• Published 12th Mar 2013
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Semper Pie - deathtap

Meet Pinkie's long lost (more like forgotten) brother: Semper Pie.

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Mission 2, Part 7: The Alpha and the Omega

"He's not coming! He's not gonna come! He's left us here alone! He's gone!" Lucky whimpered trying to hide himself behind a destroyed portion of the bridge's deck. "Why would he do that? Why would he c-come here and leave us!"

"He wouldn't do something like that, and that is an indisputable fact," Zecora replied angrily.

The stallion didn't know when to stop. There had to be a limit to the level of whining one does. Even foals from her village would not whine in such a way. Perhaps there were too many young foals in Equestria that never grew up. Perhaps their society was so ill prepared for what was outside their borders. Was this why the Equestrian Guard was feared in the way they are? Zecora pushed the thought out from her head. This was no time to contemplate that. In order for her to learn she would have to go there and see for herself. Right now she needed to get out of here. Needed to get off this ship and go home.

"Providence, you should go." Iron walked over to her. "It is time you went on your way. There is a very good chance for you to get away if you leave now. I fear that the worst has yet to come."

The pegasus shook her head. "Then I can't go. You think I'm the kinda pony that leaves others behind because you'd be dead wrong. I'm going stay and see this through."

"Don't be selfish. Think of your little one. How could we forgive ourselves if we were the ones responsible for her mother not coming home? Think of her first. She is your family. I may never see mine again."

"You don't know her, Iron. My daughter would never forgive me if I ditched you guys. That's not the kind of thing I taught her to do. We stick by-"

"I truly appreciate your allegiance, and as far as friends go it is commendable. Providence, too much loyalty can be adverse as well. Why else would any one wish to be a Watu? What makes them stay? It is their loyalty to the almighty bit, or whatever form of currency those scoundrels choose. It is that and only that which forces them to remain slaves to an evil cause. There are times when one must choose whether being loyal is the right thing to do in relation to who. Perhaps you feel loyal to us, but then what about her? What about your little one? Should she not be the first to claim your loyalty?" The rhino looked at them all one by one. "Shouldn't she leave us here and go? If she has a chance, then it would be a crime to make her stay."

A mixture of hope, kindness and jealousy fluctuated through the small group as a very silent pegasus looked down at the floor.

"He's right, you know. It is time for you to go," Zecora said placing a hoof on the Providence's shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll be protected. Go on now and don't feel dejected."

"But... but I can't. It just doesn't feel right," Providence replied looking at the zebra.

"That's quite alright. None of you are going anywhere anyway," a voice stated from behind them.

They all spun around to see a red unicorn standing in front of the damaged door of the bridge. He was armed to the teeth and behind him were three equally armed Watu warriors. Blood studied each of the group one by one as if he were looking for something. Then he gestured with his head and the three Watus behind him rushed forward and pinned the rhino down without much effort, their weapons making him quite compliant.

Providence made a move to help, but stopped when she heard a voice and looked up towards the night sky. A group of pegasi and a griffin female were all staring down at her. She took another step and the next thing she knew was her body being pinned down to the ground.

"Make sure she can't fly."

The winged Watus looked at Blood for a moment, a sadistic grin forming on more than a few. The female griffin, on the other hand just let out a tired sigh and put aside her giant axe and picked up a metal pipe that had once been the mouthpiece for the communication tubes. She looked at one of the pegasi and gestured with her head and he took her wing and pulled it out. Providence proved stronger than he thought and flapped her wing as hard as he could throwing him off balance. He tripped on his hooves and landed heavily on his face, to which his peers laughed. A dark expression formed on the pegasus and he walked right up to providence and slugged her in the side of her body. She let out a groan and this time she could not fight as her wing was extended to its full length.

"You're going to be sorry you did that," he stated.

The griffin lifted the metal pipe above her head and looked into Providence's eyes.

"Yeah, sorry about this. Orders are order," she sang in that sweet sing-song voice. She heaves the pipe over her head and brought it right down on the wing.

Providence screamed. They all watched in horror as the pegasus that held her wing out started to move it around.

"You like that? That's what you get!" he shouted and pulled her wing again.

"Y-you monsters!" Iron roared fighting to stand up. "Leave her alone!"

The three on his back easily overpowered him and one hit him on the back of his head with the hilt of his weapon. He dropped to the deck with a grunt and looked up. Providence was lying on her side tears streaming from her face, her teeth clenched tightly together as she fought the urge to scream again. She would not give them that pleasure. The other pegasi around her were laughing, and one took the metal pipe form the griffin and waved it in front of her laughing cruelly.

Some of the others were giving her disturbing, lustful looks as she lay on the bridge's floor.

"Get away from her!" Iron shouted, but he was once again shoved down to the ground.

"She's a cute one, she is," one started.

"Would love a round with her," another continued.

"I bet she has a long tongue," a mare stated, grabbing Providence's face in her hooves. "Am I right?"

Providence tried to break free from the grip and failed. "T-that all you got?" she whispered, her voice betraying her resolve.

"Feisty. Maybe we should break her legs instead. See how much fight you got after that," the mare stated.

"Nah, then she can't walk and we'd have to carry her," another stated.

"We could always just ride her. She won't fight back... or we could just kill her and then bring her down in pieces."

Providence shuddered.

"Please stop and we will obey! Name it and we will do as you say." Zecora pushed through the bodies of the Watu and threw herself across Providence.

There was a moment of silence as the group stood around now really knowing how to react to this. Kindness, it seemed, was foreign here. This was something they were not used to seeing. How had this young zebra manage to get past them all and fling herself onto the injured pegasus?

"I will obey you. I promise, I do!" Zecora intoned, tears flowing from her eyes. She knew they were meaningless to this lot, but she could not help how she felt. "I will carry her down below, I promise I won't be slow!"

"Fine. Carry her. The rest of you watch them," Blood turned around.

The rest were slapped into chains without any sign of resistance. Not after what had happened to poor Providence. None of them dared to show any signs of resistance. They were quickly bound in chains once again, their necks locked together similar to when they were boarding the Eleonora. Lucky and whimpered as he was put in the front of the line leading the way, Iron right behind him. The Watu, especially the pegasi, were all around Providence and Zecora. Some were poking her and making lewd threats, while others were teasing Zecora as she walked on. Providence tried to act strong, but every time she made any sign of defiance they would gesture towards the pipe and wave it in her face reminding her that she had another wing.

"See what I meant about getting out while you still could?" Iron muttered to Providence as Zecora followed him.

The pegasus just turned away. What could she say to that?

"Semper, where is it that you are now? You promised you'd save us, you made a vow," Zecora whispered as they were marched back down the stairs, down to the main deck and towards the cannons at the far end of the ship.

"Pony say we fight for him until ship is taken," the snivelling diamond dog explained as best he could. "Hund loves his alpha. Hund wishes to free alpha, but Hund does not have key. Pony has hidden it. Only pony knows. Yes, pony here. Smell like round red fruit. Smell like apples. Only him. Only he knows. Only he has key."

There were certainly a number of alphas sitting in separate cages. Strong, powerful, intelligent and lethal, these were the prized items of this particular voyage even more than the mighty ursas that had now been flushed into the sea. They were all captured in an ambush on their way to a Pit Fight, a diamond dog ritual of dominance where the various alphas from around the lands took on each other in single combat to ascertain who was the strongest. The contest takes place once every ten years on the anniversary of the banishment of Nightmare Moon when the moon's glow was particularly strong, when the magic of the moon was at its peak.

The fights were a site to behold, and those that were lucky enough to witness the battle prowess of the diamond dogs and their capacity to fight. Especially the alphas who remained a class unto themselves. Some were strong in terms of might, but others were also cunning and clever. Then there were those that possessed both brains and brawn. A very kind of breed indeed and here was one such dog.

"A pony cannot challenge alpha!" came a bark from one of the other, lesser alphas.

"We only obey the strongest," came a grumbling voice. "As it was since the First Dawn, it will be. Only the strongest have the right to lead the pack."

The dog's spoke the same language as the ponies, but they had their own words for certain things. Certain things that they had kept to themselves as dogs.

A large bulldog nodded in agreement with the voice. "If the pony is stronger then he is the alpha. We will obey, but only if he is stronger. There has been others before. Others that have been alpha."

The ship shook again. Something above them exploded. The single exposed light bulb hanging from the ceiling rocked backwards, then forth casting a cascading shadows across the hold. At the far end, locked behind a reinforced cage, surrounded by sharp spikes pointing inwards, was the most dangerous alpha there. A bane of many, there was none there that did not know of him. Thick chains were clamped on each arm and leg pinning him to his seat, and over his face was a muzzle of iron and steel clamped shut to hide those powerful jaws and razor sharp teeth. This was chained to the floor so the dog could do nothing more than raise his head slightly to look ahead of him. To look at whoever was in front of him. It was those cold, deep brown eyes that were the most intimidating part of him. After all, this was no ordinary diamond dog. No, he was not the same as the others.

"If you wish to lead the alphas and expect them to listen, then you must beat the alpha of alphas," the bulldog repeated then he pointed to the end of the corridor. "Him."

There ship swayed again, the lights shifting to the side.

"I will fight," the response came. A single pony stepped into the light and cast aside his armor and weapons save for his helm, which he wore proudly on his head. "I will fight for the right to lead this pack."

All the dogs laughed. They had never heard of something so ridiculous before.

"You? Fight a dog?" A screeching voice came from one of the hyenas. She charged the cage and gnashed her teeth, a maniacal expression on her face and a lust for blood evident in those bloodshot eyes. It was clear that she thought nothing of slaying this pony. All she wanted was to sink her teeth into fresh pony flesh. "It will be a blood bath! And I will bath in yours, pony!"

The rest of the dogs barked and banged against their cages trying to get at the pony in front of them.

"And yet I smell no fear from him," came a deep rumbling voice from within the furthest cage, from behind the muffled maw of the most dangerous dog of them all. "Are you a fool?"


"Very well then. Release me, pony. Let us see if you have what it takes to rule the strongest pack, to see whether or not you truly have no fear, or if you're just unaware of your impending demise."

A key was thrown to the beta sniveling to the side of the cage who beta opened the cage door, then undid the shackles that bound him. As the chains that dropped to the ground the diamond dog reached to his face and with a single flick on his paw, sliced through the muzzle with his claws. It was not that they were sharp, years of digging had seen to that, but they were strong. The only thing that prevented him from breaking through was his inability to open his jaws. He stood up and dropped to all fours and stretched his body out by bending his back down, his bones cricking from spending days, or was it weeks, in the same position.

"Hund is happy. Happy that alpha is free. Hund is good. Follows alpha. Loves his alpha."

"Are you ready to die, pony?" the alpha asked, his eyes glowing a fierce red as the light swung over him.

"Not today."

The alpha grinned and let out a deep, low laugh. "We shall see who will be be victorious."

As the light swung over the pony once again, the diamond dog gave pause. Indeed, he smelt no fear from him. He could smell all sorts of things, but fear was not one of them. Not from him, at least. Beyond this place, far above them the place was rampant with the scent of fear. But not this pony. No, he stood there like a statue, unafraid. If it were not for the the smell that wafted through the air the diamond dog would have been convinced that he was merely seeing things. Not even the strongest and bravest of dragons did not swallow a mouthful of saliva when they stood against a diamond dog.

Yet this pony, a mere quarter his size, stood his ground. That was not the worst of it though. Every creature had a smell. Each was unique, identifiable to only one being. Even twins differed once they had left the womb, and each being gave off emotions that he could use to his advantage. Anger, hate, fear, love, he knew them all and knew what to expect. But what he never expected to smell coming from a pony, especially one about to engage him, was excitement.

And for some reason this pony smelled so... dangerous.

The clan Silver Moon had always been the strongest one in the Blue Valley. They guarded the grounds near the Snake Rivers that twisted their ways through their lands, their sacred grounds. They had patrolled, lived and guarded it for generations honoring an ancient oath forged on the First Dawn. That was their life. A paradise. A dream.

But like all dreams, it had to end.

It had been many moons since the Grand Betrayal, the moment they abandoned the Ever Night Queen and helped the Day Bringer bring an end to her terrible reign. It was not that they had a choice; the Ever Night Queen did not have a place for the Silver Moon pack, nor any pack for that matter. They would have lived and died by her whim of her words, but they had their oath. The ancient oath to protect the lands which she had inadvertently sought to destroy. The land they called home. They broke their word to her to honor that ancient pact. A most horrific thing for any canine to do. They betrayed their alpha.

So Silver Moon pack and its members faded. Even the fiercest and most loyal followers of the clans could not abide by the treachery they had done. It had shattered them to the core. Many disappeared into the woods to live alone in repentance of their terrible crime. Some died by their own paws, choosing to end their suffering rather than live with themselves.

Betraying an alpha. It was unheard of. It was heresy. It was a disgrace against Those That Came Before, Those That Hunted, Those That Were. The Silver Moon pack was no more. From then on only shallow, insipid creatures were born to the females of what was their clan. Broken, lost, ashamed; where once canines of great pride and pedigree walked, now only slaves of the lowest order remained. There were clans beyond the Great Sandy Sea, far beyond their ancestral borders, where they were allowed to exist as betas, but still unworthy of cleaning the grime from the floors of their Kennels with their tongues.

Still, how does one remember things of a distant past?

In the Dream World, of course. Where past, future and present appear before those with eyes that choose to see and mind that chooses to understand. It is a place where many can visit, few can roam, and only a very small number could master. The Moon Mother had given the gift of traversing the Dream World to the Silver Moon. She had chosen to befriend them and the gift gave them the ability to see where they had come from. To learn what needed to be learned.

Since then those of the Silver Moon clan always had the Talent. It was a shame that other dogs did not understand nor comprehend it. Perhaps it was because their ancestors were never there. Perhaps it was because they never truly were real in the first place. When one passed from the Waking World, they could still run with the others in the Dream World and hunt as they had always done. The Talent was forgotten long after the Moon Mother became the Ever Night Queen and only a few could cross over. The practice of walking in that world had been forgotten.

Still, the Talent persisted. It usually came and went with various dogs, but this time, this one time, it had persisted. This time there was one diamond dog that could run with the pack, could hunt and learn from his ancestors. He could be with those who came before and say that he had been there during the Great Hunt. He had been there during the great Hunts of old. He had lived it, lived through the turmoil, through the agony and the pain. He had understood why his ancestors abandoned the Moon Mother. He understood that their ancient vow was more precious than their fealty to her. He struggled with himself to accept it when they had given up and fled the front lines to the Day Bringer allowing her armies to enter the Blue Valley and lay siege to the castle.

The Moon Mother -- now the Ever Night Queen, concentrated all her forces against the armies of her sister, but she could not beat the Day Bringer down. Not by herself. In exchange, she was sent away, far, far away. Though his clan had saved the Blue Valley, they had betrayed the Moon Mother to do so. The one that had taught them the Talent.

A dog does not betray its master. Ever.

His ancestors were guilty of the Grand Betrayal and he would always carry that shame. Still, he was the uncontested alpha of alphas. The leader of many clans within the Snake Rivers and within the Blue Valley. He would always be called a Silver and with it the burden of challenge. Many other alphas would always come to claim his title, but being part of the Silver Moon pack did not mean he was weak. He understood that.

And so would this foolish equine.

He picked himself up from off the ground and growled. He was strongest. He had fought timberwolf alphas and had bested even the strongest of grizzly bears in single combat. Here was nothing more than a pony. And one without wings or magic neither. Nor had he any weapons, choosing to face him with just his body.

So why was he hesitating? This should have been easy? He had teeth, claws, and muscles. He was fast, experienced in fighting all sorts of alphas and a proficient hunter.

How had he found himself on the ground before a pony?

"You fight hard," he muttered and stood tall.

"As do you."

Respect. It did not feel fake. It felt genuine. There was no fear coming from him. He could smell it off of those above him and from the betas that stood around with their tails between their legs as they watched the fight. It wafted towards him in waves making him feel sick.

"What is your name, pony?" he asked, wiping a bit of dribble from his maw.

"Semper. Yours?"


The pony merely nodded. If he had recognized the name, he made no sign of it.

"Fight!" came a call. "Kill that pony!"

Lupus charged again, his huge paw swiping at the pony.

The pony moved with quick, precise steps, using his hind legs to dash forwards to his inside. The momentum made Lupus slip when he had tried to turn around. He could see the exposed back and had wanted to sink his teeth into his neck, but the deck of the ship was not the soil of the outside, and his body continued to move forwards but not before he felt a searing pain through his left knee. Despite his larger size and apparent weight advantage, the force was enough to send the leg wide, causing him to fall on his face.

As he tried to compensate for the fall he lost his ability to attack, using his paws to stop himself from falling on the ground again. He turned around only to have two hind legs deliver a jaw-shattering blow.

How had it come to this? Defeated by ponies? Not once, but twice he had been bested by them. This time by one. Not like before, when they set traps and refused to fight him fairly. Not like before when those strange equines in armor ganged up on him and the betas, outnumbering them ten to one. No, this equine was different. He did not have sharp teeth, nor jaws that could crush iron, or claws that could shred steel, or paws that could crush gems, but he had honor.

Lupus was stronger. He knew this. His had quicker reflexes and speed. But it did not matter. He was still losing.

Was this what he was reduced to now? Was this the fate of those who were from the once great Silver Moon clan? Was it his fate to be bested by a pony in Glorious Combat?

It could not be. He was, is and forever will be until the day his last breath flows from his lungs, the greatest of the alphas. He would return his clans name to its former place as the greatest and strongest of packs. He would regain what the past had lost and nothing, not even this pony, would be able to stop him.

Lupus' eyes spotted the pony galloping towards. He waited until the right moment before snapping his tail up and smashing the equine hard to the side. The power stunned the equine for a moment, giving the dog time to turn and strike. The impact would have killed any pony -- if it had hit him. Instead the claws were blocked when the pony used his forelegs push against the swinging arm sending him flying into the darkness beyond the lights and crashing into the darkness.

The pack approved of this. He could hear the betas all howling in appreciation that he had finally managed to hit the pony, but he knew that he could not let his guard down. There were other pack leaders there, other alphas. He may have been the strongest, but this wasn't a Pit Fight. There would be no Glorious Combat here if he should show any sign of weakness. The other alphas would waste no time in attacking him if he should win only with luck. They needed to see him beat the pony. That was why he did not chase him into the darkness.

And then there was the worst of it all. One that had no respect for traditions or appreciation for Glorious Combat. One that only treasured power and acquiring more of it. The worst breed of canines on any continent. The most depraved of all, but perhaps the most proficient hunters of all. The hyenas. And right here, locked away in one of the cages staring at him and his fight with the pony, was a nasty renowned for her cruelty against her foes as well as her own pack. Lupus would not mind any of the others usurping him as long as it was not her; Tarasa, the hyena queen.

His ears perked up, the sounds of hooves echoing down the hall made him growl viciously. This one was indeed strong. Why? Why did he not fear him? Why did he not turn tail and flee?

His eyes spotted the a figure standing at the exit as if he was blocking the way for him to escape. The light from the hall behind him casting a long shadow towards him. As the wolf gazed to the silhouette he actually took a step back.

"Coward! Little puppy can't kill a pony! He is no alpha!" Tarasa shouted, then let out a howl before chuckling in that annoying laugh her kind did. The noise grated Lupus to the core. "You deserve nothing Silver. You do not deserve to be alpha."

In the Dream World he saw himself standing shoulder to shoulder with the legions that served the Ever Night Queen. He saw that her cruelty was unparalleled. Even those that served her loyally were not spared from her brutality. She killed without any remorse. She was their absolute ruler and she could exercise that right with force. Still, despite it all, she had once been the Moon Mother. The gentle, kind, benevolent mother of the night. She had taken them in when others did not. She gave the Silver Moons a purpose. A reason to live.

Why had she tried to make her nights last forever? Surely she must have known that would have destroyed the world.

"You are weak!" Another alpha barked slamming himself against the door to his cage. "You are no alpha! Your pack is weak! Weaklings like you deserve to be broken!"

The laughter was overbearing. He had heard it so many times before, but it never stopped. No matter how many of them he beat, no matter how many of them he dominated, they would not stop. He was from the Silver Moon clan and one of the only ones that would openly admit it. He had fought his way to the top and had rightfully become the alpha of all the clans in the Blue Valley. He would remain that way until a stronger foe defeated him in Glorious Combat.

Yet, there he was.

But if he lost, would this equine be able to accept the burden of being alpha? Impossible. No pony has ever led a pack in the history of- no, that was not true. There was a time when they did follow the Moon Mother. He had seen it in the Dream World. She was their first Den Mother. She had taught them the hunt, and to protect each other. She had installed those values in them. It was peaceful at that time, long ago. In the Dream World it always seemed that time stood still. Each evening she would raise the moon and they would bay to it to show her how much they truly loved her nights before they would go on the hunt. They would chase after the wild animals, the ones she said that could be hunted. They would feast on their flesh, but also give respect for it was with their lives that they would have strength for the next hunt. That was how it was.

This was not how these alphas saw it. Time had clouded the real meaning of the hunt. It was not for fun, but for necessity. It was to feed your family because that was how nature willed it. They were all part of the Flowing Circle and it always turned. Always. Changes would come too all things because the circle turned.

Was this single equine prepared for a life of hunting? Could he lead a pack?

Could he actually defeat him in Glorious Combat?

"Are you ready to die, pony?" Lupus growled.


The pony did not move from where he stood.

Was this the chance he had been waiting for? Could he entrust his life and his clan's to this single equine? Could he risk allowing himself to lose? Would this pony be able to keep order in the packs?

The answer was obvious. Of course not. He was a pony, and ponies like the Moon Mother have long since gone. Only the Sun Bringer remained, and the dogs rightfully feared her. Lupus knew that he would have to tear this pony's throat out and feed on his carcass. Only after that could he turn his attention to the other alphas and get them to submit to him. Only after that could he then contemplate on getting them all back home.

But where was home?

No. No time to think. Just time to act. Lupus charged the stallion with his teeth bared. He watched as he leaped in the air and brought his massive jaws down towards the pony beneath him.

Even as his teeth closed, he could not smell even a hint of fear. And for him, the world when black.

"Not possible!" Tarasa howled.

"Not possible!" the other alphas joined in.

"Pony is alpha?" a beta asked looking at the other betas there.

None of them knew how to respond to that. Ancient law dictated that one that beat an alpha would always be an alpha if the fight was in single combat. But how does a pony beat a diamond dog? It was not possible.

The hyena burst out laughing. "Fake! Fake! Lupus is faking!"

"No, Lupus is dream-dead. He has no wake," a beta replied.

"Only a weak diamond dog would faint at the slightest touch of an equine! It took ten of you to slap me in chains! What makes you think that I'd believe a single pony could beat a dog, even one as weak as him."

The sounds of keys landing on the deck jingled as it slid always all the way to the hyena's cage.

"I'm waiting," the voice said as he slowly stepped backwards into the darkness.

"I will kill you, pony! I will tear your face off and eat your rear so you can see yourself get eaten alive as I consume your entire being!" Tarasa shouted. "Bring me the key, you stupid beta!"

One of the betas did as they were told, and unlocked the cage that held the Tarasa, the Hyena Queen.

"Now you die, pony!" she yelled.

The pony grinned. "You may be an alpha, but I'm not. I'm... different."

"You're no alpha, all right!" Tarasa lowered herself the floor and clawed the deck.

This time Semper drew a blade. "I'm the omega. I'm the last thing you will ever see."

For a moment Tarasa paused before licking her lips and charging towards the Equestrian Guard.

Author's Note:

Tarasa - Hyena in Marathi (Indian language)

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