• Published 9th Aug 2021
  • 5,080 Views, 304 Comments

Ainz Ooal Gown in Equestria - zakan

Instead of get trowed out of the server in the last day of Yggdrasil, Satoru got to a world full of... ¿ponies?; ¿how will react the inhabitants of Equestria to the coming of an undead of the higest order?

  • ...

Visiting the Neighbors

Author's Note:

First of all My Little Pony was created and is owned by Hasbro and Lauren Faust, Overlord is owned by Kugane Murayama and are not mine, this is a fan story made with the intent to entertain and if it's possible steal you a smile.

English it's not my mother language, so please, if you catch some grammar mistake, or you have some suggestion for better puns or double meaning words to replace the ones already used put it in the comments and I will see if I can make it work.
DK = Death Knight
ES = Emotional Suppressor

'magical or technological communication'
*sound effect or onomatopoeia*

If someone is interested in the pics created for the story, you can visit my Deviantart zakan1298434

Well, I can't express how much I appreciate your support, thanks a lot for read my work, hope that you like my humble work.

It was a beautiful morning in Poniville, and for the princess of friendship it was a great morning, all the preparations for the festival were ready, and she still had time to correct any details that might arise before starting the mobilization of everything, so she no longer had the pressure of planning on his shoulders, however, the real reason why she managed to rest was that Filthy Rich had finally stopped whining his complaints and accusations against Momon Shade and his company Yggdrasil.

When she came downstairs for breakfast, after washing up and getting ready for the day, she was greeted by Spike.

"!Good Morning!"

"Good morning, Twilight ... I see that this time you did manage to rest, today if you seem up beat."

The alicorn took a seat at the table, while her assistant/brother/son served for both of them.

"Well, that's because tonight I no longer had the pressure to check the preparations to make sure everything was in order, and the constant complaints from Filthy Rich has finally stopped."

"Rich was complaining?, why?"

"Hughh, you wouldn't believe it, he's been bringing me complaints and requests, at least twice a week, since Yggdrasil opened!"

"Wow, really? but if Momon is a good guy, and Nabel is beautiful∼ ahem, well not as much as Rarity, but she is cute."

Said the little dragon blushing, fortunately for him, the alicorn was so focused on the food that he missed that slip, which consisted of margarita sandwiches, alfalfa milkshake, and a fresh salad accompanied by an omelet stuffed with mushrooms for the alicorn; pancakes topped with sapphire chunks and whipped cream, a banana smoothie, and a fresh salad with ruby ​​topping for the little dragon.

"Mmmhmm∼ The food is delicious, you have surpassed yourself Spike, sorry I was distracted, what were you saying?"

"I said, continue with the story!" –The young dragon rushed to cover his previous slip, completely.- "Ahem, and thank you, I was worried because of how tired you looked these last days."

"How considerate, thank you very much! Well, as I was saying, the first thing he brought was a complaint, claiming that Momon took away a piece of land that he had already set aside, I lost all day at the mayor's office reviewing documents, to finally find that there were, not, even, a single document or record that told he had given at least a penny as payment for that land, a few days later he accused the mayor of giving him favoritism for his appearance, I lost a full whole day checking that all the transactions between the mayor's office, and Yggdrasil were in order, which gave zero suspicious or incriminating results "

* Munch, munch, munch, sluuurp, glup, aaah * (after all they are having breakfast lol)

"Then for almost 15 days in a row he was speaking badly and insinuating that there were shady things in Momon's finances, until he made a full accusation, claiming that he was 'cheating' his clients with the 'credit' he offered them, I spent all nights, for a whole week, checking all their credit contracts to date, and the only thing I found was that the system that I create is not only user-friendly, it is also completely solid, financially speaking, I am sincerely impressed. "

* Munch, munch, munch, suuurp, glup, aaah *

"The following week, he made accusations of illegal practices and/or fake prices, and again I found nothing in either case, after that, his accusations got crazier and crazier."

* Munch, munch, munch, suuurp, glup, aaah *

"That same weekend, he accused him of having his workers threatened with their contracts, I lasted five days, reviewing each, and every one of his contracts, and you know what I found?!"

"Eeemmm, nnnothiiinng?" -Spike answered uncertainly-

"Ha, Rich would have liked that better! I found not only that they were honest, but also that their employees have the best benefits in all of Equestria!"

"Wow, seriously?"

* Munch, munch, munch, suuurp, glup, aaah *

"Yes, probably the only workers with better benefits are those who work at Canterlot Castle, the week before I went to see Princess Celestia, do you know what he was accusing him of?"

"From some kind of fraud?" asked the dragon starting to see a pattern.

"No, he dared to accuse him of controlling his employees with magic!"

"And I guess you didn't find anything again."

"You're wrong, this time I did find something."

"Huh?" Spike was stunned to hear this statement.

"While doing interviews and reviews with a large number of their employees, I found some discomfort as Filthy Rich had been trying to convince and/or bribe them to reveal administrative issues, so the last three days that I was in Canterlot, I was trying to not think about Rich's accusations.

* Munch, munch, munch, suuurp, glup, aaah *

"When I came back, went straight to deliver the princess summons to Momon Shade's shop, while getting out, I ran into Rich again, and what he said at that moment was the last straw."


"See you later, come back soon."

As the princess of friendship came out of the store, Nabel's almost monotonous voice said goodbye to her, as she walked towards her castle, while being flanked by her solar guard escort, was walking a little downcast, she hoped to have the opportunity to see Momon (thing that she didn't tell Spike), had barely gone a couple of streets when she ran into Filthy.

"Aaah, Princess Twilight, I'm glad I found you."

Hugh, not again "Good afternoon Filthy Rich."

"I have learned something that I thought should be reported to you personally as soon as possible!"

With what is going to come out now, "What is it about?"

"I have reason to believe that the owners of the new store are Changelings or some kind of-"

"Rich, stop it."

"But I am-"

"I have said, enough! I am already tired of hearing your unfounded accusations, which have only made me lose a lot of time! If it weren't for the advice that Momon Shade gave to my friends, on the train trips in which they crossed paths, I would not even be close to finishing the preparations for the friendship festival, and there is barely a month left! I had enough of your envy against the new merchants, and your whines because their products are of the same quality or better than yours, or because they have a better head for business than you."

"Princess, it offends me that you sug-"

"Lieutenant Comet Dust!"

"At your orders Princess."

"Notify your guard, and Lieutenant Solar Flare, if one more unfavorable comment or innuendo is heard from Filthy Rich's mouth, relating to Yggdrasil or its owners or any of its employees, he will be immediately arrested, under the charges of libel, attempted bribery and attempted corporate espionage, and will be sent to court before Princess Celestia."

Hearing this, the owner of 'Barnyard Rich Opportunities' widened his eyes and his ears folded close to his skull.

"That's right, I'm well aware of what you've been trying to do Rich, that's all Lieutenant, make sure you inform all your men and send a notification to Canterlot before the day is out."

"As ordered princess"

With this the princess turned and withdrew, leaving behind a Filthy Rich in total shock.


"Wow, did you truly do it? I would have liked to see it!, this is the first time you have imposed your authority as a princess!"

The little dragon was surprised and regretted that he had not accompanied her.

"To tell the truth, I felt really bad after I thought about it on the way back, when I got to the castle I told the lieutenant that it was all words and that I was canceling the order."

Said the alicorn with a bit of pity.

"Well, he doesn't know that, so it probably won't bother you anymore."

After this they finished their breakfast in calm, when they finished, between the two they cleared the table, when they were finishing cleaning they knocked on the door.

* Knock knock knock *

"Go ahead."

"With your permission princess, there is a merchant at the entrance requesting an audience."

Aaah Rich surely comes to complain, * sigh * well it doesn't matter, i have finally rested enough, I think at this moment I can handle the situation better than yesterday.

"Okay, bring him into the hall on the right, I'll be with him in a moment."

The guard saluted and went out to carry out his orders.

* Sigh * "Well let's finish cleaning first."

As soon as she was free, the princess of friendship went to meet her visitor, when he saw her coming, the guard at the entrance (a unicorn) gave a salute and using his magic opened the door, she nodded to thank him, and entered the room but who received her, was the last one he expected to find.

"Ah, Princess Twilight, good morning."

* POMF *

Standing next to the hall table was Momon Shade, she was speechless and static for a moment blushing slightly.

"I apologize, but… is it a bad time for my visit? If so, I will leave immediately."

"Huh?" -This question brought her out of a trance, she controlled her wings and rushed to answer.

"Oh, nonono, it's nothing like that, it's just that I thought it was a different pony, that's all hehe."

She took a seat and indicated to Momon to take a seat as well to start talking, when they just got seated, the little dragon entered with tea and cookies.

"Thank you very much, Spike."

"No problem Twilight." -with this the princess's assistant retired-

"Well tell me, how can I help you Momon Shade?"

"I have come to talk about that summon that you brought yesterday to my store, have come to tell you that I am very grateful for this opportunity and in turn that we have no problem with attending it as it is scheduled, in addition, I would like to point out that I want to bring some presents for the princesses and a helper. "

"That would be perfect, I'm sure there will be no problem in this regard, and taking advantage of the fact that you are here, allow me to apologize and also thank you."

"Mhm, why is that?"

"First I apologize for the inconvenience that Filthy Rich caused you with his unfounded accusations, yesterday I put him a stop, if he speaks badly of you again, that will have serious consequences for him."

"That is no problem, it is normal for those who do not achieve what they want to look at those who succeed with jealousy."

"Wow, what a centered way of looking at things..."

Realizing that she said it instead of thinking about it, she hastened to continue.

"Ehem also, I wanted to thank you for the help you give to my friends on the train trips they crossed paths with you, your advice saved them a lot of time, if it weren't for them, we wouldn't have finished with all the preparations for the friendship festival, to tell the truth, I had planned to stop by your shop in the afternoon to bring it up, but since you took the time to come here personally I didn't see a reason not do it to at this moment."

"Oh right, now that you talk about your friend, the polychromatic maned Pegasus, is she okay? I remember that she crashed very hard last week."


Rainbow Dash, the Pegasus captain of the Ponyville weather team, was finishing stretching early in the morning, standing on a cloud some 400 meters above sea level.

"Great, I finally have some time to practice, I didn't think it would be so long and boring to coordinate so many teams to lend just one of their members ... well with the warm-up over, it's time to get serious."

With this the Pegasus jumped from the cloud in which it was and began with speed exercises, after multiple laps around the town, then began to do fine control maneuvers and ended with rapid descent, recovery, and ascent exercises, she decided that the end of her third series, will do a sweep through the center of town, and take a look at the new store, as he had heard, they already had other things besides furniture, so he changed his last series for descent, recovery, and landing.

The descent passed without any problem, and she was almost at the recover mark, but as she approached the store, saw the hottest stallion that had ever seen come out of it, with this second of distraction, in which his wings stiffened, she missed the time to switch to landing, and instead of slowing down, she spun uncontrollably until she crashed squarely into the fountain in the central plaza a couple of streets away.

The impact, broke the upper part of the statue and it fell on the pegasus, Momon and other residents rushed to help it, he removed the statue, and took her out of the fountain, seeing her injuries, the owner of the new store, decided to put her in a more comfortable position, being between his hooves, Dash regained consciousness for an instant, in which she just blushed quite a bit, said a line and fainted again.

"Ughn… * Blush * not cool." *Fainting*


"Oh, yeah she's feeling better, she'll probably be discharged next week."

In addition, now she is the envy of all the Poniville mares, after all, she is the only one who has been in that position with you, and above all, wet! The paramedics found many traces of blood, and all were far from the fountain, * sigh * I'm envious, I missed it !.

"After all, it's not the first time she's hurt like this, she's always doing dangerous stunts, hee hee, but this is the first time that got hurt for this reason, hee hee."

"Is this the first time she had crashed into a fountain?"

"Not at all, but it's the first time she's crashed for having a wingboner…" * POMF *

Seeing Momon's neutral face, Twilight realized what she had just said, and turned red as a tomato as her wings rose.

"A wing… boner?"

"Ehem, well, errr it's something that happens to pegasi from time to time when they ... ahem they get really 'excited', hehehe."

Sorry Dash.

"Oh ... I ... I see, well, in that case, tell her please that I send him my best wishes and hope she will recover soon."

"Of course, it will not be a problem, I will deliver your message the next time I visit her."

After crossing a few more polite words and unimportant topics, Momon was about to withdraw and Twilight decided to ask a question that she couldn't get out of her mind.

"Hmmm… if it's not a bother… I'd like to ask you a question that has been hanging around me since the Dash incident… can I?"

"But of course princess, ask, and if it is within my knowledge I will answer you with pleasure."

(Since this is a memory of Twilight, she doesn't know what Ainz is thinking, but at this moment he's in the direction of, ' shit shit shit, what are you going to ask me, was it a mistake to have helped her, did she know something? have I spoiled Demiurge's plans, is my vacation over? ')

"Well ... um, you see I heard from several ponies who saw you help my friend ... that you alone removed the fountain, and it's not light at all, it usually takes at least 2 unicorns to lift it with magic, but ... they all say you lifted it with your hoofs. "

At this point, the princess was practically a beacon of so much embarrassment.

"H-how are you so, s-strong?"

Ainz sighed in relief, (not that he showed it, of course).

"Oh that, as I mentioned when we met, I am not very good with magic, but that has nothing to do with how much I have but rather with how much I have learned, I am sure that having reviewed my papers you will be aware that I lived in Minos for a long time, didn't you? "

"That's right."

"My strength developed since I didn't use my magic, I did everything to ha-hoof, so living in a society where physical strength is something to be recognized, I cultivated mine to this point. "

"I understand, yes, that makes sense, I'm sorry I took so much time, it was a pleasure to have/receive you!."

"The pleasure was all mine, so if you'll excuse me I must make arrangements to travel to Canterlot this coming Monday."

"Of course there is no problem, on the contrary, I thank you for taking the trouble to come personally to give me the answer, will notify Princess Celestia that you will be able to attend without complications"

"Then we'll see you later Princess Twilight"

Making a small courtesy, Ainz withdrew, the rest of the week passed without incident, the necessary preparations were made and the journey began.

Traveling by train to Canterlot and traveling in a first-class cabin, Momon and Nabel met.

Well apparently everything is progressing according to Demiurge's plan that he thinks is mine, but man, I was surprised the other day ... had it not been for the emotional suppressor, I would have screamed in surprise, at first, it would have been when immersed In the conversation I drank from the tea they served me, and I was truly able to drink it!, although it did not taste anything to me or gave me any benefit, I must be careful, apparently the body obtained with the ring can perform the organic functions that it should, when I tried to urinate in the private bathroom of my room in Nazarick, I was able to do it! Although not much, probably only an amount close to what I drank; But when I got most nervous, it was when the princess explained to me about the 'wingboner', I felt something that I had not felt since I arrived in this world, something terrifying, something that Albedo must not find out, under any circumstances! I cannot allow her to find out that this body is capable of having an erection! With the princess, the suppressor of emotions, and the fact that I am not a zoophile saved me from the embarrassment, so I must try to never use the ring carelessly inside Nazarick.

"Narberal, get ready, we're almost here in Canterlot."

"As ordered, Ainz-sama"

"Hanzo." -A ninja came out of the shadows and knelt in front of 'Momon'-


The pony-transformed Overlord dipped his hoof into his inventory and pulled out a red scarf.

Wow, we still haven't discovered how it is possible to manipulate things with the hooves without them falling off, I hope we find out someday.

"Take this scarf and tie it to your arm, you will be the leader of this infiltration unit, after our stay, you will be left behind, your job will be to keep an eye on all the figures of interest, you will not interfere with anything that happens and you will report everything, also, you will make sure that the princesses 'gifts' are always unobstructed. "

"Yes, as ordered!"

Huh… its just me or does he look very happy for some reason?

When they reached Canterlot, a carriage was waiting for them to take them to the castle, behind them a cargo cart transported the gifts, the entire journey was covered without problems or delays, upon reaching the castle they were escorted to the throne room.

Woow, this place is very well done, the doors are quite big, the sky is high… although it is true that it does not hold a candle to Nazarick, it is still very beautiful.

In front of him, at the back of the room were the diarchy of Equestria on their respective thrones, these were located on a staircase of about 8 steps and there were small fountains on the sides of the platform, when arriving in front of the thrones Momon and Nabel were at the head, while Pandora who had taken the form of Swift Ride, an employee of the Yggdrasil company, was a little further behind along with an escort of Pegasus and unicorns who brought them, the three of them bowed deeply, and After receiving permission to get up, Momon spoke up.

"You can get up" -said the monarch of the sun-

"Princesses, diarchy from all over Equestria, I am deeply grateful that we were granted the honor of being personally invited to your court."

"Your words are the most appropriate for a situation like this, but, you are asked to relax your posture, this is not an official congregation."

Pointed in a calm voice the monarch of the moon.

"Relax my little ponies, with the request that we meet if possible, I intended to denote with the letter sent that this was not an official meeting, although, I intend to congratulate you on the success of your business, if you continue to expand like this, you will soon be indispensable for Equestria. "

Celestia spoke in her usual motherly tone.

"I doubt that I will be so successful, but still appreciate your kind words."

"The reason why I requested your presence here today was that we had desires and curiosity to meet the one of whom my former student and fellow princess speak with such high esteem and as a filly in love, from what I see she is not without reason, this stallion is probably the most handsome I have met in a long, long, long time however, I only know two names, would you mind telling me who is accompanying you?"

"Excuse my manners, he is Swift Ride, he won the award for the most outstanding employee of the month in the transportation branch, and it seemed like a good idea to bring him, he is not only to function as an assistant who will carry the presents that we brought for the both of you but also, for spending the day with us during this visit, as if it were a third partner of my company."

"I find this a wonderful recognition for an employee who works hard."

Celestia said happily with Momon's answer.

"If you don't mind? I'd like to see those presents, we heard from the fair Twilight that your designs are wonderful; guards, bring the presents that young Swift Ride brought here."

Momon turned his gaze towards Pandora and gave his directions.

"Swift, please accompany the guards and give them the necessary instructions to handle them properly, we cannot give the princesses a product in poor condition."

The bone-colored unicorn said to his other companion with a kind but serious tone.

Pandora gave a quick salute and left after the guards, shortly after, she returned with 4 unicorn guards, who carefully levitated both furniture, concentrating their auras on the base and backrest, both were covered with large silk cloths, and while Momon presented them, Swift discovered them.

"Since Princess Luna was the one who requested it, it will be your first, an indigo and onyx dressing table, engraved with jasmine and orchid designs, adorned with white gold and pearls."

When the furniture was uncovered, Luna sucked in surprise and covered her wide-open mouth with her hooves.

"For Princess Celestia, a dresseing table in Pure White with pearl-gray accents, engraved with carnations and tulips, adorned with gold and amethysts."

When the furniture was discovered, like his sister, she inhaled and covered his mouth, because the engravings were both defined and delicate, the ornaments were of good taste and with an excellent design.

"I can certainly say that this is only the second time that Twilight falls short in her words to describe something, I think saying wonderful would not do justice to their design, I'm afraid that even saying artwork would probably not be enough, just there are no suitable words. "

She turned to see her sister and they both nodded.

"We wholeheartedly accept the presents from those who give us, now, what do you think if we go to the dining room to continue with the talk?"

Momon looked at his companions, none of them had any objection.

"There is no objection from us, after your Highnesses."

Before leaving, Luna made sure the dressers were moved to a suitable location.

"Guards, call the servants, place bot of our presents in our respective chambers, be sure to pass the young Swift Ride's instructions."

Two of the guards who had brought the furniture to the throne room, gave a salute and retired to carry out their orders, while the princesses and their guests left for the royal dining room, where they engaged in light talk, enjoyed After the hors d'oeuvres, they talked about Yggdrasil's achievements, their broad plans for the company and their future participation in the friendship festival, when they finished, they returned to the throne room and Momon said goodbye to the princesses.

"Well then, with your permission, we are retiring Your Highnesses, I will open a Yggdrasil branch in Canterlot, as soon as I find the right place for it."

"When you do, we assure you that we will be your first customers."

Luna said with encouragement.

"Then I'll make sure to send you an invitation to the opening jejeje."

"We wish you success and a safe journey."

Celestia said goodbye politely.

After her guests left the diarchy finally exchanged words.

"Well, what do you think Lulu?"

*Sigh* "He is handsome, mysterious, and polite, if he had shown the slightest interest, I would have offered him to spend the night in the castle, more specifically in my intimate company."

"You've always been very promiscuous, to tell the truth, I'm surprised you didn't generate a bloodline."

The sun monarch said with a playful tone.

"That's because the fun was always worth more than the commitment."

Luna answered with a tone equal to that of her sister and showing the tounge to the latter.

"If not for the fact that I already started a bloodline, I certainly wouldn't mind starting it with him."

Back in their hotel room, Momon and Nabel were about to go out to 'search' for possible locations for the new location when Ainz received a [Message].

* Pirip, pirip, pirip * Mhm, what is it Albedo? ... something interesting? ... hooo, I see, if it is definitely something that I have to deal with personally, prepare everything for a meeting tonight."

Hearing the words of his master, when he finished speaking Naberal asked:

"Do you wish to retreat to Nazarick, Ainz-sama?"

"No, there is still time, when we finish the evaluation I will take care of receiving our… 'guest'."

Everfree forest depths, southwest side, morning.

A voice with a slight reverberation sounded annoyed, its owner had not only had a bad night, but she had also had a bad week, a bad month, in short, she had not had a good day since her moment of greatest misfortune, and she had not just a day without remembering, hating and cursing those who caused all his problems, and today was no different.

"Aarrgh, you stupid and annoying forest! * huuuff *, but I have already started to obtain the necessary materials to carry out my plan, I just have to hold on a little longer and then, finally, yeah, I'll finally get my revenge! HAHAHA!"

"Ooooh, I see, so that's why you've been stumbling all over the forest, jijijijij"

His monologue was interrupted in the most abrupt and unexpected way, his posture tensed, his reflective dark carapace clicked with his movements, the pierced hooves parted slightly, his membranous wings buzzed menacingly, his head was slightly lowered as she tilted his horn slightly. forward, all this in the span of a few seconds.

"Who is there? ... who dares to mock Queen Chrysalis?"

"Queen? Aren't you more like a worker?"

The mocking voice with a childish tone answered him.

"Get out from wherever you are, brat, if the beasts of the forest did not tear you apart, I'll do it myself!"

* Fooosshh * Chrysalis was enveloped in a green flare and when it disipated, there stood what would normally be known as a Gryphon, letting out of its beak a roar interspersed with the screech of an eagle; that moment will be something she remembered as her worst mistake for the rest of her life.

Out of sight, on a tanned face, with heterochromatic eyes, a predatory smile emerged.

"Tell me 'queen', are you one of the beings known as Changelings?"

Chrysalis was taken by surprise, the last thing she expected was a calm response, this made her regain her composure and pay more attention.

"You know, my master ordered me to capture unknown creatures, previously i have got a sample of all the creatures of Equestria, but one always evaded capture."

Chrysalis was beginning to worry, whatever the creature that was speaking to her was not a simple filly, even when it continued speaking, she could not locate it, it was as if her voice was coming from everywhere.

"Of course it wasn't because they were very skillful or powerful, it was because my master set rules for the capture, and they were always very cautious, but you? Yes, I can capture you without breaking the rules hahaha. "

She returned to his original form, around her everything tasted like fear, but there seemed to be nothing that was causing it, a chill ran down Chrysalis's back, from the tail to the tip of his horn.

This creature, whatever it is, is dangerous, I must escape immediately!

Just when this thought crossed her mind, felt something settle on her neck, the next thing she knew was that his snout tasted like mud and mold, she turned her head a little and managed to see it, a bipedal creature, dressed in a strange outfit, it seemed to have hair only on the head, it was keeping her on the ground with only one paw, and even though she was larger than the creature she could not move it.

* Creeeeak * *! Crack! *

Chrysalis eyes widened, the creature was breaking its shell, the last thing he saw was when it raised the other closed paw, after that his world turned to darkness.

Nazarick's Great Tomb, Fifth Floor, Frozen Prison.

"Huh, what? Where am I? It's very cold here, that's... is that... ice?... did they bring me to the frozen north? That's not possible, that's almost three days away by train from downtown Equestria, I would have woken up several times. "

She passed her hoof around her neck… she found nothing, she breathed in relief, but the next instant tensed again.

* Fuuuu * "...! Nothing!? How can there be nothing? Without the healing wax, a fissure takes at least a week to heal! it is not possible that I lasted almost a month unconscious and not starve to death!"

Queen Changeling continued to ruminate on her situation until exhaustion, after a few hours, the cold began to take its toll on her, then she felt a presence approaching her cell, the closer it got, the clearer the emotions that projected became, and The greater the fear that seized her, she could perceive happiness, and much, she tasteed pride, greed, and darkness, a very deep one that reeked of malice and sadism, with a tinge of death and despair that had permeated this individual, and that was what terrified her the most.

What is it that is approaching?, Whatever it is, it means serious problems, no, that is to belittle it, this thing may well destroy everything around it, then set it on fire and laugh while standing in the center, my magic did not work since I woke up, but they have not taken it from me, I can still feel it, maybe this cell is made of a material similar to my old throne, if things are that way, my only option is to attack it as soon as the door gets open, this thing will regret having messed with Chrysalis!

The only entrance and exit of the cell were opened calmly, the former changeling queen, launched the attack ready to use her fangs on the creature, and when it was just at the door, and Chrysalis was in her second step...

[Kneel] * GRRruuughhhh * (sound of Chitin scraping on the ground, like a heavy acrylic box on rough ground)

"AAaaaarrrggh!, what the Tartarus is wrong, why can't I stand up?! What it did to me?!"


"Mmmph… MMHmmhmmn!"

"Goodnight 'queen' of the Changeling, or should I say ex-queen?"


"Come on, there is no reason to be so surprised, why would we capture you if we did not know at least something about you? But hey, we can leave the talk for later, right now my master wants to see you, so we must hurry, [Stand], [Follow me] "

Chrysalis could not understand, the chitin on her legs hurt when she walked, but she could not stop, she wanted to shout obscenities at the creature in front of her, but she could not make a single sound, however, it was not about mind control, her head was clear and could hate him without restraint.

Then how am I following all his orders!?

She was so concerned to understand what was happening that she did not realize that they had reached the bottom of the endless stairs, the creature had made sure that nothing was burned in her mind with a single instruction, this was canceled a while after starting to descend 'Focus your Attention on Me', was all the creature said, while trying to understand how, she was brought out of its reflective state when a very luxurious carpet began to appear under her hooves, even without being very understood on the subject of furniture, one thing was clear, not even Celestia had a rug like this, this revelation forced her to look up and what she found was even more impressive, upon seeing her reaction, the creature again spoke to her.

"This place is called 'the lesser key of Solomon', and it is just the preamble to the throne room."

Then at the end of the corridor she saw it, a gigantic double door, solid and magnificent in appearance, the engraving was so vivid that it seemed that it could move, when they arrived in front of them, they opened without the slightest difficulty or make the slightest sound of friction, something that the former queen did not ignore, as soon as she could see what was on the other side, she would have been speechless even without the creature's order.

It was a room with gigantic columns adorned in marble and gold, chandeliers with multi-colored gems, however, what most caught her attention were the bipedal creatures at the back of the room, among all, for her two figures stood out, the First it was an insectoid like her, but this one was bipedal even though it had six limbs, with the two on its right side it held a huge halberd, from its back two protrusions that seemed to be formed of ice emerged, a wide repertoire of emotions was in the air, from hatred to curiosity.

And what most caught her attention was what appeared to be a corpse that was placed on the imposing throne at the back of the room.

Eeeeh, what is this about? Is it that perhaps the master of these creatures has a morbid sense of humor or do they just hallucinate that their dead boss keeps giving them orders?

They were all formed in a column on the left side of the room, she was led to the front of the throne, where she was prostrated and forced to bow her head, then the creature in the red suit spoke.

"Ainz-sama, I have brought her as ordered."

"Good job Demiurge, hmm ... I'll need her to be able to turn to look at me directly and speak."

To the utter surprise and horror of Chrysalis, the corpse, or what was to be just a pile of bones, moved and spoke, now that she paid more attention to it was able to notice the small red flames that were in the sockets of the skull, no emotion emanated from it, then she understood, the leader of these creatures was not wearing a disguise or a puppet, it was a lifeless existence, something she only remembered from ancient stories, the creation of a Necromancer.

"As you order, [You can raise your head], [You can speak]"

"Haa, heee, haaa ... Who the hell are you?, Necromancy was banned from Equestria and practically everwere for millennia! Even today only a few know that it ever existed, who the hell are you mo-? "

Chrysalis's words were cut off abruptly, she felt like she was suffocating, an enormous pressure that turned her stomach and constricted her lungs paralyzed her, the various emotions in the room changed in an instant, the only thing she perceived in the air was hatred and murderous cravings, something she had never felt, it was the latter that seemed to threaten to crush her at that very moment, but a single word stopped it all.

"Enough," Said the Overlord with a calm voice without hurry.

"We are very sorry, Ainz-sama, but this stupid creature was about to insult you!"

"That may be the case Albedo, but simply killing her is useless, besides, only a fool heeds the tantrums of a spoiled infant."

"You are right, I beg your pardon for our recklessness."

"Mmh, it doesn't matter at all, now."

The ex-queen was just beginning to regain her composure and breath when they spoke to her again.

* Pant, pant, pant * those creatures were going to kill me * pant * just for trying to insult their leader, and just with their presence!, I have to be-

"Ex, Queen Chrysalis, my name is Ainz Ooal Gown, I am not just a necromancer, I am what is known as an undead of the highest bloodline, I am an Overlord."

"Overlord? I've never heard of anything like this… wait, undead, does that mean you're truly a lifeless being?!"

"That's right, longevity is a concept that does not apply to me, now, we could continue chatting all night, but I prefer to go straight to the point, we have managed to understand all the races around us, except one … The changelings, to tell the truth, we already know a lot about you, where you are located, what is your social structure and how many there are approximate, however, they have managed with some success, to prevent us from getting a 'sample' to study it, or so It was until today, but having you here today we can identify a quite marked difference compared to the rest of your race, which leaves us with two questions of interest, the first is ... Why? "

"And w-what i-is the second question?" * GLUP *

"What part of you will allow us to understand and assimilate your transformation magic?"

The blood in the queen's entire body seemed to freeze at the same time, she could almost have sworn that even her heart stopped, in the next instant her blood was boiling and her heart was beating at a thousand a minute, but not with rage, which she felt was an absolute terror

"! PPPPP-ppppart !, t-they are going to kill me, they are going to kill me! they are going to kill me! AAAAAaah" * Nngh, nngh * no, no, please no, no !, NO! "

She wanted to flee with all her might, but her body did not obey her, nothing from the neck down responded, which perhaps was not so bad, otherwise, she would have been soiled by the terror that felt by the causality with which her death was mentioned.

"[Silence]" * mmmpf, nnngh *

"Thank you, Demiurge."

"There's no need to give them Ainz-sama."

"Former queen Chrysalis, being an undead, I have all the time that exists, (he change to a serious and threatening tone) but that does not mean that my patience is infinite, now listen carefully, and answer only when asked let him do it, do you understand? "

Aaaaaha, I knew it would end this way, Demiurge is quite cruel to anyone other than Nazarick, well, I must continue, I do not wish to ruin 'his' participation in 'my' master plan, I hope the aura of despair has not been too much exaggerated.

Meanwhile in the head of the changeling queen.

What the heck was that, it was as if his presence was devouring everything around him for a moment!

* Nod, nod, nod, nod * Clearly.

"Excellent, you will see what awaits you will depend entirely on your choices, so these are your options, you will swear allegiance to me and you will comply with any order you receive, as well as the intention behind said order to perfection, or you can take the second option, with this you will not have to follow any order, you will simply exist. "

So my options are a slave or a prisoner, you don't give me many options, don't you think?

"As you may have already noticed, my subordinates are not exactly the compassionate type, so I can assure you that your stay in our care will be really long, furthermore, our healing magic is very good, so I can assure you that you will accompany us. As long as your natural life lasts, the first gives you relative freedom of movement, the second leaves you in the hands of my guardians. "

"Now tell me, what is your choice? Demiurge."

"Yes, [You can speak]"

"Does that mean my options are prisoner or slave then?" Chrysalis asked with some displeasure and fear.

"It's Ainz Ooal Gown-sama for you, you filthy creeping bug!" -growled angrily the overseer of the guardians- "You are being offered an unimaginably generous opportunity, I will not allow you to disrespect the Supreme Ruler of Nazarick you-!"

"Enough Albedo, that's enough."

The thirst for blood coming from what appeared to be some kind of female minotaur, with wings on her waist, almost caused Chrysalis to vomit and pass out, the only thing that prevented her from dirtying herself with fear, was the blockage that prevented her. commanding her body, and just like the previous time, it completely disappeared with the intervention of the skeleton, it was quite obvious that he had absolute control over his subordinates.

"Demiurge, didn't you tell me that it was an intelligent being? It doesn't seem to have enough capacity to reason my words."

The Overlord said nonchalantly when he saw that Chrysalis did not respond.

"I apologize Ainz-sama, certainly this creature does not even reach the edge of the shadow of your intellect, but I consider that the reason for its poor performance is due to being in the presence of a supreme being for the first time."

"Mmhm, certainly the probability that this is the case is very high, then I will be clearer; in the first option there is the possibility of rewards, I am generous with those who give results complying with my will, in the second I will also get everything i want from you whatever if you want or not, but everything you will know for the rest of your natural life, will be an inscrutable pain, I think that with this you should be able to understand it, now what is your decision? "

Slavery or infinite torture? Well, at least that's easier to decide.

The ex-queen thought sarcastically.

At that moment the former queen of the changelings, voluntarily did what she had never done before anyone, tilted her head until she almost brushed the carpet with her mouth for the second time and with tears of bitter defeat in her eyes, she spoke.

"I, *sniff* ex, Queen of the Changelings, Chrysalis CorNigrum *sniff* solemnly swear *sniff* to serve my lord and master Ainz Ooal Gown-sama, be it in war or peace, I swear to bring benefits to your home of power, I swear that I will never betray or harm my lord and master Ainz Ooal Gown-sama, I swear *sniff* to serve in my lord's ranks until the end of my days. "

"Our master is not limited by such trivial things as life and death, you must expand your oath."

The supervisor of the guardians indicated with a cold voice, she did not understand it, but she obeyed anyway.

"And *sniff* I swear, serve my master, even in *sniff* death."

The Overlord rose from the throne spoke with a firm and powerful voice.

"I accept your oath of service, and swear under the name of Ainz Ooal Gown, to ensure the continuity of your natural life, and to mete out punishment or reward as is fair."

walking down the steps of the throne, he stood in front of the prostrate changeling, leaned down, and placed his skeletal hand where his neck and torso met, activating the undead touch that allowed him to infuse negative energy.

"And I swear to bring the worst of suffering to those who abuse my generosity."

* Ghhhen * * Nnnghh * * gaha, ghheeee, huuuuf, ghheee huuuf *

When he released her, she breathed in as if she had just come out of underwater.

"Demiurge, release her."

"As ordered by Ainz-sama [Releasing Control]"

The archdemon rushed to carry out the order while his master returned to his throne, meanwhile, Chrysalis had no presence to recognize anything that was happening around her, she had just gone through the most terrifying sensation that had ever felt in her entire life, she felt her magic and her soul being taken from her body at the same time, the only thing that could bring her out of her stupor were the words of her new master.

"Stand up Chrysalis, from this moment you are one of my subordinates, what you have just felt is a spell with which I have infused you, with which it will be possible for me to find you wherever you are, in case you get lost or are captured, even if you die, I can find your corpse or what's left of it and revive you if your achievements warrant it; do you have any questions? "

The ex-queen could not believe what she had just heard and the expression on her face made it clear.

"R… Rrrrrr-rev-revive me!, Ainz Ooal Gown-sama, do you have the power to revive the dead?!"

"My name is too long to use constantly, I allow you to address me as 'Ainz', and indeed, for me, death is nothing more than another state of being, it can be easily remedied."

This means that if I had chosen the second option, death would not have saved me from torture! * Glup *

"Well then, Aura, Mare."

"Yes Ainz-sama." -they answered in unison-

"Later you will help Crysalis to settle on the sixth floor, she will be under your command for now."



"Yes, Ainz-sama."

"Make sure to inform all residents of the tomb of the new addition."

"It will be done as ordered."

"Now, Chrysalis."

Fearing to cause the wrath of his new master, she decided to imitate those who had already spoken, bowed, and spoke.

"Y-yes, Ainz-sama."

"These will be your first orders, you will share all your knowledge, both tactical and general, then you will participate in the necessary experiments to find out how your abilities can best serve Nazarick."

"A-as you order. "



"You will be in charge of reviewing and documenting all her knowledge, you can use the anteroom of any of the empty rooms for it, if she has questions you can answer them, as long as it is not vital or secret information, regarding the experiments, Remember that she is now under the protection of my name, Titus help you so that you can maximize the results between the two of you, in terms of information, make sure you gather first what may be necessary for the next operations. "

"Ooh I see, so that's what it's about, you're great Ainz-sama, it will be done as you order."

By God Demiurge, give me a break, what did you read between the lines this time, Aaaa, I hope there are no more problems

"Everything must be prepared for a perfect deployment, we have enough time to make any corrections if necessary, Albedo, how are the storm king's movements going?"

"Yes, according to the spies, they are landing what would be the last shipment of supplies right now, our strike troops are positioned and ready to take control of their nation quickly and cleanly."

"Excellent, we will take action to secure all their communication routes, we will do the least possible structural damage... at noon we will take its capital."

"If I may inquire, we will take care of the regents tonight, won't we?"

"Indeed Albedo, but to make sure nothing goes wrong, we will attack the strategic locations closest to their capital, that should make them rally, then we will take care of it."

"I'll make the necessary preparations, that buffoon won't know what hit him until his head rolls."

"Then, if Ainz-sama will allow me, there is only one topic left to discuss."

"Expose it Demiurge."

"Yes, now that Ainz-sama will have his deserved kingdom, I think it would be appropriate, to think of an appropriate title for a supreme being, after all a simple king would not be enough."

"Hmm, I'm not against the idea, let's listen to everyone's suggestions, and then we'll select the most suitable one."

The Overlord turned his gaze to the first to enter the throne room.

"Sebas, what is your opinion?"

"Yes, I think it is not necessary to complicate things, for me a simple king would be enough."


"Yes, it is certain that there will be no female who is not attracted to you, what do you think of the king of love?"

Hearing those unexpected words, Satoru Suzuki's emotion suppressor activated.

(SE)Eeeeee, no, please not Albedo, that's too embarrassing.

Uugh, at first I thought they were just my ideas, but this female is truly a 'fountain' of love and an eruption of lust for the skeleton, even though it's impossible for the skeleton to feel anything. -Chrysalis thought-

With some reluctance that he did not let it be heard in his voice, Ainz continued.


"Yes∼, since it is the maximum representation of beauty, I think the beautiful king would be the most appropriate∼.

Eeeeee, no please, that's even more embarrassing than the previous one. (SE)

Uugh, this one too, but this one is more lust than love, even so, that makes it even more incomprehensible. -Chrysalis thought again-


"Yes, given his immeasurable intelligence, I propose the wise king."

No, no way, if I use it, I will be finished with the first public mistake I make!(SE)

Interesting, respect that could almost be called fanaticism. -reacted the Changeling-


"There is no one stronger than Ainz-sama, I think a mighty king would be the most suitable."

Excellent aura, it is still somewhat embarrassing, but it is much better than the previous ones.

Typical of a brat, easy to impress. - The former queen thought contemptuously-


"Y-yes, th-this, Ainz-sama is very compassionate, I think a merciful king would be appropriate."

It would be a great idea if I just weren't a skeleton.

Whoa, is this brat blind? That thing doesn't have a single ounce of compassion inside of it!

The Changeling's troubled face caught Ainz's attention and then he had an idea.

"Right, since Chrysalis is a resident of Equestria let's hear her opinion."

When she felt the weight of all the gazes on her she cursed her luck and swallowed what was threatening to rise through her throat, took a breath, and spoke nervously.

"Y-yes A-ainz-sama let me, I think I would have to highlight his power over life and death, I think the king of souls could s-serve."

Sensing the approval of everyone around her, she relaxed a bit and breathed in relief.

"Cocytus, you've been very quiet, don't you have any suggestions of your own?" -Asked Albedo to the insect warrior-

"Mmmmh, Ainz-sama will be a king who rules over various species and will crush anyone who opposes him with his incomparable magical power… I think a sorcerer-king would be the most suitable option."

They all turned their eyes to the throne, in the eyes of each one could see the same opinion, there was no better proposal, seeing everyone's expression, the Overlord stood up and expressed his acceptance.

"Very well, then, once our kingdom is established, I will adopt the title of sorcerer-king, you can continue to call me Ainz."

They all prostrated themselves, Chrysalis rushed to imitate them as soon as she saw them move, as they were all on their knees, Albedo spoke on behalf of the rest.

"We received and accepted your orders Sorcerer King, Ainz Ooal Gown-sama!"

"The most powerful king" -The twins said at the same time-

"The king with the greatest wisdom." -Said Demiurge-

"The king with the greatest beauty." -Said Shalltear with eyes of love-

"The most compassionate king." -Said Sebas stoically-

"The king with the most powerful magic." -Said Cocytus-

"The king who dominates life and death" -Said Chrysalis-

"The greatest king of all." -said Albedo-