• Published 12th Jul 2021
  • 723 Views, 9 Comments

The Centaur Conspiracy - 5u0myn0n4

Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow, explore secrets, and uncover startling revelations.

  • ...

Chapter 15 (The End)

On an ordinary field, the ground was riddled with debris, and wreckage. One of the debris piles thumped, and knocked, until finally, Cozy Glow pushed herself upward, and out of the debris pile. She looked around, and took in the sight of the wreckage. What a mess, but she was none too impressed. Hard landing, definitely. She didn't see anyone else nearby. Was she alone? Well no. Upon further inspection, she saw a wobbling little torso struggle to move itself. The Storm King also survived the fall, and was reduced to nothing but his torso, and head in a jar.

"You." Cozy said to him with a deadpan tone.

"You? Wait, wait. So, things didn't exactly go according to plan, and wound up a little destructive for all of us. But hey. No hard feelings, right?" Storm King asked.

Cozy gave Storm King a glare most dissatisfied.

"Hehe... don't give me the stink eye, kid." Storm King said.

"I'm not a kid anymore." Cozy said, inching closer to Storm King.

"What are you doing? Hey! Keep your hooves out of there!" Storm King exclaimed.

Cozy Glow opened Storm King's torso, and saw Vorak's beating heart giving him energy.

"Oh no. Don't you think about it. I need that heart in order to survive! Without it, my lifespan will be limited! I will run out of breath! I will-"

Without any exchange of words from Cozy, she grabbed the heart with her hooves, and began pulling.

She ripped the heart out of Storm King's chasm.

"AAHHHH!!! Oh! Now you've done it! You've ruined me! You think this is the end of me, but it isn't! I will always return! I haunt your dreams! I will lurk in your nightmares! You can't erase the idea that is, the Storm King....." Storm King said, with one last exhale.

Cozy manually closed Storm King's eyes. And that was the last word he spoke.

"Good riddance." she said.

She held Vorak's heart in her hooves. Still fresh, in spite of how old it was said to be.

Now to find Tirek... Cozy said in her mind.

Cozy looked at the debris field, but saw no movement.

"TIREK!! TIREK!?" Cozy cried out. But she did not receive a response.

She felt the heart beating in her hoof, and it started to overwhelm her.

"What's happening? Hrgh... ugh. Hmm." Cozy

"Somepony help me... I'm starting to feel overcome with... pressure. *hic* anypony please..." Cozy said, tearing up.

"Who's there?" Cozy said, looking up.

In front of her was a tall bipedal creature with large wings, and a snout.

"Are we too late?" they said.

"You by golly are too late! Just who are you anyway!?" Cozy asked.

"Cozy Glow, I'm Tirek's brother, Scorpan." he said.

"Scorpan?! As in, Tirek's actual brother Scorpan?" Cozy asked.

Scorpan nodded.

"Well... great! You took your sweet time getting here!" Cozy shouted. "Where have you been this whole time!?"

"It's complicated, but what's important is that we're here now, so calm down and-" Scorpan said.

"And who tipped you off? Huh?! How'd you know where to find us?!" Cozy asked frantically.

From behind Scorpan, came a familiar unicorn. It was Cozy's childhood friend and ally Magnolia, AKA Maggie.

"Maggie? Okay, now I'm confused. What's going on?" Cozy asked.

"Come with us, Cozy." Maggie said. "I have a lot to explain to you guys."

"NO! You let me explain, alright! Tirek's... *sniff* Tirek's not here. We fought the Storm King! He took over Tirek's home, and axed his father as well. We tried to fight Storm King and stop his giant laser from destroying Canterlot, but King Sombra was there, and he pushed me, and Tirek, and Storm King off the airship. I survived the fall, but Tirek he..."

Psst. "Hey, Cozy. Look up, and calm down." Scorpan said.

Cozy looked up at Scorpan.

"It's okay. We promise you that things are gonna be okay." Scorpan said.

Cozy nodded her watery face.

"What have you got there?" Maggie asked.

Meanwhile in Canterlot.

Amber Glow, and Chrysalis were in Canterlot, and were brought before Princess Twilight Sparkle.

"Amberden Fullerton Glow. What do you see in the sky?" Twilight asked.

"The moon." Amber answered.

"And what's wrong with the moon?" Twilight asked.

"It's taken severe damage..." Amber replied.

"And how did that happen?" Twilight asked.

"A giant laser impacted the side of it." Amber said.

"Who is responsible for the damage?" Twilight asked.

"We are." Amber replied.

"So it is true. I trusted all of you to safely live among Equestria, but now this happens. What do you have to say for yourself, Amber?" Twilight asked.

"We're sorry, Twilight." Amber said.

"I guess we messed." Amber said, starting to cry.

"Twilight, if I may have a word." Chrysalis said.

"Yes, Chrysalis?" Twilight said.

"Before you think of a way to punish us, I ask that you hear our side of this story." Chrysalis said.

"Of course. Alright, if there's more to this story, now's the time to explain it." Twilight said.

Chrysalis was about to explain to Twilight the whole picture, when suddenly, some creature spoke out.

"It isn't their fault!" cried a voice.

"What the?!Who said that?" Twilight asked.

Everypony turned and saw a familiar, yet unpleasant green dragon in front of them.

"It was me, Princess! The moon was attacked by a giant super laser built by the Storm King. See, here's all his riches I pillaged from his airship." Sludge explained.

Sludge presented Twilight with a large sack of riches. Everypony looked at each other in amazement. It was unbelievable to see Sludge of all creatures talk reasonably.

"The little welp isn't the blame." Sludge said. "Here, accept this offer, and even take me in custody in her place if you insist on taking prisoner, please, take me instead of her."

Everyone stared blankly at each other. What an unexpected and awkward turn having Sludge appear, but what he said added up regardless.

"Well if that's the case, Sludge. I order you to clean up Equestria! Start by picking up all the debris." Twilight said.

"Yes sir, Princess Sir." Sludge said. "I'm keeping these riches though. Hooray! I finally did something worthwhile."

"Amber, I sincerely apologize for being so hard on you and Chrysalis. It wasn't fair for me to jump to conclusions." Twilight said.

Twilight patted Amber on the head. But even still, her eyes were watering.

"What's wrong, Amber?" Twilight asked.

"Please help us find Cozy and Tirek." Amber said.

"Tirek and Cozy Glow? What happened to them?" Twilight asked.

Amber did not reply.

"Chrysalis? What have you guys been up to this whole time?" Twilight asked.

"There's a lot to explain, Princess." Chrysalis said.

Some time later, elsewhere:

"Is he waking?" a voice said.

Tirek began to groan, and move slightly.

"Tirek?" Cozy asked.

*Grgh. Hgh. Huh?*

Tirek opened his eyes, and saw three bodies overhead watching him.

*gasp* "He's alive. Oh my hoofness you're alive!" Cozy exclaimed.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be? *Oof* Feels like I had a nasty fall." Tirek said.

"That's cause you did. Remember? We found your body and you were... but that doesn't matter. It's all okay now." Cozy said.

"Tirek? How do you feel?" Maggie asked.

"Fine. I suppose. A little pain. But, what? Where am I?" Tirek asked.

"Where are we anyway?" Tirek asked.

"We're home, Tirek. We're home at last." Cozy replied.

"What exactly is home?" Tirek asked.

"We're at Tirek Cozy Glow Chrysalis. AKA, TCGC. Remember? Our little town we founded. But it ain't so little anymore." Cozy said.

Outside the window was a flourish of community interaction and activity.

"All these ponies are here because of something we started a long time ago." Cozy said.

"That's right. Strange how it worked out that way." Tirek said.

"Uh huh. Mayor Magnolia has really taken her responsibility of watching over the town seriously. We're a real place on the map now." Cozy explained.

Tirek was impressed.

"All these ponies, gathered here, because of something we created?" Tirek asked.

"Yep. They've followed in our hoofsteps and learned from us. They've heard our story, and have been inspired by our journey to embark on one of their own, and to come here to learn and cooperate." Cozy explained.

Cozy looked out and noticed every creature had their attention in the sky.

"What's that up there that everyone is looking at?" Cozy asked.

Cozy and Maggie looked up, and saw a golden chariot arriving in town.

It was Princess Twilight Sparkle riding a chariot. She landed in the main plaza of the town.

"It's Twilight!" Cozy exclaimed.

"Twilight Sparkle?" Tirek asked.

"Yeah! I wonder what she wants." Cozy pondered.

"You stay here. You need to rest some more." Maggie said.

"And I'll stay to look after him. We have a lot of catching up to do." Scorpan said.

"We certainly do." Tirek said. "Where have you been, Scorpan?"

"Sightseeing. Trying not to think of you." Scorpan replied.

"Oh. Because you're ashamed of me." Tirek said.

"Because I was sad for you. Sad that I did everything I could, but you still ended up how you did." Scorpan said. "I see your friends have done what I could not, and taught you better after all."

Cozy and Maggie went outside to greet the princess. The princess stepped out of her chariot, and looked upon everypony.

"Twilight?" Cozy asked.

"Cozy!!" Twilight said.

"Twilight, we're happy to see you. But, what brings you here exactly?" Cozy asked.

In the chariot with her was Amber and Chrysalis.

Amber rushed forward, and tackled her big sister.

"Oh, Cozy! I was so worried for you! I mean, I never doubted for a moment that you were alright, but I'm so glad you're here!" Amber said joyfully.

"Wow, Amber. I'm so relieved you're okay." Cozy said.

"No more big adventures for us please." Amber pleaded.

"We're definitely taking a long deserved break after this one." Cozy said, smirking.

Cozy looked over and saw Chrysalis.

"Thank you for taking care of her, Chrysalis." Cozy said.

"I think she's the one who took care of me. She saved me, and nearly all of Equestria." Chrysalis said.

"Oh did you now, little Amby?" Cozy said.

"I'm just following in your hoofsteps, Cozy." Amber said.

"You might be a bigger hero than me." Cozy said.

"Me? As if. I'll never live up to what you achieved. How you used the bell to-" Amber said.

"Yeah yeah, we know how it goes. You think you won't achieve what I did? I don't think you give yourself enough credit." Cozy said. "Taking over and sinking an entire airship and blowing up a big mega charged laser!? Now THAT's cool!"

"Hehehe. It was nothing much." Amber said, blushing from flattering.

Cozy nuzzled Amber's nose, which her little sister enjoyed tremendously.

"So now what?" Cozy asked.

"You tell me. Where's Tirek? Is he okay?" Amber asked.

"He's healing in the castle. It's best we not disturb him for a while." Cozy said.

Cozy took another look at Twilight.

"Thanks once again, Twilight, for allowing me and my friends to be free." Cozy said.

"Of course, Cozy. You all more than earned it." Twilight said.

"I uh... sorry for the um, the damage we caused on our latest adventure." Cozy said, apologizing.

"It's fine. I know you didn't mean to cause any damage yourselves, and that it's something that just happened." Twilight said. "You know though, it sounds like things could've been much more disastrous were it not for you guys. I'm impressed with you all."

"Oh, golly. Thanks, Twilight." Cozy thanked.

"You know, all things considered, you are good at this. Maybe once you've had time to recuperate, maybe you'll consider doing this more often?" Twilight said. "Equestria could always use creatures willing to defend it at any cost."

Cozy and Amber looked at each other, somewhat bewildered. Adventure was the last thing on their mind at this moment, but what was Twilight offering them exactly?

After a few days, Tirek was making a swell recovery. His heart beat was healthy, and he was able to stand up and walk again.

On a calm afternoon, Tirek leaned against the balcony, and looked outward. Cozy Glow looked at him, and wondered what was on his mind. She approached her centaur friend. To her surprise, Tirek spoke to her first.

"I know what you did." Tirek said.

"You do...?" Cozy asked.

"It was pretty easy to deduce." Tirek said.

"Tirek, um, listen. I just wanted you to know that... that it was by no means an easy decision to make.

"I mean, my mom gave her last breath just to push me out. So, I mean, it's what any parent could want, right? To see their child go on to live and..." Cozy halted herself. The tears made it too difficult to finish her thought.

Tirek stood silent, as all Cozy could do was tear up.

"You know, this is the balcony I sat at while I waited for Discord to return, when he promised to heal you back to health. But that moment didn't quite come, so Maggie and I took matters into our own hands, which led us to use the Rainbow of Darkness." Tirek explained.

"So by that point, you stormed Equestria... for me?" Cozy asked.

Cozy teared up some more. She was mostly just flattered at this confirmation. Tirek had never done anything for the sake of friendship until that point, even if it was via destructive means that one time.

"But, you probably think I'm a monster for that." Tirek said.

"What? No. Not at all. Not even at the time I didn't look at it that way. I don't hold that against you. I mean, love makes you do stupid things. Like say... agree to helping your friends search for the Rainbow of Darkness, only because you think they'll only like you if you're evil and conniving. Only to end up actually finding it and end up having to seal it away yourself." Cozy said.

Cozy looked at Tirek's long face, and choked up.

"Seeing you filled with rage was the worst feeling. Seeing all my friends from our village consumed by the darkness as well. Seeing you all turned against me, and have your minds lost. I couldn't believe what I had done. The whole Rainbow of Darkness situation was my fault. I made you believe it was something that it wasn't, and Grogar tricked you and took over everyone's minds. I certainly didn't make matters easier by taking out Twilight and her friends, but I was willing to give up everything to save you, and the rest of my friends too. The friends who now all live here, and hey, I made it, so it worked out okay for a time."

"I still can't believe it. Not that, you know, the glowing bit, but that you would act so selfless. All you wanted was power for yourself." Tirek said.

"I told ya, Tirek. I found out that I wanted more than power. I wanted real friends. I wanted to help those friends, and secure their futures as safe and prosperous, even if I couldn't. Things changed, and helping you guys became all that mattered." Cozy explained.

"You're not a monster, you're my favorite centaur. The same centaur I would do anything to satisfy. Be it sacrifice myself to stop the darkness. Or use up your dad's heart to revive you instead of reviving him... I don't know if any of these were the ideal decisions, but they're what happened, and we only have our futures to shape. All we can do is move forward with what has happened." Cozy said.

"I wanted to help you find answers to your daddy, but this was the last thing I expected to happen... *sniff* I'm lucky you're still here, but it came at a cost. I made a call, and now you can look at me and judge me for that call." Cozy said, weeping.

"You made a decision, and that's that. There's no use in dwelling on what you could've done differently." Tirek said.

"You seem more upset than I.

"Because *sniff* because I really wanted to unite you with your father... *sniff* but I made the decision to use his heart to revive you instead of him. And it's not like I could've asked you what the right decision was. I had to do it on my own..."

Cozy hugged the front of Tirek.

"It's alright. It's done." Tirek assured.

"Promise me to be honest with me." Cozy said.

Tirek nodded.

"Now, what was it you wanted to say earlier?" Tirek asked.

"Oh, right. Now come on out, everyone is waiting for you." Cozy said.

Outside the castle was a crowd of villagers ready to greet back Tirek.

"Welcome back, ya big lug." Lightning Dust said.

"Ya had us worried for a bit, but we knew you'd pull through." Rolling Thunder said.

"Happy birthday!" Short Fuse exclaimed.

"Cozy Glow told us everything that happened. What a wild rush you guys all went on." Suri Polomare said.

"Yeah, we sure did." Cozy said.

"The point is that our founders are here, and they'd like to address the state of your union." Maggie said.

"Oh? Oh, yeah. Right, let me get in position." Cozy said.

Cozy Glow stood at a podium in front of everypony in the village. Cozy wasn't the least bit anxious. She was very skilled at speaking to large crowds.

"Every creature, pony. Thank each and every one of you for such an amazing journey. You know, when I was attending Twilight's School of Friendship, I made lots of friends. But those weren't really friends. I didn't care about making friends. I only wanted an army to rule over to make me more powerful."

The crowd giggled.

"Hehe. Yes, yes. funny, right? But then came that fateful day, well, a few, actually. When I finally got a solid cooperation experience with these two, I felt totally reinvigorated. It's just that our moral compass wasn't quite pointing in the right direction just yet. That wouldn't happen for some time. Even after spending 20 years in stone, our compasses pointed down, and we wanted revenge, but the lot of you helped to change that. It wasn't like commanding the school of friendship. It was like each of you contributed something unique in our cause. Our villainous cause, but hey, cooperation is cooperation. And when it came down to it, I was faced with the tough decision of deciding what mattered more to me: Having as much power as possible and destroying any force that opposed me, or banishing the darkest force in Equestria in order to save my friends. And judging from the fact you're all here on this wonderful day, you can see what I ended up choosing."

"Yeah! All hail, Cozy!" Short Fuse exclaimed.

"Hip hip hooray!" everyone cheered.

"Ponies, please. I don't deserve half the credit you give me." Cozy said, with modest.

Cozy picked up Amber, and held her in her hooves.

"My sister Amber deserves some cheers for saving me from the ravenous Storm King, and saving Canterlot." Cozy said.

"No really, Amber. You are the wind beneath my wings." Cozy said.

Cozy nuzzled Amber's nose.

Both of their cutie marks lit up.

"Oh gee. Thanks, Cozy. But, I'll always just be Checkers compared to your Chess." Amber said.

"That's one way to interpret your cutie mark, but I don't quite see it that way." Cozy said. "If you were just another piece of chess, you and I would just be part of the same set. But you're something totally unique. Something fun, but just as sophisticated. Storm King and I were basically an even match. You and Chrysalis took out King Sombra, the Mane-iac, and Grogar, AND saved Canterlot from being blown to smithereens like the Golden Oaks Library was." Cozy said.

"I mean, there's more to it than that. Mane-iac helped us stop Sombra and, well that's a whole other story. And Grogar... wait, what happened to Grogar?" Amber said.

"Well, after you swiped the blade and set him flying into the exploding ship, I suppose that was it for him." Cozy said.

"Never doubt Grogar's resilience though." Amber pondered.

"You did what?" Suri asked.

"That sounds so cool." Lightning Dust said.

"You made an airship explode? Wow." Short Fuse said.

"See, you are a hero." Cozy said.

"You're right. Heh. Feels funny. Little old me a hero." Amber said, blushing.

Cozy held Amber all the way up. Chrysalis and Tirek joined in and lifted Amber even higher.

In the field laden with shipwreck debris, a forceful pounding could be heard. Out of the debris popped out Grogar. The old goat had managed to survive both the explosion and the ship crashing. What a god.

Grogar stomped, exhausted. Grogar overlooked the peaceful land that is Equestria, and he was amazed. He was amazed at the Harmony that spread all through Equestria. He had spent so long trying to rule Equestria himself, but it seemed neigh impossible at this point. The Equestria he ruled over, where there was no friendship, was gone, and friendship was more powerful than he was. More powerful than he could ever be. With that realization, Grogar wondered what use it was to continue to fight against it any longer. It seemed neigh impossible that he'd ever get the upper hoof again. Be it because of a super powered filly, or one determined unicorn filly, or both of them, and their friends, it seemed like Grogar was no longer destined to rule. Rather, he remained as a relic. Former King of Equestria. Father of monsters was now just a sad miserable old shep. Just as his enemies had moved on, and were onto new things, perhaps it was time for him to consider doing the same. For there was nothing left for him to do...

The next day, Twilight came back to the village to deliver a message to Cozy and her friends.

"Twilight! Welcome back. What brings you back to our village so soon?" Cozy asked.

"Listen, I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions earlier. It wasn't your fault the moon got damaged. You were just trying to save Equestria." Twilight said, apologizing.

"It's quite alright. We don't hold you accountable. You just reacted a certain way when you saw the moon damage." Cozy said.

"I realize now that you lot were involved quite the harrowing adventure. I'm quite proud of you all.

"Thank you, Twilight. Your words truly do mean the world to us." Amber said.

"And in thinking about your recent adventure, it's given me an idea." Twilight said.

"An idea?" Cozy asked.

"I've been impressed by the four of you time and time again." Twilight said.

"How would you like to make this a more regular thing?" Twilight asked. "Would you all be interested in becoming official protectors of Equestria?"

"Protectors of Equestria?" Amber asked.

"What exactly does that entail?" Cozy asked.

"You four may be called upon whenever trouble is brewing somewhere in Equestria in order to deal with the threat. I know it's risky, and might be a lot to ask of you, but if you're interested, just know the opportunity is there." Twilight said.

"I'm all adventured out for a long time." Chrysalis said.

"You said it." Tirek added.

"Well... hehehe. to being honest, saving the world was kind of fun." Amber said.

"Are you suggesting we do it?" Cozy asked.

"Yeah, come on. I like living life on the edge." Amber said.

"Hmm. Well, I can't have you running off to save the world on your own, Amby, you're just a filly." Cozy said.

"Then come with me, Cozy." Amber said.

"Okay. You and I do add up to be an alicorn after all." Cozy said.

"I know you work much better when you're part of a team. Count me in." Tirek said.

"If they're in, count me in as well." Chrysalis said.

With Chrysalis, Tirek, and Amber by my side, any villains thinking of coming out in the future better think twice." Cozy said.

"Excellent. There isn't any trouble brewing at the moment, but be on the look out for a letter. Could happen at any time." Twilight said.

"And we'll be more than happy to help!" Amber assured. "Yeah! Daring and dangerous experiences!"

"Is that so?" said a voice.

It was Cozy and Amber's dad, along with Maggie's mom.

"Pappy. It's good to see you again." Cozy said, hugging her dad.

"What's this I hear on you two embarking on dangerous quests?" he asked.

"Well..." Cozy and Amber said together, rubbing their respective heads.

"I'm just kidding. You two don't need me looking after you any more. You've done some courageous things together from what I hear. I trust you know what you're doing." Pappy said.

"Thanks, dad. It's nice to hear you approve." Cozy said.

"I also approve of the new mane color, Amber." their dad said.

Amber was flattered. However, she looked down. There was a lingering thought or two on her mind.

"Um, Pappy. I know this might be awkward to ask. But um, how did I come to be anyway?" Amber asked.

"I haven't told you guys how little Amber came to be?" their Pappy asked.

"I mean, we kinda got the gist." Cozy said.

"Well, allow me to explain it in full. I promise, you'll be fascinated."

Cozy and Amber's Pappy began explaining the story of how he conceived of the idea of Amber.

It was less than a year after you were turned to stone. Word got around quick, so I found out immediately. It took me nearly a new, but I finally worked up the courage to come see you in the Canterlot gardens.

I looked at the statue. Two horrifying creatures of torment. And then there was you. My little Alisha. The little pegasus filly me and your mum had brought up. Everyone was right. I failed you. I shouldn't have let me sorrow for the loss of your mother prevent me from raising you properly. But it was too late. You were beyond my control, and were considered enemy of Equestria.

I held up a strand of your real hair, and held it up to the stone statue of you.

Even as a petrified statue, the beauty of your mane still shown. You may have been gone, but I still had a part of you with me.

But then suddenly, a breeze kicked up, and the hair blew away from my grasp.

"Oh no. Oh no no no no." I cried.

I ran across the courtyard and chased after the freeflying hair.

While running, I held my hooves out, and grabbed it, but I ended up falling forward.

I looked at my hooves, and sighed a relief. I hadn't lost your hair.

There was fellow who looked at me strangely.

They asked if I was alright, to which I replied saying that I was just fine. I told them that I almost lost something that meant a lot to me. Actually, scratch that, I did lose something... somepony... my filly..."

They said they were sorry to hear, and told me that not everyone gets a second chance.

That's when I got an idea. I looked at the hair, and realized. He had a piece of my daughter... maybe there would be that second chance after all...

"So... I was your... second chance?" Amber asked.

"Mmm. I vowed that I was going to raise you right, Amber. Since Cozy Glow might not have ever gotten another chance, I wasn't let myself lose you. I wouldn't let you fall into a path of mischief. But never did I expect my old mistakes to come back and haunt me the way they did, on the day Cozy returned."

"Oh, that's right. I fillynapped Amber and forced her to help me take down Twilight." Cozy said, giggling.

"Never did I think I'd see the day that my two daughters would meet, let alone be best friends like the way you two are." their dad said.

"Thanks, dad." Cozy said. "Anything for little Amby here."

Amber climbed on top of Cozy, and held onto her.

"I always enjoy being with my sister." Amber said, grinning.

"Likewise, Amby." Cozy said, smiling. "Likewise."

Cozy and Amber were walking together through a more forested area.

"It's nice to spend some quality time with you." Cozy said.

"Mhm..." Amber said, with her mind trailing off.

Amber started walking faster, and ahead of Cozy.

"Where are you going Amber?" Cozy asked.


Amber jumped up and dived into the water.

"Come on in, sis. The lake feels great." Amber said.

Cozy looked back, and smiled. Cozy went into the water herself.

Cozy and Amber swam in the water together and smiled at each other.

"Who taught you to swim?" Cozy asked.

"Who taught you?" Amber asked.

"Self taught." Cozy and Amber said simultaneously. The two of them giggled.

Amber laid on her back and floated in the water.

Cozy looked at Amber and smiled. Aside from Amber's green mane, she did look just like Cozy Glow when she was a filly. Cozy saw her filly self in Amber, and smiled. She may have missed out on 20 years because of what happened, but Amber had a long future ahead of head.

Amber opened her eyes, and saw Cozy staring at her.

"What?" Amber asked.

Cozy giggled.

Cozy and Amber dried off, and laid on some nice towels next to the lake.

"Ahh. So relaxing." Amber said.

"Yep." Cozy replied.

"So who's Equestria's bigger hero? Me or you?" Amber asked.

"Um...?" Cozy said.

"It's definitely you." Amber said.

"Amber. You'll pave your own legacy. And I'll always be with you." Cozy said.

Cozy sat up, and held Amber in her lap, giggling, and enjoying each other's company.

Though the two sisters had differences, they had more in common with each other than anypony. Cozy vowed to protect her, and Amber vowed to keep impressing her sister. Cozy most valued her friends and family. And Amber valued the same. They were ready to enjoy a long life together, as a happy family.

The End

Author's Note:

Thank you to everyone who's made it this far and have read this entire story. Sorry that it didn't quite live up to what it's predecessor, and what the story could've been, but I do hope that you found enjoyment in parts regardless. It may have been apparent at parts that I was losing steam, and that's because I was. In spite of that, since I had an outline in my head all this time, it was just a matter of doing it in order to get the story done.

I'm sorry if it feels like there are parts missing, or like some characters don't get closure, but this was the best I could do with my current motivation in this story.

At least now it's done. The Cozy Chronicles chronology has finally concluded for real life. This time for good.

And with that, thus concludes every one of my current FiMFiction stories at last. I gotta be honest, it's just relieving to finally close the book on these stories at last.

These last couple of stories have just been okay, in my honest opinion. Cozy Chronicles is still my favorite story I've written. It was written as an immediate reaction to The Last Problem. Not to pat myself on the back, but I think it explores Cozy as a character emotionally, and her struggles, in such an engaging narrative. It's the kind of story Cozy's complex character deserves, and I'm happy that I was able to write such a story (and other Cozy stories) for many to enjoy.

These newer stories to me feel like a "been there done that". Obviously there's only so many stories to squeeze out of Cozy Glow, and I might be at wits end by this point.

I don't know what comes next. My head is always buzzing with Cozy Glow and ideas about her, but whether or not I have the steam to pump out a brand new story is unlikely. I don't ever say never, but I don't think I have a full story left in me. Maybe some kind of short, but even think, stringing together a narrative, even for short stories, is tough. And I don't think I have the energy to write any further stories at this time.

I know I get all sappy when I reach the end of any of these stories, but again I wanted to say thank you all for following me for all this time. This 7 year journey of writing fanfictions has been a wonderful one, and I'm happy to have left an impression on some, and made stories that I feel occupy their own unique niches.

I'm rambling now so I think I'll conclude it here. Thanks for reading the story, and I will see you all later for whatever might come next. So, so long for now.

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