leave Ponyville and the Pride Lands for one full year.”

“One whole year!“ Trixie exclaimed at the length of her temporary exile. “But that’s so long!”

“Yes, even though we personally think it should be a lot longer.” Simba still didn’t lighten up on their stance. “Is that understood? Because if you ever harm my son like that again, you will be banished for life.”

“Life?” Trixie exclaimed in increased horror before dropping it in defeat since there is no use arguing that their judgement is accurate.

“Is that clear?” Celestia inquired.

“Crystal, your majesties.” Trixie obeyed with a bow of respect before moving to carry out the beginning of her community service.

By the time she was done cleaning up along with giving everyone her reluctantly accepted apologies and ready to serve her year away from both Ponyville and the Pride Lands, it was time for Twilight’s magical performance for the Saddle Arabian delegates. And since Kyoga’s magic has proved very crucial in Trixie’s defeat and the alicorn amulet’s cleansing, she gets to join in on Twilight’s performance.

Lots of Pride Landers and ponies from Ponyville all gathered together for this. The first time since the disastrous royal wedding with the only difference being is that Scar wasn’t around to crash the show…

…At least not without being secretly watched by the lion himself from the shadows of the Everfree Forest.

Everyone was amazed by both the purplish-red and sky blue colored auras from both Twilight and Kyoga who both work together in performing the figure eight routine on Fluttershy’s animal friends. And everyone was amazed by the performance they were both giving, including the royals and the Saddie Arabian delegates who all watched from their special VIP booth.

Well…all expect for Fluttershy who spent the whole time covering her eyes and looking away, trembling with great worry even though the two had perfect control over their magic who had both Kion and Spike’s comfort the whole show. When the critters were formed together in star formation at the end of the show, it was accompanied by a razzle dazzle display of green fireworks to which wasn’t neither Twilight nor Kyoga’s doing.

It was truly done by Trixie in secret to which both performers quickly noticed upon turning to the source of the magic.

“Trixie?” Twilight asked in surprise by this gesture.

“It's the least I could do.” Trixie for once thought nothing of it before speaking to them with great regret. “I treated you two and your friends so horribly when I was wearing that Alicorn Amulet. I just couldn't control myself at least until Kyoga saved me. You both can forgive me, can't you?” She pleaded of them looking like she is going to cry if they don’t to which she’ll expect and accept considering everything she has done.

Twilight and Kyoga both thought about it for a moment and after taking all things into considering and seeing that she is truly sorry for what she has done they both agreed on how to respond to her pleas.


“I suppose.”

“For now.”

They both forgave her yet much like the others won’t forget it until she has truly changed her ways for good.

“Oh, good.” Trixie felt pleased to hear that. “Don't you think the Great and Apologetic Trixie is the most magnificent humble pony you've ever seen?!”

“No.” Kyoga bluntly answered to which Trixie slightly blushed.

“Right, right…” She accepted to which both Twilight and Kyoga each gave small smiles acknowledging it is still part of her character while watching her run out of town after throwing down a small pink smoke bomb.

“No, I can’t say that you are…” Scar agreed with that assessment before recalling the memory of appearing to Trixie while wearing his black cloak with only his neon green glowing eyes shown from the darkness within referring the Alicorn Amulet to her in the first place. “…but you did however, help me find out just how powerful this lioness really is. And the answer to that is…” He then slightly chuckled with a mean grin. “…Very.”

Just then his magical screen caught Pinkie and Bunga with their mouth-less faces in a slight rant wanting their mouths to be restored until Twilight approached them and used her magic to give them back their mouths.

“Oh, finally!” Bunga said in relief before looking down at his growling stomach before rushing off ahead to get something eat after spending nearly a day without food. “I can finally talk and get something to eat.”

Pinkie also opened her mouth ready to speak her mouth off now that she can talk again…

…until Scar quickly canceled the magic monitoring them. “No. No.”

As funny as Pinkie is, the pink pony really talks more than she should and that’s bad enough for those who aren’t in the mood for it to which even the stoic and sinister villain has his limits with her.

Author's Note:

In this episode, Trixie returns with the power of the Alicorn Amulet at her disposal before taking over Ponyville and kicking Twilight, Kion, and Fuli out of town leaving the rest of the Guard to handle Trixie's demands before finding out how to deal with her and that kind of power.

True to form aside from a few twists in the original plan, it took another magic battle along with a duel to the death to finally obtain the alicorn amulet...

...which has now turned into the Pride Lands Amulet once the dark magic inside of it has been purified and transformed into a new Element of Harmony to serve as Kyoga's element in the Elements of Harmony.

Even with this new discovery, Scar remains undeterred from learning of the lioness's full potential and is still confident that she'll won't be a problem in his plans going forward.

Next up is "The Savannah Summit." where the animals prepare some important negotiation in preparation for the upcoming dry season in the Pride Lands with a certain crocodile leader stepping forward claiming to have a changed heart for his past actions while only seeking his float's needs as he turns a new leaf.

"Hey wait about me...?" :pinkiehappy:

"...don't I get to say anything else..." :pinkiegasp:

...Nope. We're done here...

...Until next time...