• Published 9th Aug 2021
  • 5,084 Views, 304 Comments

Ainz Ooal Gown in Equestria - zakan

Instead of get trowed out of the server in the last day of Yggdrasil, Satoru got to a world full of... ¿ponies?; ¿how will react the inhabitants of Equestria to the coming of an undead of the higest order?

  • ...

Unpunctual Guests First part

Author's Note:

First of all My Little Pony was created and is owned by Hasbro and Lauren Faust, Overlord is owned by Kugane Murayama and are not mine, this is a fan story made with the intent to entertain and if it's possible steal you a smile.

English it's not my mother language, so please, if you catch some grammar mistake, or you have some suggestion for better puns or double meaning words to replace the ones already used put it in the comments and I will see if I can make it work.
DK = Death Knight
ES = Emotional Suppressor

'magical or technological communication'
*sound effect or onomatopoeia*

If someone is interested in the pics created for the story, you can visit my Deviantart zakan1298434

Yay!:pinkiehappy: another chapter!, I appreciate a lot all your comments!. :twilightsmile:


The M6 ​​plus Spike were falling, they were dragged by the current of the waterfall, suddenly they felt they hit something and were thrown out of the water current, while they fell freely, all were screaming, all except for Pinkie, she began to enjoy the free fall as soon as they got out of the water.

"Wiiiiiiiii, Wuuooooohoou"

"Rainbow, Fluttershy, we have to lose as much speed as we can, we can't fall into the water this fast!"

Both Pegasuses immediately understood what Twilight meant, they nodded in confirmation and took action, Fluttershy took Rarity, Rainbow took Applejack, while the alicorn put Spike on her back and took Pinkie with her front hooves; The three spread their wings to slow down as much as possible, the water prevented them from flying, but they managed to decelerate enough so that the blow when they fell to the water was not fatal, or they were injured, in the end, they only lost air from the blow, the current of the wide river pushed them away from Mount Canter quickly, they barely stayed afloat until the current pushed them to a sandy area in a curve, when their hooves managed to bottom out and come out of the water to dry land, they took a moment to regain their breath.

Only a pensive Twilight and an Applejack waiting for her hat, stayed close to the shore, as soon as the farmer could finally fish her hat, she put it on and joined the rest, under a rock undermined by the current of the river.

"is 'verypony all righ'?"

"Oh no, I think have even got water between the ideas." -Said the dressmaker-

"There will be no cake anymore!, they're the biggest party popper ever!" -spoke with annoyance the pink pony-

"We need to go back to kick their flanks!" -Said Dash with anger in his tone-

"You didn't see the size of those… gorillas!, are you crazy?!" -The little dragon spoke with concern-

"A' now, what are we gone 'a do? We can't stay forever and 'e real, we can't go back t'ere." -spoke insecure, the farmer-

While listening to her friends as background noise and after reviewing what happened several times in her head, the princess of friendship, made a decision.

"No, we will not return."

They all fell silent and turned to see him with an incredulous face.

"But we will not give up either, we will fulfill the mission that Princess Celestia had entrusted to Luna, we will go south, we will ask the help of the queen of hipos!"

"Eeeh, seriously, the queen of the hippos?!" -interrupted the speedster-

"They are quite graceful for their size, but they are always hungry." -The party pony gave her opinion-

"Hungry?" -answered AJ-

After the interruptions, Twilight continued talking.

"Luna can no longer, so I must find that queen, Celestia said they were to the south, past the plains."

"B-but, we'd have to get out of Equestria, uuhuhu." -said the element of kindness trying and failing to convey a spooky feeling-

"I haven't packed anything!" -Comment stressed the alabaster pony-

"You don't have to go, but I must find her."

"That 'ain't true at all, we're together 'n this." -added the farmer-


Rarity fixed her mane with her magic before speaking.

"I am ready to save Equestria."

"Yeah, let's go on a trip!" -said the pink pony enthusiastically-

"We will not abandon you sugar-cube."

"Yeeeey" -said the pink-haired pegasus with a barely audible volume-

"We all support you Twilight." -Spike commented the feeling of everyone-

"Well if you all wish to join me, then let's go!"

With this the M6 ​​began its journey.

Meanwhile in Canterlot, in the throne room, the general watched the square from a side balcony.

"How stupid, wasting time with parties while there is better use for it."

Two gorillas entered the room calling his attention, one of them was carrying in his claws a small bottle containing a whitish-blue liquid, which gave pangs of light and a slight tittle like glass.

* cling cling cling *

Tempest arched an eyebrow as she gave them a boring look.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Answer!"

Nervously, the gorilla who was carrying the bottle approached a tray that was on a pedestal in front of the throne and emptied the liquid, when he finished emptying it, it began to raise a column of smoke that rose to a certain point, becoming denser and denser until suddenly, a voice began to be heard, followed by an increasingly clear image, it was a magical communication mode, which projected the image of the individual closest to the column together with his voice towards another column, the Potion was made in pairs, achieving a unique communication between two bottles, which when either of the two was activated, caused a reaction in the other, achieving what could be called a rudimentary video call for a limited time.

"Already-dy-dy, when are you going to connect this thing-ing-ing?"

The voice was heard with some echo.

"This way your Excellency."

"What-t-t, where-re-re?"

"No, this way, no, to the right."



"Ah, there you are, you know the matter of 'the storm king', it is consolidating as something quite fearsome, but I have to support it, and do you know that it would be excellent to support it? A storm, a very big one! You promised me magic, a very powerful one, that could manipulate the elements, and what do I have so far? A rod, a stick branch, or whatever." *Blegh*

"It is the 'Scepter of Sakanas' your Excellency, this will allow you to channel the power of the four rulers of this kingdom, which will give you the power of up to a hundred armies."

"Then that would be a yes about having fully captured the four pegacorn or whatever they are called."

"Give me three days, I promise I will have everything ready for your arrival."

"Remember tempest, I am the only one who has the power to complete you, make this plot work and you will have your reward, fail me and your horn will not be the only thing that is broken." -Ended the storm king with a threatening tone-

"There will be no problem." -The commander answered calmly-

"Good∼!, i'll bwe reuady tro dowminuate gand ble twhe brig blooss!!"

The last words of the storm king were distorted a bit because the potion's time was running out, when the message was finished and the column disappeared, behind where it had been, was Grubber.

"Well, do you did capture the princess?"

"Eeem well, funny story, it seems that she well... like she ran away, just a little bit, I know you're disappointed, but there is good news, there is cake!"

Tempest activated her magic and shocked Grubber with everything and a slice of cake in hand.

* Bzzzztrrgzz *

"I need the four of them for the scepter be able to work!."

Grubber shook his head and ate the charred slice as if nothing had happened.

* Chomp, gulp *

"I know, I want as much as you do for King Storm to fix your horn because it looks like a chipped and broken tooth, but it's on your forehead and the hats don't suit you."

The army commander lost her cool for a moment upon hearing these words, charging magic on her horn that generated arcs and magic sparks as she turned to her assistant.

"That princess ... is not going to stop me from getting my horn back! Prepare my ship!"

The unicorn took a deep breath and slowly exhaled to regain control.

*Ehhhh, Fuuu* "As if it matters, how far can a single pony go."

The M6s had been walking for about 15 minutes through the forest at the foot of Mount Canter, it was obvious that the only one still in the mood was the party pony.

"I see with my little eye, something that is not ugly at all, and it is colored ..."

"Huuugh, Pinkie, please, I'm done with the game!" -the cyan pegasus interrupted her-

"Twilight dear, if you don't mind my asking, what's your plan to get south? I'm sure you're not thinking of walking, are you?"

"There is no other way, if we approach some populated place they will find us easily."

"Hem, girls what if-"

"Sugar-lump, t'a southern plains 're almost over two days 'way, and that's assuming you're going by train!" -The farmer exclaimed the problem with the idea-

"Uh… what if-"

"Huh, am I going to have to wait several days to kick those gorillas butt?!" -The polychromatic pegasus complained of annoyance-

"Girls… what if-"

"Tell me that's a lie please dear, my hooves won't hold up to such distances!" -Said the dressmaker with concern-

"Heeeyy!" -Interrupted the little dragon, getting an annoying response from the mares-


"How about we ask that train driver for help?"

"That was what I was trying to say." -said the element of kindness with a barely audible voice-

In a clearing in front of the M6, where the river that came down from Mount Canter was crossed for the first time by a railway bridge, a train was parked, it was loading water into its cistern, its driver was nervous, he was sure of that the black clouds over Canterlot weren't normal, but he didn't know what to do.

Before leaving Canterlot, his boss Momon Shade ordered him to refuel water on the first bridge after descending Mount Canter, in order to save time in Poniville and be able to continue with the delivery/collection as soon as possible, however, now he did not know whether to return or continue, all this was thinking as he looked towards Canterlot, so the voice that spoke from his back suddenly, almost made him jump out of his skin.



"Oops sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, ehehe."

"Almost, huf huf, my heart comes out, huf huf, huf, but who-"

His words died in his mouth as he turned around and faced the one who almost killed him with fright, in front of him were the princess of friendship and behind her the elements of harmony.

*Gasp* "Princess Twilight Sparkle! What happened to you?"

"It is a somewhat complicated story, in short, we should not put a hoof in any city and we need to get to the plains as quickly as possible, do you think you can help us, sir ..."

"But where are my manners! My boss will be disappointed in me! My name is Swift Ride, I am the engineer of Yggdrasil's number five delivery and collection train, at your service Your Highness."

"Nice to meet Swift Ride, and do you think you can help us?"

"Swift is enough your highness, I am sure that Mr. Momon would not mind if I allow you to use the personnel cabin, as for the direction, he was about to leave for the town located southwest of the Arimaspi territory; unfortunately, that's the furthest south I can take you, barely around the bend into the plains, sadly there are no roads to the south beyond the borders of Equestria Your Highness."

Hearing that they would be taking the train most of the way, they all sighed in relief.

"That would be great, thank you so much for your help! When all this is settled I will make sure to talk to Momon Shade about how much you helped us."

"I am not deserving of such grace, Your Highness, but I thank you for the honor," - machinist bows - "then, all aboard!"

"How long do you think it will take us to get to the plains?"

The sprinter asked the driver as they got on the train after the tank had been filled.

"Hmm, I'd say we'll get there around noon tomorrow."

"That's 'mpossible!, on t'a express train it ta'es three full days t'a get to Puerto Caballo!" -exclaimed the orange pony-

"How did they manage to make a freight train go so fast?" -The princess asked with great curiosity-

"I don't truly understand it at all, but it has to do with a design by Mr. Momon, something he call a double extraction system, the maximum speed at which we have run it is 160 km/h but according to my boss it can exceed the 200 km/h, but the truth is, we have not dared to confirm it. "

"Spike do me a favor."

"What's up Twilight?"

"Please remind me to ask Momon about this double extraction system next time we see it, can you?"

"Of course no problem."


Six mares, a dragon and a stallion, got on the train and it began to move after a few minutes when entering the staff cabin, everyone was surprised by everything wich was available, the first to take advantage of the shower was Rarity, while Applejack and Rainbow Dash sat at the minibar to sample the available drinks, Fluttershy decided to lie down for a while in one of the seats, Pinkie Pie went straight to hobbies section along with Spike, Twilight decided to take the second shift in the shower and when she had finished, followed her shy friend lead and leaned back in one of the seats.

Captain Tempest boarded her ship to pursue the princess of friendship, just a few minutes after taking flight she received the first news.

"Commander, we've spotted them!"

"Excellent, how far are they?"

"They are about 700 meters ahead of us, they got on a train that is standing on the river bridge."

"Just how inept is she?, there is no way that a train is faster than my ship, do not lose sight of them! and as soon as they are within our reach use the harpoon and board that train."

"As ordered, boss."

"It seems that I overestimated the princess, maybe asking for three days was too much."

After a couple of minutes, the commander was forced to dismiss that opinion when her assistant spoke to her again.

"Errrr… uh, boss… I think we have a little problem."

Anger stained the commander's face and sparks began to come from her horn.

"How can there be a problem if they are on a slow train and we are on a flying ship?"

Tempest said almost gnashing her teeth, but the answer erased all expressions from her face, leaving only shock and disbelief.

"It happens that… we can't reach them, in fact, they are gaining the upper hand."


"Yes boss, they were almost within reach of the chains, but they are moving further and further away from us."

"And what are you waiting for? Increase the speed you have to reach them!"

"That's the little detail, boss, we're on full blast right now."


Tempest rushed to the instruments and indeed the ship was going at full power, then she approached the observation platform at the bow of the ship and again verified that it was true, the train was gaining more and more distance, angry at such an absurd outcome she slammed his right hoof angrily on the deck and took a deep breath to regain his calm.

"To Tartarus!, the reports never informed of anything about a train so fast," *STOMP* *Inhale*… *exhale* "in the end there is no difference, this line has no forks, we will follow the track until we find the train again when we do it, I want you to also capture the driver, you have to get information about that train and who made it, keep up the speed! "

"Understood boss."

On the train the M6s relaxed all the way; when the afternoon began to fall (figuratively speaking since if you do not remember dear reader Celestia is petrified so the sun does not move) Dash wanted to go out to stretch his wings, she first tried to go out through one of the windows, but these did not open they were fixed, after cursing the windows between teeth, the pegasus headed towards the cabin door, and just when it was about to open it, a thick voice was heard coming from the connection between the carriagesat the oter side.

"I can assure you that you will regret it if you do that."

Everyone was surprised, Applejack and Twilight immediately jumped into action and were ready to attack; a pony almost as strong as Bigmac was standing at the door, his fur was brown, his eyes were yellow, and he had a beige colored mane, and was covered almost entirely in black blotches, on its flanks you could see a cutie mark from a pile of burning coal.

"Wow wow wow, calm ladies, love and peace, my name is Burning Ground, I am the coalman on the train."

"If so then w'a the hey did y'a threaten Rainbow?" -Asked AJ suspiciously-

"I am very sorry, I often choose my words wrong at inopportune moments, it was not a threat, it was a warning."

"Why would there be a need to give a warning like that to a pegasus?" -asked the alicorn-

"By Celestia, I thought Ride was kidding me," -he bows- "princess, my partner and I tend to joke, I assumed your presence here was one of his jokes."

"Don't worry about it, but tell me, what is this warning about?"

"Of course, I will give you the version that Mr. Momon gave us to warn the pegasi, 'opening the door of the car while the train is moving is very dangerous, due to the speed, inside the cabin, a high pressure is formed and when opening the door the emptiness will pull you suddenly-"

"Please, I am 20% more talented than any other pegasus." -boasted the cian mare with a smug face-

"I know that would normally not be a problem for any Pegasus, but the difference in speed is such that it would be as if they plummeted from the top of Mount Everhoof and spread their wings fully 50 meters above the ground, they will simply snap."

Upon hearing the full explanation Fluttershy fainted as soon as she understood the example, while Twilight and Dash turned almost white while caressing their wings, having them broken in flight was the worst any winged creature could experience because after the double fracture normally death would come, the rest just cringed and shivered at the thought of a double fracture.

"Yes, I know, it's too graphic an example, but Mr. Momon said it would be the best way to avoid accidents, and so far it has worked."

Dash withdrew from the door and headed for one of the seats as she spoke.

"I think… I don't feel like stretching my wings anymore, I'd better go take a nap."

"What a coincidence, I just came to suggest you take a good nap, we'll wake you up when lunch is ready."

"Oki doki loki" -answered the element of laughter, while the others just nodded silently-

"You will find blankets and pillows in the compartment under each seat."

"Well, rest then, I am retiring, the coal will not be fed itself to the boiler."

The rest of the trip passed without any inconvenience, 14 hours later, after having taken a break and a good lunch, they were reaching their destination and the driver arrived to notify them.

* Knock knock knock *

"Excuse your highness, we will come to the corner soon, so we will start to slow down, I recommend that you take a seat and do not get up until we come to a complete stop."

"Thank you very much Swift Ride."

The driver bowed and left.

"Very good girls, you have to take a seat, we are almost there and they will start to slow down."

The train made a total stop just after the curve, while getting off, everyone could feel the suffocating heat, the sun of Celestia had little more than a day at the top, so the plains, which more deserved the name of the desert, were in all its splendor.

"Thank you very much for everything to both of you, from now on we will continue alone."

The princess said goodbye in a grateful way to the train employees.

"Take good care of yourselves, and remember 'a trot that lasts is better than one that tires'."

The machinist spoke for both employees.

"We will remember, thank you very much." -answered Twilight-

After saying goodbye, the Yggdrasil employees continued on their way, and the M6s entered the desert heading south, however, the parched wasteland was not kind to them, after several hours of walking, they felt like if they were days, they collapsed almost in unison, completely dehydrated.

"I think this should be reported to Demiurge-sama."

A slightly hoarse disembodied voice spoke after two minutes, the answer came from a being that appeared out of nowhere, as if it were a mirage, suddenly emerging.

"Yes, you're right, you have to ask for directions on what to do, I don't think they will get up to continue on their own, ask for instructions."

Multiple individuals rose from the shadows of the mares, it was the group assigned to watch over them, made up of 'Shadow demons' and Hanzos, there was one demon per mare and three ninjas in total.

One of the ninjas took out a scroll from his clothes that contained the spell [Message] and activated it.


"What's wrong, do you have something urgent to report?"

"We have a little mishap."

"What are you talking about?"

"The mares tried to cross the southern desert on foot and have been left unconscious, with the current conditions it is pretty shure that they will not wake up again."

"Yare yare, it is true that they are stupid, *sigh* there is no other way, if they die it will be a problem for Ainz-sama, how far did they go into the desert?"

"If I'm correct, a fifth of the total distance of it, from the curve of the tracks."

"Keep them alive, I'll take care of the rest."