• Published 9th Aug 2021
  • 5,083 Views, 304 Comments

Ainz Ooal Gown in Equestria - zakan

Instead of get trowed out of the server in the last day of Yggdrasil, Satoru got to a world full of... ¿ponies?; ¿how will react the inhabitants of Equestria to the coming of an undead of the higest order?

  • ...

The crude reality Third part

Author's Note:

First of all My Little Pony was created and is owned by Hasbro and Lauren Faust, Overlord is owned by Kugane Murayama and are not mine, this is a fan story made with the intent to entertain and if it's possible steal you a smile.

English it's not my mother language, so please, if you catch some grammar mistake, or you have some suggestion for better puns or double meaning words to replace the ones already used put it in the comments and I will see if I can make it work.
DK = Death Knight
ES = Emotional Suppressor
EEA = Eight edge assassins
SOC = Summit of the Creatures

'magical or technological communication'
*sound effect or onomatopoeia*

Here is another chapter, also I must thank to 'The hat man' for let me make a reference to his story 'The iron horse', I will not recount his whole story just going to put it as part of the events in the timeline, it is a pretty good story I recommend it.

When the long hours of debate on the points that the treaties would cover finally culminated and when the Sorcerer King retired after telling them that he would receive their answer in two months when they met again at the summit of the creatures, all was silent for a moment, This had been the last surprise they had received during the Overlord's visit that day, after which they decided that it would be best to rest and clear their minds to continue discussing the matter the next day, plus Cadence and Shining Armor announced that the latter had to return to the crystal empire to verify that everything was in order.

The next morning, the princesses quietly shared breakfast until the youngest broke it.

*Shigh* "This is very disturbing, how could he have found out about the summit of the creatures? It is simply impossible!, the date was long ago!"

"We have been thinking about it all night and we think we have found the answer."

After this comment, they all threw glances at the princess of the night that said 'well? What is it?'

"The Storm King was taken prisoner, at least as far as we know, I consider it highly likely that he got such information from him."

Leaving her cutlery on the plate after finishing her last bite, the Sun Monarch continued.

"I don't know Luna, I don't think the storm king shared information that easily or at least not without ulterior motives."

After finishing the last of her tea, the princess of love gave her own opinion.

"I agree with Luna, if we consider what he is capable of doing without even touching someone *trembling* and considering the last thing he said about it, I don't even want to imagine what he is capable of doing to someone who falls on his hooves. , err, you understand."

After seeing her former babysitter shudder a second time, the Princess of Friendship came up with her conclusions.

"I think you are correct, after thinking about it a little it is something quite logical, if he took the kingdom of storms, it is certain that he has or is consulting all the available information, at least that is what I would do, *shigh* but, I just don't get it, what is his goal? "

"What do you mean Twilight?" -asked Celestia curiously-

"It is that I cannot understand the actions of the Sorcerer King, that is, he certainly has the power to destroy anyone who gets in his way (AN: Twilight is talking about military power since she is thinking about the guards who protected her and her friends) And it's certainly not a problem for him to do so judging by the casual way of taking lives he has, *trembling* and yet he ordered protection for my friends and myself, he also decided to save Equestria from the attack, and above all, he has proposed an extremely favorable trade agreement!"

*Shigh* "I understand and share your concern Twilight, in fact, both Luna and I do, last night I couldn't get to sleep, so I talked to my sister for several more hours and after thinking about it we got to a conclusion."

"We believe that it is very likely that it has something to do with how his new kingdom will be seen in the international arena," -continued the princess of the night- "we reached this conclusion after reviewing the little we got from Storm King, in the International field was seen as a looter and opportunist, in short, he was seen as someone evil."

"When we agree on this, we move on to the next point," -continued the monarch of the sun- "he saved us from being conquered, why? When we asked ourselves this question after having reached the previous conclusion, we believe we have unraveled some of his intentions, if he had simply taken over the empire of storms, he would only have been regarded by all nations as 'the new evil ruler' of the 'evil empire', instead, when he saved us, he put himself in the spotlight of all the nations that visited us as 'the righteous king' who came to dethrone 'the evil king', after understanding this point and continuing to argue about it, my sister and I are sure of something else."

"The Sorcerer King is extremely intelligent, so this cannot be his only goal, even though we are not able to see another one at the moment." -finished the princess of the night-

When the conversation ended, Luna retired to rest while the remaining stayed to continue discussing the terms in the treaty of the Sorcerer King, the discussion extended until late in the afternoon, when they decided to take a break to eat, after which they decided that the best thing would be to continue studying the proposal separately and meet again in three weeks to make a decision.

In the great tomb of Nazarick, four figures moved in deep silence, the reason for this silence was different for each one, at the head of the group was Tempest, who walked in silence out of respect for the supreme beings, behind her stood Jaidev and Callista who were sliding, the first one could not whisper a word because he was trying to understand what was happening, they had just been transported through a portal again; only this time they were brought to a magnificent room, and they were about to meet the new master of Tempest, for the Medusa the matter was completely different, she was speechless by the magnificence of the room, as well as by the beauty and quality of everything around her, everything was on a whole different level, at least judging by the sensation that their scales registered on the carpet on which they were sliding, finally, the fourth figure that walked behind them, closing the diamond formation, and it was the one that caused the majority of the silence, with their almost eight feet tall, what followed them was an incarnation of the word violence with the naked eye, so they had no desire to check the unicorn's words, 'This Death Knight was created by Ainz-sama, and he has specific orders to assist me in your escort, his orders are to obey me and take care of you if you make any strange movements.'

As they reached the entrance to the throne room, the figure standing by the door snapped them out of their thoughts as they spoke.

"Oh, did you come back so soon, Tempest? Aah, I see that demon was truly right."

"Good evening Chrysalis, is there a new order from Demiurge-sama?"

The two viperine were surprised, the figure by the door was exactly how the stories described changelings, an insectoid-looking pony with holes in the limbs, fangs, and a forked tongue, there were only two things that did not add up, her height, she was much taller than a normal pony, and the eyes, instead of being compound, were regular with vertical pupils.

"I swear every time he's right I get the creeps *shudder* brrrrr, no, they just sent me to verify who they were and what their choice would be."

The unicorn accepted the changeling queen's reasons with a nod.

"Fine, then let's not make Ainz-sama wait any longer."

With this the group went ahead with a changeling in front, seeing the throne room for the first time, the Medusa couldn't keep silent, while the Naga did not remove his gaze from the back of the room, where it was a huge throne that seemed to be cut from a single gigantic obsidian crystal.

As soon as they arrived in front of the throne Chrysalis bowed and went to the right of the room, while Tempest stood at the foot of the throne, gave a quick but stern glance to her former companions, who had been stunned to be faced with something they could not understand, for a moment they thought that the unicorn had gone mad, but all thought stopped in its tracks when the skeleton sitting on the throne spoke.

"Ainz-sama, I have brought those who had some honor as per your orders."

"M-mhn, good job, you can get up."

It must be Demiurge's thing, but this is quite curious, without a doubt they are a Naga and a Medusa, but from what I see they are very low level, between 25 and 30, exaggerating, but why aren't they humanoid? Instead of that, they are mixed with near humanoid races, why?

With permission received, the unicorn, as well as the DK accompanying her, rose, bowed, and joined the Changeling.

Okay, let's get started, hopefully, everything goes the way I want. -Ainz thought, but when he was about to speak Albedo beat him to it-

"Insolent worms, you are in the presence of a supreme being, know your place, bow down before the Sorcerer King!"

The succubus thirst for blood brought them out of their stupor and they obeyed immediately due to the terror they felt and just like that, the pressure disappeared as soon as they obeyed leaving nothing behind but two viperine breathing with great difficulty.

Returning to her usual smile, the overseer of the guardians turned to her master and bowing slightly, spoke.

"They are ready for you Ainz-sama"

Ignoring the awkward moment, the Overlord began to speak.

"Hmm, you have been brought here for a simple and straightforward reason... you may still be of some use, your administrative skills are at least above mediocre, and most importantly, you do know what honor is."

The first to manage to mutter a word with some coherence and volume was Jaidev who without raising his head for fear of falling into fault or losing the little temper he had managed to gather, spoke.

* Glup * "I-I apologize, your m-majesty, but wh-who are you? I have never heard the t-title of 'Sorcerer King' before Your Highness."

"Raise your heads... that has a fairly simple answer, you have not heard about me because there is no one who has heard it in eons, so it could be said that the title is recent, and as for who I am," -Ainz activate his 'Aura of Depression and Despair', the effect 'Aura of Chaos' and the 'halo of darkness', in short, he activated all his visual effects- "I am the master of life and death, I am Ainz Ooal Gown!" -The Overlord stood up as he said his name to accentuate his point- "Everyone who serves me accesses a bonanza outside his imagination, whoever opposes me, knows infinite bitterness and despair!"

He finished his sentence by squeezing the staff in his right hand causing his visual effect of suffering souls to be activated while he maintained his pose of 'supreme Overlord No. 1', it goes without saying that the impact was tremendous, Jaidev and Callista prostrated themselves again immediately, only this time they were trembling uncontrollably, even Chrysalis trembled in her place where she prostrated herself thoughtlessly, while mentally thanking herself for having understood who the true predator was and that it was stupid to fight the skeleton with much less pressure.

While for Tempest, the feeling was somewhat comforting, while at the same time thinking: 'There is Ainz-sama for you, only an idiot would not recognize his greatness, Ha! If they knew that this is only a part of the strength of the supreme ruler of Nazarick.'

Seeing them again prostrate and trembling with fear was an unexpected development.

Wait, what? Why are they shaking?... well yes, I wanted to leave an unforgettable image in their minds, but not scare them to death!... description... shit, I forgot that everything obeys their description, * shigh * well let's get this over with or they'll pass out.

"Well? What will your decision be? Will you serve me or will you oppose me?"

It had been a pretty heavy week for Twilight, supervising the festival, the attack, the escape, the capture, the rescue, and the negotiations, but finally, she felt that she could relax a little, there was only one last thing pending, before leaving Canterlot she had sent a message to Spike to gather her friends at the castle when the train finally stopped at Poniville's platform, she trotted towards the castle while being flanked by her escort.

*Shigh* There is no doubt that it is possible to get used to everything, I hardly notice the escort anymore.

As these thoughts crossed her mind, she ran into her ward along the way.

"Hey Starlight!"

"Mhn? Oh, how are you Twilight, how did the reunion go?"

* Shigh * "To tell the truth, a lot of things happened, that's why I asked Spike to get all the girls to the castle this morning, I'm going to inform them of everything, I think it's convenient for you all to know."

"So it's good that we met, I was not aware, I was accompanying Trixie and I'm just arriving too."

"Good then-"

The conversation was cut short by the effusive reception of her friends and assistant who were standing at the entrance of the castle, since they had continued walking while talking, they arrived without realizing to their destination; the conversation remained stuck on unimportant topics until they entered the throne room, Twilight, who was leading the group, was the first to notice the difference.

"Wow, did this all happen while we were out?"

In front of her, the map that previously only covered Equestria, now stretched beyond its edges, seeing it, the expressions of the others did not wait.

"Ugh, here's that dirty town where they almost sold us." -Said the dressmaker with annoyance-

As she watched her friend express her displeasure, Dash hovered over the table until a detail caught her attention.

* Ghasph * "Here's Captain Celaeno's ship, she and her pirates were great!" -But his comment only earned neutral stares- "ehem, well while they weren't throwing us overboard." -He said with some pity-

The next to speak was the party pony.

"Hey look, here's Mount Aris and Seaquestria!"

For most of the whole group, the first to notice something strange was Applejack.

"But what spoiled apples 's that?"

Her exclamation gained the attention of everyone present.

"What's up Applejack?" -asked the alicorn-


To everyone's surprise, at the point where the farmer was pointing with her hoof, on the west side of the prairies, a wide area abruptly ceased to be desert and became a veritable prairie, but what had truly called the attention was the figure that appeared to be a statue, the surprise was on everyone's face as Twilight tried to assemble the new pieces in her puzzle.

That is... no, it can't be!, it's impossible! -the alicorn's gaze was directed further to the south of the map, there was what was surely now the Sorcerer kingdom- This means that his kingdom already has a border with Equestria! But if the scale of the map is almost exact, how did they build a statue of that size? And where did they get the stone for it? That thing must be at least 30 meters high!

At that moment she remembered what Luna had asked during the first meeting.

It's true, I remember now!, Luna said that strange dreams had occurred in the south and the Sorcerer King did not deny the involvement of his subordinates completely!

Everyone was worried, the alicorn had already had her mouth ajar for a long time and her gaze fixed on the figurine that represented Ainz.


With a cry, the little dragon snapped the princess of friendship out of its mental loop.

"huh? What? How? Sorry hehe, what were you saying, Spike?"

*Shigh* "I was wondering if you know what it means for that figurine to be there."

"To tell the truth I'm not entirely sure, but I can get an idea, also, I doubt that it is a figurine, I think it is the representation of a statue, take a good look at its base."

When everyone followed the instruction of the alicorn, they were again speechless, the statuette seemed to still be forming at its base, but before anyone could interrupt she continued.

"This only accentuates my decision, *shigh* we alone will not be able to solve all the friendship problems that arise, long trips are becoming more and more common, in addition, with the appearance of the Sorcerer King, the need to be united and cooperating has intensified more than ever."

She looked at all her friends and realizing that they all had a continuous positive expression.

"I have an idea that could solve the problem, but I will need your help to make it work."

The response she received from everyone was quite simple, but from the heart, everyone exchanged glances for a moment between them to finally fix all eyes with a smile on their face on the alicorn, then Rarity took the floor for the entire group.

"My dear, you can always count on us for anything."

Twilight looked fondly at everyone hearing that she had their full support, but before she could say anything, AJ spoke up.

"You have all our support, sugar-cube." (You have all our support, lumpy)

"Now spit it out Twi, what do you have between hooves." -finished Rainbow-

After taking a deep breath to control her emotions, the alicorn continued speaking.

"We are in severe need of having all creatures one hundred percent, in addition to promoting good relations between all species, in short, we must ensure that as many creatures as possible know the magic of friendship."

As she spoke, everyone nodded indicating that they agreed with the idea.

"And the only way to do it is by teaching them, that's why I plan to found the school of friendship!"

*GHASP* "The most, great idea of ​​history!"

"Thank you very much Pinkie, but to make this idea work I will need your help, after all, there can be no better teachers in the field than us," -said the alicorn with a smug expression on her face that lasted only a few seconds- "I will be the director, I will take care of all the paperwork and prepare the study program, it will be up to you how to teach the classes."

After the princess's words, the throne room was filled with excitement, after letting them talk for a while, Twilight decided it was time to address more bitter issues.

*Shigh* "Girls, there is another topic I want to discuss with all of you."

The change in her friend's attitude was so drastic that all conversation stopped immediately.

"The meeting with the Sorcerer King revealed several things, but there are only two that concern me the most, the first is that we were never alone during our trip to Mount Aris."

Confusion was evident on the mares faces.

"But what are you saying? We were alone all the time, no one helped us!" -answered the hoarse voice of the speedster-

"I understand your disbelief Rainbow, to tell the truth, I thought the same as you, but the truth was completely different."

"A' don't understand sweetheart, how could they have been near us without being seen? a' mean, creatures like that are not easy to ignore." -Doubt tinged the voice of the farmer when she spoke-

*Ghasp* "They can be turned fully invisible!"

"Pinkie darling please don't be ridiculous, that's just impossible." -said the dressmaker throwing a slight grimace of annoyance at the party pony-

"As a fact, Rarity, the reality is even stranger" -upon hearing her friend's words the alabaster unicorn gasped- "apparently the Sorcerer King has subordinates capable of literally becoming one with the shadows, the statement that they were with us all the time sustains itself, the captain of the group was with me until the day of the meeting and all the information he gave agrees with what happened."

"Wait, wait, hold on your horses, since when did they are with us?" -The farmer interrupted-

"No, the most important question is: Are they still here?" -exclaimed the cyan pegasus while looking accusingly at her own shadow-

"No, they are no longer with us, during the meeting the Sorcerer King ordered Red, the captain of the group, to gather the rest of his troop and leave with him at the end of the meeting; as to how long they were with us, I'm not entirely sure, I was so shocked that I do not remember it, but I'm sure it was sometime before the attack on Canterlot."

The more they listened, Fluttershy and Pinkie were more and more serious or immersed in their memories, while the farmer spoke again.

"Are you telling me that those vermin have been with us all the time? And they didn't do a hay to help us!" -she raise her angry voice-

"This is linked to the second point I wanted to discuss," -Twilight took a deep breath to calm herself, it was all over and she didn't want to yell or make her friends feel bad-

Seeing the alicorn's actions, Applejack's anger quickly faded and was replaced by curiosity.

"Captain Red, with the authorization of the Sorcerer King, revealed to us what his orders were, the troops that followed us had instructions to report our status, they should not be seen for any reason and could not intervene unless our life or ability to move was at risk."

"HA! And we are so amazing that they didn't even get a chance to intervene." -the polychromatic pegasus said smugly as she thrust her chest out and wiped her right hoof on it-

But the interruption was immediately countered with annoyance.

"No Rainbow Dash, we are not!"

The answer caused surprise in all those present, and after the brief pause that caused the start, the alicorn continued with a voice that could not hide the pain in her heart.

"They intervened more times than I wish it had been necessary."

"Twilight dear, are you trying to tell us that we would have been captured much earlier?" -Rarity asked with concern-

But the response she received at first was no more than a whisper.

*Mumble mumble*

"I'm sorry dear, but we couldn't hear you, what did you say?"

"I said *mumble mumble*"

"Ehehe, I'm truly sorry, but could you repeat it?"

But the answer was something far beyond what they imagined.


*GHASPH* (collective)


These revelations plunged the room into deep silence for almost a full minute, during which time all that was heard was the princess's sobs.

*Sob sob sniff hic* "I-I almost lost you all m-more than o-once."

As she continued to sob, she suddenly felt herself being embraced by gentle hooves and enveloped by warm wings.

"Shhhh, shhhh, shhhh, that's it, it's all over, none of us were hurt."

While Fluttershy consoled her friend, the little dragon approached and with its claws took one of the princess's hooves.

"Calm down Twilight, that is now behind us and we are all safe and sound."

At that moment, the rest were finally able to react and they all approached the alicorn to give her their support, after the emotional moment, she was finally able to calm down.

"Twilight, I know maybe I'm asking too much, but I think everyone should know the whole story." -the little dragon suggested-

"Yes Spike, *sob* I think *hic* you're right, *shigh* thank you all very much, I'm sorry I worried you, I feel better now."

They all returned to their seats, but not without first reaffirming their support in their way, an extra squeeze, a tap on the shoulder, a pat on the back, or an extra tight hug.

"Heeee, fuuuuuuu… well, this is how it all truly happened."

A long conversation that was dominated by questions and answers dominated the room, lasted for several hours, until after lunch, when the questions finally stopped, all of them tried to process everything they had heard, the first of the group in Overcoming the shock was Fluttershy, to everyone's surprise.

"Um, well then that explains a lot of things."

"Errr, what are you talking about Shy?" -asked the polychromatic pegasus. -

"Mhm? Oh!" -When realizing that she speaked aloud, the element of kindness proceeded to explain- "well, you see, a little more than a week ago many of my furry friends told me they had inexplicable fear sometimes as if a hungry predator was watching them, also when I started to receive animals in the festival nursery, it took a little longer than usual to calm the animals, also, during the trip to Mount Aris, when we fainted in the desert, for a second I thought I heard a voice with reverberation and when we were about to be attacked in Klugetown, for a brief moment I thought I saw menacing yellow eyes in our shadows. "

Hearing this, the pink pony decided it was a good time to put up her two bits.

"Hey, now that you mention it I saw them too, but I wasn't sure I hadn't imagined it."

This finally allowed the rest to come out of the trance and the next to speak was the element of honesty.

"Well, a'... then, should we be grateful or do y'a know, worry that those things are out there?"

*Shigh* "I don't know Applejack, that's what the princesses and I are trying to decide, he gave us some time to think before giving him an answer."

"What do you mean 'gave us time' dear?" -interrupted the dressmaker with curiosity-

"Since we couldn't reach an agreement between the four of us, he made us a proposal."


"Mmmnh, apparently you are stuck and it is already a bit late, surely you are tired, mmmm ... I know it, since I do not need an immediate answer we will do it as follows, if I remember correctly, the summit of the creatures would took place in about two months, so I will receive your response during this one, this will give you enough time to think it over calmly."

The surprise on the princesses' faces was quite obvious, who gave voice to the thought of the rest, was the princess of love.

"Creature Summit... only takes place... every five years, how... how is it... what do you know about it?"

The Overlord stared at the pink alicorn for a moment, and the answer they received the next moment made their mane stand on end.

"Hehehehe, that's easy to deduce, isn't it? After all, if I'm a king I must be aware of everything that happens or is going to happen around me, isn't it?"

The nerves were on the surface in the alicorns, Celestia took a deep breath, took a look at the others, from them she received slight nods in acceptance and then answered.

"We appreciate your understanding, Sorcerer King, we'll take you at your word then."

"Well then we are retiring, I'm sure Red and his team should have returned by now, hmm, Queen Novo should be in the castle by now, umu, Lieutenant Solar Flare!"


With a conditional salute, which was given without even thinking to the Overlord's commanding voice, the unicorn replied, when the soldier by the door realized what had just happened, he was first embarrassed, but immediately afterward froze so what his action meant.

How do he know my name? -was the question that flooded the unicorn's mind-

But the surprise did not last as the next words from the skeleton continued to flow.

"Queen Novo and Princess Skystar should already be waiting in the surrounding corridors, show them to the throne room, we are about to retire."

As he had no choice so as not to embarrass himself or the princesses, without saying a word, he gave a nervous look at the diarchy and when they nodded, the lieutenant gave a quick salute and went out to comply with the request, it must be said that the rest of the princesses were simply stunned, not only because he had given orders to one of their soldiers, but also because he knew his name, meanwhile, Albedo's smile took on a mocking tone.


"So we all decided that the best thing would be to accept the offer, that way we would have more time to reason the points of the treaty and we would meet later to continue discussing them, the idea is to meet as many times as necessary before the summit of the creatures."

At that moment, the door opened and Spike entered pushing a service cart, he had left the room in the middle of the question and answer session to prepare something to eat.

"The food is ready!"

With this, they all stopped talking and began to enjoy the food prepared by the little dragon.

In the now Sorcerer realm, the master of death was sitting on his provisional throne in the palace that would soon be demolished to erect one more suited to his great presence, of course, this was simply the opinion of his subordinates, Ainz got tired of trying to dissuade them about it.

"Mmmh, I see, so the princess has decided to create a school, it seems that she is unconsciously expanding the reach of the tree when leaving the pre-established grounds, that confirms that they work as indirect extensions of the tree of harmony, tell me Albedo, ¿ Has any new information about it been obtained from the documents recovered from the castle? "

"Yes, Ainz-sama, some information has been obtained, but it does not quite square with the observations made."

"Explain yourself"

"Yes, the documents indicate that the creators, that is, those who sowed the seed of the tree, were those who are known as the pillars, however, their power and abilities do not match those necessary for the creation or invocation of a creature like the tree of harmony."

Ainz took a pensive pose with one of his hands on his chin and his elbow resting on the armrest.

Wait, so that group don't do it? So what could have created it? It couldn't have just appeared... no, now that I remember, I think there was a theory that was about something similar, mmm... I think it was... "spontaneous creation", also in Yggdrasil there were monsters that in their description said that they were created from clusters of something, but if so, that means that the pillars were... "simple means, mmh, so what I think was-"

At this moment the Overlord glanced at Albedo who was standing to his right.

Oh oh, why she has that face, she looks somewhat happy, why is it? Hmm...

"Well, for now, we have to concentrate on other things, how is everything concerning the city?"

The overseer of the guardians was in the fifth heaven, at least until her master's voice brought her feet back to the ground.

Aaaahh, Ainz-sama, my beloved Ainz-sama, I'm not sure at all, but I think I just witnessed his incredible intellect, he already solved the mystery of that tree!

"Y-yes, I apologize, I got lost in my thoughts for a moment, ahem, yes, everything is going according to your plans."

Hey, what plans are you talking about?

"The generals who swore allegiance to you are ready to serve, during these last weeks the doppelgänger have formed resistance with those who are still loyal to the storm king, most of them who have met are soldiers and ex-soldiers, in addition to some civilian or militia, all are being armed with the armor of the old regime, reports indicate that everything will be ready in due course."

A malicious smile broke out on the succubus's face.

"In order to feed the ranks of the traitors, all the public and military servants who have been found corrupt have been expelled, instead of being executed, the only ones who have been publicly hanged, have been those who had their slaves in deplorable conditions, as per your orders, with which it can be said that the entire system of government has been effectively purged of useless and traitors."

What plan are you talking about! "Excellent, then, everything about this plan is going smoothly, is it?"

"Indeed Ainz-sama."

Come on, say something else, I want to know what plan you are talking about! -The Overlord thought desperately, but seeing that his subordinate would not say anything else, he gave up-

"As for Tempest, how are things with her?"

"Everything is going smoothly, according to her reports, there have been some attempts to challenge her authority by other races, but the secretary has been in charge of putting them in their place on the spot, after which she has been recognized by all races, she organized patrols around the city with units made up of some gorillas and a Death Knight, this has achieved that incidents or disorder are quickly solved, speaking of security, the legal document that you requested has already been reviewed, both by Demiurge and by me... and Mare, the new laws will be broadly announced over the next two days and will be published for the rest of the week."

Ah yes Mare, it was a big surprise when he found the legal holes, hahahaha, Demiurge and Albedo's faces were priceless, they were fully worth it, although the original idea was to get the opinion about it from a simple mind, so the shot did not go wrong only for them, I also got played hehehe.

"It is not a simple legal document, it is called a constitution, and we can say that it is the regulation of the nation; then proceed as necessary," -Ainz rose from the throne while saying the last part- "If you need me to make an appearance, call Pandora, contact me only if there is an emergency, it is time for me to close some more deals for my company."

Albedo bowed and dismissed her lover with a playful smile.

"Yes, have a lot of success ... dar-ling∼❤ Kyaaaaa!"

Even though the tone was playful, Ainz felt a chill run down his nonexistent back, even though he was undead, so he decided to heed the alarms in his mind and flee as quickly as possible.


And with a sudden step, he crossed the portal.

"Fufufufufu, at any moment my beloved will invite me to his bed, aaaahhhaaaaah∼❤ he has not rejected any of my advances so far, hehehehHAHAHAHA, you see lamprey, I'll be the first!"

Fortunately for the sanity of everyone in the palace, the guard outside the throne room at the time consisted of only two DKs.

At the train station, a pony with copper-colored fur and a mane bleached by the years was waiting, on his head, a top hat distinguished him, fortunately for him and those who accompanied him, the wait was about to end, the train they were waiting for had just arrived and was in the process of stopping.

* FFFSSSSSsssssssshhhh *

"AH, Momon Shade, welcome!"

Hearing the informal greeting, Naberal wanted to rip off the disrespectful pony's head and it was starting to show when Ainz noticed he rushed to change the subject.

"Oh, isn't it Cobbler Mustang! What a pleasant surprise, I didn't expect that we would be greeted personally."

"Yes, well, I'm sorry to change the plans in this way, it's just that I wanted to show you my gratitude, after all, thanks to you my business has improved a lot, which has allowed me to advance my goals."

"Hehehehe, that was to be expected, his inventions are great and they lighten the work or load of all the ponies, mainly the farmers, to a great extent."

"Maybe so, but your idea of ​​adding mana storage crystals as energy sources was what opened the doors of new markets for me, as a fact, that is why I came to receive you, I wanted to invite you to eat at my house to discuss a new business opportunity with you. "

"Sounds great to me, but would you mind if we lingered a bit? After all, I came mainly to open the Mustangia store."

"Of course it is not a bother, on the contrary, it would be an honor if you allow me to accompany you."

"Hahaha, it's decided then, let's go."

While the two had been talking, a small army of almost 50 ponies, lowered all the merchandise from the wagons and loaded it into carts to take it to the store, at the same time, the secretary of the company, a slender and athletic Hippogriff with light blue fur. Clear and bright orange mane, had left first to go to the store in order to give a final review to the employees who would operate the store and introduce them to their trainers, who followed her closely on her way, these were composed of a unicorn, a pegasus mare and stallion, and a earth mare.

Cobbler sent one of his assistants to announce his delay to the Mustang farm and immediately afterward they left for the inauguration; everything went smoothly, after a few hours they left the store in charge of Calm Tide, his secretary, and went to the house of the Mr. Mustang.

After a good meal, the owner of the farm gave them a tour of it while he told them about the history of the farm and his family, all while taking them to an old distillery that was almost in disuse, being in front of the eldest one from the boilers, Cobbler approached the wall and was then interrupted by Ainz.

"Well, this is all quite interesting, but if I remember correctly you mentioned something about a business proposal, or am I wrong?"

"Hehehehe, of course not, it's just that I thought it best to give you something of the background that led to the proposal itself, you see, this here is the old Betsy the only thing that remains of the original distillery and she keeps a special secret. "

With these words the stallion approached the wall located next to it and slid the face of a brick to one side, and pressed his hoof on the open space, a sound of pistons announced that something was happening and after a few seconds, the cover copper bell from the boiler split through the center revealing an inlet.

"My proposal, Momon Shade," Cobbler continued, "I'm sure you will find it quite interesting."

The old stallion turned around and entered, in that brief moment, a smile crossed the faces of the two disguised hetermomorphs, while they followed him inside, Ainz thought:


A little foot note.
The title of this arc is originaly 'La cruda realidad' and is a word play with hangover and crude, but that does not work in English, so if someone has a suggestion on how to keep the word play I will be grateful.