• Published 22nd May 2021
  • 491 Views, 53 Comments

The Chef's Life - vincent789

This book 3 in Twilight's serie to become a master chef.

  • ...

The False truth

Pearl and Twilight were happily chatting about their lives. Twilight's parents and her brother. While Pearl spoke more of her time in the underworld. It was a dark place, but it seems that most believes about it was exaggerated. It is true that it was below an active prison, but the ones living her were far from criminal.

It was true that some where indeed associated with the dark side of life. But most just lived their lives from exile, and their lives were no different from an ordinary pony. This city also had similar rules to Canterlot and had a similar security system as well. As Twilight spend more and more time at the red friend. Twilight noticed something off about what Star told her.

In the event that Moon truly did cause it, shouldn't the guards and even Celestia herself not have noticed this divine intervention? And more over, this was far from possible. Luna was still very much on the moon. She can't manipulate Equestria. Or she would have gone back long ago.

No. Someone else intervened. It was then that Twilight looked deep in her own past while she went to bed at the red friend. Pearl had granted her a room and as soon as the other staff found about the truth, they were pleasantly surprised. Twilight was then treated as family. Even though Twilight still profusely apologized to the only waiter that got most of Twilight's mean comments. She was still easily forgiven. Twilight had yet to forgive herself however.

As soon as Twilight fell asleep she swam from door to door in order to find her memory. And as soon as she opens the door she saw a still image of Twilight and the magic spell that was about to hit the slums. Instead of allowing the memory to flow, she looked at the still image and tried to look around Twilight. For anything that wouldn't make sense.

It was then, that she saw it. A single unicorn to Twilight's right was in the middle of casting an orbital laser spell. This spell has several layers of magic distortion and gravitational circles engraved on it. Twilight saw that as soon as her spell had reached halfway, this ponies gravitational side of the spell lit up.

Causing Twilight's spell to veer of as soon as that activated. Twilight connected the dots and realized that this was truly an incident. Twilight's spell was bound to gravity, as thanks to Twilight's lack of control. Meanwhile the unicorn besides Twilight thought that the spell was too powerful to be effected by gravity and started to cast her own most powerful spell in responds to her claim.

As soon as the unicorn's gravitational side of the spell activated, Twilight's magical bolt veered of to the right of the target. And as soon as it got passed it, the distortion side of the spell activated. And since the spell was already accepting her magic as another source of power besides Twilight. The distortion caused it to increase in both power and speed.

Twilight then saw the last piece of evidence right as the explosion happened. Before the shock wave could have reached Twilight, the unicorn besides Twilight already got blasted into the wall as her magic got totally drained. As her spell failed near the end of her cast, she got hit by the rebound of the spell, instead of Twilight.

Twilight had one more thing to solve who is this pony. And how could that happen. Well Twilight was able to guess the second one. She stood too close to Twilight. On top of that, she was probably casting at the same time as Twilight. This caused the spell to intertwine and cause it to expand its magic detection range. And the expanded magic detection caused her to assist Twilight's spell.

Twilight than looked closer at the pony. As Twilight inspects her body shape and look. Twilight concluded that this was Pride Keeper. This was immensely surprising, but it would make sense. Orbital laser spell was a spell that only commanders carries. Not some random guard.

Twilight carries a sad smile. At Twilight's deepest point, she was blinded by her power and sadness. She failed to realize that she wasn't alone in this disaster. Meanwhile at her highest point, Twilight was cooking for her friends, filled with happiness and pride. Twilight was a major contributor, but not the only one.

"Luna, Moon and Celestia are innocent. Twilight was the major cause and Pride was the second major cause. And the whole 'who is stronger' claim was the secondary cause." Twilight said saddened.

Twilight woke up to sounds outside of the red friend. Twilight looks at the clock and saw that it was day time. Twilight stood up at the moment that Pearl entered her bedroom.

"I was able to convince the chefs to grant you a chance. But it is the only chance. Fail it and you have failed. No second chance." Pearl warned.

"I went to Tartarus. I might as well show my inner demons." Twilight said with an evil smirk. Pearl first gulped for a moment only for it to turn into a small hopeful smile.

Twilight and Pearl went back downstairs. As soon as Pearl reentered the main floor she was surrounded by her bodyguards. Pearl looks confused at them, they look terrified back.

"My lady. We have an important guest inbound." The terrified guard told her.

"Who is it?" Pearl asked worried.

"It is that demon child." The terrified guard said, "And she is angry." he added.

"Why?" Pearl asked pale.

"She wants something that isn't on the menu. And for some reason nobody knows how to make it." The terrified guard said.

"What is it?" Twilight asked serious.

"It is something called, pancookies." The terrified guard replied.

Pearl looks shocked at the guard, "Of course we don't make that. That is a forbidden recipe! Only my sister knows how to make that." she said worried.

"I am also able to make it." Twilight said with a soft smile, "Can I see this demon child?" she asked.

"She is over there-" The terrified guard tried, only to see a chair fly towards him extremely fast.

Twilight however was faster and caught the chair in her magic. And placing it back on the ground. The guard thanked Twilight. Twilight was very unhappy however. She wasn't going to make this if the child continued to behave like this.

Twilight approached the demon girl that was throwing an tantrum.

"I want pancookies!" The girl demands.

"I know how to make it. But I will not make it if you continue to miss behave like this." Twilight demanded as well.

The girl snapped to Twilight. She didn't look happy as she started to cast a spell.

Not wanting another chair being thrown, Twilight casts a pub wide nullification spell. Stopping the girl in her tracks.

"Do you know who I am?" The girl shouts.

Finally having enough of this girls antics, Twilight does her best royal Canterlot voice impression. "Enough! You are a guest, you will behave like one. Or I will remove you right now!" Twilight boomed. This spooked the girl and made everyone else shut up.

"I am sorry." The girl said apologetic.

"Very well. So in more better detail. How can I help a young lady like yourself?" Twilight asked as her voice softens. It sounded almost motherly.

"I came in the hopes that you guys could provide me with some pancookies. I tried everywhere, this place was my last hope." The girl said with hope in her eyes, "Can you make me some?" she added.

"I can make you some pancookies are by the way a recipe that only the family Sparkle owns. Only my mother and I knows the recipe." Twilight explained. The girl's eyes widen in shock.

"Is it a family recipe?" The girl asked.

"It is." Twilight confirmed.

"I am sorry. I wasn't aware. I thought it was well-known. My father said that he has had it many times." The girl apologized.

"Did he mean pancakes?" Twilight asked.

"No. He specifically meant pancookies." The girl said. "I have had pancakes often. Not pancookies though."

"It is like pancakes. Just made with a cookie dough base and some even more sweet toppings." Twilight said.

"Can you make some with fruit? I can't eat chocolate and certain sugary toppings." The girl asked.

"Sure." Twilight said with a small smile as she enters the kitchen.

"I won't let you make that in my kitchen." The master chef said.

"Too bad. You are a earth pony and I am a unicorn. I wonder what happens if I use some of the more darker magics on you." Twilight threatened.

Enraged the master chef closed his distance on Twilight, "You wouldn't dare." he said.

Twilight's horn lit up, some magic that king Sombra used during his time as a tyranny. It was pure black, something that caused him to look terrified at Twilight.

"Well?" Twilight warned as her horn lit up and the darkness on her horn became louder and louder.

"Fine! Screw you, you bitch!" The master chef shouted terrified as he ran off. Twilight and the chefs noticed a pool of water on the ground and realized he pissed himself. This caused the chefs to laugh at his expense.

Twilight smiled as her horn magic went away. "It seems he hasn't learned the difference between an illusion and reality." Twilight commented.

This caused the chefs to laugh even louder. After a while everyone stopped laughing as their eyes had been filled with awe and respect. Some chefs that previously looked down on Twilight, looked a lot more friendly.

"Do you need any assistance?" One of the more friendly chefs asked.

"Can you get me these? I do not know where they are." Twilight requests as he hooves him a list of ingredients.

"Sure thing, sis." The chef said as he left.

Twilight meanwhile prepares her hardware for the job. She prepared a pan and a stove. Alongside some metal mixing bowls and utensils.

The other chefs quickly realized that she didn't use magic during any of these actions. They were curious, so one of them came forward.

"Um sis? Why are you not using magic?" One of the unicorn chefs asked. Twilight saw that the master chef in the distance also was watching in curiosity.

"There are rules in this kitchen that not a single pony is allowed to break. One! No magic in my kitchen. Two! All races are equal, but no skills are. Prioritize your guest over your desires. And lastly! Respect your fellow chef, whether they are male or female!" Twilight boomed through the kitchen to ensure everyone heard that.

Twilight noticed that the master chef that ran off was smiling. Twilight looked at his direction and saw that he motioned the following text, "Good job, sis. I have tried to make such a change happen as well. But I failed. Thank you." the master chef stated.

"Hooray!" Every chef in the kitchen agreed as they all went to work on their respective job. Twilight had finally made a proper impact. This impact was going to change everything. Alongside her friends that were working hard to change things, she has finally made a difference. A difference that will create a domino effect.

Twilight had received the ingredients and went to work. After mixing everything she placed the massive cookie in the pan and started to add fruit and the like inside of the cookie dough. The smell of Twilight's dish filled the kitchen as everyone was paying attention to the way Twilight made her dish.

Not caring one bit, Twilight continued to make her dish by herself as the whole kitchen was watching her. The way she cooked, the way she held herself. Everything was being watched. And she loved it. This meant that she was being judged to see if she really is a chef. This was a good thing, as that meant that they have accepted her.

After a few minutes, Twilight finished her pancookies and placed it only an extremely large plate. Placing the plate on her bag, she moved it towards the guest of honor. The guest saw the massive plate head her way and gulped. It was bigger than she thought, but the smell drew her in.

The girl took a single bite as she had an internal food orgasm. Which caused her to eat it in lightning speed. After less then ten minutes, the plate was empty. And the demon girl was satisfied.

"What is your name?" The demon girl asked.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle. I am Star Sparkle's many grand's daughter." Twilight said with an smile.

"I see. My name is Mirajane. Although we will never meet again." Mirajane said saddened.

"I will set up my own restaurant, one day. You are always welcome as long as you behave." Twilight said while smiling in glee at the thought.

"Really? I can't wait. I will go pay at your boss lady. May we meet again, Master chef!" Mirajane said with a smile.

"Are you ranked, master chef?" One of the chefs asked her in shock.

"I am. My name is Twilight Sparkle, I have a master chef degree and is in middle of trying to get rid of female chef's bad name." Twilight explained.

"I see. We will support your wish. Go Twilight Sparkle, we are right behind you!" one of the many chefs said determined.

"Yeah! Go Twilight!" Every chef shouted in respect.

"Very well. Now I only have to find a way to go home." Twilight said uncertain.

"Don't worry, Twilight. I have a shortcut." Pearl said as she approached Twilight.

"I did it Pearl." Twilight said happily.

"So I saw. I am sure that Star would be proud." Pearl said with a massive smile on her face.

"I sure hope so. By the way, I don't think that Nightmare moon is behind this. I think it was an accident between me and Pride Keeper." Twilight said.

"What do you mean?" Pearl asked confused.

"Circle spell meshing." Twilight simply stated.

Pearl's eyes widen, "You mean-" she tried as Twilight cut her off.

"He stood too close." Twilight simply finished.

Pearl drooped, "You mean it was a freak accident? What was he casting?" she asked a lot more saddened than before.

"Orbital Laser spell." Twilight answered.

Pearl's eyes widen as large as dinner plates, "Gravity and empowerment." She simply added as she drooped to the ground. She looked extremely saddened.

"Why the sadness?" Twilight asked confused.

"I know him. He was blaming himself for failing to stop you. He took it very hard. And this will be the nail in the coffin." Pearl said depressed.

"No it won't. I am going to have a long and nice chat with Celestia about it. Over some tea." Twilight simply said.

"But-" Pearl said, as she cuts herself off when she noticed Twilight's hardened look.

"It's time that Equestria finds out about the truth. No more lying, no more misery. Time for the truth to be known." Twilight said determined.

"What do you mean?" Pearl asked as she opens the door to Twilight's room, in Canterlot.

"Celestia has told a false truth to keep everyone at bay, no more lies. I want no false truth, I want to gain justice. Only then can I truly move on. I am mentally moved on, but the truth. That is still the false truth." Twilight admits as she closed the door and ended up in Canterlot once more.

Author's Note:

The end is near. Not for this book, no for Twilight's past.
Two more chapters until Moon Nightmare is going to be freed.

Next up, Celestial tears