• Published 9th Aug 2021
  • 5,080 Views, 304 Comments

Ainz Ooal Gown in Equestria - zakan

Instead of get trowed out of the server in the last day of Yggdrasil, Satoru got to a world full of... ¿ponies?; ¿how will react the inhabitants of Equestria to the coming of an undead of the higest order?

  • ...

The crude reality Final part

Author's Note:

First of all My Little Pony was created and is owned by Hasbro and Lauren Faust, Overlord is owned by Kugane Murayama and are not mine, this is a fan story made with the intent to entertain and if it's possible steal you a smile.

English it's not my mother language, so please, if you catch some grammar mistake, or you have some suggestion for better puns or double meaning words to replace the ones already used put it in the comments and I will see if I can make it work.
DK = Death Knight
ES = Emotional Suppressor
EEA = Eight edge assassins
SOC = Summit of the Creatures
E.E.A. = Equestria Education Assembly
'magical or technological communication'
*sound effect or onomatopoeia*

Here is another chapter, also sorry for the late publishing, but I was a little occupied. :twilightblush:

True to their word, Demiurge and Albedo had devised the plan to rebuild the palace of storms, after having presented multiple designs to their master, he finally approved one and immediately got to work, the first day, the previous palace was completely stripped of all useful or recyclable things and on the second day, after making sure that nothing was left, the palace was completely demolished by Mare's magic, after which a team of 200 skeletons and at least 50 golem's, commanded by 20 Elder Lich, worked tirelessly, first cleaning the area and preparing the ground, once this was finished, they began with the construction, the design for the new palace consisted of a semi-rectangular structure with protruding sections on the perimeter, while the throne room was made up of two circular walls 1m thick, concentric and reinforced, with an inner diameter of 80 meters, the inner circle was cut out by two parallel rooms that left a rectangular space in the center 30 meters wide. and with a vaulted ceiling almost 20 meters high, the entire first floor was on a solid granite base that raised the building at least one and a half meters above ground level.

In just one week almost the entire first floor was finished, and in just two more they had already begun detailing the entire interior at an amazing speed, two days before they had finished with the throne room the Overlord he was in his office inside Nazarick receiving the latest updates on ongoing projects.

"I see, so in the end, it was truly an outside intervention that created Chrysalis."

"Exactly Ainz-sama, we are currently verifying if it is possible to recreate the situation that caused her appearance, we are also investigating if we can create scrolls for the summoning of drones."

"Excellent, keep me posted on any developments, now, has something happened in Ponyville?"

"According to the reports from Naberal Gamma, a couple of things have happened, but without real importance, the most notable was that thanks to Princess Twilight and her friends, Equestria now knows of the existence of the Kirin."

"Ah, those creatures capable of engulfing themselves in fire, aren't they?"

"Indeed, the elements of kindness and honesty were sent to the 'peaks of peril', to the south-east of the moors, by the tree of harmony, and speaking of this, the second interesting thing was what you had already foreseen, the tree made a projection of its consciousness, but it used the appearance of the princess of friendship to interact with some students in a cave system created under the school, most likely they have been created by the same tree; with this we have verified its thinking level, but it still hasn't given any indication that it knows anything about us."

"Umu, good, but even if that is the case keep the surveillance."

"Yes!, on another topic, all the books that we copied from the library of the element of magic have been processed, there is a significant amount of fiction and useless or incomplete theories about magic, but some interesting pieces about arcane knowledge were found, also we already have a preliminary report on the book with the sun on the cover, the translation indicates that it is a kind of diary, this is divided into two discernible parts, in the first part it is clear that the princess of the sun writes to a student named Sunset Shimmer, and she seems to answer her, this led us to discover the curious communication spell that it has, in addition, because of what has been translated so far, the second part is quite peculiar, in this the Princess Twilight seems to be in contact with the same pony that Celestia contacted, only that what is written seems to indicate that it is in another world or reality, since the descriptions they give are very different from what can be found in this world."

"What do you mean, in what way are they different?"

"It appears to be a human-inhabited world."

EEEEEEEHHHHHHHH, humans!, (SE), wait, now that I remember, when we snatched the capital from the storm king and his subordinates, the lavender alicorn mentioned something about it, AAarrrrggh, I had completely forgotten it! now that I can do!

"Mmmmhhn… that explains how the princess of friendship was able to recognize a non-existent race… Demiurge."

"Yes, Ainz-sama"

"I want full surveillance 24 hours a day on the mirror, I want them to record any movement that involves it, the same applies to the diary, also, I want a copy of the transcript of it as soon as possible."

"Yes, I'll do it right away, translation and transcription will be our top priority!"

"Excellent, I'll be waiting for you, you can leave."

"Yes, with your permission." -With a bow, the Archdemon left the office-

*Shigh* I wonder if it will be that easy, will there truly be humans on the other side of the mirror, will it be my world? And if so, can I find the rest of my friends? Hhaaaa!, hope it does not take too long with the translation.

In a fairly spacious tent, two figures are sitting at the table while going through multiple documents.

"Perfect, everything is going smoothly." -said the Cypriot centaur-

"Yes, Demiurge-sama's plan is progressing perfectly, in about five days we will be ready to mobilize, but what about the allied troops, when will they join us?" -answered the minotaur-

"They will meet us on the way, we will set up camp several hours away initially and move towards the objective when the summit has started."

"Excellent, then we will soon be able to complete our mission and leave these pathetic creatures behind, who knows if we meet all his expectations maybe we culd be send to another important mission later."

"May the supreme beings listen to you and take pleasure in our work."

It was the doppelgängers who had replaced Frienze and Strong Horn, their preparations were almost finished, they would soon carry out the final steps of their mission.

A few days later, everything was ready, the supplies had been loaded, the tents packed, all the soldiers had completed their accelerated training, the doubles observed the sacrifices that would be offered to their master for the greatness of his name, from a small wooden podium that raised them above the troops and in order to promote high morale, the minotaur gave his departure speech to the troops.

"Ateeeeeeennhut!" (AN: I think that is like this)

All the troops lined up in columns and ready to go came to attention with a loud stomp.

"Riggggght flanc! Now!"

Frienze ordered and again the stomp was repeated.

Thanking his co-commander with a nod, the minotaur continued.

"On this day begins our glorious quest to dethrone the false king, Ainz Ooal Gown! And free our true king, the storm king!"

*War War War* -was the chorus that answered-

"We will march to the Summit of the Creatures and we will take not only the head of the false king, but we will also take those of every ruler who opposes us! And we will restore the greatness of the empire of storms!"

*War War War*

"Leeeeeeeeft Flanc! Now!"


"Maaaaarch! Now!"

With his instructions received, the group of soldiers that easily reached the size of a brigade, began to march, dividing into companies as they advanced to board their respective ships, in total 35 airships were mobilized heading north-west.

In the great tomb of Nazarick, all the guardians were gathered, they had been summoned by their master.

As ordered, Demiurge had made the translation and transcription of the book with the sun on the cover top priority the day before, and by dawn, the complete copy had been delivered to the Overlord, as soon as he had it in his hands, he quickly leaf through the first part and read between the lines the second, stopping only in parts that caught his attention, as soon as he finished, he ordered Sebas to gather everyone in the throne room in an hour, time that Ainz used to ruminate what he had just read.

"First of all, thank you all for responding to my call on such short notice."

"Not at all Ainz-sama, if you call the most natural thing is to drop everything and attend immediately." -Said Aura confidently-

"I-it's like my sister says, it's just the most natural thing to do." -Added Mare-

All the guardians nodded in approval and confirmation at the twins words.

"Well, then let's get straight to the point, with the mission that Demiurge was entrusted to gather intelligence from Princess Twilight's castle, a lot of information was obtained and some are especially interesting, among this, the ones that stood out the most were the following, first, it was confirmed that the tree of harmony as fact is an intelligent and independent entity that is constantly evolving and growing, at least while it remains linked to a carrier or representation of the elements."

"Excuse me. Ainz-sama, Does. That. Means. That the. Tree. Of Harmony. Is Of. The Same. Race that. Punitomoe-sama."

Oooh, wonderful, he is finally asking and not keeping his doubts! "It has no importance Cocytus, and no, that is not the case, it is apparently something totally different; The second thing is a mirror identified by Pandora's Actor as a some kind of timed portal it has a forced aperture mechanism to use it at any time, but they were unable to find the 'key' because this, it had been under constant surveillance, the third is a book, at the beginning was believed that it was some kind of spell or skill grimoire of the middle level nevertheless when translated its true purpose was revealed, it was not a grimoire of any kind, it was a diary, it was also confirmed that it has been a property for two different individuals, it is charmed to have the function of a 'Message' device and is linked to a twin one in some other place, the translation is what has brought it to my attention because it has confirmed one of my theories, at some point in the past existed the human race or something similar in this world."

These words caused a wave of surprise and disbelief to unleash among the guardians, this lasted until Albedo intervened.

"Everyone be quiet! Even if we haven't found any trace of them so far, if Ainz-sama says they exist, then surely it's true! So keep quiet and let's keep listening!"

"Thank you Albedo" -The succubus was about to answer her master, but he did not allow her- "however, there is something in which you are wrong, the traces that confirm human existence are not scarce, quite the opposite, they are quite abundant."

The guardians shock at this news was extreme, even the stoic Sebas showed a reaction on his face, seeing this, the Overlord rushed to continue.

"But you can rest assured, you did not ignore them by omission, intention or lack of attention, I am sure that you would not miss anything from Yggdrasil, no, the reason you could not identify them was that those signs could only be found in the first world, the one from which both I and the rest of my companions came."

The faces of the NPCs were plagued with doubt and despair.

"I'm sure you will have many questions about it, but this is not the right time to answer them, later I will set a date for it," I also need to think well how to explain everything and how much to reveal. "For now I will tell you that at that time we were not limited to a single reality."

With this everyone regained their composure and the supervisor spoke for everyone.

"We are touched and honored that you wish to share this information with us, your humble servants, Ainz-sama!"

"Umu, very good, now that we have accessed the diary information and we know that it is a means of communication, we finally know where Princess Twilight's mirror portal leads, and judging by the sketch of the mirror that Demiurge gave me, I can tell Without the possibility of being wrong, we already have in our hands a copy of the 'key' necessary to open it."

Seeing the change of expression on Albedo and Demiurge's faces, Ainz continued.

"I can see that you have already understood, as expected of two of the brightest minds in Nazarick, indeed, I intend to send a scouting team, my guardians, these are my orders!"

As they were about to receive their master's orders, everyone present turned their full attention to the Overlord.

"A team will be sent through the mirror, it will respond directly to Albedo, judging by the things written in the diary, it will not be necessary of much force, but it never hurts to be cautious, the team will be made up of CZ2128 Delta and Yuri Alpha; in addition, I will be sending Red's team as a backup," hehehehe, something silly had just come to my mind, hehe, CZ It's going to be an 'automaton with network equipment' as Pero-san would have put it, hehehe "Ahem, Albedo make sure the full team shows up later in my office to receive additional instructions."

"Yes, I'll be sure of it." -answered the succubus-

"Umu, now let's move on to other topics, first Demiurge."

"Yes, Ainz-sama!"

"Was Titus able to figure out what kind of communication spell the book has?"

"Unfortunately this is not a known spell, but it is believed to be equivalent to a sixth level spell."

"I see, so it's a low-level thing, umu, make him try to reproduce the spell on a couple of new volumes, we'll need a reliable way to communicate in case 'Message' doesn't work or something blocks it."

"Understood, I will comunicate him your orders."

"Albedo, is there anything new in the capital? "

"No, everything is going according to your plans, the legal system has already shown its effectiveness, every minor problem has been resolved quickly, so far none have required your personal attention, the castle has already been fully finished, also the first two schools are ready to operate, along the same lines, another ten have begun construction, however, more trained personnel will be needed to fill teaching positions."

"That will not be a problem, we will soon have all the necessary ones; to finish, does anyone else have any other news?"

There were only negatives in response.

"Then everyone can leave to continue with their tasks," -looking towards the supervisor and the Archdemon, he finished- "I'll see you in my office as soon as you finish with your tasks."


The response of both was immediate, with the confirmation received, the Overlord activated his ring and withdrew from the throne room, and a few minutes later, the team that would be sent through the mirror was entering the study of his room.

*Knock, knock, knock, knock*

"Come in"

"With your permission, we have brought the entire team as ordered." -Albedo spoke while they were all kneeling in front of the desk, with the guardians in front, the Pleiades in the center, and the summons team in the background.

"Mnh, you can stand up" -with permission granted, everyone got up and the guardians stood to the right of the desk- "Yuri, Shizu, I suppose you've already been informed what your mission is about, haven't you?"

"That's right Ainz-sama," -the Dullahan answered for the whole team-

"Excellent, your mission is not complicated, but there will be certain things with which you must be careful and guidelines that you will follow, first of all, your mission will be to get information, as well as check that the 'Message' and 'Gate' spells work correctly, I want you to follow and investigate any rumors about magic and recover any magical artifact that is not in the possession of an individual if it is possible, also support with any additional tasks that may arise; while you are there both must mix properly with the locals and form a false life, Red's team will be your eyes, ears and additional hands if necessary, otherwise they will be limited to defense, now, the reason why I chose Shizu for this mission is simple, in that place there will be a certain level of technology, so I want you to check two things, the first is to know if you are able to interact with it and dominate it, the second is to know if you're able to infiltrate their information network, if is possible I want you to gather as much information as possible, giving special priority to getting copies of everything that is classified as secret or is strongly protected, in a nutshell I want you to get everything that is kept under key."

The automaton responded in its monotonous voice.

"Umu, I will do my best to achieve to accomplish the task."

"Perfect, but remember that your safety is above any information, if you detect any danger you must shut down the connections on the spot, these will be your guidelines, first, you cannot initiate problems, you must avoid conflict at all costs, however, you are allowed to defend themselves as long as you do not leave any trace about it, second, you will have to mix with the locals, so it will be necessary for you to create a convincing facade, you will be provided with the necessary funds for it, and third, you will not be able to use your usual equipment unless the situatuion is an absolute emergency, instead, "-making a gesture with his hand, Increment, one of the homunculus maids with brown hair that only reached the height of her chin, advanced from the Overlord's room, located at the back of him, while holding two outfits in her hands- "wear these."

*Ghasph* (normal)

*Wuuaaaahh* (monotone)

The moon shone in the sky, illuminating buildings and asphalt with its silver light, in the distance you could hear the occasional car that briefly broke the serenity of the night, the only place with activity was a school, more exactly, Canterlot High School, a group at the foot of the empty base of a statue was heading towards the main entrance, but instead of using the entrance, they jumped to the roof in a single impulse, once they were up, the figures began to vanish into thin air until there were only two left.

"Okay, let's get started."

The smallest figure nodded at the tallest figure's words, they opened the dome door and jumped inside.

Inside a fairly wide tent, eight figures were gathered.

"Welcome." -Spoke Strong Horn-

"Hmpf, stop wasting time, let's get right to the point, when are we going to attack?!"

"Easy Steel Beak, several of us have just arrived and our troops need some rest." -The arachnid reprimanded with a neutral voice to the griffin-

"Commander Eddie is right, besides, not all the dignitaries has arrived yet." -said the canine-

"Commander Remus has just hit the mark, indeed, we plan to attack tomorrow when the summit is in session" -Frienze took the word, as the commanders of the giraffe, minotaur, and centaur armies, nodded or looked approvingly-

"For now" -continued Strong Horn- "the most convenient thing is for everyone to rest properly tonight and eat well, at dawn they must have a big breakfast because tomorrow at noon we will start the attack." -the minotaur finished with an aggressive smile on his face-

In a large flying ship that was moving calmly several kilometers high, the Overlord reviewed the latest reports received in his cabin.

I see, so the forces that are going to attack are already prepared, excellent, *Slip* ... Ooooh, great, so they are established... hehehe, that's no surprise, I'm sure that job will not pose any problem for she oh, great, I'm sure Shizu will do great too, *slip* Aaaah, great, the defensive measures of the castle have been finished, that means it is now basically complete.

Ainz put the reports on the desk and took a thoughtful pose.

It is a pity that the 'Message' spells or the 'remote view mirror' did not work to be able to communicate or see the progress of Yuri and Shizu, also Teleportation does not work either, fortunately, 'Gate' has no problem, however, the message book that Titus created has also no problem, the question is why?

All this was brooding over the Overlord when a knock on the door took him out of his thoughts.

*Knock knock knock knock*

Tempest who had brought the reports was about to answer the door, but when she turned around she saw that the maid was already in it.

They professionalism never ceases to impress me, I had practically forgotten that she was here. -thought the unicorn with amazement-

"Ainz-sama, this is Demiurge-sama."

"Thank you very much Increment, bring him in."

After making a small bow, the homunculus accomplished her task.

"Is there any news Demiurge?"

"Nothing important Ainz-sama, I just came to notify you that we will soon arrive at the place where the summit of the creatures will take place."

"Perfect, with this all the plans are progressing without any problem."

Seeing that his master would say no more, the demon thought it was a good time to clear up his doubt.

"I apologize for bothering you Ainz-sama, but could you please indulge me with a question?"

Noooo, please don't ask me anything! "Umu, ask."

"To tell the truth it's somewhat selfish, I just want to know where I am comparatively speaking, could you tell me how far your plans go?"

Nothing beyond my nonexistent nose! (ES)

The Overlord placed his hand on his chin without thinking as he pondered.

Ok, the question is not as critical as I thought it would be, maybe the best thing to do is answer it with an enigma, that's not a bad idea, I've already got it! As was that saying... I think it was' the crane lives a thousand years and the turtle lives... "Ten thousand years"... mmm, I do believe it was so.

If Ainz had not been so immersed in his thoughts, he would have noticed the faces of his subordinates, Demiurge was astonished and grateful in equal parts, Incremente had his hands over his mouth and his eyes were wide with surprise, but the Most affected was Tempest, not only did she have a face of absolute surprise, when she heard him, she practically slapped her face on the ground when her front legs stopped responding for a moment and when she managed to recover she simply sat where she was; while looking at her master with her mouth agape, but it wasn't until the Overlord was about to speak again that he noticed the change.

Oh shit, what happened? Why do they have those expressions?! "What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

"And to think... And to think that I wanted to even get closer to your greatness! I was deluded! I will try even harder to be of use to Ainz-sama!"

When he said the last sentence, the Archdemon knelt and bowed deeply, it was then that the unicorn managed to find his voice again.

"I… I, I already knew that my lord intelligence was incomparable, but, not even in my wildest fantasies had it occurred to me that had such a reach."

"M-mhn" I don't understand, what happened?

As she walked down the sidewalk from the luxurious apartment that they had found relatively close by, Yuri was heading to her destination, the job that would serve as a cover for her in this world, during the journey, the oldest of the Pleiades was completely immersed in her thoughts, marveling for the greatness of his master.

Ainz-sama is incredible, he only read a book full of unjoined conversations, and yet everything has developed just as he said it, the inhabitants of this world gave me a considerable amount of their money for a simple necklace, a trinket With gems without any enchantment, thanks to Shizu coming with me, getting 'true' identities was child's play, this world relies a lot on machines without conscience and little defense capabilities, it only remains for Shizu to find a job to blend us completely.

When she finally found herself in front of Canterlot High, she cut her internal monologue.

"Umu, let's make Ainz-sama pleased."

As soon as she crossed the entrance, the students could be seen beginning to arrive on campus in their various forms of transportation.

The summit of the creatures took place in a gigantic building with a dome roof, this was located west of Equestria, on top of a plateau, multiple bridges connected the airports of the adjacent mountains with the plateau, ensuring that all The representatives had their own space, within the huge building, a large number of rooms allowed all attendees to make any preparations they needed and in the communal rooms, presentations, cultural and gastronomic samples of all nations were carried out, all this and more; the representatives of Equestria observed, but they could not relax, they would soon have to answer the proposal of the Sorcerer King, and they were not entirely sure in the answer to which they had arrived, for now, it was obvious that the new king attracted the attention of everyone in the room, as well as his companions.

Uuuugh, I think we attracted too much attention, thank goodness I did not follow Demiurge's suggestion to bring half the maids, two are more than enough.

Visiting all the exhibits and stalls, Nazarick's group stood out abundantly, Ainz for his clothing, a white tunic, whose buttons were made of diamonds, had intricate details on the silver-colored edges and a neck with abundant white feathers, a pair of metallic gauntlets, and an ivory-colored mask that emulated a serene face with delicate features, Albedo at his side, wore an elegant black dress that left her shoulders and most of her back exposed, she wore only platinum earrings with jewelry in the guild emblem shape and the translation collar, the dark lace dress contrasted beautifully with her fair skin, behind them both stood Tempest Shadow in her area guardian armor that made her as striking as the figure beside her, a man dressed in an elegant black suit with a white shirt peeking through the opening of the jacket and at the cuffs, the outfit was topped by a bright red tie and a handkerchief of the same color that peeked out of the pocket on the chest of the jacket With a goatee, a Casanova-style mustache and a friendly smile, his face denoted an intelligent and pleasant individual, only the small horns that emerged from his forehead suggested some aggressiveness; After wandering for a while, they came across someone they knew.

"Oh!, but isn't it the Sorcerer King-sama?!"

"Mmh? Ah, Queen Novo, oh, I see you have brought the princess too."

"Good morning Ainz-sama." -the hippogriff princess said with a small bow, receiving a small nod from the Overlord in response-

"Yes, she already has the needed knowledge, but she lacks the experience, and what better place for it than the summit, where she can observe politicians from many nations."

"I see, it's certainly a good idea, although as a vassal state she could also train with us."

"Oh no, no way, I would never dare to waste your time with little things like this; I see that you are accompanied by someone I have not met yet."

"Ah right, this is Mephistopheles, he will be assigned as the archivist by the Sorcerer kingdom for the summit."

Ainz said as he pointed his hand at the Demon, he stepped forward and gave a respectful bow.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Queen Novo, my name is Mephistopheles To Diabolos, but feel free to call me Mephisto."

"...The ...pleasure is all mine Mephisto, I am sure that you are someone exceptional, as are all the servants of His Majesty."

The queen of the hippogriffs took a couple of seconds to respond, being taken by surprise by the true kindness with which the words were spoken.

"I appreciate your kind words with all my heart."

After this small intermission, both groups separated continuing their paths, two hours later, all the representatives and rulers were gathered in the conference room occupying their designated places, while the podium on the stage was the only well-lit part in the room, where there was a Minotaur who acted as a presenter, speaking to the audience.

"And with this, we move on to new issues, the threat of the storm king that had affected multiple nations, has finally been neutralized," -at this news, murmurs were unleashed throughout the room- "this happened during one of his attacks," - the murmurs intensified, even some expressions of disbelief could be heard- "Today we have here the one who stopped him, now I give the podium to the king who stopped the tyrant's ambitions in his tracks, please, everyone welcome the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown and his prime minister, Albedo."

Before the sight of everyone a biped being sheathed in an expensive looking white tunic of exquisite make whit plentiful feathers in the neck, stepped in to the stage, it was using a strange mask that looked as marble with fine sculpted factions, and two steps behind him a female with a long and lustrous dark mane with a pair of curved horns coming from her temples and a pair of black wings that were born from her lower back wearing a luxurious dark dress adorned with lace which just highlighted her shapely figure that could put any biped female purple of envy; walked demurely.

When both reached the podium, everyone was amazed by his commanding voice and respectful demeanor.

"Thank you, Mr. White Horns," -all noise ceased, the full attention of the room was on the figure on the podium- "Rulers of all nations, I have come here with two intentions; first to formally announce myself in the international arena and secondly, to join my kingdom to this event, now, some of those present have already treated me before, but the rest have just heard my name for the first time, so I think a question and answer session will be needed, so let's get started."

In the principal's office of Canterlot High, Principal Celestia and her sister, Vice Principal Luna, were in front of them, on the other side of the desk, Yuri Alpha was ready to start her day.

"Very good day, I see that the punctuality of the Japanese is not a myth." -Luna said in a joking tone-

"Putting the jokes aside," -said the headmistress casting a disapproving look at her sister- "I formally welcome you miss... errr... Fujiwara... Midori?"

"You don't have to stress so much trying to follow the customs of my country, headmistress Celestia, you can just call me Midori."

"Well, if you are fine with that, then I'll take you at your word."

"By the way, your Engish is very good Miss Midori," - Luna interrupted again - "to be honest, we didn't expect it, it was a pleasant surprise during the interview yesterday, you must have studied very hard to eliminate your accent that way."

"That's right, although unfortunately, it is impossible to avoid sometimes falling into the habit."

"To tell the truth, your application fell to us like a god send, we were in a big bind since Miss Radiant Dawn left us, and that you had a specialty in math was great, by now the students must have already started arriving, and the rest of the teaching staff must be in the teachers room, later I will give you the lists and your role of classrooms, while I prepare them, how would you like to know the rest of your co-workers? "

"I think it is a great idea."

"Well then, shall we go?" -said Celestia as she stood up, an action that was imitated by Luna and Yuri-

As they made their way down the hallways on their short walk to the teacher's lounge, looks of envy from the girls they passed and of disbelief from the few boys they crossed who gave looks that were a bit more than obvious; finally made it to the teacher's lounge and inside the reaction was not different, it could be said that many jaws touched the ground.

The one who decided to break the awkward moment was Celestia.

"Good morning everyone, let me introduce Miss Midori Fujiwara, she comes from Japan, she moved to our country for personal reasons, and she will be filling the gap left by the teacher Radiant Dawn, with her the teaching staff will be completed again, please introduce yourselves all appropriately while Luna and I prepare her lists and classroom rotation. "

When the directress finished her introduction, Midori spoke up.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, I hope we get along very well, from today I will be in your care." -Yuri finished making a formal bow-

While the new teacher introduced herself, the sisters withdrew from the room, with Midori's introduction finished, the rest of the teachers began to come out of their stupor one by one.

When the sisters were back at the direction office, the first to speak was Luna.

"WOW! When you told me I couldn't believe it, but just, WOW, that figure is not possible naturally, is it? I mean, the size of those things is huge, and his face is... Perfect! Almost… as if it had been manufactured!"

"I understand you perfectly sister, *shigh* it is not for throwing us flowers, but, it is a fact that you and I are beautiful, but she... simply make us just pretty at her side, I just hope it is not a problem with the students, it would be a shame to let go someone that good."

Those words caused a raised eyebrow on her sister and as soon as she noticed her face turned like a tomato as she hurried to elaborate her words further.

*Blush* "I'm talking about her skills and credentials!, she has such a good resume-!"

"Jijijiji, *snort* hehehehe" -laughed the deputy director after having achieved her purpose-

"GHA!, *humpf* Ha, Ha, very funny Luna," -the directress got up and gave her a little push with a folder full of papers- "here is the role of classrooms, hurry with the lists!"

"Jijijiji, sure, sure," -Luna arranged the sheets and went to the exit-

"And don't forget to show her the classrooms, or introduce her to the students, or bring the new student!" -The shame was just beginning to dissipate from Celestia's face because her sister's constant mocking tone-

"Yes, I already understood 'mama'"

When her sister finally left the office, Celestia let a few minutes pass as a precaution, then she touched her breasts, lifting them and moving them a little with her hands while mentally comparing them with those of the new teacher and after a few seconds she gave up with a sigh.

Will they truly be real? *shigh* well, they at least seemed so.

In the designated document storage room/library, archivists from various kingdoms were gathered, going through their stationeries and updating their documents, when a new voice was heard.

"Here we are Mr. Mephisto, this is the archive room, oh look, here are some of the other archivists, hello Horwitz, how have you been?"

"Mh? Raven dear! all good, huh, who's the one with you? *ghasph* don't tell me you've finally gotten your special someone!?"

Old Yak archivist words caused a lump in the pony's throat.

"Gha! Hu ta, plu, co."

At least until the demon's laugh saved her from her shame.


The melodious laughter caught the attention of the rest of the archivists who came over to see what it was all about.

"You flatter me, but I'm sorry to disappoint you, that's not the case." -I spoke calmly the demon-

"Horwitz, w-what are you saying?!, Ahem, no, this… gentlecolt, is Mephistopheles, he is the archivist of the sorcerer kingdom, he will join us from today."

"The sorcerer kingdom? I had never heard of that kingdom, where is it located?"

Asked the green dragon that had the tip of the snout in black as well as some spikes and details in this color on the body.

"Ah, Blacktip, come closer everyone, let me introduce Mephistofeles the archivist for the sorcerer kingdom, Mephisto, these are Blacktip, the archivist of the dragon lord Ember," -the dragon nodded in greeting- "this is Urtica, the archivist of the Changeling Kingdom,"-the blue changeling with a green tail and wings wearing a white sweater, crossed his compound eyes with those of the demon and nodded- "This is Glenda, the archivist of Griffonia," -the short griffin with Traces of a wildcat give him a sheepishly salute with one of his heels- "and finally there is Horwitz, the archivist of the Yak kingdom." -The old female just gave a greeting with one of her hooves-

"It is a pleasure to meet you all, you can call me Mephisto, and to answer your question Blacktip, my lord dethroned the Storm King and took his kingdom when he attacked the capital of Equestria, so it can be said that his territory occupies the one that previously belonged to the Storm Empire.

The surprise was followed by disbelief, so everyone present turned to see Raven, she nodded in confirmation of the story.

"The Sorcerer King took care of the storm king personally." -said the pony-

"Wow, so he must be quite clever and powerful." -Glenda said, remembering the stories she had heard from the storm king earlier-

"You have no idea, well, how about we get to work? I have a lot to catch up on, besides, at this moment my lord has to be answering all the questions that you yourselves have to all your nations."

Everyone exchanged glances and accepted Mephisto's words as good and went to work, a couple of hours later, the Gryphon shyly approached.

"E-excuse me while organizing the treaties between Griffins and Yaks I came across this document, it seems to be a treatise, only it is in ancient Equestre, could someone help me translate it?"

"Of course, Glenda with pleasure"

Raven took the scroll in her magic and began to read.

"It is indeed a treaty, according to this, it is about a transfer of territory from Griffonia to Equestria."

Hearing this, the demon who had been preparing the section where the documents concerning the sorcerer realm would be filed, stopped what he was doing and turned to get close.

"Hmm, apparently in ancient times, the ponies bought a section of land from the griffins, that section today would encompass a good part of Equestria, it would even cover the territory where Canterlot is located, here it says that the land would once again be owned by the griffin unless Equestria paid out an enormous amount of gold a hundred years later."

"Then, according to this document, a large part of Equestria would belong to the Gryphons." -the demon contributed- "Glenda, did you find any other document with this, parchment? Maybe some addition or additional page?"

"No Mephisto, that was the only one, there was no other in the container."

"Well then, how about we help you search?"

"Thanks a lot!"

The entire group searched in the Griffin and Equestrian archives, but in the end, no results were achieved.

"I didn't find anything." -said Raven-

"Neither do we" -said the Changeling-

"So does that mean Equestria never paid?" -Asked the griffin-

"So it seems Glenda, *shigh* I must report this to the princesses, all that land must be returned to the griffins."

In one of the meeting rooms available for the use of the guests, the council of Griffonia and the princesses of Equestria who received the news delivered by Raven were gathered.

"So is that true Princess Celestia?"

"I'm afraid Lord Gestal, the treaty is from before our reign began, but my assistant, along with the other archivists, searched thoroughly and everything indicates that the payment was never made."

"So the land belongs to us and must be returned, immediately!" interrupted one of the lesser nobles of the Gryphon council.

"But there are cities in those lands, even Canterlot!" -the princess of friendship answered desperately-

"Then you must move."

"That's impossible!"

"Silence!" -the leader of the council regained control of the discussion- "my compatriot spoke out of turn, but what he says is correct, the land belongs to us and the debt must be paid," -said Lord Gestal-

"Maybe we could consider a deferred payment? Or we could just cover the original amount of gold promised in the treaty."

Celestia was trying to reduce the impact on Equestria as much as possible.

"Mmmm… yeah, that could-"

"If you'll excuse me for a moment, your honor."

But things don't always go the way you want them to.

"I think we should accept the gold, but with full interest on the original sum."

The one who had intervened was a Fawn Gryphon.

"With interest?! But it's centuries! That would send the Equestria treasury bankrupt!"

The monarch of the sun speaks with concern.

"Seven times actually." -Raven contributed-

"Well then I suppose they simply 'must' return the lands." -the aleopardated griffin inquired again-

"I couldn't help but notice Lord Goldstone," -spoke taking again the word Gestal- "but if these lands were attached to Griffonia, it would greatly increase your territories."

"How? *Ghasph* but if you're correct Lord Gestal, I had no idea!" -Goldstone spoke with a really sarcastic tone-

"And what do the rest of you think my dear Lords." - Gestal asked the rest of the representatives-

"If they can't hand over the gold, they must hand over the land!"

"Yes!" -second the rest-

After having the answers from his peers, the Gryphon leader gave his last plea.

"So it appears that I have no choice but to 'demand' that the treaty be honored, Equestria 'must' hand over the lands."

*Shigh* "I understand Lord Gestal, I only ask that you give me until closing time to make the announcement."

"Of course Your Highness, not doing so would be… 'anti diplomatic'."

As soon as the council left the room, Princess Celestia gave her orders.

"Raven, Twilight, Glenda, I need to prepare an announcement on the treaty, in the meantime, I want you three to find something, whatever! As long as it's helpful, I'm sure there must be a legal loophole or something that has been missed, even if it only serves to gain time, the future of Equestria depends on it."

With these words the group left, all the way back they thought about what to do, while Twilight tried to encourage them, when they returned, they asked for the help of the rest to review the files of each nation.

"I apologize Princess Twilight, but wouldn't that be just wasting everyone's time?"

"Uh? Oh, I'm sorry, I don't think I know you, are you…?"

"Oh right, where are my manners? I am Mephistopheles To Diabolo, but you can call me Mephisto, I am the archivist of the sorcerer kingdom, if I may suggest, it is best to search the Yak archives first, after all, they are the ones who serve as witnesses in the treaty."

At the demon's words, the Equesters regained hope.

"It is true, I had completely forgotten! In the old days, when an important treaty was made, a third party was invited to act as a witness or take charge of imposing the treaty if necessary, the chances of finding something are quite big, let's get hooves on! " -Raven said with a big smile-

At two thousand meters above sea level, as they flew over the sea in their ship, in the makeshift war room in one of the largest cabins, the doppelgängers were checking their progress.

"Everything is going according to plans, in a few hours we will reach the summit, the advance that we sent yesterday reported that three hours ago ships stopped arriving, and the summit began an hour and a half ago, we will arrive in the afternoon." -said the centaur-

"Excellent, I will report our progress to Demiurge-sama, make sure no one interrupts." -answered the minotaur-

As soon as his partner left the room, from a bag he took out several scrolls that he activated in succession, all of them, precautionary measures, the last to be activated was the one that contained the spell he wanted to use.


And like the rest, it was consumed in colorful flames.


'Yes, what is it?'

"I'm calling to report our progress, we will reach the summit in around three hours."

'Excellent, so everything is going according to plan, I'll make sure I'm ready for extraction at the right time.'

As soon as the spell was over, a malicious smile appeared on the minotaur's face.

"I wonder if Ainz-sama will be pleased with our performance?"

After a couple of hours of searching, the archivists still found nothing and began to lose patience.

"Grrrrraaaaghh, we've already been here two hours and we still haven't found anything!"

"Blacktip is right, we even went through the section of that period several times and we have not achieved anything." -said the pony-

"I don't understand, a hundred years after the treaty was during the Dromus period, he must have followed up on the treaty." -Commented the archivist yak-

"Correct me if I'm wrong Miss Horwitz, but are we not looking in the wrong section?"

"What do you mean Mister Mephisto?" -asked the changeling-

"When I arrive, spend some time looking at the exhibits with Ainz-sama Miss Urtica, and if I remember correctly, the Yaks used a different calendar than the ponies previously, so the period in which the follow-up was done must be different, right?"

*Ghasph* "That's right, how could I forget ?!"

Hearing this, the Yak archivist threw herself on a pile of documents.

"That means it must have been during the period of Prince Crompus!"

After a couple of minutes, the old yak emerged from the pile holding a scroll in one of her hooves.


Reven received the document and after reading it confirmed it.

"This is the annex! It is the confirmation that Equestria paid the agreed sum."

While everyone celebrated their success, they did not notice a griffing entering.

"My, my, it seems that the search was successful, or am I wrong?"

Seeing her superior, the griffin archivist was quick to reply.

"Lord Goldstone! We found a misfiled document proving that Equestria made good on the payment!"

"But how wonderful!"

The sarcasm in Gryphon's tone did not go unnoticed by the demon or the princess of friendship.

"Will you allow me to see it for a moment?"

"Of course-"

"I'm sorry, but that won't be possible, at least not until it's reviewed by Princess Celestia and Lord Gestal."

The princess of friendship interrupted.

*Ghasph* "But why? Is it that you distrust me, Princess Twilight?"


"No? Well, you should! GUARDS!"

A group of armored griffins immediately entered the room.

"Nobody leaves this room, and captures all the archivists and the princess!"

This order caused conflict that was reflected in the faces of the guards.


"They have in their possession a document that must be destroyed or it will endanger the future of Griffonia!"

"You have to escape while they are distracted." -whispered the alicorn to the rest-

"Oh? You don't have to worry princess, I'm not here just as an archivist, I'll take care of it, let me have the scroll." -said the demon calmly-

With the extended offer of help, Twilight gave him the document without thinking and did not react until it began to disappear inside his coat pocket.

*Ghasph* But what have I done, if his subordinate gets hurt I don't even want to think what the Sorcerer King is capable of doing!

"I recommend backing up a bit or you could get hurt." -Mephisto finished-

Seeing that all the soldiers were pouncing on him, all the archivists and the princess instinctively fell back, because of the difference in numbers, they all expected to hear screams of pain, so they closed their eyes and looked away, but what they heard made them reopen them.

*Squeak/Roar* "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHugugugugululgruu!"

A battle cry followed by a gasp, only they did not belong to the unknown race but to a griffin, when they watched the fight again, they saw lying at Mephisto's feet a mass enveloped in black flames that twisted occasionally, in which could be seen a puddle of molten metal literally glowing and the archivist of the sorcerer kingdom standing engulfed in the same flames.

"[Hellfire Manttle], I think I exaggerated a bit, it looks like there is practically nothing left with the slightest touch."

The griffins were so terrified that they couldn't move.

"Mh? What is it? Do you expected a different result when trying to touch a demon? Hehehe, you have no remedy, Lord Goldstone, my master sent me here not only as an archivist but also as a custodian of the archives and he authorized me to take care of any issues at my discretion, so sorry but I must take you to pay for your actions, [Shockwave]"

The demon extended his hand and knocked the rest of the griffin guards unconscious, then he turned back to the archivists, they all took a step back, but stopped when they saw him extinguish the flames that surrounded him.

"I apologize for the deplorable sight, but I had to neutralize them."

The first to recover was the princess of friendship.

"T-they are… they are all of them… they are all…"

"Mh, oh no, merely unconscious, sadly I can't say the same about the one who attacked me at the beginning."

Everyone followed the demon's gaze to the pile of ashes, not even the metal was saved from sharing the same fate, everything was completely reduced, the demon focused his gaze on the alicorn again as he took out the scroll from his coat.

"Here is it Princess Twilight, with this you can anounce that the debt is paid, as, for the traitors, you may want to call some of your guards to deliver them."

"Eh? Ah, yes, thank you."

This finally brought the others out of their trance and the first to speak was the dragon.

"That was amazing! I have never seen metal burned to ashes!"

But the most focused of the room could not allow the elephant to go unnoticed.

"Wait, did you just say you're a demon ?!" -shouted the Changeling-

"That is Urtica, well the naked truth I'm an emancipated one if you mind, which is why I have no tail, I do not wish death and suffering as center ornaments, however, I can still use some of my demonic abilities, but my magic is mainly of divine alignment."

They were all speechless.

"And as for your question Blacktip, you have never seen anything like that because it was infernal fire, so hot that it is capable of burning even souls."

These words started an awkward silence that was almost immediately broken by Raven who arrived with some of the equestrian soldiers.

"These are the individuals, arrest them for treason and attempted fraud, bring them before Princess Celestia and one of you summons Lord Gestal to our room."

Once the crime was reported, and the griffins were awakened, everything was quickly solved in a diplomatic way and when they were about to leave the room, one of the lookouts galloped in and stopped before the monarch of the sun.

"Princess Celestia, Corporal Fast Hoff reporting!"

"What's going on?"

"Ships Your Highness, we are surrounded, they arrived by caravan, hidden behind the smoke from the first ship!"

The princesses rushed out of their room and as they walked they kept talking.

"Are you sure they are enemies?"

"We tried to contact them, but they don't respond, they also carry the insignia of the storm king."

"From the storm king? Have you already asked the Sorcerer King if he knows anything about it or if are they his troops?"

"Yes, your highness, he answered that he only brought one ship and he had no need for more."

"Maybe so." -said the monarch of the sun between her teeth-


"It's nothing, could you get an approximation of how many troops we are facing?

"The captain thinks it may be a full brigade."

These words almost caused the alabaster alicorn to stumble, she stopped, turned to her soldier, and asked with 'calm'.

"WHAT?!" -after which the princess of friendship continued-

"But that's more than twice the forces that attacked Canterlot!"

Princess Celestia shook her head to restart her thoughts.

"Corporal! May all the rulers of the defensive pact be gathered together with the troops that they have brought in immediately, we must prepare a defense with what is available, that they all go to the main entrance, there we will meet."

"Most are already there, Your Highness."

"Good, then call only the missing ones."

When leaving, practically all the rulers who had attended were there, they all tried to assess the situation and decide their plan of action, shouts and orders were heard, everything was in chaos.

"SILENCE!" -Celestia yelled using Canterlot's royal voice- "We must act fast, we must form a defensive perimeter, form barricades and-"

The orders of the monarch of the sun were abruptly interrupted by a deep and authoritative voice.

"That will be a useless waste of lives, the numbers are completely against you."

Standing at the front door was the Sorcerer King, flanked by his prime minister and Tempest on the right and left respectively when all the attention was on him, he began to walk towards the center of the crowd.

"Tell me, Sorcerer King, then what do you think is the best procedure, if you have a better idea we will listen to you."

"No one had notified me that the enemy forces wore the insignia of the storm king, all that is the equipment of which I ordered its destruction, so it goes without saying that this problem only concerns me," -some murmurs began to be heard among the crowd- "If I'm not wrong, it must be those who are still faithful to the storm king, I didn't think they would truly carry out their plan today."

"Are you telling us that you already knew beforepaw that something like this could happen?" -A diamond dog who was Diamondia's representative asked in disbelief-

"Not that 'could', I was sure it would happen, I just assumed they would understand how stupid it is to attack the summit, but I think I overestimated them, ah right, I almost forgot Albedo?

"Yes, inmediatly Ainz-sama"

The overseer of the guardians bowed slightly and took several steps forward.

"[Mass Charm Species]"

Before the astonished gaze of the Equestres, all the dignitaries except for them began to put on a placid and carefree face, some even put on an idiotic smile, upon seeing this, the princess of love was completely astonished from the front door where she saw everything that was happening.

"Impossible, an attraction spell on so many individuals at the same time."

While Ainz had been speaking previously, the missing representatives had arrived, so at this moment practically everyone was under the effect of the spell, even the changelings, with Thorax being the only one who was managing to resist it, then the succubus spoke.

"From among the rulers and representatives, those who know that their government is supporting or personally sent support to the rebel army of the storm king, come to the front of the group."

To Twilight and Celestia's horror, they watched as multiple figures moved unsteadily forward, a minotaur, a giraffe, the diamond dog that spoke earlier, an arachnid, and several of the griffin lords.

"Now, everyone who broke away from the group, advance until you form a compact group to my left and close your eyes, nothing that happens is wrong, everything is normal, just a game."

When those who supported the rebel army complied with her instructions, Tempest received an indication from her master and quickly tied them all in pairs with a rope that was provided by one of the servants, when they were all secured, the succubus ended the effect of his charm, finally freeing all from the spell, everyone shook their heads and tried to understand what had just happened.

"Well now that this has been fixed, it's time to deal with the remaining enemies." -said Ainz as he advanced, when they saw him approach, they all stepped aside, opening a space in the center through which the Overlord passed alone, the rest of his entourage stayed behind, as soon as he stood on the edge of the plateau he began to think as he watched a good part of the army form.

Mmmm, which spell will I use, I need it to be something colorful and to impress everyone, a super level one? No, the amount of MOB is not worth it, mmm, oh! yes I got it!


To everyone's surprise, even without wings, the Sorcerer King flew up and stopped halfway between the summit and the soldiers.

"[Create Hig Tier Undead: Eternal Death!]"

Ainz hoped that, by using his magic, the black smoke that usually creates the undead without a base would simply arise, so for both him and the rest of those present, it was a surprise what happened.

From ground level, everyone had huddled near the edge of the plateau to try to see more clearly what was happening, even some of those with wings soared into the air, including the princesses of Equestria; when Suddenly, everyone heard him shout 'Eternal Death' and a moment later, the space to the right of the Sorcerer King began to distort, then a huge blade pierced the twisted space opening it, and from the opening, a creature came out, now it was obvious that The weapon that the creature carried was a scythe and although no one knew what it was or where it came from, even so, everyone felt being overwhelmed by a feeling of cold and desolation that caused them a great chill, even the immortal alicorns felt it, all those that had taken flight immediately returned to the ground.

Once on the ground and still feeling fear, the youngest of the princesses asked herself.

"What?, what is that?"

And even when she did not expect it, she received an answer.

"'That' is the eternal death." -Albedo replied calmly as if she were simply talking about the weather- "I guess my Lord called him to shoot down the aircrafts."

As if confirming the words of the succubus, the Overlord raised a hand pointing towards the ships, the creature bowed and dissipated in mist, a few seconds later, the ships began to fall one by one and when the first one hit the ground, There was no boiler explosion or magic release as expected, instead, the ship broke like an egg when hitting the ground and when the interior was revealed, it could be seen clearly, even from a distance that everything was rotten and/or corroded, when the second ship followed the fate of the first, the result was repeated.

As soon as the smoke that was supposed to manifest did not and a sound of cloth ripping was heard next to him, Ainz realized that something had not gone as expected.

Oh oh, what went wrong? Has the spell failed?

* Rrrrriiiiiip *

Uh, that hadn't happened before, shit!, another difference!

However, a hole, in reality, was ripped open next to him and an the Eternal Death emerged from it, but just as Ainz was going to relax thinking that it had only changed the mode of appearance, he tensed again as the summon prostrated and spoke.

"Your humble servant has heeded your call my lord." -It enunciated with his voice from beyond the grave-

Shit!, Eternal Deaths aren't supposed to speak! (SE), calm down, it seems to be servile, keep acting.

"What do you know about yourself?"

"I am the death of this world, you gave me a body that allows me to enter the mortal plane without any limit, in addition to increasing my power, I did not know that I was in need of a master to serve, you have called me and given me a new purpose, you have acepted me as your servant, tell me, do my lord have any orders for his humble servant?"

"Yes, I have it, but before I give it to you I have one more question for you, do you feel limited by some kind of timer, deadline, or something similar?"

"No my master, like any of our kind, the time has never limited me."

Does that mean it will be a permanent invocation then? But how I did not use a corpose? "Well, your mission, for now, is to shoot down those ships, each and every one of them, you can test your new powers, but make sure you bring the commanders intact if ther is any one, they are mine."

"Immediately my lord."

With these words the Eternal Death disappeared in a cloud of dark smoke and after a few seconds the first ship began to fall, after several ships collapsed, the rest began to retreat, but they did not have enough speed, after 10 minutes. , all the ships had fallen and six generals were at the feet of Albedo, who kept them on her knees while holding her battle-ax in her hand, but the only one to realize this was the princess of love who was still in the main entrance and was gaping, the rest had not noticed as they were spellbound seeing the scene in front of them.

"As you ordered master, six generals were secured, I leave them with Lady Albedo as ordered mentally."

"Umu" Excellent, the mental link that allows me to feel it also allows me to order it! at least that did not change! "So now we have to take care of the rest of the garbage."

When only a few ships remained in the air, the enemy army began the attack charge with a great war cry, they were not so close, but even so, they could be heard up to the plateau for the number they were, the soldiers at foot they were easily more than half of the original brigade when the leaders of the summit were about to order their troops to form up to receive the attack that would try to cross the main bridge, it was when the last of the flying ships fell and the creature reappeared next to the Sorcerer King in the air, after a couple of seconds, he raised one of his hands to the sky, the alicorns were the first to realize, the amount of magic he used did not stay in him, this made them look up where it quickly concentrated, and her surprise caused the others to follow her example.


"It all ends here, [Meteor Fall]!"

A massive magic circle was created several kilometers high, which everyone could see attested to its size, and from it came a gigantic burning rock, it was a meteorite of more than 40 meters in diameter.

Sensing the change in atmospheric pressure, the Gryphon mercenaries were the first to stop and turn to the sky, after a second of surprise, the screams took over the sky.

"Spread out!" "Take cover!" "Withdrawal!" "Run!, go away!"

Seeing the meteorite, Tempest's jaw dropped, but the general part of her mind immediately prevailed.

"Emmmhh… excuse me Albedo-sama, the meteor is going to cause a lot of collateral damage, isn't it?"

"Indeed, why?"

"Errr… and does Ainz-sama wish this place to be damaged?"

In just a few milliseconds, the supervisor understood what the unicorn was trying to say.

"…! Take care of the prisoners!"

The succubus dropped the ax that simply disappeared in particles of light, half a second later, she was on the edge of the plateau in front of everyone.


"[Wall of Jericho]!"

Just as the shock wave, heat, and debris were about to hit the plateau, a huge magical wall rose, blocking any damage it might have received from the explosion caused by the impact of the meteor.

Fiiiuuuu, thank goodness Albedo reacted quickly, I hadn't even taken into consideration the fact that the collateral damage now has realistic reach, but what an idiot! *shigh* "Eternal Death"

"Order Ainz-sama"

"Search for the corpses of Generals Frienze and Strong Horn, a Cypriot Centaur and a Minotaur respectively, and take them with the other prisoners."


The figure disappeared again and the Overlord began to return to the plateau, when he was in front of the wall, the supervisor dispelled it.

"Good work Albedo."

"I am not worthy of your kind words Ainz-sama."

The monarch of the sun approached them both with a hard face.

"King Gown, could you tell me how you justify the sacrifice of so many lives."

Uuuhaa, now why is she so upset, they weren't her subjects! "There are several reasons, but the main one is that they forfeited it them themselves, the vast majority of that army were individuals loyal to the storm king, and if I am correct, their intention was not only to overthrow me, they wanted to take advantage of the summit to subjugate as many kingdoms as possible."

"And how are we supposed to verifi that information if you killed them all?"

"Mh? Oh, but I haven't killed them all," -they all turned to see the infernal scene behind the king with a face of 'seriously! I can not see how that could be'- "it looks like everyone was too distracted by what was happening in front that you did not notice the movement behind, maybe only the princess of love has seen it all."

Nobody understood what the Sorcerer King was talking about, so when he pointed towards a place behind them, they all followed with their eyes until they found the place he was pointing at.

"I ordered my subordinate to extract all the highest-ranking or important figures he could find." -Said the Overlord while pointing at the figures that were being held on the ground by Tempest's magic-

In that precise moment a cloud of dark mist materialized itself and two barley breathing bodies fell from it, they were missing more than one limb and practically all their bodies were burnt, then a third figure materialized and the dark fog was dispelled, finally shreding some light over how had the prisioners got there; the creature was obiously the one called by the Sorcerer King but seeing it up close the chilling felling from before returned with a vengance, some losed control over his bowels and/or bladder, in the begining, the ones that had heard talk the first minister Albedo were dening that her words were literal but seeind up close that dark as night sythe with a cutting edge that shine as the moon the rothen tunic which moved even without a bezze and the dark hood that engulfed the face of the creature in complete darkness, give a strong suggestion to who it was something highlighted by the bony hands that could be seen coming from the sleeves and the ausence of limbs touching the ground; this creature... was death itself.

"I have carried out your orders my master, they have already exceeded their time, I only await your permission to harvest them."

"Good work Eternal Death, but it is not necessary to keep them on this plane, I just wanted to confirm their identities, for now, we already have enough witnesses."

As soon as it received the permission of its master, the scythe moved like lightning through the two bodies, leaving a bright trail behind it, as soon as it faded, the bodies lost all signs of life.

"Tempest, take the prisoners to the assembly chamber, and make sure nothing happens to them, they have a lot of questions to answer."

"Right away Ainz-sama." -The unicorn answered, bowing and taking the prisoners away in her magic-

"Albedo, let a specialized group come to repair the damage, leaving it like this would be irresponsible."

"Yes, as you order, I will take care to notify Mare immediately."

"Umu, now I think we should continue the summit, I have questions to which I will receive answers."

The group of dignitaries could not move, the same question crossed everyone's mind at that moment:

'Who is this that is capable of commanding the stars of heaven and death itself?'

After a short time after introducing herself and having exchanged words with all the teachers, the viceprincipal Luna returned to explain how everything worked; when they were about to finish, the bell rang and all the teachers went to their classrooms, but not before giving a discreet look to the new teacher, after a moment more, the introduction was finished.

"So I think that would be it, any questions Miss Midori?"

"None, everything has been a quite clear Deputy Director Luna."

"Excellent, then let's go to the first classroom."

They both got up and left the teacher's Lounge, on the way, Luna continued giving her directions.

"You will be in this room until lunchtime, after that you will change to the second, I will come every hour to introduce you to the group and to verify that everything is in order... if any student becomes difficult to deal with, you can leave the classroom and look for me in the detention classroom."

"I doubt that any inconvenience will arise, but if that is the case, I will count on you then."

"Excellent, we are here, this is your first classroom, wait outside until I call you please."

Yuri nodded in response and then Luna entered the room.

"Very well, everyone be quiet and take your seats."

The whole morning was like any other for the M7, they arrived, they got together, Pinkie abruptly disappeared, they chatted a bit and left for their classrooms, Twilight, Sunset, and Rarty shared math first thing in the morning, so they did not separate.

"I wonder what that scandal was?" -Asked the redhead to the other two-

"Pish posh!, you know the boys dear, they were surely showing off to the others their new erotic magazine, Blegh."

"I don't know Rarity, it didn't sound like they were talking about an image."

"Errr, Sunset, isn't it supposed to be impossible for minors to buy that kind of… 'stuff?" -Twilight asked with a red face-

"Normally not possible, but guys-"


The redhead's explanation was cut off by the bell that indicated the start of the class, when they heard it they all forgot the talk and ran to their classroom, but to their surprise, upon reaching the classroom, Vice Principal Luna had not yet arrived, they all took their seats and kept talking, after a few minutes, Twilight changed the subject.

"Assistant Principal Luna hasn't arrived yet, has something happened to her? I mean, she's never late."

"Don't worry, I'm sure everything is fine, otherwise the director would have already made an announcement."

At that moment the door opened.

All right, everyone, be quiet and take your seats!" -Once everyone was seated, Luna continued speaking- " there is an important announcement to make, starting today, the gap in the teaching staff that teacher Radiant Dawn had left has already been occupied, so I will no longer be your math teacher," -the reactions were varied, but the most dominant was a relief, which bothered the assistant principal a bit- "the new teacher comes from Japan and has a math specialty, please come in."

The door opened and what entered left all the students speechless, even most men and women could not help but gape, through the door entered a woman with dark slanted eyes that were hiding behind rectangular glasses stylized with a silver and gold frame, a kind but serious expression on her face, her hair gathered in a bun with the front part lose, all her visible skin was white and perfect, she wore a silk scarf in gray color around her neck, was dressed in a barely loose white blouse that did not hide the volume of her ample chest, her waist and hips were covered by a tight wine-colored satin skirt that only accentuated her pronounced hips, this one had small side slits that ran from mid-thigh to just above the knee, where the skirt ended, her shapely legs were covered by gray stockings and her feet were encased in wine-colored low-heeled shoes.

"Good morning everyone, my name is Fujiwara Midori and I will be your new math teacher starting today, it's nice to meet you."

The new teacher ended her presentation with a small bow that caused envious glances in most of the girls, some even unconsciously put their hands to their chest for an instant, while the boys, who were stunned before, now their expressions varied between embarrassment, nervousness or utter shock, some even had their mouths wide open or their hands under the desk.

*shigh* I hope nothing too serious happens. -Luna thought before continuing-

"For today, there will be no class itself, I want everyone to introduce yourselves briefly as Miss Midori passes attendance so that she can get a little familiar with you."

The vice principal's voice snapped the students out of their trance and they responded in the affirmative simply by nodding their heads.

"Well then, I'll leave the class in your hands, Miss Midori, for now, I have other business to attend to, but I'll be back at the end of the hour, see you later."

"See you later then."

Yuri said goodbye with a slight bow, when Luna left, she took the folder with the lists and took out the corresponding one, and began to pass the roll.

"Well, let's get started, Amethyst Star…"

Luna paced the hallways toward the entrance as she thought about the reactions she saw in the room.

"Well, at least things turned out better than I expected, fortunately, her appeal is natural and not magical, there is no risk that everything will suddenly change," -she stopped abruptly and brought a hand to her forehead with an audible *smack* - Damn, both Celi and I forget to think about what to say or do if a magical accident happens or sees the girls transform, *shigh* "I'll talk to her as soon as I'm done, now all that remains is to take care of the new student, take her to her classroom, inform her, alocate her and present her." -she look at the watch on her wrist- "sHe should already be waiting at the entrance as instructed."

When she reached the entrance, her heart was not prepared for what she found.

HOW CUTE!!! Looks like a giant doll!! NO! Calm down! Bad Luna, Bad Luna!

When she managed to calm her thoughts and control her desire to pinch the girl's cheeks, the vice principal spoke up.

"Ahem, good morning, you must be… Fujiwara Shizu, correct?"

The girl turned to face her and the first thing Luna noticed was how cute she was, the second thing she noticed was the patch over her right eye, the answer she received was a simple nod accompanied by a barely audible sound.


At the short answer and the completely expressionless face, the deputy director could only blink in reaction.

"Weeeell, please follow me," -Luna started walking through the corridors and while she was followed by the new student, she continued giving directions- "we will go to the directress office first to assign you your class role, after that, we will give you an introduction to what Canterlot High is, as well as what can be found in it, we will introduce you to the teachers between hours and then you will be taken to your first class for today."


When they got to the office, Luna began preparing the new student's schedules, while Celestia gave her the full introductory course.

"That would be it for our school, do you have any questions?"


* Riiiiiiiiiinnnnnng *

"At this moment the second hour is beginning, the vicedirectress Luna should be with your sister, there is no time to lose, let's go."

The directress finished by standing up, an action that was imitated by Shizu while answering.


After a brief pause for some to clean themselves, all the representatives were back in the main meeting room.

"Well, we were practically finished before the interruption, are there any other questions?"

Out of everyone present, only the Dragonlord Ember dared to raise her hand.

"Yes, Queen Ember."

"I would just like to ask one more thing, *Glup* your highness, who are you really? I mean, not even the god of chaos Discord is capable of standing between death and who is yet to meet it."

*Shigh* "Well, since I reveal some of my power to you, I don't need to keep hiding my face." Or the lack of the same hehe.

The gloves unraveled into specks of Light and skeleton hands full of rings were revealed underneath, the chest of the robe split open and a rib cage with a red orb floating where the stomach should be, and finally a bony hand could be seen removing the mask and like the gloves, it disappeared, red flames floated where the eyes should be, under the mask there were only bones, the reaction was as expected.

*GHASPH* (collective)

The Overlord spread his arms to his sides and exclaimed:

"You will never find someone like me in history, in this world there has never been another like me, I am the master of life and death, I am the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown!"