• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 3,575 Views, 129 Comments

Freedom Through Harmony - Electricut

A mind**** of a crossover. MLP, Fire Emblem, Phantom Brave, Homestuck and some Zelda.

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Chapter One

Chapter one
Year 498, Equestria Callander
Town Square

Half the day has already passed. The festival is tonight, and I should probably be seeing if anyone else needs help with preparations, but... the sun is in just the right position in the sky, and to be fair, I’m half asleep anyway... Someone’s bound to wake me up when I’m needed. Yeah, they’ll be fine, with so many people on the job to begin with...

“Excuse me?”

Hm? New voice, haven’t met this person yet...Oh, wait, it’s probably someone from the capital, coming to check on stuff. Maybe she’ll just ignore me... Nah, too much wishful thinking; with my luck she’s probably looking for me anyway. Maybe I can at least intimidate her, make her just check up on things and move on before I say something I’ll regret...

I could hear her footsteps approaching, and prepared my small plan of action. They stopped directly before me and she repeated herself. In one move, I grabbed the broadsword from beside me, spun to my feet, and landed with the blade an inch from her face. She started in surprise and nearly tripped.

Yes! That was so badass. I thought, just as the sword was kicked out of my hand from my right, and a knife pointed at my own face. The weapon skidded across the street, coming to rest near a tree. I turned, seeing a, green-eyed man with violet hair and facial markings holding the tiny blade. His clothes were average-enough looking, aside from a white bandana tied around the top of his head. He showed scarce emotion, except maybe slight annoyance.

“... Well played.” I stated simply, turning back to the girl. She, on the other hand, had much more fancy clothes and hair, and could only have come from the capital city. “You need something?” I asked with record calmness for speaking with a capital person.

“Wha- are... Are you really going to be so casual right after pointing a sword at my face?”

I held back a grin, realizing my original goal had been achieved anyway. “It was to try and unnerve you. This guy topped it.” I pointed to her companion with my thumb.

“Honestly, it’s a bit hard to be intimidated by the guy with rainbow hair.”

“Four things I’ve got to say to that.” I added immediately. “One, I was born with it. Two, girls love it. Three, no one expects the rainbow-hair guy to stab them in the face. And fourth, screw you. Did you need anything else?”

The girl seemed a heck of a lot less emotionally stable than the man, who hadn’t budged an inch yet. “Oh... I was told you were in charge of the weather for tonight? I wanted to make sure everything is in order.”

“Ah. Yeah, I got it under control, stuff’ll be ready by then.”

She looked skyward. “Still pretty cloudy.”

“It takes, like, a minute at max for me to clear a sky like this. I was going to make a little appetizer-type show out of it, to build up excitement for the main event, you know.”

She took a moment before responding. “You’re sure you can do it that quickly?”

“My personal best is twenty seconds, actually. A minute to make it flashy. Yeah, I got it. That all?”

I could tell she wanted to say more, but held her tongue, shook her head and began walking away. Her companion lowered his weapon, gave me an apologetic shrug, and followed. I watched them leave for the upper part of town, retrieved my own weapon, and returned to my nap.

I can only imagine the rest of the day passed by uneventfully. Hard to tell when you sleep through it. At any rate, I was awoken an hour before I was needed, and flew over to the makeshift, open-roofed building on the outskirts of town, built specifically for the festival. I perched myself atop the wall, to the side of the door, watching the proceedings. Slightly below me, the girl’s companion had struck up a conversation with Rarity’s companion, Opal, but for the most part I couldn’t make heads or tails of any of it.

“Really didn’t expect to find anyone else from back home all the way out here.” She said.

“I could say the same. My shipmates and I washed up here, oh, sixteen years ago now. There were fifteen of us to begin with, but a few died on the way, and one went missing after we crashed, and the remaining eleven of us got picked up by the Queen. There’s only nine of us left now. I got assigned to be the guardian of her new apprentice, Twilight, and that’s the main reason I’m at this festival today.”

“Kinda the same deal with me. I was pretty little at the time, and I had wanted to explore... I stowed aboard a ship headed out for an expedition, and it crashed... I was the only one to make it to shore, and a noble house from near this town brought me in. Rarity- she’s that one over there- She was pretty young at the time too. We basically grew up together, and I know I’ll stick with her ‘till the end. So different from back home, huh?

“Something’s been bugging me, though... Weren’t all the other continents supposed to have been flooded a long time ago? How is it that no-one else has ever found this place before?”

“I’d been thinking about that myself lately. The old Dragon King was alive during the Goddess War, and he always said the Goddess confirmed our old home was the only one left. That was only, what, eight hundred years or so ago? A continent couldn’t get here all by itself in that short a time...”

I separated myself from the conversation to check around the rest of the crowd, making my own rounds to see that all was in order. Seeing that everything was good to go, I made my way up to the stage, and hovered above the floor for a moment. Soon everyone’s attention was upon me. Excellent.

I drew my sword and carefully pivoted to where I was on my back- in my normal fighting stance, but facing skyward. This was easily the hardest part of the technique to master. I dashed straight upward, generating a vortex of wind around me as I went. Clouds crashed into it and evaporated on impact.

Reaching the point where everyone would just be able to still see me, then raised my blade to the sky, creating a huge vortex of wind focused around the sword. All the clouds in sight, save for any directly above me, were drawn in and sliced to ribbons immediately. Lastly, I flew up and around the final cloud that had been above me, and dropped straight downwards with the blade pointed downward.

The cloud was destroyed, and I landed with the sword embedded firmly in the stage. Applause. I retrieved the weapon and fell back into the crowd, finding a place to stand near Applejack. The main event was about to begin.

“You gonna stick around this time?” She whispered to me.

“Mhm... I’m pretty sure I’ll be fine. I wouldn’t risk it when the Queen herself is here, if I didn’t think I could make it. Yeah, I’ll be okay.”

“Huh... Well, you know that if you need to leave, I’ll cover for you.”

“Yeah, I know...” We dropped the conversation at that, waiting for something to happen up on stage. Time passed, and nothing did. “Uh... Shouldn’t something have happened by now...?”

She looked up at the sky, doing what I’m guessing was telling time. “Yeah... They sure are taking their time this year...” Others had also begun murmuring amongst themselves, hardly anyone paying attention to the stage. I glanced up, and had to squint to see exactly what was going on.

“Hey, that’s not supposed to be happening, is it?” I asked hesitantly.

Applejack glanced up at the stage, seeing what I was referring to. Thin, dark clouds were gathering around the stage, not drawing much attention. With perfect silence, they shot into the air, dashed back down, and from the space between them, a black-armored figure appeared.

“Uh, no.” She said simply. “Definitely not.”

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