• Published 12th Jul 2021
  • 723 Views, 9 Comments

The Centaur Conspiracy - 5u0myn0n4

Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow, explore secrets, and uncover startling revelations.

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Chapter 12

In the skies above Equestria. The Storm King's airship was gliding through the clouds, on its way to Canterlot to blow up the entire city.

On the deck, Storm King stood and steered the the ship from a large wheel on the command deck. Behind him stood Grubber, piloting his mech suit.

"Grubber! What is our proximity to Canterlot?" Storm King asked.

"We are 30% of the way there, and rapidly approaching, your commandership." Grubber said.

"Wonderful. You know, you have been an invaluable help to me, Grubber. Far more loyal than Tempest was. Your recent help almost makes up for the fact that you were only able to reassemble my head." Storm King said.

"Sorry, boss. You shattered into lots of little pieces. Your head was about all I can find and put together for the depetrification." Grubber said.

"Eh, no matter. This mechanized suit has been a joyful experience. We even tricked all of our guests into thinking I was a centaur just by attaching a set of hind legs to my body." Storm King said. "And it all worked. Hook line and sinker. We lured them into our magic circle, and recharged these six beautiful gems."

Storm King held a box containing the six elements of Disharmony.

"And speaking of which, I think now's as good a time as any to put the elements into place. Grubber! Take the wheel." Storm King ordered.

"Yes, boss." Grubber said.

Grubber stepped onto a step ladder, grabbed the wheel, and steered the airship, while Storm King went below deck.

In the lower part of the airship was the Extremely Large Laser Itself. The laser itself was a giant barrel that extended from the back, all the way to the front of the ship. The entire airship was basically just carrying the big laser. At the back of the laser where the power was supplied, Storm King was there, ready to operate the machine. He had designed the power supply to accept six magical objects. Very convenient in the land of Equestria.

Storm King opened the box containing the Elements of Disharmony, and he grabbed one element at a time.

"This one, is the Element of um... deceit? This one is the element of... oh forget it."

Storm King grabbed the rest of the elements in one hand, and shoved them all into the machine, like a kid shoving candy into their own mouth. He closed the hatch. The power supply started to glow an eerie blue, and the laser began to charge. His extremely large laser was in the charge up sequence.

"You want a storm, Equestria? Try a megaton lightning burst laser directly into your boom bada boom boom faces! Bwahaha!" Storm King laughed.

Storm King climbed up back to the top of the deck. He wiped his hands clean, satisfied with his work.

"Just goes to show, Grubber. Ain't anything you can't do with a little bit of dirty work." Storm King said.

"That's why you're the best, boss." Grubber said.

"Indeed I am, Grubber-lad! I can't wait to see a crater in the mountainside once my laser says hello!" Storm King said. "Now, what do we call Equestria once I take it over? Storm King's... tria? We'll work on it."

It was smooth sailing. Seemingly no force or anyone to stop them. But suddenly there was..

Grubber looked behind the airship, and made an unusual observation.

"What the? Um, boss?" Grubber said.

"What is it, Grubber?" Storm King asked.

"We gots invaders!" Grubber said.

"Say what now? Who in the world could possibly be...?"

Storm King peered through a telescope, and gazed over the deck. He was in disbelief at what he saw.

"What in Equestria is that?" Storm King asked.

"Looks like a giant flying... crystal?" Grubber said.

Indeed, Grubber's description was on point. It was a large flying crystal shaped like a boat. King Sombra had formed the crystal and used his dark magic to carry it through the sky. On the crystal was Sombra, Chrysalis, and Amber. With Sludge, Mane-iac, and Grogar hiding stowed away inside unbeknownst to any of them.

"Looks like we got intruders, Grubber." Storm King said.

"What'do'we'do, boss?" Grabber asked.

"Do you even need to ask? Stop them!!" Storm King exclaimed.

"Y-yes, boss!" Grubber said.

Grubber ran onto the deck and lit up some cannons, and fired cannonballs at the flying crystal.

"They've spotted us! They're attacking!" Amber exclaimed.

King Sombra stomped his hooves, and a thick crystal grew from the main crystal body, and blocked the cannonball shot.

"What the-" Storm King said, shocked.

Every cannonball shot was blocked by crystals, or missed outright.

“A perfect catch! Our weapons are useless on them!” Storm King shouted.

The crystal flew up, and pierced the hull of the ship, and attached itself to the ship.

“Breach in the hull, captain!” Grubber exclaimed. "W-we may be in trouble, boss." Grubber said.

"So they wanna take the fight to me, eh? Very well. Don't be so quick to put up the white flag. If it's a fight they want, it's a fight they'll get. We'll rally them up, and make them walk!” Storm King said.

The crystal docked next to the ship, and Chrysalis, and Amber leaped into action onto the deck.

They were immediately confronted by the Storm King.

"It's you guys again! So it's a rematch you want, little one? Didn't get bruised enough before? Well if you want the pain!"

Storm King pulled out his electrified staff.

"I won't ever lose to you again! Especially now that I have a team!" Amber said.

Chrysalis leaped in front of Amber, and transformed into a bugbear. Bugbear Chrysalis swiped at Storm King, and knocked away his electrifying staff. Storm King's staff was knocked away, and fell off the ship.

"Oh, no! Dang! Grr. Fine! I'll clobber you all up with my hands!" Storm King shouted.

"You wouldn't beat up a little filly with your fists, would you? Who does that?" Amber asked.

"Enemies are enemies. I see you no differently. As long as you continue to pester me, I'll do what it takes to stomp you out! Like seriously, just leave me alone to destroy Equestria in peace!" Storm King said.

"Very well, enemy." Amber said.

Amber zapped Storm King with a shot of her magic.

"Ow! That stung." Storm King said.

"Land this airship, hand over the elements, and disable your weapon!" Amber exclaimed. "Or else there's plenty more where that came from!"

"Oh no. I'm so scared of a little brat! As if! I'd rather stomp you flat once and for all!" Storm King said.

"Stay close to me." Bugbear Chrysalis said, reaching out to Amber.

Amber huddled close to Chrysalis, as Storm King closed in on them.

"Hmm. Two on one? If you insist! En garde!" Storm King exclaimed.

Amber and Chrysalis leaped at Storm King and fought him in close quarters.

Whilst they were fighting, King Sombra stepped onto the Storm King's airship. He sensed great power hiding out somewhere. His snooping around did catch the attention of Grubber.

"Woah woah woah, shadowy dude, you can't go down there. In fact you can't even-" Grubber said.

Storm King used his magic to possess Grubber, and turn his eyes green. Grubber was now under his control.

Back on the Crystal, Grogar stayed, and was hiding out, onlooking the battle happening on the gangplank. Fortunately, (or unfortunately, he wasn't sure), his failed teammates were there with him.

"What are ya waiting for? This is your big opportunity." Mane-iac said.

"Opportunity for what?" Grogar asked.

"When those chumps finish battling it out. You rush onto deck, and finish off everyone who's left standing. Therefore, you'll be the only one left standing." Mane-iac said.

"yes. Yeah, that does sound like a reasonable plan." Grogar said.

"Yeah... doesn't that seem like... cheating?" Sludge said.

"Who cares about playing fair? Once those fools tire themselves out, the one true father of monsters will step in, and reap all the reward! Bwah-haha." Grogar laughed.

Sludge looked out to the ship, he saw Amber and Chrysalis fighting Storm King, but he also saw King Sombra mind controlling Grubber, and watched the latter lead the former into the airship's lower deck, unbeknownst to anyone else.

Sludge kept these observations to himself, and shrugged it off. He felt there were too many villains all in one place.

What really caught his attention was an object faint and distant in the sky, but bright and fast approaching.

"What the heck is that?!" Sludge exclaimed.

Storm King, Amber, and Chrysalis were at a stalemate, but suddenly, something in the sky caught their eye. They looked out, and saw something approaching the ship.

"What is that? More intruders?" Storm King said.

"Neigh-way. It's..." Amber said.

"Cozy Glow? Tirek?" Chrysalis said.

Chasing after the airship, riding a magical flying chariot, it indeed was Cozy Glow and Tirek.

Their flying chariot had caught up to Storm King's airship, and made a graceful landing onto the deck.

Tirek and Cozy hopped onto the deck of the ship, primed and ready to take on Storm King.

"Where'd you get the chariot?" Amber asked.

"Vorak's got an entire hoard of interesting stuff stashed away." Cozy said.

Cozy and Amber were happy to see each other again, but Tirek was only interested in serious business.

"Storm King!!!!" Tirek exclaimed. "You have something that belongs to me!!!"

"Oh? And what might that be?" Storm King asked.

"Where's Vorak's heart!?" Cozy asked.

"Heh. Took ya long enough to figure it out." Storm King said.

"So you do have it. Where is it?" Tirek asked, clenching his fist.

Storm King grinned, and opened the door on his metal chest, revealing his inner workings. He was a series of spinning gears, and cogs, as well as a fleshy beating heart.

"See this? This is the legendary heart of Vorak. This ticker has been keeping my new bod a-going." Storm King said.

Seeing this enraged Lord Tirek.

"That doesn't belong to you!!" Tirek exclaimed.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. Where were you to stop me before, huh? Where were you when I invaded the castle and took everything?! Oh that's right. You were a glorified lawn onement on Canterlot grounds!” Storm King said.

Tirek growled.

"You want it? Come and get it!" Storm King said. "Finally, the age old question will be answered! Storm King Vs. Lord Tirek. Who is stronger? And who is weak? Who will come out on top?"

Storm King put up his fists, and prepared to fight Tirek.

"We can't let Tirek fight Storm King alone." Amber said.

"I know. But he's insistent that he does this." Cozy said.

"You keep a close eye on Tirek. We'll keep a close eye on Sombra. Wherever he went off to." Amber said.

"I like the sound of it. Just be careful, Amber."

"We already went over this. We got this, Cozy." Chrysalis said.

Cozy nodded. And with that, they split.

Chrysalis and Amber saw King Sombra and Grubber come out from the ship's interior.

"Hey, Sombra! What were you doing below the decks?!" Amber exclaimed.

Sombra chuckled, and growled at them.

Cozy went up to Tirek's side, but he put his arm in her way.

"I already told you. Your battles are my battles!" Cozy exclaimed.

"Stand aside. This is my fight. I'll clobber this loser myself." Tirek said.

"Fine. I'll let you have at it." Cozy said. "I'll just see what Amber and Chrysalis are doing after all."

Cozy looked behind her and was horrified.

Amber and Chrysalis's eyes were glowing green.

*gasp* "King Sombra!" Cozy exclaimed.

"Hmph. What? Were you expecting an ally?" Sombra said.

Cozy was about to lunge at Sombra, but he created a wall of crystals in her way, effectively blocking off the back half of the ship. However, Tirek and Storm King didn't pay much mind. The two of them were fully focused on each other.

Tirek and Storm King threw their fists up and readied to do battle.

"Do your worst, lad." Storm King said.

Tirek threw a fist at Storm King, but Storm King caught his fist, and clenched it.

"You're strong, o’Tirek. But not strong enough! You got muscle, but I got raw mechanical gear power with this robotic body! Allowing me to ascend beyond the limits of puny fleshy bodies."

Tirek went in for another punch, but Storm King was nimble, and curved his body away from Tirek's attacks.

"You gotta be quicker than that, Tirek!" Storm King mocked.

"Come on. His movement is very predictable." Cozy said.

Tirek shook his head, but it was hard to focus on Storm King. He was agigle, and hard to keep track of.

"And wha-POW!"

Storm King punched Tirek in the gut. A hard blow that left him fatigued.

Tirek was weakening. He hardly had the strength to get up.

“Getting tired, pub?” Storm King asked.

"No... ugh..."

Tirek stood up slowly. His eyelids barely kept open.

Tirek opened his eyes, and all the sudden, Storm King's fist took up his entire field of view, and his fist slammed into his face, and knocked him over.

Tirek opened his eyes, and saw Cozy Glow staring at him sideways.

"Need help, Tirek?" Cozy asked.

"Hrrrgh... Absolutely not." Tirek said, feeling the pain.

"8! 9! 10! Ding ding ding! Knockout!" Storm King exclaimed victoriously. "Storm King wins!"

"Come on, Tirek. I know you can do it." Cozy said.

"No. I cannot. He's stronger than I am. I cannot beat him." Tirek said.

"Hmm. Maybe you can't do it alone. But let's show this bozo what the two of us can do together." Cozy said.

"What difference would that make...?" Tirek said.

"Hmm. I have an idea. Something that might perk ya up." Cozy said.

"What could you possibly do that would-"

Cozy smooched Tirek's cheek.

"Leave it to me to come up with something beyond your thinking. That perk you some?" Cozy asked.

"Actually... it... hrrgh. I think it did something."

Tirek stood up.

Cozy put herself on Tirek's shoulder.

"Come on. Lay waste to this heart stealing cyborg yeti jerk!” Cozy said.

Tirek started to stand back up.

"You're right." he said.

"You ready to fight back? Your girlfriend fill you hope and determination?” Storm King said, mockingly.

"Don't underestimate what... what was the word? Friendship? That still feels weird to say. Don't underestimate what our friendship is capable of." Tirek said.

Tirek put up his fists and was ready to fight the Storm King again.

"Haven't had enough yet? How about I just knock the wind out of ya, until there's no breath left!" Storm King said.

"I was going to say the same!" Tirek said.

"And he's not alone this time." Cozy added.

"Ah, it's you again. I'll just have to finish you off this time, by breaking your spine, and crushing your soul!" Storm King said.

Cozy Glow and Tirek fight Storm King.

Storm King reeled back his arm, and forwarded his fist. He lunged his fist forward. His fist had actually missed the two of them, bore deep into the crystal barrier.

The impact of his fist broke into the crystals, and sent debris all across the arena.

The punch was so deep, Storm King lodged his fist stuck into the crystal.

"What's the matter, Storm King? Stuck?" Cozy asking, mocking.

Cozy Glow kicked Storm King with rapid fire kicks.

"Take that! And THAT! YOU JERK!" Cozy exclaimed.

"Ow, ow ow ow ow. Ow!" Storm King cried out.

"Need help getting out, Storm King?" Tirek said.

"No thanks. I don't need a hand! GAH!"

Storm King pulled with all his strength and dislodged himself from the crystal. He flew back from the momentum, but regained his balance.

"I already got one!" Storm King lifted his arm, and aimed his arm laser.

Cozy flung a crystal piece at his arm. She threw a crystal at the arm laser and destroyed the thing.

"No! Ugh! My mini laser. Grr. Fine! I don't need my arm laser to clobber you!" Storm King exclaimed.

Cozy Glow picked up a thing of rope from the deck, and flew around, wrapping it around Storm King.

Cozy Glow tied up Storm King's arms.

"He's all yours!" she exclaimed.

Tirek pumped his guns, and went to town and started beating up Storm King.

"This is for breaking and entering my home!"

"And this! This is for... this is for what you did to Vorak!"

Tirek reeled his fist back as far as he could, and was ready to press his fist into Storm King's head.

"Tirek look out!" Cozy exclaimed.


Tirek swung his fist, but his attention was diverted, and he missed Storm King, and instead spun around, and fell to the ground.

"Swing and a miss!" Storm King said. "Batter luck next time."

"Why'd you yell?!" Tirek exclaimed.

"Because you were going to get crushed by the falling crystal!" Cozy shouted.

"Falling what?" Tirek asked.

"Look out! There's another!

Large crystals were raining down on the deck of the ship, and bore their way through.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Storm King exclaimed.

The crystal barrier shattered, and behind it was King Sombra. Sombra stood at the helm of the ship. Behind him was the still possessed Amber, Chrysalis, and Grubber.

"King Sombra! Cease your attack this instant!" Cozy yelled.

"What? You think I'm going to let any of you decide what to do with this fine vessel, and its miraculous laser of destruction?" Sombra said.

*gasp* "Sombra you! I'm not letting you get away this time! Let my family go!"

Cozy Glow flew at Sombra. But Sombra was playing dirty. Sombra flung a crystal at Cozy Glow while she was flying. And it hit her in the forehead, and shattered, causing her to fall.

"Cozy!" Tirek exclaimed.

"Mutiny on my ship!? I never thought I'd see the day." Storm King said. "You know, when I first found that shadow crystal containing your essence, never did I think you'd actually come back. Let alone attempt to overthrow my plans. Well played though."

Tirek ran up to Cozy's side.

"Are you okay, Cozy?" Tirek asked.

"Me? *Ugh* Never mind me. Have you gotten your revenge on Storm King?" Cozy asked.

"I haven't yet. But saving you is important! But I have to defeat him to save Vorak... err. This is so hard!" Tirek exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Tirek. Allow me to make the decision easier!" Storm King said.

Storm King readied himself to finish off Cozy Glow.

"No no. Allow me!" Sombra said.

Sombra impaled Storm King with a long crystalized spear.

*GAH* "That's definitely more than a mere flesh wound." Storm King said.

The impalement tired out Storm King. He fell to his knees, and then collapsed.

Cozy and Storm King had been brought down by Sombra, which left Tirek.

"First Storm King messes my father. And you then injured my friend! I've had it up to here with the lot of you!" Tirek said.

"Storm King. King Sombra. You so-called kings. The only true King here, is the one true successor to King Vorak! Me!" Tirek exclaimed.

Tirek fired a concentrated beam of magic at King Sombra. Sombra fired back a powerful beam of green magic at Tirek. The beams connected, for a good ol fashioned beam battle.

Tirek jumped up, and landed in front of King Sombra.

Tirek swung his fist at Sombra. Sombra backed away, and leaned away from Tirek's punching.

"Stay in line. Know your place, Tirek." Sombra said.

"Never! I demand that you surrender!" Tirek exclaimed.

"I'll make you wish you had surrendered." Sombra threatened.

Sombra charged up the biggest baddest blast he could from his horn. Tirek was ready to retaliate with his own powers, but Sombra wasn't aiming at him. He suddenly turned his head, and aimed his horn at Amber.

Tirek gasped, and halted his magic. Sombra caught Tirek vulnerable, and aimed his powerful blast at him. Tirek, who was caught off guard, and unprotected.

Sombra's dark magic blast impacted Tirek, and knocked him out.

"So sad. You probably could've beaten me if you had focused. But you were to distracted about saving your friend, it ended up being your downfall." Sombra said.

Tirek, Cozy, and Storm King all laid defeated, and unconscious on the deck. King Sombra approached.

Though they were possessed, Amber could still see what was going on. The sight of seeing Cozy and Tirek on the ground was enough to trigger something in her head, and partly snap her out of her trance.

"Cozy...?" Amber shook her head, and was fully aware. She witnessed King Sombra kick their bodies closer to the edge of the ship.

"What are you doing?!" Amber exclaimed.

"Finishing it." Sombra said.


With a powerful glowing horn, and a sway of his head, Sombra blasted the three of three of them off the ship, plummeting to the ground below.


Amber immediately lit up her horn and ran at Sombra.

"I'M GONNA RIP YOU TO SHREDS, WITH MY DYING BREATH!" Amber exclaimed, with every bit of fury she had.

Sombra attempted to repossess Amber, but her mind fought back, and made it very difficult to control her.

"You are a defiant one." Sombra said.

"GAH!" Amber fired a beam of magic at King Sombra.

King Sombra grabbed Amber and bound her with his magic. He picked up and held a sharp pointed crystal at Amber's neck.

"So, dying breath, you say?" Sombra said.

"AH! Ah, AH!!!!" Amber cried.

"I would just finish you off. But even I'm not that cruel. You're just young and misguided." King Sombra said. "I will let you watch the destruction of Equestria, from the comfort of this ship's prison cell. Then I will decide what to do with the rest of you."

"Now then, I seem to recall someone mentioning this airship was equipped with a weapon of mass destruction. Well, the more I think it over, the more I believe that leveling the Crystal Empire flat, and rebuilding it anew will be the most effective way of asserting myself as their leader." King Sombra said.

*gasp* "You wouldn't!" Amber shouted.

"And the lot of you are to be my prisoners until that happens." Sombra said.

Grogar, Mane-iac, and Sludge, were sneaking on the deck of the ship, but they didn't get far before being spotted by Sombra.

"And you three. I have no tolerance for stowaways." Sombra said.

"And we have no tolerance for... your face!" Mane-iac exclaimed.

Mane-iac whipped her hair at Sombra, and Sludge breathed fire, but they were both stopped by Sombra's crystals, and his gripping dark magic.

"And what of you? What's the matter, old goat? Got no fight in you?" Sombra asked.

Grogar shuttered, and fell to his knees, underneath Sombra.

King Sombra commandeered the Storm King's airship, and was planning on rerouting the ship's trajectory, and using the giant laser to destroy the Crystal Empire.