• Published 1st Jul 2021
  • 2,048 Views, 42 Comments

Well At Least I'm Still A Guy Sort Of - Gravestone

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Chapter Three___A Party, oh Bugger

Harry had woken up early the next morning thanks to the years with the Dursleys and sighed.

"Well, I guess I should get up." Looking over himself seeing that during the night both Delphi and Teddy had decided to use him as a combination pillow\bed.

"Now how the hell am I suppose to get up without waking them?" Then it hit him, magic duh he carefully levitated them off and over to his side.

With that hurdle out of the way he carefully crawled out of the bed and promptly fell onto the floor. It seems that our intrepid hero had momentarily forgotten he was now a quadruped. Picking himself up and taking a quick look to see if he had awakened his bedmates thankfully they showed no signs. Walking toward the door and just about to open it when.


From the day Harry became Teddy's father not once has he been able to just let his children sleep late. First Teddy would wake then Delphi and right on queue his daughter opened her eyes and looked around.

"Papa morming"

Walking back to the bed Harry bent down and kissed his little girl's forehead before reaching over to kiss his son only to stop when the smell hit his nostrils. The smell was so overpowering that his eyes went crossed.

"Bloody Hell, Teddybear what did you eat last night brimstone?" This comment caused two things to happen first, all three of them laughed, and the second was to have Winky pop in and quickly take care of her young master Teddy.

With that out of the way, the four of them Winky included made their way to the kitchen to have breakfast. Making their way through the many twist and turns of hallways that Harry could swear that this place put Hogwarts to shame. They passed by the opened doors to the library to which he had to backtrack to make sure what he had seen was true. Walking into the room he had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing. There at the desk surrounded by books and one used as a pillow was the sleeping form of Twilight. Walking closer Harry couldn't help but have a sad smile adorn his face. Here was a mare, that in every way was his best friend Hermione. Thinking about it, the ponies he met all resemble people he knew in one way or another. Rainbow Dash was just like both Ron and Genny brash and load, Rarity was just like Lavender and Padma always on about fashion, Applejack brave, hard-working, and good with plants just like Neville, Pinkie was Fred and George through and through, and dear sweet Fluttershy that mare was Harry's little moon always caring about others before herself. Then there was Princess Celestia and Luna if they didn't scream Professor McGonagall then something was just wrong.

Shacking those thoughts away Harry walked over to the sleeping mare. "Twilight wakeup Spike is eating the castle."

"Spike stop, you know you're not supposed to eat the,"

"Twilight wakeup, the books have all grown legs and are making a break for it,"

"What no get back here!" Came from the mare in question as she fell off her chair trying to chase after said books making Harry fall to the floor laughing at her.

Looking around and then to the laughing stallion on the floor. "That wasn't funny Harry,"

"On the contrary, it was hilarious," The still laughing stallion said as he got up off the floor. "You know it's not healthy to do that?" Pointing to the desk.

"I know and I don't do it all the time, it's just when I find a good book I tend to forget about everything else,"

"Well I hope it doesn't become a habit again or I will have to place some wards on the library so you can only be in here for two hours a day,"

Hearing this Twilight looked like I just kicked her puppy then did a complete 180. "No, you can't, wait you can do that really?"

"Come on let's go I'm sure Winky has made breakfast for us and she doesn't like it when the food gets cold," Not tell her about heating charms.

"So these wards they can actually do what you said?"

Harry just rolled his eyes. "I'm more of a practical sort theoretical is a little beyond me how about I just get you the books and help you when you're ready to try,"

"Yes, yes, thank you, thank you, Oh, I almost forgot today, Pinkie is going to throw you a welcome party so be prepared."

Stopping in his tracks Harry could only say one thing. "Oh, Bugger,"

"What, what's wrong it can't be the party can it?" Twilight was now a little concerned.

" Well you see I'm not much for parties but for your friends, ok just please don't ask me to dance,"

"I try but there are some mare's who don't take no for an answer,"

They finally made it to the kitchen only to see Spike sitting at the table looking a little miffed. "Spike, what's wrong?"

"I wasn't allowed to cook breakfast," He said crossing his arms.

"Yous just mad that yous lost coin toss," Came the voice of Winky at the table feeding Teddy.

"I wouldn't have lost if you would have used a real coin," He said tossing what looked like a galleon across the table.

Shaking his head Harry looked at Spike. "Sorry there Spike but it wasn't the coin Tippy or Peak must have used their magic,"

"Noway you mean they cheated, but why?"

"House-elves love to work it's the only thing they know and they'll do just about anything to do it,"

During this conversation, a thought came to Harry. "Um, Winky why is there a locked door in the Apartment truck?"

"Winky nos not what you means Master Harry Sir," Shifting her eyes away from his.

"Winky I promise I won't get mad, now why is the door locked?"

With a deep sigh, Winky looked her master in the eyes. "When wes hear that wes be leaving Winky and Tippy hears about other elvies that lose masters and want to come with so we puts them to sleep so Master Harry Sir cans bond them later."

"Exactly how many elves are we talking about?"

"One hundred,"

"Come again,"

"One hundred,"

There was a repeating sound of a thud heard in the room coming from Harry as his head struck the table until Twilight used her magic to stop him.

"So you are telling me we have a hundred elves in a magical sleep inside of one of my trunks correct?" Receiving a nod he then turned to Twilight and smiled. "Say Twilight you think, oh I don't know maybe the Princesses or your parents might like to have a house-elf or a hundred working for them?"

"Now Harry what would my parents do with a hundred house-elves it's only the two of them living in that house after all," Hearing this made Spike fall to the floor laughing he shot flames out his nose.

"Ok, ok I get it this is about the way I woke up this morning?" Receiving a nod Harry continued. "I am very sorry for what I did and it will never happen again, but in all honesty, I'm in a pickle here it takes a large amount of magic to keep a hundred House-Elves alive and healthy let alone happy," Getting down from the table Harry got into a begging position. "So please, please help me oh great, wise, and powerful Alicorn Princess of Magic I will do anything,"

"Really anything?" Came a seductive tone.

"Anything within reason and is PG-13 but yes,"

"Very well but it will be in two parts, first you will teach me all you know about your old world's magic," Harry nodded knowing that was a given. "And the second at the party you and I will have one dance no matter what the song is," Releasing a deep sigh Harry agreed to Twilights demands.

With a triumphant smile from Twilight, they went back to finishing their breakfast only to have a pink blur move around the room depositing scrolls in front of each of them, unrolling it Harry began to read.

You are cordially invited to the Welcome to Ponyvliie and Equestria Party for one Edward (Teddy) Lupin Potter, one Delphi Cassiopeia Potter, one Hadrien James Potter Black Peverell Griffindor Slytherin, one Winky, Tippy, and Peak Potter at Two PM held at the Castle of Friendship.

Signed: Ponyvilles Resident Party Planner Pinkie Pie

PS Harry, I think the Cakes would love to bond with a House-Elf so they could have some help with the twins and Sugarcube Corner

After reading the note Harry notices he was the only one with a postscript Twilight read it over his shoulder and looked a little worried about his reaction but smiled when she heard him say "Blood Brilliant, I love magic," this made her question if something was wrong with him.

"How can you be so calm about all of this and with Pinkie?" Twilight said getting a little frazzled.

"Twilight you have to understand for the first eleven years of my life I thought magic didn't exist then I found out it was real and for six of the best years, I was surrounded by people who cast spells, brewed potions, and flew on brooms. Then I wind up here, in a world that is literally made of magic, and you're worried about how I would react with what Pinkie just did?"

"Ok, I just thought, wait how do you know this world is made of magic?" She tilted her head gaining a smile for Harry.

Tapping the side of his head. "It's called Mage Sight it's one of the perks I got when I came into the position of the Hollows,"

"The Hollows what are those?" Spike asked as he became interested in our conversation.

"Oh, you must have stopped listening after you got that bag of gems," Harry said smiling at the now blushing dragon.

So as Winky took the children away to play and later get ready for the party while Tippy and Peak cleaned up. Harry told Spike and Twilight the story about the three Peverell brothers their meeting with Death the gifts of the wand, the stone, and the cloak to what happened to the older two brothers, and how the youngest Ignotus in his final years greeted Death as an old friend and how the legend of the Master of Death came to be.

"Wow, so when you got all of the hollows you became Deaths Master?" Spike asked looking excited.

" No, Spike Death has no master the hollows are family heirlooms, and seeing as I am the last of the Peverell line through Ignotus they belong to me and with them the perks that they have,"

"What kind of perks?" Twilight asked as she was writing down everything Harry was saying.

"Well let see first the wand increased my magic then the stone gave me Mage Sight and as for the cloak," Harry smiled as he disappeared from sight only to appear again on the other side of the table scaring Spike making him grab his chest a growl at Harry.

"Amazing you can become invisible and this is from the cloak right?" Twilight asked scooting closer to Harry.

This caused Harry to become a little uncomfortable it wasn't that Twilight was right sitting next to him where their flanks were touching. Well partly no, what it was being this close, Harry could smell her. Her shampoo was lavender, she also smelled of ink, parchment, and old books just like. He couldn't finish that thought so decided to move on.

"Hey I know let's go to the library so I can teach you some of the magic from my old world, after all, I did promise,"

With a smile, Twilight nodded and the pair made their way to the library where for the next five hours Harry taught her everything he knew. It amazed him how Twilight just soaked up everything like a sponge. Transfiguration, Charms, Defense, Runes, Warding, and Positions she would read a book ask questions and Harry would show her the practical side of it. He even pulled out a few training dummies that he transfigured to look like creatures from this world. They both learned so much from each other that when Winky came and told them Miss Pinkie was getting ready for the party they didn't realize that they had spent so much time together and nothing weird had happened. But just like always when it comes to Harry Potter Fate has to jump in and say here try this.

After they put everything away and got ready for the party the guest started arriving. Harry started to get that old feeling that something wasn't right but put it out of his mind. Now was not the time for things he was here to meet new people er ponies and to make friends.

As the party went on a few things happened first not one of the mares in town could stop talking about the Alicorn Stallion and his two adorable foals, and speaking of foals Teddy was eating up the attention he was getting as for Delphi something wonderful happened to her. It seems that when she was trying to get somepony to help her get a cupcake no one would so getting a little upset she wished that one would just come to her and that is what it did. Watched by all around her Delphi's mane began to move in a nonexistent breeze and the cupcake floated over to her waiting hooves. Harry and Twilight saw as this was happening and it was Harry who moved first rushing over to his frightened daughter picking her up in his hooves giving her a hug and kiss.

"Oh sweetheart I'm so proud of you, your first show of real magic,' He said kissing her cheek making her smile.

"But how could she do that she's not a unicorn?" Some unknown pony said.

"Yes but you must understand that Harry and his children were not born ponies. Delphi and Teddy were already very powerful with magic due to Harry and their bloodlines. Many of you have seen Little Teddy alter his appearance yet he is not a changeling so why is it not possible for Delphi who was born a witch to keep her magic even as a batpony." Twilight said as she entered what her friends called lecture mode.

This explanation was enough to calm them all and the party continued as everyone started to mingle small snippets of conversations were caught by Harry one, in particular, was about Winky, Tippy, and Peak as they went around serving drinks and food to the guest while finding homes for the eleven friends. He did learn that a few elves did find homes, they were the Cakes, Nurse Redheart, and some pony named Timeturner just to name a few.

It wasn't until near the end of the party that the feeling returned and he and Twilight both found out that they should always listen to that feeling.

To set the mood Twilight walks over to Harry and reminded him of the one dance he promised her agreeing they made their way to the dancefloor unknown to them at the time there was a conspiracy afoot or hoof. Reaching the floor neither noticed the look from Rarity to the Pony DJ Vynal Scratch once there all sound stopped as the lights went down a spotlight landed on the two and then the music started.

"You know we don't have to do this," Twilight said looking a little embarrassed.

"No, I made a promise, and I always keep them, so how about we show them something they'll never forget?" Harry said as he reared up on his hind legs having Twilight do the same as they held onto each other swaying back and forth moving in a circle to the music.

When the song ended they stepped away smiling at each other only to start blushing from the applause, whistles, and catcalls. Winky had decided that it was a good time to bring over both foals Harry taking Delphi and Twilight holding Teddy. No pony but the alicorn mare heard what was said by the little colt who was burrowing himself in the chest of the mare.
