• Published 31st Jul 2021
  • 3,277 Views, 141 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 3) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard all seek to keep the peace between the two worlds together while they all now deal with the threat of Scar who's return is now threatening that very balance.

  • ...

Episode 19: Game Ponies Play

Episode 19:

Game Ponies Play

“Now are you all absolutely sure you can do this?” Twilight asked the kids once more to remind them of how much of a big job this is before heading out on her trip to the Crystal Empire with the rest of the Guard.

“Of course.” Mtoto confidently replied. “Wouldn't have agreed to it if we couldn't.”

“Piece of cake.” Shauku spoke up before suddenly seeing the jewel cake Spike had made. “Speaking of cake, I got a little something I need to attend to.”

“Yeah, like keeping an eye on a house full of critters.” Spike sternly reminded him before he could even touch his cake. “Not my cake.”

Spike quickly rushed over and snatched his cake away and out of the house deciding he’s going to have to take it on the go.

“It’ll be all right, Twilight.” Kwato again insisted kindly. “If we can handle ourselves against a group of hyenas then we can help the Cutie Mark Crusaders handle a group of pets.”

“Exactly!” Gumba agreed before adding. “I mean, how hard can it be?”

“Depends on who you ask.” Twilight cautiously answered before turning to join the others who all started headed out. “But since you all are really sure then I guess we’ll all head out.”

“Good-bye.” The Cutie Mark Crusaders called to their big sisters before they all returned hugs before heading out.

“See you later, kid.”

“Try to stay out of trouble now you hear.”

“Take good care of Opal, darling.”

“Hurry up, Twilight! We can't miss our train!” Rainbow called out to her who quickly ran her way over to catch up with them at the train station.

“Tickets.” The conductor called for ponies seeking to get onboard before letting them go forward.

While the Guard waits their turn to get on their ride, the Lion and Pony Guard along with Spike all express their excitement for this upcoming trip.

“Oh, this is gonna be a real treat.” Applejack began. “Princess Cadance said she'd never seen the Crystal Ponies so excited.”

"Are you kidding?" Spike remarked feeling excited already. "They haven't been this excited ever since King Sombra was defeated."

“Duh!” Rainbow inputted it should be no brainer while flying around in the air. “Of course they're excited. They're up for the Equestria Games. It's only the biggest sporting event in all of Equestria.”

“And bigger since should all go well and should it be decided that the Pride Landers will be allowed to attend and maybe even compete.” Kion added seeing this is a very important day for them to do well on.

“I know.” Fuli couldn’t agree more. “It would very nice to actually be able to bring home some gold medals for being the Fastest in these running events they have.”

“How about we first focus on ensuring the games are secured at the Crystal Empire before we decide on who’s competing.” Kion suggested with a chuckle knowing Fuli very well.

“Of course. How silly of me.” Fuli giggled somewhat sarcastically.

Recalling a time where the Equestria Games didn’t go to a place had Rainbow slump on one of the nearby rooftops.

“Didn't Cloudsdale host the Equestria Games one year?” Rarity asked.

“No.” She bitterly answered. “Cloudsdale should have hosted the games one year. I'll never forget when we got the bad news.”

She recalled the memory when she was a filly expecting the good news holding up the small pennant with Cloudsdale’s flag on it with the Pegasus pony delivering the news on a podium looking over every eager and anticipating pony down below.

“The Equestria Games go to... the city of Fillydelphia.” She announced much to the poor filly’s sadden horror.

“NOOOOOOOOOOO!” She screamed.

“Any idea how that happened?” Kyoga asked.

“No idea.” Rainbow glumly answered. “Only rumors have it that whoever was welcoming the inspector didn’t go well due to a mixup.”

“Interesting.” Kyoga had nothing else to say. “One wonders how that happened.”

Rainbow could only shrug before continuing the importance of this visit. “These Crystal Ponies lost a thousand years to an evil king's curse. They've had enough bad news. No way we're letting them experience the pain of losing out on these games.”

“Exactly.” Twilight spoke up in agreement seeing that Rainbow’s got the right idea. “Princess Cadance is counting on us to do our part to convince the Games Inspector to choose the Crystal Empire. And we are not gonna let her down. Are we?”

“NOOOOOOOOOOO!” Pinkie and Bunga both dramatically screamed on their knees which earned them confused looks from their friends.


“We were just answering Twilight's question.”

They both innocently defended to which the unicorn rolled her eyes in annoyance with their antics.

“Tickets.” The conductor called for the final time.

“We better get on board.” Twilight quickly ushered everyone to the train so they can have their tickets checked before departing for the Crystal Empire.

On the way towards the Crystal Empire, the Lion and Pony Guard each take turns performing the welcome routine along with the accompanying cheer.

“Four, three, two, one!”

“The Crystal Empire, that's the one!”

The two teams both traded the chant once more from their seats.

“Okay, everypony, great job!” Pinkie cheered from her megaphone. “Sounds like we're ready.”

“We sure are.” Beshte happily agreed while everyone cheers.

Twilight on the other hoof wasn’t very convinced deep down but let it slide since they have performed it enough times it’s hard to forget and because they were just about ready to arrive at the Crystal Empire.

When their train arrived, everyone immediately got off and headed straight towards where Princess Cadance would be meeting them. During which Pinkie and Bunga both quickly bought a dozen cinnamon rolls so they can snack on the way over.

Along the way, they also saw the many happy crystal ponies sprucing the empire up from rooftops to the crystal ground. Everypony there was ensuring that everything is spotless for the biggest day of their lives.

“Wow! The Crystal Empire looks crystallier than ever!” Pinkie commented.

“I know.” Spike couldn’t agree more upon setting foot in the place he is well known for being a hero in. “It feels so great to be back here.”

“Ooh!” Bunga gazed on his reflection on the crystal floors. “Shiny!”

“They must have everypony in the Empire out sprucing it up!” Applejack added.

“Right down to every inch of the place.” Ono said while examining the cleaning job the crystal ponies have done. “And they have done a very remarkable job in getting every spot on every inch of the Empire.”

“This must be why we were asked to handle the welcome committee routine.” Twilight figured while they walk by the ponies shining up the Crystal Heart.

“And it's probably also because we'll be awesome at it.” Rainbow stated feeling they’ll have no problem pulling this off.

“Princess Cadance was right. These ponies do look pretty darn excited.” The leader of Lion Guard remarked upon seeing all of the happy faces around them.

“And it’s sure would mean a lot to them if we can get the Equestrian Games secured here.” Kyoga added with Twilight motioning to everyone to pick up the pace before leading them to a spa building where Cadance requested them to meet her there.

“We're here.” Twilight told everyone before spotting the pony she is very happy to see once more. “Cadance!”

“Twilight! There’s the girl I’ve been looking forward to see.” The pink alicorn with the three-color mane happily greeted before the two raced towards each other and performed their signature greeting.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!“

While the two sisters-in-law happily greet each other, Rarity, Beshte, and Ono, take a very great interest at the sights of the crystal spa. From massages, mane cleaning, and manicures, it was everything the Ponyville Spa couldn’t possibly even dream of having.

“I sure could use one of those.” Ono commented on one of the ponies currently getting a massage.

“Oh, my. This is spectacular.” Rarity expressed her amazement. “Please, everypony, stand back! I need air!”

“You sure you don’t need help breathing.” Ono sarcastically quipped to which he and Beshte chuckled behind her back.

“This is a very nice place here, Princess Cadance.” The Lion Guard’s Strongest complimented.

“Thanks.” Cadance returned while wrapping a hoof around Rarity. “Go ahead and try whatever you like. It's all complimentary for the welcome committee.”

“Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo!” Rarity giggled before spotting a pool of a green substance with one of the ponies emerging from it with a shiny sparkling coat of fur. “And what is this over here.”

“That over there is a crystal mud bath, which relaxes your body and rejuvenates your coat.” The alicorn princess explained.

“Really?” Ono inquired. “Odd?”

“I don’t know?” Spike shrugged to the egret. “Only one who knows the logic would understand that.”

Cadance still smiled still this is the first time they have been introduced to this kind of mud both before explaining. “And I can assure you both that there is not much to it other than it gives you a special relaxing feeling. Now, I realize it can be kind of strange to climb into mud, but if you'll just give it a chance, I'm sure–“



Both Pinkie and Bunga shouted before leaping into the mud bath.



Both Twilight and Kion scolded when they both plopped into the pool.

“Ahh, so relaxing!”


“Pinkie Pie! Bunga! Honestly!” Twilight chided them.

“Aw, come on, Twilight.” Bunga encouraged her to lighten up. “Don’t be such a Scarface.”

Twilight did not like hearing that insult come out of his mouth as evidenced when black smoke emitted from her scar once more. “Want to say that again?!” Twilight growled with a low voice and gritted teeth which suddenly had Pinkie back away slightly in fear.

“What?” Bunga innocently asked with a nervous smile. “I just said don’t be such a Scarface. I didn’t mean anything by it.”

Kion and the others instantly got worried upon seeing that Twilight was ready to tear the honey badger apart when she pulled him out of the mud bath with her magical aura to force him to look at her in the eyes. At that point, Bunga realized his unintentional insult touched a nerve in Twilight’s mind when he sees she is giving him a furious glare that could kill someone on the spot alone with just that.

“Easy, Twilight. He didn’t mean it!” Kion quickly and gently attempted to urge Twilight to calm down to no avail.

Luckily for him, Princess Cadance quickly calmed her down by placing a hoof on her chin and placed some of the green crystal mud gel on her scarred eye to have her let go of her magical grasp on the frightened honey badger. Once he was released he fainted and sunk into pool in shock with Pinkie quick to keep him head up.

Cadance with another calming technique on hoof to help her further soothe her anger. She breathed in with a hoof on her chest to which Twilight repeated after her. She then breathed out with Twilight repeating after her once more. And just like that Twilight felt more relaxed and calm now.

“It’s okay, Twilight.” Cadance assured her before encouraging her to join Pinkie and Bunga in a much needed relaxation in the crystal mud bath. “No harm done.”

“Thanks.” Twilight kindly returned while sitting back on the edge of the pool with Kion and the others sighing in relief that another potential outburst has been stopped before it could even happen. “I really needed that.”

“Go ahead, have a good time while I get my ceremonial headdress done.” Cadance urged everyone to sit by and relax while she moves sit in one of the lounge chairs.

“Three…two…one…” Ono counted down with a stoic expression expecting another gasp of amazement from the fashionista.

To which she does exactly as she predicted. “Ceremonial... headdress?”

“What’s the ceremonial headdress?” Kion asked.

“When meeting with important guests, it was tradition for rulers of the Crystal Empire to weave crystals into their manes in a very specific way.” The pink alicorn princess explained. “The Games Inspector is known for doing her homework. She'll certainly be expecting my look to reflect the importance of her visit.”

“Wow! Sounds she’s done well in school if that’s the case.” Kion remarked on how serious this games inspector is on making these decisions.

Just then, the crystal mail pony came rushing inside with an urgent message for the princess. “Princess, if I may have a word...” She quickly reminded herself to bow to her. “I-I have two pieces of news for you. First, your mane stylist has the flu and won't be able to make it for fear of you catching it, too.”

“Oh. Well... I hope she's better soon.” Cadance took the news in stride before turning to the other spa workers in the building. “Do any of the other stylists here know how to do the traditional royal ceremonial headdress?” She hoped but unfortunately their empty-hooved responses make it clear that none of them do.

“That’s not good.” Kyoga whispered to the others.

“No kidding.” Spike nodded.

Cadance wasn’t very pleased but performed her deep breathing exercise to keep her cool. “Oh. Just a... small detail.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Rainbow spoke up not very pleased to hear this. “You're trying to land the Equestria Games here. There is no such thing as a small detail!”

“Keep it together, Rainbow Dash!” Twilight sternly warned from the pool.

“I suppose... I could give it a shot.” Rarity offered.

“Oh, Rarity, you would do that for me?” Cadance spoke of her delight to hear that.

Rarity nodded with both Spike and Rainbow Dash liking her stepping up when no one else will.

“You can do it.”

“Way to step it up, Rare!”

They both applauded.

“Fortunately, I have all the precise instructions right here.” Cadance then presented the white-furred unicorn said list of instructions that are in fact quite long and precise.

“Hevi Kabisa!”

“Oh, my!”

“That sure is quite a lot of instructions for one special mane style.”

Kion, Rarity, and Ono commented.

“You sure you're up to this?” Princess Cadance asked once more.

Rarity was definitely stunned but wasn’t about to disappoint the princess during a time to where her skills are needed. “Working on the hair of royalty on such an auspicious occasion is the opportunity of a lifetime! I will give it everything I've got!” She assured with certainty that she can pull this off.

“So will I.” Ono offered while examining every detailed instruction. “Because from the looks of this list you might need some keen eyed assistance.“

“Good idea!” Kion nodded his head in approval.

“See? No worries!” Twilight assured everyone while emerging from the mud pool and dried herself up before rejoining the others.

“Besides, the Games Inspector isn't expected for several hours.” Rarity voiced it shouldn’t be a problem with assistance. “I'll have plenty of time to figure out exactly how to... do... this...”

“Oh, Rarity, that's wonderful!” The princess voiced very pleased to hear it even though the unicorn is still feeling lost on the directions before turning to the messenger. “You said you had a second bit of news?” She inquired.

“Yes, quite. The Games Inspector, Ms. Harshwhinny, will be arriving on the... next train.” She reported.

Everyone gasped in terror hearing this since this is all suddenly last-minute instead of a few hours in advance like everyone expected.


“WHAT?!” Rainbow exclaimed in angered shock. “You couldn't have told her that news first!? That's fifteen minutes from now!”

“Oh, my goodness!” Fluttershy softly exclaimed in worry.

“Hevi Kabisa! How are we going to get there in time?!” Kion exclaimed at a loss of what to do while everyone else panics.

Everyone but Twilight who is quick to speak of the best course of action after performing the deep breathing exercise Cadance had just taught her. “How long before Cadance is ready?” She asked Rarity and Ono.

“Hmmmm...” Rarity examined the paper along with Ono. “I'm sure to find some shortcuts.”

“Although we can’t quite guarantee it.” Ono replied with a voice of disagreement.

“Can you have her back at the castle when we're done?” Twilight asked of them.

“Should be doable.”


They both responded with a firm tone that it’s doable.

“I’ll stick with them in case they need help.” Spike volunteered.

“Okay.” Twilight calmly nodded while examining the note that tells them more about the inspector they’ll be greeting before leading everyone on over to the train station. “Everypony, everyone, just be on the lookout for the pony with the flower print luggage.”

“Should be doable.” Kyoga commented feeling no pressure about the task itself.

“Easy peasy, pudding in the freezy!” Pinkie happily agreed while bouncing her way over.

“We bring the Games Inspector back to the castle, put on our big welcome committee how-do-you-do and then...” Twilight explained to everyone of what they’ll do.

“Put the pudding out to thaw before you eat it or you'll crack a tooth?” Bunga randomly added.

“What?” Fuli inquired rather baffled by his response.

“Eh, live and learn.” Bunga shrugged while Rainbow rolled her eyes.

“I'll just ignore that.” Fuli decided it was best that way.

“Good idea.” Twilight replied before finishing what she was going to say. “Anyways, we do just that and we are good.”

“We need to remember that the Games Inspector arriving early is probably part of a plan to psych us out.” Rainbow further reminded everyone.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re not saying that the games inspector is trying to catch us off-guard?” Beshte curiously asked.

“Uh, yeah!” Rainbow answered before turning to Twilight. “You said it yourself. She's got a rep for trying to catch hosts off-guard, just to see if we can handle the kind of massive pressure that comes with hosting the Equestria Games.”

“You sure it wasn’t just a miscommunication or is that your wings doing the talking.” Kyoga quipped while eyeing her flapping wings.

“No! Thank you!” She asserted. “What I mean is we need to always stay one step ahead and don't fall for any of her mind games. Anything she throws at us, we just need to remember she's testing us and roll with it.”

“Well now’s a good time to start because here comes the train.” Kion told everyone with Twilight taking the lead.

There they spotted a mare with a cream coat of fur, green mane and tail, and red glasses carrying a dark purple suitcase with orange flowers on it. It seemed just like the right description to which had the Guard thinking they found it her.

“Pony with flower suitcase, sounds right?” Kion said out loud his thoughts.

“I don’t know.” Kyoga commented unsure upon closer examination of the mare. “That doesn’t look like a games inspector.”

“What do you mean?” Bunga asked clearly confused. “She said be on the lookout for a mare with a flower-printing on her luggage didn’t she?”

“Yes, but the mare has a chicken for a cutie mark and her suitcase has a small tear on the side.” Kyoga answered while pointing out the little details that have her feel that this isn’t the mare they are looking for to which Twilight silently agreed with her there.

“You don’t suppose that isn’t Ms. Harshwhinny?” Fluttershy asked unsure of whether this is the right mare they should or shouldn’t be greeting.

“Only one way to find out.” Kion replied before Rainbow quickly jumped the gun to do so.

“Excuse me, ma'am?”

“Yes, what is it?” The mare harshly replied which worried some of the group.

“Oh, no!” Fluttershy whispered.

“Not looking good.” Bunga also whispered just as worried.

“It’s okay.” Beshte calmed the two down before approaching the mare. “Well, I know you're not expecting us, but we're here to personally welcome you to the Crystal Empire.”

“The whole lot of you came to do that?” The mare inquired the Guard (sans Twilight and Kyoga) now sporting forced smiles.

“Uh, well, um... yes!” Kion honestly answered.

“Well, darn tootin', ain't that the cat's meow!” The mare suddenly dropped her serious expression for a more excited one before shaking Kion, Twilight, Pinkie, Bunga, Beshte, and Applejack’s hooves and paws. “Y'all didn't need to do that. Why, I hardly expected anything like this.”

Hearing that had the Guard sigh in relief seeing that they got the right mare in front of them although Twilight and Kyoga weren’t completely convinced.

“Whew! The Princess wouldn't have had it any other way.” Applejack happily said to her.

“The Princess? Princess Cadance?” The mare excitedly returned finding herself wandering into the Crystal Empire at a perfect time.

“None other!“ Kion replied.

“Well, tie me up and throw me down! This just keeps gettin' better and better!” The mare further expressed happily while briefly standing on her luggage.

“Can we help you with your bags?” Fluttershy offered.

“Don't mind if ya do!” The mare allowed her to do so.

Fluttershy was quick to find out that the bags are really heavy to the point she could barely lift them off of the ground.

“Here…” The Lion Guard’s Strongest offered while using his hippo to take control of the lifting. “…let me help out with that.”

“Oh, thanks Beshte.”

“You’re welcome, Fluttershy.”

“Our first stop is the castle.”

“Where we got a big razzamatazzy welcome planned for you!”

Both Pinkie and Bunga both declared with the mare further delighted with every passing minute.

“The castle? Are you kidding?! Hot-diggety-dawg!”

While everyone heads on back to the Crystal Empire, Twilight pulls Kyoga aside for a quick word at the train station. “This is not the mare we’re looking for.”

“Nope.” Kyoga shook her head. “I assume we should go tell them.”

“No.” Twilight shook her head much to Kyoga’s surprise. “Let’s greet her ourselves.”

“Are you sure?” Kyoga asked to make sure she really wants to do this. “Don’t you think we should let them know what’s going on?”

“I’m sure.” She firmly stated.

“Okay…” Kyoga accepted her decision even though it would be better if she spoke up and said something about before letting them be.

The two then turn their attention back to the train station where they come across a mare with a brown fur coat, blonde mane and tail, dark blue eyes, gold trophy cutie mark, and a purple business suit.

“And this is definitely the mare we are looking for.” Twilight whispered to Kyoga pleased to see that her gut instincts were correct before approaching the mare first to greet her. “Hi. Are you Ms. Harshwhinny?”

“Yes I am.” She answered rather grumpily when looking at her watch before looking at the lavender unicorn. “Am I to assume that you two are the welcoming committee I’m expecting?”

“Yes we are.” Twilight nodded with a small smile before offering her hoof for a hoof shake. “I’m Twilight Sparkle, and this is Kyoga.”

“Hello, nice to meet you.” Kyoga politely waved.

“Well that’s a first…” The mare stoically commented while accepting the unicorn’s hoof shake. “…a welcoming committee that’s actually here to properly greet me.”

“What do you mean a first?” Kyoga inquired.

“I mean that’s because every city and empire wants to host the Equestria Games. So, it means I have to go through all the big phony-baloney song and dance, though of course, I'm never getting the real inside scoop and getting a real insight experience of what the city or empire is really like.” She explained while voicing her disgust from past experiences.

“Really?” Twilight asked looking surprised that she frowns upon dance and song routines.

“Yes really.” She bluntly remarked. “I mean really I would rather just like one tour where I actually get to see more of the city or empire’s really like and why it should be considered to host the Equestrian Games for once.”

“I see.” Twilight said sounding intrigued by the mare’s taste in reception before sporting a small smile and responding. “Well, I can assure you that for once it won’t be one of those times because here in the Crystal Empire we want all of our guests to get to know the place and why it is the most qualified the host the Equestrian Games here.”

“This should be good.” The inspector muttered to herself before walking alongside her and a slightly reluctant Kyoga.

“I guess it’s a good thing we didn’t do that song and performance.” Twilight whispered to the lioness.

“Probably for the best.” She whispered back before being to give the inspector a tour of the empire alongside Twilight.

Meanwhile at the spa, Rarity is at work in fixing up Cadance’s mane while Spike hands her the requested items while being her assistant, and suffice to say she is currently facing her toughest challenge yet at this elegant and complex hairstyle. Every step of the instructions had to be followed precisely and if it weren’t for Ono’s insistence that she follows every step exactly she would have skipped step twelve.

“So, uh... how's it going so far?” Cadance asked the unicorn working hard on her mane.

“We’re getting there.” Rarity replied while carefully examining the list Ono is holding up for her.

“Yes…yes….” The egret nodded at her doing exactly what the list says. “No…no…don’t skip it. It’s not optional.” Ono then shook his head.

“Oh, I'm so sorry... It's just... oh so complicated.” Rarity apologized with a nervous laugh. “I can fix it!”

“Fix what?!” Cadance asked just when Spike turns to see the alicorn's mane in progress.

Rarity stammered a little while being honest. “Well, I-I was looking for shortcuts and I thought step twelve was optional! But it's not!”

Spike nearly cringed at the sight of what could have been had Ono not spotted the near-mistake.

“And it’s a good thing I caught it in time.” Ono remarked. “Always need a keen sight even when you’re working on a tight deadline.”

“Oh, well excuse me for trying to find a way to get the princess looking great at the last minute.” The fashionista remarked in slight offense towards Ono for being a smarty feathers.

“Well excuse me for trying to help.” Ono likewise fired back feeling just as offended too.

“Rarity, Ono!” Cadance interrupted gently yet firmly. “Now is not the time to argue. Just focus on making sure my mane is prepared exactly as detailed on the list, okay.”

“Okay.” The two responded by setting it aside in favor on focusing on what’s really important.

"Phew." Spike sighed in relief before smiling and speaking in a jokingly manner. "Once again it is the Princess of Love to the rescue."

"That's right, Spike." Cadance warmly smiled at the comment while Rarity gets cracking on fixing her mistakes.

Elsewhere, the Lion and Pony Guard minus two have all arrived at the Crystal Castle with the tourist pony in tow. So far, none of them have picked up the hint that the mare they are greeting isn’t the games inspector.

“My golly, the crystal castle! Why, I've seen pictures, but I never expected to see it with my very own eyes!” She marveled at her surroundings while a little disoriented from the lights from the tall ceiling. “From the inside...” She trembled and gulped at the sight.

“Oh, my gosh, she's so nice!” Fluttershy sweetly commented.

“You're letting her lull you into a false sense of confidence.” Rainbow immediately chided. “Watch that. It's all part of the game.” Fluttershy immediately nodded in response.

“Speaking of watching…” Kion spoke up noticing that they are missing two friends of theirs. “…where’s Twilight and Kyoga?”

“I don’t know.” Fuli replied while looking around having just noticed they’re not around. “They were right behind us.”

“Oh, my, I'm so excited.” The mare further voiced while walking around the room.

“No time!” Rainbow quickly whispered to the leader of the Lion Guard before quickly rushing over to take charge of the situation by flying over to the tourist pony. “If you would be so kind and have a seat, won't you?”

“Mind if I take a quick run outside first?” She asked while moving her legs around and looking uncomfortable while trotting in place. “It was an awfully long train ride and my legs could use a stretch.”

“Don’t worry.” Rainbow insisted while gesturing her to take a seta. “Oh, well... we were just about to start.”

“Oh! Never you mind.” The mare relented and complied with her wishes. “You go on ahead. I'm listening.”

“She was probably testing us to see if we could remain in control of a complex situation.” Rainbow whispered to Fluttershy and Bunga with the latter on the former’s back. “Looks like we passed.“

Rainbow began. “Bump–“

“–cha!” Fluttershy and Bunga finished with a hoof and fist bump together.

“Okay.” Kion voiced feeling they don’t have a choice here before beginning the intro to their dance routine. “We'd like to thank you for this opportunity to introduce you to this wonderful kingdom!”

“Oh, why, the pleasure is all mine.” The mare returned with a friendly smile while Kion continues.

“And since we're not even from here ourselves, who better than us to let you know just how welcoming this place can be!”

The Lion and Pony Guard got together and formed a pyramid while performing the chant that goes with it.

“Two, four, six, eight!

Name a place that's really great!

One, two, three, four!

Keeps you coming back for more!

Two, seven, nine, three!

The place that we all wanna be!

Four, three, two, one!

The Crystal Empire, that's the one!”

With well-placed use of Pinkie’s party cannon along with Rainbow leaving a heart shaped in front of the formed pyramid of friends the performance went through flawlessly.

The mare eagerly applauded them for their performance. “Ooh, yeah!” She whistled in excitement. “Ooh, I tell ya! I have traveled far and wide, but I have never, ever been welcomed anyplace in the fashion that y'all have done here today.”

“That's great to hear!” Kion remarked very pleased that it was met with positive reception. “Princess Cadance would be so glad to hear that!”

“Honestly, I'm surprised she knows anything about me at all!” The mare commented which had the Guard blinking in confusion by what she had just said.

“Huh?” Bunga spoke up clearly lost feeling it shouldn’t be a surprise. “Of course she does! She's been looking forward to your visit for weeks!”

“Why am I suddenly surprised?” Fuli whispered to Kion finding something is wrong here.

“Oh, goody! Is she here?” The mare asked while looking around the castle for the alicorn princess.

“Um well...” Beshte looked around and saw that she isn’t here yet. “Good question?”

“Where the heck is she anyway?” Applejack whispered to Kion. “Wasn't she supposed to be here by now?”

“Oh, that's all right.” The tourist pony assured it’s no big deal before gulping at the sight of the ceiling again. “Maybe I-I-I'll just take my little run outside now.“ She quickly ran outside to the balcony to take some deep breaths before sighing in relief.

“Or, if you like, we could give you a tour of the castle!” Rainbow quickly offered while flying over outside in a flash. “That way you could be learning and stretching all at the same time!”

Although the recent words the mare the Guard thinks is the games inspector are having dithering thoughts about what they are all doing right now.

“Dash!” Kion quickly whispered to the Pegasus trying to get ahead of herself. “We've hardly ever even been here before!”

“It's just another test!” Rainbow confidently whispered back. “We gotta roll with it, remember?”

“Oooh! Lemme give the tour!” Pinkie immediately volunteered.

“Yeah, me too!” Bunga immediately offered as well.

“I'lldoit, I'lldoit!”


“What should we do, Kion?” Beshte asked uncertain of how to handle this.

Kion thought for a moment before speaking up to both the hippo and cheetah along with the rest of the Mane Six still around. “We keep up treating her as a guest. You all start giving her the tour, and I'll go see what's keeping Cadance and find out where Twilight and Kyoga are.”

Kion then heads out of the castle through the back doors to barely catch a glimpse of Twilight and Kyoga giving the real games inspector a tour of the Empire to which she is really liking what she is seeing so far. But for Kion he barely got a look at what he had just saw since they all immediately turned the corner and the lion had just turned his head in the direction the three immediately disappeared to.

“Huh?” Kion said to himself feeling he could have sworn he just saw who he was looking for with another pony. But he continued forth and made his way back to the spa where Princess Cadance is still having her mane done just when the lion prince arrives.

Before Kion could talk to her, he is quickly intercepted by a completely alarmed Rarity who clearly wasn’t expecting him. “W-What are you doing here?”

“Well…” Kion began rather surprised by this greeting before continuing. “…We finished the welcome committee song and we just wanted to introduce Ms. Harshwhinny to Princess Cadance.”

Kion tried to look for her only to be constantly blocked off by the fashionista frantically waving her hooves. “No, no! Princess Cadance isn't ready.”

“Why not? What’s going on?!” Kion inquired and then insisted. “I need to speak to the Princess.”

“Everything’s fine.” Ono quickly flew over and assured while Spike helps out with the mane fixing. “We’ve just nearly came across a near fatal mistake in regard to fixing her hair. Apparently, somepony decided to try another shortcut in regard to step twenty-five.” He added with a sharp glance at the flustered unicorn.

“Well how was I supposed to that would be a must.” She defended before turning back to the lion standing before her. “Anyways. She's in the middle of a delicate conditioning rinse that must go perfectly if there's to be any hope for her hair!”

“Are you not just being overly-dramatic” Kion tried to laugh it off as a joke. “How bad can it be?”

“Imagine her mane turned into a porcupine.” Ono answered with a tone that tells his friend that he is better off not seeing it with Rarity briefly styling his mane as a demonstration.

"Yeah..." Spike spoke up. "...it's that bad."

“Sorry I asked.” Kion responded while slightly cringing at the thought and sight before speaking seriously to them. “But who else can I turn too?”

“What about Twilight’s brother?” Ono asked. “He might be around prepping the ponies competing for the games.”

“Of course!” He realized before feeling satisfied. “Thanks Ono!”

“No problem.” Rarity returned while quickly pushing her friend out the door. “Now please go! I will bring her back from the brink of tragedy, but you have got to buy me some time! There's no other way!”

She immediately shut the door after her which left Kion taken aback by what had just happened. But none of the less, pressed forward to find Twilight’s brother knowing exactly where to find him.

He makes his way over to the stadium to where he finds the Pony Guard leader’s unicorn brother wearing a red sports cap and a whistle around his neck coaching the athletes down at the track. The athletes representing the Crystal Empire are either running on the track, clearing hurdles, stretching, along with other exercises.

“Hey!” Kion greeted.

“Kion!” Shining happily greeted the lion he sees like a younger brother. “How have you been?”

“Been doing well!” Kion positively replied. “How about you?”

“Doing just about the same here.” Shining Armor returned just as positively. “Getting these ponies ready and practicing for the upcoming Equestrian Games and hoping that me and Cadance will finally get married sometime soon.”

“Hopefully we can get our hooves and paws crossed for that.”

“Yeah and I’m hoping that Twilight will still be my Best Mare once we can finally have it.” Shining Armor added while still feeling guilty over the way he treated her. “I would have asked her the last time she was here but she was busy saving the Crystal Empire and giving me the cold shoulder.”

“Yeah…” Kion looked aside at that memory before adding with a smile. “…But at least she’s forgiven you and me for what happened the last time.”

“That’s true.” He acknowledged feeling relieved. “She did.”

“Anyways…” Kion then spoke trying to focus on what he really came to him for. “…I was hoping you could help me out with something?”

“Everything okay?”

“Well…” He started trying to put it into words. “…I left the rest of the Lion and Pony Guard behind giving the Games Inspector the castle tour but the more time I spend with her the more I feel something is off about her.”

“Like what?”

“Maybe because she looked more like an interested tourist than an inspector pony.” Kion admitted the more he thinks about it. “…come to think about it, I’m starting to get the bad feeling that might not be the inspector we were just talking to.”

“Just a second…” Shining politely excused himself so he can bark orders to the athletes. “Come on, gang! Are we gonna gallop, or are we gonna trot!?” He then turned back to the leader of the Lion Guard. “Is that so? I'm pretty sure if this mare turns out not to be the inspector and we need to clear things up, I can give you a hoof with that.” He then turned back to the athletes. “Let's move, move, move!” He barked at them before speaking to the lion cub with a tone of assurance. “Everything's gonna be okay.”

“I sure hope so…” Kion returned calmly though still feeling a bad pit in his stomach.

But before anything else could be said the tourist pony along with the rest of the Guard arrive on the pony’s tail.

“I'm outside!” The mare gasped and then laughed in delighted relief before running onto the track while flying by the other ponies training. “Feels so good to stretch the old legs!”

“Uh, what the–“ Shining asked in confusion by this sight before turning to Rainbow along with Kion.

“What’s going on?” Kion demanded of the cyan eyed Pegasus.

“Turns out the crystal castle doesn't have a gymnasium.” Rainbow sheepishly replied before their attention was drawn back to the crazy excited mare flying around the place while getting in everypony’s way.

“Watch it!” He shouted after her before turning to the blue Pegasus with a glare. “Make her stop! Now!”

“But, that's the Games Inspector! Let her do her thing.” Rainbow insisted it’s perfectly normal until she started getting reckless and destroying everything in her path while getting her head stuck in a big flower vase during her wild runabout.

“Oh! Oh, get me outside for a run!” She shouted with her voice muffled by the vase on her head while running around aimlessly with her sight completely obscured.

“Look out!“ Beshte attempted to warn albeit a little too late since she already burst through a wooden door leading to the exit of the stadium.

Shining Armor shot Rainbow a glare for her misjudgment which had her seeing what needs to be done. “Yeah, okay, we need to stop her.” Rainbow then said before taking off after her along with Fuli and Fluttershy.

While the tourist pony runs around the Crystal Empire rather crazy and frantic with no sense of direction while nearly splashing Twilight, Kyoga, and Ms. Harshwhinny when running by a nearby puddle to which the former blocked with her magic.

“What…?” Twilight thought to herself when Fuli, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash pursue after the muffled and hysterical mare not even noticing the three their fast speed pursuit has sent her and the games inspector’s mane’s standing tall as porcupines. “What do you say we take a side trip to the spa and relieve some of that tension from today?” Twilight then offered.

“I could gladly use it.” The mare accepted without second thought before they walked on over there with Kyoga racing after the Guard members pursing the mare wanting to know what is going on and why the mare they are chasing has a vase stuck on her head.

“Where's she going in such a hurry?” She asked herself at the same time Fluttershy is asking Rainbow Dash who along with Fuli pulled ahead to try to catch and stop her.

“Closer... closer...”

“I think we've got her...”

The Guard’s Fastest traded with the cheetah managing to successfully pounce on her at the same time Rainbow manages to pull the vase off of her head.

“Yaaaaaaah!” Rainbow then screamed when said pull and sudden halt sends herself flying into the glass ceiling of the spa before sliding down back to the ground.

“What was that?” Spike wondered at the same time Rarity and Ono turned their backs to the source of the sound only for Rainbow to slide out of view.

“I don’t know.” Ono returned before flying up to the ceiling and spotted Rainbow Dash falling off down onto the ground. “But I’m going to find out.” He added before flying off while Rarity puts the finishing touches on her crystalized mane.

Just after Ono had left both Twilight and Ms. Harshwhinny have arrived at the spa with the latter looking very pleased with doing a successful job in showing the inspector of what she wanted to see.

Now that the mare got her run in along with loosening her wheels she is now feeling better than ever. “Hoo-eee! Oh, that felt good! Nothing like a great run to shake the cobwebs off these old bones.”

“Sure is.” Fuli replied feeling relieved that they were able to stop her from hurting herself. “Along with having pull the breaks on you to keep you from crashing into someone.”

Rainbow having taken the hard hit from the impact crawled her way over to both Fluttershy and the tourist.

“Hey there, speedy.” The energetic mare greeted. “Ah, these wide open spaces y'all got here remind me of home. This is great!”

“Oh!” Rainbow said while catching her breath. “So you're…” She breathes heavily again. “enjoying your visit?” She pants once more. “Well, I'm so…” And again. ”…glad!”

“Oh, good golly, yes. I just love to travel and see new places. Such a beautiful spot you got here, too!” The tourist happily returned just when Shining Armor and everyone else running on over to her.

“Why... thank you so much!” The stallion said to her before introducing himself. “I'm Shining Armor.”

“The Prince!” The mare gave an admirable gasp to the handsome pony.

“What's going on?” Kyoga asked Rainbow trying to get to speed here. “And why was that mare running around the empire wearing a vase over her head?”

“Long story short, she got her head stuck in it during her wild run around town and we just had to chase after her and get it off of her.” Fuli replied with a summed-up response.

“From the looks of it, just locking up the games for the Crystal Empire is all. Ain't no thing.” Rainbow confidently added just when the tourist is further gushing over the Crystal Prince.

“My, oh, my... I never met a Prince before...”

Shining returned a flattered chuckle in response. “I'm surprised. I'd think in your line of work you'd meet princes all the time.”

“Hardly.” She replied otherwise which further increased Kion’s worries. “Just an ordinary wild mustang from Mustangia here to enjoy a little vay-cay. Never thought I'd also be meeting royalty to boot.” She added with a flirty giggle to which Shining shifted his eyes away in a cringed manner since he is a soon to be married stallion.

Feeling he has to confirm his growing worries Kion asked the mare. “You... are Ms. Harshwhinny, the Equestria Games Inspector, aren't you?”

The mare returned a blank expression while slightly tilting her head. “Inspector what-now?”

Both Kion and Rainbow widen their eyes in horror when the truth dawns on them.

“We got the wrong pony?!” Rainbow exclaimed upon realizing their mistake.

“NOOOOOOOOOOO!” Pinkie and Bunga both screamed dramatically on their knees.

“How could this have happened?!” Kion voiced under panic.

“Probably because we were all given little information on what she is really like.” Fuli suggested while trying to calm her lion friend down.

“If that’s not the games inspector then who and where is she?” Beshte asked while looking around their surroundings.

“Well…” Kyoga tried to say before being interrupted by Pinkie.

“Well... definitely not the spa. I mean what's the point of checking there? That's where Cadance is. If Ms. Harshwhinny is there, well, then, game over, right?”

Everyone all gasped at the thought before immediately rushing on over there.

“Everyone wait!” Kyoga tried in vain to stop them but they all rushed off ahead on their way over there.

There both the games inspector and Twilight are both relaxing and getting back massages as well as removing any tension they have on their faces.

“Well I got to say Twilight. You have done a remarkable job in showing me around.” The business women told the unicorn having her face plastered with a mud mask. “I can definitely tell you right now of what this means.”

“Really?” Twilight responded with a pleased tone. “That’s great to hear!”

“Yep.” Ms. Harshwhinny returned with a nod. “You have proven without a doubt that I’d be making the right choice.”

“Well I sure every pony here will be very pleased to hear that.” Twilight said with their conversation being seen by the rest of the Guard.

“Oh, there she is!” Rainbow commented on the pony they are looking for. “We're in luck! I don't think either of them knows yet that the other one's here!”

“Along with Twilight.” Ono pointed out to the mare sitting by her side.

“So that’s where’s she’s been this whole time?” Kion asked rather befuddled that is why she strayed away from them. “Why didn’t she didn’t say anything?”

“Don’t know!” Rainbow responded before heading inside with his head. “But we’re going to find out.”

The Lion and Pony Guard all burst inside the room just when both Rarity and Spike turn their attention back to the group.

“Wonderful news, look!” Rarity gestured everyone to the alicorn princess with Spike presenting to the group the mare with her newly crystalized mane style and wearing an elegant blue crystalized dress. “Princess Cadance, better than new!”

"An appearance fit for a princess." Spike complimentary added with both arms gestured in her direction.

Ms. Harshwhinny immediately snapped out of her relaxed state before making her way over for some questions in a crossly manner. “Princess Cadance? So, this is where you've been! And just what exactly did you have in mind when you said you had a welcoming committee for her?”

“I don’t understand! What was wrong with your welcome?” Princess Cadance innocently asked.

“Only two members of Guard, Twilight Sparkle and Kyoga were there to welcome me.” Ms. Harshwhinny pointed to the lavender mare leaping up from her massage looking just as surprised as everyone else.

“What is going on?” Princess Cadance said to the Guard sans Twilight in a slightly cross manner expecting an answer of how this turned out.

“This should be good.” Spike added with crossed arms wanting to know as much as the princess.

Kion prepared to step forward on behalf the guilty party until Rainbow placed a stopping hoof so she can take full responsibility for this. “Princess, we gave our welcome to the wrong pony, left the right one waiting at the station, and completely ruined everything by assuming that everything that was a test to try to throw us off our game.”

“Hapana!” Ono softly exclaimed upon realizing why that was what Kion wanted to try to speak with the princess before joining the others in hanging their heads in shame.

“Cinnamon bun?” Pinkie nervously offered with a squeaky grin in an attempt to lighten the mood to which Fuli placed a paw on her arm to lower the treat away.

“Not helping.” She whispered slightly aggravated. “We’re in enough trouble already.”

“When I was a little filly, I wanted so badly for Cloudsdale to win the Equestria Games.” Rainbow further continued with her apology. “But it didn't happen. So I thought I could make up for that disappointment by helping the Crystal Empire win the chance to host the Games. But it looks like I ruined your chances instead.”

“Not so fast, speedy.” The tourist immediately spoke up in a tone that says otherwise. “Considering that you still gave me one of the warmest, finest, most fabulous reception I’ve ever had, I’d say you all did pretty well with all things considered.”


“Even after the whole misunderstanding?”

Kion and Bunga both spoke up looking confused.

“Of course.” The business mare agreed with a tone of certainty. “Considering they were some details I failed to mention before hoof and thanks to both Twilight and Kyoga showing me exactly what I wanted to see, I can see that this is just what I’m looking for. Which can only mean one thing...”

“The next host of the Equestria Games is... the Crystal Empire!” The Princess of Love announced to everyone gathered in front of the castle who all cheered in excitement of the good news with all of her friends and family along with the games inspector and tourist all standing by her side.

“We did it!” Rainbow exclaimed while hugging one of the young fillies in the audience.

“Congratulations, Crystal Ponies!” Princess Cadance told every happy pony who generated enough love into the Crystal Heart to produce bright colors in the sky.

With everything all settled, the Lion and Pony Guard all head back to Ponyville later in the afternoon.

"The Equestria Games are in the Crystal Empire. Aw, yeah!" Spike cheered while making their way to their ride home.

“Phew! What a relief!” Ono remarked while waiting to the board train ride home.

“No kidding!” Bunga agreed. “I almost thought we blew it there!”

“I know.” Kion couldn’t have said it better. “Moreso, if one or two of us hadn’t realized it sooner.”

“Sorry.” Twilight quickly apologized while looking aside for a brief second. “I thought you all would have followed after me sooner after realizing that the mare looked more like a tourist that a business mare but apparently I pegged wrong instead of saying something.”

“Well, even so…” Kyoga spoke up feeling she can’t be too harsh on Twilight even if she should have spoken up before. “…it actually turned out for the better since Ms. Harshwhinny would have frowned up that song and dance routine you had originally planned for her and considered turning away from there.”

“Really?” Applejack spoke up with a surprised chuckle. “How about that?”

“I never would have guessed.” Fuli said figuratively before then speaking of her excitement. “But it all worked out in the end which means there the Equestrian Games is ready to see the Fastest of the Fastest in action.”

“You said it!” Rainbow replied before giving a calming sigh feeling glad of what they accomplished together. “You know, it feels good to help others get something you always wanted but never had. Almost as good as getting it yourself. Almost.” She added on the last part with a tone of slight bitterness.

“We'll still be able to come back here and watch the games when they're played.” Twilight assured.

“You're right.” Rainbow immediately dropped the grudge she felt years ago. “That'll rock!”

Everyone boarded their train with everyone all preparing to head back home while Scar watches the scene from the magic produced from the palm of his paws looking very satisfied that the Equestrian Games is going to be held in the Crystal Empire.

Author's Note:

In this episode, the Lion and Pony Guard are traveling to the Crystal Empire to help secure the Equestrian Games. Just a simple meet and greet for the pony who serves as it's inspector should be easy, right?

Well maybe, if there was more information other than a flower printed suitcase it would be to which the Guard had the misfortune to quickly assume a tourist pony was the pony they were supposed to be greeting. And needless to say with bottom things considered, thing sure went south from there.

Luckily, some members of the Guard were quick to pick up on this before moving to greet the inspector herself, and that combined with showing the mare what she wanted to see, as well as explaining the misunderstanding that led up to this, gave the Crystal Empire the benefit of the doubt. Which means they will be hosting the next Equestrian Games when they happen next time around.

Next up is "Ono and the Egg." where Ono and Fluttershy look after a mother bird's egg while she seeks out to create a new next for her soon to be born baby bird.