• Published 12th Mar 2013
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Semper Pie - deathtap

Meet Pinkie's long lost (more like forgotten) brother: Semper Pie.

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Mission 7, Part 1: A Sand Party

The two ponies entered the building and found a place in the furthest corner and dropped their equipment with a sigh of relief. Lugging those huge saddlebags across the desert was hard and the sweat-soaked clothing on their bodies was evident of this fact.

The first one removed his wide-brimmed hat before wiping sweat from his brow with a long, drawn-out groan of disgust. He flicked his hoof letting the wetness fly towards the floor with a vicious snap.

“Can the sun get any brighter?” the pegasus complained. He reached into his saddlebag and drew out a cloth before wiping his face and neck with it. He then threw the wet rag onto the table with a splat. Turning his head, he watched as his compatriot removed his hat in turn by undoing a strap under his chin. This stallion was a lot more composed, and had nowhere near as much sweat. That was expected of a unicorn, who could cast cooling charms and spells to beat the heat.

Both sat in silence for a moment letting the heat that seemed to invade their core dissipate in the cooling shade of the room. They fancied they could almost hear the sun’s fury bouncing off the desert sands outside the run-down saloon. Or was it an inn? Neither could care less at that moment. The only thing that preoccupied their minds was getting cool and staying away from that natural furnace outside.

The unicorn turned to the camel behind the bar. “Two glasses of water, please.”

The camel nodded his head and proceeded to get some glasses from the cupboard behind him before opening a faucet with an ear-grinding squeak. The water dribbled out slowly as he placed the cups underneath.

“Well, we’re ahead of time,” the pegasus intoned looking at the windup clock on the far wall.

“Sonic, that clock’s probably not been wound in years. Even I can tell that from here.”

“Well, at least we’re here before-”

“Your guests have already arrived. They are waiting for you upstairs,” the camel interjected before Sonic could finish his statement and placed the two drinks on the table. The water was a brownish color, and warm. Really warm.

“And pop goes my ego,” the pegasus sang out sarcastically before grabbing his glass and downing the contents in one gulp. “Yech. This water tastes like…”

“You shouldn’t complain. This is the only water for miles ‘round,” the camel stated before Sonic could continue. “We salvaged this drying oasis for this reason.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know,” Sonic muttered and grabbed his gear before heading towards the staircase.

“It is interesting. I have never seen ponies myself, but today there is a whole bunch of you,” the camel stated. “But your kind rarely venture this far away from your borders. You have come to the very edge of the Known Lands. Even our kind does not know what lies beyond those dunes. You’re going to places where very few, if any, of our kind have returned from.”

“Don’t worry about it,” the pegasus insisted and continued on his way.

The camel smirked. “Oh, I’m not worried. Just… amused.”

The wooden steps creaked and groaned as the two made their way up.

“Hurry up, Static!” Sonic moaned. “The sooner we do this, the sooner we can head home!”

The unicorn, however, was staring at the stairs in deep interest. He seemed to be examining it quite thoroughly. He took out a notepad and scribbled something on it before pocketing it and continuing after Sonic.

Upon reaching the first floor landing, they spotted several ponies in full armor with their hooves on their blades. Sonic didn’t even flinch as he walked into their midst. The unicorn lagged behind for a second before following with a slight frown on his lips.

“What’s wrong?” Sonic asked.


“Yeah? So?” The pegasus stomped the floor. “It’s wood. So what?”

Static sighed. “Do you not use your head, or do you just have nothing in there?”

“Hey, thinking is your job, not mine.”

“Wood, Sonic. There’s wood here. Look around you. Do you see any trees? Have we seen any trees since we left Zebrica?” Static shook his head. He looked at Sonic who looked a the wood with a bemused expression. The unicorn sighed and shook his head. “Nevermind.”

As the two reached the upper landing, they rounded the corner and saw two dogs lying in front of a door. No, not dogs. Wolves. Silvers. Over the recent months, these guys had helped maintain order in the newly annexed protectorate. Both Sonic and Static had served several missions in that area, usually hunting down deserters from the border town of Almaty where a large number of Border Guards were found to have been involved with the slave trade; no trial, or courts - they had a list, and the ponies on it were to… quietly disappear. Apparently it was better off having these ponies declared as KIA rather than expose the truth of their involvement in the slave trade.

Surprisingly, there were also a number of Watu standing concealed in the shadows of the doorways towards the end of the hall. Their masks unmistakable as they eyed the two Guards making their way along the corridor. These guys were different from the ones they worked with in the still unnamed annexed area. They seemed tougher.

The higher-ups had been very quiet about that part to the public. On top of that, there were rumors of a small army that had helped clear out the slavers and their thugs from within. The Watu, as they were known. Still, there was an even crazier rumor about a single Border Guard causing the annexation. Static and Sonic would have known better than to believe such an outrageous claim, but they also knew that if something like that should ever happen, if something so incredible were to occur, if an impossibility like that were to take place, then he would have to be involved somehow.

Few ponies from his class had seen Semper since the graduation ceremony. Static could still remember the moment he let the door shut behind him at the barracks. It was common knowledge that he had gone somewhere far away, and apparently a drunken Glitter had spilled a little too much information one night. After that, Glitter had been called into Ruby’s office and there was a lot of shouting going on, from what the rumors were saying. Those who overheard bits of the conversation commented on how ruthless Ruby was. Ever since, anypony who asked Glitter to elaborate on her drunken speech had been met with a stonewall.

It was a surprise when this particular mission was posted asking for volunteers. Static jumped at the opportunity to take part in this mission, he had always wanted to get away from superiors he just could not stand, and Sonic got himself volunteered for failing his last mission, which he kept saying wasn’t his fault. The description was so ridiculous and obscure, and also had the highest rating of danger. Four black circles meant that it was excessively dangerous, a marking system that had been used since the formation of the Guard when reading and writing were only kept with the privileged. Still, that was one less from the most dangerous mission that a small group could take. Any higher would be asking for entire squads volunteering, a rarity in this day and age. What really made Static interested was the fact that it only asked for two volunteers, instead of the usual five.

So what did that mean? As for the mission itself, it was to drop off a certain old tome at a location, that will be disclosed to the volunteers, and await further orders. There were a few others who wanted to go on this mission, but backed out when they found out where they had to go. It wasn’t that startling. Getting this far alive would have been a feat unattainable by anyone less than the hardiest of Guards. Static wanted to test himself, wanted to see if he had what it took to venture this far. Despite the annexation, there were still slavers and bandits waiting behind the dunes.

After volunteering and accepting the mission, Static decided to stop by Baltimare to spend some time with his family. Two days just to catch up on everything. After that, he took the ferry across Horseshoe Bay. Leaving late at night, he reached the other shore by early morning and headed towards the first rendezvous point. He was surprised to see Sonic already there, and they spent the day catching up on things and talking about their missions. Sonic kept going on about how he had followed a superior’s order, which led to an accident. A very expensive one at that. Instead of owning up to his mistake, Sonic was blamed and ordered to keep his mouth shut. Which he did, following orders. It was only much later that he was given the all-clear, and his superior was suspended for falsifying a report. Still, he had been volunteered, and after understanding the amount of freedom this mission involved, decided to stay with it.

That was Sonic. He never thought about the consequences. He did not understand just how dangerous this mission was. Still, it was good to see him.

The next day, a group of Royal Guards escorting a rather sizeable carriage, brought the tome. The tome, was not what the escort was for. They were protecting what was inside the carriage, a special gift that had been taken all across Equestria. Unicorns were putting their magic into it in hopes of breaking a powerful sealing spell. It looked like an egg. Static knew this because he had tried opening it a few times. The origins of the egg were kept classified, but it’s timing, so close to the annexation, pretty much removed any doubt. Of course Canterlot’s Magic Council were very fearful and excited about what it was. This led to quite the commotion in Canterlot. Whatever the case, it was in the care of the Royal Guard now, much to the dismay and annoyance of the High Council, who believed it was a weapon that could be used.

The Royal Guards that had come with the egg-shaped artifact handed over the tome in a leather saddlebag. Static had signed the few notes confirming the exchange before Sonic and himself boarded a Border Guard airship heading south. They were going to fly over the Badlands (they weren’t so bad anymore), and towards the southern border of Equestria. They avoided heading towards Almaty, as the Zebricans and the Border Guards over there were still hunting pockets of malcontents and slave traders who were still at large.

Getting into Zebrica itself wasn’t that much of a problem, but getting through it provided to be a pain. The airship captains refused to venture further into Zebrican airspace for fear that the newly created treaty might get affected. The Zebrican culture did not readily accept most ‘conveniences’ that Equestrians were used to. This included airships. Still, it was interesting and the group of young males who led them were kind and curious. After a week of walking through the dense forests they came to the border of the green lush vegetation of the Zebrican area and the vast expanse of sand that marked the Camel’s territory. Even then, only the parts nearest to Zebrica were in fact populated. Few dared visit areas beyond a day or two out, and none lived out there.

Well, not none. But a number hardly worth thinking about.

“You are Border Guards?” a voice asked quietly as one of the Watu stepped out of the shadows.

“We’re here to deliver something,” Sonic blurted.

Static wanted to smash the pegasus’ skull into the ground.

The Watu giggled. “It seems that you’re either very foolish, or very confident in yourself.”

“I’ve been told I’m both!” Sonic boasted, missing the insult -- or ignoring it.

That seemed to amuse the Watu even more. “Fear not. We’ve been expecting you.”

She made a sign to the wolves and they nodded. Standing on their hind legs, they push two large heavy wooden doors open and stood aside as the three ponies entered a large antechamber.

“Wait here for a moment,” the Watu stated before going towards a large door at the opposite end of the room.

“I’m surprised. Didn’t expect such a large room. From outside, it looks like this place was nothing more than a shack,” Static said gazing upwards. It wasn’t fancy, but it was far more than what was expected. There was faded red paint along the ceiling, and the golden hue that outlined the edges of the woodwork had vanished. “And all this wood. I don’t get it.”

“Maybe an airship crashed here? Kinda looks like an airship, don’t it? One of them big ones,” Sonic suggested pointing to a circular window on one side.

“Could be. There’s also a strong presence of magic here. Illusion magic, but very strong,” Static answered. “It’s all over the building. I think that’s why the place looked so pathetic from the outside and half buried by a dune. The dune must be fake. We’re inside it.”

Sonic nodded. “Sure, I can buy that. But can camels produce that much magic?”

“There are many powerful magic users. Camel Magi aren’t to be ignored.”

“You mean those guys that use sticks?”

“Wands. Not sticks.” Static turned to Sonic. “You better stop this arrogant attitude. It’ll get you killed out here.”

“Arrogant attitude? Me? Hey! It’s not my fault that we’re better than them! Why can’t I say it how it is? I’m not being arrogant just for stating the truth.”

“First of all, we’re not better than anypony- anyone outside or inside our borders. Understand? Secondly, there have been Magi that have defeated some of our strongest Guards, so keep that in mind and start using your head.”

Sonic made a face. “Really? They’re that strong?”


“Then why the sticks?”

“Wands!” Static shook his head. “It’s because they don’t have a natural way of casting magic like we do. We have our horns.”

“I like calling them sticks,” Sonic muttered quietly.

Static felt the blood in his veins boiling up. He was about to say something when they both heard the door open up.

“Come,” the Watu called and stood aside.

The two entered the room. It was a lot smaller than the room they came in from, but here there were five other creatures already waiting. One was a camel, who was smoking a large water-pipe next to a half-open window. The pipe was on a table, and at the other end was a mare who looked tired and worn out. The third being was a pony and he stood over near the piano overlooking a sandy wasteland to the south. Next to him or her, on a severely out of tune piano was a Watu with a mask on. Finally, next to the mare sitting down was a rhino, whose horn looked as if it had been broken off.

“Please hand the tome over to the camel,” the Watu nearest to them said, gesturing with her hoof towards the pipe-smoking individual.

Sonic offered his hoof to Static, who placed the ancient book into it. Static watched as the pegasus made his way to the camel where he gently placed it on the table next to the pipe and flew back to Static’s side. The camel immediately opened the first page and began to read.

“Well, that was interesting, so long!” Sonic announced and turned to go.

“And where do you think you’re going?” the camel asked.

“Us? Well, back to Equestria. Where else would we go? Our mission is done.”

That camel laughed. “Come, come. Don’t be foolish. You really think that this mission would have been rated Four Black if you simply had to drop this off here? We wouldn’t have even bothered asking for Guards in that case.”

Static’s brow raised itself. How did a camel know the mission rating system of the Border Guard? It wasn’t the most secret of things, but still. He looked around. Perhaps one of the other ponies informed him.

“So, the part of ‘await further orders means that we under your command now?” Sonic asked, his eyebrow raising a little.

“Actually, no. You’re under his command,” the camel said pointing to the stallion gazing out the window.

At once the two Guards turned to face the unknown pony. Slowly, the stallion turned revealing a very different mask as he walked over towards them. None made a sound as he stood next to the mare opposite the camel and removed the mask, placing it gently on the table with the water pipe.

There was a long moment of stunned silence before Sonic broke it. “Well, today’s just full of surprises!”

“S-Semper?” Static whispered, as if speaking his name would make his disappear.

“He’s here at my request,” the mare spoke. “My name is Providence. Several months ago, Semper here saved me from being a slave and, despite all that I owe him, he has agreed to come with me on my little… excursion. He said he would do it, but because of what happened in Freeport, he needed full autonomy. The only way we could do that was by making this an official mission. That is what you’ve actually volunteered for. In order to get that permission-”

A look from Semper made her stop.

“You know that newly annexed area?” Providence began.

“Yeah,” Sonic replied when Static did not. “What about it?”

“He did it. He did the whole thing. The reason why it’s now part of Equestria is because of him. The fact that you don’t know that means the High Council still doesn’t want ponies to know about Semper or what actually went on there. Do you know why?”

“You’re not loyal to Equestria proper. You’re loyal to… him,” Static looked at Semper.

The camel nodded. “The unicorn is intelligent. I could tell the moment he walked in. The pegasi… perhaps isn’t the sharpest, but he does have heart. And bravery. Yes, the Watu are fiercely loyal to Semper, as is the Silver Moon.”

“Wait!” Sonic shouted interrupting any further conversation. “What do you mean ‘isn’t the sharpest’?”

“Still harping on that point? You’ve given truth to my statement quite excellently,” the camel said as he smiled.

“What? Hey, isn’t strength important? I’m the fastest flier in all Equestria, you can even ask them Wonderbolts! Ran circles around them the last time I was in Cloudsdale. They even asked if I wanted to join, but it isn’t for me. I belong out here.”

“They asked you to join as their clown and mascot,” Static muttered. “It was all over the bulletin back at barracks.”

“Shaddap!” Sonic made a face. “There’s no way I was goin’ to be the clown of some show.”

“You might change your mind when you realize where we’re going,” the camel warned.

Providence waved her hoof. “Never mind that for now. First, let’s all just introduce us. As you know, I’m Providence. I’m the one who brainstormed this little expedition. Over there, the mare who led you inside, her name is Raze. She doesn’t remember her real name. Over by the piano is Torment, he can’t speak -- apparently he had his tongue cut out for talking too much.”

“Sounds like a remedy for you, Sonic,” Static said quietly.

The pegasus grunted a laugh, but turned to look at the masked equine. He was staring at him from behind the mask. Sonic could feel his eyes boring into his skull.

“This camel’s name is Pani, he has… been involved with Semper before. Then there’s Semper, whom I take it you already know.”

“Indeed. Sir.”

The stallion nodded once in greetings.

“It has been quite a while.”

Again the affirming nod.

“Remember me?” Sonic asked, literally shoving his face in front of Static’s.

Semper nodded a third time.

“It’s good to see you too!” Sonic rolled his eyes. “What about the other Watu? And the dogs?”

“Not all of them are coming with us. The Silvers will be heading back along with the regular Watu. All the Watu that are coming with us are Elites.”

“Elites?” Static shook his head. “You certainly attract them,” the unicorn said to Semper. “Like moths to a flame. You drew us to you, now you draw others. So, you are making the Elites come with us? Guess the camel was right. They’re loyal to you and not Equestria. No wonder the High Council made you disappear.”

“Made him disappear?” Sonic asked.

“Why else would we hear nothing of the one stallion that topped our class?” Static countered. “They sent him on who-knows what missions.”

“Okay, okay. Enough of that. Let’s get back to the task at hoof. We’re all here for the same thing. We’re all here to change our fate,” Providence stated. “I don’t know if you’re familiar with the infamous narcotic that was supposed to be in the brief for this mission, but we have no choice. If we don’t find a substitute, the narcotic will cause severe withdrawals and we’ll die. We’ve already lost almost all the Elites because of this.”

“Almost all?”

“The few here are all that remain. If there’s a chance we can free ourselves of this addiction, then we can go back to living normal lives!” Providence yelled, slamming her hoof on the table. “I have to get back home! I have to go to my daughter!”

“Why don’t you just go now?” Sonic asked.

The mare glared at the pegasus, but her expression calmed when she took a moment to take a breath. “She won’t recognize me. I’ve changed since I was injected with… that poison.”


The mare sighed sadly. “Yes. Changed.”

“The narcotic is based on a Zebrican potion used to ease pain for individuals who have met with an irrecoverable tragedy,” Pani answered, sparing Providence the need to answer. “It’s originally meant to put a creature to sleep and over a short period of time, shut down a body’s basic functions. Essentially peacefully allowing them to slip away. However, from what I understand, and from what we learnt from the Zebrican tribe that Semper had helped, they managed to mix the substance with another potion, which reversed the effect.”

“What do you mean?”

“Instead of a slow, peaceful death, they would have a… ‘fast’, painful life. The strain the narcotic takes on the body is intense. If the Elites don’t get their dose of the narcotic, their bodies start to go into… a frenzy. They die from exhaustion at best, exploding organs at worst. Depends on how much of the narcotic is left within the system at the time. The more of the drug, the less likely they are to have exploding hearts. Essentially, it forces those who have tasted the narcotic to continue to do so in order to stay alive.”

“And by controlling its manufacture and recipe, you can control an army,” Static mumbled.

Providence looked down. “It also has a number of side-effects.”

“There is a drastic shift in how the brain functions. Memory loss is a known side-effect, but unlike various types of memory loss, this somehow changes… everything. The very being of a pony.”

“What do you mean?” Static asked, not sure what Pani was alluding to.

“It changes who you are at the very core, right down to your symbols.”

“It changes Cutie Marks?” Sonic asked. “Is that even possible?”

“There are a lot of things we don’t understand,” Static stated looking at Providence. “This is terrible. A change in the Cutie Mark signifies a change in a pony’s being. I mean… I got mine and knew that I wanted to be a Guard. It essentially defines our fate, signifying what we excel at. The very thought of it is… ridiculous! Where’s the evidence?”

Providence stood up and turned to the side to reveal her Cutie Mark. It had faded quite considerably. Static walked over and inspected it closer. When satisfied he shook his head and gave a weak laugh.

“Changes your fate, huh? What have I got myself into?”

“If we can’t flush this narcotic out of our system, then perhaps changing our own fates might help purge it instead.”

They all turned to Raze.

“We have tried everything, but the only thing that helps is that potion Zecora helped create.”

“Zecora?” Static asked.

“Long story. She’s essentially the catalyst that cause Semper to board the Eleonora.”

Even Sonic knew what the Eleonora was.

“Anyway, with this potion we are able to slow down the effects of the narcotic, but… it doesn’t stop nor prevent the inevitable.” Raze looked at her hooves. “It’s only a matter of time before our own bodies will just shut down.”

“So… you’re on a time limit, then?” Sonic asked. Although it sounded callous, Static knew that he was being meaningful.

Raze nodded. “You could say that.”

“And that is why we’ve asked for this tome,” Pani interjected. “If we can puzzle out where this thing is, we can help these poor, unfortunate souls!”

“This ‘thing’?” Static asked.

“Poor unfortunate souls?” Raze asked.

“Puzzles?” Sonic asked.

That made Static groan and smack the pegasus upside the head.

“What is this ‘thing’? And where do we go about finding it?” Static asked.

“It’s called, in my native tongue, Bhāgya kē Pat'thara. In your tongue, it roughly translates to the Stone of the Fates.”

“Stone?” Static asked.

“Yes. It is a stone that supposedly can change the fate of those who,” Pani picked up another tome and turned to a certain page, “I am translating here so it might be off slightly, ‘change the fabric of those who are exposed to it and, insomuch as to those that they deeply adore, change the fates of those loved as well’.”

“What does that mean?” Sonic turned to the camel. “I don’t get it.”

“It means it also changes the lives of those closest to you,” Static replied.

“Correct! Very good. Now, the problem is that this stone is hidden beyond the Known Lands for both our kingdoms, and little information was available from our Magi library in Camelot.” Pani smiled at Static’s face. “Think of it! A stone that can change the fate of those that look upon it. For better or worse.”

“Isn’t that irresponsible? What gives somepony the right to alter another pony’s fate?” Sonic met Static’s eyes. “That’s wrong.”

The unicorn nodded. “He does have a point.”

“And that’s because you don’t know how bad this narcotic is,” Providence shouted, slamming her hoof on the table and standing up. Pani had just enough time to make sure his water pipe did not tip over by placing his toe on the top, but the coal burnt him and he yelped before placing it in his mouth.

“How bad is it? That part out of the brief was left out. This is the first time I’ve heard of a narcotic like that. You?”

Sonic shook his head. “I’ve been dealing with cultists in the north. This is the first time I’ve ventured south. I don’t know anything about all this. The Watu were talked about a lot, mostly with what to do with them, but that’s about all I know. First time in the desert too.”

“I can see that,” Pani replied. “Your dress is testament to it. You should wear white flowing robes to ward off the heat.”

“You mean like what you camels wear? You want me to wear a dress?”

“Don’t mind him, he’s an idiot,” Static cut in giving Sonic a warning with his eyes.

Pani laughed. “Oh, I don’t mind. That is actually quite common for ponies to say. Seeing is believing, or in this case feeling. You’ll see.”

“Doubt it,” Sonic muttered and took a seat on a nearby chair. “So, now what?”

“Well, I was hoping that you’d help me solve this riddle.”

Sonic snorted. “Me? Well, you’ve asked the right-”

“He means me,” Static again cut in. “You can barely take off your Peytral without any help. So we’re going treasure hunting?”

“You could say that. Yes,” the camel replied.

Sonic laughed out loud at that. “Whoah, whoah, whoah. Static, no offense and all, but we’re just supposed to go along with this? These are Watu, Static! Watu! They’ve killed many of our kind! We can’t just go about trusting them. Also, well, we’re Guards! We have to take orders from a Guard, not camels or… dogs! And they’re the only ones that I can see around here. So, unless you can make a superior magically appear, then I suggest you keep your nonsense to yourselves and get out of our way. Static might be willing to help you, but I’m not, and I’m not about to just leave him here. Who knows what you’d all do?”

Static looked at Sonic, “What are you talking about? Semper’s here.”

The pegasus looked at the stallion in question. “So what? What gives him the right to tell us what to do?”

The stallion removed the cloak and let it drop to the floor. At once, both stallions stood at attention. Even Sonic could not miss the stripes on the peytral.

First Sergeant? H-how?” Sonic whimpered, unable to believe what he saw.

Providence smiled. “I don’t know much about ranks in the Guard, but apparently that’s quite a leap.”

“Quite a leap? That’s an understatement. It must be the Council. They don’t want Equestria to know that Semper did this on his own. And they must also be afraid of the Watu’s and Silver’s loyalties to Semper.”

“That’s not all that’s changed.” Static looked at Semper, his eyes narrowing. “Didn’t you have a crossbow for a Mark?”

“Yes,” Semper replied, his voice deep and strong.

“I see it’s still there. When’d you get the others?” Sonic asked moving closer to the stallion to get a better look. Nifty sword you got there.”

“The sword, I earned on a ship. The other, outside of Canterlot.”

“Canterlot?” Static asked. “How does your Cutie Mark change? Is that even possible? Were you exposed to this stone? I’m so confused! What did you do to get a spear in Canterlot?”

Semper turned his head away, but did not respond. Providence looked down at the floor. It was not her place to tell.

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