• Published 2nd Sep 2021
  • 1,040 Views, 26 Comments

Dimensional Tales: Pokemon is Magic - snivygamer97

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and friends explore the Pokemon world while living their lives in Equestria.

  • ...

The Gang Catch Pokemon Part 2 (Edited)

The next morning...

Dawn and Piplup woke up early, with Dawn screaming loudly after a quick look in the mirror. Dawn was quick to get out of her sleeping bag and went into the changing tent.

Ash, the Mane 7, and Iris, along with their Pokemon, were quick to be woken up by the scream and were able to see the duo enter the tent.

"Well...that can't be good," Twilight said.

"I agree. Do you think some angry Pokemon spooked her or something?" Rarity asked.

"If so, then Snivy and I can scare them off!" Rainbow boasted.

"Right...so, what should we do?" Applejack asked.

"Maybe we should check up on Dawn?" Fluttershy suggested. "And if it is the work of an angry Pokemon, we can politely ask them to leave?"

"Hmm...not a bad idea, Fluttershy. Between us to translate, we should be able to solve whatever the problem is. Anyone object?" Iris asked the others, who all had no objections.

"Sounds like a plan! And maybe I can give them a berry as a sign of friendship!" Pinkie Pie said cheerfully.

"Yeah...because that sounds like a good idea," Spike snarked.

"You're welcome!" Pinkie naively said.

"So, who should be the one to ask what is happening?" Twilight asked.

"I'll do it!" Iris decided as she walked over to the tent. “Uh, Dawn? Is there something wrong?” Iris asked.

“You better believe there is something wrong!” Dawn confirmed.

“I bet it must be serious seeing how loudly you yelled," Applejack noted.

"Agreed. So...What’s the matter? Did you see a scary Pokemon or is it related to puberty or something?” Iris asked.

Even though no one could see, Dawn was blushing at Iris’s comment. “What? No! I’m not on my period or anything like that! It’s much worse than that, anyway!”

"What can be worse than an angry Pokemon or a period?" Rainbow asked.

"Maybe she cut herself or got a bad sprain!" Applejack suggested.

"Or maybe she has a bad hair day!" Rarity suggested as the others looked at her.

"Yeah because that sounds reasonable," Iris and Applejack both snarked.

Axew was quick to ask Iris something.

“Oh, you wanna know what a period is? Well, remember when I had blood flowing from my-,” Iris began only for Ash to cover her mouth.

“Can we please not have this conversation right now?” Ash pleaded.

“But Axew-,” Iris tried to argue.

“Can be told this story later. I’d rather not have to hear about sensitive girl business before I even ate breakfast,” Ash said.

"Yeah! I already have to deal with Twilight bleeding once a month for an hour. I don't need to know how else people have them!" Spike agreed.

"I guess periods work differently in your world then?" Ash questioned.

"Typically yes, at least from what I read. But perhaps we-," Twilight began only for Rainbow to interrupt.

"Not that blood talk bothers me, but maybe we should get back to Dawn here?" Rainbow suggested.

"Yeah! We still need to know what's going wrong right now!" Fluttershy agreed.

“To be fair, though, I think I have a pretty good idea what the matter is, Iris,” Ash said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"And y'all couldn't have said something earlier?" Applejack asked.

"No offense, but maybe skip the cynicism and get to finding out what the issue is?" Fluttershy asked.

“Really? Well, that’s good for us. So, what is it?” Iris asked.

“I…I have really bad bed hair,” Dawn admitted.

Everyone fell over comically except for Rarity and Pinkie Pie. "Well, looks like Rarity was right about that!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Oh, the poor dear! Don't worry! We'll help you in any way we can!" Rarity said.

"Are ya serious?" Applejack groaned frustrated.

"Yeah! Messy hair really shouldn't be an issue when we're smack dab in the middle of a forest!" Rainbow agreed.

Iris, meanwhile, was quick to become very frustrated upon hearing what Dawn said, even more so than the others. “Really? Really?! You woke us up very early and acted like it’s the end of the world all because you have some less than perfect hair?!” Iris yelled in disbelief.

“It is a big deal to me! I can’t just walk on out and let other people see my hair in such a state!” Dawn yelled.

“Then just brush it and get out of the tent,” Iris said.

"It can't be that bad! I've helped Rarity and Twilight with their hair a few times. Maybe I can-," Spike suggested.

“No! No one sees my hair! Besides, I-I’m trying, but my stubborn hair isn’t getting into place!” Dawn yelled.

"If that's it, then let one of us in! It's not like you're naked in this world right now!" Rainbow yelled.

"I know but...," Dawn whined.

"Wait. That's a problem here?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Yes. In this world, unlike in Equestria, it is very rude and somewhat illegal to not have clothes on when not in certain designated spots," Twilight confirmed.

“I don't care about all think junk! Right now, Dawn, you’re really acting like an annoying kid right now, you know that?” Iris said before turning her attention to Ash. “Is she always this petty and annoying when it comes to looks?”

"I wouldn't say that...," Twilight defended the girl.

“Yes, she is. With most things she can be fairly mature for her age. But get her mad by insulting her or get in the way of looking pretty and she goes from 1 to 100 very quickly,” Ash answered as Iris sighed.

“Why me? I just happened to have to lead a girl that cares more about her looks than practicality,” Iris groaned.

"I agree. Rarity can get pretty frustrating at times too," Applejack noted quietly.

"Excuse me?!" Rarity protested.

“Uh, Dawn? Do you have any ideas on how to fix your hair? Iris and some of the others are getting annoyed,” Ash asked his best friend.

“I don’t know!” Dawn whined for a moment…until she remembered Piplup. “Of course! Piplup, use Bubblebeam on my hair!” Piplup looked confused, but he complied and did just that. In a moment, the knotted hair ended up being fixed by the water. “ Ah! That’s much better!” Dawn got out of the tent joyfully, showing off her hair.

"Well...looks like we have nothing left to worry about this morning," Fluttershy said.

"Uh huh! Now, let's get on with the mor-," Twilight said, only to be interrupted.

“You couldn’t have thought about that sooner? We’re wasting time on trivial stuff when we could be getting out of the forest or even looking for Pokemon!” Iris yelled.

"You know, I agree! Some of us need to get more Pokemon!" Rainbow yelled.

"Yeah! I wanna make more Pokemon friends!" Pinkie Pie said more innocently.

“Looks are important for a lady, you know!" Dawn protested.

"I agree! I'm surprised not all of my friends think the same way!" Rarity agreed.

"Now, come on! Ash? She’s being ridiculous, isn’t she?” Dawn demanded from her friend.

“A-Actually…Iris has a point. We wasted a good five minutes we won’t get back by focusing on your dumb hair. Next time, don’t make a big fuss about it,” Ash tried to not anger or offend his friend.

"I kinda have to agree with Ash here. I don't like my hair being frazzled either, but I can handle my hair not being perfect most of the time," Twilight said.

“Fine! Anyways, Iris, have you found any berries for breakfast yet? I’m hungry right now,” Dawn calmed down.

“Wow, that was quick,” Iris noted. “Well…I haven’t yet, but I can get more.”

"Oh! Can I help? I wanna be a jungle scavenger!" Pinkie Pie asked cheerfully.

"I'd rather help too! No sense in doin' nothing when I just got up and at em'," Applejack agreed.

"Well...sure! I can use the help!" Iris agreed.

A half hour later…

The group, except for Misty, had gotten dressed and ready to face the day. Iris had managed to get some berries for everyone to eat.

As they ate, everyone moaned in satisfaction.

“These berries are delicious! Thanks so much for the meal!” Dawn complimented as she ate.

“I know! You definitely know your way around the forest,” Ash said.

At this, Iris blushed. “Thanks. But I really just know the basics compared to other people.”

Misty, meanwhile, wakes up to find, in her mind, a nasty surprise. “Ah!” Misty screamed, waking up everyone.

“What’s wrong? What’s happening?” Ash asked as he sprung off of his seat.

“Is it actually something important this time and not something trivial like how you look?” Iris asked.

“Um, maybe not be so rude, please?” Dawn asked, trying to avoid an argument.

“Yeah! So, what's the problem? Is there an angry Pokemon prepared to attack us?” Twilight asked.

“If so, maybe I can talk to them and calm them down,” Fluttershy offered.

“No, it’s much worse than that! Look!” Misty cried out as she pointed into her sleeping bag. Upon looking, the group saw that Ash’s and Fluttershy’s Caterpie decided to sleep next to Misty.

“Oh, right. I remember now. You’re afraid of insect Pokemon. Yet another trivial situation being blown up,” Iris said as she suddenly heard Ash's Caterpie speak. “Also, the boy Caterpie sounds sad that you snubbed him again.”

“Great. So, can we go back to eating now?” Rainbow Dash asked, annoyed to have been interrupted.

“Now, Rainbow Dash. Don’t be so insensitive,” Applejack chided.

“Applejack is right, darling. I mean, I’d probably be scared if I had an unpleasant surprise in my sleeping bag as well,” Rarity agreed.

“Still, why the pair wanted to sleep with Misty specifically, I’m not sure,” Dawn wondered.

“I guess they really like her a lot,” Fluttershy offered.

“Yeah. Sure. They like me! Now, what are these things sleeping near me?" Misty demanded.

“Caterpie just wants to be your friend. Why don’t you give him and his girlfriend a chance?” Ash asked.

“Yeah! I bet they can use their stringy thread to make you a scarf or some other pretty thing!” Pinkie Pie suggested.

"Would that work?" Twilight asked Iris.

"Don't look at me. I don't know everything about Caterpie. I just met them," Iris said.

“I won’t be giving them a chance because they’re gross! If those things want to be my friend, they can stop bugging me already. If you're a Pokémon, get out of my face and into that Pokéball!” Misty demanded.

“Hey! That’s kinda rude, don’t you think?” Twilight said.

“Yeah! The Caterpie just wanted to be nice,” Fluttershy agreed. “Still, if my Caterpie really does bother you…,” Fluttershy turned to her Pokemon and got out her Pokeball. “Caterpie, return.”

“You know, the girls have a point. Misty you are so unbelievable, Caterpie means no harm, why it likes you I'll never know, but you shouldn’t be mean to him and his girlfriend,” Ash said as he shook his head. Suddenly, Caterpie ran off on his tiny stumps. “Caterpie, what’s the matter? Hey, hold on, Caterpie!” At this Pikachu and both Snivy tried to grab Caterpie with a cry. However, the trio failed to stop the sad Pokemon as Caterpie entered the Pokéball.

“Way to go, Misty. You went and hurt the feelings of a Pokémon,” Applejack said.

“Maybe you should apologize to him,” Dawn suggested.

“Feelings? Humph! That thing is gross and I don't care about gross things!” Misty yelled out.

"That's kinda heartless to say, Misty," Iris looked mad.

“Just because something is gross doesn’t mean we should be mean, darling,” Rarity said.

“Yeah! Caterpie is probably crying in his Pokeball all sad because of you!” Pinkie Pie protested.

“I’m not sure that a Pokeball works that way, to be honest,” Twilight said.

“I agree! You shouldn’t be mean to any creature for such petty reasons!” Fluttershy yelled out angrily.

“Uh, maybe we should calm down Fluttershy?” Rainbow nervously asked. “I mean, you can be a bit scary when you’re angry.”

“Either way, the girls are right, Misty! You owe Caterpie an apology! Pokémon have feelings too, you know! Come on, Caterpie. Don’t you worry, someday we’ll show her,” Ash whispered to his Pokemon from the Pokeball.

“I think we should just calm down for now and have ourselves some breakfast. Now, who wants muffins?” Pinkie Pie suggested as everyone else looked at her.

"Wait. How did y'all make muffins without supplies?" Applejack asked.

"Or an oven? IT's impossible!" Twilight cried out.

"Oh, that's easy I went snip snip with the Dimensional Scissors and returned to Viridian City's Pokemon Center. So, who would like to eat?" Pinkie asked once more.

“Oh! I’d love to have some! Are they chocolate?” Rainbow asked.

“I’d rather have blueberry myself,” Rarity said.

"Any would be fine with me. Do you have Oran Berry?" Iris asked for Axew's sake.

“You know what? It actually would be a good idea to sit back and eat before tensions rise anymore. What do you think, Ash?” Dawn asked.

“I think…that would be a good idea. Should I send back out my Caterpie to join us?” Ash asked innocently as his Snivy facepalmed.

“No!” Misty protested. “Not unless that thing and its girlfriend keep their distance!” Misty protested.

“Hey!” Fluttershy yelled.

“Okay, fine. But can you at least try to not hurt their feelings?” Ash asked.

“I think that would be fair,” Twilight said as she grabbed a blueberry muffin and took a bite out of it. Suddenly, another Pokemon shows up and jumps toward Twilight, grabbing her muffin before she could eat more. “What the…?! What was that?” At this point, the Pokemon landed in front of the group and finished up the muffin. The Pokemon was a brown and cream colored bunny, with one ear rolled up. It was… “A Buneary?”

“A what?” Rainbow was confused.

“A Buneary. A Pokemon more commonly found in the Sinnoh region,” Twilight answered as she scanned the Pokemon with her Pokedex. “Buneary, the Rabbit Pokémon. By quickly extending its rolled-up ears, it can launch a powerful attack against its enemies.”

“I wonder what they are doing here,” Ash wondered.

“I don’t know. What I do know is that it is adorable!” Dawn cooed.

“I know, right? They remind me of Angel bunny back home!” Fluttershy agreed.

"I take it that it is another non-Pokemon creature from your possibly made-up world?" Iris asked.

"Well, bunnies are real in our world. They love to hop hop hop!" Pinkie said as she mimicked hopping.

"Great...," Iris responded uncertainly.

“I wanna catch them!” Dawn and Fluttershy said simultaneously only to turn and look at each other awkwardly.

“Y-You know what? Why don’t you catch this one Dawn? I mean, I already have gotten myself a second Pokemon,” Fluttershy tried to be nice in order to avoid conflict.

“No you can have it Fluttershy. If it really is a reminder of your friend then it would be best for you to be the one to catch them,” Dawn declined.

“You wanna draw straws for it? I kinda want her too,” Pinkie Pie suggested as she got out the straws again only for everyone to look at her. “What? The Pokedex says Buneary is female.”

“Um, sure?” Fluttershy agreed.

"That was the weird part of that question?" Iris asked Spike.

"Trust me when I say "it's Pinkie Pie, don't question it," Spike responded.

"Got it," Iris agreed. "So...I guess I'd love to have a cute Pokemon with me, so I guess I can join," Iris decided.

“Um, okay! Anyone else wanna try catching Buneary? I won’t be mad,” Dawn reassured.

“Well… I kinda want to get myself this Pokemon. So, why not?” Rarity agreed.

“I’ll pass. I already have myself a second Pokemon. I’ll be fine,” Applejack declined.

“I am curious about how such a rare Pokemon got here in Kanto. So, sure, I’ll join,” Twilight agreed.

“I think being around her will be enough for me,” Ash decided.

“What about you, Rainbow Dash? You game?” Spike offered. “I’m not really into catching Buneary for myself.”

“Same here, Spike. Cutsie Pokemon don’t really do it for me,” Rainbow declined as her Snivy looked a bit sad for a moment, but she hid it well.

And so, everyone who wanted Buneary drew a straw. In the end, Dawn was the winner.

“So, Piplup, you ready to battle Buneary?” Dawn asked her starter, who nodded in agreement. “Okay then, Piplup attack with your Bubblebeam!” Piplup was quick to launch a torrent of bubbles from his beak. Buneary, however, was quick to leap over the attack with Bounce.

“So, this Buneary knows Bounce then? This’ll be interesting,” Twilight said with a fangirlish squeal.

"Uh huh! It's a good move for avoiding attacks while dealing damage," Iris said.

“Piplup, try to attack once more with Peck! Maybe attacking up close will help!” Dawn cried out. Piplup rushed toward Buneary, hitting Buneary and knocking her back. “Great! Now, hit her with another Peck attack!” Piplup rushed toward Buneary once more only this time Buneary attacked with Dizzy Punch. The attacks clashed a few times, only for Buneary to eventually hit Piplup, causing him to have Torchics appear above his head. “Oh no! Piplup’s confused!”

“Hold on. Why is he confused?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“And why is this a thing? Just keep attacking!” Rainbow Dash protested.

“It won’t work. There’s a strong chance he’ll hit himself,” Spike said.

“But, why?” Applejack asked.

“You see, confusion is a status condition where the Pokemon afflicted won’t be able to fight normally for a while. You can wait a while for them to snap out of it or you can just return Piplup to his Pokeball,” Twilight answered.

"I'd just return him. No sense in wasting time and potentially hurting your Pokemon," Iris said.

"Sounds like a good move to me!" Applejack said.

“Right! Piplup, return!” Dawn recalled Piplup real quick. At this moment, Buneary started to bounce off, with the group running after the Buneary, except for Ash, Rainbow Dash, Iris, Misty, and Spike who were about to follow when suddenly…a bird-Pokemon flew over the smaller group.

“Whoa! A flying Pokemon?! That’s incredible!” Rainbow said in awe.

“I don’t know everything about Pokemon yet. But I guess that flying is impressive,” Spike noted.

“Actually, a lot of Pokemon can fly. I don't see why it's a big deal," Iris shrugged.

"Still, this is great, guys! Pikachu, Snivy, we can catch a Pidgeotto!” Ash cried out as he got his Pokédex out.

“Pidgeotto, an evolved form of the Pidgey. It is armed with sharp claws and dives from the sky to capture its prey. Unlike the more gentle Pidgey, Pidgeotto can be dangerous, approach with extreme caution.”

“That it? I could learn more about her by simply talking to her or being around her for an hour. That Pokedex have anything useful to say?” Iris asked Spike.

“Let’s see.. The Pokedex does say that Pidgeotto can claim territory of more than 100 kilometers, or 60 miles, and they'll defend it fiercely,” Spike answered.

“Do you think we’re in her territory?” Misty wondered.

“Probably, judging by how she sped on by,” Iris answered.

“All right, Pidgeotto. I’ll show you who’s the dangerous one around here,” Ash said as he was about to send out Aipom.

“Let’s get ourselves another Pokemon, Snivy! Pokeball go!” Rainbow Dash threw her Pokeball at the Flying-type. Unfortunately, the Pidgeotto knocks the Pokéball away with ease.

“Um, Rainbow? You can’t just throw a Pokeball on sight,” Ash said.

“But why? It worked yesterday with you and Fluttershy’s Caterpies,” Rainbow noted.

“You don’t get it, do you? You have to make it battle and weaken it first. The only reason Ash and Fluttershy got to catch their Caterpies is because they’re already weaklings,” Misty rudely noted.

"Coulda been nicer, but accurate. The weaker the Pokemon, the easier it is to catch," Iris noted.

“Correct. Pokemon prefer to form bonds with Trainers that have earned respect through battling. Well, at least that is what Twilight said,” Spike added on.

“Oh, right,” Rainbow said as she began to blush.

“Better leave this to Ash. He has a bit more knowledge of this world,” Spike noted.

“Only because he’s lived in it,” Rainbow grumbled.

“Thanks. Also, Misty, can you please quit picking on Caterpie? And now if you kindly keep your big mouth of hurtful words shut, you’ll see how it’s done. Go, Aipom!” Ash cried out as Aipom got out of her ball. “Now, Aipom, let’s get ourselves another new friend to join our family! Use Swift!” Aipom followed the command, sending stars out from her tail, hitting and knocking back the airborne Pidgeotto. “All right! Way to go, Aipom!” Pikachu and both Snivys cheered only for Pidgeotto to use Quick Attack to dash towards Aipom. Ash’s Snivy was quick to try and point this out to Ash. “What is it Snivy?” Snivy pointed to Pidgeotto, who was close to Aipom. Quick! Dodge it and use Double Team!”

“Double Team?” Rainbow asked.

“It’s a move that creates illusions of the user that can be used to make attacking them tougher. I’ll give Ash this. He isn’t as dumb as I thought,” Misty answered.

"He acts a bit like a kid, but I agree. He can battle decently for being a new Trainer," Iris agreed.

And so, Aipom created multiple duplicates of herself, making it hard to find her.

“Now, Aipom, use Swift once more!” Ash cried out.


Dawn had managed to corner the Buneary and was ready to fight once more upon being cornered. “Now then…Piplup, come on back out!” As Piplup materialized, he started to pant, still tired from the earlier fight.

“Uh oh! Looks like Piplup is tired,” Applejack pointed out.

“Already? But shouldn’t they have more energy to fight with?” Pinkie Pie asked, confused.

“You see, Pokemon only have so much energy. They may have more than the average person or pony, but they still have their limits. Why do you think there are Pokemon Centers?” Twilight asked.

“To have fun and meet new friends?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Um, Pinkie Pie, I think that was a rhetorical question,” Rarity pointed out.

“Piplup looks tired. You want me to send out my Caterpie and give you a hand?” Fluttershy offered.

“Thanks for the offer, but I think I can handle myself fine,” Dawn politely declined the help. “You ready, Piplup?” Piplup gave a nod in agreement. “Now, use your Bubblebeam!” At this, Piplup sent out another torrent of bubbles, which managed to hit the Buneary. “Great! Now, get in close and use Pound!” Piplup used his flipper to try and attack Buneary only for her to counter with Dizzy Punch once more. Piplup jumped back to avoid being hit. “Great! Now, try Bubblebeam again and fast!” As Piplup tried to hit Buneary, she responded by creating an Ice Beam from her mouth freezing the bubbles, causing them to burst into sparkles.

“Sweet Celestia! That Buneary is tough!” Rarity was shocked.

“I know! Having a move like Ice Beam means that this Pokemon has experience. I wonder if she was owned before…,” Twilight wondered.

“Maybe she can help us make snow cones or something once we catch her,” Pinkie Pie suggested.

“Are you sure you don’t need help, Dawn?” Fluttershy offered once more.

“Yes! We can handle her a bit longer. Right, Piplup?” Dawn asked her partner as Piplup nodded while looking close to falling over. “We better end this quickly. Piplup, use Bubblebeam!” Dawn cried out, hitting Buneary, who was starting to look tired. “Okay. Pokeball, go!” Dawn cried out as she threw a Pokeball. It hit the panting Buneary, who went in. The ball shook for what felt like forever. It shook. And shook.

Only for Buneary to break free. “Rats! It was so close, too!” Applejack kicked a nearby rock in frustration.

“Quick, Piplup, use Bubblebeam one more time!” Dawn cried out. However, just as Piplup send out more bubbles, Buneary responded by using Bounce to jump over them and then hit and freeze Piplup with Ice Beam.

“This is bad! Piplup is now frozen solid!” Rarity said in worry.

“Well…maybe he’s fine. Piplup, blink twice if you’re fine!” Pinkie said only for Piplup to remain still.

“I think he’s up a creek, girls,” Applejack bluntly said.

“Does anyone have an Ice Heal?” Fluttershy asked the others.

“I think I have one!” Twilight said as she searched through her bag.

“I have a better idea. Growlithe, come out and use Ember!” Applejack yelled as she threw her Pokeball and the fire dog materialized. Just as he was about to thaw the penguin, Buneary rushed at them with Dizzy Punch. Most of them dodged only for Twilight to be caught in the crossfire.

However, as Twilight was about to be hit, Fluttershy, sent out her Caterpie and commanded, “Caterpie, use String Shot now!” And so, her Pokemon proceeded to bind Buneary so that she couldn’t move anymore. “Now, use Tackle!” The Worm Pokemon complied and rushed for Buneary, knocking her out in one hit.

“You were incredible, Fluttershy! Just like with that dragon, you defeated that mean old Buneary!” Pinkie Pie cheered.

“Well, to be fair, Buneary likely wasn’t mean,” Dawn defended.

“Maybe, but I still have to say you should be ashamed of yourself, Buneary! How can you be so mean as to attack us when we weren’t doing anything other than try to catch you?!” Fluttershy demanded.

Caterpie nodded as she began to glow. Everyone, including Buneary, looked on in awe as the Worm Pokemon started to evolve, creating a cocoon around herself for good measure. “Metapod!”

“I can’t believe it! Caterpie evolved into Metapod!” Fluttershy cheered. “Oh, Dawn, sorry for interfering earlier. I just didn’t want to see anyone get hurt.”

“It’s fine. I understand that you only wanted to defined us. Still, who do you think should catch Buneary?” Dawn asked.

“Well, Dawn was the one to get the longest straw, so I say her,” Twilight said.

As everyone else agreed, the gang noticed that Buneary was trying to escape her silk bindings. “Um, maybe we oughta help out Buneary before Dawn catches her,” Rarity suggested.

“I’m on it! Bellsprout, use your Razor Leaf to free Buneary!” Applejack cried out as Bellsprout materialized and sent out sharp leaves, freeing Buneary.

Buneary was quick to get back up and run in the bushes in panic.

“What do you think she’s doing?” Dawn asked.

“You think she wants to be friends?” Pinkie Pie asked sadly.

“I don’t know. You think we should leave her alone?” Twilight asked.

“I think we should at least see what the fuss is about before we…,” Dawn said as she opened up the bushes and gasped.

“Aipom, wrap this up with Focus Punch!” Ash cried out as the two panting Pokemon prepared to attack each other. Pidgeotto, however, responded by making a dash for Aipom before disappearing suddenly. What the…?” Ash was confused. Suddenly, Pidgeotto came back and hit Aipom, knocking her out. “Oh no! Are you okay, Aipom?” Aipom nodded as she tried to get back up. “No, please! Get some rest for now.”

“So, can I please try and catch her again? If so, I bet Snivy would be ready for battle!” Rainbow suggested as she freaked out and shook her head as Ash’s Snivy gave a glare. “What? Was it something I said?”

“Really?! It’s because your Snivy is a Grass-type! And Grass and Bug Pokemon are weak to Flying-types! Sniivy and Caterpie would be bad choices for this battle! What? You want her to get hurt?!” Misty yelled out.

“No! I don’t! Can you please stop hounding me for being a rookie?!” Rainbow demanded.

“Wait. I thought you didn’t like Caterpie,” Iris reminded.

“What? I may not like him, but I’m not a monster,” Misty said.

“Looks like you care after all,” Ash pointed out.

“No! I don’t,” Misty denied, albeit a bit more reluctantly.

“Anyways, I think I can end this easily. Pikachu. You ready?” Ash asked as Pikachu nodded. “Great! Pikachu, Thunder Shock now!” Pikachu complied as he zapped the Pidgeotto. “Pokéball, Go!” The Pokéball hits its target, Pidgeotto struggles, but she's ultimately caught. “Yes, We got Pidgeotto!” Ash cried out as he posed, with Pikachu mimicking the pose.

“I coulda caught it myself, but it’s cool that you succeeded,” Rainbow said.

“Though the pose is a bit much. Maybe avoid the pose next time,” Iris notes.

“I am the greatest!” Ash cheered as Pikachu and both Snivy appeared to agree.

“You are the worst. You have no idea what you are doing. It’ll be a long time till you’re a Pokémon Master, like, a million years! Same with this Rainbow Dash friend of yours!” Misty protested.

“Hey! He just wanted to catch more Pokemon and have some new friends!” Spike protested.

“Yeah! I don’t see the problem here!” Rainbow agreed.

“I agree with my pals here. I’m trying to…,” Ash said.

“You should try to learn something about Pokémon first. With Pokémon you’ve got to use strategy. Pidgeotto is a bird. Caterpie is a worm. Birds eat worms, Mr. Pokémon Master. Think before you catch it!” Misty pointed out.

“Technically, Ash, Pidgeotto is a Flying type, while Caterpie is a Bug type which is weak against Flying types,” Spike corrected.

"I think Spike makes a good point. Having variety in a Pokemon team is important. However, Misty isn't wrong that we need to be careful with our Pokemon choices here," Iris tried to play mediator.

“See? Iris here kinda agrees with me! What if she tries to eat your Caterpie?!” Misty pointed out.

“Isn’t there special food that Pokemon can eat instead of each other?” Rainbow asked.

“Technically there is, but we don’t have any on us yet. Just regular food,” Spike answered.

“Well, if you work hard and just try hard enough, things will work out, won’t they?” Ash asked.

“NO, Ash! I’m afraid things won’t just work out if you try hard enough. The Pokémon trainer's judgment is more important than anything else and unfortunately for you, the trainer has to have a brain both in and out of battle!” Misty yelled out.

“Are you saying we don’t have brains?!” Rainbow yelled as she approached Misty.

“I wasn’t before, but I’m saying it now!” Misty yelled as she and Rainbow were right in each other’s faces.

“Enough of all this bickering, you guys! What matters here is that we have a new family and team member. Ash can find a way to deal with the dietary issues of his Pokemon later," Spike said.

"Seriously, the more time I spend with you guys, the more I question my choice of sticking around," Iris grumbled.

"Besides, can you really call yourself a master as a Gym Leader when you leave all your Pokemon behind and only bring a Goldeen?” Spike questioned.

“Well, I, uh…,” Misty nervously said as Rainbow grew a smug smile.

Soon, familiar laughter is heard. “Ahahahaha…,” Jessie laughed.

“So, we meet again,” James said smugly.

“I know that voice,” Ash said.

“As do I,” Spike agreed.

“Looks like those Team Rocket jerks aren’t done,” Misty says.

“Team Rocket? You mean those crooks that have wanted posters everywhere in Kanto?” Iris asked.

"Yep," Spike nodded.

“To protect the world from devastation,” Jessie began the motto.

“To unite all peoples within our nation,” James continued.

“To denounce the evils of truth and love.”

“To extend our reach to the stars above.”



“No. Not this again,” Rainbow was getting annoyed. “You’re telling me we have to deal with these clowns again?!”

"Clowns? Are they really that pathetic?" Iris asked.

"Thankfully, they aren't super strong, but they are annoying!" Rainbow said the last part loudly.

"Hey! Don't call us annoying or interrupt our motto!...Anyways...," James yelled back.

“Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light,” Jessie said.

“Surrender now or prepare to fight,” James began to wrap things up.

“Meowth, that's right,” Meowth finished.

“Wait. They have a Meowth that can speak like a person?!” Iris was shocked to see.

“Yes, but now is not the time to talk about that. Can we deal with you clowns later?” Rainbow asked in annoyance.

“Yeah! We’re kind of busy now, so if you…,” Ash began only to be interrupted.

“Quiet, little boy. We’re not here to listen to you. We’re here to get your Pokémon,” Jessie demanded.

“Hand over that Pikachu. And while you’re at it give us those Snivy that we don’t know much about,” James commanded.

"Uh...Snivy is the Grass-starter from the Unova region. Not that we'll let you steal our Pokemon, right Axew?" Iris asked as Axew nodded.

“Yeah, this is my Pikachu. Go out and find your own,” Ash protested.

“I agree! Go out and catch a Pikachu if you want one so badly! And while you’re at it go to Unova and leave us alone!” Rainbow yelled, causing the trio to fall over comically.

"Wouldn't they be a problem for people there then?" Iris asked.

"Considering how weak they were back then, I'd say no," Spike whispered.

“The only Pikachu we want is that one,” Jessie revealed.

“It’s like we said back in Viridian. We’re only looking for the rarest, most valuable Pokémon in the world, kid,” James said.

“And that special Pikachu is just the kind of Pokémon we need to make it big with the boss!” Jessie cheered.

“You idiots! Stop giving away all our secrets!” Meowth protested as he prepared to use Fury Swipes.

“As if looking for the rarest and most valuable Pokémon is a Team Rocket secret. You already told us what you’re after,” Spike pointed out.

“Yeah! So just get out of here and we can be on our way,” Rainbow said.

"Or we'll be willing to use greater force against you to stop you!" Iris warned.

“I knew Pikachu was strong for his species, but…Is my Pikachu really that special?” Ash wondered.

“Your Pikachu’s power has impressed even me. I really got a charge out of its incredible attack the last time we met. Its powers exceed its evolutionary level. Your Pokémon…,” Meowth said in awe.

“Now you're the one giving away all our secrets!” Jessie yelled as she punched Meowth on the head.

“Shut up before you tell them everything!” James agreed.

“I'm in charge of our trio! Cut it out!” Meowth yelled.

“Is all this really new?” Spike asked.

“Not really. They already told us most of this stuff back in Viridian,” Misty muttered.

"Man, these Team Rocket people really are very nonthreatening, right Axew?" Iris asked as Axew nodded.

“Can we just send them blasting off again and get this over with?” Rainbow suggested.

"Whoa! Another rare Pokemon?! Today is our lucky day!" James cheered.

"I know! With all these Pokemon being given to the boss, his army will grow tenfold!" Meowth agreed.

“Enough talk! Everyone! Make things easy and hand over that Pikachu and his little buddies,” Jessie ordered.

“Forget it!” Ash obviously refused.

“Then you leave us no choice,” James said with a smirk.

“Pokémon battle. Ekans, Go!” Jessie called out her Pokemon.

“Koffing, go get them!” James also called out as both Pokémon materialized.

“Looks like we’re gonna have to fight two on two, Ash. You ready?” Rainbow asked as she sent out Charmander.

“Of course! Pikachu, let’s go!” Ash yelled as Pikachu jumped in front of him.

“Koffing, Sludge attack, now,” James called out as Koffing used the attack to blind not only Charmander, but also Pikachu and both Snivy.

“What a cheap shot! Dratini, come out and help us!” Spike yelled as he sent out his Pokemon, which amazed the trio.

“Wait! That boy has a Dratini?” Jessie was shocked.

“I know right?” James agreed, looking giddy.

“I bet if we catch that Dratini too, we’ll really become a big hit with the boss!” Meowth decided as the trio turned back to the battle.

"That's assuming you can even beat us in a fight. Axew could probably beat you, even with his eyes closed!" Rainbow gloated.

"Um, thanks? But, seriously, I don't know if...," Iris began awkwardly before being interrupted.

“That's not a bad idea there...Koffing, use Sludge once more!” James commanded with a smirk.

“Dratini, dodge it!” Spike yelled out, as the serpent dodged.

“So, you plan on making things difficult? Ekans, use Bite on Dratini!” Jessie yelled as Ekans jumped and bit Dratini, causing pain.

“We can still win this, Dratini! Use Dragon Tail!” Spike ordered as Dratini flung Ekans off of her and was ready to continue fighting.

“Koffing, use Clear Smog while he’s distracted!” James commanded quietly, catching Dratini by surprise and knocking her out.

“No! Dratini!” Spike yelled out as he tried to recall her only for Ekans to block him.

"Sorry, but that Dratini belongs to us now!" Jessie faux apologized.

"And you wanna know why? It's simple. Because we'll steal him!" James agreed.

"First, Dratini is a girl. Second, you won't be getting away with your cruel scheme as long as we can help it!" Iris challenged.

"Does that mean that you and Axew will fight? Because that would be awesome!" Rainbow cried out.

"Yeah! Let's see what you've got!" Spike agreed.

Iris suddenly looked a lot more nervous. "Well.....we're kinda saving some energy for an emergency and...."

"What's not more of an emergency than this?!" Misty countered.

"Come on! Do something, Axew! Please!" Rainbow yelled.

"W-Well...maybe Ash's Pokemon can do something. He has a few, right?" Iris suggested.

“I do. And...If you think you can use your dirty tricks to beat us, you’re wrong,” Ash said as he picks up Pikachu and hands him to Misty. “If what I’m thinking is right, they might try anything to get what they want, but no matter what happens don’t let them have Pikachu, understand? Misty, come on!”

Misty takes Pikachu, before asking, “But what about the other three?”

“Grr! I’d use my Pokemon, but I can’t do anything while they’re blinded!” Rainbow growled.

“So, what’s your big battle plan?” Jessie mockingly asked.

“I can’t send Aipom. It’s too weak from the last battle. Also, I don’t know how battle capable Caterpie is. Pidgeotto, Go!” Ash decided.

As Pidgeotto materialized, she took to the skies very quickly, though she was panting.

“This may be the break we’ve been looking for! Without everyone else here, Pidgeotto taking to the skies and battling from there may be our only chance right now!” Rainbow cheered.

“Yeah, but she’s tired from the last battle,” Spike recalled.

"Perhaps now would be a good time to have Axew battle?" Misty suggested.

"If you're as awesome a Trainer as you say you are, then this should be a breeze!" Rainbow cheered.

"Uh, thanks. But we'll pass," Iris declined.

“Koffing, It’s grime time,” James said sadistically as Koffing used Tackle.

“Ekans, go get dinner!” Jessie agreed as Ekans used Bite.

Thankfully for the group, Pidgeotto dodges both Pokemon.

"Really? REALLY?! We're all in danger of losing our Pokemon friends and you still don't wanna fight?! Are you that heartless or prissy?!" Rainbow yelled.

"N-No! I don't wanna see anyone lose their Pokemon!" Iris said.

"See, Rainbow? Let's not be harsh to Iris here," Spike said.

“Pidgeotto, Quick Attack!” Ash commanded.

“Ekans, go underground with Dig!” Jessie yelled out

“But… Dig is a Ground-type move and it won’t work on Flying-types. What are these three planning?” Spike wondered.

“Pidgeotto, behind you. Watch out!” Ash cried out as he saw Ekans pop up behind Pidgeotto and use Poison Sting, with which Ekans manages to strike.

“Pidgeotto!” Misty cries out in worry.

“We're gonna get a Pokemon!” The Team Rocket trio cheered three times.

“Gust counterattack, now!” Ash yells out as both Pokemon are weakened by Gust, but still standing.

“Koffing, use Clear Smog!” James ordered as Pidgeotto gets knocked out of the sky.

“Pidgeotto, return,” Ash recalls his Pokemon.

“Hey, Ash! Maybe if we defeat the Trainers, we can put a stop to their plans!” Rainbow suggested.

“Let’s give it a shot! I’ll show you. All right, let’s go, put em' up!” Ash charges in to try and fight Team Rocket himself, with Rainbow trying to rush and punch Jessie, only for both members to dodge and push them back.

“Ha! What a fool! In Pokémon battle, only Pokémon can fight each other,” Meowth laughs.

“Are you OK?” Misty asked. “Need me to try and buy you time to escape?” Misty suggested, ready to distract them with Goldeen.

“Guess you’ve got no choice. Let Pikachu and your other Pokemon in and watch Team Rocket win!” Jessie cheered.

Pikachu growled upon hearing this, cheeks containing electricity that was being let out. “No, Pikachu. You can’t battle in this condition,” Misty denied Pikachu out of worry.

“She has a point. Battling without seeing would be difficult. There’s no guarantee we won’t be hurt in the process,” Spike said.

“We have to try!” Rainbow pointed out. "We can't let these jerks win! Send out Axew to battle, right now! Before it's too late!" Rainbow commanded.

"I-I can't," Iris admitted.

"But why?" Spike asked sympathetically.

"Probably because she thinks she's better than us," Rainbow bit back.

"Talk about the pot calling the kettle black," Misty whispered.

"It's not like that!" Iris rejected.

"I agree with Rainbow here! You're wasting possibly our only chance to save our friends over pride and ego?" Ash was annoyed.

"N-No. That's not it!" Iris shot down the idea.

"Then what's your problem then?!" Rainbow demanded.

"The problem is we're weak!" Iris finally admitted, much to the group's shock. "Axew is just a baby and he's still new to battles. He'd be defeated easily," Iris answered with tears in her eyes.

"But...don't you have other Pokemon to battle with too? Like other dragon-types or something?" Misty questioned.

"I only have one other Pokemon and currently he hates me for being weak," Iris admitted. "He won't listen to me no matter what I say or do."

"So...that's why you're avoiding battles then? To avoid losing all the time?" Ash asked.

"Correct. I've tried to fix my issues and grow as a Trainer. However, I currently am not doing so well with that," Iris confirmed.

"I-I had no idea...I'm sorry," Rainbow genuinely apologized.

"So...now that the new twerp is done with her pity party, hand over your Pokemon to us now!" Jessie demanded.

Suddenly, Ash walked forward with a Pokeball in hand.

“You know we can't catch the Pokemon of another Trainer, right?” Misty reminded the group.

“Wait, are you gonna…?” Rainbow realized with Ash was gonna do.

“I don’t know how strong you are yet. But now, Caterpie, you’re my only hope. Just give it your very best shot! Caterpie, go!” Ash sent out Caterpie, who materializes.

“What’s that?” James asked.

“It’s a bug. A measly little bug,” Meowth muttered, unimpressed as Team Rocket laughed.

“Let's get the bug spray,” Jessie mocks as Pikachu and Rainbow’s Charmander both look ready to try fighting.

“Hang in there,” Misty pleads.

"Axew? Have any ideas to get us out of this?" Iris asked, not sue to trust Caterpie's strength or not.

“Come on, little guy! Please be strong!” Spike says as he crosses his fingers.

“Well, maybe I can try another punch,” Rainbow decided.

“Caterpie, String Shot now, followed by Tackle!” Ash commands as the attack binds both Pokemon and Caterpie sends Koffing flying into Ekans with a Tackle.

“Wow! In one hit?!” Spike was amazed.

“I should have known that Caterpie was strong! Sorry I ever doubted you!” Rainbow apologized.

“You doubted him?” Ash asked.

“A little. And once again, I’m sorry,” Rainbow said.

"Yeah...same here. I guess...," Iris noted.

“Beaten by a Caterpie?” James asked in shock.

“That really bugs me,” Jessie says.

“Now watch a real Pokémon in action,” Meowth says, ready to battle. Fortunately for our heroes, Meowth gets webbed up by another String Shot.

“So, looks like you’re out of Pokemon, huh? Looks like we win!” Spike said.

“It’s time Team Rocket blasted off,” Jessie said as she grabbed Meowth and both Team Rocket members recalled their Pokemon.

“You may have won this round, but we’ll be back!” James yelled out in warning.

“Come back anytime. We’ll be glad to beat you,” Misty said.

“We may have had trouble this time, but next time we’ll be ready and have friends!” Rainbow said optimistically.

“Won’t you be annoyed?” Spike asked.

“Maybe once we find out their weaknesses, they can make for good training,” Rainbow suggested.

“We did it! We won our first Pokémon victory fair and square! Caterpie, I’m very proud of you. You really did your best and we won because of you!” Ash said with a smile.

“You’re stronger than you look, Caterpie,” Misty complimented as Pikachu and the other Pokemon agreed, having finally wiped off the gunk.

“Well, Misty. I guess you feel different about Caterpie now,” Ash said with a grin.

“Fear or no fear, I take it you’re finally warming up to him at least,” Rainbow noted.

“Well, I…,” Misty said with a blush.

“So why don’t you two make up. Just pat Caterpie on the head and say thanks for a really great job. You like Pokémon, so it’s only right to congratulate one for doing a good job,” Ash suggested as he picked up Caterpie.

“Yeah! He saved us all back there!” Spike agreed.

"Yeah...I thought we'd lose our Pokemon for sure," Iris said.

“I guess you’re right,” Misty admitted. But as Misty reaches to pet Caterpie, it glows and sprays mist-like silk into the air above it, spooking Misty.

“Caterpie? What...?” Ash was curious. Ash sets Caterpie down.

“It's evolving!” Misty realized, amazed.

"Already? Didn't you say you got him yesterday?" Iris asked.

“Caterpie, this is so great!” Ash was getting excited.

“No wonder he was so strong! I bet if his girlfriend is in the same boat, Fluttershy will have a…?” Rainbow was uncertain as to what the evolved form was called.

“A Metapod,” Twilight said as she and the others had returned to the small group.

“Right! Wait…you guys are back!” Rainbow grew excited.

“Yep! And you’ll never guess what we found, either!” Dawn said happily.

“Well, I’m sure that whatever it is, it can wait,” Spike said.

“But why? Is it because we need to eat still or is it because of the glowin- oh!” Pinkie Pie realized.

The silk encases Caterpie in a shell, creating its evolved form. Afterwards, Ash gets out the Pokedex.

“Metapod. Caterpie’s next stage of evolution. It has encased it's body in a hard shell. This specimen reached this stage faster than any previously discovered Pokémon of this variety.”

“Congratulations, Metapod! And look!” Fluttershy said as she sent out her Metapod. “Your girlfriend evolved as well!” Both Metapod jumped up to each other and snuggled.

“Aw! It’s so cute!” Rarity said.

“And curious that Pokemon we only got yesterday evolved so soon,” Twilight said.

“Hey, maybe that means it could keep on changing and go on to the next stage right away,” Ash said as Pikachu agreed and Snivy shrugged uncertainly. “Nice to meet you, Metapod,” Ash greets his new Pokemon, chuckling. “Not in the mood to talk?”

“I don’t know,” Rainbow said as her Snivy looked curiously at Metapod.

“It could be that his personality changed due to evolution,” Fluttershy suggested.

“Yeah! Professor Oak did say something like that back at the lab,” Twilight agreed.

“I never knew anyone like them. They really do love Pokémon,” Misty said in surprise.

“Misty, you two were just about to make friends. You didn’t forget did you,” Ash reminded the red-head.

“I didn’t forget, but I..,” Misty nervously said.

“I take it you’re still scared of bugs?” Spike asked.

“Uh…,” Misty was uncertain as to what to say next.

“It’s okay if you are,” Applejack comforted.

"Yeah...a little dumb, but understandable," Iris noted as Applejack looked annoyed.

"Seriously?" Applejack asked as Iris blushed.

“To be honest…,” Misty began as another bug Pokemon flies overhead, frightening Misty.

“Well, that’s a yes,” Rainbow said.

“There goes a Beedrill!” Fluttershy said excitedly.

“I know, right? You think there are any more close by?” Twilight asked.

“Um, maybe we should slow it down,” Pinkie Pie suggested.

“I agree. Misty looks petrified right now,” Spike pointed out.

“Oh. Sorry,” Both girls apologized.

“I’m not sure if it helped,” Dawn noted.

“Please! I’ll do anything, let's just get out of this forest!” Misty pleaded.

“Not yet, Misty. Besides, there’s still plenty more Pokémon in this forest,” Ash said.

“Oh, but first…what did you have to say earlier?” Rainbow asked.

“Did you manage to catch that Buneary?” Ash asked.

“Kinda. But there’s something else to show you!” Dawn said cheerfully.

“Yeah! Follow us to see a pleasant surprise!” Pinkie Pie cried out as the group walked in the direction they went earlier.

“W-Wait for me!” Misty cried out in fear of more bugs.

After a few minutes of walking, the group finally made it to the spot where the Buneary was guarding earlier, with Fluttershy’s Eevee standing in front of the spot.

“So, can you tell us what the surprise is?” Rainbow asked impatiently.

“You’ll see!” Dawn said teasingly.

“I do have to ask. Is it related to Pokemon?” Ash asked.

“Kinda!” Fluttershy said gleefully.

"You think they found a cute friendship, Axew?" Iris asked her partner, who shrugged.

“Well, it has Fluttershy happy so it’s probably a good…,” Spike began only for him and pretty much everyone else look happy upon seeing what was in that spot. A bunch of young Eevee. “You found a bunch of Eevee?!” Spike was excited.

As all the Eevee played, Dawn sent out her newly caught Buneary. “It turns out that the Buneary and all these Eevee were pretty much abandoned by their Trainer at some point and Buneary has been watching over them for some time,” Dawn explained.

“So, Fluttershy was able to convince the Buneary here to come with us so long as we have the Eevee stay with us and/or at the Professor’s lab,” Applejack said.

“Well, you can see that we said yes!” Twilight said.

“And look! There’s one for each of us aside from Fluttershy! But she already has one, so it be good!” Pinkie Pie said.

“So, what do you think, Misty? You want an Eevee?” Ash asked.

“Well…I guess I can take one. They are cute and I could always try to have them evolve into a Vaporeon,” Misty decided as the group one by one got out their Pokeballs and caught the Eevee, who were more than happy to go with their new friends.

"Iris?" Ash asked as he got a moment to talk with the girl.

"Yes?" Iris asked.

"Why were you keeping Axew's strength a secret? Don't you trust us?" Ash asked.

"Yeah. It's not like we would have laughed at you or anything," Spike agreed.

"What's that now?" Pinkie asked as she appeared next to the trio.

"W-w-well-I-I," Iris nervously buffered.

"Aw, don't worry darling. We won't laugh or anything. You can tell us," Rarity consoled.

"Yeah! It can't be that bad," Twilight agreed.

"So...what's the problem?" Dawn asked.

"Iris isn't really that great of a Trainer yet and only has one Pokemon other than her baby Axew," Rainbow bluntly said.

"Seriously, Rainbow? You couldn't be any nicer?" Spike snarked.

"Sugarcube? Is Rainbow tellin' the truth?" Applejack kindly asked.

"I-It's the truth. And... I had no way of knowing how you'd all react. Though...it's just...I was scared," Iris admitted.

"Scared of what?" Ash asked.

"I've grown up with very few friends in my life. Even the ones I got don't fully accept everything about me. I feared...you would be more of the same," Iris admitted.

"Well...that's kinda dumb! I may be new to lots of pals, but I have learned that they should accept each other!" Rainbow said.

"Right...," Spike rolled his eyes, not quite trusting that Rainbow would practice what she preached.

"Still, Rainbow has a point. Friends should accept the interests of other friends and not see them as lesser," Twilight agreed.

"We're not gonna laugh or mistreat you for not being the strongest yet! Heck, strong as I may be, I have a ways to go to being a Pokemon Master!" Ash said half-overconfident and half-genuinely.

"So, if you need help reaching your Pokemon's potential and yours as well, we'd be willing to battle and train with you in the meantime," Spike suggested.

"We can get stronger together! It'll be a breeze!" Rainbow agreed.

At this point, Iris and Axew teared up with happiness. "T-Thanks! Soon enough, we'll be able to make it to our true potential and be the greatest dragon-type Trainers in the world!" Iris said as the group all hugged each other.

“I do have one question, though. Why did their past Trainer abandon them? Not only are they cute, but Eevee are rare in Kanto,” Ash asked the group.

“Well…Fluttershy asked and all that the Buneary said is that they abandoned them after talking to a strange group of people. They apparently called themselves members of Team Plasma,” Dawn answered, leaving the group with even more questions.

Author's Note:

I worked hard to get out the second half of this story. I hope you enjoy. I'll try to get out the next one soon.