• Published 22nd May 2021
  • 491 Views, 53 Comments

The Chef's Life - vincent789

This book 3 in Twilight's serie to become a master chef.

  • ...

Old friends and Music

During one of her many hard working moments regarding the paperwork for her new cafe and bar. She came to the conclusion that if Spike did join, she would face an different issue. That issue being the evenings. She wanted to do a cocktail bar with DJ music. But as far as she was concerned, she had no one that was willing to go and use a basic DJ set at the bar.

With most DJ's in Equestria used to a advanced set, none were willing to take on this DJ job all the way in Ponyville. It didn't help that it was in fact in Ponyville. Since a small village normally never would have a bar for the later hours besides the local pub, it was extremely unlikely anyone was going to be willing to play at such a hidden location.

Being unable to figure it out, Twilight decides to look at the activities brochure. It was that exact moment that she saw a DJ was hosting a party in the Golden Resort. And although it was invite only, as VIP however you gained automatic access. And Twilight had a VIP status. This allowed her to join the party.

Still, Twilight being Twilight. She was unsure if she allowed to join anyways. So in order to see if she was able to join this party, she decided to use the communications orb to check in with Golden.

"Hey Twilight! How can I help you?" Golden asked after a few moments of allowing the orb connect to him.

"I had a few questions about this DJ Party." Twilight said.

"Ah yes. I was hoping you would ask about that. So what do you wish to know about it?" Golden asked somewhat excited.

"Just give me a basic rundown." Twilight requested.

"Alright. As you have read, this is invite only unless you have VIP in which case, you can join without an invite. At this party they will mostly serve liqueur. And mostly just greasy snacks. The type of music being played is EDM. The snacks were out of request of the DJ itself." Golden explained.

"Who is the DJ?" Twilight asked somewhat curious.

"Ah. She is an extremely famous DJ. She lives in Equestria and is widely known for her Rave and EDM music. Though she has done more than just those two. She has also been a duo with the famous Pinkie Pie." Golden said excited.

"You have yet to answer my question. I am only familiar with cooking remember?" Twilight asked again, slightly annoyed this time around.

"Right, right. Sorry. It just took so much to get her to perform. It was crazy! Anyways her stage name is DJ Pon-3." Golden said excited.

It was then that a light bulb lit up above Twilight. "Do you know where she lives nowadays? The last time I checked, she lived in Canterlot." She asked.

"Ah. In Ponyville with her equally famous roommate Octavia Melody." Golden said.

"Perfect! I will join the party, at what time is it?" Twilight asked.

"Great! Right now it's lunch time and the start is around dinner time. 1700 give or take." Golden said excited.

"Good. I will finish some of my, more advanced, paperwork. And head down to join the party. Will you be there?" Twilight asked.

"Of course! I invited her and I am also a massive fanstallion of her work. I will see you at the party!" Golden said before disconnecting.

Twilight then proceeded to spend the rest of her day stuck behind a desk. Stamping contracts and making progress. Until evening had arrived. Twilight could tell that this was in fact her old friend. As the song 'Bass Cannon' was playing loudly over the entire Resort.

Twilight was walking with an excited spring in her gallop as she moved towards the party without the music in mind. She hoped that Vinyl had some time for her. Twilight saw that the sheer scale of the amount of people trying to get in was absolutely massive. It made sense, Golden absolutely loves Pon-3 and was willing to make it as big as he wanted it to be.

As Twilight walked towards the entrance, the bouncer let her in without much hold up. Though ponies and dragons were complaining about the unfair nature of it. And as soon as she was in, she got hit by wall of nostalgia. Not only was the song that she helped Vinyl made being played. But also the fact that she was in a busy club with Vinyl at the helm.

Nonetheless Twilight walks up to Golden, he was dancing near the bar since he was the manager. This prevented him from joining the dance floor. Though it was clear that, that matter little to him.

"Hey Golden!" Twilight greeted.

"Ah! You made it. So, how is this improve club? I had to transform the buffet to make it happen." Golden asked. He seemed very pleased.

"It is and feels like one. That is certain. So, are there any moments that I can talk to the DJ?" Twilight asked.

"With what purpose?" Golden asked suspicious.

"Remember that besides my cafe, I want to do bar with DJ set?" Twilight asked.

"Ah. And you need a DJ. I see." Golden said in understanding.

"And it is in Ponyville. So I hoped that my good old friend might be interested." Twilight said.

"You are friends with her?!" Golden asked shocked.

"Yes. In fact the current song that is playing, is a song I helped her make originally. Though this one sounds like a remix of the original." Twilight admitted.

"Wow. Did you help her become famous?" Golden asked in awe.

"I would think so. Since I helped her, when she hit rock bottom in her younger years." Twilight said.

"Well. I suppose there is a small gap. After this song, Pon-3 wanted to take a small early break. I expect her to allow you to see her." Golden said as he points towards a small room in the back.

Twilight then proceeded to wait until she took a break. As soon as she took her break, Twilight knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Vinyl asked annoyed.

"It's your old friend. DJ Sparkling Gem." Twilight said as she used her old stage name.

"Come in!" Vinyl said, her voice a lot more friendly.

Twilight opens the door and enters the break room.

"Twilight! Long time no see!" Vinyl said as she hugged Twilight in a very friendly tone.

Twilight returned the hug, "Could say the same to you! How is the old DJ set that I gave you?" she asked.

"Broken. From overuse. And irreparable." Vinyl said pleased.

"I would imagine! Since you have become so famous, you are hard to touch nowadays!" Twilight said.

"You aren't one to talk!" Vinyl said in a teasing tone.

Twilight simply stuck her tong out at Vinyl. "Anyways. As much as I want to catch up. I have a request. Something that has to do with the new cafe I am working on." Twilight said.

"Is that so? Where is this cafe going to be?" Vinyl asked curious.

"Ponyville." Twilight simply answered.

"Ah! So you are also joining this small yet chaotic village." Vinyl said.

"Yup. So you see, during the day, my cafe will mostly just sell themed menus. But in the evening, my cafe transforms into a cocktail bar with DJ set. And I need a DJ." Twilight said.

"Ah. During which times?" Vinyl asked serious.

"Not very long. 1700 and 2300. So a total of only six hours." Twilight said.

"Interesting. Is there a reason for the short time?" Vinyl asked.

"Yes. The first reason being, I don't want to keep the neighborhood awake for any longer than eleven O' clock in the evening. The second reason, is the fact that I want to allow you to be able to play at a multitude of venues in the same night. And the final reason being, I don't want to work longer than twelve hours in a single day." Twilight explained.

"Hm..." Vinyl said after taking the information in for a moment.

"Oh! But I am not going to hoof you a contract. I will simply pay you for the six hours of playtime, even if nopony comes to see it." Twilight quickly added.

"I know. You hate contracts." Vinyl said in response.

"Of course." Twilight said slightly annoyed at the response.

"Tell you what. I need to think on this proposal a little longer. When is the cafe being started?" Vinyl asked.

"Oh in nine days." Twilight said.

"Will you start the bar immediately?" Vinyl asked.

"Probably not. Instead I will give you knock on the door and reveal the plan for the week after that. Since I will pre-plan this whole thing ahead of time." Twilight said.

"Oh. One last question. What type of DJ set?" Vinyl asked.

"Since the space in our bar is going to extremely limited. I was only able to fit a basic professional type of DJ set into the bar." Twilight said.

"What about the sound boxes?" Vinyl asked.

"Two big bass ones and two small ones. Two sound transformers. And an very small array of lights for a basic addition." Twilight said.

"What type of music do you want me to play?" Vinyl asked.

"Primarily EDM. Since I will be selling Cocktails besides it. But Rave and Pop is also acceptable." Twilight explained.

"What about Classical music?" Vinyl suddenly asked.

"Well. Hm. I am not sure. I might be able to do something. But that one will be on the table for now." Twilight said, "Why?"

"My roommate is classical music player. She might get jealous if only I get to play." Vinyl said.

"Ah yes. Octavia Melody. A Cello player. I will have to figure that one out... For now, I will only accept you. Is that acceptable?" Twilight asked.

"No. Octavia must be allowed to perform also, otherwise, no deal." Vinyl said stubbornly.

Twilight sighed, "Are there any classical music lovers in Ponyville?" she asked.

"Yes. There is actually quite a lot. But there are no locations that is allowing her to perform at. So she is forced to do so, on the street. This puts a lot of mental strain on her. Like a few days ago, in which she had a mental breakdown." Vinyl said saddened.

Twilight eyes went wide, "Alright, Alright! I will make it happen. But I can only pay her the same amount as you. Is that fine?" she asked.

"It is." Vinyl said pleased.

"It is also on the same times as you, is that fine?" Twilight asked one more time.

"She can make it work." Vinyl said happily, "I knew you would allow her to play, despite yourself." she added.

"As much as I didn't expect this, I was expecting some demands from you. This is the best case scenario in my eyes. Two musicians for the price of one. Then again, I will hoof no contracts. Be sure to tell Octavia that alright?" Twilight said.

"Sure thing. Now if you excuse me, my break is over." Vinyl said as she donned her glasses and went back towards the DJ set.

Twilight meanwhile walked out of the makeshift club and towards her room. She suddenly had a lot more paperwork to work with than before.


Back at the present, Twilight had long since finished the paperwork and was on the last day of vacation. Tomorrow was the big day. Since she was going back home first, she needed to pack her bags to take back home. While putting everything neatly in her bag, the communication orb went off. Someone was calling her.

Walking over towards it, she picks it up. It was Vinyl.

"Hi Vinyl. What's up?" Twilight asked. Slightly out of character. Around Vinyl, she picked up a lot of street talk. This made her speak less noble and more street when she was around.

"So about our deal..." Vinyl said.

"Yes?" Twilight asked hopeful.

"I will take it. We will still have to discuss my payment rate, but for now I am in!" Vinyl said excited.

"Very good. And what about your roommate? Did you relay the information?" Twilight asked.

"About that... She is being a bit shy about it. I think she is happy about it, although you might need to ask her about it. She is originally from Canterlot, so she might not respond similar to it." Vinyl admitted.

"That is fine. If she is ever interested. I do have some things ready for her. I even contacted some of my mother's friends. Since one is a trumpet user and the other a violin. Both of them being quite famous inside of the classical music world and not being fussy about the details." Twilight explains.

"I see. That is good news. I will try to relay that information. But again, she might have a totally different response to this than me." Vinyl admitted.

"Snobbish?" Twilight simply asked.

"Snobbish." Vinyl said smiling.

"Anyways. Anything else you need to tell me? Since I am busy packing my bags to go home tomorrow." Twilight asked.

"Actually yes. About Pinkie Pie..." Vinyl started.

"Yes. She can host parties in my cafe. Yes. She is allow to do a comedy stand up when she plans one in with me. No, I do not mind having a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party being hosted. But with the later one, do tell her to not host it in my cafe. Since it still needs a lot of work and isn't ready to host parties yet." Twilight said in understanding.

"Buuh, wha?!" Vinyl said as she drops her jaw to the ground.

Twilight smiles, "What? You think I am totally unaware of her antics? I might not live in Ponyville yet, but that doesn't mean I do not understand her." she said.

"You are not similar!" Vinyl disagrees.

"Correct. But we do share things." Twilight said knowingly.

Vinyl sighs, "I am already getting an headache." she said.

"Ha! Didn't anyone tell you to not try to understand Pinkie logic?" Twilight asked.

"Touché." Vinyl sighed.

"Anything else?" Twilight asked.

"Do I need to introduce the element of harmony holders?" Vinyl asked.

"I suppose it can't hurt. Sure. It will save me the hassle from trying to understand the others. Besides Pinkie and Trixie." Twilight said.

"Okay. So besides those two, you have Applejack. She is the local apple farmer and the element of honesty holder. Then Rarity, she makes the best dresses from all over Equestria. She is the element of generosity holder. Uh, well the troublemaker of Ponyville Rainbow Dash. She has made the first sonic rainboom in a thousand years. She holds Loyalty. You also have Fluttershy. She is the most shy of everyone. Has an amazing collection of animals and holds Kindness." Vinyl explains.

"With Laughter being with Pinkie and Magic with Trixie respectively. Correct?" Twilight asked.

"That is correct. That is the main six." Vinyl explained.

"Huh. It would seem that Applejack and I are going to be best friends. Since apples are extremely useful in cooking." Twilight said.

"Well there are more. Like Carrot Top and some more." Vinyl said.

"I am aware. She is already a good friend." Twilight dismissed.

"So. I think that is about it." Vinyl said.

"Then thanks for calling. I think I am ready to move as soon as I am ready. I will meet you in Ponyville." Twilight said happily.

"Very good. Until then! Bye!" Vinyl said before disconnecting the connection.

Twilight continued to spend her evening packing her final things. Before going to bed. Tomorrow was going to be an exciting day.

Author's Note:

All times are in CET time.
Okay so. As you can tell, this book is nearing it's end. Only one more chapter before the epilogue. As a hint for the final book, it is going to be slice of life. I am not even certain if it is going to have an ending. And it is about the cafe primarily.

Another thing I am pleased about, is how this series has turned out. The first of this series being the first ever real 'Fan' fiction I have truly written. And my writing style improving quite nicely along side it.