• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 3,575 Views, 129 Comments

Freedom Through Harmony - Electricut

A mind**** of a crossover. MLP, Fire Emblem, Phantom Brave, Homestuck and some Zelda.

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Chapter Fifty-eight

Chapter Fifty-eight
Emberton, Market Street

“Looks... quality.” Trixie commented sarcastically. She, Phil and Misty had wandered into market in no particular hurry, purchasing a few supplies on the way, and had located the pub Rilken had spoke of. It didn’t exactly look like the most well-kept place- with a faded sign advertising the bar, a plain wooden exterior with paint peeling in several places, and better-looking buildings around it making it look worse in comparison. However, business appeared to be good regardless.

“So, our guy’s in there?” Trixie asked, mostly to herself.

“Yup.” Misty confirmed. “Why is it always in the messy bar that the resistance contacts hang out? I mean, I know no-one would really want to go in and look for criminals conspiring against the government, but... would it kill anyone to meet somewhere nicer?”

They stood on the street corner for a few moments more, no-one making a move to enter. Finally, Misty shifted uncomfortably and started towards the door. “Well, we’re not getting any younger.” She stated. “You two coming or what?”

Phil and Trixie turned to each other quickly and nodded, then followed the Wonderbolt into the pub. To their relief, the interior of the building was better-kept than the outside. It still wasn’t anything fancy, to be sure, but it was cozy. Tables were lined neatly all around the wood-paneled walls, fully outlining the room. Only a few of these were occupied. Several larger round tables were in place in the center of the room, ironically bolted into place to make angry drunk people look stupid when they tried to flip them over.

These centered tables were much more lively. People who didn’t seem to be in a group or even know each other well sat together, trading jokes, stories, or drinks. The room was filled with laughter, pleasant aromas from steaming lunches being delivered, and the somewhat sour smell of alcohol. The atmosphere of the pub was happy, if somewhat oblivious.

“Alright, where’s our... Oh.” Misty started, then ended with a definite note of disdain and annoyance. Following her gaze, Phil saw a figure slumped over the actual bar, seeming to be sleeping or passed out with a bottle of something still clutched in his hand. He was muscular, but wore a heavy coat that his most of his features. His hair was a mess of dark blue, almost black, and came to jagged points over his shoulders and eyes. Misty sighed. “Yeah, that’d be our guy. Dammit, why’d it have to be him...?”

“Someone you know?” Trixie asked. “He seems-”

“Don’t-” Misty cut her off. “-even start. I would just as soon not know this slacker. Still... If he’s all we’ve got... at least he can hold a spear. Gimmie a minute.” She moved over to the drunk guy, and Phil noticed she was gathering a tiny ice spell in the palm of her hand. In one swift move, she yanked his head up by the hair on the back of his head, slapping him on the back with the ice palm. He yelped in surprise as his stool tumbled forward and he was sent sprawling backwards on the floor. The bartender, and the rest of the bar’s occupants, watched with disinterested humor. Phil and Trixie stared in stunned silence.

The drunk spluttered, disoriented. “Get up Soren, you lazy ass.” Misty barked at him. “Somehow I’m not surprised to be dragging you out of a bar like this.”

Soren’s eyes cracked open, and he took a moment to focus on Misty. He groaned, and his head fell back to the floor. “... Thought you were her...” He mumbled incoherently.

Misty brought a hand up to her face. “Ugh, do we really have to do this...?”

“Who is this guy?” Trixie asked, as she and Phil made their way to Misty’s side. The man, Soren, was obviously awake now, and was trying to shake the drunken-ness off of himself.

“Soren, the Wonderbolt’s number two. He’s the idiot that let us fall apart when Spitfire disappeared.”

“Hey!” Soren interjected indignantly, pulling himself to a sitting position on the ground. “First off... Can you blame me for not being -hic- as good as Spitfire? Who could ever replace her?! And I know I did a -hic- a sucky job at trying, how many freaking times do I have to say I’m -hic- I’m sorry?”

“As always, at least one more than you have already.” Misty replied tersely. Phil was worried that these two were going to jump at each others throats at any second. There was obviously more bad blood between these two than just their team breaking up. “Anyways, I don’t feel like arguing about this with you again. Rilken told me you’d be here, and you’d have some help for a resistance. That right?”

She helped Soren to his feet, but he stumbled away a few steps, just in case she was going to hit him again. “Why? You decide to take a side again?”

Misty quickly introduced him to Phil and Trixie. She then explained what the two had already told her and Rilken. “I’ve got nothing left to lose in this life, not much to live for, so I decided to cast in with them to spite Celestia. By the looks of it, you don’t have much left either. Why’re you trying to get involved in a resistance?”

“Heh...” Soren laughed bitterly. “Don’t you remember? Part of why we fought all the time was because I -hic- I always wanted to go against the royal army’s actions, and help when they wouldn’t. -hic- Maybe even show aggression towards them. Misty, my -hic- my dear, I’ve always been against the Queen.

“But you’re right...” Soren finished, trying to shake his head clear. “We don’t have much to lose. But that isn’t to -hic- to say we have nothing to live for. We were heroes... Let’s be heroes again. Let’s make this a world worth living in... -hic-.”

Misty couldn’t stop herself from chuckling. “Wise words from a drunken idiot. As much as I can’t stand you sometimes... I missed you, Soren. You’re not tied down to this town?”

“Nope. Just... just passing through.”

Misty stopped, and looked to her companions. Trixie shrugged. Phil wasn’t as sure. He still wasn’t positive he could trust Misty, and if Soren joined the party, she would have evened the odds if she intended to turn on them. Even if she didn’t, he wasn’t sure what good a hopeless drunk like him could be anyway.

Still, they did need backup. If she thought she was getting a personal partner out of him, he’d probably be more of a detriment than a help, and Soren could be useful if on their side. Phil nodded in confirmation to Misty. She smiled in thanks and turned back to Soren. “Then join our group. We could use a bigger traveling group, and maybe... just maybe we’ll run into one of the other Wonderbolts. Maybe we can put the team back together before this thing is over.”

Soren grinned widely. “I’d -hic- like that. But... this time, you lead.”

“Sure thing.” Misty replied, clasping his shoulder, finally looking like she was greeting an old friend. “Now sober up, we’re staying at Leo Mansion.”

Time passed as the slowly growing party stayed in Emberton. Since the goal was to ally the city fully with the Moonlight Resistance, they found that it worked on multiple levels to help out and befriend the citizens. When the first snowfall of winter rolled in shortly after their first night, freezing up the waters at port, Phil and Trixie used their fire magic to melt away most of the frost, so the last ships could set sail.

It had been almost a month since they arrived. Things were moving slowly; House Leo had been quick to join in with the resistance, but Trottingham was still taking some effort to convince. Plus, with unpredictable snowfalls covering the northern fields, the party decided to remain in town until the weather calmed down.

Upon one night, crystal clear as opposed to the cloudy tumult they were used to, Phil lay awake in his room at the mansion. He hadn’t slept well the past few nights, though couldn’t guess why. It just felt like there was something urgent he needed to do, or was about to happen, but nothing ever came to pass during the night.

Phil lay motionless, back to the door, staring up at the stars. He still felt it: something was going to happen- something bad, or good, he didn’t know- but he needed to figure out what it was and be there. Tired, but denied sleep, he stood and walked over to the window, looking out on the craggy, rocky expanse to the north of the city. It was like this for most of the furthest north in Equestria: once you got past the northern cities, it was nothing but rock, then ocean.

Phil didn’t really expect to see anything, but as he stared out dully, he thought he caught a glimpse of something green. When his eyes darted to where he thought he saw it, however, it had already disappeared. He waited a few seconds, then saw another further to the right. It seemed to be glowing lightly, but he still couldn’t get a good look at it.

There’s something moving around down there. He concluded. It’s all the way down there, though, and I can’t see it from here. Maybe... maybe I should get a closer look. Eager to have something to occupy his mind, Phil slung on his jacket and made for the exit. When he retrieved his jacket, however, he noted that Trixie’s cloak was already gone. Did she just step out for some fresh air? Or did she notice this too...?

Shaking his head, Phil stepped out of the mansion and into the frigid night air, going through the iron gates and around the fence to the barren fields beyond. Every once in a while, he would spot another of the green lights, but could never focus on any single one of them. There was a small pathway winding deeper into the fields, but it was often snowed over or buried in rock, so Phil had to fly a good portion of the trip. But he knew that the path was the right way to go, because the ever-present green lights continued along in the general area of the trail.

He came to a rest in a small patch of level ground, surveying his surroundings. Emberton was a small group of flickering lights in the distance, and the craggy fields around him were illuminated solely by the light of the stars. As Phil was scanning the area for any signs of... anything out of the ordinary, anything that would give him this strange feeling of dread, one of the small green lights passed by much closer, and he was finally able to get a good look at it.

It wasn’t a light at all, but some kind of tiny winged creature, not even as big as Phil’s fist. It was perfectly round, with a blue coat of fur and a glossy pair of butterfly’s wings sprouting from what must have been its back. The luminescence was coming from its green eyes, half as big as the creature itself. Phil only caught it for a moment before it zipped off further down the path, set on whatever destination it had in mind.

Thoroughly confused, but just as determined to get to the bottom of things, Phil shrugged and flew off after the creature. As they traversed the faint trail, Phil noticed more and more of the luminescent beings making their way in the same direction. Their coats were greatly varied in color- blue, yellow, red, white, brown- but their eyes always remained the same bright, glowing green.

As the insects- as that was what Phil had decided to classify them as- began to slow, Phil stopped in his tracks. Before him was some kind of ancient ruin, unlooked upon for countless years, crumbling with age. It might have been some kind of temple, as the architecture was fancy for such a small building. Four great pillars once stood at each corner, but only two still remained upright. The ceiling had collapsed upon the ground, but the pieces looked to have been gradually cleared away, revealing the centerpiece of the altar.

A great stone slab, smooth and clean in every way, an eight-pointed star imprinted on its surface, lay in the center. Upon it stood Trixie, dressed fully in her black mage ensemble, the green-eyed creatures flitting about her excitedly.

A knife was in her hand... held to her own heart.

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