• Published 12th Jul 2021
  • 722 Views, 9 Comments

The Centaur Conspiracy - 5u0myn0n4

Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow, explore secrets, and uncover startling revelations.

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Chapter 1

When we last saw the Legion of Doom, they had concluded the adventure of a lifetime.

After being unexpectedly free from stone, Cozy, Tirek, and Chrysalis escaped Canterlot and went off on their own journey. Their goal of finding the Rainbow of Darkness was a success, but what they didn't account for was that Cozy Glow would fall ill.

Not to go out on a whimper, Cozy came up with an alternative plan. She carried out one more final scheme to take over Equestria once and for all. In the process, Cozy found her real dad, and discovered that she had a little sister named Amber Glow.

After a heartbreaking and yet miracle ridden last series of events, the members of the legion were reunited at last, and true evil was vanquished for good.

For banishing the Rainbow of Darkness, and changing Queen Chrysalis, Twilight Sparkle had come around and chose to forgive Cozy Glow for her past actions. And Cozy in return vowed to be good going forward. After a series of failed take over attempts, and newfound fondness of working together with Cozy, Chrysalis and Tirek followed in her hoofsteps gladly. It was a nice change of pace to be liked by Twilight instead of wanted by her.

After saying goodbye to Twilight Sparkle, they waved goodbye to the ponies they'd met along the way. The likes of Suri Polomare, Lighting Dust, Svengallop, and others, as they returned to the village Cozy had founded, while Cozy, along with Tirek, and Chrysalis, opted instead to traverse their own path. Amber was torn whether to stay with her father and all the ponies in the safety of the village, or stay with Cozy Glow. But ultimately she opted for the latter, and joined Cozy on their journey to wherever the wind would carry them. She was an adventurous soul, and wanted to explore all of Equestria.

After that day, well, they weren't seen too often from then on out.

Rumors of sightings permeated Equestria, but they were seldom seen. What they had planned next, no one really knew for sure. Some creatures speculated that the group had no plan in particular, and were essentially just going wherever the wind took them.

Today though we're here to solve the mystery of what became of Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and her sister, Amber Glow, after they ventured off into their own adventure.

After they started this next chapter of life, they found more time to themselves, it allowed for the four of them to discover more about each other.

Amber was the curious filly who was happy to tag along to any adventure. Cozy Glow and Tirek grew closer by each progressing day it seemed. And Chrysalis found peace, and eased up for the first time in a long while.

Some years into their journey, the four of them had found themselves in a wondrous forest, where they came face to face with an actual Kirin. After being led to the Kirin home village, they stopped and spent some days in the village.

They were warmly welcomed, not common for outsiders, but every Kirin the village could sense the four were no threat. They were friendly to each other and those around them.

The easygoing reformed Changeling Chrysalis, the little unicorn Amber. And then there was Cozy Glow and Tirek... The energy between them was impossible to ignore.

And thus, the eager and energetic Autumn Blaze stepped in and urged them to close the gap between each other. The two were surprised by Autumn's suggestion. Autumn back petaled a little after realizing she'd made them uncomfortable, but after thinking it over, Cozy and Tirek agreed they needed some time alone to think about the future.

The pegasus mare Cozy and the centaur prince Tirek, departed from the Kirin village on yet another side adventure. An adventure within an adventure.

Amber Glow and Chrysalis stayed behind in the village to learn more about their culture.

Which brings us to today.

In the pristine and serene outdoors of the Kirin forest, lay two creatures.

Laying down with her legs crossed, was the little blue maned unicorn filly, Amber Glow, the (sort of) twin sister to the pegasus Cozy Glow. The resemblance between the two Glows was uncanny. Not surprising since Amber was created directly from Cozy Glow. She was born many years after Cozy, so she was some years younger than her "sister". They shared the same blue mane and pale skin color. The biggest distinction was that Amber was a unicorn, while Cozy was of course a pegasus. Besides that, Amber's most distinguishing trait was her yellowish eyes, of which served as her namesake.

Next to the filly was the former Queen of Changelings, the now reformed changed changeling, Chrysalis. Together they laid in the grass and took in the fresh air. It was very relaxing to the both of them.

Amber broke the bliss silence to express her feelings.

"Nothing beats the feeling of having the wind flowing through my mane." Amber said.

"You said it." Chrysalis replied.

Neither Cozy nor Amber styled their manes in that old fashioned swirly mane style. They both opted to just let their manes flow naturally. There was no need for either of them to style their manes that way, or wear tail bows or head bows in order to put on a false persona to fool anyone. Cozy was a reformed mare, there was nothing to hide any more. And Amber was a young expressive and outgoing filly who found much more satisfaction in expressing herself to others, instead of lying and pretending.

Chrysalis gave in and let her body change, following in the steps of the rest of her hive. Had she not, she might not be alive today. She had spent so much time away from her hive in that old changeling form, she came dangerously close to running out of energy and withering away. It was thanks to the combined friendship bond with her, Cozy, Amber, and Tirek that warmed the cockles of her heart and taught her that it was better to share love than to steal it.

Her mind was at peace. There was little reason to worry about her subjects. They were in good hands under the watch of Queen Ocellus.

"This is the life." Amber said.

"It certainly is." Chrysalis replied. "Being loved and adored by my entire hive, ooh, really does warm me up."

"Going on adventures with my older sister, and you guys." Amber said.

"And to now be loved by every creature who once hated me really feels like such a turnaround." Chrysalis said.

The two relaxed for another moment or two. But there was that sinking feeling wondering what their closest friends were up to.

"When do you suppose Cozy Glow and Tirek are coming back?" Amber asked.

"Probably when they've had enough of each other." Chrysalis joked.

"So basically, it'll be a while." Amber giggled.

It'd been a week since Cozy Glow and Tirek left the village, leaving Amber and Chrysalis with not much to do besides wait for their return.

"I do miss them though. It's already been a few days." Amber said.

Amber was in a bit of a slum. Although she was enjoying her more personal time with Chrysalis, she missed her sister and Tirek. She'd had the time of her life exploring Equestria with the three of them guiding her, teaching her, and in general being the perfect family she could've ever wanted. Sure her dad was okay, and she looked forward to seeing him again next time they decided to visit the village Cozy established, but living nomadically in Equestria was the experience of a lifetime.

Later that night, all the Kirin, along with Amber and Chrysalis were watching Autumn Blaze's newest play. Kirin Khronicles.

The theater was packed. Every seat was occupied by a kirin, say for the seats where Amber and Chrysalis spectated the play.

"It's flattering that Autumn Blaze wrote a stage play based on our adventures." Amber whispered.

"Shh..." Cinder Glow shushed Amber.

Faced against impossible odds, the glowing Kirin single handedly fought against all the Kirin who were dressed in darker outfits.

"This is my favorite part." Amber said. Her pupils were dilating as she watched the climax of the play.

The protagonist and main antagonist characters were face to face, when the protagonist caught the antagonist by surprise, trapped the both of them in a magic spell, and banished both of them!

Every creature gasped.

The curtains closed signifying the end of Act 2.

The Kirin all clapped in excitement after an exciting climax.

"Such a dramatic and heartbreaking scene..." Amber said, shedding a single tear.

"Right..." Chrysalis said, who was not as confident in how to feel.

The two of them caught a glimpse of Autumn Blaze peeking her head from the curtain, requesting their presence. The two of them stood up from their seats and made their way to behind the stage.

During the intermission, Amber and Chrysalis went behind the stage to speak with Autumn.

"This play has been a wild success! Everyone loves it!" Autumn Blaze said. "I can't thank you enough for the inspiration. Hearing your awe inspiring story of tragedy, loss, wooo, really got my imagination running wild for how to portray such events on a stage play!"

"That's splendid. I'm so happy for your success." Chrysalis said.

"Thanks for saying that, Chrysalis. You're both clearly enjoying it, but you seem a little under the weather, Tiny Cozy." Autumn said.

Amber glared at Autumn. She was not flattered by the nickname the Kirin had given her.

"Err, I mean Amber." Autumn corrected.

Amber did not like being called Cozy. Not as a nickname, or informally. She didn't want to hear anyone make that mistake.

"The play's great, but I just wish Cozy and Tirek were here to witness it." Amber said. "As well as here to spend more time with us..."

"Eh. I mean, it's not like this isn't anything they haven't witnessed before. After all, they lived it." Autumn Blaze said. "It's not like they've forgotten about either of you. They just need some time to themselves after such a long journey. You know how adults can be." Autumn said.

The little filly scratched her mane. "I don't." she said, confused.

"Well, it's a grownup thing, you'll understand in due time... time, time! It's nearly time for Act 3! Places everyone! Places!" Autumn said, frantically.

Autumn Blaze frantically rushed behind the stage setting the props, and getting all the actors in place for the 3rd and final act. There were a lot of characters for this last act.

"We best get back to our place in the seats." Chrysalis said.

"Yeah, alright then." Amber said.

Meanwhile, Cozy Glow, who was a fully grown mare, and Tirek, were busy on their own journey.

The two of them shared some laughs, and in general just enjoyed having each other around.

"Oh, Tirek you devious yet surprisingly quirky centaur." Cozy Glow said.

"Oh and you, Cozy Glow. I suppose this is the real you." Tirek said.

"I can get as real as you'd like." Cozy said.

After... enjoying their company, Tirek let out some more of his thoughts.

"You know, I'm really pleased with what we've been able to accomplish." Tirek admitted.

Cozy nodded in agreement. "One of the reasons why being turned to stone was as... inconvenient as it was, was all the unfinished business we had on our plates. Chrysalis was never able to reconcile with her hive after they all changed, but we went ahead and fixed that. And then with me, woah. I had so much family business I wasn't even aware of. I had no idea my dad thought far enough ahead to make a clone of me. And now we have Amber with us. And after I, I mean we, saved Equestria, now my dad, the changelings, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and just about every creature in Equestria admires and respects us." Cozy said.

At this stage in their lives, Cozy and Tirek were pretty content. No longer were they wanted villains on the run from Princess Twilight Sparkle. After they (mostly Cozy Glow though) saved Equestria from Grogar and the Rainbow of Darkness, they were finally free and allowed to enjoy life at their own pace. No longer did they have the pressure or desire to want to take over Equestria. Instead, Cozy, Tirek, Chrysalis, and Amber were content taking life one step at a time.

That's nice and all, but does that mean their journey is over? Not just yet. Which member of the legion still has unfinished business? It should be obvious by now.

"There really isn't that much more unfinished business to take care of, which leaves us more time to each other." Cozy said, pressing her hoof against Tirek.

Tirek looked happy, but he also looked unsure. Coupling all factors together. Him and Cozy. His unfinished business. Something didn't mix right.

"There's something on your mind, isn't there?" Cozy asked. "Chrysalis and I have reconciled with our families... but you haven't."

Tirek did not reply, but Cozy was correct. Tirek did have a family, and he hadn't seen any of them since before he was put away in Tartarus for the first time. That was a very long time ago. How much had changed since then? Were his parents and brother exactly as they were when they last met, or had they changed just as profoundly as Tirek in that time? Neither of them had an answer.

"Oh you poor poor thing. You left your home a shattered and broken centaur, and you still haven't been fully repaired since." Cozy said. "But this isn't like before. We're in a future of our own making. We have the ability to go anywhere and do what we want now."

"Which is precisely why I advise we don't do what you're about to suggest." Tirek said.

"Well, a good story isn't done until all loose ends are wrapped up. Seems to me like we have one more thing to take care of." Cozy said.

"You don't really mean?" Tirek asked.

"But I do." Cozy nodded "Tirek, we're going to see your parents!" she exclaimed.

Tirek groaned in displeasure at the thought of such an idea.

"Must we?" he asked.

"We must!" Cozy replied. "When the morning sun rises, we head back to the Kirin village and regroup with Chrysalis and Amber. They're coming with us to Midnight Castle!"

"Must they? Your presence alone will be hard enough to explain..." Tirek said.

"We're family, and we stick together. Now get some shut eye. Tomorrow's going to be the start of an exciting new chapter." Cozy grinned.

The unpleasant thought sent ripples through to Tirek's core. Cozy could tell, and thought to ease his nerves.

"Hey, don't stress about it. We're here for you." Cozy said, confidently.

"That's precisely what I'm worried about." Tirek said, worried.

"Oh poppycock, Tirek. Your family's going to love me." Cozy said, gleefully.

"You don't know them like I did." Tirek replied. "So I can be more confident when I say-"

"Shh. Do tell me all about them in the morning. Good night, my Tirek."

As per usual, Cozy Glow had a loud snore, but Tirek was accustomed to it and he was usually able to tune it out. It seemed especially loud tonight though. Probably attributed to the turbulence in Tirek's mind. How could Tirek sleep now with the thought of introducing Cozy Glow to his parents? The day will eventually come. And when the sun rises, a new tale will be underway.

My father, King Vorak, and my mother Queen Haydon. What of Scorpan? Why haven't I seen him since I've been free from Tartarus?

Vorak was never satisfied with me, even when I was poised to take over Equestria. What will he think now that I have surrendered, and now call a pony my... partner?

Author's Note:

After thinking about the sequel to Cozy Chronicles off and on over the course of the past year or so, I think after enough thinking, I have enough ideas to be able to officially start production on the sequel story.
Expect infrequent updates because my interest in writing in general has gone down, but I was excited enough to do this story that I wanted to pursue it anyway. Hope you enjoy.