• Published 2nd Sep 2021
  • 1,040 Views, 26 Comments

Dimensional Tales: Pokemon is Magic - snivygamer97

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and friends explore the Pokemon world while living their lives in Equestria.

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Pokemon Emergency Part 1 (Edited)

Officer Jenny announces in a megaphone, “Attention, citizens of Viridian City! Attention, citizens of Viridian City! We have reports about possible Pokémon thieves in our area! Be on the lookout for suspicious looking strangers! Repeat - Be on the lookout for suspicious looking--,” She suddenly sees Ash rushing to the Pokémon Center and stops announcing. “Huh? Speak of the Devil?” Officer Jenny rushes to and stops Ash. “Hold it! And just where do you think you're going with that Pokémon, young man?”

Ash explained, “It's my Pokémon, and it's hurt! And I gotta get it to the Pokemon Center right away!”

“Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you might be stealing it. Just show me your ID and you can go,” Officer Jenny asked understandingly.

Ash nervously responded, “ID? Ugh... I don't have any that I can think of. You see we just came here from Pallet with some friends and we--”

Jenny interrupted, “You know, you're the fourth person I've seen today from Pallet Town.”

Ash was surprised to hear this. “The fourth? Oh... That means Gary Oak's here already.”

Jenny then said, “It’s very unusual for someone to carry a Pokémon around in his arms and not in a Pokeball. There are people that do so, but it isn’t the most common thing. How do I know you didn’t steal that Pokémon, especially since you don’t have any identification?”

“Please let me through! I wouldn’t steal a Pokémon, and I’ve got to get Pikachu to the Pokemon Center. Please, Miss!” Ash pleaded with the officer.

Jenny suddenly sees Ash's PokeDex. “Hey, what’s that in your pocket?”

“What? Oh, this?” Ash was confused for a second until he realized, “Oh right! The Pokedex doubles as identification!” Ash then blushed for not remembering sooner.

Jenny grabs the PokeDex “This! This is perfect! A PokeDex, this will solve our problem. Let’s see if you’re the real deal.”

Jenny presses a button on the Pokedex and the device chirps out, “I am Dexter, a PokéDex programmed by Professor Oak for Pokémon Trainer Ash Ketchum of the town of Pallet. My function is to provide Ash with information and advice regarding Pokémon and their Training. If lost or stolen, I cannot be replaced.”

“So, can I please take Pikachu to the Pokémon Center now?” Ash asked the officer.

“I’ll get you there in no time at all,” Jenny offers Ash a ride. Soon, Jenny and Ash are sitting in the sidecar bike owned by Officer Jenny. “Sit back, hold on, and don't yell.” The duo rides out of garage at full speed.

“Woah!” Ash cried out at the speed he was riding. The motorcycle leaves a huge cloud of smoke in its wake.

“Man! That Ash Ketchum sure can ride fast!” Spike was surprised as the group saw Ash riding off.

“Well, to be fair, he is riding in a motorized vehicle from the looks of it, so of course he would go by fast,” Twilight pointed out.

“Wait. What is a motorized vehicle?” Rainbow Dash asked, confused as Snivy shook her head. "Hey! You do know that I'm new to this world! Remember our dreams?!"

"Well, anyways, I did read about them a little bit during the week at Professor Oak's. They seem very fascinating if a bit hazardous," Twilight explained joyfully.

“Anyways, Rainbow Dash, a motorized vehicle is…,” Dawn started, looking confused at the lack of knowledge of what a car or motorized bike was, only to be interrupted by Pinkie Pie.

“Oh! It’s the same as a go-kart except it has an engine that allows for one to reach higher speeds and to better control stopping and going without slopes,” Pinkie Pie explained, much to the group’s shock.

“Um, Pinkie Pie, How did you know that?” Twilight asked, shocked and confused.

“Oh, I’ve heard about it from Professor Oak at one point, probably around the time Twilight read about it,” Pinkie Pie answered.

"Was that what Gary drove earlier along with those nice ladies?" Fluttershy asked.

"Correct," Dawn confirmed.

"Girls, why don't we find a way to get one? It will make things so much easier to get around and no nasty sweating," Rarity suggested.

"How about no? The exercise will be healthy for us," Applejack denied.

“Okay… so, what is important for us to do now is to find out where Ash is going,” Rarity said.

“Well, he did say something about taking Pikachu to a Pokemon Center. Maybe we should find out where this place is, whatever it is,” Applejack said.

“Good call, Applejack! Also, a Pokemon Center is like a vet or hospital for Pokemon. It helps restore their energy and heal any wounds,” Twilight explained.

“Oh, right! I’ve also read that they have rooms for Trainers to stay in, possible restaurants to eat at, and sometimes even places like a spa. I wish that there is one at the Pokemon Center. I want to really freshen up after our time on the road,” Rarity said.

“I know. I could sure use a bath after such a tough first day. But, regardless, Piplup and ours’ journey is going to be a great one!” Dawn tried to remain hopeful.

“Don’t worry, Rarity! Spa or no spa, your beauty is a near undeniable fact in this world or any other!” Spike complemented his crush.

“Um, thanks Spike. So, how much longer do you think that it will take to reach the Pokemon Center? My feet are killing me after all this walking,” Rarity complained.

“Really, Rarity? We’re going on a journey where we are likely to do a lot of walking, and you’re complaining about it?” Applejack bluntly asked.

“I know! A Pokemon journey isn’t just a part-time deal. You need to be willing to deal with stress full-time on a Pokemon journey, at least that’s what I’ve heard from Ash,” Rainbow Dash said.

"Well...what about using the Dimensional Scissors to move around the region? We can get to towns and cities without worrying about walking," Rarity suggested.

"What are these scissors?" Dawn asked.

"Apparently, they can move to different locations and even worlds by cutting open a portal," Twilight answered.

"Yep. So, can we use them to avoid extra walking?" Rarity asked.

"I'd say no," Applejack denied.

"Yeah! Walking from town to town is not only good exercise, but it means we can find more Pokemon since we'll be in the wild," Fluttershy said.

"I do love getting a good workout," Rainbow agreed.

"And being able to make new Pokemon friends is also great!" Pinkie Pie said.

"So, I'm sorry to say, Rarity and Dawn, but we'll be continuing to walk," Twilight apologized as both girls sighed. "But, if there is no other way to get somewhere in time for an event we'll use the scissors to move about. That sound good?"

"I guess so. But can we at least use them right now? Otherwise, we'll be searching for the center for hours.

“Um, guys? I think we’re almost at the Pokemon Center,” Fluttershy commented. “According to this sign, we are just a few minutes away from the Center and being able to relax.”

“Oh, thank goodness! We’ll be able to rest and get a nice hot meal soon!” Dawn sighed in relief.

“Maybe we should let our other Pokemon out when we get there. They’d be happy to get some rest after fighting so hard for us,” Fluttershy suggested.

“Good idea, Fluttershy! Let’s go!” Twilight said as the group continued onward to the Pokemon Center.

Not too far behind them, Misty was holding her bike, which was severely burnt by Pikachu's electrical attacks earlier that day.

“Hey, What’s the big idea? Come back here!” Misty angrily yells out as she runs after Ash and the others.

Meanwhile, in a Meowth balloon floating above Viridian City, a trio consisting of a man with blue hair, a woman with long red hair, both wearing a black and white uniform with a red “R” on their shirts, and a Pokemon named Meowth were discussing something.

“I can’t believe that Cassidy and Butch were placed in charge of Team Rocket’s next heist to steal all the Pokemon in the Viridian City! I thought for certain we were going to get this mission!” The woman, named Jessie complained.

“I know! Sure we may have messed up with stealing Pokemon before, but we’ve also managed to do a few successful heists here and there! I mean, we have wanted posters!” The man, named James, agreed.

“I know,” The Meowth, who could talk, said. Suddenly, he appeared to realize something. “Hey! I just came up with a brilliant idea! If we capture all the Pokemon before the other Team Rocket members arrive, we’re likely to no longer be seen as jokes and even be promoted by the boss!”

“That… sounds like a good idea, Meowth! Soon, we’ll be getting enough money to never go hungry again!” James cheered.

“I know! We’ll also be allowed to use the corporate bathrooms and spa without getting into trouble! I’m so happy to have come up with the plan!” Jessie happily said.

“Um, Jessie? That was my idea,” Meowth commented, only to be met with a glare by the red-head. “Um, never mind! We’ll soon be tasting victory all thanks to your plan!” Meowth changed gears quickly.

Thanks to Officer Jenny, Ash and Pikachu were on their way to the Viridian City Pokemon Center. In spite of the faster transportation to reach the Pokemon Center, he was still very worried about Pikachu and his well-being. After all, he had expended a lot of his energy fighting the Spearow and was in need of treatment.

Eventually, however, the sight of the Pokemon Center got into view on the horizon. “Finally! The Pokemon Center! Pikachu, don’t worry! We’re almost there!”

“This is tricky. Just hold on. Here we go!” Officer Jenny cries out as she hops her bike onto the entryway. The bike comes to a screeching stop at the desk.

“We have a driveway, you know,” Nurse Joy comments to Officer Jenny.

At this, Officer Jenny blushes. “Sorry about that. We have an emergency! A Pikachu was injured and exhausted fighting off a bunch of Spearow for his Trainer.”

Nurse Joy sees the Pikachu in Ash’s arms. “There is no time to waste! Chancey, get a stretcher for an injured Pikachu right away!” At this, a Chancey came out with a stretcher, put Pikachu onto it, and then took the stretcher into the next room.

“Thank you so much for the help. If there is anything I can do to help Pikachu, please let me know!” Ash insisted.

“For starters, be more careful with your Pokemon and with the battles you fight! This poor Pikachu is in very terrible shape right now!” Nurse Joy criticized.

“I’m sorry! It was an accident that we ended up fighting a bunch of Spearow. My friends and I all tried to fight them off, but Pikachu got hurt during that time. I’ll try to be more careful in the future,” Ash apologized as he bowed.

“I understand, but what’s past is past. Now, we’ll do our best to heal your Pikachu Mr…,” Nurse Joy said.

“Ash. Ash Ketchum,” Ash introduced himself.

“Alright, Ash. It may take a little bit of time to heal your Pikachu, but don’t worry. He should be feeling better in no time,” Nurse Joy said as she left to take care of Pikachu.

After Pikachu and Nurse Joy left, Ash sighed to himself. He was feeling very sad over what happened to Pikachu. It had been his dream to become a great Pokemon Trainer and Master, and his first day ended with Pikachu being hurt and needing medical attention. Needless to say, Ash felt horrible right now.

Noticing that there was a phone nearby, Ash walked over to it and put in the number for his mother Delia Ketchum. Meanwhile, the Mane 7 and Dawn had finally caught up with Ash and were seeing that Ash was about to talk to his mother on the phone.

Eventually, Ash’s mother, who was in bathrobes and with a mud mask on her face, looked confused as to who was on the phone line before being happy upon seeing that Ash was on the other end. “Oh, Ash! It’s great to hear from you! So, where are you calling from, honey?”

“I’m… calling from the Pokemon Center in Viridian City,” Ash answered.

“Yeah! It took us some time, but we ended up here on the first day!” Rainbow Dash cried out as she popped up behind Ash, surprising him to see that the others had just arrived.

“Oh, that sounds wonderful! You know, when your father started his journey, it took him a few days in order to make it to Viridian City. I also see that you and Dawn have made some new friends!” Delia said happily.

“Y-Yeah. I made them about a week ago at Professor Oak’s lab,” Ash said sadly.

“Yeah! Apparently, they come from another world,” Dawn confirmed.

“Really now?” Delia was curious to hear this.

“Yeah! Where we come from, magic is a powerful force that has control over almost everything, from weather to plants growing,” Twilight explained.

"We're ponies that are capable of using magic to fly and stuff," Rainbow continued.

“Things are mostly pretty amazing back home!” Pinkie Pie cheered.

“Yeah. I bet they are,” Ash sadly mumbled.

“Ash? Is everything alright? You look really down,” Rarity asked in concern upon noticing his mood.

“Yeah! Why don’t we find a way to turn that frown upside down?” Pinkie Pie asked cheerfully before Dawn stopped her.

“Uh, Pinkie Pie? I think we should let him talk for right now,” Dawn suggested.

“I agree. What is the problem Ash? You’ve been dreaming of being a Pokemon Master ever since you were five years old. Aren’t you excited?” Delia asked her son in concern.

“It's just… Today has had a lot of bad things going my way. Pikachu hasn’t been listening to me for most of the day, we both almost died. If it weren’t for the fact that I had my friends with me I’m not sure if I would be even able to take care of myself. How can I become a Pokemon Master if I run into so much trouble on my first day?” Ash revealed to his mother and friends. At the same time, another teen had noticed the call and was listening curiously.

“Look, Ash. I know that becoming a Trainer isn’t easy. But you can’t just give it up. This is your dream. I think you’ll find that with your friend’s help you’ll be able to overcome these worries. Good luck and enjoy your journey young man,” Delia said to try and cheer up her son.

“Like your mom said, if y’all need help with any sad or worrying thoughts, just let us know and we’ll be there,” Applejack suggested to the teen.

At this, Ash smiled as he said, “Thanks you guys. I do feel a lot better now. I just wish that Pikachu would be doing better.”

Fluttershy looked worried as she asked, “So, what happened to Pikachu? Did the Spearow hurt him that badly?”

“I don’t think so. He did get hurt, but I think and hope he’s just exhausted,” Ash answered.

Before anyone else could continue talking, a voice unfamiliar to the group said, “So, your Pikachu got attacked and beaten by a bunch of Spearow? How pathetic.”

When everyone turned around, they saw a teen around their age with purple hair and a scowl affixed to his face.

“Hey! His Pokemon got hurt, you jerk!” Rainbow Dash cried out angrily.

“Your point being?” The teen asked, still scowling until he noticed the Snivy on Rainbow’s shoulder. “What Pokemon is that?”

“She’s a Snivy. Rainbow here found her at Professor Oak’s lab and she is one of Rainbow’s two starter Pokemon,” Twilight explained.

“According to the Professor, she comes from the Unova region,” Dawn added on.

"So, you impressed with her? I'll bet she is the coolest Pokemon ever once she gets used to battling!" Rainbow boasted.

“Doesn’t look all that special to me. To be honest, she looks pretty pathetic. She won’t last two minutes in a proper battle. You’re better off finding a different Pokemon or at least hoping that your other starter measures up,” the teen commented.

“Hey there! Don’t insult Snivy like that. For all you know, she could grow to be a powerful battler!” Ash finally said, unhappy with the teen’s behavior.

“Please! Your friend’s Snivy is a weakling that she’s better off ditching before she weighs her down!” The teen yelled harshly.

“Come now, good sir! You don’t have to be jealous of Rainbow here for having such a rare Pokemon. I’m sure if we all calm down we can find a way to get along,” Rarity tried to play mediator.

“Rarity’s right! Don’t be such a jerk to Rainbow’s Snivy!” Fluttershy agreed, looking angry.

“Who said I wanted your pathetic Snivy?” The teen barked out, much to the group’s shared frustration.

“Look, Mr.-,” Spike began only to realize that he didn’t know the teen’s name.

“Paul,” The teen answered.

“Paul, we’ve all been through a lot today and the last thing we need is for you to be rude to us,” Spike continued.

“Spike is right. You think in the future you can try and be a little bit nicer to people and Pokemon?” Fluttershy politely asked.

“Especially people that you’ve just met at that?” Dawn asked.

“I’ll treat people how I want to treat them, understand? And, sad to say, you all seem to be pretty pathetic Trainers to be this sensitive to me just being honest,” Paul said with a smirk.

“There’s a mighty big difference from being honest and just being a jerk!” Applejack yelled.

“I’m afraid that my friends are right. Can’t you at least try to be less mean?” Ash asked.

“Whatever. So, I can tell from the way you talk that you are all Trainers. Any of you interested in having a battle? Maybe that'll prove if you're worthy of my time,” Paul questioned the group.

“How about I challenge you to a battle, Paul?” Rainbow asked as she cracked her knuckles.

“Same here! Maybe we can find a way to get along in battle rather than talking,” Ash suggested, wanting to find a way to still potentially be friends with Paul.

“Hmm, fine. It’ll be a two on two battle. You each get to battle with one Pokemon against my two. We’ll fight outside the Pokemon Center in five minutes. Be there,” Paul stated as he walked outside.

“Rainbow Dash! Ash! Don’t you think that was a bit rash of you? You both barely know how to battle. You could easily get yourself and your Pokemon hurt. Besides, Charmander has expended energy fighting all those Spearow from earlier. Snivy is still very young and inexperienced. As for you, Ash, Pikachu needs to recover before he can battle again. I’d rather you both not pick a fight with this Paul character any more than you’ve already have,” Twilight warned.

“But Twilight! We can’t just let that jerk do whatever he wants! We need to teach him a lesson in respect! Besides, Snivy should be able to handle whatever that guy throws at us!” Rainbow Dash protested, with Snivy agreeing with a reluctant and nervous nod.

“Look, I understand what you are feeling right now. That ruffian could have been so much nicer to us. However, we shouldn’t stoop to his level by accepting a challenge out of anger,” Rarity reasoned.

“Yeah. Paul may be a jerk but we should just try and walk away from this battle,” Dawn said, trying to be reasonable in spite of her anger.

“You have a point Rarity. But I was thinking that maybe we can find a way to get along with Paul if we share a battle with him. Not all jerks are purely horrible after all,” Ash explained.

“Still, you could have waited for your Pikachu to be doin’ better before battlin’,” Applejack said.

“I was actually able to get myself another Pokemon while I was separated from you guys. Aipom, I choose you!” Ash cried out as he sent out the purple monkey who landed gleefully on her tail. “See? I can battle with her while Pikachu hopefully gets all better,” Ash suggested.

“Sounds good to me! Poliwag and I will root for you, right girls?” Pinkie Pie offered.

“Well… I guess you two can handle yourselves. Just be careful. After all, this is your first battle,” Fluttershy reluctantly agreed.

“Seein’ as how you’re unlikely to give up on this, I guess you can go ahead and battle him. Just don’t complain to us if you both lose,” Applejack agreed.

“I agree with Applejack. The last thing we need is for more Pokemon to need intense care like Pikachu,” Rarity reminded everyone.

“Well, what about you, Twilight? Do you think Ash and Rainbow should go through with this battle?” Dawn asked Twilight.

“It’s not that I don’t trust them. I just don’t want for anyone to get hurt is all,” Twilight was still reluctant.

“Think of it this way, Twilight. Even if they lose, the Pokemon can recover here at the Pokemon Center. Besides, it may be a good learning experience for them,” Spike suggested to his older sister.

“Okay. Okay. They can battle. But don’t say I didn’t warn them,” Twilight said, hoping that things would work out alright.

“Perfect! Now let’s go out there and battle Paul, Aipom!” Ash cheered as the group was about to head outside. However, before he could the group quite literally bumped into Misty, who was holding her burnt bike and looked mad. “Oh, um, hi? Sorry about your bike,” Ash apologized.

“Well, I’m glad that you’re willing to apologize, but that alone won’t cut it! You trashed my bike! How am I supposed to travel around the world now?!” Misty demanded in anger as she put down her bike, giving a massive glare towards Ash, who looked a bit scared.

“Well, to be fair, you could travel with us if you’d like. We could always use more friends to travel with,” Pinkie Pie suggested.

“I know that it won’t help, but Ash didn’t mean to destroy your bike. If you want, we can find a way to make it up to you. What do you say?” Twilight asked the red-haired teen.

“Simple. Just pay up for the damages to my bike and we’ll be golden!” Misty yelled at the nervous Twilight.

“Um, I’m afraid we don’t have enough money to pay for your bike Misty,” Dawn nervously apologized.

“Oh, come on! How much could a bike cost?” Rainbow Dash asked without thinking.

“A bike costs a lot, about 1,000,000 Pokedollars,” Dawn answered a bit meekly.

“Sweet Celestia, that's a lot of money!” Rarity was shocked.

“Wait. How much is that in bits?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Look, I know we can’t fix your bike at the moment. But, please! We have a journey to go on and I only took your bike in order to help out my Pikachu,” Ash explained.

Suddenly, Misty’s glare softened a bit. “Is Pikachu doing okay?”

“I just asked Nurse Joy and he currently is healing up from the Spearow attack. With enough rest he should be fine,” Fluttershy answered.

“Well that’s good. Now, back to you paying for my bike…,” Misty began as Applejack tried to keep her from slapping Ash out of anger.

“Slow down there! We need to calm down. Now, is there a way we can pay off the damages to your bike?” Applejack asked.

“Not that I can think of. I’m not going to let this go, though,” Misty said as she came up with a plan. “I have an idea. Until you can pay me back, I’m going to go with you all. I’d rather not be scammed out of the money for my bike, understood?”

“Um, I guess?” Spike was a bit confused at the request.

“Well, Misty, we’ll be sure to try and make things up to you as soon as possible,” Twilight agreed as the others gave their support to the decision, as confused as they were.

“Perfect! Now let’s go ahead and battle that Paul!” Rainbow Dash cried out as she and Ash ran outside with Aipom and Snivy in tow.

Right out front during sunset, Paul was waiting for the group to arrive, with Ash and Rainbow moving to stand right across from the new Trainer.

“You’re late. I thought I said to be out here in five minutes. Still, I suppose I can still fight you,” Paul smirked.

“You know, I heard that Pokemon battles have referees. I guess I can try to see if I can do that,” Twilight suggested.

“There’s no need. Like we discussed inside, it’ll be a double battle and the battle will be over when either side’s Pokemon can no longer fight,” Paul decided.

“Sounds good to me! Snivy, let’s go!” Rainbow cried out as Snivy jumped forward, looking at Rainbow nervously. “Don’t worry about this, Snivy! We got this battle in the bag!”

Meanwhile, unknown to the group, another Snivy that had left her Trainer was watching the battle that was about to happen.

“Aipom, are you ready for our first battle together?” Ash asked the purple monkey, who answered with a nod. “Great! Now let’s get this battle underway!”

“Fine then. Turtwig and Elekid, standby for battle!” Paul called out as he sent out a green and brown turtle and a yellow and black creature with a plug on his head, who proceeded to say their names as they held glares on their faces.

“Wait. A Turtwig? Isn’t that supposed to be a Sinnoh starter Pokemon? And who is that other Pokemon?” Spike wondered.

Rarity and Dawn, meanwhile, got out their Pokedexes and scanned the two Pokemon.

Turtwig, the Tiny Leaf Pokémon. Its shell is made of earth and when it absorbs water, it becomes harder.

Elekid, the Electric Pokémon. Elekid is the pre-evolved form of Electabuzz. It generates electricity by spinning its arms.

“Yikes! Those two Pokemon look a lot less relaxed than the ones I’ve seen as Gym Leader,” Misty muttered to herself. Fluttershy, however, heard this.

“Wait. You’re a Gym Leader?” Fluttershy was surprised, with everyone else having heard what she had said.

“Misty’s a Gym Leader?!” Ash was shocked.

“Yes, I am. Of the Cerulean City Gym. However, right now I’m taking a break so that I can search for more Water-types,” Misty explained, with a bit of bite aimed at Ash.

“Well, anyways, let’s get on with the battle!” Ash decided.

“So, can we go first?” Rainbow Dash asked impatiently.

“Can’t you wait just a little bit longer, sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“Well, I guess as long as Paul is okay with it we should be fine, right Dratini?” Spike asked the dragon-type.

“U huh. Hopefully our friends will win,” Dratini said as she nodded happily.

“I just hope no one gets hurt,” Fluttershy said.

“Be my guest. I don’t care either way,” Paul decided.

“Why you…!” Rainbow growled before deciding, “You know what? It doesn’t matter. Let’s battle! Snivy, start things off with a Tackle on that Elekid!” In an instant, Snivy took off in a powerful dash attack with Paul looking unconcerned.

“Protect,” Paul commanded as Elekid formed a green barrier around himself. Snivy hit the barrier, only to receive no damage at all.

“What the?!” Rainbow Dash was shocked at what occurred. “Shouldn’t have Elekid taken damage from that?!”

“Rainbow… Protect is a move that blocks an incoming attack and prevents damage,” Twilight scolded.

“The girl is correct. The battle has just started and you already seem pathetic,” Paul commented.

“You could do without the insults, you know!” Dawn called out.

“Well then, looks like we’ll have to pull our own weight, Aipom. Use Scratch on Turtwig!” Ash cried out. Aipom jumped using her tail and landed next to Turtwig, causing some damage to the Tiny Leaf Pokemon. “Perfect! We did some damage!”

“Huh? That all? Turtwig, attack both of them now with Razor Leaf!” Paul ordered as Turtwig nodded and sent a barrage of sharp leaves at both Pokemon.

“Dodge it, Aipom!” Ash called out as Aipom launched herself into the air. Unfortunately, Rainbow didn’t give Snivy a command in time and she got hurt by the leaves, though thankfully not too much damage was dealt by the attack.

“Are you okay, Snivy? Not that I’m worried or anything,” Rainbow asked, trying to keep her ego intact as Snivy nodded.

“I swear, that Rainbow Dash has the biggest head I’ve ever seen,” Applejack shook her head.

“I don’t understand. Why didn’t Snivy take too much damage from the attack?” Rarity asked.

“That’s easy. Moves and Pokemon all have one of eighteen types. Damage can change depending on the type of move and Pokemon in question,” Dawn answered.

“So, since Razor Leaf and Snivy were the same type, they took more limited damage?” Fluttershy asked.

“In this case, yes. However, this isn’t the same for every type,” Twilight confirmed.

“Elekid, use Thunder Punch on Aipom!” Paul called out as Elekid’s left hand was surrounded by electricity.

“Aipom, block with Focus Punch!” Ash cried out as Aipom’s tail hand glowed blue and met the electrified hand with a punch, with neither side taking damage.

“Elekid, use Brick Break with your other hand!” Paul called out as Elekid nodded and positioned his hand for a chop. Aipom got hit, knocking her back a fair way. “Now, Turtwig, use your Giga Drain!”

Turtwig sent out a green energy stream at both Snivy and Aipom. “Snivy, dodge it and use Vine Whip!” Rainbow yelled out as Snivy’s Vine Whip hit Turtwig on the head, though it did minimal damage.

Aipom, meanwhile, was about to be hit by the move. However, Ash quickly got in the way of the attack, getting hurt in the process. This surprised the wild Snivy as she never would have expected for a Trainer to do such a thing for their Pokemon.

“Pathetic. Are you expecting for such a move to save yourself from losing in an official battle?” Paul snidely asked.

“Hey! I just didn’t want for my Aipom to get hurt like my Pikachu!” Ash countered.

“I actually agree with Ash. You shouldn’t shame him for keeping his Pokemon safe. Still, you’re better off not doing that in an official battle. That’s cheating,” Misty commented.

“Good to know,” Spike commented to Dratini.

"Still, it is a very sweet gesture." Dratini said.

“Now then, Aipom, use your Swift Attack!” Ash called out as stars were sent out at both Turtwig and Elekid.

“Snivy, use your Leaf Tornado to help power up that Swift!” Rainbow called out as Snivy launched a leafy tornado from her tail.

“Elekid, use Thunder and Turtwig, use Razor Leaf!” Paul called out as all four moves clashed with each other, resulting in an explosion.

“So, Poliwag, do you think Ash and Dashie won?” Pinkie Pie asked as Poliwag jumped up and down supportively, but uncertain.

“We’ll just have to wait for the dust to clear,” Dawn pointed out.

In a few moments, the dust cleared, though all four Pokemon were knocked out from the battle. “So, it ended up being a tie,” Applejack said.

“What?! Boo! Our first battle and we already lost?!” Rainbow Dash was unhappy.

“I know. We could have done so much better. Still, not bad for our first battle. So, Paul, what do you say?” Ash asked the purple-haired teen.

“I think that Elekid and Turtwig need to shape up. They did pretty pathetically together, even though they did half-decently normally,” Paul insulted his Pokemon.

“Hey! Pokemon are living creatures, not data!” Fluttershy yelled, unhappy with Paul’s comment.

“Fluttershy’s right! You shouldn’t talk that way about your Pokemon!” Ash agreed.

“Hmm. Whatever. I can see that there’s nothing special about any of you. I’m leaving,” Paul said as he walked away.

“Um, Paul? What about healing your Pokemon at the Pokemon Center?” Pinkie Pie asked the teen.

“What about it?” Paul apathetically asked without turning around.

“The point is that they worked hard!” Rainbow Dash yelled.

“Rainbow’s right! You should at least heal them before leaving,” Ash argued.

“Fine,” Paul begrudgingly agreed as he walked into the Pokemon Center, with the others following. The wild Snivy, meanwhile, was debating what to think about Ash after saving his Aipom from harm.

It was night by the time everyone got inside the Pokemon Center. While Paul was giving his Pokemon to Nurse Joy, Ash and Rainbow Dash were talking with their friends.

“I can’t believe that Paul is such a jerk!” Rainbow yelled out, not caring if he heard or not.

“Now, calm down there Rainbow Dear, we don’t know if Paul is only a jerk to his Pokemon or not,” Rarity tried to be fair.

“If nothing else, his Pokemon are decently powerful and neither of them seem to resent Paul,” Fluttershy agreed reluctantly, deciding not to listen to her more negative thoughts.

“True, but that doesn’t give him the excuse to act like Pokemon are disposable,” Dawn argued back.

“You’re not wrong. Dratini and I wouldn’t want to run into this guy again,” Spike said.
"He's kinda scaring me," Dratini admitted.

"Don't worry. I'll protect you from him if need be," Spike consoled.

“Yeah! How can he be so mean?!” Pinkie Pie said.

“I don’t know. All I know is that hopefully Paul has a change in attitude by the next time we run into each other,” Ash said as he looked over some stone tablets boredly. Suddenly remembering Ho-Oh from earlier, he decided to call on Professor Oak. “Excuse me for a moment,” Ash said much more excitedly as he got up and walked over to the phone.

“Um, Ash? Is everything okay?” Twilight asked Ash.

“I can understand being sour over our loss or even sad, but you shouldn’t let Paul worry you. He isn’t worrying me,” Rainbow Dash lied, though thankfully no one saw through it.

“Didn’t you both tie, though?” Misty asked.

“I don’t think he’s sad, you guys,” Dawn said, noticing that Ash looked more curious than anything.

Eventually, the screen turned on and showed Professor Oak on the other end. “Oh, Ash! It’s good to see you! So, where are you currently at? Is Pikachu still with you? Have you or your friends caught any Pokemon yet?”

“Well, I did manage to catch myself an Aipom. She’s currently healing after her first tie. As for Pikachu, he’s healing after a fight with a bunch of Spearow. However, that isn’t why I called,” Ash admitted.

“Oh? Then why did you call, Ash?” Professor Oak asked.

“You see… I think Pikachu and I saw a Ho-Oh earlier today,” Ash said.

“R-Really? Are you sure?” Professor Oak asked in a hushed voice.

“Yes, I’m sure,” Ash confirmed. “If only I could have taken a picture of it.”

"Um, I'm confused. What is a Ho-Oh?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah. Is it a big deal? It seems to be one by the way Ash and the Professor are acting," Rainbow noted.

"A Ho-Oh is a legendary and powerful Pokemon that lives primarily in the Johto region. I read about them, but not much is known in Kanto about them," Twilight answered.

"Maybe you'll learn more about them there then?" Spike suggested.

“Well, either way, this is an interesting thing to have happened. Not many people or Pokemon have ever seen Ho-Oh in their lifetimes,” Professor Oak was amazed.

“Are you sure you didn’t just imagine it?” Misty teased Ash.

“Hey! I did see it! And Pikachu will agree with me!” Ash countered.

“Well, either way, it appears that it was a good decision to take you on as an assistant and Trainer. Hope all your travels will bring you more exciting adventures,” Professor Oak said with a bow as the phone call ended.

“Yeah. We’ll all have more adventures in no time!” Ash said happily.

“That’s the spirit, Ash!” Dawn agreed.

“So, Misty, are you sure that you want to go on adventures with us?” Pinkie Pie asked the red-head.

“Maybe. I’d rather just be able to get my bike back and return on my own journey,” Misty admitted.

Before the group could continue talking, the lights went out all of a sudden.

“W-What’s happening?!” Fluttershy cried out in fear.

“I don’t know! Do you think this was the work of a dangerous Pokemon?!” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Oh no! What if we can’t face them yet and we get hurt?” Rarity and Twilight were losing their cool.

“Now, calm down everyone. This is most likely a power outage,” Spike tried to remain calm.

“Spike’s right. We just need to calm down. We won’t get anywhere by bein’ scared,” Applejack agreed.

“Any idea what could have caused it?” Misty wondered.

“No clue. I just hope they solve the problem before bed. I want to be able to have power again in order to ease myself to sleep,” Dawn said.

“What about our Pokemon? What about Pikachu?!” Ash was still worried. “They still need to recover!”

“You’re right! We need to find the cause right now! We can’t just sit and do nothing while our Pokemon are hurt!” Rainbow Dash agreed.

“You both are right. Let’s go find out what the problem is,” Twilight decided.

However, before the group could go, an explosion destroyed part of the roof in the room they were all in.

“W-Who’s there?! What’s going on?!” Fluttershy cried out in fear.

“Prepare for trouble!” The red-haired woman from earlier yelled as a rope came out from under the balloon and the trio slid down it slowly.

“Make it double!” The blue-haired man continued.

“To protect the world from devastation!”

“To unite all people’s within our nation!”

“To denounce the evils of truth and love!”

“To extend our reach to the star’s above!”



“Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!”

“Surrender now or prepare to fight!”

“Meowth, that’s right!”