• Published 1st Jul 2021
  • 2,048 Views, 42 Comments

Well At Least I'm Still A Guy Sort Of - Gravestone

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Chapter One____ From One World to Another

Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived, The Man Who Conquered stood on the dais behind him was the Vail of Death. Looking around him Harry couldn't believe what he was seeing. One year and nothing, absolutely nothing had changed the Ministery was as corrupt as ever if not more so. Thinking back to what led up to this moment HArry could only laugh internally at how once again Fate had to play with his life.

Flash Back

It was just a month after the war when Harry received a letter from Gringotts, cringing at it he knew he would have to deal with what happened sometime. So steeling his nerves he made his way there. As he stood at the large doors of the bank he was ushered inside by two well-armed and angry goblins. It did not take long for him to find himself forcibly sitting in front of a very large and opulent desk. Behind sed, desk was a large and angry look goblin who proceeded to inform Harry of what and why he was here.

"It seems Mister Potter that your actions in this bank have given Gringotts a few options to deal with you." He said as he looked over some papers. "First, we would like to apologize for the actions of the oathbreaker Griphook, Second we must inform up that we will be taking the entirety of your trust vault as composition for the loss of Ukrainian Ironbelly and the damages it incurred, Third we demand you remove all your assets from this bank and never darken our halls again handing Harry a binding contract upon it making him sign it."

Now Harry knew a good thing when he heard it, but he also remembered what he had learned during the year-long Horcrux hunt. So after reading and signing the contract Harry requested an Inherisy test. This surprised the goblin and made him very angry for not thinking to ask the human of any requests before signing. But the deed was done and there was no way of backing out of this without becoming an oathbreaker himself.

With the test completed Harry was surprised at what was there. The goblin not so much if the yelling and cursing in Goddlygook was any indication. It seems not only was Harry Lord potter but also Lord Black, Lord Peverell, Lord Griffindor, and Lord Slytherin the last one through the right of conquest. Biding the still cursing goblin goodbye Harry made his way to the carts only stopping long enough to call for Winky. Unknown to anyone especially Hermione, Harry bonded with Dobby and Winky in his fifth year. When Winky appeared Harry told her to gather ten multicompartment expanded trunks and meet him at Potter vault first. Let us just say it took Harry and Winky several hours to clear out all of his vaults. He had to stop for a while when he found two envelopes in the Black family vault addressed to him. One from Andromada and the other surprisingly from Bellatrix Lestrange he was about to throw that one away but his curiosity got the better of him, why would that WITCH write to him after everything she had done. He first read the letter from Andromada and his heart began to break. She said in the letter that the loss of Ted and Nymphadora both in the same year had taken its toll on her health. She explained that the worrying and stress had caused her to just give up on life and seeing as he was Teddy's godfather through the Godfather Oath he is now Teddy's legal guardian. Reading the letter twice Harry could only be mad, yes she lost her husband and daughter but what about Teddy her grandson, and what about him, he was only seventeen years old for merlin's sake. Putting the letter aside Harry began to read the other one. This letter and the information it held, cause Harry's brain to shut down momentarily. He stood there shaking his head denying every word written on the parchment in his hand but seeing as Bellatrix signed it in her own blood it was true, all of it.

It would seem that in Voldemort's great plan during the resurrection ritual he made a fatal error. The homunculus body only possessed venom in it, but when he took Harry's blood he magically adopted himself into the Potter line. More precisely he made himself Harry and when he had made Bellatrix pregnant with his heir it was, in fact, Harry's child. He turned the letter over to see it was written on the back of an inherency test proving it was all true. There in bold letters were the words,
Delphi Potter
Mother Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black
Father Hadrian James Potter Black Peverell Griffindor Slytherin.
The letter also stated that Bellatrix knew of all of this when Voldemort ordered her to carry his heir. She begged that Harry could find it in his heart not to hate the child for how it came into the world and asked to take her and show her the love she truly deserved. So after the emotional rollercoaster, he completed his task and emptied every one of his vaults hearing from the cart goblin that he had just removed over two-thirds of the gold in Gringotts.

The first thing Harry did when he returned home to Grimmauld Place was to formulate a plan chuckling to himself about that. Knowing most of his plans seem to be made on the fly but this time he sat down and wrote out what he was going to do.
First, go and see Andy and Teddy see how bad things are.
Second, go and retrieve his daughter.
Third, start to live his life really live.

The next day he went to see Andromada and found out the truth it seems she had contracted a new strain of Dragonpox and with the stress of Ted and Dora's deaths, her body became too weak and couldn't fight it. So gathering up all of Teddy's things he said goodbye and headed to where his daughter was. Finding out she was at the Diggory's and they were under the Imperious curse to take care of her made Harry's anger skyrocket. Releasing them from the curse was easy after he found the Deatheater who cast it in the house one well-placed Reducto and the Diggory's were free. Harry had to explain what happened and why he was there but in the end, they relented and gave a magical oath not to tell anyone.

Returning home harry took stock in everything that has happened in the last two days. He had found out he had more than the titles of Potter and Black, found out he had more money than he knew what to do with, and most importantly he was now the father of a nine-month-old son and a twelve-month-old daughter. He decided to deal with everything tomorrow so he took his two children up to bed laying them down he climbed into bed with them pulling both of them close he let sleep take him. It was two days later that he got word that Andormada died in her sleep hold pictures of her husband, daughter, and Teddy. He had Winky watch the children, no they were his children while he went to the funeral and the Will reading luckily it was held at Ted's former Lawfirm. Harry found out everything from the Tonks went to Teddy and surprisingly Delphi it seems Bella not only wrote a letter to Harry but to her sister as well.

For ten months Harry truly lived he raised his children with love something he never experienced growing up. He found out Delphi's birthday was October Thirty-first but instead of dreading that day he was going to celebrate it because it was the day his daughter came into the world. But every now and then Harry would get that feeling something bad was going to happen. And that day came a month and a half later first it was a letter he received from his friend Luna. In it, she told him not to panic and keep his children and carry everything he owned with him at all times, and to enjoy his new home and say hi to Pinkie. The second was in the Daily Profit which stated that the Wizengamot had reinstated Fudge as Minister who had pardoned all the captured Deatheaters for being under the Imperious Curse, but most shocking was he, Harry Potter was charged and found guilty of the murders of many upstanding purebloods. Reading more Harry found out that due to him defeated the most powerful dark lord in history was that he was a more powerful dark lord.

So for the rest of his free time no pun intended, Harry had Winky and two more elves he bonded to began gathering everything from all of Harry's properties every piece of furniture, book, scroll, tombs in all his family library's hell he even took everything of value from the room of lost things at Hogwarts. In total Harry had forty-eight expanded multicompartment trucks to save carrying all of them he shrunk them down and placed them in four standard traveling trunks. Which he had placed on his belt with a very powerful notice-me-not. And he waited not letting it bother him as he still played with his children as if nothing was wrong.

It was a little after noon when the DMLE showed up at his door demanding that he surrender. Harry just commonly places Teddy in a sling carrier and picked up Delphi placing her on his hip. Then he calmly walked outside where he was greeted by no less the twenty wands. Cocking an eyebrow looking at every witch and wizard there, before each one of them lowered their wands. Walking down the steps Harry did feel any fear or anxiety in fact he felt happy as if everything was going to be ok.

One of the witches try to take his kids away but a look from Harry and she backed off. "Mister Potter we are here to place you under arrest by order of the Wizengamot and the Ministery for being the new dark lord and the murders of multiple witches and wizards." A nameless wizard said. Nodding his head Harry complied and came quietly.

Back to present

Harry shook himself out of his thoughts to look around the chamber seeing many faces he did not recognize but two that he did and these two Harry hated with all his heart and soul, Cornelius Fudge and Deloris Umbridge.

Fudge stood there with a smirk while Umbitch just smiles that disgusting smile the one that could turn dragon dung bad.

Clearing his throat Fudge began to speak. " Harry Potter yo," Was all he got before Harry yelled over him. "If you're going to say it Fudgie then say it right,"

Snarling Fudge began again. "Very well Lord Hadrian James Potter Black Peverlle Griffindor Slytherin you have been found guilty of being a dark lord and for the murders of upstanding pureblood witches and wizards so by the order of the Wizengamot and the Ministry of Magic you shall be thrown through the Vail of Death."

Harry just rolled his eyes at everything the fat blowhard just said. Looking around the room before turning back to look at the two wastes of life he cleared his throat. If I may speak I have only one thing to say," He said looking at Fudge who nodded.

Taking a calming breath Harry spoke. "Ut magister LETALITER Sanctio, et ego invocabo Magia est iudicare eos qui sunt in conspectu meo: Si vere dignum itaque dico vobis donum fiat semper." Before he turned around and walked through the vail with everything he owned and everyone he loved.
The translation of what HArry said was As Master of the Deathly Hallows, I Call Upon Magic to judge those who stand before me if they are truly worthy of your gift So I Say Mote It Be. You see no one knew that when Harry held the Ressurection Stone in his hand in the forest he had become the master of the hollows. He was not the Master of Death that is impossible for none can master Death the hollows only gave Harry a very powerful boost in his magic. To call it large would be an understatement for if you took the prophecy's words to heart Voldemort marked Harry as his equal and not with just the scar but with his magic as well and this was done when Harry was fifteen months old. So if you take that power and double it every fifteen months until now you will see that Harry could no longer be considered human in fact he would be a being of pure magic.

The moment Harry passed the vail something happened first there was the sound of a great trumpet, then there was a shockwave that came from the vail. This had two effects first what Harry had said came to be, Magic indeed judge all those worthy of the gift. Sad to say Fudge, Umbridge, and many others were found wanting. In fact, the shockwave did not stop in the chamber but traveled out, out across the entire world judging those to be unworthy and stripping them of all magic. But all was not closed for the magic taken was given to those who were yet to be born and with this action one generation later the magical world never needed to hide again.

With Harry, after he stepped through the vail strange things happened to him first he felt his body begin to change it was not unpleasant there was no pain so he was not worried about his kids as it seemed both of them were asleep. As the changes took place he could feel his center of gravity shift and his forehead and back began to itch. Once that was over he noticed his eyesight became clearer. Then with a brilliant flash of light, Harry stepped out of the vail onto the floor of a room, a room made of crystal. Turning around he noticed that the vail was gone and in its place was a large full body mirror. Stepping closer he saw his reflection but what he saw was not him. The figure was well, it was a horse a purple fur colored horse with a horn and wings. But what was striking was it had tattoos on its hips or are they flanks. Any way Harry Potter The Boy Who Lived, The Man Who Concurred was now a purple horse with a horn and wings.

Looking between his legs Harry let out a sigh of relief at least he was still a guy sort of, ignoring his problems, for now, he needed to see if his kids were alright looking at Delphi first as she was now nestled on his back between his wings. He saw that she had changed as well now instead of an almost two-year-old little girl was a filly, yeah filly her color was smokey gray with silvery hair for her mane and tail but what Harry noticed was her wings they weren't feathered but looked like Thestral wings. Harry then turned his attention to Teddy who was still in the sling he watched as his sleeping son was changing his appearance he would look like a normal foal then he would have a horn then wings but everything calmed down and he ended up with both a horn and wings. His color was a darker gray with an almost black mane and tail he also had little white socks on all four hooves.

Harry's observation of his kids had to wait as he began to hear voices and they were getting closer. So turning back to the sound of the voices spying a door Harry stood tall and waited to greet the people that were coming only to be surprised when he spotted another horse that looked just like him but had a distinctly feminine voice.

Standing there in complete shock stood Twilight Sparkle the Princess of Friendship as she stared at a stallion, a stallion that looked just like her but well a stallion.
And she could do only one thing she promptly fainted Harry looked at the now unconscious mare and winced.

"Bloody Hell, great first impression Potter," He said looking down at mare wincing again.

This is what Delphi and Teddy look like.