• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 3,575 Views, 129 Comments

Freedom Through Harmony - Electricut

A mind**** of a crossover. MLP, Fire Emblem, Phantom Brave, Homestuck and some Zelda.

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Chapter Seventy

Chapter Seventy
City of Dawn

The rain abated sometime later into the night, but the newly-grown party was too fast asleep to pay it much notice. Faint morning light filtered through the gaps in the walls and ceiling of their makeshift shelter, tickling at Rarity’s weary eyes. She still had the delicious taste of Tug’s coffee- undoubtedly the best she had ever beheld- on her lips, and the vestiges of sleep and dream on her mind. Her eyes twitched in the light, and she indignantly turned over to shield herself from it and buy a few more minutes of sleep.

She heard a slight noise outside, like the scuffling of boots on the cobble ground. Must be Applejack leaving to use the bathroom... She concluded, not bothering to give the noise a second thought. Still, she continued to hear something moving outside, and just as the vaguest sense of alarm began to creep into her mind, it was far too late.

On your feet, all of you!” A thick and booming voice barked. “Your weapons have already been removed from your persons. On your feet, and hands in the air, now!” Rarity’s eyes flew open, and she immediately confirmed that her weapons were gone, and her light armor as well. When she turned her face to try and see who was assailing them, she came face to face with the business end of a heavy-tipped spear. She rose slowly to her feet, along with Applejack, Opal, and even Tug.

“Aw, damn...” Applejack swore, defeated. “Look’it their armor...” Rarity cast a confused glance at the armed men holding them at spearpoint, and immediately saw what she meant. It was the unmistakable make and model of the royal soldiers of Eclipse. Rarity’s heart sank; they had been found and stopped before they even had a chance to begin.

“Don’t get down too soon.” Tug spoke, low and quick. “Take a closer look. Notice anything else about the armor?”

“Shut up!” The lead soldier shouted, and Tug straightened up sharply. Rarity did as he said, and her hopes began to rise ever so slightly. That armor is filthy... What royal soldier would let it get that dirty? And a few pieces are mismatched, it seems. Could it be... That these people are only wearing this armor as protection, and not as a denotation of their allegiance?

“The four of you. What is your purpose here?” The leader asked warily.

Rarity started, but wasn’t sure where to begin. “We... We are here searching for a certain artifact here. We were not aware there was anyone else here. I don’t suppose you’d be willing to explain yourselves and make this easier on everyone? We wouldn’t want trouble even if we could cause it...”

The ragged-armored soldier cast a glance at his comrades, as though questioning whether to say anything. Despite herself, Rarity found herself at a loss in her mind. Actually listening to the prisoner? As good as that is for us, it’s a rookie mistake! These people can’t be royal soldiers with that attitude. But who are they then...?

“You are two of the Elements of Harmony, correct?” The soldier-ish person asked. “Where do your allegiances lie in regards to the Queen?”

“We’re against her.” Applejack put simply, and Rarity winced. She was hoping to draw more information from them before giving out any of their own. “At least, three of us are. The guy in the cloak is neutral, I think.”

“Yeah.” Tug confirmed. “Comes with the territory of being a meddling bastard. Gotta be able to adapt to any conflict. But if it keeps me from getting impaled on that thing, then sure, down with the Queen.”

“And I take it you are as well, considering where you are and the armor you’re using.” Rarity concluded. The four other guards that were still behind the leader lowered their weapons slightly, clearly relieved, but the lead soldier had a sudden burst of efficient leadership.

“Keep your weapons steady!” He barked, and they snapped back to position. “That may be, but you’re still in way over your heads.” He addressed Rarity and her team. “But you seem to not even know where you are... Alright, I’ve made up my mind! We’re to take them prisoner until further notice. Men, get behind them and lead them to the old library. No funny business from any of you, you hear me?!”

Rarity roller her eyes, but allowed one of the soldiers to get around behind her and lead her away from the group’s temporary camp. The leader scooped up the remainder of their belongings and walked behind the group. The group walked briskly in the still morning through the ruined streets, down another slope and into another district of town. At first, nothing appeared to have changed, the buildings were still as wrecked as ever...

Except they were not. Several of the buildings were completely intact, though the mortar and wood of the walls did not appear to match in places. It almost looked... newer, like someone had been through and done repairs in this district. Dirty soldiers and fixed-up ruins? What is going on in this city? Rarity found herself wondering, but always came up empty. Not all the buildings were fully repaired, but numerous holes were patched up by tarps and cloths. Once or twice, Rarity thought she saw something moving in the homes, a set of eyes glinting in the weak sunlight and watching them, but she was unable to turn her head to look closer without angering their captors.

Soon, however, they were approached by another soldier, this one in stark clean but neutral armor. He had a light brown jacket under the steel, and had the hood up over his eyes to shield from the cold, but Rarity could tell it was a man by the slight stubble on his exposed chin. He stood in the path of the guards leading them to the library, his jaw clenched, utterly silent. Finally he stepped forward, and the soldiers reacted in turn by standing up straighter. Whoever this newcomer is must be superior in rank to these men. Rarity concluded.

“What is the meaning of this?” He questioned, his voice kept low and balanced. “What are these people doing here, and what pray tell are you doing to them?”

“Sir! We located these four holed up in a house uptown. Two of the Elements of Harmony are among them, along with-”

“I know who they are.” The commander retorted. “Except for the one in the cloak...?”

“Tug.” He answered simply. “A rogue ranger, just out searching for an artifact that’s supposed to be around here. And you, my friend?”

The commander of the scruffy soldiers pointedly ignored the boy and turned back to his men. “At any rate, I did not ask who they were, but their business here. Think you can do that for me lieutenant?”

“Yes sir. Sorry sir. The whole party claims to be here on an artifact recovery mission, and deny any knowledge of us. They also insist opposition to the throne. I planned to detain them at the library until further notice when we could bring in a superior.”

“Well, you’ve got a superior to deal with them now. Drop their belongings, and all of you, front and center.” The soldiers standing behind Rarity and the others hesitated a moment, before all five men shuffled in behind the commander. The lieutenant did not look pleased with this new development, but he remained silent. The commanding officer held his hands behind his back and stalked forward, pacing to and fro before the group, and something about the motion began to tickle at Rarity’s memory.

“Well then, you four. Speak for yourselves. Do you know where you are? ... No? In that case, let me simply ask you this, Lady Rarity, Lady Opal, Madame Applejack and Sir Tug. Do you truly oppose the Queen? Would you separate yourselves from the sidelines and actively take up arms against her, given the chance? Would you give everything you have to destroy her tyrannical hold on Equestria?”

Before she answered, Rarity began to sense something behind her, and realized that more people had arrived. More soldiers, or not... She didn’t need to turn to face them, because she could feel each of them holding their breath, waiting for her response. “Yes. Celestia must be stopped. More than neglect us entirely, she has often taken up arms against us for defending ourselves in ways that displeased her. I cannot abide by this any longer, and we are here searching for the tools to give us the strength to fight back.”

Rarity showed the utmost confidence in what she was saying, not only because she truly believed it, but because she believed the people here did too. The commander stopped in his tracks, stared at Rarity for a moment, then broke out into a wide grin. A genuine and jovial laugh escaped his lips, and the tickle at Rarity’s memory intensified immediately. She knew this person, if only she could just place him...

“Well then, milady, if it’s the strength to fight back you’re looking for, then you’ve come to the right place! Men, back to your posts, now! These people are not only no threat to us, but shall be our honored guests!” The soldiers all moved out quickly, their reactions hidden, but the lieutenant once again showed that he did not approve of his superior’s actions. Either uncaring or oblivious, the commander stood up straight, addressing the group but facing Rarity alone. “Well then, in that case, my dearest friend...” As he spoke, he reached up to remove his hood, and Rarity’s eyes widened in surprise. A mess of dark blue hair spilled out onto his shoulders, and his soft brown eyes sparkled with mischief and excitement behind his wire-rimmed glasses.

“Welcome to New Dawn.” Said Blake Leo. Rarity wasted no time in dropping everything and jumping at her old friend, embracing him tightly and being held gently in return.

“New Dawn...” Tug repeated, as though coming to an obvious realization. “So this is where the group is. Not bad, good sir, not bad at all.”

Rarity separated herself from Blake, Tug not acknowledging the affectionate reunion at all, Opal smiling slightly, smugly, and Applejack just scratching the back of her head awkwardly. “What is New Dawn?” She asked, more than a little curious.

“Ah, to answer that now would take far too long. But as I said, you shall be our honored guests here, and I will arrange only the best for you! First, I should show you around properly, and not at spearpoint. Then, you shall meet the man in charge of it all, and he will explain it much better than I ever could.”

He allowed the four to retrieve their weapons and armor, ordered two soldiers to move their other supplies to a safer place, and began to lead the group through another part of the city. Rarity stayed close by his side, smiling fondly. “Why are you still talking so... properly? You’re only talking to friends here.”

Blake chuckled again. “Sorry. Force of habit. Being the sole representative of House Leo in this place kinda demands it. Alright, let’s see... I guess I can try to give you the basic rundown of what’s happening here while we walk. New Dawn is essentially the only real underground movement operating large-time in Equestria... or at least it was, until this Moonlight Resistance thing started up. Until then, everyone who Celestia had harmed in any way over the years- family or friends executed, neglect, or just a desire to end her rule- they all ended up here at some point or another.

“Our leader saw what was happening, and decided that a bigger move was necessary. We set up base way out here, where Celestia would likely never find us, and took in anyone and everyone that desired a second chance and was willing to fight back. Of course, we still house people that only seek haven from Eclipse, but it’s fighters we really need. We’ve provided training to everyone who was willing to receive it, but they could only get so far without a professional fighter there to teach them; that’s part of what I do here now, is train people to fight.”

“How’d you end up here in the first place?” Applejack asked. “You’re from Emberton, right? Sounds like you would have had a perfectly swell life just stayin’ there.”

“I get that.” Blake answered with a level voice. “What’s the point though? Honestly, I would find that just a waste of an existence. Celestia needs to be destroyed, and I intend to do everything I can to facilitate that. I’m doing everything I can here, and my uncle Rilken is holding down the fort back home. You can bet that most of Emberton will be behind us when the time comes. Anyway, we picked this place for our home not only because of its ideal location, but because we had already adopted the ideals of old Dawn for our philosophy. It’s taken some work, but our little tent-city we started with has started to resemble the actual city of Dawn now, since we’ve been slowly repairing homes with new materials and recycled ones from other parts of the city.”

As they walked, Rarity was able to easily see what he was talking about. As with before, some of the houses were repaired with discolored mortar and wood, serving as obvious but effective patchwork that rendered the houses completely usable again. Also as before, Rarity noticed more and more people surrounding them looking out from their homes, some going as far as to step outside and watch their passing when they realized they were not a threat. Blake had put his hood back up for warmth, but it was clear everyone in the woodwork of Dawn City knew him and trusted in him, and were somewhat less nervous around their guests.

Rarity was surprised by the variety of the people gathered there. Most were either clad in worn and threadbare clothing that was very ill-suited to the weather, or hand-me-down armor in the case of the soldiers going about their cautious patrols. However, the variety came in the age range of all the people; She most often saw people ranging from her own age up to people of thirty or forty years, but some were still older and did not look capable of holding a weapon, while still others were nothing more than small children.

“We take in all kinds of people in New Dawn.” Blake explained solemnly. “Directly related to the fact that Celestia has done wrong by all kinds of people. We’ve been active for many, many years, and a lot of people have come here over the years, most never leaving even with all the choice their own. People have grown old here, children born here... For too many people, Dawn City is their whole reality, until we get a chance to take back what was theirs.”

“So leadership must have been passed down a couple of times then?” Tug mused, hands in his pockets as he walked, his eyes darting around with a mixture of curiosity and nervousness.

“You’d think.” Blake answered. “But nope. We’ve had one leader, and while he’s getting along in age nowadays... he still leads us just as he did before; enigmatic, passionate and strong for everyone who needs to borrow from him. I’m guessing that once he steps down, his daughter will be the one to take over.”

“One leader through all those years?” Opal repeated. “I can hardly believe any person could stay standing that long... Unless...”

Blake turned back to her and flashed a knowing smile. “No normal person could, you’re right. The HQ is this way, then you’ll be able to meet him for yourself.” He continued to lead them through the streets, the buildings becoming better and better kept and repaired as they went. In addition, Rarity noticed an increase in the amount of scrappy soldiers, as though the whole city was radiating from a point ahead of them.

On the horizon was a larger structure that seemed completely out of place in the semi-ruined city, most likely constructed after New Dawn moved in. It resembled a small fortress, complete with two towers at the far-left and front-right corners, archer and javelin positions on the roof and sides, and reinforced brick and steel supports. “That’s the place.” Blake stated. “Our center of operations. Until you get up close, it looks just like the rest of the city, and if someone is this close in it’s really too late to worry about stealth anyway. It’s the best place to hold out during a siege, and it links right to an underground shelter for civilians to hide in in the event of any danger. But during peacetime, it serves as our HQ, where our leader can be found most hours of the day.”

Anticipation and unease filled Rarity’s heart as the group of five approached the headquarters-fortress. What kind of man would be there waiting for them? He must have been a decent enough gentleman to get this much of a following, and for such a noble cause. But if he was still running after so long, he must have been ancient, or... age slower. Could it be that he was like Opal, and was a Laguz from far across the sea? And Blake had said he had a daughter...

A girl of about eighteen or so stepped out tiredly from within the fortress as they reached it, and Rarity suddenly was very sure of her theory. The girl wore the same worn-out clothes as everyone else around, with some additional leather armor for good measure, and her hair, several different shades of brown, was tousled messily as it fell just past her shoulders. What drew attention though was her ears- pointed and positioned atop her head much like Opal’s- and the extremely fluffy tail poking out behind her. Laguz, definitely, but instead of being catlike as Opal was, this girl seemed more like a wolf- or perhaps a tired puppy.

She looked up at the group, eyebrows raised in surprise of the newcomers. Her eyes, large and shiny silver colored, scanned over each one, especially interested in Opal, and the tiny space in between Rarity and Blake.

“Lord Blake.” She greeted him. “Are these the newcomers the men have been telling me about? It seems you are good friends with them...” She eyed Rarity in particular, the light of challenge in her eyes. Her voice carried an odd drawling accent, almost identical to Applejack’s, but she made a point of speaking properly in spite of it.

“Hey, Winona.” Blake said, giving the wolf-girl a slight nod. “These people are all on our side, don’t worry. Two are Elements of Harmony, while the others are their friends and allies who are along for the ride. I thought to introduce them to your father and ask his opinion on whether we assist them in their own mission, and how we go about it.”

The girl, Winona, nodded after a moment. “Seems about right. I should not need to tell you to be careful, though. Be sure you can trust each one of them before giving them anything else.” With that, the girl strode off to somewhere else in the city, leaving the party watching her with mixed reactions.

Opal was the first to respond, saying simply: “Isn’t it a little cold out to be wearing so little clothing?” Tug could be heard in the background, reminding himself over and over: “I have a girlfriend. I am not single.” Applejack made no comment about Winona herself, but did comment idly on what Tug was saying. He responded: “Well, not really girlfriend, per se, but I have someone that I want to be my girlfriend. And I shall not allow myself to be distracted by that alarmingly attractive wolf girl, physically improbable as it may be.”

Rarity turned to Blake and raised an eyebrow. He laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his head. “I think she might have a little thing for me. Can’t say I think of her as more than a friend though. Anyway, let’s go talk to her dad and get your situation sorted out.” Rarity shrugged and allowed Blake to lead the group through the arching entryway to the fortress HQ, passing by several more soldiers going about their early-morning business. An unassuming wooden door sat at the far end of the dark-stoned, torchlit building, and Blake moved ahead to open the door and poke his head in.

“Sir, we’ve a few guests to New Dawn.” Blake stated. “They were to be taken prisoner, but seeing as I know two of them personally, two of the Elements of Harmony are among them, and I believe them fully when they say they are sympathetic to our cause, I thought to bring them directly before you instead.”

When the voice from within the room spoke, deep but calm, with the same accent Winona had carried, the rest of the fort fell silent. “Two of the Elements of Harmony, you say? Pray tell, which two?”

“Miss Applejack and Lady Rarity, sir.” Blake replied. “They are accompanied by the Lady Opal and another gentleman by the name of Tug.”

“Not the apprentice to the Queen or the energetic young baker, then?... That is a shame. I have much to say to both of them. But I digress. Please, all of you, step inside.” Rarity cast a glance at Blake for confirmation, and he nodded back to her as he walked into the room. Behind a heavy, well-used desk stood a single man, the owner of the voice, the leader of New Dawn. He stood facing the window on the far wall, hands clasped behind his back, above the fluffy grey tail that brushed against the ground idly. His hair, and the fur on the back of his pointy animal ears, was the same shade of clean, steely grey. When he turned slowly to face the group, they saw that his eyes matched the color as well, and his skin showed signs of being tanned by sunlight when it was strong enough.

“Welcome to New Dawn, ladies and gentleman.” He greeted, adopting a small smile. “We have much to discuss. Please, call me Vomora.”

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