• Published 1st Jul 2021
  • 2,048 Views, 42 Comments

Well At Least I'm Still A Guy Sort Of - Gravestone

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Chapter Seven___Revenge is best served cold

Moaning, Harry slowly was coming back to the world of consciousness, he opened his eyes only to shut them and smiled when he felt the weight of the three most important lives in his life resting on his chest. Finally, Harry looked over to the one figure who brought all of this on. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath knowing full well what he was going to do, Harry lifted Twilights head up and kissed her lips.

"Luv could you take the kids with you and tell everypony I'm fine, I have some things to discuss with my recently rediscovered godfather," Harry said giving Twilight and the kids one more kiss before they left the room.

Harry just sat there on the bed of pillows looking at his living godfather closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.
"A stunning spell, you were beaten by her with a stunning spell, all because you had to think it was nothing but a game, do you know what it was like to lose the last parent I had all because you couldn't take it serious, siris and don't say anything," Getting up Harry stood in front of his godfather.

Sirius moved to hug his godson only to be hit with a blasting hex throwing him against the far wall.

"Don't you dare, don't think you can just think a hug will fix all this, you bastard? You have no idea what my life was like after you died or before but you can't be blamed for that after all it went against the great manipulator's plans,"

"What are you talking about, who in Merlin's name is the great manipulator?"

"Of course, you wouldn't know what I'm talking about after all he kept you in the dark like all the rest of his loyal minions, but you still have no excuse for that fight with Bellatrix. She even told me that she was going all out until the end when she just wanted to take you out of the fight after all she couldn't kill the head of her house now could she?"

"Harry, I know you're upset but it sounds like Crazy Bella wasn't so crazy and Albus the greatest leader of the light wasn't so light,"

"Let me tell you a story Sirius, a story about a man who believed the hype about himself so much that he destroyed countless lives all for his Greater Good. First off Albie heard the prophecy a year before I was born and instead of going to a Master of Deviation, Albie who only had one year of that worthless class took it upon himself to interpret the thing.

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies.

"So let us break down some of the crap Albie did wrong, First this was a self-fulfilling prophecy meaning if everyone would have ignored it then nothing would have happened."

Sirius just sat there listening to everything Harry was saying about how it was Albie who cast the Fidelius Charm, to ignoring Harry's parent's Wills, the magical blocks, compulsion charms, to every borderline illegal and dark thing the old goat had done to him growing up. Harry told him about his years at Hogwarts the danger he was put into, all the tests, or truly the attempts of trying to kill him there were. The more the old dog heard the madder he got, Harry had to hit him with a cheering charm a few times.

After five hours Sirius had finally understood, it was Albus who let him rout in prison it was Albus who destroyed so many lives, it was Albus who created Voldemort for his own means, it was Albus and Snape who Hogwarts had deemed unworthy to be recognized as Headmasters for their actions against the safety and betterment of the students.

This little tidbit caught the old dog's attention he learned that what Dumbledore was doing as the headmaster all those years went against the charter and the Heart of Hogwarts seeing as all headmasters and mistresses took an unbreakable vow to protect the students and school even Dippet swore the vow, but Dumbledore never did nor did Snape in fact Snape was never chosen as headmaster and what he did to the students with the Carrow twins just proved that he was nothing more than a selfish coward. Dumbles, on the other hand, Hogwarts saw him as a liar and thief who cared more about his greater good than anything else, but what clinched it was when Dumbledore had let Voldemort inside the school putting not only Harry but all the students live in danger.

"So you're telling me that Dumbles was never Headmaster because he didn't take the oath and Snape was just in it for himself, wait how did you find out about all of this?"

Flashback Headmistress McGonagall office

Harry stood there looking at the two portraits, Snape's had his, I wish you were dead James Potter clone sneer while the other one had the I am so disappointed in you Harry because you're still alive and didn't follow my plan for the greater good look that was until both of them noticed that Harry was holding the Sword of Gryffindor in his left hand with the Elder Wand in his right.

"So would either of you like to explain how a traitorous coward or the worst dark lord in history have portraits in this school? No?, I bet I could just guess, Let's see, ok then the Deatheater first the reason you have a portrait is all thanks to your dark master but you'll understand in a minute. Now as for you Bumbles I know for a fact that all portraits must answer any question with the truth, but I know you so tell me just how many compulsion charms and dark rituals did you do to make it for that frame to keep you from speaking the truth? Never mind that Bumbles for you see I learned some very important things over the years. First of all, seeing as neither of you had sworn the oath to the school and students neither of you have the right to be called headmaster nor do you have the right to have portraits in here let alone the school so goodbye, so long, adios, arrivederci, But before the magic of the school whips you from all its history and I do mean all of its histories I thought you both would like me to introduce my self to you, I happen to be Lord Hadrian James Potter Black Peverell Gryffindor Slytherin." With those words spoken magic had whipped from existence the false history of both Severis Tabios Snape and Albus Wilfrid Dumbledore, he added Percival and Brian to make himself sound more important when he met his lover and co-Dark Lord Gillert Grindelwald.

"Oh, I wish I could have seen the looks on their faces, but enough about all that, let's talk about how my godson not only walked through the vail with his two kids but got turned into a pony an alicorn pony and got himself married to the newest princess with one more baby on the way, your dad worked fast with your mom but a family of three in less than a year, James would be jealous and Lily would be so happy to have a smart and pretty daughter-in-law just like herself and to have three grandbabies." This time Sirius did get to hug his godson as both of them laughed.

So for the next hour, Harry with the help of returned Twilight and children told Sirius, or as he was called now Padfoot Black what had happened to his then their lives. Twilight was a little worried about how he would be with Delphi but those fears were gone when Sirius picked up both foals and hugged and kissed them while telling them about all the adventures their now grandfather had done while he had been waiting for them all to show up. So now Twilight had to only change one thing in the seating arrangements for the reception that was until Padfoot mentioned his lady friends who would just love to come to the wedding. Knowing that Sirius was doing this on purpose Harry started telling the kids about their grandfather's time at Hogwarts and how bad he was with picking up girls until their grandma Lily finally told all the girls the truth that he did not have a flubberworm for a wee-wee making both Delphi and Twili laugh.

"Wait that was Tiger-Lily, I always thought it was Alice who started the rumor? So what do we do now, I mean you're here and it looks like you have everything under control," Sirius said looking at his godson.

"I don't know, I mean, I have everything I ever wanted a beautiful wife, two well almost three kids, a family that's what I have a family, and you being here Padfoot makes it all the better," Harry said smiling.

"I think it would be a good idea for your godfather to be introduced to everypony else," Came the voice of Celestia as she walked into the room followed by Luna who smiled and winked at Sirius.

Harry didn't miss that little display and started thinking up pranks to play on them both after all what kind of a son of the legendary marauders would he be?

Comments ( 8 )

Great work as always I love the end it almost sounds like you're going to have a prank war happened with Harry pad foot end of Royal sisters

So, did Blueblood survive? Is there not going to be fallout from that?

[AS DARTH VADER] Impressive, most impressive. :moustache: When's the next chapter? Come to think of it, when are any of your stories getting updated?

Welp, this was somewhat non sequitur. Did Blueballs crooked and everyone are happy that he did or did he survive and everyone are a bit sad that he did?

Love it, The last chapter had a lot of spelling errors, but I enjoyed it greatly, and it showed Hermonie and Luna, always good to see them in a story. <3 And this chapter was really good too, no spelling errors that I could see and also really good chapter. I enjoy the house elves greatly.

Ok first this first. All your chapters were a bit of an info dump and sometimes made no sense. Also with this being Harry Potter for the love of god put it as a tag cause I was so lost for a while on the first chapter. Other then that I like the idea of a male remaining a male I could never stand a male becoming a female and accepting it. Tis just so unnatural. Anyways Tis alright so far an I do want to see where you take this so until then good luck!

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, what's up with your stories? I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say "We miss you!" :raritycry: :raritydespair:

Can't wait for more.

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