• Published 1st Jul 2021
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Well At Least I'm Still A Guy Sort Of - Gravestone

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Chapter Two ____Meet and Greet and a Spot of Tea

Twilight Sparkle the Princess of Friendship was many things. Kind-hearted, understanding, patient with others, a seeker of knowledge, a sufferer of OCD, but what she was not was a pony who could handle what she just saw in front of her. So in a typical Twilight maneuver, her brain shut down and prepared for a reboot.

How, how was it possible for a pony that looked like her but not, seeing as it was a stallion could be standing there in front of the portal mirror staring at her with a look of confusion on his face and not say anything. She could not reach a rational answer to this so he just went with her backup plan faint wakeup later and hope it was all just a bad dream. In three two one THUD.

Harry looked down at the mare and winced. "Bloody Hell, great first impression Potter."

Instead of just panicking about this Harry decided to see how much his magic had changed. Oh, he knew he still had magic he could feel it like it was just underneath his skin in fact it felt like it was all over him. From the bottom of his hooves to the tip of his horn, his horn, of course, magical's always needed some sort of focus even wandless magic was focused through the hands, fingers, or even the eyes. So why not his horn as he looked around the room Harry spotted what looked like a small bowl. Staring at the bowl he concentrated, Intent that was what he had learned about magic the truth about magic. There was on silly wand-waving, no incantations, just Imagination and Intent with those two things a wizard could do anything, well almost anything. It seems that the unforgivable's still needed to be spoken.

After a short test of levitation and then some transfiguration plus a small bit of conjuring, Harry believed he had some control over his magic. Looking over to the side he conjured a small crib then levitated Delphi and Teddy into it. After that, he returned to the problem at hand or is it hoof that being the mare sprawled out on the floor unconscious. Looking down at her Harry had to admit that she did look very cute, wait where did that idea come from oh yay he was now a horse also. Shaking his head looking down again and thinking Enervate a small beam of light traveled from his horn enveloping the mare in a soft purple glow. Seconds later she began to stir looking down at her Harry could only give the patented Potter grin. "You know if Sirius was here he would say you fell for my charm and devilish good looks."

Twilights POV

What's this I'm feeling, oh it's magic this feels nice like I'm being held by somepony that loves me.
Opening her eyes Twilight began to look around until she saw a set of hooves in front of her. Looking up she sees the pony from earlier with a rather sexy grin, wait, why did she just think that. Her train of thought was halted when she heard the stallion speak.
"You know if Sirius was here he would say you fell for my charm and devilish good looks."
Hearing this Twilight blushed before she began to stand back up, the stallion offering a hoof which she accepted. Getting back onto her hooves Twilight was finally able to get a better look at this stranger. He appeared identical in every way sans the stallion part, same fur, mane, and tail colors the same cutie mark but his eyes were different. They weren't the dark violet, like hers but a deep green almost emerald color, eyes that a mare could get lost in forever. Shaking her head wondering where in Tartarus did that come from she stepped back and was about to speak when the stallion beat her to it.

Helping the mare back to her hooves and watching how she was studying him made Harry a little nervous especially how she was looking at his eyes. So to end this uncomfortable situation he decided to jump in the deep end as the saying goes.
"Excuse me I am terribly sorry for intruding into your home," He said looking around. "But it would seem I am in need of assistance for myself and my children," Gesturing to the crib that held two foals.
Harry noticed the slight expression of sadness on the mare's face hearing about children.
"I would appreciate it if we could move to somewhere a little more comfortable so we may talk and if these two raggamuffins do wake I will be able to feed them and hopefully answer any questions you have," Harry said with a pleading look.

Nodding Twilight turned to led him out of the room but stopped and watched as he levitated what looked like bat pony foal onto his back as well as sling carrier with a smaller foal around his neck. What startled her was when he looked at the crib and in a flash of magic, it disappeared that was something she was definitely going to talk to him about.

As they made their way out of the room and down the hall Harry couldn't believe what he was seeing this place was made entirely of crystal the floors, walls everything. Walking along admiring what he saw Harry every once in a while would admire the view in front of him only to smile. Hey just because he's a purple horse doesn't mean he's dead.

It took some time to reach their destination and looking around Harry could only think that Hermione would have loved this room. There were shelves of books, books upon books covering every wall. They moved over to two sofas that were in front of a fireplace. Sitting down Twilight watched again as the stallion levitated both foals to the sofa before sitting himself.

Twilight looked at the stallion with a smile. "Before we began would it be possible to have the Princesses and my friends here to listen to your story?" SHe asked as he looked from the foals to her and nodded.

"Yes, I think that would be for the best wait, Princesses you have a monarchy?" He asked surprised about there being royalty.

"Why yes, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have ruled Equestria for over a thousand years, and they raise the sun and moon," Twilight said as if it was common knowledge to him.

Harry's jaw dropped at what he just heard, over a thousand years of rule and they raise the sun and moon. Harry was of two minds at this moment first if they are over a thousand years then they are powerful, the second thing if they move the sun and moon then they are scary powerful.

As they were sitting Harry noticed that his kids began to stir not wanting them to be frightened he spoke in a low calm voice. It was Teddy that opened his eyes first looking around until his bright blue eyes landed on Harry.

"Dada," Teddy said looking at the unfamiliar face before him, then seeing the loving green eyes of his daddy Teddy smiled. "Dada!" The foal squealed.

"Hey there Teddybear, how's my little guy?" Harry asked as he nuzzled the foal making him squeal some more.

Next, it was Delphi to wake from her little brothers laughing looking over to see a funny colored pony nuzzling a baby one both having her father's and baby brother's voices. "Papa dat ooh," She asked getting a nod from the pony with her daddy's voice. " Papa wook fummy why Papa purble pomy?" She said a little louder than before.

"Well, sweetheart daddy's not the only one that's a pony," Harry said pointing a hoof at Teddy and then her making Delphi look at herself. Well as much as she could see that was until a small mirror appeared in front of her. Looking at her reflection Delphi's eye grew wide then she smiled and started giggling. "Papa me a pomy, me a pomy," she said as she bounced around until the unmistaken sound of two tiny tummies growling. " Papa me hungy," Delphi said rubbing her tummy.

"Alright how about I ask if," Harry started to say before he looked over at the mare. "Um ah Miss I'm going to do something but please don't freak out I explain everything I promise," Harry said with pleading eyes.

Twilight looked in his eyes, those eyes, and knew he was telling the truth. Alright but could you call me Twilight at least instead of Miss," She said smiling.

"Thank you Twilight and you can call me Harry," Hary said smiling back at her before turning to look at the open floor.

"Winky," Harry said then a second later a soft pop was heard.
There, standing in what was an empty space stood a small creature. It had long pointed ears big eyes and four small claws that Twilight recognized as fingers. The top of its head was covered in dark brown hair and it wore a very simple dress. The little creature looked around the room almost drooling. It then turned to face Harry and let out an adorable eep.

"Master Harry, is that be you?" Winky said looking at the animal before her.

"Yes, Winky, and I'll explain everything in a bit but first, can you get Delphi and Teddy something to eat?" He said pointing to the two foals on the sofa.

"Yes, yes Winky be's bringing little Master and Mistress some foodies," She said before popping out and back a minute later with a bottle of milk and a small lidded cup with some dried fruit.

"What exactly is she?" Twilight asked pointing at Winky.

Before Harry could respawn Winky turned to look at Twilight. "Winky be's house-elf, house-elf do many thing clean cook take care of babies do all things for house," She said looking at the confused mare. "House-elf be bonded to Master or Mistress or place with big magic likes here," She said waving her arms around the room.

Winky turned back to Harry. "Master Harry sir Winky Tippy and Peak be's bored no things do wonder if we's be cleaning this place," She said looking around.

"You'll have to ask Twilight as it is her home," Harry said looking at Twilight

"Um, ah, sure just don't work too hard," Twilight said not knowing what else to say. She then watched as two more elves popped into the room one looking like Winky but with red hair and the other a male.

The three, spoke to each other in a fast tone before they popped out again.

As this was happening voices could be heard coming from the hall then eight more ponies entered the room well seven ponies and what Harry could tell was a small dragon.

"Oh, my Twilight you were right to contact us," The tall white pony said in a voice that held a motherly tone.

"You are correct sister, it seems that your former student still has the uncanny ability to find trouble," Said the dark blue pony.

Twilight looked sheepish at the remark but quickly composed herself. "Harry, allow me to introduce Princess Celestia and Princess Luna rulers of Equestria," Twilight said as Harry got off the sofa and kneeled before the two royals.

"Your Majesties allow me to introduce myself my name is Lord Hadrien James Potter Black Peverell Griffindor Slytherin," Still kneeling.

"Whoo doggy that there is one long name y'all got there," An orange color mare with a hat said.

"I believe miss Applejack that this young alicorn has introduced himself using old Equest," Princess Luna said having the others look confused. "He simply stated that he is the lord of five houses,"

"Correct your Highness, though they are referred to as most ancient and noble due to them being able to trace the line back close to two thousand or more years," Harry stated being proud that he remembered this during the hunt.

"That is quite amazing to hold titles of such a lineage though I must confess I have never heard of such names before," Celestia said looking at the alicorn stallion questionably.

"That, your Highness is a long and strange story," Harry said as he returned to the sofa with children. And I found stories are best told over a nice cup of tea," after saying that a tea set appeared on the table in front o Harry.

The reaction by them was nothing to that of the little dragon.

"Don't be alarmed everypony it's just Harry's servents," Twilight called out to calm them.

When they calmed themselves everyone took a seat Harry looked around at all of them as they introduced themselves. The first was the orange mare with the hat
her name was AApplejack, later Harry learned the hat was called a stetson.

Next was a white mare with dark purple hair her name was Rarity she was a fashion designer Harry thought she would like to look at all the clothes he had in one of his trunks.

Then a butter yellow mare name Fluttershy introduced herself as the town vet. Actually, she said she took care of all the animals around town and the forest nearby.

The one after that Rainbow Dash, reminded me so much of Ron how she would boost how she was this and that, It made Harry smile.

Then there was the last pony Pinkie Pie how to describe her well, Pink lots and lots of Pink and an exuberant attitude. Harry did remember what Luna had written in the letter so doing as instructed Harry relade the message from one Luna Lovegood to one Pinkie Pie HI.

Pinkie was so happy that she jumped over and hugged Harry telling him thank you and she misses her friend. Which caused the others to look confused.

But the one Harry was most interested to meet was the young drake, Spike after all he was a dragon.

After the introductions from the mares, Harry introduced his two children who were quietly still eating. Unfortunately, when he did there was a collective Sqee from most of them when they saw the two, and somehow Harry ended up on the sofa next to Twilight.

Darling, they are just so precious this little filly will be breaking young colts hearts when she gets older and this little angel is Oh my," Rarity was saying until she and the others watched as Teddy changed his appearance to match Rainbow Dash.

"I'm sorry I should have warned you Teddy has an ability to change his appearance it is called Metamorphamagus he got it from his mother she was one also," Harry said as if it yer nothing.

"Yes I see, but I think it would be best if you told us your story," Celestia commented as she watches Teddy changed to look like the others.

Thinking of how to go about it he decided to start with the war, his parents on how they first met to their time in school. The Marauders', Snape the pranks pulled to their fifth year and that word that spoken. After that, he told them of the prophecy that was made a year before he was born to his parents going into hiding. That Holloween night then growing up with the Dursley,s though he did sugarcoat over that. To receiving his Hogwarts letter meeting the half-giant Hagrid his first trip to Diagon Alley. The goblins, shopping, receiving Hedwig and getting his first wand meeting that ponce Malfoy. Then he spoke about the Hogwarts Express meeting Ron and a bushy-haired girl who Harry said reminded him of Twilight. His sorting seeing the wonders of magic. He continued on about his first flying lesson joining the Quidditch team, his first game. Continuing about how Ron hurt Hermione's feelings (the bushy-haired girl) to the two of us saving her from a troll. Where the three became best friends Going on to tell about Hagrid and the dragon egg the detention in the forbidden forest where he met Voldemort. Finding out about Flamel and the Philosophers stone to the traps and Harry having to kill for the first time.

Next, he told of his second year the students being petrified learning of the Chamber of Secrets to saving Ginny fighting a thousand-year-old Basilisk. Harry did leave out the parts of Lockfart the car and Dobby. He then went on to his third year Sirius the traitor Wormtail meeting Remus the map and the Dementors, but what made the most impression was when Harry summoned his Patronus, but Prongs wasn't the only one to appear. There was the doe a horse, pegasus, unicorn, griffin, thestral, hippogriff, basilisk, dragon, phoenix a wolf, and a grim. There many oohs's and ahh's within the room but Harry was totally confused about it maybe he'll ask the Princesses about it later. After that Harry told them about his fourth year of the tournament Fleur, Victor, Cedric, and the Yule Ball Voldemort's resurrection, and the beginning of the second wizarding war.

The next thing he told was his fifth year forming the DA to Umbridge the failed rescue of Sirius in the DOM to learning about the prophecy from Dumbledore. Hearing this the sisters looked at each other for a moment before Harry continued. He told them of his sixth year how Malfoy helped Deatheater get into the school the murder of Dumbledore by Snape. He then told them about the Horcrux hunt breaking into and out of Gringotts on the back of a dragon to the final battle. Then he covered last year finding out about Delphi gaining guardianship of Teddy and the betrayal of the wizarding world. All the way to when he walked through the vail and ended up here.

To say the others were speechless would be an understatement they all had tear-filled eyes, Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked like they wanted to murder those wizards.

It was Celestia who broke the silences. "Harry from what we have heard your life has been nothing but trial after trial of hardship, and I am afraid to say but this Headmaster of your truly sounds like a," She began to say but Harry cut her off.

"A manipulating old goat who used people like chess pieces on a board all for The Greater Good," He said looking at her. "Then you'd be absolutely right,"

Rainbow Dash exhales loudly. "Man I wish I could have seen all that Fighting a basilisk out flying a dragon that would so cool," She said shaking her head.

Harry after hearing that shot up and moved to a open space in the room. "Actually You can see it ok hold on a tik," He said looking at the five trucks he had connected to his belt.

"Ah, this one," He said pulling it off before placing it on the floor where he touches it causing the small trunk to grow to full size.

He then proceeded to open it and climb inside completely disappearing from view. The girls heard as if he was walking downstairs opening and closing doors hearing "nope not here, maybe here, nope, ah, here we go, oh, maybe Twilight and the Princesses would like to read some books about the wizarding world. Now let's see Hogwarts a History self-updating edition, The History of the Magical World, Dark Lords through the Ages, and ah bugger it I just give them all my school books now for the others, let's see. "The girls heard as the sound of things being moved around and more doors being opened then closed.

A few minutes later they saw a large number of things being floated out of the trunk in a violet aura followed by Harry. Placing the items on the floor Harry turned to look at all of them. Now as Rainbow Dash said about seeing my life we have this," He said levitating a large stone bowl. This is called a Pensieve it's used to view one's memories. I'll show you how to remove a copy of your memories in a bit."

Setting it down he then levitated a large stack of books at this Twilight began to drool at the sight. "These are just some of the books I have in my possession,' He said levitating them over to the Princesses and Twilight.

Turning back to the stake of things levitating two small trunks he placed them in front of Rainbow Dash and Pinkie. "This trunk has a complete Quidditch set I thought you like to be the one to start it here." He next turned to Pinkie. "In here or some of the best jokes, pranks, and games from my old world." Looking down at it the Words Weasley Wizarding Wheezes was on the top.

Turning to Rarity he floated over five very large spools. "These are spools of Acromantula silk as tuff as steel and as soft as a newborn foals bum."

Applejack was next Harry gave her one of his two dirigible plum trees telling her that the seeds can only be planted during a blue and the tree will grow faster when sang to. Applejack looked at him only to see he was truly honest about it.

For Spike, he gave him a bottomless bag full of gems. And to Fluttershy, he gave her two things first a small bottle of Phoenix tears and the book Fantastic Beast and where to find them.

After handing out the gifts and receiving hugs and in Twilights case a few kisses and thank yous, they all settled back down to continue their talk. It was at this time the ponies were introduced to Winky and the others. Spike at hearing what house-elves do, had a flashback of his thing with Owlicious but then he remembered just how big this castle really was. So he made a deal with Winky that he would help Twilight as her number one assistant and share in the cooking.

With all that drama out of the way, the Princesses decided now was a good time to ask some questions.

"As you have said there were those in your old world that could use magic and those who could not can you explain this," Celestia asked.

"Yes, you see there are some born to magical families that are unable to use magic these are called squibs, then you have those who have no magic at all they are called Nomag, Mundane, or Muggle," Harry said with a little disdain for the last one.
"Now for an example if two unicorns that could d trace the lineage back several generations had an earthpony foal that foal would be a squib because it could not use unicorn magic. As for Nomags, they would be like, like the normal everyday animals you have here." Harry said looking at Celestia.

The conversation carried on until Celestia and Luna apologized that they must depart to lower the sun and raise the moon. Harry was curious about this and followed them outside to watch and to say he was surprised would be an understatement. Walking back inside Harry had only one thought about what he had just witnessed never get those two mad at him.

Returning to the library Harry looked around and scratch the back of his head. "Um ladies, I just realized we have a problem I have no place for myself and the children to stay," Harry said looking a little sheepish.

"Oh that's no problem you can stay here with me," Twilight said before backpedaling. "I mean me and Spike," She said giggling.

All the mares started to say their goodbyes and left, but Rarity stayed behind for a little longer. Walking over to Twilight she looked at the mare and spoke.
(Rarity will be purple Twilight will be blue)
"So a strapping young alicorn stallion just showed up out of nowhere."


"He is really great with children to seeing how much he loves his two,"


"Let us not forget he's single, rich, and magically powerful,"


"And you just want him to take you to bed and buck you crosseyed,"

"Mmm, Wait what Rarity how could you say something like that!!!" Twilight almost screamed while having a full-body blush. "I mean he is like you said handsome, go with foals, single, rich, and powerful but I would never do that what kind of a mare do you think I am?" she said looking at her friend.

"Oh, one that wouldn't go that far until the third date, toodles Darling," Rarity said as she made a hasty retreat.

Twilight could only stand there with a shocked expression on her face at what Rarity had just said. She was brought back to reality hearing Harry's voice.

"Uh, what,"

I Said thank you so much for letting us stay here and I promise to help and tell you everything I know about my old world," He said looking at the most beautiful pair of violet eyes he has ever seen.

They both gave a small chuckle then Twilight had Harry follow her to his and the children's new bedroom. Upon entering Harry looked around seeing that everything was safe he levitated both of the foals onto the bed Delphi looked up at her father.

"Papa dis ome now?"

"Yes, it looks like it, are you happy?"

"Yep, we pomy now I wike bein' pomy, Papa tew tory,"

So Harry began to tell her the story about a young pony princess who lived in a magic castle that had many friends and went on many great adventures.

Just outside the door, Twilight was listening to the story smiling to herself at what she was hearing until she heard the one thing that made her eyes water.

"Lub you Papa and lub Mama Twiwite,"