• Published 12th Jul 2021
  • 723 Views, 9 Comments

The Centaur Conspiracy - 5u0myn0n4

Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow, explore secrets, and uncover startling revelations.

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Chapter 11

Deep under Midnight Castle, Tirek explored the underground catacombs. He had found a source of magic in the castle, and used it to absorb power and grow in strength, slightly. He used his magic horns to light the way. He climbed down stone staircases, and entered dark passages, in hopes of finding a clue as to the whereabouts of his father, King Vorak. Storm King had tipped him off that there was a clue in these parts, right before he escaped in his airship. Tirek, rather than chase after Storm King, decided it wasn't his time to bother with any of Storm King's plans, even if he posed a big threat to Equestria, Tirek simply didn't care.

Whilst exploring the tunnels, Tirek had assumed he was alone. But he head the sound of wings flapping behind him. He didn't even have to turn his head to recognize the flapping of Cozy Glow's wings.

"Find anything yet?" Cozy asked.

"What are you doing here?" Tirek asked.

"I'm here to help you search for answers." Cozy said.

"Why do you care?" Tirek asked.

"Because you're my best friend." Cozy said. "And I want to help you find the answers you're looking for."

Tirek didn't respond. He continued his journey underground. Cozy followed him anyway, despite his rudeness.

"You know, we've been through so much together. At no point have I ever turned my back on you. Not even when Grogar and the Rainbow of Darkness was controlling your mind. Not when you were an out of control shadow puppet fighting off Lustar the Empress of Magic. That glowing form of mine was a last resort. I wasn't sure it was going to work. Soon as you saw my soul was still alive in the bell, you snapped out of Grogar's control, and I sapped all that nasty dark magic out of you. I didn't know if it was going to work. I knew if it didn't, that truly might've been it for me. It was truly a do or die maneuver on that fateful day. And I did it. If I didn't manage to do it, Equestria might still be a shadow bathed hellscape. I risked everything, and saved everyone, Tirek." Cozy said.

Tirek thought back to their previous adventure.

"I've given so much for you. It'd be nice if you gave back." Cozy said. "I know you have it in you. You went back to save Amber and I from Grogar when he and I came back. You were willing to come with us to revive Chrysalis. Yet here we are on your personal journey, and all the sudden you don't want any of our help. So I'll do you a favor and help you solve this thing, but once we find what we're looking for, you have to do something for us in return. Deal?" Cozy said.

"There is no deal. I don't need your help for any of this." Tirek said.

"Very well. I'll just have to find a clue first!" Cozy said.

Cozy raced in front of Tirek.

"Stop!!" Tirek exclaimed, in a very distressed tone.

Cozy halted her wings, and landed.

"You alright?" Cozy asked. "What's wrong?"

"Under normal circumstances, things would be more... reasonable. But these are not normal circumstances. These are matters that are in regards to my father..." Tirek explained. "I haven't seen him in a long time, and we didn't exactly part ways on good terms..."

"Oh, Tirek..." Cozy said.

Tirek finally broke down and spoke.

"Truth be told, Cozy... you are right. About everything you just said. I guess... you and I have always been distinctly different. You are much more outgoing than I am. Your plan always involved extracting information from me, and convincing ponies to follow you. Be it that school, or the allies we made at our town. It's written there on your cutie mark. The rook, a clever and manipulative strategist, but part of a larger set." Tirek said. "I've seen you grow and develop change in the relatively brief amount of time we've been together. I recognize what you did for us on that fateful day was a selfless sacrifice for us. I could never be like you."

"Well... you and I sure are opposites. But that's what makes being with you so much fun. You're all bruty and closed, and I'm all bubbly and friendship oriented. It's really made being your friend such a treat. And I know you feel the same. So whether or not you think you want help, I know you can use my help. And there isn't anything you can do to change my mind." Cozy said.

Tirek initially looked disinterested, but Cozy caught a glimpse of the slightest smile on Tirek's face. This subtle sign of happiness was enough to make Cozy smile back.

After some more careful exploring, the two of them found the entrance to an important looking chamber. Tirek proceeded forward without looking back at Cozy. Cozy proceeded to follow him anyway. Cozy was spooked when she heard an audible gasp come from Tirek.

"Tirek? Tirek!?" Cozy exclaimed.

Cozy thrusted herself forward to see what was wrong.

"Oh no..." Cozy said.


Tirek collapsed to his knees.

Cozy looked up, and was equally horrified at what she saw.

In front of Cozy Glow and Tirek was a casket resembling King Vorak.

"Tirek..." Cozy said.

It was a casket with a painting of King Vorak on the front, and a description next to it confirming that this was indeed his resting place.

"I'm too late..." Tirek said.

"Tirek. Just take things slow. Don't take it in all at once." Cozy said.

"I spent so many years in Tartarus, and in stone... I wasn't here to save him..." Tirek said. "I'm everything he feared. He was right about me. I urged me not to venture to Equestria, he did not see any value in harvesting magic from ponies, but I did not heed his warning. I was consumed with the greed and urge to devour all that magic. What ended up happening was my defeat. Anyone could've foreseen my failure, except me. Vorak lost a son due to my own fault."

Cozy patted Tirek.

"Tirek... I..." Cozy tried to say, but Tirek was a wreck, and couldn't muster the strength to get up and speak.

Cozy let him get his nerves out, and Cozy examined Vorak's casket. She opened it up and peaked inside. Tirek was too afraid to look himself. What she discovered was very strange.

"He's missing his heart." Cozy said. "That's oddly peculiar. I wonder why."

Tirek was startled when he heard this revelation. He clenched his fists, and was full of fury.

"Storm King." he said, with an iron grip of his fist. "That bozo came to the castle, and defaced my father. I won't let this stand."

"But come here? Why Vorak? Why his heart? What could he be using it for?" Cozy wondered.

"It matters not the reason. Storm King's crimes are clear, and we must take action towards our revenge." Tirek said.

"You mean we're going after Storm King now?" Cozy asked.

Tirek nodded.

"You sure? You said you weren't interested in saving Equestria shenanigans. Besides, it's not good to act on anger." Cozy said.

Tirek took a deep breath.

"Cozy Glow. Will you help me to avenge my father, and take down the Storm King?" Tirek asked.

Cozy had many thoughts. She was pleased that Tirek asked her politely, almost seemed like he was learning to be more compassionate. Or at least getting there. But Cozy was still quite uncertain about everything. But just earlier Amber had convinced her that she and Chrysalis could take on Storm King, so it seemed reasonable that she and Tirek could do so too. That wasn't her concern. It was more a matter of, if this was the right approach. But at the very least, Storm King and his plans probably should be stopped.

"Alright. I'll help you. I'll always help you." Cozy said, affectionately.

"But how do we catch up to Storm King?" Cozy asked.

"I know how we'll get there." Tirek said.

With that. They had decided that they were going to go after Storm King after all. But there was still a tinge of uneasiness with both of them.

"And Tirek. We don't know if getting revenge will..." Cozy said, uncertain how to word things, in fear of upsetting Tirek further. But he was set in his ways.

"Save your concerns for after we settle things." Tirek said.