• Published 2nd Sep 2021
  • 1,040 Views, 26 Comments

Dimensional Tales: Pokemon is Magic - snivygamer97

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and friends explore the Pokemon world while living their lives in Equestria.

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A Clash of Spirits Part 1

The following day…
The group were eating their breakfast in the cafe section of the Pokemon Center. However, Ash, Rainbow, and Twilight were eating much faster than everyone else. The sight caused their Pokemon and human friends to look on in concern.
“So…does Ash usually eat this fast?” Fluttershy shyly asked Dawn.
“Yeah…he often just eats without thinking or savoring the food he has. I’ve gotten used to it, as rude as it is,” Dawn pointed out. “And your pals here?”
“Twilight can eat a lot very quickly when she is hungry,” Spike answered.
“As for Rainbow, she tends to treat things as a race or competition of some sort,” Applejack confirmed.
“Now, now, Applejack. You tend to get caught up in competitions yourself,” Rarity reminded.
“Maybe…but I often tend to choose my battles more carefully, and this isn’t a battle I care for,” Applejack explained.
“Okay? You think we should make their food war a competition? The one who eats the most the quickest is the winner?” Pinkie Pie suggested.
“How about no? The last thing we need is for them to choke or something,” Misty denied.
“Perhaps we should stop them before things get that bad?” Fluttershy suggested nervously.
“Agreed. Twilight?” Spike interrupted his older sister’s eating.
“Yes, Spike?” Twilight stopped for a moment as Rainbow and Ash continued their self-imposed race.
“Maybe you should slow down? You’ve already eaten like five plates of pancakes and hash browns already,” Spike reminded.
“Oh…, sorry Spike,” Twilight blushed as she put down her fork and took a break from eating.
“Aw, come on Twilight! You wanna give up already?” Rainbow said.
“Well…I’d probably end up putting myself at risk of choking if I don’t stop, so…,” Twilight said.
“Yeah…maybe you should stop too, Ash and Rainbow,” Dawn suggested.
“Okay…,” Ash decided to stop eating as well. “I was getting full anyways.” Pikachu looked at the food and took a bite of pancakes for himself as Ash’s Snivy shook her head and grabbed Pikachu so that he wouldn’t get himself sick with the syrup drenched food.
“Looks like I won then!” Rainbow boasted as she suddenly felt sick. “Ugh! I don’t feel so good!”
“Well, that’s what happens when you eat too much too fast,” Misty pointed out.
“Yeah…it may not be smart to eat a lot of food in such a short time,” Twilight agreed.
Rainbow’s Snivy tried to move Rainbow’s food so that she wouldn’t be tempted to eat more.
“Oooh! You think Rainbow’s Snivy wants to race as well?” Pinkie Pie suggested.
“I don’t think so, Miss Pie. If anything, she looks like she’s trying to keep the food away from Rainbow Dash,” Rarity pointed out as Rainbow’s Snivy moved the food off the table and handed it over to an employee, who took the plate away a bit confused.
“Well, now that you all are done racing…what do you think we should do before heading into Viridian Forest? After all, we’ll have to be going through there for a few days, as much as I’d rather just skip the forest all together,” Dawn said.
“If I remember your guidebook correctly, Viridian City is home to quite a few different shops that we can go to. It would be fun to buy some extra clothes for ourselves so that we don’t have to wear only one outfit all the time,” Rarity said.
“I can do just fine with the one outfit, thank you,” Rainbow declined.
“But what about clothes for warm or cold weather? Unlike in Equestria, we can’t just go without wearing clothes to places,” Twilight reminded Rainbow.
“As much as I’d also like to wear only the one outfit too, Twilight has a point. We’d probably get into trouble if we smell too bad for too long. At least, according to some ponies,” Applejack snarked the last part under her breath.
“Hey! You know, you and the others could do with a few extra outfits to dress up in. Also, it would be best for you all to bathe at least once a day,” Rarity countered.
“Um, I’m not one for shopping, but I can understand Rarity’s point. I’ll join her for clothes shopping…if that is okay,” Fluttershy nervously finished.
“That sounds splendid! I’ll join you for clothes shopping!” Dawn practically squeed.
“You know what? Why don’t we all go shopping? It would be best for us all to get more outfits for a variety of purposes,” Twilight suggested.
“Thank you, Twilight! We can go shopping in a few minutes. Ooh! This will be the funnest!” Rarity was excited.
“Um…I guess,” Fluttershy meekly mumbled.
“Y’all can go shopping if ya want, but I think I’ll stay here and train with Growlithe. We’ll need to get used to battlin’ if we’re gonna win battles, right?” Applejack declined.
“But…Applejack, don’t you wanna at least try to get a new look that fits with your southern flair?” Rarity was getting annoyed.
“Am sure,” Applejack confirmed.
“So…does anyone else want to stay behind and get some training in when we have weeks to get ready for our battles…,” Rarity asked. “...Or would you rather go out for a fun day of shopping with Dawn, Fluttershy, Twilight, and me!”
“I think shopping will be a fun time! Count me in!” Misty agreed.
“I’ll go anywhere you want to go, your beautifulness,” Spike said dreamily.
“I’ll be having fun either way, but I’ll join you guys for a while and then return to training for a bit!” Pinkie Pie decided.
“I’ll stay here. I have more than enough clothes thanks to Dawn here,” Ash decided.
“No thanks to the shopping. That’s kinda too girly for me. I’m looking to improve my skills so that I can demolish Paul the next time we run into him!” Rainbow explained egotistically, making her Snivy a little nervous.
“Hey, it’s okay. Rainbow is just being a little bit overeager,” Fluttershy tried to comfort the Pokemon.
“Yeah…but if she wants to continue practicing for battles that’s her business. After all, we can just get her more to wear without her. We just need her clothing size,” Twilight decided as Pinkie Pie grabbed Rainbow’s shirt collar and looked at the size.
“Watch it!” Rainbow grumbled.
“Well…according to this tag, Rainbow’s shirt size is a cozy large!” Pinkie Pie chirped as she let go of the shirt collar.
“Okay…so, now that we know that, I take it we should go shopping now!” Rarity said gleefully.
“Uh huh! This will be a blast!” Dawn agreed.
“Don’t forget that we also need to buy some food and medicine for the road,” Twilight practically said.
“Okay, sure! But don’t forget to have fun while we’re out!” Pinkie Pie noted.
“Twilight? Have fun? Give her a bunch of books to read or things to organize and she’ll have a blast,” Spike joked.
“Spike!” Twilight blushed in embarrassment.
“Maybe we should get going now, provided that everyone is done eating,” Fluttershy suggested to try to stop Twilight from feeling embarrassed..
After their friends left to go shopping, Ash, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash decided to go out back with their Pokemon and do some training.
“Alright! If we’re gonna win our first ever badge and eventually work our way into the Indigo Plateau, we’re gonna have to do some training!” Ash said as Pikachu, Aipom, and Ash’s Snivy nodded in agreement.
“I hear ya! We’re gonna need to work very hard if we’re lookin’ to get ourselves our eight badges. Growlithe, you ready to practice your Fire-type attacks?” Applejack suggested, with Growlithe barking and nodding in agreement.
“So, why do we need to train here?” Rainbow Dash asked, with both Trainers and all of the group’s Pokemon looking baffled by what Rainbow just said.
“Uh…Rainbow Dash?” Applejack began to say something before Ash interrupted.
“You do realize that Pokemon aren’t just machines? They do need to practice in order to get stronger,” Ash said.
“Seems like Ash has a point. Remember, we’ve only got as strong as we currently are by practicing,” Applejack reminded Rainbow.
“Work on my strength and speed? Please! This is all natural and born into my body! I bet it’s the same with Snivy and Charmander too!” Rainbow boasted.
“That’s…not how it works, Rainbow,” Applejack facepalmed.
“Agreed. It may be a good idea to work on your Pokemon’s strong points rather than just recklessly jump into a battle with no practice,” Ash said.
“Look, Snivy, Charmander, and I are plenty strong! You’ll see once we reach Pewter City’s Gym!” Rainbow claimed.
“Or…you’ll lose and take it poorly like you’ve normally done whenever I’ve beaten you in the past,” Applejack warned.
“I only lost because you got lucky! I could beat you in a Pokemon battle easily! Anytime! Anywhere!” Rainbow challenged.
“Okay then. Let’s prove it!” Applejack accepted. “We’ll have a battle in two hours. The winner can consider themselves the strongest of our group and the loser will have to accept the winner’s point.”
“Uh…girls? Maybe we should…,” Ash tried to interrupt, with both Snivy’s trying to push the Trainers away from each other. However, their efforts were ignored by the stubborn Trainers.
“Deal! We’ll see who the superior Trainer is in no time at all!” Rainbow accepted the deal, spitting her hand and holding it out for a handshake, with Applejack accepting the handshake. Afterwards, Rainbow began to walk away from the battlefield.
“Wait. Where are you going?” Ash asked, confused.
“My Pokemon and I plan on taking a nap. Our power is sure to be enough to score us an easy win in no time!” Rainbow boasted.
Meanwhile, Rainbow’s Snivy looked fairly alarmed to hear what Rainbow just said and tried to pull on Rainbow’s leg in order to stop her from making a fatal miscalculation.
“Don’t worry, Snivy! We’ll beat that fire dog easy!” Rainbow boasted as Snivy looked over to Applejack and Ash, not wanting to betray her Trainer, but also not wanting to face a painful loss. So, she decided to run on over to Ash’s Snivy and chose to be with her for comfort, hugging her. Ash’s Snivy was confused at the gesture and awkwardly accepted the hug.
“Snivy? What are you doing?!” Rainbow demanded.
“I don’t understand. Why is Rainbow’s Snivy coming here rather than going with Rainbow?” Ash was confused.
“Ah think she is lookin’ to join our team to train because she realizes that just sitting on your butt and relying on faith won’t win you a battle! Am ah right?” Applejack asked, with Rainbow’s Snivy giving a reluctant nod. “See? Still think y’all shouldn’t do at least some training prior to accepting any future challenges?”
“What?! But-I-well…Fine! Charmander and I don’t need Snivy to win a battle! We’ll beat you with our natural strength and our bond! Agreed, Charmander? Or are you gonna betray me too?” Rainbow bitterly asked as Rainbow’s Snivy shook her head, wanting for her Trainer to understand that she didn’t want to go against her.
“I don’t think she’s betraying you, Rainbow…,” Ash said, hoping for the fighting to stop.
Meanwhile, Charmander looked a bit nervous. She did want to please her Trainer, but she also knew better than to think that no training would be a wise move. However, in the end she figured that Rainbow may have more going on than she made out, so she reluctantly walked over to Rainbow, ready for whatever would come later on.
“Well, good! It’s nice to see I have at least one loyal Pokemon! Come on, Charmander! It’s nap time!” Rainbow said as she and a reluctant Charmander walked off.
“Hmph! That Rainbow is more stubborn than a mule sometimes! Still, hopefully she’ll learn her lesson after Growlithe and I defeat her Charmander,” Applejack grumbled as Rainbow’s Snivy looked almost despondent and in tears after what Rainbow just said. Ash’s Snivy looked concerned, but also uncertain as to how to deal with the crying baby Pokemon. Noticing this, Applejack and Pikachu tried to pat Rainbow’s Snivy on the head, and consoled the young Pokemon. “Aw, don’t worry. Rainbow probably will calm down once she loses. She is very loyal, believe it or not. Apparently, she represents the Element of Loyalty back at home.”
“The Element of what?” Ash was confused before remembering Rainbow’s Snivy’s mood. “I agree with Applejack. Your Trainer has went on about how much she loves you in her sleep. She won’t be done with you because of one little disagreement. You’ll be back on good terms in no time. You’ll see.”
Rainbow’s Snivy sniffled as she began to calm down. The crying stopped, but she still looked sad.
“Don’t worry. Ah’ll make Rainbow pay for makin’ y’all cry. She’ll see how dumb she’s being and how she needs to grow up and learn that training is indeed important,” Applejack consoled as Rainbow’s Snivy looked uncertain.
“Well…hopefully you both will realize you are both correct and that we shouldn’t be fighting,” Ash thought.
Meanwhile, on the way to the next, and hopefully last, store…
“I can’t believe we managed to find a bunch of cute dresses at such a low price!” Rarity yelled gleefully.
“Me neither! I just need to pick one to wear for our upcoming Contest debut now!” Dawn agreed.
“I’m sure we’ll look splendid, darling. I mean, we all looked so cute in our dresses after all!” Rarity squeed.
“R-Really? You think so?” Misty blushed with a smile.
“Of course! Eevee and I can attest that you all looked very pretty,” Fluttershy noted as Eevee was petted by Fluttershy lovingly.
“Thanks for the compliment. This is the first I’ve been called that by anyone from what I can remember,” Misty said under her breath.
“I don’t see why no one would think that. You look as cute as a button. Well, maybe not button. Buttons are mainly kinda just there. I’d say you look as cute as a star. I mean, they brighten up the night sky and all that other stuff,” Pinkie Pie rambled as Twilight covered her friend’s mouth.
“So, are you girls done shopping? We’ve gotten a few different types of clothes for a variety of different situations and we’ve got some medicine and food ready for us all to eat on the road,” Twilight asked her friends. “Besides, I don’t think Spike can hold much more stuff without our help.” Twilight gestured over to Spike…who had mysteriously seemed to have vanished.
“Uh…where did Spikey go off to?” Rarity asked. “Hopefully he’s okay.”
“Well…he took a bathroom break a few minutes ago and asked me to watch the stuff until he returned,” Fluttershy answered.
“I just hope he’s okay. Being alone in such a big city can be overwhelming,” Dawn noted in concern.
“Spike should be able to handle himself in the city. He was able to help me out just fine in Canterlot after all,” Twilight reassured.
“Still…maybe one of us should go looking for him. I…think I’m done shopping?” Fluttershy nervously suggested, not wanting to offend her friends.
“Yeah…I promised to see Dashie and the others train so I think I’ll return to the Pokemon Center. Besides, someone has to eat my cookies and the clothing shop workers said no,” Pinkie Pie said.
“I’ll go looking for Spike. Fluttershy, Pinkie, you girls can head on back to the Pokemon Center and meet up with the others….,” Twilight said.
“And maybe you should take our stuff back to the Pokemon center. Don’t wanna overwhelm Spike anymore than we already did,” Dawn said with an embarrassed blush.
“Okie Dokie Lokie! Sounds like a plan! Come on, Fluttershy! Let’s get this show on the road!” Pinkie Pie said as she grabbed a bunch of stuff in her two hands and walked on back to the Pokemon Center, with Fluttershy struggling with the remaining stuff as she followed.
“Well…I’ll go and look for Spike. See you girls back at the Center,” Twilight said goodbye for now as she walked off to look for Spike.
“So…I take it we head off to the last store on our list and then return to the Pokemon Center then?” Dawn asked.
“But of course! Sad to see that this shopping spree is so close to ending, but it was fun while it lasted!” Rarity said.
“Yeah…it was a lot more fun to actually be the one shopping for a change rather than be the workhorse holding everything,” Misty admitted as Rarity and Dawn looked at Misty in confusion. “Anyways, let’s get on to the final store.”

While Twilight went off to look for Spike, Spike meanwhile had just gotten out of the restroom of a nearby restaurant. Upon getting outside, Spike noticed that the girls had left the clothing store without him.

“Aw man! I can't believe I got left behind!” Spike was annoyed with his rotten luck as his Dratini popped out of her Pokeball.
“Has this happened a lot back home? You know, both the being left behind and the holding everyone’s stuff?” Dratini asked in concern.

“Kinda? To be fair, I’m kinda used to holding a buncha stuff for Twilight and my friends usually help me out when holding things becomes too much for me. They also get me some stuff in order to thank me for my help,” Spike explained.

“You really love helping out others, don’t you?” Dratini asked in awe.

“Of course! The work may be a bit hard, but in the end, I believe it is worth it upon seeing the happy faces of my friends after I’ve helped them out. Especially her,” Spike sighed.

“You mean the one you call Rarity?” Dratini asked.

“I guess. I saw the loving look he gave this Rarity person a little bit earlier while waiting for his pals outside,” An unfamiliar voice said.

“I guess…Wait! Who said that?!” Spike demanded, shocked at the intruder in his conversation as he looked around, until he finally saw a girl around the group’s age with large purple hair, dressed in cream and pink colored clothes.

“Yep. That’s me. Sorry to interrupt. I couldn’t help but listen to you and your Dratini talk. You both look so cute and precious together!” The teen girl gushed.

“Yeah…we have gotten very close…Hold up! Only Fluttershy and I can understand Dratini!” Spike yelled out.

“Maybe she’s just good at guessing?” Dratini suggested.

“Why thanks, but no. You see, I’ve grown a deep bond with nature and Pokemon. In fact, I can kinda understand what Pokemon can say,” The girl blushed.

“Wait…You can understand Pokemon?!” Spike was shocked.

“Uh huh. I’ve been able to do so ever since I was little. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true,” The girl said, looking a bit nervous.
“Are you sure you should be telling him about that? Remember how your classmates reacted to you? You’ve told me countless horror stories,” A strange voice said.

“Well…I don’t know,” The girl admitted.

“Um, who said that?” Spike asked a bit nervously.

“Oh, that was my buddy Axew. He lives in my hair,” The girl explained as a strange green dragon popped out of the girl’s hair. “We’re in the middle of a journey and plan to become stronger. And we plan on finding and ressling up plenty of Pokemon friends in the meantime!” The girl gushed before remembering she was talking to a person and blushed. “I must sound like a real freak right now, don’t I? Even from a fellow kindred spirit, I sound nuts,” The girl said cynically yet sadly.

“Are you kidding? That sounds like a cool ability to have! My friend Fluttershy can understand Pokemon too! And, as you can tell, I can understand dragons!” Spike reassured.

“Really?” The girl looked surprised, yet touched.

“Of course! Besides, judging others based off of small stuff like that is very dumb! If you wanna judge someone do so based on who they are as a po-er-person, not for their abilities. Though, to be fair, I have a lot of friends that I’m sure would love to meet you miss-er,” Spike said.
“Iris. The name is Iris. And…I don’t know…I mean, a lot of people see me as a freak. I don’t know if I should take that risk mr.-,” Iris admitted.
“Spike. But…won’t you be better off at least trying rather than living in fear or indifference? I mean, my sister believed friendship was pointless until she met our other friends. You may be happier being with someone other than Axew. Come on, just give it a try!” Spike suggested as Dratini and Axew nodded.
Iris looked at Spike, contemplating if she should trust him or not. After all, she had met people that had claimed to be nice only for them to stab her in the back and mock her behind her back. The last thing she needed was more of the same. However, Spike seemed to be different. He could understand Dragon-types. Not only that, but she could see that he appeared to be genuine rather than false like some of the people she met in the past. Just as she was about to answer, she was interrupted from her thoughts.

“Spike! Where are you?!” Spike, heard a familiar voice say as he looked around. Spike soon saw Twilight was looking around for him.

“Oh, that’s my sis, Twilight! She’ll prove my point to you!” Spike said as he ran over to his older sister. “Twilight!”

“Oh, Spike! Thank goodness you’re okay!” Twilight hugged Spike tightly.

“Well, nice to see you care. Where did you guys go?” Spike asked in faux annoyance.

“I was out looking for you as soon as I noticed you were gone,” Twilight answered.

“Well, I guess something good came out of this. I met another person like me and Fluttershy. Her name is Iris and I’d like you to meet…” Spike gestured to where Iris was…”her?” Spike was confused to see the girl was gone. “That’s strange. She was here just a moment ago.”

“Well…maybe we’ll see her at the Pokemon Center later. We are still gonna be here until tomorrow after all,” Twilight suggested.

“Fair point…Hopefully we’ll see each other again soon,” Spike said sadly as the two of them left, hoping that he could prove to the girl that they were worthwhile friends.

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Sorry it took so long. I'll be sure to get the next chapter out very soon.