• Published 12th Jul 2021
  • 723 Views, 9 Comments

The Centaur Conspiracy - 5u0myn0n4

Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow, explore secrets, and uncover startling revelations.

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Chapter 6

Amber and Torre were together on a castle balcony, overlooking the dry landscape.

"So, Mister Torre." Amber said.

"Torre will do." he said.

"How long have you and Mr. Sourpuss known each other?" Amber asked.

"Longer than I care to admit." he replied.

"So have you guys just been waiting for us? What have you been up to all this time here?" Amber asked.

"I'll admit. Tsourakis was enthralled when he heard news that the three of them were released from stone. And even more excited still that they were on their way here." he said.

"Why? Is he like a big fan or something?" Amber asked.

"You can say that. Even so, we weren't expecting a party of four." Torre said.

"Yeah, I have a tendency to surprise ponies. Even Cozy was shocked to see me living with her dad. At first she thought she was hallucinating and was seeing herself in the past, but then she realized her dad had made me!" Amber explained.

"Unbelievable." Torre said.

"Yeah, that's what they all say." Amber said.

"Yep. How does it feel being a savior of Equestria?" Torre asked.

"Me? I mean, I guess. My sister's the real hero though. Defeating the Rainbow of Darkness, and saving me from the fearsome Grogar. Actually, that latter part, we worked together."

"Doesn't it feel.... do you ever feel kiddo that..." his voice trailed off.

"What?" she asked.

"Well, remember the story of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna?" Torre asked.

"Why, it's even implied with your cutie marks, when you compare hers to yours." Torre said.

Torre was of course referring to Amber's cutie mark, which depicted a disc shaped checkers piece, in contrast to Cozy Glow's rook cutie mark from chess.

"What are you suggesting? Envy? That wouldn't ever happen with us. Besides, I don't live in her shadow. We're a team. Together. She said it herself. It's like we're two halves of a beautiful and powerful alicorn. She's the wings, and I'm the magic and the horn." Amber said. "She risked her life to save me from Grogar, and I'd do the same for her."

"Truly enamorable. A true testament of loyalty if I've ever seen it." Torre said. "But still, you look just like her. Your eyes have a unique yellowish tinge, but you share the same mane color." Torre said.

"Yeah, that's always been a little awkward." Amber confessed.

"Want to change that?" Torre asked.

Amber's eyes beamed, and her interest was piqued.

"You know how to dye manes?" she asked.

Torre nodded reluctantly, like Amber he just reminded him of some lost skill he possessed.

Meanwhile, Cozy Glow met alone with the mysterious leader Tsourakis in the castle library. She insisted that he explain more, but he was still very secretive. Instead, it was his idea to have a meeting in the library.

The library was nicely maintained, and had a healthy collection of all kind of unusual books. It seemed up to date as well, as if someone was still collecting knowledge recently.

"I do have to say, Mr. Tsourakis. I'm quite pleased that you've been so dedicated to maintaining this place since the disappearance of King Vorak." Cozy said.

"Ah, but of course, my little filly." Tsourakis said. "I had heard the legends of the once powerful King Vorak. And to see his castle abandoned, just absolutely broke my heart. That is why I am dedicated to preserving his legacy. It's a good thing you four showed up when you did. I don't know if Torre and I could've done it on our own."

"But enough about me. I've read of your accomplishments, young filly. In a last ditch effort to save your fleeting soul before you perished for good, a noble unicorn offered her body to host your soul. And in a last ditch effort to save your friends, you ejected that soul into the bewitching bell, and used all the magic you had gathered to stop the Rainbow of Darkness, and banish it once and for all." Tsourakis said.

Cozy Glow was flattered, but felt not the least bit uneasy.

"That's... correct. How did you know all of that?" Cozy asked.

"Why, everyone knows, Ms. Glow." Tsourakis said. "Word of your bravery has reached far and wide through Equestria."

"Is that so? Golly. Hehe. I'm flattered. Really I am." Cozy said anxiously.

"Yep. There truly isn't something you can't learn just from listening in the right places." Tsourakis said. "And if it's something that happened a long time ago, chances are someone's written it down. And if it's in paper, it's likely in this library."

"What have you been up on reading?" Cozy asked.

"Oh, the usual page turners. Reading the history of individuals is what I find most fascinating." Tsourakis said. "The evolution of changelings. The rise of King Sombra. The époque of the Storm King. And of course, the original goat himself, Grogar."

Cozy Glow slowly reached into her cloak to make sure her sharp pointed crystal was still there, and indeed it was. She had found a pointed crystal she figured could do some damage to whatever she impaled. But she wasn't ready to use it yet.

"So um... this library got any hidden doors? Forbidden wings? Any of that?" Cozy asked.

"Nah, I believe that knowledge should be free, and open for everyone." Tsourakis said. "So tell me, what are your friends up to?"

"Oh, you know. We came here so Tirek could say hi to his dear old dad. I got to see my dad again, and Chrysalis made amends with her children, so this seemed like our natural next destination." Cozy explained.

"Mmm. Indeed it is." Tsourakis said.

"We came expecting King Vorak, but instead we found you, and you've yet too really explain what happened to him." Cozy said.

"All in good time, my dear." Tsourakis said.

Tsourakis walked behind Cozy. Cozy didn't trust him. She knew a snake when she saw one, and he was up to something.

Cozy pulled out her crystal and swiftly thrusted it at Tsourakis , and her jagged crystal impacted a giant mirror he was holding.

"If memory serves, your body was reborn from the Mirror Pool?" Tsourakis asked.

"So what?!" Cozy exclaimed.

"So, it'd be a should be possible to do THIS!"

Tsourakis held the mirror and pressed it over Cozy Glow, and trapped her inside the mirror. He lifted the mirror up, and saw Cozy Glow's figure inside.

"I knew you couldn't be trusted! I knew from the start" Cozy exclaimed. "You are so going down. What did you do to Vorak?!"

"What makes you think I've done something?" Tsourakis asked.

"Don't act slick! I know a lying conniving backstabber when I see one! Takes one to know one after all." Cozy said.

"Like you'll ever find out." Tsourakis said. "But that's far from the point. Capturing you was even easier than I initially anticipated! And with Tirek and Chrysalis already set to fall for my trap as well, my plan is well underway!"

"What plan? You want like a... collection of former bad guys or something?" Cozy asked.

"Ooh, you're close. Actually very close." Tsourakis said. "Think of it like a... collection with a purpose. After you three are captured, all that'll be left is to recruit the father of monsters himself."

*gasp* "Grogar?" Cozy gasped.

"Mmmhmm. See, you, and Tirek, and Chrysalis makes three. Me and this crystal makes five. Grogar will be lucky number six. Cause you know, Equestria seems to have a knack for the number six." Tsourakis explained.

"And when happens when you... finish your math project?" Cozy asked.

"Mmm, let's just say 1+1+1+1+1+1 equals... Infinity." he said, with a dastardly tone.

Meanwhile, Torre had just finished the mane dying process.

"How do I look?" Amber asked.

"See for yourself." Torre said, holding up a mirror.

Amber opened her eyes, and saw a filly with yellow eyes, and green hair staring back at her.

"Your mane is green, miss."

"I know. But how do you feel about how it looks?" Amber asked.

"I'm not sure. I'm not capable of many emotions the same way you are." Torre said.

"Well I love it! I just know my family will too. Let's go show them!" Amber said.

"Like... right now?" Torre asked.

"Yeah, let's go show my big sis, Cozy!" Amber said.

"Uh... wait here for just one moment." Torre said.

Torre turned around and put his ear to the communication device around his arm. Amber raised and eyebrow in place.

"Hey boss, it's me, how's it going?" he said.

Tsourakis spoke to Torre, but Amber only heard it as light chatter she couldn't quite make out.

"Just brilliantly! This new body continues to deliver with no signs of wear or tear. Cozy Glow fell right into my trap hook line, and... mirror." Tsourakis said slyly.

Torre stared blankly.

"You were supposed to laugh." Tsourakis said.

"Sorry boss. So uh... what do I do with the squirt?" Torre asked.

"What have you been doing with her thus far?" Tsourakis asked.

"Uh..." Torre thought about the hours they'd spent experimenting with mane dying concoctions. But he was at least smart enough to know not to go into detail.

Torre looked at Amber, and in response Amber put on beady eyes and smiled at Torre.

"See I-" Torre started, but was interrupted.

"I don't actually care. She's a clone of Cozy, and I already have Cozy, so she's of no use to me." Tsourakis said.

"So what do I-" Torre started, but was interrupted once again.

"Enslave her, or get rid of her, I don't care. But listen, Torre. Grogar is our next target. Plan yourself a trip to Tartarus, and bring me to old goat without being detected! That's an order! Effective immediately!" Tsourakis said.

"Excuse me, are you talking to someone?" Amber asked.

"Uh... that was just my boss giving me the run down." Torre replied.

"Okay. Who are you going to run down?" Amber asked.

"Well you see... wanna join me on a road trip?" Torre asked.

"A road trip? Just us. On such short notice. Without checking in on my sister our friends?" Amber asked.

Amber lit up her horns and eyes, and whispered. I promised to make sure no harm befalls you, Cozy. Now I don't trust these fake ass centaurs as far as I can throw them. How far can I throw them? With my little body, not far. But I may as well entertain whatever act they're trying to pull.

"Alright, Mr. Torre. I'm game." Amber said.