• Published 22nd May 2021
  • 491 Views, 53 Comments

The Chef's Life - vincent789

This book 3 in Twilight's serie to become a master chef.

  • ...

Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Twilight woke up the very next morning to her meeting with Spike. She was very rested thanks to the extra comfy beds at the Golden Dragon Resort. She did however woke a bit too early, as she is used to waking up early due to her normal working hours being in the morning.

Twilight looked at the bedside clock, it was six O' clock in the morning. And after she also cleaned herself up, it was only five minutes over six. She decided to take that chance to investigate the schedules for all the activities, which was listed on a flyer on the coffee table inside the living room of her hotel room.

But just as she suspected, there were no activities this early in the morning. In fact the first activity that was going to be open was breakfast at seven O' clock. Which was going to happen in fifty minutes. Annoyed at the lack of activity, Twilight decided to roam around the kitchen and breakfast areas.

Twilight then casually walked towards the kitchen as she saw a very interesting situation unfold at the staff entrance. Spike, Golden and an unknown dragon were standing in front of it. They were again holding a bunch of Golden dragon eggs, and Golden seemed to be measuring them. Spike meanwhile simply yawned, he didn't look like a morning dragon. And the unknown dragon seemed to look a bit insulted at Golden's actions.

"Why are you measuring them?" The unknown dragon asked in a low but loud voice.

"I need them for a very specific dish. One where its size is important." Golden said.

"Which is?" The unknown dragon asked.

"Golden cake." Golden said.

"What is golden cake?" Spike asked in the background. But it seemed as both the unknown dragon and Golden was ignoring him. Spike then looked into Twilight's direction. His eyes widen as Twilight was trying to get him to get over to her.

"It's a egg cake. It contains a lot of yellows of the egg. Making it look entirely out of golden, they then pours hollandaise sauce over it. The egg white they then bake and turn into small cubes to make it look like stars. It is also known as the lunar cake." Twilight explains to Spike.

"Oh!" Spike said curiously. "Have you ever had it?" he asked.

"Of course not. Its a Golden Dragon Resort special. That being said, I did try to make it once. Only to fail due to the consistency not being as solid as Golden dragon eggs being used in it." Twilight said.

"Did it collapse?" Spike asked.

"No. It just had a really weird texture." Twilight said, "And I didn't know how to make hollandaise sauce just yet."

"So you made it without." Spike concluded.

"Yeah. It was fine. The cake had the right shape and it wasn't under or over cooked. The egg white was the right shape and not burned. But without the hollandaise sauce it just tasted weird." Twilight admitted.

"Hm..." Spike said while thinking about it.

"Spike? Where are you?" The older dragon shouted.

"Right here! Next to my new friend!" Spike shouted back.

The older dragon turns around and sees Twilight. A normal pony would flinch at this, but not Twilight. Instead it gave Twilight the opportunity to take a closer look. The dragon resembled Spike quite a bit, so much so that as soon as Twilight realized that it was male, that she finally connected the dots.

This is Spike's father, Also known as the current king of the dragon lands. King Hightower. Also as soon as she realized this, she automatically bowed before him.

"King Hightower." Twilight said regally.

"So the pony has manners. Are you the famous Twilight Sparkle?" Hightower asked.

"That is me, your highness." Twilight said calmly.

"So I see. You don't look fazed by my appearance. Are you experienced with our race?" The king asked.

"I am. I may have made friends with another of your people. Besides Prince Spike." Twilight admits.

The king smiles at Twilight, he then sighs. "That explains why Spike's babysitter was so dominant at not revealing your identity." he said somewhat disappointed.

Twilight simply smiled at the mention, but said nothing.

"Sir Hightower? I measured the eggs. Everything seems to be in order. You will get your payment." Golden interrupts. But either Hightower was ignoring him or not paying attention. He didn't respond to his interruption.

"So Twilight Sparkle. What was she hiding?" The king continued. Golden immediately realized that he was ignored. He also realized why, causing him to pout at Twilight's direction.

Twilight smiled at both the king and Golden. "I am sorry." she said.

The king and Golden sighed at the same time. Spike meanwhile was giggling in the background. In fact Spike was now joined by his babysitter, as she too smiled at what she saw.

"But I must ask. Who did you befriend?" The king asked.

"Elly Dragoon. Your ambassador." Twilight said. She saw as the king turned wide-eyed at Twilight. Spike and his babysitter also gasped at this.

"I, see..." Golden responds. He was smiling for some reason, Twilight wasn't quite sure why.

"So you are the one that restored our connections with the Griffons." Spike said shocked.

"That is correct." Twilight said as she realized what this was about. She started to smile uncontrollably.

This time the king sighed heavily, "So you are the one that has so many connections that you can do that as a filly." he said.

Spike looked shocked towards Twilight, Twilight simply nodded.

"Twilight. Elly Dragoon isn't simply an ambassador." Golden said, Twilight looked curious in his direction.

"No. She is a true royalty. She is from the main family. Like me." The king admits. "She is my older sister.

Twilight simply shrugged it off, she was already kind of aware at this. As Celestia did call Elly for some babysitting times too. Just like Cadence. Which is odd, unless she was like Cadence. A princess. And her behavior wasn't very normal dragon-like either. There were a lot of hints at this, Twilight simply chose to ignore it, as Elly never mentioned any of this either.

"So she chose to keep me ignorant. She did kind of fail at it. But I never asked, and she never mentioned." Twilight explains.

"So you gave her space to breath. In the hopes that she would one day come clean." Spike concluded.

"That is correct." Twilight said while nodding.

"I see." Spike said somewhat worried.

"I did not see her again after my... episode." Twilight suddenly admitted. Almost a like a pit fell in her stomach.

"Right. The disaster." The babysitter said.

"What disaster?" The king asked confused. Spike also looked a bit confused.

"Before I answer that, how is she anyways?" Twilight asked in return.

"She... has been better." Spike said. Twilight looked more and more worried at this revelation.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked scared.

"She is in the Royal dragon hospital. Injured." Golden answered as he suddenly drooped. He quickly realized what this was about.

Twilight said nothing, she simply waiting for them to continue. Although from the shrinking of Twilight's pupils, you could tell that she was losing her mind at lack of answers.

"She is injured from burn and crush injuries." Spike added.

"Don't tell me..." Twilight said as she unconsciously backed away.

"She was caught up by some kind of disaster in Canterlot of few years back." The king said obliviously.

"She hasn't recovered from it." Spike said.

"I heard they were very severe. Something about her protecting other citizens from some kind of death beam." Golden added.

"She got hit. From what I understand. By the beam in an attempt to prevent further injuries. Or so the citizens told me." Spike said noticed Twilight's shaking increase. It worried him tremendously, but he didn't say anything about it.

"Not only did she receive burn injuries and crush injuries. But also severe injuries to her wings. She had literally offered herself up for the citizens." The king said. Also noticing Twilight's reaction.

It was as if Twilight was not phased by it, until it suddenly came crashing down. Twilight stood still, deathly stillness, when suddenly she shook like crazy and fainted right after. Stunning both the king and Spike. Golden rushed to her aid, while Spike's babysitter simply stood there, a sad smile across her face.

Twilight woke up immediately after, "So that is why a massive explosion followed. Instead of it cutting through the rest of Canterlot." She said ominously. Causing the group to gulp.

"That is correct." The babysitter said.

"Can I see her?" Twilight asked, no, she pleaded.

"Sure. She woke up a few days ago. She has yet to recover from it though." The king said willingly. "Golden can you teleport her there?" he requested.

"Understood. I will teleport her there, personally." Golden said as he saluted.

The king nodded, before he disappeared out of view. Golden and Twilight were immediately teleported. Right in front of Elly's hospital room.

"Here we are. Do you want me to come with you?" Golden asked worried.

"No. I need to go inside alone." Twilight said as she slowly opened the door. Revealing an fully awake Elly on the other side.

"Twilight." Elly said with a small smile.

"Hey." Twilight said as she was unconsciously struggling with herself.

"How are you?" Elly tried to give small talk. But Twilight wasn't having it.

"I am sorry." Twilight said as slowly tears appear onto Twilight's eyes.

Elly looks down, her face turns away from Twilight. "I know." she said. Her voice betrays her shaking.

"I am sorry." Twilight repeated as more and more tears appear from her eyes. And instead of attempting to hug Elly, she collapses onto the ground as she slowly moves to one of the corners.

Realizing that Twilight was hurting much more than she is, Elly attempts to climb out of her bed. Quickly realizing that she was unable to do so. However she didn't give up. As she lowered her hospital bed as close to the ground as possible, she climbs out of it by pushing her arms as much as possible. Allowing her to only crawl out, but she was out of her bed.

Twilight's vision was entirely filled with tears. As she softly repeated those same words over and over. As her entire demeanor collapses and all she feels is an extreme feeling of loneliness. Until she was suddenly hugged by Elly. Realizing she wasn't alone only made her cry harder.

Elly also couldn't stop herself from crying as a few tears fall of her eyes. And her memory of that faithful day resurfaced.


Elly was going to some of her more favorite bakeries in Canterlot. This one just happened to be in the slums, as soon as she was finished and headed outside. She saw a dangerous spell being casted at the training grounds. It had Twilight's magical signature. However she also felt another spell being casted next to Twilight. One that already intertwined with Twilight's spell. It only took a few seconds to realize what was about to happen.

As soon as she realized, she made a beeline for the bakery. Unable to stop the spell, and unable to save her favorite ponies. She did the only thing she could think off. As her wings appeared, she flew into the sky. In a desperate attempt to stop the spell, she flew into it's path. And as soon as the beam went off, she had a few seconds to think. And in those small moments, she thought one thing.

"I forgive you." Elly thought as she expect herself to die from it. As the beam hit, it exploded on impact. Causing the shrapnel to destroy her wings, and the knock back to send her into the back wall of the inner side of Canterlot. Crushing her body under the extreme pressure from going from one hundred to zero in an instant.

The heat of the beam itself, burned a bunch of scales off her skin. Causing severe six degree burns all over her body. And right before she lost consciousness, she saw how she did stop the beam from killing those inside the bakery. However at what cost.'

Elly and Twilight both fainted of exhaustion. Causing Golden to find Elly hugging Twilight. Outside of her bed, which is not good for Elly as she was still unable to walk. Golden then called the doctors, which moved Elly to her bed. But they were unable to make her release Twilight, as she was hugging her very tightly. And no amount of suggesting the body to release her, would make her release Twilight.

Causing Golden to intervene and teleport Twilight out of her grip. Causing the doctors to thank Golden. Golden then moved Twilight back to her room. Only for her to wake up, before he was able to leave her room.

"Golden. Do you know my relation to the disaster?" Twilight asked as her eyes was dark from a form a inner depression.

"No. I know you are related. But not exactly, why?" Golden asked.

"I caused it. My spell went berserk and caused all of that. I injured Elly and killed a bunch of ponies. I am the monster here." Twilight said as she agonized herself.

Instead of giving Twilight an answer. He simply hugged Twilight. "You are no monster." he added later.

"Then what am I, a murderer?" Twilight asked.

"No. You are a pony. A pony with some mistakes in her past." Golden said in a comforting voice.

"No. That wasn't a mere mistake." Twilight said as she slowly rolled into a ball as the trauma got the better of her.

Realizing that Twilight is at a cross-fork in the road, he asked "Do you want me to call someone?"

"Call princess Celestia. I need some help." Twilight said as she realized what was happening.

"Sure." Golden said, as he grabs his communication orb and starts an emergency communication uplink to Canterlot Castle.

"Hey Golden! How is it?" Luna said as she made connection.

"I am fine. Say, is Princess Celestia nearby?" Golden asked.

"Sure. She is right there. Do want me to give her the connection?" Luna asked.

"Please. Its important." Golden said serious.

Realizing something is wrong with Twilight in the background, Luna rushes to Celestia and gave her the orb.

"What is the matter?" Celestia asked.

"Twilight is currently having an episode with her actions during the disaster. She needs you right now." Golden said.

"Understood." Celestia said as she wasted no time and teleports towards the source of the communication uplink.

As soon as Celestia arrived, Golden grabs the orb and rushes out of the room. Leaving Twilight with only Celestia in the room. As soon as he is outside, he sees Spike, the babysitter and the king standing outside. They all look very worried. Golden simply shook her head, "She is getting some help right now. Come back later." he said.

"Understood. The babysitter told us the truth. I want to have a personal conversation with Twilight later." The king requested.

"Only if Princess Celestia allows it." Golden said.

"Of course." The king said as they all leave to give Twilight some space.

"Twilight." Celestia said as her voice softens.

"Hey. I just saw Elly's fate in the disaster." Twilight said as her voice had lost all charm and sounded empty.

Celestia's expression went from worried to downright sad. "I heard what she did. We were just in time when we found her. She was not only crushed from the impact, but also under the entire stone wall that had collapsed over her." Celestia said.

Twilight said nothing as she had already cried all her tears. Instead she simply hugged Celestia. In an attempt to find warmth, as she felt cold. Oh so cold.

Celestia saw and felt her actions. She indeed felt unnaturally cold. Realizing that Twilight might be sick, she feels Twilight's forehead. And it was burning up, she was having a very extreme fever. As she felt cold despite the heat on her head. Something was seriously wrong, realizing this she did something she hasn't done in a long time.

"GOLDEN!" Celestia shouted at top of her lungs. She used the Royal Canterlot voice at maximum volume.

This caused Golden the scramble. He was on the other side of the resort when he heard Celestia's voice. He could hear and feel Celestia's desperation. Something is seriously wrong. And he could feel it. While on his running towards the voice rampage, he collects every doctor and medication he can in a scramble.

"I have arrived." Golden said while panting. He had successfully gathered every available doctor and medication he could along the way.

Celestia simply pushes Twilight into Golden. Golden felt a lot of heat coming from Twilight's forehead, but the rest of Twilight's body was ice cold. Unsure of what was happening, he demands the doctors to investigate Twilight. After a hot minute of every doctor scrambling to investigate Twilight. They came to the conclusion that she was simply feverish. Even if this was not a normal fever.

The doctors suggested to send Twilight to the hospital for now. To better regulate her temperature and to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. Albeit hesitant Celestia agreed with the doctors for now. Golden then proceeds to move Twilight to the hospital.

As a few hours pass, a doctor specialized in fevers came to Celestia to make a statement about Twilight's condition.

"Alright. After some investigations. I concluded that her fever comes from several causes. For one she hasn't eaten anything today, second due to a serious mental breakdown she most likely experienced a faint due to extreme stress. And lastly it is caused due to lack of proper self-care or in better terms lack of rest. She has been so active these past few months, that she failed to grant herself proper rest. And when she did rest, she wasn't aware at her volatile body and mind. Which in the end caused this fever." The doctor explained.

"I see. Any recommendations?" Golden asked.

"Yes. I recommend starting Breakfast time earlier in the morning, for those more used to a morning schedule. Second I recommend that someone slows her down, instead of suggesting her to keep this up. And lastly I recommend making her settle down. She has been going around doing these changes without many breaks. At this rate, her behavior could kill her." The doctor explains ominously.

"Good thing that she was already planning on doing that. After this vacation." Celestia said.

"I see. Then all I can finally recommend, is that you have some people in this resort that can see from a distance when a pony is unknowingly suffering. That way ponies or other creatures can have a guardian angel. If the princess didn't catch this in time, Twilight could have died from it." The doctor said.

Golden's eyes widen at the revelation. "Understood. I will see to it that, that will happen." he said.

"How long is she going to be stuck in the hospital?" Celestia asked.

"Two days and two nights. But I must advice, please try to prevent her from doing anything overly excited while she stays here." The doctor advised.

"Understood. I will blacklist her at all activities that could induce too much excitement." Golden confirmed.

"I will explain the situation to her family." Celestia offered.

"If you please. I will put all the information regarding her stay in the hospital inside of her folder. For her personal doctor to remember." The doctor said. "Well my job here is done."

Golden and Celestia watches as the doctor slowly walk into the distance. Golden looks concerned at Celestia, "About the excitement. I don't think I can do that." Golden admits.

"I know. Just advice her against it." Celestia requested.

"I can do that. I will just leave a pamphlet with that knowledge on it." Golden said.

"And about breakfast?" Celestia asked.

"I will just start each food eating moment one hour earlier." Golden said.

"Ah! That is another way, indeed." Celestia said surprised.

"Ah, By the way. With warning the family you also mean Luna and Cadence. Right?" Golden asked.

"Yeah. I expect Cadence to freak out though." Celestia said as she sighed. She wasn't looking forward to it.

"Then you will see nothing yet. I heard that Twilight's mother will freak out way more." Golden said worried.

"Which she has every right to be. Well if you excuse me, I will be inaccessible for awhile." Celestia said as she teleported away.

Golden sighed, "Please recover quickly. I will make sure that your stay here is the best." he said out loud.

As day one passed by, Golden and his staff did their best to improve the resort with those recommendations. Instead of moving the time down by an hour, they extended it by an hour. This was mainly due to the happy response from most of the hotel guests.

Meanwhile in Canterlot, Celestia has explained it to both families. Although the Sparkle family had a hard time, they quickly came to terms. However Luna and Cadence took it hard. But Moon took it the hardest. Apparently she looked into Twilight's memories and saw the truth. She was having a very hard time, as she could have warned Twilight in time. But she failed to do so.

Twilight was still in a coma, but her fever has reduced quite a bit as the temperature in her body had somewhat normalized. She was still burning up, but she was a lot less feverish then before.

As day two hits the resort, hotel guests heard what happened to Twilight. They weren't panicking but they were sad. A gloomy atmosphere hing in the resort as most felt bad for her. Spike also heard what happened, he was extra worried. As he tried and failed to visit Twilight several times.

In Canterlot the news also was heard. Therapists and doctor used that time to spread awareness to this issue. People became more aware of these things. Luna and Moon finally came to terms. Cadence actually tried to visit Twilight, which was successful.

As Cadence entered the hospital room that housed Twilight, she saw that Twilight was still in a coma. She was hooked onto a device used to feed the patient and to give it water. Cadence then touched Twilight's forehead. It was warm but not burning hot anymore. On top of that, Twilight's body temperature had turned back to normal.

Twilight was now having a headache at worst, but her fever was gone. The doctors expected her to wake up in another night. Because by then, her fever was most likely gone. Or so the doctors hoped.

Cadence meanwhile decided to stay, hoping that a friendly face would make Twilight happier.

As the following morning arrived, Twilight woke up with quite the headache. She looked around while holding her head, and saw that she was in a hospital and that Cadence was sleeping on the chair besides her. As her memories of yesterday had been properly sorted, she quickly realized that she might have kept all her emotions too unchecked and that she might have to visit that church a few more times.

Twilight also realized that she was not rested well enough. Her mind was smart enough to realize all the causes, like exhaustion, stress and lack of food. Although what she couldn't anticipate was the fact that she lost herself in the progress. It felt alien, she was pleased that Celestia was there for her though.

It was then that Cadence woke up, she saw that Twilight sat up straight and was looking at her with small smile.

"How are you feeling?" Cadence asked.

"Good morning to you too." Twilight said, "But I am much better."

"Do you know how many nights and days its been?" Cadence asked.

"I am guessing about 2 days and nights." Twilight said.

"Based on what?" Cadence asked curiously.

"That calendar." Twilight said as she points to a calendar right next to Cadence.

"Yeah. You had a fever and a panic attack at the same time." Cadence explained.

"I am aware. I didn't forget anything." Twilight said, "Although that was the least of my issues. I had a mental breakdown."

"You did. Which scared the crap out of Celestia." Cadence admitted.

This caused Twilight to droop, "I am sorry." she said.

"Atleast you called someone for help. The doctor said that your condition could have killed you." Cadence warned.

Twilight looked shocked into Cadence direction. "I wasn't aware of that." She said, wide-eyed.

"Anyways, the doctor recommended to take a good break and to settle down. He recommends against travelling." Cadence said.

"That is fine. I was going to do that anyways." Twilight said.

"That being said. Have you found a partner yet?" Cadence asked curious.

"I have. I just wonder if he wants it also." Twilight said.

"Who?" Cadence asked.

"Prince Spike." Twilight said.

"I see. Perhaps you got some time then. Today I am in charge of moving you back to the resort." Cadence said.

"Nah. Peace!" Twilight said smiling before warping herself away.

"Twilight!" Cadence shouted before pouting. She then swore under her breath before teleporting also.

As soon as Twilight warped back to her hotel room, she also managed to warp herself into the bed. However Cadence wasn't very far behind, she warped besides the bed. Looking mighty annoyed as well.

"I actually have to talk to you about some stuff!" Cadence shouted annoyed.

"What is it?" Twilight asked confused.

"The doctor recommends activities that aren't very physical extreme." Cadence said.

"Of course. I will not stress myself out even further." Twilight said.

"Good. Now then, I wish you a fun vacation. If its going to be fun that is." Cadence said before walking out of the room. Twilight could hear her sigh from a distance. Either that or it was her own sigh, which followed soon after.

Twilight laid down in bed, she was rather tired of today. But she wasn't done, all this time wasted and she has done absolutely nothing that is even a little bit vacation like. Besides reading below a tree that is.

It was then that she remembered something. Twilight has access to restricted areas, which was something she wasn't pleased about. However it allowed Twilight to go on another adventure without really going on another adventure. Or so she hoped.

Hopping out of bed, Twilight immediately realized how stiff her body felt. Nonetheless she walked outside, and towards the more hidden area of the forest Twilight had passed when she helped Spike. As soon as she arrived there was a single sign in front of it.

'Restricted area. Do not enter unless you are authorized to do so. Like VIP status.' The sigh read.

Curious, Twilight walks into the spooky looking pathway. Twilight being Twilight however, she couldn't care less about the spookiness. She was a pony that enjoyed the unknown, and danger to a degree. This pathway wasn't spooky in her eyes. It just looked a bit overgrown, as if none has visited this path.

As Twilight carefully inspects the way, and the ground as to not fall, she sees an odd looking statue in the distance. The closer Twilight came, the more she was able to recognize it. In the center of a large opening in the forest sat a single overgrown statue. The statue of Princess Moon. It looked abandoned, as the statue was missing some pieces. But something made it feel as if Moon Nightmare was still around it.

As soon as Twilight entered the clearing, she felt an overwhelming amount of magic in the clearing. As if some kind of barrier surrounded the clearing. However Twilight passed through it like it was nothing. Twilight then saw a small hole, in the side of the statue. It looked like a horn key.

It then clicked in Twilight's mind. This statue holds some kind of secret, and in order for Twilight to find the secret. She had to use her magic. As soon as that passed her mind however, she shook in fear. Which passed as quickly as it came, alongside her tragic memory of the disaster.

Grinding her hooves onto the ground, Twilight casts a spell onto the statue. This was a spell unique to the Sparkle house. It was simply called, 'I command thee, reveal thy self. May hope fill you, so we can be together once more.' or simply known as the disengage spell. This spell is incredibly draining, as it is considered a master rank spell. Or alicorn spell as most called it.

"I command thee, reveal thy self. May hope fill you, so we can be together once more!" Twilight shouts as her horn lights up. Almost as bright as the sun, as her magic fills the hole with as much magic as Twilight can muster.

As soon as Twilight was done and she released the spell. The statue lights up, and an ethereal form of Moon was released. It was a pre-recorded message from Princess Moon. Seeing the the sheer age of the spell, Twilight predicted that it was about a few million years old. Which also means that this is in fact not Moon Nightmare.

"If you are seeing this, my children. Then I have passed away long ago. However if you are not my children then let me introduce myself. I am Princess Starnight Nightmare, queen of the ethereal realm. And mother of Nightmare Moon. Sister of Laura Faust. I do not know who you might be, but since you have somehow unlocked this spell. You will also receive this message.

Long ago, Far before the founding of Equestria. There were two realms. The realm of the living, ruled by Queen Laura Faust. And the realm of the death, ruled by me, Queen Starnight Nightmare. We filled in peace, until one day this was broken by a new realm, the realm of chaos. They had no ruler, instead they lived in harmony among each other. However unbeknownst by me and my sister, they had somehow already influenced our realms. In the form of two new entities.

Alicorns and dragonequus. One made of the power of living and death. The other of chaos and death. However what we didn't know was the introduction of another race. A race unlike any of us. Humanoids or humans as they like to be called. They came here with a single reason. To introduce the world to cooking and food. After they did exactly that, they vanished. They never returned, however they did leave behind a single artifact. The crystal mirror. And a prophesy that said that six ponies would both restore peace to this realm as well as order. However they said that without anyone to feed them, this prophesy would have been useless.

So they created the ability to cross dimensions to obtain rare ingredients for our food. However only the one the closest to the catering industry could do such a thing. So I came here, with a single presumption. Either my children found me, or a chef that will soon obtain this ability will enter this clearing. If it is the latter, then whoever you are. Assist the six ponies of harmony. The world balance depends on it.

So now I pass this knowledge to the one that unlocked me. If you are not my children, you should see my horn light up. And my horn will grant you that ability. I wish you the best of luck to whoever found me. May Lauren Faust be on your side." The ethereal spirit said as her horn lit up and blasted Twilight with this new ability. Twilight didn't just gain a new ability, her magic, her body and her energy was entirely restored.

"Before I leave, those humans spoke of a single name and surname that would succeed and becomes this magics owner. If you are my children then find her and send her here. However if you are the chef then this is useless information.

Her name?

Twilight Sparkle." The spirit said before disappearing. Leaving Twilight confused where she stood.

"Good news and bad news." Twilight said to herself.

"My body is no longer in danger of dying due to exhaustion. Bad news? I am now stuck with this career for the rest of my life. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing." Twilight said utterly confused to herself.

"Is somebody there?" A unknown shout came from outside the clearing.

"Uh..." Twilight simply said.

"Ah! Twilight. There you are. Its me Golden." Golden said. "Can you please leave that clearing? I can't reach you."

Realizing what Golden meant, Twilight hurried over to Golden. Exiting the clearing forever. But before she does so, she looks behind her, one last time. And she saw the spirit reappear for a single second, it smiled and then disappeared.

Author's Note:

It am starting to think that Twilight is suffering from PTSD. Which isn't entirely surprising. As she did kill ponies at a young age, albeit by accident.

Also holy crap, her future was predetermined from the start?!

Also also, I vaguely remember me using Elly already once in this book. Just ignore that one, its probably just an impostor.