• Published 22nd May 2021
  • 492 Views, 53 Comments

The Chef's Life - vincent789

This book 3 in Twilight's serie to become a master chef.

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The underworld Part 2

Light and Darkness are two that are close, yet far apart. Twilight will need both to release her from her darkness and light. Only when she has experienced both, will she succeed. Or she will shatter like glass.

It was dark, Twilight was using her horn to illuminate herself in the darkness. Twilight was about five kilometers way from the border village. She was half way. In fact, Twilight could see her destination in the distance. Twilight wasn't sure about her decision to become a criminal, but knew that would have to drag her family name out of the mud.

After some more walking later, Twilight finally arrived. She wasn't sure what she was expecting, but thousands of entrances sure weren't any of them. Luckily, Twilight knew that way in. So after searching around the prison, she sees an unusually familiar door frame. It had a small fountain in it and a keyhole behind it. It looked exactly like another door frame in Canterlot with the exact same features. And that one stood directly opposite to her house.

Shaking her head, Twilight looked at the door and approached it. As soon as she touches the water, she got hit by a powerful sealing spell. It had Celestia's signature. 'Of course. Celestia is the one that likes to seal things. But this is weird. I swear I saw others go through this doorway. Why am I unable?' Twilight thought.

Twilight then decided to see what the seal was like and saw that it was designed to prevent certain individuals from using the door. Twilight seemed to be one of them. Annoyed, Twilight pumps a lot of magic into the seal in an attempt to unseal it. Only for it to fail. Now very annoyed, Twilight was going to attempt a certain spell, that she was taught at a young age.

"Twilight! I am going to pass on a spell that I have to hoof over in every generation. It's a spell that can only function on a certain solid golden key." Velvet said.

"Why is it that specific?" Young Twilight asked.

"Because that pony will know when the right time to use it, has come." Velvet said.

"I remember, mom. I remember." Twilight said.

"Clavis est victoria, meisque votis accederet, quod aperire ianuam. Ut quamque esse futurum. De Sparkle Genus!*" Twilight casted on the key.

As soon as Twilight casted this spell, the key lights up. It was as bright as the stars above. They key changed form as it levitates itself out of Twilight's hooves. And with a blast of otherworldly power, it demolished the seal casted by Celestia and into the keyhole itself. The key awaited for Twilight to touch it. And as soon as Twilight did that, the key turned on its own.

Which revealed a door. Twilight opens the door which caused they key to return in her back pocket. And sucked Twilight inside. Twilight then moved through a portal and ended up in the largest underground city, she had ever seen.

"Welcome sister. Welcome to Tartarus primary city. Also known as Tartarlot." The odd pony besides the door said.

"Uh. Thank you. Say, do you know where the red friend is?" Twilight asked.

"It's that castle on the other side of the city. The one that looks like current day Canterlot. They say that, that castle was the inspiration to Canterlot castle. As this one has been here longer than Canterlot has." The odd pony said.

"Thank you. I will go over there then." Twilight said before walking there.

After a solid minute of just looking around the city. Twilight quickly realized that this city is probably bigger than Canterlot and Manehattan combined. And that her wandering only slowed her down, so with a quickened pace she headed toward the red friend.

As soon as she had arrived Twilight simply looked at the beauty of the building. She then entered the largest pub in the world. She walks inside and immediately receives weird looks. Especially from the staff that worked there.

"What is a young lady, like yourself, doing at a pub made for criminals?" The waiter asked.

"Am looking for a job. In a kitchen." Twilight simply stated.

"In here?" The waiter asked, while holding back his laughter.

"Yes. I heard that you guys sucked at baking, so I am here to show you how it's done." Twilight said, as she obviously taunted the pub.

The waiter immediately looks annoyed at Twilight. He didn't appreciate that back hoofed comment. As he walks away from Twilight. He looks clearly upset.

"Oh! It seems I did a boo-boo. I guess you can't take some criticism. From an obviously better chef, then whatever you are able to make." Twilight simply stated. Twilight was simply roasting the pub at this moment.

"What is your name?" The waiter said.

"What gives? You are trying to ban me? Ha! What are you a chicken?" Twilight said to the waiter, which was obviously a Pegasus.

"Enough!" The waiter finally snaps, "You are behaving like a little child! Tell me what you want, and I will let that comment go."

"I want a chef's job at this pub right here." Twilight simply said.

"Female chefs suck!" One of the chefs shouted out of the kitchen.

"Ha! You suck! Atleast I have the balls to cook unlike you!" Twilight shouted back.

The waiter was grumbling, "Do you know who owns this pub?" the waiter asked.

"A anti-female-chef's club." Twilight answered without missing a beat.

"That too. No, the family Sparkle owns it. Pearl Sparkle owns it." The waiter said.

"And?" Twilight asked, she showed no sign of worry.

"They are a powerful family." The waiter added.

"Get to the point!" Twilight shouted.

"Fine. Unless they give you permission. We can't grant you a job." The waiter explained.

"Then let me meet this Pearl!" Twilight demanded.

"Sure. You are in luck, she is in, right now!" The waiter said, "She is already aware that you wish to meet her. You see those stairs? She is at the top of that tower. Good luck!" The waiter said sarcastic.

Twilight nodded as she heads up the stairs. After like two minutes of climbing. Twilight reached the top. She knocks on the door.

"Atleast you have manners. Come in! The door is open." Pearl said somewhat annoyed.

Twilight opens the door and looks at Pearl. She looks a lot like her mom. Only taller and slimmer. She reminder Twilight of her mom and Fleur de Lis. Her cutie mark had a horn and a bloody knife.

"Hmpf. Well do tell, who are you? What is your occupation and reason to join my pub?" Pearl said.

Twilight first smirks, before she starts to talk. "My name is Twilight Sparkle. I am the daughter of Velvet Sparkle and Night Armor Light. I have a master chef's degree with about 500 hours of experience. I am trying to make female chef's main stream." Twilight explains. As soon as the first part of her explanation showed itself to Pearl. Her mouth went agape.

It took about ten minutes for her to regain her composure. She looks closer at Twilight before her annoyance turns to a soft smile. "Twilight Sparkle." she repeated, "Yes. I remember my sister talk about you."

"Sorry for my taunts. I was trying to get attention from the pub, or well, you." Twilight said apologetic.

"I understand. It is the first time we meet. I am the sister of your mother. Pearl Sparkle." Pearl introduced, "And that is a brave goal. I understand your desire though." she added.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked confused.

Pearls smile turns sad, "We are aware of Star Sparkle. She was our great, great, great grandmother after all. Before she died, she had many children. Of course most of those ponies are ponies that we have yet to forget about." She said, however it didn't look like she was done.

"She was cursed to be forgotten about. Of course. Some of us do still remember her. She was our family greatest wizard and the master of Star Swirl the bearded. In fact after her death. Swirl took her name to honor her." Pearl said.

It was then that something stirred inside of Twilight. She suddenly remembered a spell, that she was going cast one day, but never did. A spell that can even be casted on the dead. The uncurse super spell. It was a spell Twilight was working on, before the disaster. She did however complete it. But never casted it.

"I tried to follow in her hoof steps but failed." Pearl said, as she looks shocked at Twilight for suddenly casting a spell.

"The one that you love, will not be forgotten. For my name is Twilight Sparkle. Keeper of magic, lover of friends. Hear me! As this spell will undo that which has been sworn on your life. Undo the magicus of cursing space!" Twilight casted as a super magic circle appeared above Twilight. Twilight casted the spell on Star Sparkle and it worked.

In an instant, Pearl, Velvet and Luna remembers everything about Star Sparkle. As the power of the spell was felt across the world. A super powerful uncursing spell had been casted. And Celestia felt that it came from Twilight.

Meanwhile Pearl sat there with the worlds most painful headache ever. Twilight immediately noticed this and felt bad, but did nothing.

"Please warn me next time!" Pearl said annoyed once more.

"Uh sorry. That happened on the spur. I don't understand why I remembered that. In fact I am verily certain that, that spell was left unfinished. It's almost as if somepony else, knew that this was going to happen." Twilight said confused.

"I knew." A ghostly voice said. Twilight and Pearl looked to their left at once. A ghostly figure of Star appeared in front of them.

Pearl wanted to say something, but she failed to say anything. The shock of her sudden appearance was too much.

"I watched, and waited, and waited. Until Velvet bore a small child named Twilight Sparkle." Star said.

"Why me?" Twilight asked.

"It was going to happen. You were the chosen child, however something happened that changed everything." Star said.

"The slum disaster." Twilight said.

"Don't blame yourself. Something manipulated your spell mid-flight. It became stronger mid-flight and something pushed it away from the place you targeted. Almost as if someone tried to make it so and forced it to veer off to the side." Star explained.

Twilight looks shocked at Star. She knew something happened at the spell. But not an intervention.

"I have reason to believe, it was Luna and Nightmare Moon. They knew you were powerful and with the right push could become a master chef." Star explained, "But it does not matter. You are here now. Trying to change the world for the better, without bearing a magical element."

"I guess that is true. No amount of divine intervention, would prevent me from doing the world a favor." Twilight with a small smile.

Star smiled, "Which is also why, you must know. Twilight Sparkle. Cook them the dish I am about to teach you. It will also allow you to separate those dumb princesses." she said. "And change their opinion of you."

"I thank you!" Twilight said as she too gained a strong headache.

"I have chosen to bind myself to you. You will now gain my protection if you ever need it." Star said before disappearing once more.

"Next time I will meet you. I will force my memory of the disaster upon you!" Twilight said as swore several times, Luna's name.

"Anyways. Why don't you make that recipe to my staff? I will personally watch over you, during your stay." Pearl said.

"Thank you. Besides I feel we have a lot to talk about. Some stuff about mother and some stuff about me." Twilight said.

"That we will. That we will." Pearl said.

Author's Note:

* Key of success answer my prayers, open this door. To my proper future. Of the Sparkle Family!

And her one and only meeting of Velvet's sister. Next up is a special chapter. Twilight's quest is finally over. She has found the dish that will separate those stupid sisters. And will give the cooking world another blow.