• Published 1st Jul 2021
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Well At Least I'm Still A Guy Sort Of - Gravestone

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Chapter Six___Through the Rabbit Hole and Back Again

Location Ministry for Magic London England the year 31 July 2000 two figures walked the hall both on a mission one a Hermione Jane Granger and the other Luna Siline Lovegood. Both were heading to the office of the Minister for Magic the newly appointed first-generation wizard Steve Rogers. Who in his first act as the minister had signed an executive order making the words muggle, muggle-born, and mudblood derogatory terms and illegal with a hefty fine for the last one. The two young women were called by the Minister to speak about the large number of first gens being born around Britain and the world. As they walked to their destination, well Hermione walked Luna skipped they came to the intersection that would lead them to the Minister's office. Luna being herself turned left instead of right and skipped down the hall Hermione who was going to say something remembered that this was luna and there was always a method to her luna. Continuing to move they came to a stop in front of a certain door the sign read Ministry Records, Opening the door luna walked in stepping around desks until she stood in front of the last desk in the far back of the room and there on the center of the desk were two pieces of parchment. Picking them up she read them both and smiled before handing them to Hermione.

“He deserves to be happy and this life will be best for him,” Luna said still smiling.

Hermione read the first parchment and gasped then she read the second and she to smiled a tear forming in her eye. “Yes, I believe your right Luna he does deserve this life and I couldn’t be happier for him,” She as she placed the two parchments back on the desk before turning and walking out of the room heading back to their original destination.

On the Parchments were written to very important things the first was marriage license and the second a family registry both dealing with Harry Potter.

Magical Marriage License

On this day 31 July 2014 Equestrian Time
Magic has declared the vowes of marriage between
Harry James Potter Black Peveralle Griffindor Slytherin/ Dusk Shine
Twilight Sparkle Princess of Friendship and Magic
to be magically binding by love may your lives be forever fruitful.
Signed and otherized by
Hecate Mother of Magic

Family Registry

Harry Potter/Duck Shine Father
Twilight Potter Nee Sparkle Mother
Delphi Poter Black/Belladonna Daughter
Edward (Teddy) Lupin Potter/Solaris Son
???? ????

The next morning Harry looked over to the mare he had spent his first night with, showing his love for her and vowing to be with her forever, smiling he leaned in and kissed her cheek.

With a purr from the kiss, Twilight opened her eyes and smiled, “Good morning my sexy stallion how did you sleep?”

“Just fine my beautiful mare and you?”

“A little sore but well that is expected,” making them both blush. “Oh, where are Delphi and Teddy?”

“Winky already has them, she’s going to give them a bath it seems that they wanted to see how far their magic could make breakfast fly,” both of them giggled about that, “Pour Peak it turns out he was the target, though they were getting good at aiming with him dodging around,”

“Ugh, those two are just as bad as the marauders,” Twi said as she started to get out of bed only to be pulled back.

“What’s the hurry we have plenty of time Winky is taking care of the kids and the others are cleaning the castle so?” He said wiggling his eyebrows.

“So, or did you forget that my parents are coming today and we need to figure a way to tell them and our friends about us?” Raising an eyebrow.

“Oh bugger, I forgot about that, well we could always do the Harry Potter method and just wing it?” Harry said only to get a deadpan look.

“How long have you known me?”

“Right, so where’s the list and how long is it?” He said laughing as he dodged a pillow.

“I’m not that bad, anymore,” Twi said, the last part more to herself.

“I know, and I’m not as impulsive as I used to be,” He said kisser her once more before getting out of bed only for him to be pulled back in.

“Well they won’t be here for another six hours and my list is a short one so how about we be a little impulsive?” She said pulling the blanket over them.

It was dawn and the lone figure of a Diamond Dog stood just outside the city of Phillydephia there he helped some ponies with a small problem with bandits. He just stood there looking in the direction of Catorlot for some reason he felt the magic pulling him to go there. So with a shrug, he strapped his sword to his back and stuck his wand up his sleeve before he started his trek to where magic was leading, “Well Padfoot let's see what magic has in store for us this time,” He said to himself as walked down the road while whistling a jaunty tune about a man from Nantucket.

When the two love birds did make it out of bed they were walking down the hall to the library when Harry stopped and turned to look to the east and for some reason, he felt happier like an old friend was going to stop by for a visit. Shaking it off he continued to walk catching up to Twilight as she pulled a list out and started reading over it.

“Ok, we can just make it if we get Tippy and Peak to help us, oh how did we ever live without their help even Spike is happier,” Twi stopped to think about the elves.

“Spike is happier because he doesn’t have to dust the top shelves anymore,” Harry said walking past her.

“True but I’m glad he didn’t act the same way as he did with Owlowiscious.”

“Oh yeah, that was some adventure you all had, didn’t he find that little phoenix Peewee?”

“Yep and the little guys not so little last I heard he’s on a migration flight with some other single phoenixes,” Looking at her list Twi chewed her bottom lip. “Ok enough talk we need to get to work so I cut the list into four parts, one for each of us and we should be done just before my parents arrive,”

“Or we could split the list into thirds and have Winky help the others while you and I take Delphi and Teddy to the park and lunch?” Harry said with his lopsided grin.

Twilight stood there thinking about that but looked at Harry with a little concern then growled. “Oh, you just don’t want to do any work you know hard work helps a pony build a better life for themself,”

“Well, I tried so what's on my list?” Asking as he looked down.

“Your is very easy and shouldn’t take too long,” She said hoofing it over to him.

“Let's see clean, clean? clean what?”

“The floors, walls you know clean,”

“Fine just give me a tick,” With that Harry closed his eyes and concentrated thinking of the spells he used Wingardium Leviosa to lift all the dust off everything in the castle before think casting Evanesco to vanish it all away. “There, all done,”

“W What, how, hey you cheated!” Twilight yelled stomping her hoof.

“Oh contraire my beautiful princess, you did not say we could not use magic after all what do you think the elves use?” Harry stated at her matter of factly.

“But, but that means that I have to work all by myself,” Twilight said as her bottom lip quivered.

Harry sighed and pulled her into a hug. “No it just means you and I get to work together,” He said kissing her cheek knowing full well she planed this.

“Good because we have a lot to do, first we need to reorganize the library and then we need to make sure there are plenty of snakes and one of the spare rooms is ready for my parents to stay in, and then...” As she was talking Harry just levitated her along as she read off the list shaking his head as he went.

Five hours thirty-seven minutes later everything on Twilights list was done, although the elves did protest that they should be in charge of the snacks seeing as while Spike was gone they were in charge of the kitchen. Winky voiced this very sternly and loud. “You Miss Twili must understand elvies do work for joy of work whens you take that away elvies sad think Miss Twili no like or loves us and want to set us free,”

Harry had to stop himself from rolling on the floor laughing at how Twilight looked being reprimanded by an elf. But explaining to Winky that her Miss Twili love all of them, and she too loved to work for the joy of working. Winky excepted this and gave her Mistress a hug but pulled back quickly looking at Twilights belly before she smiled then with a nod she popped out and back with Delphi and Teddy who were both very happy to see their mommy and daddy. That little action by Winky was missed by both ponies as they were so happy to see their children with hugs and kisses they sta done so they could go over their plan with the two rambunctious foals.

“Now sweetheart you know mommy and daddy want to play a prank on our friends right?” Twi asked Delphi to get a nod.

“Wike mawabers?” Delphi asked looking at her dad.

“Yep just like the Marauders,” Harry said nodding. “So you and Teddy need to play your parts really really good and no spoilers,” He gestured his hoof, like locking his mouth shut.

Both of the kids followed his movements through Teddy had a little trouble so he put his hoof to his mouth and made a shh noise.

So the plan was set and the targets began to arrive. The first was the girls all greeting us as normal Twi and I hugged each of them smiling the only one we had to worry about was Pinkie and that damnable Pinkie Sense of hers. She opted to go and talk with Winky and the other elves about all the food and decorations she also introduced her own elf one that had as much energy as she did, named Popper. The little guy loved to work but he loved setting up parties more found out he used to work at the ministry when they had dances and balls. Though we did find out that Kreature did come with us the little blitter snuck in a trunk I never like him after what he did when Sirius was. Anyway, we found out Winky had him placed with the Rich family Filth, Spoiled, and Diamond Tiara Rich and according to her, he bitched and moaned for a month until he realized that Spoilded acted pretty much like Walburga Black then he fell in love with the mare. Now he just does his work and complains about young miss Diamond disgracing the Great and Noble Rich family for being nice to Blank Flanks.

We were getting a little nervous when Twilight’s parents hadn’t shown up yet and then we found out why they were late when not only did Twilight Velvet and Nightlite trot through the door but so did Shining Armor and Princess Cadance with Spike and Flurry Heart in tow. This got Twili scared Cadance would be able to tell if they were truly in love with a quick glance at Harry who just smiled and shook his head slightly reassured her everything was fine. Twilight’s parents greeted her with a hug and kiss on the cheek then Shining moved in to do the same but before Cadance hugged Twili they both did this silly dance Harry later found out they did this every time they would see each other. But when Cadance did hug Twilight she looked at her carefully then she smiled hugging her again.

Then she walked back over to her husband and in-laws slightly shaking her head this action made Velvet and Night look at the floor a little saddened, Shining on the other hoof looked happy. After all, he was Twili’s BBBFF, and then this stallion comes along with two foals in tow, who cares if he’s an alicorn, nopony was good enough for his little sister.

Cadance took Flurry over to meet Delphi and Teddy who just fawned over them both, here were two foals around her age, and both could do magic and fly like her. Although the way Flurry was looking at Teddy made the Princess of Love chuckle then when Teddy changed to look more like Flurry the little filly squeed hugging him. Delphi really liked her because she wasn’t like Teddy a boy even at two she thought all boys were weird except for her daddy he was the best.

The party continued on and both Twilight and Harry couldn’t believe their prank was working. Her friends kept asking her question after question but Twi was a trooper and didn’t let anything slip. Harry on the other hoof kept getting trapped by either her parents or friends even Applejack couldn’t tell if he was hiding something. It helped when he would use the old doublespeak answering without answering or changing the subject slightly or flat out changing the subject. The two were having so much fun until Flurry Heart let the proverbial cat out of the bag. Guess she wasn’t in on the prank like the others. It happened like this Flurry was sitting in the designated play area which was just a spot Harry wrecked some Wards to keep them inside it and not wanting to wander off. She was sitting there having a very in-depth conversation with the two and if you looked you could tell by their faces and hoof movements. But anyway she must have been told something because the next thing was her clinging to Harry's face like a, well like a facehugger screaming out Unca Howwy. so the jig was up when everypony heard that they all screamed “WHAT”.

Twilight was bashfully giggling while Harry was rubbing the back of his head with that lopsided smile of his.

“So you two were, and you just, how could you not?” Was Rainbows response as she hovered there looking at the two.

“Best Prank Ever!” Pinkie beamed as she smiled.

“Shoot Sugarcube I can’t believe yall pulled that one off?” Applejack said taking off her hat.

“ Oh my,” Was all Fluttershy said.

“Yes, yes, now darling that's a riveting joke, but we must know how long have you two been a couple?” Rarity asked stepping up next to Twilight.

Everypony in the room was waiting for the answer so with a nod from Harry twilight smiled and answered. “For five months now,” The reaction was a little mixed all their friends fell over from the shock while Velvet and Cadance ran over and hugged Twilight congratulating her, as for Harry Dash gave him a punch in the shoulder for the good prank and promised retribution that would become known as the Greatest Prank War in Equestrian History. Might lite shook his hoof and gave him a small hug welcoming him to the family, and Shining well Shining was Shining he threatens Harry with bodily harm if he ever hurt Twilight in any way, Harry just told him that only Celestia, Luna, and Twilight knew about and how to use the three unforgivables so he accepts and welcomes the threat but when it came to fear Shining didn’t hold a candle to those three.

Cadance came over to Harry smiling and laughing. “Oh, I can’t believe it worked I was sure I’d blow it sooner or later but that was really fun,”

Velvet Night and Shining all looked shocked at hearing this. “Cadance you were in on this but how, why?” Shining asked looking at his wife.

Oh lighten up sweetie Harry had Spike give me a letter when he came to visit and I just couldn’t help it besides I was indoctrinated into the Marauders, I even have my own Marauder Lovebutt,” She said proudly

Harry lifted out three pieced together folded up parchments and placed his hoof on one saying the words “I solemnly swear that I’m up to no good” before everyonies eyes words and images began to appear. On the very top of the center parchment were the words Ponyville then the iconic phase minus one name appeared. Messrs Moony, Padfoot, and Prongs are proud to present the marauders' map' we would like to welcome Dusk Shine, Twinkletush, and Lovebutt to the illustrious fellowship of the Marauders.

They all looked at the map and could see hoof prints with names with them as they moved around the map.

“How did you do this it must of taking a great deal of magic?” Night said studying the map closely

Not really I just put up wardstones all around the town and Sweet Apple Acres and used them to track every place and pony even Zecora is shown on the map see?” He said pointing to the name and hoof prints of the town's zebra resident as she was walking into town heading to the spa. “I have one of the Crystal Empire too but I still need more time for Cantorlot that place is loaded with a lot of its own magic.

“Don’t you know what this means it could revolutionize security can it even detect a changeling?” Night nearly yelled before he looked around I'mbearest.

“The map never lies it’s keyed to a ponies magical core and that can’t be copied even by a changeling,” Harry said as he passed the Crystal Empire map to Shining placing his hoof on the Ponyville map and saying “Mischief Manage” making the images disappear and the map fold its self up.

“Actually if you want to Cantorlot’s map we’ll have time,” Twight said stepping over to the small group with a letter. “ It seems that Princess Celestia and Luna want us it Cantorlot the end of this week to reveal the new Princess and Princess to Equestria,”

Harry looked confused about its until Velvet explained things to him. “Harry dear you and Teddy are both Alicorns that makes you royalty and Delphi is your daughter making her a princess,”

Hearing this fear crept up on Harry’s face with Flurry sitting on his head holding onto his horn Harry rushed over grabbing Delphi and Teddy in his front hooves he then said three words before teleporting out of the room. “Bloody Hell No!”

Twilight spoke without looking in the direction he was previously in. “Language Harry.”

Harry popped back in and answered with “Equicish” before popping back out again.

Everyone started laughing about what they had witnessed then Cadance spoke up. “Is it all right that he has Flurry with him?”

“She’s fine, Harry only teleports to four spots and two of them he would never bring a foal to,” Twilight said shaking her head at the actions of her stallion she would never call him a coltfriend because he was her stallion. With that, she popped out of the room and a few minutes later returned with three foals covered in ice cream and one disgruntled alicorn. “They took mine, I didn’t get any ice cream,”

“Now Harry, listen to me,” Twili said making Harry look at her. “It’s not all bad they just want to introduce the three of you to the rest of Equestria it will be a short ceremony then shaking hoofs with some nobles then we can come home.”

At the word nobles, Harry cringed and it wasn’t missed by anypony in the room. Letting out a sigh he smiled at his mare. “Alright for you but if some of them are like the ones back there, Pranks Will Run Freely,”

All the mares giggled except Twilight who just shook her head. Night leaned close to Harry and whispered in his ear. “If they're as good as this one I help you,” Before turning to smile at his wife.

“Wait I have a question, Cadance if you were in on the prank then why did you hug Twilight, smile, and then hug her again?” Rarity asked rubbing her chin.

“Oh, that simple Twili’s pregnant,” She said without a care in the world.

Two things happened there first multiple jaws dropped to the floor and in Pinkie case literally and the second was two ponies fainted dead away Cadance looked around a little confused. “What was I not supposed to say anything?”

Harry and Twilight awoke in bed to find their friends surrounding them all with smiles well not everypony was smiling, Shining was not happy you could tell by how he was grinding his teeth, and Nightlite looked saddened.

Twilight turned to look at her father. “Daddy wants wrong why are you so sad?”

“I don't get to walk you down the aisle,” Night said sadly.

“Oh daddy, of course, you can why wouldn’t want that?”

Harry smiled when he heard this and then noticed something that made him grin. “Twilight you need to use Finite Incantatem,” He said making her look at him. “Trust me, and I can’t believe I didn’t notice it before,”

Twilight used the spell then felt something small around the base of her horn the others gasped at this Rarity brought over a mirror and that was when she saw it a ring, there was a ring at the base of her horn, but not just any ring it was the ring worn by the lady of the house. It was gold and silver but t what caught her eye was the stones there were four stones two rubies one emerald and a large onyx in the center, upon the stone was the simple of the Deathly Hollows. Harry used Finite Incantatem also and the lord's ring appeared at the base of his horn.

“Um what just happened and why do you two have rings?” Dash asked pointing a hoof at us.

“These are the rings of the Lord and Lady of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter Black Peverell Gryffindor Slytherin and they can only be worn by us if we are married in the eyes of magic,” He said rolling onto his back laughing.

“What, what's so funny don’t, don't you want to be married to me?” Twilight asked as tears filled her eyes seeing Harry laughing.

Harry stopped and pulled Twi into a hug. “Of course, I do this is the best, I just thought it was funny as that ring has more protections on it and access to the family magics.”

“More howzit and access to what?” AJ asked tilting her head.

“Well the protection part is a given as those were five very old family lines and as for the magic part Twi think of the Black family,” Harry said looking her in the eyes.

Twilight closed her eyes and thought of the Black family their history and magic then she turned slightly green. “Blegh I don’t think I want to use that magic any time soon,” She said still a little green.

“Well, they were the Blacks and they did have a reputation to uphold, if that was bad you might not like the Slytherin or the Peverell family magics that much,”

Twilight closed her eyes again but opened them quickly. “Oh sweet Celestia, they used Necromancy, how, why?”

“Twi the Peverells were also called the House of Death for a good reason, but I want you to access the Gryffindor family I think you’ll really be surprised,”

Once again she closed her eyes then smiled as she opened them again. “ I want not to try it, I want to see if I can become an Animagus,” She said bouncing in place.

“Well let me see I just hope I can still do it, after all, it’s been a while,” Harry said closing his eyes and concentrated, then they saw his body warp and change seconds later where Harry once was now sat a white furry creature then he warped again and another creature was in its place this one looked like a hedgehog somewhat then once again Harry was sitting there.

Fluttershy Squeed when she saw both of them. “Oh my they were so cute now let me see if I remember their names from the books you gave me, Um the first was a Demiguise and the second was a Niffler,”

“Absolutely correct you make Newt Scamander proud,” Harry said to the now blushing mare.

“Oh Oh Oh, you going to teach me right, RIGHT?” Twilight asked more like demanded.

“Suuure we just need to make the reviling position is all,” Harry said scooting back from the mare.

“That's all well and good but we’re getting off track we need to first get Harry and the children ready for the reveal in Cantorlot and most importantly we need to get the preparation done for the wedding,” Rarity said singing the last part.

Rarity’s words brought everything back into focus a wedding Harry and Twilight were getting married they were going to have a baby, a baby oh bugger Teddy would he be upset that there was going to be another baby?

Their answer came when Winky popped in with the three foals Delphi and Teddy crawled up and sat between Harry and Twilight here was the moment of truth.

“Teddy do you want to know a secret?” Twilight asked looking a little nervous.

Teddy just looked at her “Mama”

“Mommy is going to have another baby soon,” She said to him.

Teddy tilted his head placing a hoof to his chest. “Ba”

“Yes, you’re our baby boy but mommy has another baby inside her growing,” Twi looked at him smiling.

Teddy looked like he was concentrating really hard to understand what was happening then he moved over and touched Twi’s belly and said “Ba” then his chest saying “Ba” then he moved closer hugging Twi’s belly smiling saying “Ba, Ba, Ba,”

“That’s right Teddybear and you're going to be the best big brother ever aren’t you?” Harry asked nuzzling the foal making him laugh. “Now Delphi are you happy about this too?”

“I’m Happy papa but could mama have a girl boys are icky girls are fun,” Delphi said looking innocent.

“We’ll see but you know it might be a boy and girl or two boys or two girls or...” Harry was saying until Delphi put her hoof over his mouth.

Everypony laughed at this as the family hugged this caused all in the room to join in.

Five days till Cantorlot and the reveal to Harry it could have been five years he really hated the idea of the recognition it was just like back there. During this time though a few things did happen. In the case of Twilight where she found out some of the protections on her ring. She was working on a potion from the Slytherin family magic in her lab, she added an ingredient too soon, then in a flash the cauldron exploded, seconds later she found herself in the library unharmed looking around she closed her eyes tapping into the ring finding out one of the protections was to teleport her away from danger. Returning to her lab she stopped at the door to see the damage if the ring hadn’t saved her she would more than likely have been severely hurt there were trasses of a massive fireball that engulfed the entire room. The second was when she went out walking around town some of the ponies more likely tourists came rushing up to her when they all hit an invisible wall it seemed that another one was to keep strangers at a safe distance from her.

As for Harry, he was having a terrible time first it was eight hours at Rarity’s getting fitted for all manner of clothes though he did talk her into making him and Twilight some dress robes with all the family crests on the breast. Then it was etiquette lessons with Cadance which he did get out of some of it by starting a debate about the use of love potions and if her magic was strong enough to counter the effects of Amortentia the most powerful love potion.

Harry that’s not real love that stuff just causes a powerful infatuation or obsession from the drinker it’s just so wrong and I hope you have hidden the recipe away forever,” She said looking at me sternly.

“Put it and a few other things under a Fidelius Charm, Winky’s the Secret Keeper,” He answered rather quickly.

“Good, now where were we oh yes when you meet the nobles it is customary for them to introduce themselves first although there are some who think they are even above my aunts,” She said with a little venom in her voice.

“If they're that rude why can’t I just transfigure them into pin cushions or something? “ He asked laying his head on the desk bored.

“Though I would love to see that, you can’t you have to be above reproach,”

“You do know who my father, godfather, and pseudo-uncle were right?”

“Yes and don’t remind me I still don’t understand how that map chose the name Lovebutt for me?”

Harry just shrugged it was probably Sirius’ influence the guy was a notorious lady's man.

All this happened in the five days and now Harry Twilight the mane five Velvet, Night Shining, and Cadance were on the train to Cantorlot. Everyone was excited well everyone but Harry. All that changed as Harry had a flashback to his first year, alone pony who looked very nervous was standing next to Harry's seat.

“Um, do yall mind if I sit here every place else is plumb full?” the pony asked looking around at the group feeling out of place.

Harry just smiled and scooted over giving him room. “Not at all my names Harry by the way what's yours?”

“Hayseed, Hayseed Turnip Truck,” He said offering his hoof to Harry. “I’m on my way ta Cntorlot to see the new prince and his kin,”

“Yeah, so are we, you know I think we could get you a spot up in the front?” Harry said looking towards Shining and Cadance who just nodded still smiling.

They had a very nice conversation the whole trip Harry learned that Hayseed was part of the Apple Family and did widow cleaning in Cantorlot and Manehatten. All the girls thought it was so cute that Hayseed didn’t know who he was talking to because Harry had his drees robes on covering his wings, but being who he was they didn’t think he’d act any different.

When they arrived at the station everypony disembarked the group was greeted by two carriages ready to take them to the castle. Harry saw as Hayseed was about to walk off when he walked over pulling the pony with him to stand in front of one of the guards.

He’s with us,” Harry said looking from Hayseed to the guard before touching his breast where his family crests were.

The Guard has seen this and nodded welcoming the pony on board.

“Well butter my biskets, I had thought yall was joking about gettin’ me, ta see the new prince and all

“Now cuz, yall know better than that,” Applejack said smiling at her very excited relative.

As they were making their way to the castle a figure was walking by them at the same time both of them began looking around for that all too familiar since but both shook it off as a flight of fancy how could it be true they weren’t here were they?

When they reached the castle being greeted by both Princesses, it was at this time Hayseed realized who the pony he became friends with on the train really was. He didn’t hold any ill to the stallion he just laughed it off as a good joke and promised to visit him when he had the time. Applejack was happy about this seeing as most of her extended family tended to avoid him.

When they entered the castle they were escorted through the many halls and Harry had to admit if they had any moving staircases and living pictures this place would be just like Hogwarts. Harry Twilight Delphi and Teddy were ushered into a small room off the side of the throne room and told to wait until they were introduced to the nobles and Equestria.

“Ok, I can understand me and the kids, but why you?” He said pointing at Twili.

“Well I am your wife now, so I have to be introduced as such, why are you ashamed of me?” She asked sticking out her bottom lip.

“No of course not I would never... you are so going to get it when we get home Mrs. Twikletush,” Realising she was joking.

There was a knock on the door as a guard stuck his head inside. “Their ready for you just follow me,”

The four of them were just behind the dais waiting for their queue listening to Celestia.

“Mare’s and Gentle Colts today we mark as a momentous occasion, a little over five months ago an Alicorn Stallion and his two foals appeared in Equestria,” With this Celestia had to raise her hoof to silence the crowd. “Yes amazing but due to some unforeseen circumstances we had decided to keep this information hidden from the public,” Again she raised her hoof. “ These circumstances will be joyous when they are heard for during this time our newest alicorn had met and fallen in love and with the blessing of magic, it's self they were declared Mare and Stallion. So without further ado please welcome Duck Shine the Alicorn Prince of Magic, Lord Hadrian James Potter Black Peverell Gryffindor Slytherin, and his children Princess Belladonna Delphi Potter Black and Prince Solarus Edward (Teddy) Lupin Potter.”

Hearing their names called Harry carried Teddy while Delphi waked beside him bending down he nuzzled his daughter. “It's ok if you don't want to do this you can stay with Grandma and Grandpa,” Pointing out the door where Velvet and Night were sitting at a table.

“No Papa you and Mama are going to be there I not scared” Twili and Harry both hugged their little girl then they walked out into the throne room where they were greeted by gasps then applause. Standing next to Celestia, Harry looked up at the mare, “Couldn’t help it had to use the full name didn’t ya?”

“Of course that way you can make them call you by your full title if you want,”

“Good point but why the prince of magic?”

“Twilight will explain everything later,” She said turning to look out to the audience. “Now to introduce the lucky mare who had won the heart of this stallion The Princess of Friendship Twilight Sparkle The Lady Mare Potter Black Peverell Gryffindor Slytherin,” With that Twilight came out to roars of applause.

Walking over she took Teddy from Harry as he picked up Delphi the four looked out to the gathering of ponies and as one bowed before they escorted off the dais to join their friends and meet the nobles. Harry went with Dash and Pinkie to have a little mischief. Sitting at a table Dash would point out a pony and either Pinkie or Harry would use magic or a prank that was until Spitfire and Soran came over. They wanted to know what we were up to and if they could join see Harry met them three months ago when he introduced Quidditch to Ponyville and Cloudsdale. The really amazing thing he found out was when he saw Scootaloo riding a Cleansweep 700 like it was part of her, so he secretly switched it with his Firebolt and not even Dash could keep up with her. Harry was very surprised to learn that for the Ponyville team Scootaloo the seeker was the only other pegasus with a young colt named Rumble. The rest of the team is mostly earthponies Applebloom, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon are the chasers, Sweetie Belle is the keeper, and Rumble with a colt named Pipsquewk are the beaters.

The party was continuing as normal to put it simply it was so boring. Harry was glad that Velvet and Nite agreed to watch Delphi and Teddy and they were already gone when it happened. Harry had that feeling again the one where something bad was going to happen, but this time it wasn't him but Twilight the feeling was around. Getting up from the table apologizing to the others he made his way to where Twili was at. Getting closer he could hear the stallion who was speaking to his wife and let's just say it was very fortunate that Princess Luna was nearby. Seeing the tears in Twili's eyes as that animal called her a whorse who would lift her tail for any pony was no Princess. Harry's angrier had no equal, using Levicorpus to have the jerk looking him in the eyes, Harry growled when he saw the smug look of Blueblood looking back at him. He didn't even think about what was going on as Harry called out Sectumsempra and let the dark spell fly hitting its target, before he turned and ran out of the room as well as the castle with Twilight hot on his heels.

"I'm sorry, I killed him I know it, but what he said I just, I'm so sorry," Was all Harry could say as he was running.

'Stop, please, Harry I can't keep up, Harry, stop running and look at me, HARRY JAMES POTTER YOU WILL STOP RIGHT NOW!!!

During this little show, the Diamond dog was walking away from the pony guards he had been talking with when he heard Twilight yell. He looked around trying to find who she was yelling at when he saw them, those same eyes, eyes he could never forget yes they were on the body of a pony now. One that pretty much looked exactly looked like the princess but thank Merlin was still a guy, but there was no mistake about those eyes.

"Ha, Harry?" The dog asked in a shaky voice.
"Pup is that you?" This time Harry recognized the voice only to turn to look at a diamond dog with tear-filled eyes.

Harry turned to stand in front of the dog looking carefully at it, he noticed that even on two legs he recognized that mangy mutt of his Godfather's animagus form of Padfoot.

"Prongslet is that really you?"

Harry's eyes grew in shock taking one step forward licking his dry lips he opened his mouth. " Si, Sirius is that you?"

"Ya Pup it's me and I must..."


That was the only sound heard as Harry fainted dead away.