• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 3,571 Views, 129 Comments

Freedom Through Harmony - Electricut

A mind**** of a crossover. MLP, Fire Emblem, Phantom Brave, Homestuck and some Zelda.

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Chapter Sixty-seven

Thumbs up to anyone who understands the reference at the end.

Chapter Sixty-seven
City of Dawn Ruins, Central Road

The group sped up gradually as the twilit sky began to darken with rainclouds, soon dashing towards the crumbling ruin of the Castle of Dawn. Applejack led the way, swinging around the side of the crumbling ruin with Rarity and Opal in tow. Rarity cast a glance into the castle, and saw that still nothing had changed since their last trip here. The towers were still all but collapsed, with the one Nightmare Moon had destroyed still laying sprawled across the ground, and moss and weeds lived unimpeded throughout the cracks in the stone. The only difference was that the stones that once housed the dormant Elements were missing, stored away in Eclipse Castle.

Applejack stood at the edge of a steep hill, hand on what was left of an outer wall for balance. The other was above her eyes as she peered down into the valley. “Yep, the rest of the town is still down there, and in pretty good shape. We should be able to spend the night down there and search for clues in the mornin’.”

“That’s a rather steep drop though...” Rarity commented, shivering slightly, feeling the onset of the storm close behind her. “Where’s the road that led down there? The citizens of Dawn had to have some way down there that wouldn’t be too out of the way, so where is it?”

“Overgrown, probably.” Opal answered. “The grass is all dead back before here, but weeds have sprouted up all over down here. Unless the road was cobble, which it doesn’t look like it is, the dirt road was probably swallowed up ages ago.”

“But the roads in the lower town are cobble.” Applejack pointed out. “I can’t see why they would use cobble for just that and not... There!” She pointed further to the left, where the thin remains of a stone road were visible. A collapsed handrail seemed to be laying on the ground next to it, and the going was much less steep there.

“Let’s go...” Rarity said, already moving for the road. “I think the rain’s already started...” Her companions both nodded and followed right behind as Rarity descended into the lower city. A few stray raindrops fell from above, very slowly picking up in intensity, and she sped up in turn ever so slightly. She skidded to a halt at the foot of the sloped road, allowing the others to catch up. “Where now? Most of these houses look like the roof has caved in, and it’s just the walls that are still standing...”

“I saw a couple over this way.” Applejack answered, leading the way further into the complex of ruined homes. Moss had gone wild with these structures as well, but it wasn’t nearly as severe. The grey brick walls and remains of the wooden roofs were still visible as they were, not yet overtaken by green. But as Rarity looked on, she began to think that these buildings were slightly too well preserved. It almost seemed as though... someone had been through and cleaned them in the somewhat recent past. She also saw no discarded weapons or armor laying about the streets as she had in the upper city.

“Rarity, weren’t you the one who was complainin’ ‘bout the rain in the first place?! Hurry up!” Applejack called back tersely, snapping Rarity out of her thoughts. She shook her head clear and followed the sound of Applejack’s voice, until she reached the other two at the front of a house that was still better preserved than the others, the roof only having a few holes instead of being one big hole. However, a good chunk of the front wall was missing.

Applejack motioned to the gathering room inside. “This good enough? It’s either this one or the one across the street, and it’s in about the same shape. ‘Long as we stay against the far wall, we ought’a stay dry.” Opal nodded gratefully and moved in, dropping her pack on the broken and lightly grassed floor, and began unpacking. Applejack strode in next, followed by a reluctant Rarity. She knew staying in this building was better than roughing it out in the rain, and one more storm out of a thousand it had already weathered wouldn’t send the ancient building collapsing on them... But she still felt uneasy in the ruin.

Rarity worked quickly to set up her own belongings; A simple sleep roll, but she set up a small tarp hanging over it for additional defense against the rain, which had finally started coming down heavily. Applejack and Opal just made a point to sleep under a more complete section of roof and called it done. They unpacked some food for supper, but they didn’t want to risk a fire in the wood-roofed building, so they ate cold.

“Mm... I dunno about you two, but I think there’s somethin’ to be had from the dried smoked beef.” Applejack commented between bites. “A little chewy, but the taste kinda grows on you after a while...”

“Blech.” Opal said, carrying Rarity’s full feeling on the subject in that simple non-word. “I’ll eat the stuff if I have to, but I still can just about stand it...” Suddenly her head jerked up, her slightly smaller than average nose twitching curiously. She seemed to be trying to pinpoint a smell, but Rarity could only smell the pungent scent of the rain outside. Opal continued sniffing the air around her, then began moving about the room slowly. “Does anyone else smell coffee? We didn’t bring coffee... Did you, Applejack?”

“Nope.” Applejack said as she shook her head, swallowing the jerky the had working at. “I actually thought I smelled somethin’ like that a bit ago, but thought it was yours.”

Rarity, thoroughly confused and curious by this coffee-related development, stood from where she sat and looked around, but was unable to find any trace of the smell herself. She was just about to give up on the pursuit and just finish her supper, when she noticed something outside their shelter. She thought she had seen something in the house across the street, but as she stared intently out the broken window, she almost decided it must have been a trick of the rain... Then something moved again, this time definitely behind the curtain of water and within the other house.

“Is... Is there someone in that house across the street?” Rarity asked, loud enough for her companions to hear, drawing their attention immediately. As she watched, stock still, she began to pick out that there was a flickering glow in the house, as though from a small fire, but the house’s infrastructure looked completely sound. She stared intently towards the glow, searching for another movement... There. A figure, clearly a human, moved right in front of the window, not appearing to be doing anything in particular, just pacing around the house.

“... Oh, damn.” Applejack swore, making a move for her axe. Rarity cast a judgmental look at her gruff companion, but Applejack didn’t even see it. “Grab your weapons too, y’all. See that black cloak on that guy? Yeah. That’d be the Order cloak. I know Dash told me some of ‘em weren’t evil... But after that owl creep, I’m not takin’ any chances.”

Rarity’s eyes widened, and she turned her attention back to the figure in the opposite house. Indeed, he wore a heavy black cloak with a hood that shrouded all features. The person in the Order cloak faced the glow in the other house for a few more moments, then turned for the window and twitched, startled. Rarity could feel that the eyes beneath that cloak had just locked with her own.

The Order cloak stared for a few more moments, then stood and moved over to the door. Applejack’s axe was on her shoulder, and she faced the doorway threateningly, ready for battle. Opal held a knife in her hand, balanced carefully. Rarity’s sword was at her side, but she did not draw it yet. The opposite door opened, and the person in the Order cloak held something up for them to see. Rarity squinted and her hand went to her weapon when she saw it was a quiver full of arrows, a longbow held next to it.

But the black-cloaked figure did not equip the items; instead, he made it clear what they were, then placed them against the wall within the house. He then grabbed something else from inside, then a large board that he held above his head as he stepped outside. He walked slowly and deliberately into the center of the street, a metallic object in his free hand. Adding to her already considerable confusion, but solving one question, she saw that what he held was a coffee pot.

“Hello!” He called, somewhat over-cheerily. “May I come over to speak to you? It’s a bit hard to hear anything in this rain.” Obviously, he received no response, so he held up his coffee pot. “I thought I might share some of my coffee, too! Trust me, I’ve travelled the world, and I can say this is the greatest coffee in existence.”

Applejack looked to Rarity, her eyebrow arced. She obviously didn’t buy a word coming out of this boy’s mouth. Opal didn’t seem to be trusting him much either. But Rarity was curious. “Should we allow him over? I mean, he’s unarmed. We can keep a watch on him and try to extract information...”

Applejack wanted to object, but didn’t have much of an argument. “Fine, tell him to get in here. But I’m not takin’ my eyes off the guy.” Rarity nodded and moved over to the door where the Order member could see her, and motioned for him to come over. He nodded gratefully and approached.

Under the watchful gazes of all three, the boy ducked into the mess of a house, placing the coffee pot on the ground in the center of the gathering. He also dropped his hood, so that he didn’t appear so mysterious and threatening. He had a mess of fluffy grey hair atop his head, but it wasn’t grey with age- he wasn’t a day over eighteen- but was a more creamy, smooth shade. His eyes were brown, large and innocent, yet also sparking with intelligence. Rarity fancied that he was actually somewhat handsome.

“Please, help yourselves.” He said, motioning to the coffee pot. “I apologize for showing up all of a sudden- I honestly hadn’t realized you guys were going to be here today too... I won’t be bothering you if you don’t want me to, though. I’m just here to pick up some artifact, then I can be on my way...”

“Alright, cut the crap.” Applejack interrupted, but Rarity could tell she was the nervous one here. “Who are you? Why are you here? You’re with the Order, ain’t you?”

The boy sighed, holding his arms behind his head. “Yeah, I’m with the Order. How’d you figure out about us?”

“You remember Lucius?” Applejack spat. “We killed him. That’s how.”

Strangely, the boy didn’t take any offense to her words, and instead gave her a thumbs-up. “Good for you. No-one really made a fuss when he didn’t come home, he was kind of a jerk. Not that I was old enough to have any experience working with him then anyway. I’m the Order’s Number Ten, so I’m one of the junior members. Anyway, why I’m here... Ugh, basically I got in a fight with one of the other junior members, and we both got punished for it by being sent on this dumb filler mission. I dunno where she got sent... But anyway, you don’t have to worry much about me. I’m not like Lucius was. I’m not like most of the members of the Order. Unlike them, I actually have interest in this Moonlight Resistance, and I’d like to see it succeed. If I can help with your mission here...”

Rarity decided to speak up, on the side of this boy. “We’re here searching for clues about our ancestors. If we’re all looking for ancient artifacts here... Why not work together?”

Applejack’s protest was immediate, but Rarity ignored her. The farm girl was basing her perceptions of this boy solely on her experience with another Order member, one this newcomer had openly denounced. She could understand her mistrust, but didn’t want to turn against him without giving him a chance. He nodded excitedly. “Really? Well, I’m sure we could cover more ground as a unit. It’s my pleasure. Now let me see... Lady Rarity, Lady Opal and... Miss Applejack, right?” Rarity’s eyes widened slightly, surprised that he knew their names already. “The Order pretty much knows everything. You guys are becoming quite famous, actually. Anyway...” The grey-haired boy held out a hand in friendship. “You may call me Tug. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

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