• Published 31st Jul 2021
  • 3,277 Views, 141 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 3) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard all seek to keep the peace between the two worlds together while they all now deal with the threat of Scar who's return is now threatening that very balance.

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Episode 16: Spike at Your Service

Episode 16:

Spike at Your Service

It wasn’t too long ago since Twilight had begun her advanced lessons and studies in her work and judging from the number of books she was just sent there is still more to come in the future. Each and every day, Twilight is more and more eager to learn all she can feeling that her mentor is building her up for something that even she can’t imagine. And each and every day, more and more valuable information she gets out of all of this.

“…Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.” Spike standing on a step stool finished counting the number of books Princess Celestia sent her just when Twilight walks over to her desk with a tray of a full pot of tea along with a tea cup to drink from.

“Huh. That's not that many.” Twilight responded unsurprised upon observing the stack of books in front of her.

“Are you kidding?” Spike voiced his disbelief that this is not fazing her in the slightest. “How are you supposed to read twelve books in one weekend?” He asked while scratching the back of his head.

“Princess Celestia obviously thinks I can or she would never have assigned them to me.” She replied while getting comfortable on her sitting pillow while pouring herself a cup of tea. “I'm not planning on letting her down.” She confidently vowed she plans to get it done in that timeframe.

“Well, I hope you're not planning on sleeping then, either.” Spike commented recalling the time she was up for days preventing the “catastrophe” she thought was going to happen but was really her over-worrying herself.

And believe it or not Twilight can be pretty scary when she loses her mind and acts devious in her attempts to pursue whatever goals she has going on in her head at the time.

“Oh, I still plan on getting enough sleep to function alright.” Twilight returned to assure him. “Even during the nights I go to sleep late. Actually, Spike…” She then said with something else on her mind. “…why don't you take the day off?”

“Really?” Spike asked feeling pleased that she is actually giving this to him.

“Why not?” The mare confirmed with a nod. “These books are gonna keep me busy for a while.”

“Hmm...” Spike thought to himself with a good opportunity to cherish this gift of free time. “I do have a long list of things I've been dying to do!” He presented himself said list he created.

“Then go forward and get them done.” Twilight encouraged. “Just one thing you need know before you go…” She then added with a tone of caution which stirred the baby dragon’s curiosity when she turned to face him. “…it is Timberwolf season right now, so don’t go setting a single foot into the Everfree Forest. So promise me you won’t do that?” She then asked of him while pulling him in close with a hoof on his back.

“No problem!” Spike responded with a faithful salute and hug.

“Good.” Twilight said with a pleased smile before letting Spike go who then heads on over to the door. “Now go on and have fun. And remember…if anyone asks if you feel the need to want to do some sightseeing up high, you just say you thought of it yourself. It’s our little secret.”

Spike chuckled before heading on out while Twilight turns her back to her desk. As soon as Spike left, Twilight started reading while briefly sporting a knowing smile on her face.

Just after going outside, Spike immediately got to work on his to do list. "Touch nose with tongue." He read from his list before doing exactly that nothing problem “Done!” He then reads the next item on his list. "Play bongos on my belly." He does exactly that briefly before moving onto the next item of business. “Done! Smell my dirty feet." He sniffs his dirty and smelly feet to which for dragons it’s a fine smell for them. “Done!” He then moves on to the next item before suddenly seeing he really has nothing else on his to-do list. “Huh, that didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would.”

After pretty much having covered his entire list in no more than two minutes, Spike is left pondering to himself. “What to do, what to do...” He thought while kicking aside a mushroom which strikes a cat nearby. “A hot air balloon ride!” He suddenly gasped upon seeing it in front of him.

But when he approached it, he thought of what Twilight said to him earlier. “Hmm…I promised Twilight I won’t set a foot into the Everfree Forest…” He reminded himself. But he also had a claw on his chin thinking. “…but...it won’t be if I fly my way over.” He moved to get in the hot air balloon before undoing the ropes holding it down. “And I can see what timberwolves are lurking around from a safe height.” Once he untied the ropes his ride lifted upwards into the sky and was on his way over there. “And like she said, I thought of it myself, and it’s our little secret.”

But the next thing that happens is sudden gusts of winds blown his way to shake up his ride and had him nearly fall out of the basket.


Luckily he ended up grabbing the rope which allowed him to maintain control of the balloon before it could fly away and ended up descending down into the ground…

…right into the middle of Everfree Forest where Timberwolves are heard to be lurking around the most.

“That was a close one.” Spike said to himself while securing the balloon to a nearby tree root before getting a good look at his surroundings. “I-if I didn't know better, I would swear that I was in the middle of the dark and scary Everfree Forest.” He then suddenly hears a twig snap from the shadows. “What was that?!” He yelped in fright while spotting the spooky white eyes in the shadows. “C'mon, Spike. Just because this forest is full of wild dangerous animals, doesn't mean that you're gonna see one!” He then attempted to calm himself before tripping over another log accompanied by bad breath coming from only one creature that has that kind of rotten breath….

…Three timberwolves in the wood and bark standing right before him which had him running for his life.

His attempt to outrun them was short lived when he ended up turning into a dead end leaving him at their mercy.

One of the timberwolves bared his teeth before leaning in close to the baby dragon to bite him only to be suddenly whacked in the head with a rock and greeted with something pecking and digging into the wood of his leg. And to Spike’s relief it is two friendly faces that saved him.

“Come 'n' get me, ya big goons!” Applejack shouted to them while bucking another right at them just when Ono relentlessly pecks his beak on the beast’s wood to get him to follow him instead.

“Run!” He shouted to the dragon while he and Applejack lure them away from him.

“I'm running! I'm running!” He shouted back before doing so.

Applejack running ahead with the two following close behind her looks to her surroundings before spotting a tree branch in front of her path. Confidently smiling she bends it forward before sending it back to take out the first timberwolf which shattered it into multiple twigs and pieces. While she runs ahead, she sees Spike running by up ahead so in order to buy some more time for him bucks rocks at another timberwolf who ended up shattered when he accidentally tripped.

As for the one pursing Ono right behind him and closing in on him, he remained undeterred when he decided to fly through the hole in the one of the trees up ahead.

“Come on, timberwolf! Right through here!” He goaded him to follow after him to which he follows suit when seeing that she made it across.

But as he predicted the hole was too big to perform the same feat and ended up breaking apart into multiple pieces too.

“Whew!” Applejack said while wiping the sweat off of her forehead in relief that the egret was able to narrowly dodge the bullet there.

“Now that’s one way to break some wood.” Ono chuckled before turning to Spike who approached her saviors.

“Wow, Applejack! Ono! That was amazing!” Spike complimented his saviors. “I mean, you rocketed those boulders at them like they were... rockets! Pow, pow, pow pow pow!” He then turned to Ono. ”And you were like peck peck pecking them like a pecking bird and then flew high and low to until he fell apart.” He laughed at the memory of the timberwolves literally doing so. “You both saved my life! He thanked them before what happened and what it means to him when the realization dawned on him. “You...both…saved... my life.”

He then moved to hug them, first Ono, then Applejack who both felt awkward accepting this affectionate gesture from him.

“Aw, don't mention it, Spike.” Applejack modestly thought nothing of it.

“It’s what friends do for each other.” Ono humbly added before eyeing the hot air balloon nearby.

“C'mon, we should be headin' on back, now.” Applejack gestured the young dragon to do so before they come across more dangers from the Everfree Forest.

“Man, am I lucky you two were out here.” Spike further spoke of his relief. “But what were you both doing out here?”

“Ono spotted the balloon floatin’ by with nopony in it, came out here to investigate.” Applejack answered while tying the rope holding the balloon secure on her tail. “Guess you did too, huh?”

“Uh... yeah...” Spike nervously looked aside while drawing a foot in the dirt with his hands behind his back and kicking aside one of the timberwolves limbs. “I was investigating the runaway hot air balloon too!”

“Are you sure it wasn’t because you nearly fell out?” Ono inquired with a suspicious look. “Because I saw you fall out when those strong gusts of wind blew by here.”

“No, but it was not like I was planning to confront them.” Spike honestly defended. “I just wanted to go for a hot air balloon ride for some sight-seeing and then these sudden strong winds just blew me right in the face of danger. There wasn’t even wind in the forecast for today.”

“That’s true.” Ono acknowledged. “Well…” He then thought. “…at least you’re safe now.”

“Eeyep.” Applejack agreed. “So I guess we can’t be too hard on ya.”

“Yeah…” Spike sighed while thinking he probably should have thought a little better before setting out “…So, uh, now that the mystery's been solved, let's get outta here, huh?”

“Let’s.” Ono nodded before the three all head out away from the scene unaware that the pieces and remains of the timberwolves are reassembling into something bigger and more life-threatening then a pack of three…

…All while Scar emerges from the shadows of the bushes looking on sinisterly at the three.

“Good idea.” Scar secretly commented. “Because I’ll need you for the next part of my plan. And one thing’s for sure is that what I have in mind for you will make this plan a breezy effort” He added before sending another gust of wind accompanied by a flying leaf flowing with the breeze which was chomped on by the monstrous creation of his master’s magic.

Back at Sweet Apple Acres, the three had arrived back after returning the hot air balloon back where it belongs.

“Thanks for walkin' me home, Spike.” Applejack thanked once more before turning back to the farm where buckets of apples are waiting for her with Ono ready to help her out. “That was mighty kind of you. But now I have chores that need tendin' to, so see you later.”

But Spike wasn’t about ready to leave after what they did for him. “What chores? I'll do them!” He suddenly offered

“That's sweet, but you don't have–“ Applejack kindly tried to decline when he suddenly appears right under the basket of apples.

“What the…?” Ono questioned while startled by his sudden appearance.

“It's the least I can do! You saved my life! I need to repay the favor.” Spike insisted on helping her out.

“Shoot, Spike, that's what friends do for each other.” Applejack again repeated.

“You don't need to repay the favor.” Ono added. “Besides I got how to get Applejack to buck down more apples with one kick.”

“Yes, I do!” Spike himself eagerly repeated.

“Sugar, it's okay, it's not necessary.” Applejack tried once more to be kind and polite about.

“Applejack, you don't understand! This is something I really need to do!”

Seeing that Spike isn’t taking no for an answer, Applejack and Ono both share a look before nodding they can arrange for something for him to do. “Well, I'd hate to get in the way of doin' somethin' you need to do...”

“Great! What should I do?”

“Apple Bloom's over yonder givin' little Piggington a bath. I was gonna lend her a hoof, but maybe you could lend her one instead.” Applejack offered.

“On the double!” Spike went ahead to do so.

“Well at least now we don’t have to worry about him getting in the way of applebucking.” Ono commented to Applejack once Spike was out of earshot.

“Eeyep.” Applejack nodded. “I suppose one favor should suffice.”

“I don’t see why not.” Ono shrugged. “Although he seemed really insistent on wanting to help out with something.” He couldn’t help but find it odd of Spike to really want to do something for them so badly even when they told them they expect nothing in return.

Nevertheless, Spike made his way over to the pig pen where Apple Bloom is giving the pigs a good ole cleaning.

“Applejack said I could help you!” Spike told the filly scrubbing a large pig with a blue bow on her head.

“Great!” Apple Bloom gladly accepted his help. “I could use all the help I can get!”

Once he grabs a scrubbing brush, he immediately gets started on cleaning. “Heh, wait 'til Applejack sees how you sparkle!”

By the time Applejack and Ono were both done unloading bags of flour into the barnyard cellar, both Apple Bloom and Spike have successfully cleaned little Piggington to the point she is clean as a whistle.

“Ta-da!” Spike along with Apple Bloom present the sparkling clean hog who oinks in delight.


“Good job, you two.”

Both the cowgirl and egret liked what they saw.

“Applejack, is it okay if I get goin'?” Her little sister asked. “I don't wanna be late for my Crusaders meeting. We're gettin' fitted for water skis!”

“Heh, you definitely don't wanna be late for that.” Applejack allowed her to be on her way.

“Water skiin' cutie mark, here I come!” The filly exclaimed while running off to meet with her friends.

“Bet you two bits that won’t last more than an hour.” Ono whispered.

“Nope.” Applejack nodded in agreement while shaking on it before turning to the faithful dragon assistant. “Spike, you can head on out too. I reckon you have repaid us in full so we are officially even Steven.”

Spike however, still wasn’t satisfied. “What? Ohhh no. We aren't even close to being even Steven!” He then moved to be on his knees begging to continue helping out. “Please, Applejack, Ono, you must allow me to assist you two further!”

Both Applejack and Ono shared surprised looks with each other before Applejack responds with their thoughts. “I dunno, Spike. Just don't feel right to have you, uh, doin' things for me.“


“Really, you don't–“ Ono kindly tried to decline.

“Pretty please?”

“It's just not necessary–“ Applejack once more stated before he moves to cling onto her leg.

“Pretty pretty pretty please?” He pleaded with buttoned-up baby eyes like he is going to cry.

“Oh, all right.” Ono reluctantly accepted further help unable to say no to him with a face like that and neither can Applejack.

“You can help Granny Smith and us bake some pies.” Applejack then said to which Spike was more than happy to help out with.

Spike proved to be a big help in preparing apple family pies when it came to putting together the ingredients while Ono helps go over the instructions and guides them every step of the way. But even so, Applejack and Ono both feel like Spike has done more than enough to help them out.

“Appreciate all your help today, sugarcube.” Applejack thanked once more. “…but... we can take it from here.”

“Don't be ridiculous!” Spike still persists with an honorable bow. “It is my honor and my duty! Today's just the beginning!”


“What's that now?”

Both the farm pony and egret inquired.

“You both saved my life!” He said once more before belching up a card with his fire breath. “According to the "Spike the Dragon Code", I owe you two a life debt and must serve you.”

“Now, what about Twilight? Doesn't she need your help and such?” Granny Smith pointed out.

“Yeah.” Ono agreed. “Surely she won’t let you go off so easily.”

“Huh, you're right.” Spike realized. “I better break the news to Twilight. I just hope she doesn't take it too hard... Be right back!“

Spike went back over to the Golden Oaks Library before stopping at the front door with the thought of potentially breaking the mare who raised him as a son.

“Come on, Spike, this is your personal, moral, ethical dragon code we're talking about! You have to do this! It's not like you and Twilight won't be friends anymore... but it won't be the same...” He said to himself and paced around rather anxiously for a minute or two with the thought of breaking her heart again still lingering before finally working the courage to enter and face her with this. “But it has to be done.”

Spike entered the room where Twilight is still reading her books. She turned around when she heard him come in by the sound of his footsteps.

“Hey, Spike.” She happily greeted him while getting up from her sitting pillow to approach him. “Enjoy you day off. Do everything you wanted to do?”

“Yes, I did.” Spike positively answered before speaking seriously. “Listen Twilight…” He began with a calming sigh. “Applejack and Ono just saved my life from horrible, dragon-eating timberwolves!”

“What!” She exclaimed in shock. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine really, not a scratch on me thanks to Applejack and Ono.” Spike assured her before continuing. “But I’m sure you’re aware of what this means don’t you?”

“Mm-hmm...” She sadly sighed knowing where he is going with this.

“And, as you are aware, I adhere to my dragon code, and this means I must serve her for the rest of my natural born days! I'm sure you understand.”

“But Spike…” She began trying her hardest to be strong here. “…what about everything we’ve been through together. I mean sure we’ve had our ups and downs and I get how important this dragon code is to you but…please…” She pleaded with tears threatening to come out of her eyes. “…don’t leave.”

“I’m sorry Twilight, but I have to do this.” Spike still insists on doing this before embracing the mare that raised him.

“Mm-hmm...” Twilight choked with tears falling from her eyes while returning the hug with both hooves wrapped around him knowing that this is going to be the last time until who knows when that she will have him by her side again.

“It's... been an honor... being your faithful assistant.” Spike said his last words before leaving to serve Applejack and Ono for the rest of his life.

“Sounds good.” Twilight accepted his decision while calming herself down and wiping the tears away from her eyes.

After Spike had left the library, Twilight turned back to her desk where she would continue reading her books. She then would smile to herself confident that she’ll come back to him and even help her out some while he’s at it.

Spike made his way back to Sweet Apple Acres to tell Applejack, Ono, and Granny Smith the good word. “She said it was okay.”

“Really?” They asked in surprised unison.

“So, with Twilight's blessing, I'm free to follow my code and serve you both forever!” Spike vowed to the ones who saved him once more.

“Hapana.” Ono softly groaned seeing that he is not going to stop until he fulfills his debt to them starting with baking a pie for his crush Rarity.

“Listen, sugarcube…” Applejack began once more in an attempt to understand he is in no obligation to do this. “…we completely respect your "dragon code"...truly we do. But we just can't cotton with you permanently servin' us.”

“Yeah! I mean Applejack’s got enough help whenever me, Kion, or Beshte all come over to help her out with her chores every now and then. Plus I’ve already have my work cut out when helping Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight, and Kion whenever they need help.” Ono further exemplified to get Spike to reconsider but he still wasn’t backing off.

“Please, Applejack, Ono, my dragon code is a part of me!” He further pleaded.

“Come on, Spike.” Ono prodded. “You’ll still be the same dragon you are right now even if you don’t.”

Both Applejack and Ono are both trying their hardest to be polite while firm about it but Spike is still insisting on wanting to give his lifelong servitude to them. “I have to be true to myself! If you don't let me do this, I won't be a noble dragon anymore!”

“What do we do, Applejack?” Ono whispered to Applejack of how to approach this.

“Just let him have his fun before we send him back home.” Applejack whispered her reply before turning back to Spike after shifting her eyes around looking for a suitable task for Spike to do. “Oh, well, I can't have you feelin' like you're not a noble dragon now, can I?”

“Very well.” Ono reluctantly accepted.

“Great! Then from here on in, your wish is my command.” Spike returned with another bow leaving the two stunned that he is treating them like royalty.

“Seriously.” Ono flatly asked with a dull expression.

“Oh, uh, okay...” Applejack just said before giving him a task while handing him one of the apple pies he helped make earlier. “I would like you to help me take this here pie you made to over to Rarity.”

“Rarity?” Spike asked with love-struck eyes with his heart having increased beating at the mention of his crush.

“Yep.” Ono flatly answered with the same expression before they all followed after Spike to the Carousel Boutique when she greets the lovely marshmallow coated unicorn his fine baking.

“I helped bake it.” Spike just finished telling Rarity who takes a bite into her first slice who finds it rather delicious.

“Wow!” Rarity voiced her amazement with how well it tastes.

“You even look good when you're chewing...” Spike commented while blushing at his crush. “W-who looks good when they're chewing?” Rarity returned a friendly smile while wiping her lips clean of pie crumbs. “Aren't you gonna have some more?”

“Oh, I wish I could but I just had a big breakfast.” Rarity politely declined. “Maybe sometime later in the day I’ll have another slice.”

“Maybe you could take her plate back to the kitchen and wash it off?” Applejack asked of him who immediately obeys.

“As you wish!”

“What was that all about?” Rarity asked Applejack and Ono after Spike left.

“We saved Spike from some timberwolves in the Everfree Forest, and now he thinks he has to serve us forever.” Applejack explained with a sigh.

“But about Twilight?” Rarity brought up. “Why is he doing all of this for you and not her?”

“Because it’s part of his noble dragon code and says that Twilight is okay with it. But I strongly think otherwise.” Ono added on to her explanation. “I think she took it pretty hard and only let him go off because she felt she had to respect his wishes on serving me.”

“I can’t imagine whatever heartbreak she is going through.” Rarity couldn’t help but wonder what kind of pain she is going through right now before thinking of an idea to help her friend out.

“I get havin' somepony to do things for you would be a dream come true. But I don't feel right havin' Spike thinkin' he owes me somethin'.” Applejack further explained.

“Well would it help if I took him off your shoulders?” Rarity offered.

“Huh?” Applejack and Ono questioned of her approach when she expresses her delight at the thought of him serving her.

“Oh, what I wouldn't give to have somepony or in this case some dragon forever in my debt! I'd get them to organize my closets, and give me pedicures, and help me with my sewing…”

Just then Rainbow Dash came by flying having overheard their conversation along with Fuli who leaped up to the window.

“AJ, Ono, Rarity, what's happening?” The blue Pegasus asked.

“Applejack and Ono saved Spike's life and now he has to serve them forever.” Rarity shortly explained to them.

“Really?” Fuli questioned with a grin. “Does he got some kind of special dragon code he has to follow?”

“Yes.” Both Ono and Applejack replied rather unsatisfied which left Fuli surprised herself that her guess happened to be spot on.

“Sweet! What are you having him do?” Rainbow then asked. “Wash your laundry? Clean your room? Help you with your unfinished novel? Mine's about this awesome Pegasus who's the best flyer ever and becomes the captain of the Wonderbolts!”

“How ever did you come up with that ingeniously woven intricate plot line?” Rarity sarcastically asked.

“Just came to me.” Rainbow just said even though the unicorn and cheetah both eye each other knowing full well of the truth behind it.

“Thing is, neither of us don't really want him to serve us forever.” Ono further expressed his thoughts on the manner. “But we don't know how to get him to stop. I can’t just tell him to buck off and have a repeat of Mean Fluttershy. You all saw how that turned out.”

“Yeah, that was a very unpleasant sight.” Fuli nodded while recalling the memory even though she, Kyoga, Applejack, Ono, and Rainbow Dash were the only ones not driven to tears by her vicious insults.

“That's easy!” Rainbow commented with an idea. “Just make him help you with something really, really hard.”

“I dunno. I don't want him to get hurt.” Applejack voiced unsure about that idea along with the idea of risking her friendship with Twilight again.

“Puh-lease.” Rainbow assured it won’t be a problem. “He'll quit way before there's even a chance of getting hurt!”

“Shh.” Ono quickly hushed her to alert them that Spike is coming back with a gesture to point to them just when he is entering the room.

“Leave this to me.” Rainbow whispered to Applejack and Ono before speaking to the dragon entering the room. “Sooo, Spike, Applejack was gonna help me stack some hay so I could practice smashing through it, but I'm feeling extra, extra powerful today.”

“You are?” Both Applejack and Ono asked.

“Yeah, I am.” Rainbow quickly replied to the two. “So instead of hay, I'm gonna smash through rocks!”

“Rocks?” Spike asked while twiddling his fingers to make sure he heard her right.

“Yeah!” Rainbow repeated with a hoof wrapped around his neck. “A huge tower of rocks! And you're gonna build it!”

“I am?” Spike again asked thinking what is proposing is insane.

“Yeah, I mean, unless you don't wanna help Applejack...” Rainbow replied in a way hoping he’ll take the bait.

“I do! It is Spike's dragon code!” Spike immediately obliged with a bow. "And I will serve them and them alone!" He then stated which shot down Rarity's idea to take him off of the two's hooves and wings much to her silent disappointment.

“Then get to it!” Rainbow told Spike who went forth to do so before whispering to both the orange earth pony and white egret. “Trust me. This is gonna work like a charm!”

Unfortunately, Spike’s determination proved to be superior at the meant to be impossible to complete task since he managed to actually create a tall tower of rocks.

“Huh. I was sure he'd give up after, like, three rocks.” Rainbow voiced to the others along with Kion and Fluttershy who had just arrived watch on the creation of Spike’s impressive feat.

“Hevi Kabisa! What is going on here?!” Kion asked.

“Spike’s building a tall rock tower that looks like one of this tall towers from that fancy European state while making the impossible possible.” Ono flatly answered.

“Oh, goodness. If it'd been me, I'd have just pretended I didn't have anything for him to do.” Fluttershy voiced her thoughts while Kion tries to process what is going on in front of him.

“Why didn't I think of that?” Applejack asked herself.

“Probably because Spike would have killed for something to do.” Ono answered.

“Is this high enough?” Spike yelled down to the others from the top of the tower.

“That's plenty high! Come on down, Spike!” Applejack called up in response before Spike made his way down with ease.

“Bad news: He actually ended up building the whole rock tower. Good news...” Rainbow said nervously. “…I've got a rock tower to knock down.”

“You’re in no obligation to do so Rainbow!” Kion tried to tell him but her mind was made up feeling she can’t back out of it now.

“Sorry Kion, but I asked of him to do this, so now I got to live up to it and smash rocks.” Rainbow said back before flying up to do so.

“Rainbow…” Kion quietly pleaded once more while everyone starts backing away for safety.

“Haha, yeah! You can do it!” Spike encouraged her with a cheer. “Haha, hahah, alright, yeah!”

Rainbow then focuses on the tower in front of her while gritting her teeth knowing of how much this is going to hurt. But still following through with what she said she will do quickly flew forward to knock it down.

“Ouch…” Fuli winced at the painful sight. “She’s sure going to feel that in the morning.”

“No kidding.” Kion agreed after opening his eyes unable to watch her injure herself like that.

“That... was... awesome!” Spike cheered even after having a large boulder crash on top of him while Kion and Fuli quickly rush over to the rainbow-maned Pegasus.

Good news, she’s not injured, the bad news however, she’s knocked out silly from charging head-first into all of those hard rocks which was unquestionably painful for her.

“Are you okay?!” Kion asked when she pulled her head up.

“Yep.” Rainbow replied with spinning eyes before falling on her back again. “Never better.”

“Wanna do it again, Rainbow Dash?” Spike asked. “Applejack can rebuild it for you. And when I say "Applejack", I of course mean me!”

“Sure…why not?” Rainbow returned still dazed while having stars float over her head.

“Actually…” Fuli spoke up while moving to guide the Pegasus off of the destroyed pile of rocks. “…I think Rainbow has crashed into enough rocks for one day.” Fuli immediately replied in a gentle tone.

“Yep!” Applejack nodded. “I don't think Rainbow Dash needs any more of your help. My help. Ono’s help. She doesn't need it. Right, Rainbow Dash?”

“Yeah. I guess I'm good. For now.” Rainbow returned to confirm it.

“And so am I!” Applejack added. “I just can't think of one more thing I need help with, so you don't have to do anything else.”

“W-What do you mean you can't think of anything else I can help with?” Spike asked.

“Exactly that!” Applejack repeated. “There's nothin' else. I don't want you to do anything.”

“You’re good.” Ono added while flying over. “You have nothing else to worry about. You are under no circumstances under obligation to keep serving us.”

“If I don't help you, how will I know I'm a noble dragon?” Spike asked still not feeling satisfied.

“Well…” Ono tried to say until Spike suddenly interrupted him.

“Maybe there's things you need help with, but you don't even realize you need help with!”

“If she needed help, I think she'd realize it.” Fluttershy pointed out.

“Yeah, I’m sure if Applejack and Ono need your help they will tell you.” Kion added trying to talk some sense into him but he still won’t listen.

“Maybe not! Maybe Applejack and Ono need help realizing what she needs help with. Like... maybe your back itches!” He then leaped onto the cow girl’s back and then scratched her back.

Applejack tried to speak up against wanting one but when he did so anyway he felt her back was actually feeling much better now. “Huuuuh... that does feel... good...” Applejack then admitted while Ono still kept flapping his wings not wanting one.

“Don’t even think about….”

But Ono suddenly finds himself pulled down and given one against his will. But like Applejack he actually found it quite soothing admittedly.

“See?” Spike replied while making his point across. “Or you might need help remembering your favorite song!” He then proceeded to sing a little song. "The dragon is the finest creature ever, there's more to him than just guarding treasure..."

“Since when does Applejack have a favorite song?” Kion questioned with a raised eyebrow.

“I don't think that's her favorite s–“ Fluttershy tried to interject only to be suddenly interrupted.

“Or... you might need help breathing!”


“I certainly do not–“

Both Applejack and Ono protested until Spike quickly ran off and came back with a bellow and inserted the tip into their mouths to fill them up with air one by one. They were both pumped up into balloons to the point they looked like they were going to pop. But just like balloons, they released air and were both sent flying around the area until the air in their systems were all let out.

“See? There are plenty of things I can help you with, and you don't even have to trouble yourself with thinking of them!” Spike further explained of how his help is a necessity.

“No, I'll think of 'em. Lemme think of 'em.” Applejack told him.

“When we come up with something for you to do, we’ll tell you.” Ono added.

“As you wish.” Spike obeyed with another fateful bow to them.

“Oh, brother.” Ono groaned while rolling her eyes.

“Keep him busy while Applejack and I go over to Twilight to see if we can get him to come back to her.” Kion whispered to the egret.

“Affirmative.” Ono saluted without even looking before flying over to give him something to keep him busy. “Hopefully, there’s something around here to keep him from someone getting injured around here.”

In the meantime, both Kion and Applejack have made their way over to the Golden Oaks Library with the hopes that they can help Ono and Applejack out.

“Twilight? Twilight, are you there?” Applejack called for her just when she and Kion both see Twilight still reading her books.

“Twilight!” Kion called out loudly to which slightly startled her due to the louder volume he used.

“Yes, I’m here.” Twilight replied while placing a hoof on her ear to make sure her hearing’s still working.

“Sorry, we didn't mean to scare you.” Kion apologized when she turns back to face them after putting her book down.

“No, it's okay, I need to take a break anyway.” She assured them it’s no big deal. “What's going on? How’s Spike been doing?”

“I know Spike told you that he was gonna follow his dragon code, and serve me and Ono forever for savin' him from the timberwolves, and that you were okay with it, but the thing is…I don’t feel comfortable with him serving us for the rest of our lives.”

“Why is that?” Twilight asked.

“Because he’s been non-stop in wanting to help me out even when we don’t need it.” Applejack responded. “Whether it’s me or Ono, he won’t stop being around clinging for something to do because his dragon code says he needs to do this. Not even if you get him to create a large rock tower.”

“Well, he did take after me.” Twilight replied finding the feat impressive itself. “Once something is asked of me or Spike neither of us will stop until the job is done.”

“Wow!” Kion was likewise impressed. “You sure raised him well.”

“That’s true I did.” Twilight humbly replied before Applejack asks a serious question.

“And I’m guessing that wasn’t enough to get him to convince him otherwise when he told you.” Applejack brought up when Twilight has her eyes looking down not wanting to relive the memory.

“Not even a little…” She sadly replied.

“I should've realized you wouldn't have let him go so easily.” Applejack figured now that it makes sense. “Well, now that you know what's goin' on, maybe you could talk some sense into him! Because he is not planning on stopping until he feels his debt to us is fulfilled and wouldn't even trade his services to us with Rarity and she was even open to the idea.”

“Oh, Applejack, I wish I could, but this is dragon code we're talking about.“ Twilight again reminded her. “Surely you know how important the dragon code is to a dragon!”

“I sure am startin' to.” Applejack replied given with how relentless Spike is about wanting to find a way to help them out as much as he can.

“Hm…” Twilight thought for a moment before proposing an idea that will work “… there's only one other way Spike is gonna fulfill the debt he feels he owes you.”

“You don’t mean…” Kion brought up.

“Yes, Kion.” Twilight confirmed. “Arranging for Applejack and Ono to be saved by him.”

Back at Sweet Apple Acres, Ono has managed to find something for Spike to do to by him and Applejack time so the others can put together their plan.

“Seventy, seventy-one, seventy-two, seventy-three, seventy-four, seventy-five...” Spike counted when both Ono and Applejack get a peek at him doing so before heading back inside where the rest of the Guard is.

“All right, y'all, here's the deal. Spike needs to save me and Ono’s lives.” Applejack began when Pinkie suddenly interrupted.

“And you want us to shoot you out of a cannon towards a hornet's nest and give Spike a butterfly net so he can catch you mere seconds before you hit the nest and are stung by a thousand angry hornets!” She rambled while presenting her party cannon, placing bee hive hats on Twilight and Kyoga’s heads, butterfly nuts in Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Kion’s mouths, before putting on a mustache. “I'll wear this mustache.”

“Oh, oh….” Bunga suddenly popped up. “Can I too wear the mustache?”

“Here you go!” The pink earth pony happily handed him one who immediately put it on and flexed his muscles.

“Oh, ho, yeah!” Bunga liked how he looked much to Kyoga’s eye rolling annoyance.

“No.” Applejack immediately shot it down before revealing the plan they are going to do. “We’re gonna be attacked by a timberwolf!”

Everyone but Twilight all gasped in shock at the proposal.





“Are you insane?”

Ono, Beshte, Kion, Fuli, and Kyoga all questioned as if she is crazy to suggest an idea like that.

“Can I still wear the mustache?”

“Yeah me too?”

Both Pinkie and Bunga both asked while still wearing their mustaches and appearing next to Applejack who glanced an irritated look to the two before leading everyone to the crumbled rock tower carry this staged attack out.

“When I give the signal, Pinkie Pie, Bunga, and Rarity will come runnin' out of the woods, bein' pursued by the timberwolf.” Applejack began while drawing her hoof into the dirt to create drawings of them doing so. “I'll start to run too, but then pretend to get my hoof stuck while Ono comes flying out of the forest pretending to be knocked out.” She presented said drawn images of them doing just that. “I'll ask Spike to help me dislodge it, and he will, then carry Ono to safety, and I'll be able to get away from the terrifyin' timberwolf! Havin' saved me from certain doom, Spike will then consider us even. Everybody get it?”

“Uh-huh.” Everyone all nodded in agreement before setting out to carry out their roles

“I'll do my best.” Twilight vowed before she and Fuli move to get the fake timberwolf set up while Fluttershy straps on buckets to her hooves.

“At least it’s a fake timberwolf.” Kion felt pleased that the plan didn’t involve a real timberwolf.

“Nope.” Applejack nodded to reassure him.

“Just one question.” Pinkie asked on behalf of herself and Bunga.

“Yes?” She asked the two who quickly put on their mustaches. “No.”

“Aww.” Bunga groaned before putting his away.

“Suit yourself.” Pinkie added with a sigh along with pushing aside the party cannon.

Rarity then cleared her throat before approaching Applejack with a question in mind for her. “We are all ready to play our parts, ahem, but are you sure you are ready to play yours, Applejack?”

“What d’you mean?” She asked what she means by that.

“Show us your best "damsel in distress" move.” Rarity responded while briefly patting her mane curls.

“Uh... Oh, well, aheh, how's this?” Applejack began awkwardly before giving it a shot. “Hooooooo.” She attempted rather mediocrely while moving her hoof to the side.

“Absolutely horrendous!” Rarity immediately shot it down. “Okay, this needs some serious work! Now, first, you must lift your foreleg up to your forehead, like so–“

“Applejack? Ono?” Spike’s voice called out to them.

“No time! Here he comes!” Applejack alerted everyone who quickly got in their positions to be ready to execute the plan just when Spike come running over to them. “Uh... over here, Spike!”

“You said you had something else you needed me to do?” Spike brought up while taking the time to catch his breath.

“Oh, yes, I, I was just hopin' you could maybe, uh, sweep up all those leaves for a compost pile, and–“ Applejack pointed towards said pile of leaves in front of them while the others spying on them quickly dropped out of sight before Spike could catch them.

“But of course.” Spike obliged without question when Applejack hands him a rake. “Oh, by the way, there are exactly twenty-four million, five hundred and sixty-seven thousand, eight hundred and thirty seven blades of grass at Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Really? That many?” Ono quietly asked very astonished that he once more succeeded at that very long task from the bushes.

“I can't believe you counted every single one of 'em...” Applejack voiced just as astonished as the egret ducks back into position when the orange earth pony winks the signal towards Rainbow Dash accompanied with Fluttershy, Beshte, in her hiding spot.

“You asked me to.” Spike reminded just when Rainbow holds back a silent snicker before taking a deep breath along with Beshte. “And, as a noble dragon and follower of my dragon code, I–“

A thunderous roar was released from both the Pegasus and hippo together which shook the ground around them while Fluttershy covers her ears.

“That was very convincing!” She admitted in slight fear just when Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Bunga emerge from the bushes screaming.

“Timberwolf! We are doomed!” Rarity dramatically cried while lying on the ground in front of the baby dragon before running off.

“Run for it!” Bunga screamed while running ahead of the girls before they dropped the act once they moved ahead out Spike’s eyesight.

“See? Like that.” Rarity whispered before walking ahead along with Pinkie.

Next up, Twilight and Kyoga worked her magic in moving the paw-crafted creation of a timberwolf by Fuli towards Spike in a menacing manner with snarling growls provided by both the unicorn and lioness. So far, Spike was buying the act, when Rainbow and Beshte release another combined timberwolf roar together.

“Hapana!” Ono screamed while flying out of the forest before crashing in front of Spike. “Ow!”

Seeing Ono make his entrance, Applejack moved over to the small pile of pebbles to play her role in the damsel in distress. “Oh no! I seem to have got my hoof caught in between two rocks!” Applejack cried unconvincingly to which Twilight, Kyoga, Rarity, and Fuli all face-palmed themselves feeling mortified by this terrible acting of her’s when the wooden timberwolf moves it’s jaws over the orange pony’s head. “I cannot run away! I am a damsel in distress! Help me, Spike!”

Spike then suddenly stopped trembled when he caught on to something. “Wait a minute.”

“Oh, no.” Kyoga flatly voiced seeing that the gig is up when the others pop their heads out from their hiding spots upon seeing that with Twilight turning her back towards the forest looking around inside for something with the lioness’s back turned.

“No, no, don't wait a minute. Save me from the terrifyin' timberwolf!” Applejack tried to keep the act up even though Spike could tell this is all an act before approaching her when Ono peeks open an eye and tilts his head up upon seeing the plan failed.

“Well, he would be terrifying if he wasn't a fake!” Spike pointed an accusing finger at the wooden model before giving a brief analysis on the cheetah’s hand crafted work. “You got the clomping on his claws...” He placed a claw on the wooden paws. “...The roar was spot on…” Spike added to which Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Beshte high-five each other for nailing it. “…and the detail on his face is pretty good.” Fuli felt pleased with her handiwork. “But you forgot one thing: his breath!” He added before approaching the still lightly stunned earth pony with a smug smile. “You could smell a real timberwolf's breath from a mile…” He then suddenly catches a really bad whiff of bad breath nearby along with Applejack. “Too late, I'm already on–“ Spike returned still not fooled when Twilight suddenly appears in between them screaming before running away.



Both Rainbow and Fuli shouted before the others follow suit and flee just when the three timberwolves that attacked Applejack, Ono, and Spike earlier reappeared but bigger and stronger from the combined wood of a dozen more timberwolves.

Now Spike knows that this is the real deal and that this was not planned at all.

“Timberwolf!” He screamed before he and Applejack run ahead with Ono flying ahead.

Acting quick, Applejack ran up the top of the rock pile before sliding a slab onto the charging timberwolves pursing Spike once more which crushed the trio into multiple pieces once more.

Spike pleased that Applejack saved him once more, gave him a thumb’s up with Applejack waving back to him in relief. But it ended up being short-lived when the slab Applejack was leaning on gave way and sent the farm pony falling to the ground.

“Whooooah!” She screamed she then tumbled downwards with another large slab landing right on her left back hoof. “Ow!”

Of course, thanks to the magic of Scar and the Timberwolves ability to pick themselves up back together, the wood is reassembling all into one giant timberwolf.

“Uh oh...” Spike commented upon seeing this frightening sight while Scar sinisterly watches from the shadows upon seeing this creation come together. “Applejack, come on!” He shouted to the pony now really struggling to move due to that rock on her hoof.

“I can't!” She grunted unable to free herself. “I'm really stuck!”

“No more messing around! Let's go!” Spike frantically alerted her to hurry up to which she really tries to free herself.

“Come on...” Applejack said to herself just when the giant timberwolf towers over the two drooling saliva before roaring over them which caught Ono’s eyes.

“Hapana!” Ono exclaimed before quickly rushing over upon seeing that Applejack and Spike are still lagging behind. “I’m coming!” He shouted before flying in to shove his beak into the wooden beast’s nose.

He moved to fly around the timberwolf’s face to get him bite his jaws and trip him up who briefly struggled to keep his footing like before. But even still it wasn’t enough to buy them time when Scar quickly sent magic to electrocute him to allow an opening for the timberwolf to knock down hard into the ground.

“Ow!” He exclaimed before stumbling on his two feet. “Does anyone smell something burning.” He added before passing out when the timberwolf roared once more.

“Forget it, Spike! You gotta get out of here!” Applejack ordered of her while still moving to try to free herself to no avail. “Would you just forget your dragon code already and go?!”

Spike determined not to leave them behind still stuck to his guns and came to their aid. “No! I have to save you!” He would move to toss a pebble right in the timberwolf’s throat which had him choking and gasping for air. “Let's get out of here!” Spike told them while using a twig to pry the rock off of Applejack’s back hoof before scooping up Ono and making their escape together.

The giant timberwolf continued to huff and cough unable to dislodge the rock out of his throat and breathe properly until he couldn’t breathe no more and ended up falling over and breaking apart into a million pieces after croaking his final breath. And this time for good to which Scar frowned at the sight unable to do anything about without blowing his cover.

Once the threat was fully taken care of, the three all rush away from the scene and regrouped with the others who retreated to another part of the apple orchard.

“There you all are!” Kion exclaimed upon seeing them.

“What happened to you guys back there?” Twilight asked. “Thought you were right behind us!”

“My hoof was stuck, Ono got knocked out, and that timberwolf was coming right at me!” Applejack explained while gesturing to her previously stuck hoof along with the egret coming to from the attack.

“Wait, you were actually stuck?” Rarity asked in surprise.

“Uh-huh!” Spike nodded.

“And Ono got knocked out?” Fuli also asked just as surprised.

“Uh-huh!” Spike repeated.

“But Spike picked up a pebble, and rocketed that thing right at the huge timberwolf's mouth, and saved my life!” Applejack explained.

“It ended up choking that timberwolf to death.” Ono added. “And boy, we would never have gotten out of there alive if that hadn’t happened.”

“Aw, it was nothing.” Spike humbly thought nothing of it with a slight blush.

“Nothing?” Ono inquired feeling very relieved. “It was more than nothing.”

“It was somethin' alright!” Applejack added in agreement before confessing while helping Spike up. “'Course, we wouldn't've needed help if we hadn't been tryin' to stage a fake timberwolf attack in the first place.”

“Yeah, what was that all about?” Spike asked for an answer in regard to that attempted setup.

Applejack and Ono both looked aside before the former begins explaining her reasons with a sigh. “I know this code thing's important to you, but if somethin' like this comes up in the future, think maybe we can go back to my code, say "that's what friends do" and leave it at that? I promise I won't think of you as any less noble.”

“Me neither.” Ono added before regaining his strength to fly again. “Because we both know that you’re noble for being a very good friend."

“Sounds good to me.” Spike accepted with everyone looking on pleased to see this. “But, maybe let's just try to avoid situations where one of us actually needs the other one to save their life?”

“We can arrange for that no problem.” Ono nodded before offering his wing to shake on it.

“You got yourself a deal.” Applejack accepted while offering her hoof to shake on before the latter sees that the former doesn’t have fingers before moving to fist-bump to cement their new friendship code.

“Glad to see that everything is back to normal.” Twilight commented feeling happy that this all now settled before approaching his son-like figure. “You ready to go back home with me Spike now that your debt to them has been fulfilled?”

“Yes I am.” Spike happily accepted while hugging the unicorn who likewise returned in kind before they both headed home together.

With everything back to normal, everyone all heads on home with Spike riding on Twilight’s back after deciding to go back to her.

Scar watching them leaves narrows his eyes upon seeing that Applejack, Ono along with the rest of the Guard that were all lucky to escape another death trap before slinking back into the shadows quietly and slowly while walking backwards.

“Soon, Lion and Pony Guard, soon…” He ominously said before vanishing into the darkness of the Everfree Forest.

Later that night, Twilight continues to read her books while having difficultly doing so in the dark. At least until Spike provides a lit lantern to help give her some light to help make it easy for her.

“Thanks, Spike.” Twilight warmly thanked him.

“Happy to help!” He happily replied.

“Don't know what I'd do without you.” She responded before flipping the next page on her book when Spike suddenly clings onto her leg

“No, really! I'm really really really happy to help you!” He further expressed while hugging onto her.

“Oh...” Twilight awed at the sight of his adorableness before returning an affectionate head scratch on his scales. “Glad to hear it.”

Even with all things considered, Twilight still treats him like family and has proven that he will always be by her side no matter what.

Author's Note:

For starters. I'll start by saying I didn't quite like Spike's incompetence nor Twilight's moment of initial obliviousness towards Spike in canon so having said that I altered them to correct them.

Other than that and moving on, is Spike owing a life of debt to both Applejack and Ono after a close call with timberwolves even though neither of them felt it was absolutely necessary. Initially they didn't mind until he started insisting on doing something for them at every second. And that's where they decide to set things up so that Spike saves them.

Of course, with Scar lurking around, he is quick to seize in another opportunity to quietly try to take care of them from the shadows. Luckily for both Applejack and Ono, Spike was quick to help them escape from harm's way before they all managed to emerge alive with the baby dragon returning to Twilight once everything was all settled.

Next up is "Keep Calm and Flutter On." where the Arc Villain of the Season 2 opener returns with the princess and king counting on Fluttershy and Beshte to bring out Discord's good side and reformation.