• Published 2nd Sep 2021
  • 1,040 Views, 26 Comments

Dimensional Tales: Pokemon is Magic - snivygamer97

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and friends explore the Pokemon world while living their lives in Equestria.

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A Clash of Spirits Part 2

It had been nearly two hours since Rainbow Dash and Applejack had challenged each other to a battle. While Rainbow had been napping and was lazily loafing around, Applejack was training hard with Ash in order to prepare for the upcoming battles she and Growlithe had to worry about.

“Growlithe, use Bite on Aipom!” Applejack yelled out as Growlithe’s teeth glowed white.

“Like that’ll work! Aipom, dodge and then use Astonish!” Ash called out as Aipom jumped out the way, looked away for a second, and then turned back with a creepy expression. This move scared Growlithe for a moment as the fire dog tried to look away from the fearful expression.

“Growlithe, are you okay?” Applejack asked in concern. Thankfully, the fire dog was able to turn back to Applejack and nodded. “Good boy! Now’ let’s return the favor with our own attack! Growlithe, use Ember on Aipom!” Applejack commanded as several mini fireballs were shot at the purple monkey.

“Aipom, counter that attack with your Swift!” Ash called for a counter, with both attacks successfully canceling each other out. “Man, Growlithe is strong! Now, Aipom, use Scratch!” Aipom began to get in close and scratched Growlithe in the face, causing some damage. “Looks like Growlithe can’t counterattack now, can he?”

“I wouldn’t be too overconfident about that if I were you. Growlithe, use Bite on Aipom’s tail!” Applejack countered, with the Long Tail Pokemon failing to stop Growlithe from biting down on her tail. She was quick to freak out and ran across the arena to try and get the fire dog to let go, but to no avail.

“Oh no! This is bad! We have to do something!” Ash worried as Pikachu and his Snivy cried out, trying to get Ash to calm down. Ash was quick to notice his Pokemon and was quick to realize what they were saying. “You’re right. I can’t just freak out. I need to remain calm and think of what to do.” Ash thought over the situation, trying to think of a way to get Aipom free before she took enough damage to be knocked out. It was then that he realized that Aipom’s tail could still use attacks. “I got it! Aipom, use your Focus Punch to knock Growlithe off!” Ash commanded.

Aipom’s tail glowed blue as she punched the fire dog, knocking him off before Aipom took any more damage.

“Not bad, Ash. I thought I had ya fer a moment there. Still, this battle isn’t over yet. Growlithe, use Ember once more!” Applejack commanded as a flurry of small fireballs were shot out.

“Oh no ya don’t! Aipom, use Swift to counter the Ember once more!” Ash yelled as stars were sent out from Aipom’s tail. Both attacks collided, canceling each other out once more. “Great! Now, use Focus Punch to finish this battle off!” Ash yelled out as Aipom’s tail hand glowed blue once more.

Just as the move was about to hit, Applejack called out, “Okay, that’s enough fer now!” Ash and Aipom were confused for a moment, but understood what Applejack was getting at.

“Okay, we’re done for now, Aipom. Let’s take a good rest,” Ash called out with Aipom stopping her punch just a bit away from Growlithe. Aipom quickly jumped on back over to where Ash’s other Pokemon were. “You did very well in this battle, Aipom. Oh, and so did you Applejack and Growlithe. You did an amazing job keeping us on our toes.”

“I agree. I thought you were gonna lose fer a second there when my Growlithe bit down on Aipom’s tail hand,” Applejack agreed. “Still, you clearly were the winner of this match. So, ya think I’m ready?”

“Oh! Ready for what? To eat a delicious sweet treat?” Pinkie Pie ecstatically asked as she and Fluttershy had walked out onto the field.

“Um, Pinkie? I don’t think…,” Fluttershy began to interrupt only to be talked over.

“If you’re wondering, Applejack and Rainbow Dash challenged each other to a battle almost two hours ago. In fact, they’re gonna battle any minute now. Also, Applejack, I do think you are ready for a battle right now. Good luck to you both,” Ash wished luck to the cowgirl.

“Thanks, but Growlithe and I won’t need it. Rainbow Dash is gonna see that lazing on yer tail one bone on its own won't earn ya a victory. Maybe then she’ll learn her lesson and train with us,” Applejack said.

“She didn’t train with you? Why not? Training sounds like a lot of fun! Imagine all the tricks you can pick up with them in battle and appeal practice! It’ll be just the best!” Pinkie Pie noted.

“I…agree. I mean, Rainbow can be pretty stubborn, no offense. But it still seems weird that she wouldn't wanna train,” Fluttershy suggested.

“She’s just bein’ too overconfident if ya ask me. We’ll need to find a way to deal with that problem at some point,” Applejack said.

“Well, you might get a start on it now. Here she comes,” Ash said as Aipom and Pikachu pointed over to a cocky Rainbow Dash and her Charmander.

“Well, well, well, Applesmack. You actually kept your end of the deal and showed up for our match. For a second I thought you would have given up in light of our awesome power!” Rainbow boasted as the others looked on either in annoyance and/or awkwardness.

“Of course I showed up! And you’ll see why training to take part in battles will help out. After all, Pokemon on their own are only powerful if ya help them reach their full potential,” Applejack said.

At this moment, Twilight and Spike had arrived back at the battlefield, a bit confused at the sight of their friends looking ready for a less than good-natured battle. “Um, is everything alright? You and Applejack look a bit intense for just training,” Twilight asked in concern.

“I can see what you mean. I’m sorry to say, but Applejack and Rainbow are being…,” Fluttershy began only to be interrupted.

“We’re just battling in order to show whose ideas about Pokemon’s power are correct. I believe I don’t need to practice like back at home in order for my Pokemon to be strong and that our bond alone is important while Applejack believes we need to train hard a lot in order to become strong. I plan on showing the strength of my Charmander here in a straight up battle!” Rainbow explained as her Snivy looked on over to her. Rainbow was too busy focusing on their friends to notice Snivy, who looked sad. In response, Ash’s Snivy and Pikachu glared a bit.

“Well…okay? Personally, while I believe that Pokemon can have exceptional power, we also need to help them grow into their best selves,” Twilight noted.

“I agree. But I doubt we can convince these two of that. After all, both of them seem to be pretty stubborn,” Spike noted.

Very quickly both girls turned their heads to Spike and angrily yelled, “We are not stubborn!”

“Okay, okay! Maybe we should calm down and battle now? Please? I’m sorry…,” Fluttershy nervously buffered.

“I agree. Hopefully this battle will be cool and help everyone involved grow into tougher Trainers,” Ash said.

“Oh! Okay! But wait! Shouldn’t Twilight referee once again? I mean, she did do such a good job last time,” Pinkie Pie suggested.

“R-Really? Well…I guess…,” Twilight nervously blushed as she nodded in agreement and everyone got into position. “This will be a one on one Pokemon battle! The battle will be over as soon as either Trainer’s Pokemon are unable to battle. Furthermore, there will be no substitutions. Are both Trainers ready?”

“We are!” Applejack and Rainbow said with a nod.

“Then, begin!” Twilight yelled.

“Charmander, use Ember!” Rainbow cried out as the fire lizard shot out multiple fire balls.

“Hmph, child's play. Growlithe, use Ember as well,” Applejack countered as several more fire balls were shot out. Both groups of fire hit each other, both being just about equal.

“They’re looking pretty even so far,” Ash noted.

“They must be equally strong!” Pinkie Pie cheered.

“Yeah…but remember that was only one move,” Fluttershy reminded the others.

“Fluttershy has a point. This battle has just begun,” Spike said.

“Growlithe, use Bite of Charmander!” Applejack called out as Growlithe rushed for Charmander, teeth glowing white.

“Ha! This’ll be a breeze! Charmander, use Metal Claw!” Rainbow called out as the lizard’s claw glowed white and both the Bite and Metal Claw collided, with neither party being damaged much.

“Attack once more!” Both Trainers yelled as they rushed for each other yet again. Both Pokemon’s attacks collided once more, though this time Growlithe’s Bite won out and damaged Charmander.

“No! Charmander!” Rainbow yelled as Charmander stumbled a bit before righting himself. “Good to see you’re okay. Now, use Dragonbreath!” Rainbow called out as Charmander sent out a blue energy stream from his mouth.

“Growlithe, dodge the attack and use Ember!” Applejack called out, with the fire dog dodging and striking the fire lizard with yet another attack, knocking Charmander down. “Alright! We’re doin’ pretty good right now, as I expected!”

“I don’t get it! We got our Pokemon around the same time! And Charmander isn’t a weak Pokemon! So, how come we’re currently losing?!” Rainbow demanded.

“It’s because you were being lazy, Rainbow Dash!” Applejack yelled, getting Rainbow’s attention. “Ya see, like with being a normal athlete, ya have ta practice a lot in order to improve. Even with someone gifted like you, ya have ta practice sometimes in order to get better. Failing to do so could cause ya to lose power and endurance. Yer Charmander may not be weak, but choosing not ta train has proven to be a detriment to ya,” Applejack explained.

“You know, I may not be an athlete, but I can understand that. Training is something you have to do in order to get better,” Spike noted.

“Even someone like me needs to keep on practicing with mind games in order to make sure I don’t have my thinking skills diminish,” Twilight pointed out.

“Yeah…but don’t Pokemon just begin as powerful and we just need to battle with them?” Rainbow asked.

“Pokemon can be born strong, yes, but they also are in need of training in order to gain more power and skill necessary to win battles,” Ash pointed out.

“Ash has a point here, Rainbow,” Dawn said as she, Rarity, and Misty had finally returned, with bags of clothes settled in their arms. “So, it looks like you were in the middle of a lecture in the middle of a battle then?”

“Yeah. Aren’t lectures more reserved for after a battle is done?” Misty asked.

“Darling, do keep in mind that how a battle is handled can vary depending on the individual. Though, I suppose you do have a point that this idle chit chat could have been saved for a better time,” Rarity said.

“Let’s…get back to the issue at hand,” Fluttershy said.

“Agreed. Rainbow, I can understand that you want to believe in the power of your bonds. That is fine! But you can’t just enter a battle and expect to win with courage and will power alone,” Ash said.

“Yes. You think I’ll ever get close to entering the Grand Festival without practicing my routines with Piplup and the others?” Dawn asked.

“Look, the decision is up ta you. But, if ya don’t try ta improve yer Pokemon’s strength at all, yer not gonna get far in the Indigo Plateau,” Applejack finished.

Rainbow looked very contemplative with what she was told. She had to agree that what everyone was telling her made sense. Not only that, but it was helpful advice that came from a place of caring and could help her and her Pokemon in the future. After all, she had to work for years to improve herself and prove her worth as the fastest flier possible. She might have gotten a bit too complacent in more recent years with her skills and growth. But, the truth was, as both a flier and as a Trainer, she couldn't do that. She needed to work to improve now before she faced a devastating loss.

So, with these thoughts in mind, she smiled and said, “I will train. And I will work hard with my Pokemon and not just expect for them to learn and grow without proper training.”

“Perfect! Now…maybe we should continue this battle?” Misty suggested.

“Agreed! Growlithe, use Ember once more!” Applejack called out as fire balls were shot out of his mouth.

“Please! Charmander, use Ember to shoot those fire balls back!” Rainbow commanded. Both Pokemon’s Fire attacks clashed, hitting each other evenly and creating a layer of smoke.

“I can’t see anything!” Dawn said.

“I can’t either! Do you think the league will have cameras that can make this easier?” Pinkie suggested as the others looked at her weirdly.

“Now, Charmander, use your Dragonbreath!” Rainbow called out as the blue energy blast shot through the smoke and hit Growlithe, knocking him down as the smoke cleared.

“Growlithe! Are you okay?” Applejack asked as her Growlithe got back up with some difficulty. “Perfect! Now, let’s end this with our newest attack! Use Flame Wheel!” Applejack cried out as Growlithe rushed for Charmander before rolling into a large fireball that approached the fire lizard.

“Charmander and I can handle this! Use your Metal Claw right now and grab the Flame Wheel!” Rainbow cried out as Charmander’s claws glowed and grabbed the Flame Wheel, trying to hold back the mighty attack. However, in the end, the attack proved to be too much for Charmander and she was knocked over by the attack. When the smoke cleared, while Growlithe has been damaged by the Metal Claw, Charmander turned out to have gotten knocked out.

“Charmander is unable to battle. Growlithe wins and the victor is Applejack!” Twilight made the call.

“Perfect! You did great with yer Flame Wheel there, Growlithe!” Applejack congratulated her Pokemon as Growlithe licked her face, with Applejack laughing gleefully.

Rainbow, on the other hand, wasn’t sure how to react. She did lose and she hated to lose. However, she was still coming out of this battle feeling as though she and her Pokemon would do better in the future. “You did great, Charmander. I’m proud of you. Take a good rest for now,” Rainbow humbly said as she looked over to her Snivy, who flinched sadly for a moment. Realizing that she was a bit of a jerk to her Pokemon, she walked on over to her partner and said, “I’m sorry about what I said earlier, Snivy. I just got so caught up in my own ego and overconfidence that I said some dumb things to you. If you wanna leave, I won’t blame you.”

At this, Rainbow began to walk away sadly. However, her Snivy, albeit a bit reluctantly, followed her and used Vine Whip to get up on her trainer’s shoulder.

“Well, Dashie, looks like Snivy forgives you!” Fluttershy said.

“I know! Maybe we should celebrate with some cookies!” Pinkie Pie suggested.

“That sounds good. But give us them a moment first,” Dawn noted as she saw that things weren’t quite done yet between everyone.

“Snivy, Charmander? I was being dumb when I thought our bond alone would help us improve. And for that, I‘m sorry, everypo-er-everybody. But the three of us plan to improve and soon we’ll give you a great rematch that is worthy of the Indigo Plateau. How does that sound?” Rainbow asked.

“I agree. Looks like it took ya long enough to stop bein’ stubborn,” Applejack said. “Though. Ta be fair, I’m sorry too. I coulda been nicer with how I tried to help ya.”

“Well, we were both being a bit dumb, me more than you. So, let’s just improve and do better with all our friends. Agreed?” Rainbow asked as she spit on her hand and held it out for a handshake.

“Agreed,” Applejack accepted the handshake.

“Little gross, but I guess it gets the point across,” Rarity awkwardly noted.

“Took you kids long enough! But I must say this was a bit dumb” Misty said.

“Hey, they learned not to be jerks when helping each other out and not to be caught up in overconfidence to the point of not improving!” Dawn countered.

“So, please just be nicer, Misty!” Ash suggested.

“A lesson? Well, Spike. Looks like we have another lesson for Celestia out of all this,” Twilight noted.

“A letter to Celestia?” Misty asked, confused.

“We’ll tell you more later,” Dawn whispered.

“So, what will it be?” Spike asked as he looked for a pen, only for Ash’s Snivy to give him one and for Pikachu to hand over a piece of paper.

“Just say what Dawn said, of course and then we can all enjoy some delicious cookies!” Pinkie Pie said.

“Twilight?” Spike asked.

“I guess just do that?” Twilight said awkwardly as Pinkie handed her a cookie with green frosting.

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If anyone has any suggestions or questions please let me know.