• Published 31st Jul 2021
  • 3,256 Views, 141 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 3) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard all seek to keep the peace between the two worlds together while they all now deal with the threat of Scar who's return is now threatening that very balance.

  • ...

Episode 15: Apple Family Reunion

Episode 15:

Apple Family Reunion

In the barn of Sweet Apple Acres, the Apple Family are going through some of their belongings on the highest shelves with Kion and Beshte’s help. And from the looks of it, the Apple family is preparing for a very special occasion.

“Ha! Found 'em!” Applejack called down to Granny Smith before dropping the box gently onto the back of the Lion Guard’s Strongest who likewise gently placed the box onto the ground in front of her grandmother.

“Aaa-choooo!” She sneezed from the collected dust from the box while feeling herself flying backwards and into Beshte’s back.

“It’s okay, I got you.” Beshte told her upon catching her.

“Heh. Gesundhoof.” Applejack said to her slightly amused before moving to make sure she is okay.

“Why, thank you, Applejack, Beshte.” She thanked the two before reminiscing the past. “I still can't believe it's been almost one hundred moons since our last family reunion. Aw, I remember it like it was yesterday.” She added while nuzzling an old picnic cloth.

“Well, you have been talkin' about it pretty much every day since then.” Applejack commented.

“Sure sounds hard not to remember if that’s the case.” Kion added just when Garnny Smith turns to her granddaughter.

“Apple Bloom! How them RSVPs comin' along?” She asked. “Who's showin' their muzzle at the reunion?”

“Everypony!” She happily replied much to the elderly pony’s shock.

“Everypony?” She exclaimed before turning to the other’s with an aside comment. “Feathers on a goat. Are you sure?” She asked again to make sure she heard her right.

“Well, I got RSVPs from Apples from Yonder Hill, Hollow Shades, Galloping Gorge, Foal Mountain, Apples from Fillydelphia, Tall Tale Town, and all the Apples from Appleloosa!” She explained to make sure she indeed double-checked which cemented her worries. “Oh! And how could I forget? Manehattan! Babs is comin'! I get to see my favorite cousin!” She then added very happy and excited to see her again as she bounces around the barn.

“Poa!” Beshte commented. “That sure is going to be one huge family reunion.”

“I’ll say.” Kion returned.

“No kidding.” Applejack nodded while the three turn to the still stunned matriarch of the family.

“I think we're gonna need a bigger cider trough.” She commented out loud seeing they have a pretty huge gathering to look forward to.

Later that evening, the Apple Family all got all of the letters gathered together with Big Macintosh bringing them all in on a wheel barrel just when both Kion and Beshte are both finishing having dinner in the kitchen since they are planning to stay the night at the farm.

“Wow! These apple fritters!” Kion complimented while eating them. To him, it was definitely what he needed to wake up after a long day of helping out at the farm.

“Well thanks, Kion.” Applejack humbly returned. “Just my way of saying thanks for all of your hard work.”

“Well it was very sweet of you.” Kion returned with a teasing grin to which Applejack looked aside and blushed at his comment.

“Sure is.” Beshte agreed while sending a plate of treats up into the air and into his mouth. “Boy, apple and cinnamon sure really go great together!”

Just then, Granny Smith expressed her excitement over the upcoming family reunion. “Whooeee! Looks like the family's grown tenfold since the last reunion! I'm gonna be busier than a worm in a rotten tomater tryin' to get everything ready!”

“I could always help out.” Applejack voiced her support while walking back into the room where the others are who do the same.

“Me, too!”


“Oh, I sure would appreciate that.” Granny Smith kindly returned while briefly moving up all of the wrinkles on her face to sport to what she looked like when she was younger. “Granny's a little rustier in the giddy-up since the last time the Apples all got together.”

“You may be a tad old, Granny, but you're as feisty and full of spark as ever–“ Applejack commented to which sparked a sore spot in her grandmother’s spine.

“Who you callin' old?!” She demanded in an offended tone.

“Uh... I just meant...” Applejack stammered slightly while trying to correct herself and offer. “Why don't you let me take over puttin' the reunion together this time 'round? Then all you need to worry about is enjoyin' yourself.”

“Hmmm.” She thought about it for a moment before agreeing. “Alright, young'un, you got yourself a deal. You are in charge.”

“I won't let you down, Granny.” The cowgirl vowed. “You just tell me what the reunion needs, and I'll take care of the rest.”

“I'll do better than tell you what the reunion'll need. I'll show ya!” Granny then gestured her grandchildren to follow after where she presents to them the old family albums containing memories of the Apple Family Reunion from the past.

“This should be interesting.” Kion commented to himself while joining the three while Beshte hits the hay early tonight.

“We've been hostin' these things at Sweet Apple Acres every hundred moons since we first planted roots here in Ponyville.” She explained to them.

“Hey, who's that?” The young filly gestured to one of the young mares from one of the photos watching and cooking from one of the boiling hot cauldrons.

“That'd be your Great-Great-Auntie Applesauce when she was just about your age.” She answered while gesturing to another picture of her doing the same in the previous photo but now an elderly mare. “Now, she used to go by another name, but everypony started calling her Applesauce after half her teeth fell out when she was makin' apple jam.” She presented said picture of that happening.

“Hevi Kabisa.” Kion commented in shock. “That’s got to hurt.”

“Yep.” She nodded. “Never did find them teeth in all those jars.”

“Okay.” Was all the prince was going to say about that before whispering to Applejack next to him. “I’d rather not bare more on the thought.”

“Me neither.” Applejack agreed when her little sister spotted another photo that caught her eye.

“Hey! That's you, Granny!” She gestured to a photo that looks like her when she was young.

“Sure is. Apple family's been workin' on that same old quilt since our first reunion.” She recalled helping them put it together

“I can do it!” Young Granny Smith volunteered her hoofs in an attempt to do so only for the thread to pull straight through instead of sewing the fabric together. “Ngh! Oh, fingle-fangle!”

The other ponies laughed at this amusing display in contrast to the mare’s indignant expression which was caught on camera.

Her granddaughter couldn’t help but find it funny.

“Well, nopony told me you actually had to knot the end of the thread!” She said in light defense.

Kion couldn’t help but feel amused by some of these follies while Applejack is more focused on what she needs in order to prepare for this memorable occasion.

“Okay, so I'll need to get new quiltin' materials, fabric, needles, thread... “She thought to herself before asking the matriarch a question in mind. “You've really been workin' on the same quilt since the first reunion?“

“Surely have.” She answered. “I don't think we're ever gonna finish that doggone thing!”

“Might be more generations to come for that to him.” Kion whispered to Apple Bloom to which she giggled at his humorous thoughts.

“Hey, what's goin' on here?” She asked pointing to another picture of some of the Apple’s bringing hot trays over to the table.

“Well, you know us Apples enjoy a good fritter...” Granny Smith recalled before bringing up a time when one of the ponies was very eager to enjoy a fresh hot apple fritter…

…well, to eager since he ended up burning his mouth on the first bite. “Ooo, hot hot hot!”

He quickly ran over to a tub of apple cider to wash and bring down the swelling from the burns on his tongue just when another pony was bringing more apple fritters to the table. But when he got there he found that they were all gone.

“Hey, where did all them apple fritters go?” He commented before spotting a foal down on the ground. “Who are you, little one?”

“I'm Applejack!” The foal introduced herself. “More apple fwitter?”

“That's how we figured out your sister had the appetite of a full-grown stallion.” Granny Smith smiled while nudging her grandson still deep in thought about what she was going to do.

“Impressive.” Kion chuckled while nudging the cowgirl jokingly. “And very cute.” He then noticed Applejack wasn’t laughing which concerned him.

“Better get twice as much honey and flour, then... fifty more buckets of apples... more oil... wood for the fire...” Applejack said to herself.

“Now, stick an apple in my mouth and roast my rump! This one sure brings back memories.” The green mare than showed her youngest granddaughter a photo of herself when she was young with one of her front hooves tied to other front hoof of another mare moving alongside her. “Y'know how Babs is your favorite cousin? Well, Apple Rose is mine. The two of us entered the seven-legged race every reunion!”

“We're gonna win this one, cousin!” Young Apple Rose said to the mare next to her.

“You bet your hot-diggety-derriere we are!” She vowed with a determined expression eyeing the other two pairs in front of them. “C'mon, cousin, speed'er on up!”

Granny Smith tried to pick up the pace only for the two to end up tripping due to her partner unable to adjust to the sudden change in pace. But nevertheless, they both laughed together finding it pretty funny together.

“Never won a single one of them races.” Granny Smith finished recalling.

“But at least you both had fun together.” Kion noted.

“Indeed.” Granny Smith smiled liking his fine spirit and getting the idea.

“We'll need cloth ties, finish line... Not much to a seven-legged race. Hmm...” Applejack still said to herself while pacing around to which stirred her Lion Guard friend’s curiosity.

“And, of course, we can't forget to take the big family photo!” Granny Smith added one more thing they need while showing the photos of the growing family in front of the barn throughout the years. “We always snapped a photo in front of the barn at the end of every reunion, lets us see how our family's grown!”

“Photo in front of the barn. Got it.” Applejack repeated while looking out into the nighttime sky.

“You sure have some great memories of these reunions, don'tcha?” Apple Bloom complimented on all of these valuable recollections.

“Indeedy, and I'm lookin' forward to makin' more at this one.” She happily returned while affectionately patting her head. “Oh, I'm sure everypony is, and I do mean everypony! We got the whole family together this time 'round! Who knows if they'll all be able to make the next one?”

“That's true!” Applejack acknowledged while managing to catch a glimpse of a comet flying by. “Busy as everypony's lives are gettin' these days, chances are pretty slim we'll be this lucky next time 'round.” She felt more confident now, feeling she can handle things from here. “Don't worry, Granny, I'm gonna make sure this is the most memorable reunion we've ever had! I'd better get started... I've got some plannin' to do!” She then left the room to get started with Kion deciding to follow after her while both Granny Smith and Apple Bloom still continue to look over the past reunion photos.

“You okay, Applejack?” Kion asked. “Because you sure were deep in thought back there.”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” She quickly answered. “Just got a lot of planning to do for this upcoming reunion.”

“Are you sure?” He again asked not convinced. “You know you have friends willing to help you out if and when you need it.”

“Absolutely!” She stated. “Because I am about to make this a reunion no pony in the Apple Family will ever forget.”

Even though Kion will let her be on this, he can’t help but feel she is starting to take on more work than she should. “I just hope the memory and lesson of the last Applebuck Season is still in your mind.” He said to himself before heading on over to his room to get some sleep.

Applejack worked hard well into the night trying to get the planning at set up right when her little sister comes into her room.

“Apple Bloom! What are you doin' up?” She quickly questioned in a slightly chastising manner when she comes across the many notes, letters, and drawing board she has laid out.

“I was gonna ask you the same thing.” She groggily returned just when Kion walks by before he decides to duck out of sight so he can eavesdrop on their conversation.

“I can't sleep. My gears are turnin' in my head about this reunion!” She answered while lying on her back on her bed feeling slightly frazzled inside.

“Yeah... I can't wait to see my cousin Babs.” She returned with a yawn. “We're gonna do so many fun things together...”

“Fun? That's just the beginnin' of it!” Applejack remarked feeling she needs to do more. “Granny Smith handed me the reins of this reunion, and I'm gonna make the most of it.” She then turned back to her little sister. “Apple Bloom, I've got so many things planned you won't even have a minute's rest!”

Whatever she had in mind had her tired little sister already falling asleep on her bed so Applejack placed the bed covers on her while letting her sleep on her bed for the night. “Trust me, little sis. This reunion I'm puttin' together is gonna be worth the wait.”

“Let’s hope for that.” Kion quietly said to himself before heading back to bed too.

The next morning, Apple Bloom is suddenly awaken by Applejack pulling the bed covers when Celestia’s sun rises with the nearby birds crowing.


“Rise and shine! We don't have much time!” Applejack happily told her little sister before commencing the beginning of preparations.

First thing’s first when the sun rises, the Apple family sisters buck down and harvest as many apples they can get from the trees. With Kion and Beshte’s help they were able to get this task done in little time.

Next, Applejack turned to Rarity and Ono for a fabric purchase during her swing by at the former’s boutique store.

Following that is a trip to Sugarcube Corner where Pinkie and Bunga supply Applejack with a huge order of honey fresh out of the bee’s hives with both the two downing the last bits they couldn’t fit into one more jar.

After they both burped out a bee without getting stung, both presented buckets of powder for her to take to the reunion as well.

“Don’t forget the glitter.” Pinkie called out to her when it landed on her fur coat.

“Oops.” Bunga remarked with a claw to his mouth. “Sorry. Guess we should have dropped the bucket full into the wagon instead of on top of her.”

It wasn’t too much of a big deal for the farm pony who made her way back to the farm. And after she dropped off their supplies she went back to the apple fields where she has Rainbow summon a personal rain cloud to fill all of the buckets she lined up in a perfect straight row with water. But not without getting shocked by the cloud to which Rainbow looked aside whistling to feign innocence when she realized too late that cloud was filled with lightning in it.

During this time, Bic Macintosh had managed cut up enough firewood for the big family event. With Spike there and Applejack working him like a lighter, the baby dragon was able to get the fire for the cooking pots all warmed up. By then everything was all set and ready for the big family gathering.

“H-ah. Think that'll do it!” Applejack declared while hanging up the last of the flags.

“And just in time, too.” Granny Smith commented while seeing on a massive group of ponies approaching the farm.

“They’re here!” Applejack stated upon realizing all of those familiar faces including Apple Rose, Babs Seed, and Braeburn.

“Apple Rose! Ohhh!” Granny Smith greeted her cousin with a warm embrace. “Ooh, this is more excitin' than when it rained frogs!”

Applejack after making sure the megaphone is working makes an announcement to begin their family reunion with Kion and Beste by her side. “Howdy, y'all, and welcome to the Apple family reunion!” Everyone cheered in excitement ready for this momentous occasion as any other pony. “My name's Applejack, and this here is Kion, one of the honorary members of the Apple Family joined together by his friend Beshte.” The crowd was surprised to see a lion and a hippo is in the pony family reunion mix but smiled and cheered none of the less. “I just want to let y'all know that I got a real big day planned for ya! We're gonna start off with an obstacle course for the young'uns, and some fritter makin' and quiltin' for the not-so-young'uns. And there's lots more to come after that! Hope y'all enjoy it!”

Everyone is cheering so far seeing that the reunion is off to a great start just like she planned.

Just then Apple Bloom is deep in her search for her cousin before being spun around by said mare ready to greet her.



The two greeted each other with a hug together just when Kion approaches them.

“Kion!” Babs kindly greeted the lion cub with a high five. “So great to see you again!”

“It’s great to see you too.” Kion happily returned with Beshte following after him. “Hard to believe it’s only been weeks since we last saw each other.”

“I know it hasn't been that long since we've seen each other, but–“ Apple Bloom began before they finished together. “…It felt like forever!”

“I can't wait to tell you about my new school!” Babs eagerly shared while blowing the part of her mane getting in her face.

“I can't wait to hear all about it!” Apple Bloom returned very eager to listen all about it.

"Well, let's hear it." Beshte encouraged.

“Jeepers, where do I start?” Babs began recalling. “Okay. So first day–“

“Babs! Huh, so glad you could come!” Applejack suddenly interrupted when greeting her.

“What am I, gonna miss out on spendin' time with my favorite cousin? Forget about it!” Babs returned with a personal preference while blowing her mane again.

“Why don't you two head over to the obstacle course?” Applejack insisted while pushing them on over there.

“We kinda wanna catch up a little bit first...” Apple Bloom responded in slight protest to her big sister forcing them into something against their will.

“Don't you worry.” She still insisted not backing off. “There'll be plenty of time for family bondin' while you're racin' against your other cousins.”

“Are you sure about that?” Kion questioned the farm pony finding that he is forcing it on them. “Because you’re kind of rushing it.”

“Not to worry, Kion. I know exactly what I’m doing.” Applejack assured him while getting some takers for the race activity.

“Okay.” Kion just replied feeling uncertain about what got in her head the other night before making their way over to where Applejack has set up the course.

"Hopefully, whatever she has planned is sure to be fun!" Beshte said while smiling optimistically and having faith in his friend's planning skills even if he finds it somewhat surprising at first glance.

Once the participants were strapped together with Apple Bloom and Babs Seed competing together on one team, Applejack began giving the pairs their instructions.

“Alrighty, ponies! Ready to have some fun?” She asked everyone when Babs spots something afar.

“Whoa, is that the finish line?” She pointed to a flag on a hill quite a distance away. “It's like a mile away or somethin'!”

“Actually, that's just the marker where you go on to the next leg of the race.” She corrected.


“There's more?”

Both Kion and Apple Bloom questioned in surprise.

“Much more.” Applejack nodded to her little sister before moving in front of everyone to further explain how this race works. “Trust me, I have put together somethin' you are never gonna forget. After the seven-legged race, you're gonna wanna hurry up and head over here, where you'll be bobbin' for apples!” She demonstrated said apple bobbing before running around the nearby trees. “Then you'll run around these trees fifty times until you're real good and dizzy.” After recovering from her brief dizziness she quickly turned to the wooden hurdles she set up. “Then you'll jump these big wooden hurdles. And then there's the final leg, where you'll balance plates on your head while sayin' "Pappy pony picked a pluck of prickly pluffnuggets" over and over and over again. Last pony standin' wins!

"Wow..." Was all Beshte could say in response to the sight of the race course she set up.

“Uhhh….” Kion commented still lost on all of those instructions she had just said in confusion.

“Seriously?” Apple Bloom commented dully of the marathon she had just put up.

“Seriously!” Applejack quickly answered before preparing to send them off. “C'mon, y'all! Let's start makin' some memories! On your mark... get set... go!”

Regardless everyone running the race all got off to a running start with Apple Bloom and Babs Seed getting out to an early lead and the third and final pair tripping up at the start before quickly recovering and following after them.

“Whooeee! Lookin' good, everypony!” Applejack called out to them with a cheer. “Ooh, better go check on the quilt.”

“Go on ahead.” Kion told her before turning his attention back to the young ones. “I’ll keep watch over this race.”

“Why thank you, Kion.” Applejack gratefully returned before making her way over there.

As soon as Applejack was gone, Kion decided to race on ahead of the field so he could make things a little easier for them but not before turning to his friend. "Keep an eye on Applejack along with the rest of the family, Beshte. Make sure Applejack isn't overworking anyone here."

"You got it Kion!" Beshte stated and then immediately carried out his friend's request.

“Hopefully, she wouldn’t notice I’ve altered that first mark.” Kion said to himself. “After all there’s only so much they can take at their age.”

Elsewhere Granny Smith is catching up with some ponies her age getting a gander at one of the mare’s shiny white dentures.

“How long you had those new choppers, Auntie Applesauce?” Granny Smith asked.

“A lady never reveals the age of her teeth.” She simply replied to which Apple Rose rolled her eyes and groaned in response. “Don't you roll your eyes at me, Miss Apple Rose! I imagine you two think I have forgotten what you did to my parasol six reunions ago?”

Both mares couldn’t help up chuckle at the memory.

“We were just usin' it to help break open that piñata!” Granny Smith said while she and Apple Rose continue laughing with the green mare wearing pearly whites cracking a smile in response just when Applejack arrives with the family quilt.

“Applejack, delightful to see you.” She greeted her relative placing the quilt onto the table. “Are you gonna join us in some quiltin'?”

“Sorry, Auntie Applesauce, I am busy-busy-busy.” She politely declined. “Y'all should get started, though!”

But Granny Smith noticed something was missing. “We couldn't find our rocking chairs.”

“I got rid of 'em to make room for these.” Applejack explained while showing the new sewing machines she got for them. “This is the year y'all are finally gonna finish that quilt!”

“Finish it?” Apple Rose questioned when the cow girl pulls the string that starts up the generator powered sewing machines.

It was unquestionably loud to the point no one could make out a word out to each other with Auntie Applesauce’s dentures nearly falling out on their own.

“Won't that be excitin'?” Applejack asked the pink-coated mare.

“What's that?” She returned not catching what she said due to the loud noise of the generator.

“I said, won't that be–“ Applejack repeated through the loud noises before quickly turning off the machine. “–excitin'?”

“I suppose, although I have been told that too much excitement can wreak havoc on this youthful complexion of mine.” Auntie Applesauce commented while annoying Apple Rose once more to which Granny Smith giggled again in amusement before they all got to work on their new sewing machines.

“That's the spirit!” Applejack shouted to them happily.

“What did she say?” Granny Smith asked due to the loud noise of the machines.

“What?” Apple Rose returned unable to hear what she said either.

“Good gracious!” Granny Smith exclaimed finding these new machines too difficult to work with already.

“Golden Delicious?” Apple Rose returned while misinterpreting what she said. “I think he's racing with his cousin!”

Granny Smith could only shake her head at the arrangements her granddaughter had made. Sure she means well, but she really didn’t take a whole lot into consideration when making them and by the time Beshte arrived he had little time to do anything while trying to keep up with the pony running around the place too fast for him to keep pace with.

And much can be said for the race she previously organized where even with the proper readjustments Kion made to make it easier for the foals, they are all getting winded and worn out from the grueling challenging course.

“How are Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle?” Babs tried to ask Apple Bloom while running around the trees.

“Great! Ugh...” Apple Bloom groaned.

“You alright?”

“So... dizzy...Ugh...” Apple Bloom ended up collapsing from exhaustion and dizziness from that obstacle.

“Here…” Kion quickly moved with bottles of water for them to drink from. “You both could really use this right now.”

“Thanks.” Babs Seed returned while accepting the offered drink.

“What was Applejack thinking?” Kion thought out loud.

“I don’t know.” Babs Seed couldn’t understand why either when Kion moves to hand out water to the other foals competing.

Elsewhere, Big Macintosh has just prepared an Apple Fritter to which he secretly prepared for himself before quickly running off when his younger sister arrived to check up on how the hot desserts were coming along.

“Havin' fun?” She asked Apple Leaves and Apple Dumplings helping make them.

“Sure are!” The former happily replied when Applejack demonstrates the fritter making process for everyone at the table.

“Better pick up the pace on those fritters though, huh? Roll, fold, crimp, slide to the left. Roll, fold, crimp, slide to the left. Roll, fold, crimp, slide to the left. Now you try! That's it! Gotta keep this assembly line movin', gals! We want every Apple here to get a chance to taste the best darn fritters in Equestria!

Both ponies complied with her wishes although they felt slightly pressured to do more working than talking and being able to enjoy themselves while Beshte could only look on in pity at everyone before passing by to try to keep up with the pony organizing the whole work-to-death reunion.

Back where Apple Bloom and Babs Seed are standing, they are both balancing plates on their heads while constantly repeating “Pappy pony picked a pluck of prickly pluffnuggets.” Over and over.

“Any other blank flanks at your new school?”

“Yeah. Two.”

The two shared to each other while spinning plates.

“Do they wanna be Crusaders?”



“Pappy pony picked a pluck of prickly pluffnuggets. Pappy pony picked a pluck of prickly pluffnuggets. Pappy pony picked a pluck of prickly pluffnuggets.”

“Ah can' thfeel my tongue.”

“Neh nehber.”

It sure is a tongue-twister and all Kion could do was watch over and make sure they were okay. Just then, Applejack made another announcement over the megaphone.

“Alright, Apples, break!”

Everyone all stopped in relief from all of that working Applejack had them doing.

“Finally...” Apple Bloom commented while dropping to her knees in exhaustion.

“Are you okay?” Kion asked the filly.

“Never better.” She replied to assure him she’s just worn down like everyone else around her from the three elderly ponies rubbing their hooves from all of that quilting and all of the ponies who have made so many apple fritters to the point there will be leftovers after all of this.

“Ooh, can't forget to capture all these memories for Granny's album!” Applejack moved the camera to do so she finds that everyone is more worn down and exhausted than happy and energetic like she thought in order to take the proper pictures for the family album. “Huh. Nothin' all that memorable there. Or there. Or there. C'mon, Applejack, think. You gotta kick this thing up a notch! Hm...”

Just when Applejack is deep in thought, Kion decided to take this opportunity to talk to her along with Beshte who had just finally managed to catch up to her.

“Applejack.” The lion cub called for her when approaching her.

“Oh hey, Kion, Beshte. What’s up?” She returned still buried in thought.

“Just wondering what’s going on.” Kion asked.

“Oh, just trying to find some memorable photos to take of this here reunion.” She responded still having a hard time understanding why no one’s enjoying themselves. “It’s like no one’s is excited so far.”

“Right…” Kion rolled his reply while looking back at the ponies taking this time to catch their breath and relax. “…I can tell by how tired everyone is from the activities you had set up.”

“I know.” She stated while raising her hooves up. “I thought they’d be more energetic wanting more than being tired and not wanting to do anything.”

“Are you sure it’s not because you’re making them work too hard?” Kion pegged at the real reason why.


After catching his breath from all of that running, Beshte was able to speak up and properly explain what his friend meant. “It's nothing personal, it's just from what we'veheard and seen so far the fillies are all worn down from that obstacle course more suited for ponies your age, Granny Smith and her elders are all rubbing their hooves from of all that quilting, and you had the others make so many fritters to the point others might be taking home leftovers when this is all over.”

“I get that you want this to be a reunion they’ll never forget but I think you’re going at it the wrong way.” Kion said with attempted words of advice to get her to listen to reason.

“Nonsense.” Applejack immediately shrugged it off when an idea came to mind. “They’re just need something to get them all excited over. And I think I know how to do it! Come on Beshte because I'm going to need your help!”

"Wait what....?" Beshte uttered before being dragged off against his will.

“Applejack…” Kion tried to call out to her to listen to him but she’s already run off ahead with her mind fully set on her plan.

Elsewhere, both Apple Bloom and Babs Seed have retreated to the back of the barn behind some hay bales in the hopes that Applejack won’t find them and force them into anymore activities right now.

“I get that my big sis wants this to be like a super-awesome reunion, but that was ridiculous!” Apple Bloom voiced her thoughts to her cousin who likewise returns the sentiment.

“I thought we'd never get a minute to just hang out!”

And no sooner she said that her cousin pokes her head into their hiding spot ready to drag them into another family activity. “And your minute's up! Your fellow Apples are waitin' for you to join them.”

“Applejack, I haven't had any time with Babs!” Apple Bloom complained. “We were so busy with that obstacle course, we didn't even get to talk!”

“There'll be plenty of time to bond with Babs when we do the hayride.” Applejack assured while insisting they follow her.

“Hayride?” Babs Seed questioned before her cousin leads the way to two ponies carrying a wagon on their backs filled with hay.

“Alright, everypony! Step right up, take a seat, and leave the drivin' to these stallions!” She directed everyone’s attention to their hayride with Apple Bloom, Babs Seed, Auntie Applesauce, Big Macintosh, Granny Smith and Kion amongst the group on the wagon together. “Now, I know y'all've been workin' real hard makin' some awesome memories. And in all of our past reunions, we always had a nice and relaxin' hayride around the farm. Which is why I decided to change things up a bit, and try somethin' just a wee bit more excitin'.” Kion expressed a worried look wondering what kind of changes she made. “So let's get this show on the road! Giddy-up!”

Without a further ado, Applejack bucked the back of the wagon to get Beshte to pull their ride going and it was going fast since he wasrunning his way down the path.

“Whoa!” Everyone exclaimed when the path got bumpy due to the sharp rocks in front of their path.

"Sorry!" Beshte apologized while briefly eyeing everyone riding on the wagon before continuing down the requested path of the reunion planner.

The pathway was so bumpy that Auntie Applesauce’s dentures fell out and onto Big Macintosh’s nose.

“I just had those professionally polished.” She commented when the stallion hands them back to her with an apologetic smile that happened.

“What kind of hayride is this?!” Kion asked out loud finding this ride is going at higher speeds with their ride being a little shaky and wobbly. “Because this is not what I thought she had in mind."

“I don’t know.” Apple Bloom replied with slightly shaking from her ride. “Because whatever it is we are sure in for a wild ride. Whoa!”

“Where in the world does that girl have us headed? The west orchard?” Granny Smith asked when her grandson looks ahead.

“Eeyup.” He confirmed with a nod.

“What?!” She exclaimed seeing that they are all actually headed into that direction. “I was jokin'! Why, we haven't tended those fields since all the trees went and got filled up with...” She then paused and gulped with her lips tucked in her mouth now frightened of what’s to come for them.

“With what?” Kion asked when not far behind them Applejack bucks the trees in that orchard with colorful colored bats emerging from the trees.

The bats all appeared in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet colors forming the appearance of an overhead rainbow to which everyone awed at the sight in the sky.

“Wowza! Never seen real fruit bats before!” Babs commented at the sight while Kion along with Beshte are both puzzled wondering why Granny Smith is rather troubled by them and Applejack watches on feeling pleased that they are liking the sight-seeing so far.

"I don't get it!" Beshte said out-loud. "What's so dangerous about these colorful bats?"

The answer to the matriarch’s question would end up being answered when one of the red fruit bats that resemble large strawberries eyes a red apple on Auntie Applesauce’s hat. It was so delicious looking that the bat licked his lips before diving towards the eyed fruit with the whole flock following suit.

“Uh-oh.” Both Applejack and Kion both said together in separate locations upon realizing what’s really in store for them when the whole flock of bats all swarmed around the crowd with everyone trying to duck for cover to avoid getting bitten with the hippo dragging their ride tries to maneuver the wagon in wild directions in an attempt to throw them off their tail.

Seeing that the apples are attracting them, Kion quickly snatches the hat off of the mare’s head in an attempt to lure them away from the extended Apple Family.


“Sorry, ma'am. I promise I bring this back.” He apologized to the mare while doing this with the bats all following after him in pursuit of the fresh fruit attached to the mare’s hat.

He lured them away from the runaway wagon and back towards the west apple orchard. He dodged the bats trying to bite the apples on the hat with the flock all flying by and turning around ready to swoop in to try again to sink their teeth into those apples. There he focuses his eyes on the hungry bats before unleashing his precise Roar on the bat flock to send him hurling straight up into the air flying out of control and back into all of their trees. With the bats all knocked out, the Apple Family was saved from them…

…but not for long when the ponies watching the scene suddenly turn to see their ride is heading towards a collision course to the barn up ahead.

"Look out!" Beshte alerted everyone before leaping away from the upcoming collision course.

“Everypony! Jump out!!” Apple Bloom screamed to which everyone immediately did so with Big Macintosh carrying Granny Smith and Auntie Applesauce on his back before leaping out of their now runaway wagon before it crashed into the barn. Upon impact, the whole thing dropped and fell apart into multiple pieces.

“Is everyone all right?” Kion asked everyone who all respond “Yes.” With nods and replies.

“Hevi Kabisa!” He then softly exclaimed at the sight of the destroyed barn just when Applejack arrives on the scene to see the damage done as a result of the unexpected chaos.

Applejack seeing how disastrous with how her attempts all fell apart in front of her, buries her hat into her face in shame while tearing up. “Ruined. Everythin' is ruined.” She cried in a devastated tone when her little sister and grandmother along with Kion and Beshte arrive by her side. “Oh, Granny. I'm so, so sorry.” She apologized with great remorse.

“Oh, it's alright, child.” She returned in assurance.

“But it's not alright.” Applejack’s heart couldn’t take it in still ashamed of herself while sitting on her rump. “Just look at this! The barn and all my plans for the perfect family reunion are completely destroyed!”

"Sorry, Applejack." Beshte apologized. "I was trying so hard to get everyone away from those bats, I just ended losing control and couldn't stop it in time."

“And maybe that's a good thing.” Apple Bloom added while trying to make light of it which did little to help.

“How can that possibly be a good thing?” Applejack angrily asked when her grandmother speaks up just when the whole family gathers together from the nearby hills and from behind.

“Applejack, you had us so caught up in all the doin', we haven't had a second to enjoy the company of the folks we've been doin' it with!”

“Really?” Applejack asked surprised upon seeing that everyone replies and nods in agreement to what she has been oblivious to the whole time through all of her efforts. Hearing this had Applejack sigh and tear up once more.“Oh, Granny Smith, here you let me be in charge of creatin' great memories, and the only thing anypony's gonna remember about this reunion... is that it was the worst one we ever had.”

“Now I wouldn’t say that.” Kion then spoke up to say otherwise. “Your whole family is here, aren’t they?” Applejack nodded when he places a comforting paw on her shoulder. “So there’s still plenty of time to make good memories. You've just got to give everyone and everypony a chance to actually make them. It’s not about the activities that count to make family reunion’s special. It’s about spending time with reuniting with those who you really care about. And that’s what matters the most.”

“That’s true.” Granny Smith agreed while holding up the lion cub’s paw in a regal manner. “Honestly, I think you could learn a thing or two from this here prince here.”

“Aw, shucks.” Kion slightly blushed looking aside when she kisses her paw feeling very touched by this affectionate gesture.

"Surely there is something we can all enjoy like a family together." Beshte suggested to the orange earth mare.

“The family photo!” Applejack realized as she stood up with a brief smile before remembering it’s destroyed. “Guess we can't take it in front of the barn this year... unless...” She then thought of an idea to fix that before speaking up to everyone. “Everypony! I have one more activity!”

“Applejack...” Her grandmother sternly warned her against leading everyone into another repeat of disaster waiting for them.

“Trust me, Granny Smith.” Applejack quickly assured while leaning towards her. “This'll be one we'll remember for all the right reasons.” She added with a wink to which had her smiling seeing that this wouldn’t result in anyone being overworked, nor sent riding into danger, or not allowing anyone to enjoy some quality time with each other. And one thing’s for sure is because this activity is something that will go right with love added into the work.

“Yee-hoo!” Applejack cheered before her brother along with the other strong ponies started off by lifting the new beams while others start hammering the joints together. They also lifted the rope holding some of the very tall beams and pulling and letting go of the rope together under Applejack’s count and Kion’s guided paw signals.

Those who were previously partnered with one another switched with the pony nearby while sharing a brief dance with one another more continuing to work with Braeburn sawing up wood with a mare with an auburn-colored coat of fur, a fancy green dress, and a brighter shade of green on her mane and Kion helping Applejack oversee their progress.

“Raise this barn, raise this barn

One, two, three, four

Together, we can raise this barn

One, two, three, four

Up, up, up, go the beams

Hammer those joints, work in teams

Turn 'em round quick by the right elbow

Grab a new partner, here we go.”

“Come on, Apple family! Let's get to it! Wee-hoo!” Applejack cheered through the megaphone before continuing to sing to encourage everyone while putting the new barn together with some of the farm animals dancing to the beat with Apple Bloom and Auntie Applesauce sharing a brief dance together during the switchover.

By then the outside wooden structure has been built together and Applejack has put forward the previously made apple fritters for everyone to snack on.

“Raise this barn, raise this barn

One, two, three, four

Together, we can raise this barn

One, two, three, four

Finish the frame, recycling wood

Workin' hard, you're doin' good

Turn 'em round quick by the right elbow

Grab a new partner, here we go.”



Everyone cheered when Kion takes a turn singing to continue uplifting their spirits just when they have started putting the roof on top of the barn.

“Raise this barn, oh, raise this barn

One, two, three, four

Together, we can raise this barn

One, two, three, four

Slats of wood come off the ground

Hold 'em up and nail 'em down

Turn 'em round quick by the left elbow

Grab a new partner, here we go.”

“Yeah!” Everyone cheered once more.

“Come on, Apples! Get 'er done!”

“We’re almost there!”

Both Applejack and Kion told everyone when Apple Bloom takes a turn singing while sawing down one of the wooden boards with Babs Seed.

“Look at us, we're family.”

“Workin' together thankfully.”

Applejack chimed in while trading lines together while singing together before Kion sang once more while everyone square-dances during the spare time while catching a mare who ended up getting stuck clinging onto the ledge of one of the buildings due to her sudden fear of heights kicking in.

“We Apples, we are proud to say.”

“Stick together the pony way.”

Once the barn’s internal

“Bow to your partner, circle right

Get down if you're scared of heights

Forward back and twirl around

That barn's gonna be the best in town.”

“Yee-haw! Attagirl!” Applejack cheered for her grandmother who scored a dance with one of her relatives. Said brown-coated stallion was wearing green Irish clothing.

“Alright, let's get to it!” Apple Bloom cheered while riding one an ox bringing in more supplies

“We’re getting there!” Kion added just when everyone starts singing together just when they all have successfully rebuilt the barn with the only thing left is the painting.

“Raise this barn, raise this barn

One, two, three, four

Together, we can raise this barn

One, two, three, four.”

Everyone all sang together while bringing forward the red paint.

“Take your brushes, young and old

Together, paint it, bright and bold

Turn 'em round quick by the left elbow

Grab a new partner, here we go.”

Both Applejack, Kion, and then Beshte sang together before leading everyone into painting the barn with a shining glazing coat of red paint on the new Sweet Apple Acres barn.

“We raised this barn, we raised this barn

Yes, we did

Together we sure raised this barn

Yes, we did

Being together counts the most

We all came here from coast to coast

All we need to strive to be

Is part of the Apple family.”

Everyone all finished singing together while admiring all of the hard work they have done in successfully recreating the very large pride of Sweet Apple Acres. To commence this memorable occasion, the whole family all got together for a family photo in front of their recently reconstructed barn with Applejack joining the whole family once she got the camera set up and started the timer.

With these new happy family reunion pictures, the rest of the gathering was able to go on without a problem leaving everyone that had showed up happy by the time it was over and time for them to go back home.

“I can't wait for the next reunion!” Apple Bloom said to her cousin when she was packing her bags into her ride.

“Me neither!” Babs returned feeling the same way.

“I mean, obviously we have to get together before then!” Apple Bloom eagerly expressed seeing each other again.

“Obviously.” Babs chuckled before they shared a friendly hug together when Kion and Beshte come over to say good-bye. “And I hope I’ll get to say you and your friends again sometime soon, Kion. You too, Beshte.”

"We look forward to seeing you then." Beshte said with a nod optimistic about the idea.

“And I sure hope the things are going the same back at Manehattan.” Kion happily returned. “You sure have really turned things around ever since we last met.”

“Thanks.” Babs returned with another high-five for the lion cub before turning to get on her ride to leave.

“Oh, you did it, Applejack!” Granny Smith commended her granddaughter while washing dishes together. “You put on a reunion that everypony will remember!”

“Just had a couple minor hiccups along the way.” Applejack lightly thought nothing of it.

“Yeah, just a couple.” She returned with a friendly wink back at her just when Kion approaches them ready to help them clean up.

Sometime later than night after Kion and Beshte had headed off back to the Pride Lands so they can get some sleep in preparation for tomorrow’s morning patrol, while the Apple Family puts together the new memories and photos into the photo album, Applejack had took the time to compose a friendship letter for Princess Celestia on the lesson she learned earlier today.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned a great lesson about family, which, if you think about it, is really the first group of friends you ever make. Turns out that when you're with folks you care about, you don't have to do much to make that time memorable. Even the simplest of activities can take on a whole lotta meanin'! And you'll find that you'll remember the "who" long after you've forgotten the "what".

Your humble subject,


Author's Note:

It's that time in the Apple Family, the time where they all get together for their annual family reunion and this year Applejack's taking the reigns in ensuring that this is the best one yet. Although throughout her efforts and little does she realize is that her ideas of family fun are more working to the point of exhaustion instead of having family friendly fun.

It wasn't until the disastrous hay ride where Applejack began to realize that her efforts have caused more damage than fun. Luckily for her, she had close family and friends to help see what's really important and what really counts in a happy family reunion before they worked together in having a fun time repairing the barn.

Next up is "Spike at Your Service." where Spike finds himself indebted to both Applejack and Ono after they save his life from timber-wolves.