• Published 22nd May 2021
  • 491 Views, 53 Comments

The Chef's Life - vincent789

This book 3 in Twilight's serie to become a master chef.

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Prologue (Start of book 3)

It's been two years. Twilight finished her exam and obtained by an hair. She only obtained it by a 1 point difference. In order to get there Twilight was getting really stressed. The pressure she got from those around her was starting to get really heavy. Especially since her parents has pushed her extra hard.

Too hard even. Right after the exam, Twilight was burned out. The stress was getting to her. And the amount of emotional strain was getting too much. It didn't help that after Luna's return she has been getting nightmares each and every night. Her actions as a filly had resurfaced and her mental state was bad.

Yet she was too exhausted to tell anyone around her. Well, it wasn't like no one noticed. Her parents noticed Twilight's unnaturally high exhaustion. They felt guilty for it, as they knew that they pushed Twilight too hard. Her exhaustion had mellowed Twilight out to a point in which she cared little about those around her.

No she was constantly daydreaming. And although her parents hoped that the daydreaming was helping her get over her exhaustion. It did not. No in opposite, it made Twilight see the aftermath of her actions at the slums over and over. She didn't see it just at night, but also at day.

This exhausted her mentally. As she has had more than once the desire to commit suicide. She didn't do it though, as she knew that she worked that hard only for it to be all thrown out of the window would be damn shame. Although it did cross her mind more than once.

'I am in need of a vacation.' Twilight thought, her mind was still repeating those days over and over again.

"Hey, Twilight? Your mom and I have decided to go to Canterlot on a vacation. We are going to take the bullet train. Will you also come with us?" Night asked, right on time.

Twilight eyebrow rose slightly, "And why do you want a vacation?" she asked uncertain.

"Well, we noticed that we have been pushing you too hard." Night said. "And we wanted to give you a break, before you go find a job to take and forget all about a vacation. You don't look too good." He said as he added the last part.

Night wasn't wrong. Twilight also did notice that she was a little pale. Her eyes had a bleak look and she didn't look very healthy.

"Your right. Lets go." Twilight softly said as she slouched towards her dad to go to the train station.

Night was very worried that Twilight was not mentally stable, so he took the taxi to the train station and took the bullet train to Canterlot. Using the bullet train only took one hour to get to Canterlot, instead of six hours using the normal passenger train. It would also cost about six times more.

Night cared little for the extra price. He wanted Twilight to feel at peace during her train trip.

Twilight meanwhile knew that. But the real reason for her mental set-backs were thanks to Celestia suddenly losing connection to Twilight. She also lost connection to Trixie. It hurted Twilight harder than she thought. It made her realize that she needed Celestia to move on. So she was going to Canterlot for just that.

One hour later and Twilight had arrived at the central train station in Canterlot. Twilight almost never used the central station. She would usual use the south bound end station in Canterlot. So Twilight looked around, her bad mental state made it hard for her to concentrate. This caused her to get lost, not even five minutes after leaving the train.

Night quickly realized that he has lost Twilight. He searched desperately in the crowd, yet he failed to notice Twilight. This caused him to panic quite badly, until he saw group of knights among the crowd. He raced to them in the hopes to find her daughter with the help of the knights.

Meanwhile Twilight had entered one of the many corridors that lead to one of the many shopping malls that surrounded the central train station. Uncertain, Twilight just walked into a random direction until she bumped into an familiar looking guard.

"Watch where you are going-" Guard Feather Doo started, until he noticed Twilight. She looks at Twilight, she had grown up to be really pretty. If she wasn't a chef, than she looked like a princess without wings.

"Sorry." Twilight immediately drooped. Her mental state made her apologize way too quickly. Even if she did nothing wrong, she would even apologize to inanimate objects like poles.

"Is that you Twilight?" Feather asked surprised.

Twilight look up to take a better look at Feather, before giving her a soft smile and nod.

"Wow. You look pretty. So why are you just wandering about in the north side exit to the shopping mall?" Feather asked.

"I don't know. I might be a little lost." Twilight said in a tone that suggested that was a little more than just confused.

Feather raised her eyebrow, "So where are you going?" she asked.

"I don't know. The castle I think? I am not sure." Twilight said with a soft voice. Feather noted that her voice sounded broken, almost no longer sane.

Feather smiled, it has been a while since she has seen Twilight. "Well then follow me. I know the route to the castle from here." she said.

"Thank you." Twilight's soft voice had a little bit of glee in it. She wanted to see Celestia and ask her lots of questions.

Meanwhile Night and the knights have given up on searching for Twilight. Night asked to keep a lookout on Twilight's whereabouts. Meanwhile he would go home in the hopes of good news. The knights nodded before spreading out to start searching the surrounding malls.

Twilight and Feather however, were long gone. They had already arrived at the shopping district. Which directly south to the castle and north to the central train station. They slowly walked towards the castle. Feather had to slow down her pace, more than once, due to Twilight's very slow pace.

Feather didn't mind that though. It gave her time to think about an explanation to her boss as to why she had abandoned her post. However Feather's thoughts were constantly going back to Twilight. She was quite worried. Twilight didn't look like herself and her way of responding to others seem, empty somehow. Not to mention her walk was very clumsy.

"So Twilight, how is school?" Feather asked in an attempt to start a conversation.

"I graduated about five days ago." Twilight said simply.

"With which degree?" Feather asked surprised.

"Master. In both practical and theory." Twilight said somewhat proud.

"Can I ask you one more question?" Feather asked careful. Twilight noticed that she was really listening to her own voice to keep in from cracking.

"Sure?" Twilight said, uncertain.

"Why do you sound and look so... Ill?" Feather asked carefully.

"My parents burned me out." Twilight stated as a matter of fact.

"Oh." Feather said before stopping to hug Twilight.

Twilight nearly jumped at the surprise hug. "I will be fine after a proper conversation with Celestia." Twilight said as she softly pushed feather away from her.

"Just tell me if you need help. You are still exceedingly popular with the guards and knights. I know lots of ponies that are gladly willing to help you with whatever you need." Feather said in a consoling tone.

"Thank you. I think a emotional talk with Celestia is all I needed." Twilight said.

"Sure. Just yell if you need us. We will be ready!" Feather said determined, 'I will have to communicate to the others that Twilight might need our help, due to some mental complications' she though serious.

"Alright." Twilight said after ending the conversation right there.

"We have arrived. Just walk up to the guard and show him, your staff badge. Take it." Feather said as she gives Twilight a staff badge with her name on it. It said that her occupation is friends to Celestia.

Twilight eyebrow rose slightly before approaching the nearest guard and showing him, her badge. He uses is magic to check it before nodding.

"The princess is currently resting in her tower. She stated that you are allowed to visit her when ever you return to Canterlot. She is always ready to assist you. Just show the guards in front of her chamber to get access into her room." The guard explained.

"Thank you." Twilight said as the guard opens the door for her. She turns around to quickly wave at Feather before entering the castle.

Thanks to Twilight's incredible memory. She still remembered the entire castle layout like she was here yesterday. She softly walked through the corridors that was the quickest route to Celestia's personal chambers. On the way there, she spots a very familiar dragon and griffon talking to each other.

Twilight smiled as she walks past them. It would seem that Elly the dragon caught a soft glimpse of Twilight's tail. However she though that she was just dreaming so she ignored it. Vermouth also noticed Elly's sudden confusion.

"What was it?" Vermouth asked.

"Nothing I though I just saw Twilight's tail." Elly said.

"Hm? Are you hallucinating again?" Vermouth asked confused.

"Maybe. Nah it was probably just an old memory that resurfaced." Elly said with a smile.

"I get it. I miss her also." Vermouth said with an straight face.

Elly's face simply looked evilly at Vermouth. Realizing what was about to happen, he looked away with a small blush

Twilight meanwhile had moved on and was walking up the many stairs that went up into Celestia's chambers. As soon as she arrived. Both guards immediately recognized Twilight, yet they still asked for the badge.

Twilight gave them the badge as they looked closer at it. They both smiled at Twilight before shouting the following words.

"Lady Sparkle you have permission to enter!" They shouted.

Twilight could swear that she heard Celestia jump and than fall on the ground, before she heard a whole bunch of swear words.

Twilight opened the door and saw an angry looking Celestia. Celestia looked at Twilight for one second before her facial expressions calmed down.

"Twilight. It has been too long." Celestia said, she was rubbing her belly. She most likely belly flopped on it.

"Celestia." Twilight said tired.

"How are you, Twilight?" Celestia asks curiously.

"I am tired." Twilight replied.

"Of what?" Celestia asked worried.

"Of my nightmares, of my trauma. Of life." Twilight said as she clumsily made her way to Celestia.

Celestia's eyes widen at the last tit-bit that Twilight said at the end of her sentence. Looking worried, she slowly approached Twilight.

Twilight then hugged Celestia, tears falling down her face. All that build up stress finally got released into Celestia's fur. Twilight couldn't take it anymore. Her actions as a filly had finally caught up with her.

Celestia simply allowed Twilight to sob into her fur. Celestia also shed some tears as she remembered the direct aftermath.


Celestia was going on and on about her daily business. All was calm. She was just reading some letters coming from happy fillies out of the slums that asked her about fantastical questions. It always brought a smile to her face. Especially with the nobles constantly going on and on about less important things.

That was until, in the corner of her eye she sees something horrifying. She walked outside to see, Twilight spell go through her magic barrier and ending up in the slums. And then dead silence. Almost like the world just stopped moving for a moment.

Until a massive blast, the likes of which Celestia hasn't seen for a long time. The most destructive bang she heard as nearly every glass in the castle and in the surrounding area blasted out of the windows. And massive shock wave was felt before the extremely loud sound of the explosion had finally reached Celestia's ears. Despite her being practically next to the slums it still took about 5 minutes to reach Celestia's ears.

The explosion of which the likes was heard for the first time since Luna's banishment. Seconds later, nearly the entire air alarm system went off. As thousands of guards and knights descended on the scene in an attempt to safe any and all ponies that were caught up in the crossfire.

She looked at Twilight. Twilight was still frozen in place. Her child brain was looking and refusing to see what just happened. Celestia on the other hoof sprung into action. All her regality all but forgotten. She uses her magic to call a button that had in massive words written on it. "Disaster rescue alarm"

Celestia presses the button as she used her wings to descend on the location. She sees thousands of ponies groaning and in pain. But also dozen of ponies, lying lifeless on the ground. She spots the entirety of Cloudsdale approach Canterlot. The rescue teams had arrived. Celestia saw as thousands, no millions of citizens from all over Equestria arrive in Canterlot. In a desperate attempt to save as many lives as possible.

Celestia uses her powerful magic levitate as many pieces of rubble off trapped citizens and slum dwellers. The rescue teams waste no time rescuing any and all. They filled up each and every hospital, mansion and big facilities in an attempt to give ever one the help they needed.

Then somewhere to the north a fire broke out. Celestia rushes to the scene and uses her magic to forcibly extinguish the fire. She heard screams of pain from everywhere. It was almost like a war bomb was dropped. Celestia started to panic. The amount of injured became too much too quickly.

"General Arms! Set up an emergency field hospital just outside Canterlot!" Celestia boomed.

"Understood! Priority one everybody. We got some ponies to safe!" He said as he redirected his platoon towards the location of the field hospital.

Meanwhile Twilight was finally released from her stupor and assisted where she could. She got as much medical equipment together and food for the homeless. Celestia smiled at the fact that despite the disaster that she caused. She was not running away and instead was helping where ever she could.

Twilight got shops to assist with getting field hospitals set up. As she single hoovingly woke up Canterlot and started to get as many as possible to assist in the operation. She got thousands of bystanders to assist in helping the injured. As she used the entirety of her connections to get as much help as possible.

Celestia could see that despite everything. Twilight was saving others. With renewed vigor she and Celestia saved thousands from their potential death. As for the first time in millenniums a disaster occurred that was not written down as the worst. But as the one where entire Equestria became one to save thousands of others.

Sadly after everything calmed down. Celestia and the guards were forced to bury a total of three thousand slum dwellers and two thousand bystanders. However it could have gone way worse. In unreleased reports stood that a total of one hundred thousand ponies got injured.

Only five percentage of the many actually died. And fifty percentage got away with a trauma. This was an incredible feat. Since the last disaster had 95 percentage of ponies that died from a similar disaster. Even still, being forced to bury that many left a mark on Celestia's mind.

Yet she had forgotten, one major detail. The cause was a small filly, only eight years old. She forgot that she would get hit the hardest. Even if she was forgiven by nearly everyone.

End of flashback.

Twilight was still sobbing when Celestia got out of her flashback. Twilight seemed like a small filly for a moment as her crying had continued. It hurted Celestia immensely to see such a good friend in so much pain. Celestia hugged Twilight as they both fell asleep hugging each other and in tears.

After some moment in which Celestia had fallen asleep. Luna appeared in front of Celestia's door to her bedroom. The guards were stopping her.

"Why am I not allowed in?!" Luna asked confused and annoyed.

"Celestia is currently busy. She is currently helping Twilight Sparkle." One of the knight said.

"Oh? Twilight? I see. Well then, if you have some time. Can you tell her that I would love to meet Twilight Sparkle. In real life for once?" Luna requested.

"We will." The guards said.

"Good. And if she asks were I am. Tell her I am taking care of an decently annoying little brat named prince Blueblood." Luna stated annoyed.

"Understood." The guards said.

Author's Note:

Oops I left the wrong author's notes here.