• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 3,575 Views, 129 Comments

Freedom Through Harmony - Electricut

A mind**** of a crossover. MLP, Fire Emblem, Phantom Brave, Homestuck and some Zelda.

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Chapter Fourteen

[BbChapter Fourteen
Outer Fields

It had been some time since the last chance I’d had to practice archery, so it took me a few shots to land one good enough for Fluttershy to try and beat. I hadn’t been kidding when I told her she’d need a better tutor before too long.

She picked up the bow in her left hand, notched an arrow, and fired weakly. The first few shots barely cleared the bow itself, but as I corrected her as best I could, they slowly began to become stronger and more accurate. It was slow progress, but I could see her improving. By noon she had managed to land a few shots into the target we’d set up.

“Not bad!” I said, clasping her on the shoulder. “You’re definitely getting better. But what say you we take a break- I don’t know about you, but I need a bite to eat.” She nodded, we set the equipment against a tree, facing away from town, and headed for home. On the way, Applejack caught up to me.

“I've been lookin' for you, Dash. Where were you?”

“Oh, sorry. I got caught up in something. I didn’t get to check the bulletin board today, any job offers?”

“Nah, I checked earlier. What were you busy with?”

“Well, Fluttershy came to me this morning wanting me to train her to fight. She wanted to be able to protect her friends, you know. I couldn’t just tell her no after that. I’ve been humoring her by teaching her a bit of archery.”

“Since when have you known the first thing about that?” She asked incredulously.

“Like I said, it’s mostly to humor her. If she turns out good, which it looks like she might, I’ll find her someone who knows what they’re doing. We’re on lunch break right now, you wanna go grab something?”

“Sure.” She said, and we headed into town. We bought a couple of sandwiches sat down and began to eat, when something from the entrance of town caught my eye.

A lone figure was entering, with a worn, wide brimmed, almost wizardly-looking hat covering her face. Snow white hair flowed from under it behind her, and she wore a long blue jacket and black pants. A plain metal rod, unremarkable in every way, was slung across her back. While her features were hidden from view, she walked with an air of professionalism.

I looked across, and saw that Applejack had taken note as well. We were both confused. New people came in and out of town all the time, and plenty were of the strange variety, but this person... Something was different here. “Should we talk to her?” I asked.

“After lunch. This issue ain’t that pressing right now.” I agreed, and we finished our meal quickly. The newcomer had passed down another street a few minutes ago, and so I stood and followed. Applejack had a busy day lined up on the farm, so she bade me good luck and headed for home. Once I entered the street, I had no clue which way she went, so I picked a direction at random and stuck with it.

The streets weren’t terribly busy right then, so when I saw a glimpse of the old hat, I knew there wasn’t much chance of error. Now, wait. How do I even begin striking up a conversation with her? I can’t think of a good way that wouldn’t seem weird, now that I think about it.

“What.” A voice said from behind me. When I turned to look, I saw that the girl had somehow gotten behind me, and her unadorned weapon was in hand. Her features were still shielded from sight. “You’re clearly following me. What do you want?”

She’s good. Might pay to be a bit careful. “I was curious. I like to know most of the people in town, and I hadn’t seen you before. Plus, you look like a pretty good mage, if your outfit is anything to go by.”

She chuckled slightly. “Well, I think I have some right to show off. I’ve yet to see anyone who could parallel my own magic.” Her voice dropped again. “But save your breath otherwise. I’m not in the market for friends. I’m a wanderer at heart, and I’m only in town a few days to see if anything’s happening. Then I’m gone.” She began walking away.

“Celestia?” I ventured sympathetically. She stopped short, though not turning around.

“What about her?” She asked. Despite her forced monotone voice, I could tell I’d got her interested, if only for a moment.

“Does anything you’re doing have to do with her? Are you... looking for a weakness? Or more strength?”

She turned around now. “That’s dangerous talk, you know. Especially in the middle of the street.”

I understood what she was saying. Royal influence was pretty light around here, but there were still soldiers. I nodded and set off in the opposite direction, towards the same field Fluttershy and I had been using. I didn’t need to look to see that the newcomer was following at a slight distance.

I turned and leaned against a tree, facing her. “What do you know?” She asked.

“You’re looking for something here, that much I can tell. I’ll ask again- does it have to do with the queen?”

She nodded after a moment. “I travel, seeing the state of things. I want to know how close this country is to a revolution, and the best way to do that is to see the citizenry in action.”

My interest was piqued. “And? What have you found?”

She tipped her hat slightly, allowing me to see her face in shade. She smiled darkly, and her violet eyes glinted with determination. “Five hundred years have taken their toll, let’s say. The people are loathe to act just yet, but they’re getting sick of this. We might not be far off...” She chuckled again.

“And you? I can see you’re not opposed to this, but are you fully with them?”

“I have to ask you the same first. It wouldn’t be wise for me to hand out any more information to someone I can’t trust.”

“Fine.” I stood. “I am against her. She’s crossed my path and has taken from me something that I’ll never get back. I aim to make her pay for it, and for everything else she’s done.”

She seemed puzzled by this. “I could claim the same. It’s odd... You’re the only one who’s been so willing to admit that. What did she do to you?”

That was it. I stopped short, unprepared, if unwilling, to answer. I’d only just met this girl, and didn’t even know her name, let alone if I could tell her something like that. “Suffice to say it was bad.” I said, recovering from the stagger in conversation. “I’d rather not discuss it, with all respect.”

“I understand.” She responded. “What can I call you, anyway? I’ll need to be able to contact you if anything comes up.”

“Rainbow Dash, at your service. Local mercenary of absolutely no note, part time farm hand, and one of the six bearers of the Elements of Harmony. How’s that?”

She chuckled once again. “I think I’ll remember that. I’m just... Trixie. Greatest mage you’ll ever meet, and when something starts up against the queen, I’ll be there. Can I count on you to do the same?”

“Of course.” I said. “But I’m not sure you’re the absolute best out there. I’ve met the queen’s apprentice, and she’s not half bad herself. When it comes to magic at least- otherwise she’s clueless...”

“Wait a minute, you know her apprentice? Twilight, right?”

“Sure, she was one of the others who got the Elements. Why, you actually want to meet her?”

“Well, I suppose I’m not surprised she’d be good with magic, too. After all... it’s in her blood. She was once... my sister.”

Well. I did not see that coming. Twilight never mentioned any sort of family... But then, I think I heard Celestia hand picks her closest students at a young age. So these two were separated years ago, and Twilight might not even remember. But...

“You don’t look a day older than her, though. Don’t tell me-”

“Yeah.” She said, averting her eyes sheepishly. “We’re twins on top of all that.” Now that she said it, I could see the resemblance in what I could see of her- her eyes were more inclined to darkness than of justice, but burned with the same fierce determination of Twilight’s. And I could see some facial resemblance as well.

“Okay, this is just getting bizarre... You’re telling me you and Twilight were separated at birth by Celestia- one becoming her closest ally, and one becoming what could well be one of her worst enemies?”

“Well, it wasn’t quite at birth. It was two years afterward. She had to be able to tell Twilight had potential, but she can see it pretty early.”

“This whole thing is just a little cliched, and yet... I can completely see the queen doing something like that. But wasn’t there anyone who tried to stop her?”

“You’d think...” She sighed. “But our parents were heavy supporters of her, and... They just let her have Twilight. When I learned that myself, I could never forgive them, or her. I left home with all the knowledge I needed and never looked back.”

Her parents just... gave up their daughter?! The people who follow Celestia are fanatical... A truly dangerous enemy. “So that’s why you’re opposed to her.”

“It’s definitely a big part of it. When my eyes were opened to her evil, I could see all kinds of other things she’s done to the world, and it only made the flames burn brighter. I’m waiting now for others to join in opposing her, and I’ll try to bring them together. And we might just be getting close to starting this.

“But... I think if I got to know her at last, I might be able to change Twilight’s mind. Please- if you know her like you said, I need you to arrange a meeting.”

I took a moment before answering. She truly was an interesting character- a sibling stolen and a burning desire for vengeance. Something about that seemed just a little familiar. “Well, I can get you and her talking, sure. But... I’d hold off on revealing your true motives for a while. She’s pretty much convinced Celestia’s lies are true, and won’t hear anything otherwise. Get to know her first if you’re to have any chance, if you ask me.”

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