• Published 2nd Sep 2021
  • 1,040 Views, 26 Comments

Dimensional Tales: Pokemon is Magic - snivygamer97

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and friends explore the Pokemon world while living their lives in Equestria.

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Pokemon Emergency Part 2 (Edited)

“Hold on. What were your names again?” Pinkie Pie asked, causing the Team Rocket trio to comically fall.

“Didn’t you hear us? We’re Jessie, James, and Meowth of Team Rocket!” Jessie cried out.

“Oh, okay,” Pinkie Pie said with a smile.

“Who in the world are these three? And what exactly is this Team Rocket?” Rainbow Dash asked, confused.

“I don’t know. Maybe they’re heroes that are planning to help out with the power outage,” Fluttershy suggested.

At this, the trio laughed, unnerving the Mane 7 as a result.

“I don’t see what exactly is so funny,” Applejack said.

“Of course you brats don’t,” James said as he started to stop laughing.

“Brats?! Why you ruffians! Where we come from we’re all respected ladies and gentlemen!” Rarity yelled.

“You know, I agree with Rarity. I don’t think they’re good guys. What do you think, Twilight?” Spike asked his older sister.

“I think you’re right, Spike. I’ve heard that there are Pokemon thieves running around Kanto. This may be them,” Twilight agreed.

“I think so too. They have the exact same giant R on their outfits that those crooks back at the lab had,” Dawn reminded everyone.

"So, these people are thieves too!" Rainbow yelled, looking ready to fight.

“Personally, they could look so much better with different outfits,” Rarity gave her two cents.

“Why you…! I look so much better than you do, you brat!” Jessie countered.

“But you are correct that we are indeed criminals. We were the ones who took out the power to this Pokemon Center. You’ll soon see that Team Rocket has glorious plans for the Kanto region and beyond,” James confirmed.

“And those plans would be?” Ash and Misty asked the group.

“Well, since there’s no harm in telling you twerps, we’ll give you an answer. Team Rocket’s goals are simple. We plan on having complete control over the world and to get filthy rich in the process,” Meowth answered.

“Wait a moment. A talking Meowth?! But… Pokemon can’t talk! I…this…what the..but…,” Twilight started to break down due to the lack of an explanation.

“I must admit this is pretty amazing, though,” Dawn said.

“Agreed! But what is he doing here with the Team Rocket crooks? Is he being forced into this?” Fluttershy brought up her concerns.

“And these crooks are after world domination?! This is just like with Nightmare Moon all over again! We need to stop them!” Rainbow Dash yelled.

“Oh, please! Stopping the whole organization as a whole will be next to impossible! We have dozens of grunts working for the great Giovanni!” James revealed.

“I take it Giovanni is your boss?” Applejack asked.

“And that you’re here to steal some of the Pokemon here at the Pokemon Center?” Ash guessed.

“The twerps can think! We’re here as an advance force to steal as many rare and/or powerful Pokemon we can find here at the Pokemon Center!” Meowth explained.

“That sounds terrible! You can’t just steal Pokemon from their Trainers!” Ash cried out.

“Yeah! Think of the bonds you would be severing and all the sad Trainers and Pokemon. Meowth, please consider that what you are doing is wrong and that you three can do so much more with your lives!” Fluttershy cried out pleadingly.

“Listen, twerps, we aren’t total softies like a bunch of other Trainers out there. We don’t care of the bonds we’d be breaking or anything like that! We’ll become rich and powerful while you all are left in our dust!” Meowth cruelly made it clear he was choosing to do this, much to Fluttershy’s disappointment.

“Look, do you really believe that you can just steal the Pokemon and expect them to listen to you?” Misty questioned the trio.

“You know, she does have a point Jessie,” James whispered to his partner in crime.

“Listen, kids, we’re going to steal every Pokemon here that we can and you’re not going to stop us!” Jessie yelled.

“You’re not going to get away with this!” Twilight yelled, having finally regained her cool.

“Yeah! If you think that we’re just going to do nothing while you try and steal our Pokemon, then you have another thing coming!” Spike cried out.

“These Pokemon are our friends, not property!” Pinkie Pie agreed.

“They’re right! Pikachu and the other Pokemon here will not be stolen by you!” Ash yelled out.

After exchanging a quick look, the Team Rocket trio proceeded to laugh at Ash.

“Do you honestly believe that we care enough to steal an insignificant little Pikachu from a no-good Trainer like you?” James asked as he laughed mockingly.

“You can keep that worthless little mouse for yourself,” Jessie agreed.

“Hey! Pikachu isn’t worthless!” Fluttershy yelled.

“Yeah! We are just beginning to become friends, but I can tell that he is an exceptional Pikachu, you bullies!” Ash cried out, though a part of him wasn’t entirely sure of what he was saying.

“How do you expect to stop us? With all of your pathetic Pokemon? Very well, bring them out and we’ll see if they even are worth stealing! Go ahead, entertain us!” Meowth mocked.

“Oh, we will get our Pokemon!” Rainbow Dash challenged as she and Ash ran into the back to get their Pokemon.

“Wait, Rainbow Dash! Come back!” Applejack yelled, frustrated that the brash girl and boy had run off without them.

Ash and Rainbow Dash were quick to find Nurse Joy struggling to turn back on the power to the Pokemon Center.

“Hey Nurse Joy! Any luck in turning back on the power?” Ash asked the nurse.

“I’m afraid we’re having trouble. The main generator has had its cords cut and even the backup generator appears to have been tampered with. I must say that the Team Rocket grunts here have really thought things through,” Nurse Joy shook her head.

“W-What about Pikachu, Aipom, Snivy and everyone else?” Ash asked in worry.

“Yeah! We need our Pokemon back so that we can put a stop to those grunts, and fast!” Rainbow Dash yelled.

“They’re right here, with everyone but your Pikachu and Snivy being in their Pokeballs. However, most of them aren’t fully healed so I’m afraid they may not be in the best shape for intense fighting,” Nurse Joy warned.

“Maybe not, but if we don’t do something those three Team Rocket guys will steal all the Pokemon!” Ash yelled out in concern.

“Yeah, and apparently more of them are on the way here. We gotta do something and fast!” Rainbow was worried, even though she wouldn’t like to admit it.

“Well… Fine. As long as you don’t push your Pokemon too hard you can fight with them. I’ll try to contact Officer Jenny and see if she can be of help right now,” Nurse Joy agreed.

“Thanks. Pikachu? I know we don’t know each other that well, but we have to work together and fight off these really bad people from Team Rocket. If we don’t, countless Trainers could lose their Pokemon. So please! Help us out,” Ash pleaded to the electric mouse as he walked over to the table Pikachu was on. Thankfully, Pikachu, albeit with some difficulty, got up and was ready to fight off the intruders.

Snivy, meanwhile, tried to get up and jump onto Rainbow’s shoulder, only for Snivy to fall over. “Come on, Snivy! If we’re going to fight off this crime organization we need to be ready. So please get up!” At this, Snivy, albeit a bit hesitantly, got up and successfully got onto Rainbow’s shoulder. “Nice! Now, let’s kick some evil butt!” Rainbow cried out as she picked up the rest of the gang’s Pokeballs that weren’t with them.

“So, is anyone else going to get their Pokemon or not?” James questioned the others.

“Of course we are! Piplup, let’s go!” Dawn yelled out as she sent out her starter, who gave out a happy cry upon being sent out.

“What is that?” Jessie questioned, having never seen the penguin Pokemon before.

“I remember going to Sinnoh a few times and have seen that Pokemon before. It’s the Water-type starter of the Sinnoh region, a Piplup,” James revealed to his teammates.

“Do you think that this Piplup will make the boss happy?” Meowth asked gleefully.

“Of course it will!” James giddily answered as he got out a Pokeball. “Koffing, lay waste to these twerps!” James sent out a purple sphere Pokemon that had a big smile on his face.

“So, your big amazing Pokemon that you plan on fighting us with is a big purple ball?” Spike snarked.

“Hey! Koffing is a Christmas gift I received when I was much younger! Anyway, we’ll defeat that wimpy starter and take all your Pokemon!” James countered.

“Well, at least they care about their Pokemon,” Fluttershy was feeling a bit relieved that the trio weren’t super cruel.

“I don’t think that changes things that much,” Applejack whispered.

“Hold on! I’m not going to let you have all the fun in trouncing these twerps. Ekans, you’re up!” Jessie cried out as she sent out a snake Pokemon.

“Ahhhhhhh!” Twilight cried out in fear as she hid behind Spike and Dawn.

“Is everything okay, Twilight?” Dawn asked in concern.

“I'd say no," Applejack said.

"Yeah... Remember, Twilight has a bit of a fear of…,” Spike began to explain.

“Snaaaakes!” Twilight cried out as she turned away in fear. “I’m sorry! I know I should be more helpful, but why out of the nearly 900+ Pokemon did they have to have a snake?!”

“It’s okay, Twilight. Remember, we’re all here to help you,” Spike said comfortingly.

“Yeah! We won’t let that mean old Ekans hurt you or your Bulbasaur!” Pinkie Pie said as she tried to comfort her scared friend.

“If you want, we can face off against the Ekans while you and Bulbasaur face the Koffing,” Dawn suggested.

“Thanks, you guys. Team Rocket, we’re not going to let you get away with robbing this Pokemon Center!” Twilight challenged the trio as Rainbow Dash and Ash returned with all their Pokemon.

“Girls, we have all the Pokemon ready. Let’s fight off these crooks!” Rainbow Dash challenged.

“Aipom, Pikachu, are you ready to fight these jerks off?” Ash asked as both Pokemon nodded in agreement. “Perfect! Then let’s go!”

At this time, the Mane 7, Ash, and Dawn had all sent out their Pokemon and were ready to fight the Team Rocket trio.

“So, what about you Misty? What Pokemon do you have to fight with?” Ash asked the red-headed tomboy.

“Well, I have plenty of Water-type Pokemon back at home that I left for my sisters to use in case challengers showed up, but I’m afraid that I currently only have one Pokemon with me. And, well…,” Misty said as she sent out a Goldeen that proceeded to just flounder around on the ground before Misty recalled her. “Maybe I should take some of my Water-Pokemon with me before I continue my journey.”

“Oh, you think?” Rainbow snarked in annoyance.

“Rainbow Dash, be fair! Remember, you’ve done your own fair share of stupid stuff in the past,” Applejack said with a disapproving glare.

“Fine. Don’t worry, Misty. We’ll more than be able to fight off these jerks!” Rainbow Dash said, trying to be more sensitive.

“Anyone else starting to think it was a bad idea fighting these twerps?” James whispered to Jessie and Meowth, seeing how massively they were outnumbered.

“Come on, James! We won’t get that big promotion if we don’t take risks! We’ll beat all these twerps and steal their Pokemon for the boss!” Jessie yelled in anger.

“I agree! We’ve succeeded before and we will again! Even when the odds were against us we haven’t given up! I say we fight to the end! Do you agree?” Meowth asked as he held out his paw. In a moment, James and Jessie placed their hands on Meowth’s paw and sent their hands/paw into the air. “Good! Now, let’s fight off and steal these Pokemon before the rest of the grunts arrive!”

“Um, I think we may be a little too late for that,” James whispered to Jessie and Meowth.

“What makes you say that?” Jessie demanded.

“Because they just arrived and are right behind us,” James revealed.

“To everyone’s horror, a large amount of Team Rocket grunts forced their way through the front door, each with at least one Pokemon with them. Most of them were Grimer, Rattata, Spearow, Drowzee, and Mankey. However, there were also a Hitmontop and Raticate being used by the leaders of the grunts, Cassidy and Butch.

“Whoa! So many Pokemon! I wonder what they all are?!” Pinkie Pie was amazed as she tried to get out her Pokedex. However, Rarity stopped her before she could.

“Um, Darling? Right now isn’t really the time for this,” Rarity said as she had Pinkie pocket her Pokedex.

“Drat! Why did Cassidy have to arrive here before we could make our mark in Team Rocket history?!” Jessie seethed.

“Simple. Because we’re the superior Team Rocket members and always will be! Isn’t that right, Brent?” Cassidy gloated.

“I’ve told you and everyone else the name is Butch!” Butch yelled, unhappy that his name was once again forgotten.

“You know, Jessie, if you really wanted to prove yourself, you could have easily just gone down to the local candy shop and stole a paper bag. After all, that’s all you’re going to manage to steal at this rate!” Cassidy taunted.

“Well, at least my hair color is natural, you harpie!” Jessie argued back.

As Cassidy and Jessie started to argue, the others just gawked at the argument before them.

“So, I guess they weren’t kidding that they were an advance force,” Ash whispered.

“More like wannabe criminals by the looks of it,” Misty whispered back.

“It doesn’t matter how dangerous they are. We need to put a stop to them before they steal all the Pokemon,” Twilight said as she and Bulbasaur stepped forward.

“-and another thing…,” Jessie was yelling.

“Bulbasaur, use Razor Leaf!” Twilight yelled as sharp leaves hit many of the grunt’s Pokemon, knocking out a good number of the weaker grunts.

“Well done, you two! Let’s get this on the road! Piplup, use Bubblebeam!” Dawn cried out as more Pokemon fall to the ground in defeat in response to the attack.

“No fair! You’re attacking when we are distracted!” Butch complained.

“You really think we should be fighting fair when you are criminals willing to steal other Pokemon, Bith?” Misty snarked at Butch, who was angry to have his name have been gotten wrong again.

"Really?! I even said my name! Why do you keep getting it wrong?!" Butch wailed.

“Okay, Snivy and Charmander! You ready to trounce these fools?” Rainbow Dash asked her two Pokemon who both nodded in agreement. “Perfect! Then let’s go! Snivy, use Leaf Tornado! And Charmander, use Metal Claw!” At this, more grunts and their Pokemon were knocked onto the ground, unable to battle.

At this point, things started to get a lot more chaotic. The group all had their Pokemon battle against the various grunts and their Pokemon. While a lot of the weaker ones were defeated in one shot, two at the most, other more powerful grunts and their Pokemon were able to do a whole lot more and were more of a challenge, not that they didn’t appreciate the challenge.

“What is going on?! You’re a part of Team Rocket! You shouldn’t be beaten this easily!” Cassidy yelled out, outraged that the grunts were losing so poorly.

“My, my, my. The great and powerful Cassidy’s team is losing to a bunch of kids? And here I thought you were one of the best that Team Rocket had to offer,” Jessie mocked the blonde Team Rocket commander, who was proceeding to growl.

“You know what? I’ll take on those twerps myself. After all, if you want something done right you do it yourself!” Cassidy yelled as she had her Raticate use Bite on Twilight’s Bulbasaur. Thankfully, Twilight and Bulbasaur noticed this just in time and Twilight called for Bulbasaur to dodge the attack.

“Phew! That was close! Looks like we’re dealing with a Trainer that isn’t playing by the rules,” Twilight said as she and Bulbasaur prepared to fight.

“But of course! You really believe we’d play by the rules?” Cassidy taunted.

“As a matter of fact, no. But we can still find a way to defeat you!” Spike said as he and Dratini walked up to be side by side with Twilight and Bulbasaur.

“Spike! Thanks, but I think we can more than handle this lady and her Raticate,” Twilight said kindly.

“Maybe, but I’d still rather help if I can. I don’t want to leave my sister alone to potentially fight a losing battle,” Spike said, believing in Twilight but still wanting to be of help.

Twilight stood there for a moment, considering what Spike had said. However, after a moment or two, she nodded, “Sure. I guess I can use some help. The two of us can more than handle Cassidy’s Raticate by working together.”

“Who says she’ll be fighting alone? Hitmontop will be able to defeat you brats and gain us plenty of new Pokemon!” Butch said as he walked up to join Cassidy, with a cruel look on his face.

“So, I guess we’re about even with two Pokemon each. I wonder who is going to win,” Cassidy said as she prepared to have Raticate attack Bulbasaur again. “Raticate, use Bite!”

As Raticate rushed towards Bulbasaur, Twilight ordered, “Bulbasaur, dodge it and use Vine Whip!” Bulbasaur was able to jump out of the way before striking at Raticate with Vine Whip. Raticate was quick to get back up though still hurting a little bit from the blow.

“Raticate, use your patented Ice Beam!” Cassidy ordered as a blue beam formed from Raticate’s mouth and was about to hurt both Bulbasaur and Dratini.

“Like that will stop us! Dratini, help Bulbasaur dodge and then use Twister!” Spike called out as Dratini was able to dodge the beam, pushing Bulbasaur out of the way in the process, and created a mini tornado that struck at Raticate.

“Thanks a lot, Spike!” Twilight thanked her younger brother.

“Aw, it was nothing!” Spike blushed as he accepted the thanks.

“Grr! I can’t believe those brats are winning! Hitmontop, spin into both Pokemon with your Rapid Spin!” Butch cried out as Hitmontop spun like a top towards both Dratini and Bulbasaur.

“Dratini, stop their spinning with Dragon Tail!” Spike yelled out as Dratini’s tail glowed blue and struck Hitmontop’s head, causing him to lose control of his spinning and get very dizzy.

“Why you little brat! I’ll teach you to hurt my Pokemon! Hitmontop, use Low Sweep!” Butch ordered, which resulted in Hitmontop sliding toward Dratini, hitting her before Spike could order for a dodge.

“Now that your little serpent is weaker and slower, Raticate, use Ice Beam!” Cassidy ordered once again. This time, however, even though Spike ordered for another dodge, Dratini was hit and dazed.

“Dratini! No!” Spike cried out in worry. Just as he was about to run towards his Pokemon, Raticate and Hitmontop both attacked and knocked over and knocked out Spike, with Raticate using Tackle and Hitmontop Mega Punch.

“Spike!” Twilight cried out in worry before she started to look very angry.

“Now that we’ve defeated the brat and his Pokemon, we can just finish that Bulbasaur and the rest of the brat’s Pokemon and turn in the haul to-,” Cassidy was saying only to be interrupted.

Twilight interrupted by growling in anger, “You won’t be doing anything! How could you do that to him?! He wasn’t even trying to hurt you or your Pokemon! Bulbasaur, use your Razor Leaf!” Cassidy and Butch ordered their Pokemon to counter, with Hitmontop using Rapid Spin and Raticate Ice Beam. However, the Razor Leaf was still able to strike at them before the moves could finish, knocking over both of them hard.

“Grr! Let’s keep up the pressure Bule! Raticate, use Bite!” Cassidy ordered.

“The name’s Butch! Hitmontop, use another Low Sweep to slow down that plant!” Butch yelled out.

As both Pokemon rushed towards Bulbasaur, Twilight commanded, “Bulbasaur, use Vine Whip on both of them!” The Vine Whip hit both of the duo’s Pokemon, stunning them. Meanwhile, Twilight calmed down and approached Spike, trying to wake him up. “Spike! Please wake up! Please be alright!” Thankfully, Spike woke up and managed to pull himself to his feet after a few seconds. "Oh, thank Celestia, you're okay!"

"Of course I am. So, how is the battle going so far? Are we winning?" Spike asked.

"Well-," Twilight began.

"She may have gotten herself a few lucky attacks on us. But, the two of you are about to lose and your Pokemon are coming with us!" Cassidy threatened.

"But...we'll be merciful. Give up your Pokemon now and we'll let you go," Butch offered.

"Of course not! Our Pokemon are our friends! Dratini, make use of your Flamethrower!" Spike cried out as his Dragon-type burnt the two Pokemon and their Trainers, knocking them both out, much to the duo’s shock as they angrily recalled their Pokemon. Realizing they stood no chance, the duo fled to fight another day, not caring if the others were arrested in the process.

Meanwhile, seeing that there weren’t many grunts left fighting and that most of the other Pokemon were getting tired out, Jessie, James, and Meowth decided to try and steal any Pokemon they thought looked exhausted enough to not fight back. After looking over the Pokemon, they decided that the Pokemon that best fit the bill were Ash’s Pikachu and Rainbow’s Snivy.

As the trio approached Ash, Rainbow, Pikachu, and Snivy, they quickly heard the trio and turned to face them.

“So, it all comes down to facing you three then,” Ash said as Pikachu sparked his cheeks threateningly.

“Seeing as how we managed to defeat most of your buddies, we can easily take on you three and win! So, who would like to go first?” Rainbow Dash taunted as Snivy jumped in front of her.

“We’ll both take on you twerps! Ekans, use Poison Sting!” Jessie cried out as small purple needles were shot out of Ekans’ mouth.

“Snivy, use Vine Whip to jump into the air! Then use Leaf Tornado to attack!” Rainbow commanded as Snivy launched herself into the air and launched the tornado at Ekans, making him dizzy and knocking him over for a few moments.

“Koffing, use your Clear Smog on that Snivy!” James demanded from his Pokemon as Koffing created a white gas cloud from his mouth.

“Pikachu, use Quick Attack on Koffing!” Ash commanded as Pikachu rushed into Koffing, causing him to fall a little bit before he regained his balance.

“I can’t believe we’re losing to these pests! We need to do something fast!” Jessie cried out.

“I have an idea! Taste my Fury Swipes!” Meowth cried out as his claws extended and he sliced at Pikachu and Snivy, knocking both of them over.

“Snivy/Pikachu!” Both Trainers cried out in worry for their Pokemon.

“Good job, Meowth! Now, let’s finish this up and steal some Pokemon! Koffing, use Tackle!” James yelled out.

“Ekans, use Bite!” Jessie ordered as well.

“Ash, this is our last chance. We need to defeat them right now!” Rainbow said.

“I know, but what do we do?” Ash questioned. Pikachu and Snivy, however, were quick to get back up, ready to make one final attack. “You wanna try and beat them?” Ash asked as both Pokemon nodded to their respective Trainers.

“Perfect! Snivy, use your Leaf Tornado!” Rainbow yelled out as she created a twister that knocked both Pokemon back towards the Team Rocket trio, freaking out the trio a little bit.

“Now, Pikachu, use your Thundershock! Full power!” Ash cried out as Pikachu zapped the crooks, causing a lot of damage to the ones being shocked, far more than what was possible for a normal Pikachu. Eventually, the power of the electricity affected Koffing’s body and exploded, sending the trio blasting off as Pikachu fell to the ground, thoroughly exhausted. “Pikachu! Are you okay?!” Ash asked in concern as Pikachu sat up, panting from how tired he was, but mostly okay. “Oh, thank goodness!” Ash proceeded to hug his new partner.

“Well, it looks like we’ve sent some criminals flying. Literally. So, I take it we’re done fighting for now?” Rainbow asked as they looked and saw that all the grunts and their Pokemon were defeated and unconscious.

“I’d say so,” Dawn agreed as she and Piplup approached the duo and their Pokemon. “Man, I can’t believe we were able to defeat all of these bad guys so easily.”

“I wouldn’t say it was that easy. After all, all our Pokemon are looking as though they ran out of steam,” Applejack reminded everyone.

“I agree! Squirtle and I really got in a hard and sweaty workout from all that fighting,” Rarity said.

“Well, at least our Pokemon and the Pokemon of everyone else here is safe,” Fluttershy said, looking on the bright side.

“Yeah. Our Pokemon have definitely earned themselves a good rest after everything that just happened,” Ash said with a sigh. Suddenly, Ash felt a tug at his pants leg. Upon looking down he saw that the Snivy from outside was the culprit. “Another Snivy? Do you think they’re the parent of Rainbow’s Snivy?” Ash wondered as Snivy shook her head.

“So, what do you think she wants anyway?” Dawn asked curiously.

Snivy began to grab one of Ash’s Pokeballs from his bag as she began to talk in her Pokemon language to the other Pokemon.

“So, Fluttershy, what does this Snivy want?” Dawn asked curiously.

“Does she want herself one of my cookies?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Actually, she was impressed with Ash’s battling skills for a rookie and his care for his Pokemon and would like to go with him,” Fluttershy answered.

“Really?!” Ash looked excited to have a new Pokemon friend.

“Wait. You got all that from her saying her name?” Misty questioned snarkily, confused.

“Actually, Fluttershy here has the ability to understand other Pokemon and what they are saying,” Rarity revealed.

“Okay?” Misty was not completely convinced but decided to trust them on this for now.

“It’s a deal, Snivy! Rainbow, looks like your Snivy will have a friend!” Ash said excitedly as he grabbed the Pokeball and threw it at Snivy. She got sucked in and the Pokeball stopped after a few seconds. “Alright! I caught a Snivy!” Ash cried out with a pose as Pikachu mimicked the pose. Almost instantly, the Snivy popped out of the Pokeball, wanting to be out of her ball rather than confined to it.

“Ash, isn’t it exciting to already have three Pokemon?” Dawn questioned her friend happily.

“Sure is!” Ash answered.

“Still, you didn’t fully earn it in my book. You didn’t even fight her before capturing her. She basically pitied you,” Misty said as she shook her head.

“Hey, the Pokemon wanted to go with him, so I’d say he still earned this capture either way,” Spike countered.

“Fine. But the next time we encounter a Pokemon and you want it, at least try to catch it before acting like you’re a bigshot,” Misty said as she shook her head.

“Anyways, what should we do about these crooks?” Applejack asked the others.

“So, do you think we should try to give these meanies a party and see if it helps better their behavior?” Pinkie Pie suggested.

“I doubt it will work out that well. Still, Twilight, what should we do about all these criminals?” Spike asked Twilight.

“I think maybe we should contact this Officer Jenny lady and see if she and any other officers know what to do,” Twilight suggested.

“No need. I’m already here,” Officer Jenny called out as she and a bunch of other officers with Growlithe arrived on the scene. “I heard from a boy and a girl with purple hair that there were Pokemon thieves attacking the Pokemon Center and that they took out the power. So we booked it over here as fast as we could. Still, I can’t say we expected for the crooks to have already been defeated by all of you. Thank you all for your service. Men, arrest all these crooks.” At this, the remaining officers proceeded to arrest all the grunts and their Pokemon. “Ash, if there is anything that I can do for you and your friends to help, please let me know.”

At this, everyone’s stomachs began to growl, everyone not having had the chance to eat dinner before all this craziness. “Well, can we have pizza, ramen, or something like that for dinner?” Ash asked.

“Sure thing! Any suggestions on what should be on the pizza?” Officer Jenny asked as she began to take the order for both vegetarian and meat topped pizzas.

Meanwhile, the Team Rocket trio had managed to return to their Meowth balloon, aching at their most recent loss and fearing that the boss would be mad when they reported their most recent failure.

“Aw man! I can’t believe we failed once more. And we were so close this time too!” James wailed miserably.

“I know, right? At this rate, we’ll never be able to reach the top of the Team Rocket business!” Jessie agreed.

“Maybe,” Meowth said before a thought came to him. “Hey, you two lugs, I have an idea,” Meowth said.

“What is it?” Jessie asked.

“We saw how powerful and rare those twerps' Pokemon were, right? Especially that Pikachu?” Meowth reminded the duo.

“Of course we do. We lost to them, remember?” James still wasn’t getting the point.

“How about we follow them and then when the time is right we snatch their Pokemon and give them to the boss! Soon enough, we’ll be rich! All three of us will be on top of the world, baby!” Meowth revealed his plan as he laughed evilly. Soon enough, Jessie and James joined in on the laughter, all three of them looking forward to catching the twerps’ Pokemon and making a name for themselves.

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoy this chapter. If you have any problems with this story that you want for me to address, please let me know.