• Published 12th Mar 2013
  • 11,705 Views, 767 Comments

Semper Pie - deathtap

Meet Pinkie's long lost (more like forgotten) brother: Semper Pie.

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Mission 2, Part 10: Blood for Blood

The door was left open as Blood walked into the massive room. He looked around and took note of where he was. It was clear, due to the lighting and space, this was no longer the cargo area. This had to be a regular area but he did not recognize it. Granted, he rarely ventured down into the cargo holds because there was never a need to, and when he did he usually had an escort so he did not need to pay attention. After all, only a fool would toy with him.

"Where are we?" Blood asked his Watu Elite.

"This is one of the upper-handling rooms, sir."

Blood paused. "The what?"

"Um... it's a room where they load the anti-air cannons with cannons, sir. I think. I... I'm unsure, sir. I've never come here before, sir."

"Is this area underneath the battle?"

"Not directly, sir."

There was a slight pause as Blood took this new information aboard. He seemed to come to a conclusion and began to nod slowly. "How many Elites are here?"

"Twenty of us, sir."

"The others?"

"Some will be in the battle, sir. Others may have gone missing and all our pegasi are unaccounted for since the clouds broke, sir."

"Then we we will continue on..." Blood let his voice trail off as his eyes caught sight of something across the deck on the other side of the massive room. There was no mistaking it. "So. That's what he was planning for." Blood smirked. "Leave us."

The Elite looked at their leader in confusion before looking in the direction of his eyes. Standing at the opposite end of the deck was a lone figure in full Watu armor, but there was something no right. His helm had a long plume that flowed along the neck and the shape and color were unmistakable.

"Guard..." one of the Elites whispered. She slowly removed her mask and looked harder, as if her eyes behind the metallic covering were playing tricks on her.

Despite Blood's orders for the Elites to leave, none of them budged. They stood were they were as if cemented in place unable to take their eyes of the figure standing there. Something in them had stirred. Something that they had not felt in so long. They all removed their masks and watched as their leader walked towards the figure standing along. A symbol of their home, a testament to their morals; a ghostly reminder of their past.

Providence made to follow, but one of the Elites stopped her. Something about that grip felt different for the pegasus and she took one look at the face of the Watu and froze. It was those eyes, the eyes that used to instill so much fear in here before. They were no longer those dead eyes. These were not the eyes of a Watu. They were alive.

These were the eyes of an Equestrian.

"So." Blood stopped in front of the Guard.

Silence was all that returned.

"You know, I like you. You're nothing like the others. Think of it. You managed to board the Eleonora in the middle of the sea despite the amount of firepower this she had, created havoc by freeing the slaves, especially those filthy mutts, and managed to rally them. Clever. Very clever. And, what's more, you did it alone!" Blood laughed a sickening laugh. "See why I like you? I could pay you all the credits in the world if you stop right now and serve me. With you, I could go far. Really far. But I know better. I know your type better than you think, and I already know what you will say to my offer. So..."

Blood reared up on his hind legs expertly. Then, with his magic, he drew two long scimitars from either side of his haunches and placed his hooves in them carefully, like a surgeon preparing his tools.

"A Guard like you is stubborn to the bitter end. You're not the first who's attempted something like this, although you have been the most annoying. Thanks to you, I can stop being a security guard for some heartbroken dragon and can concentrate on other things. Thanks to you I can actually do something incredible! You know, I've always wanted my own kingdom. Like my ancestor. Did you know? He was incredible. Defied the princess so that she banished him. He went north towards a neighboring kingdom, slaughtered most of the royal family along with his most trusted soldiers and took over the kingdom! He then enslaved the population and, just when things couldn't get any better, he actually tried to fight the princess again! That was probably his undoing. What am I saying! It took two alicorns to defeat him. Oh wait! You don't know, do you? You've not been given the privileged of knowing the sick truth about your beloved princess have you?"

The Guard did not move, the mask hid his eyes so Blood found that he could not read him. That bothered him a little.

"There were two princesses. That's right. Your Celestia and her sister. I forget her name, not that it matters. She banished her, or perhaps she killed her. Who knows. Do you know why? Because she did not want to share her throne. This nonsense about eternal nights and darkness is blatant propaganda. I'm sure you've heard about the ones the Court calls cultists. Individuals who think that old tale is true. Nightmare Moon? What nonsense. A convenient lie. There's nothing there! Mare on the moon! Celestia had her murdered! If there's an annoyance in her life, she throws it away. Look around you! Here you are, alone, on a suicide mission. And for what? Do you really think that those pompous fools in Canterlot and your princess love you-"

Blood was cut off by a dagger whizzing by his face. He dodged it out of instinct, but he knew that he did not have to move. The Guard wasn't aiming to kill him, but the effect was the same. The red unicorn was at a loss for words. He expected the Guard to say no to him, but her never actually expected him to throw the first strike. There was something very different about this pony.

"I'm going to hate killing you. That's unusual. I enjoy killing Equestrian Guards. I hate them. Guarding a nation of cowards who have no inkling of the harsh reality that exists beyond their borders. It's a sad shame that a warrior of your caliber will have to die now."

The magic glow vanished from the two blades and reappeared along his shoulders along the armor. Slowly three long spikes were unsheathed. The magical aura that surrounded them did not cease as Blood raised himself onto his hind legs. Then Blood got into a stance; his right foreleg faced upwards at a sharp angle while his other foreleg faced straight at the Guard at a weak angle. He looked like a fencer about to strike, the three spikes hovering just behind him.

"Did you know that I'm one of the few good enough to hold the highest title your kingdom can give? I'm a master of the use of swords and blades, and I'll see Tartarus burn before an earth pony bests me. I have remained undefeated. Do you know why I am in charge of the Watu? Do you know why a bunch of deadly assassins and warriors obey me without question?" Blood smirked at the Guard. "Because I am the best of all. They have no choice but to follow me and obey, for if they don't... they die. They are even patient when I allow them to take their dose of this poison. They know that I could slay them before they could even go for their hilt to draw their blade!"

The Guard drew his blade slowly holding it in his mouth, then he lowered his himself slightly and looked up at the Watu.

"That old style? You'll never beat me using that. Aren't they teaching you Guards anything these days? Hasn't Ruby taught you how to use a blade properly?" Blood laughed maniacally. "Oh, and how is my dear older sister? Still in charge of training the recruits after her mistake? Did you know she was one of the highest ranking officers but because of one little oversight, she was demoted almost to the bottom of the pile. Her mistake? She let me live! Think of the lives she could have saved if only she didn't obey her orders. Of course she doesn't actually know. The name 'Blood' wouldn't register with her. After all, how could her baby brother do these things. Perhaps I ought to go visit. Teach her a lesson. Cut her-"

Again a dagger was flung towards the unicorn, but this time he did not bother dodging. The blade whistled past Blood's face striking the wall at the far end of the hall.

"Guess you're bored of my life's story. I don't blame you, but I feel like I can open up to you and it has been a while since I've talked to anyone... let alone a pony. I recognize you, Guard. You're strong. But you're out of your league here when you decided to face me alone. With an army of dogs under your command, you stood a chance. Alone..." Blood let the silence linger. "You're already dead."

The Guard scuffed the floor with his hoof in response.

"Come then! Come and meet your destiny!" Blood shouted raising his blades slightly higher.

Without the slightest hint of hesitation, the Guard complied.

Zecora watched Blood talking to Semper. From where she stood, she could not make out what they were saying. None of them good. A tense, claustrophobic sensation seemed to dominate the area, as if taking one breath would bring unwanted attention towards them. She could feel it from them all, especially from the stallion. He watched without snivelling, squirming or panicking. He just watched in stunned silence, as did Providence, who stood shaking where she was in the hooves of a Watu. It almost looked as though the warrior was pacifying the mare, but Zecora knew better. These ponies had long since lost their ability to feel kindness or compassion.

Or did they?

Suddenly Blood stood up on his hind legs and shouted more things. Still Semper did not move. The conversation dragged, the tension in the air grew tighter and tighter. They all knew it would snap any moment, the only question was who would make the first strike. Or was the first strike already made? She did see something fly through the air, but from her vantage and the lighting, it was difficult to tell.

Suddenly Semper exploded forward. His movements were fast, even with his entire body covered in the Watu armor, he moved with surprising ease; the mask he wore blurring as the distance between the two closed. Then, at the last second, Semper, with his blade between his teeth, jumped up into the air at a nearly impossible height. Blood, with one sword in each hoof and a few more hovering around him, for a second seemed awed by the aerial display, but he was prepared and crossed his blades across his just as Semper came down from his flight. As the two collided, the impact between their swords sent sparks flying.

"You missed..." Blood taunted, but his voice was cut short when Semper twisted his body around in a somersault releasing his blade from his mouth and using his momentum to drive him around in a half somersault. He swung his rear leg over his body and brought it down on like a sledge hammer right onto where his blade was, the armor on his leg preventing Blood's blades from cutting through. The impact sent a shock-wave through the room causing Zecora to take a step back and she watched as the floor beneath the unicorn cracked and broke sending shudders across the floorboards leaving behind a crater with the two of them at the epicenter.

Blood's smile faltered for a moment before he regained his composure and shifted his body so that his left hoof pulled back like his was about to throw a punch. Semper pushed off the blade with his leg and twisted his body around just as Blood's lunge pushed forwards in a blur. Out of the tip of the blade a bolt of thin bright red light shot forwards piercing a pillar on the far end causing it to burst in an inferno. He had focused his magic into a tiny point in his hoof and pushed it through his blade with a devastating outcome. Nothing would survive if that actually hit.

There was a moment where both ponies seemed to stand still. Semper bounded backwards and came to a sliding halt almost back to where he had started. Something from the air flipped around and landed just in front of Semper with a sound similar to an axe chopping through wood. Semper tilted his head to the side and removed the blade from the floor. His blade. How it had ended up in the air, Zecora did not know. She did not see, it had all happened too fast.

Blood narrowed his eyes and darted to the left on his hind legs while Semper rushed forwards at an angle to cut him off. As the Guard approached, Blood spun around and sliced through the air. A faint orange glow emanated from the cut, and Semper narrowly ducked beneath it and used his mouth to swipe at the red unicorn.

But the sword strike was blocked by one of the hovering blades, and Semper dodged, ducked and rolled out of the way as the other two hovering blades tried to take his life, missing him by mere inches as one hit the floor next to him and the other caught only air.

"Impressive," Blood said taking a step back. "It's been a long time since I've actually had to use one of these for defense. I'm liking you more and more each minute that passes by. I'm going to enjoy gutting you."

There was a loud groan from behind as a partitioned wall was cut clean through by that strange orange magical attack.

"Do you like it? I compressed fire magic, which super-heats the air. It's like throwing lava. That will cut through you like a hot knife through butter. I hope it does. I can feed your corpse to your alphas before I slice them to pieces!"

Semper slowly picked himself up from where he was and got back into his stance.

"Like I said, with an army of dogs by your side, you stood a chance. Alone?" Blood pointed his blade at Semper. "You're going to die. Painfully."

This time it was the unicorn who dashed forwards.

Sparks flew when the blades collided, but Blood had the advantage. Semper seemed to handle his own when it came to the main blades, but the three hovering spikes were too difficult for him to counter or parry. Every time it seemed that Semper could have dealt a final blow to the unicorn, one of the spikes would either attempt to cut at him or stop or deflect his attack. Each time an attack failed on Blood, the unicorn managed to get closer and closer to taking Semper's head. It was as if Blood was learning Semper's moves along the way.

Pushed towards a wall, the Guard turned to the side and drew a short spear from over his shoulder. He pushed the point towards Blood. The unicorn spun around and parried it easily, knocking it upwards. Just as the momentum of the spear's journey seemed to slow from the impact, Semper charged in once again with his sword tightly. Blood swung his other hoof laterally in an attempt to take Semper's head off, but he ducked in time so that Blood's blade only the tip of his plume. With his body exposed, Semper took a step in with his sword held tightly between his teeth. All this took no more than a few seconds to happen, and Blood reacted quickly. A blast of air and a dash backwards were enough for Semper's sword to barely miss the unicorn. Not wanting to lose this opportunity, Semper moved forwards but Blood stood his ground. He growled as his horn glowed a furious crimson before it exploded in a burst of smoke engulfing the area in a similar colored smog.

"What makes you think I wouldn't see that coming?" Blood asked as the smog cleared. "You are way out of your league-"

The speed of the strike cleared the remaining smoke as Semper somehow appeared inside the thick of it. It almost looked as if he had jumped up and struck on his descent from midair. Sparks again flew through the air as two blades met with a deafening ring. This was almost a replay of what happened before when Semper had attacked Blood, but this time Zecora spotted something in Semper's hoof. With a power that he mustered from who know where, he pulled the spear towards Blood with a speed that rivaled the peed of the red spike of magic which unicorn had cast moments before. The red smoke was pushed apart from the spear's jab clearing a view of the two ponies.

But the unicorn shifted his head enough to avoid the blow and in return jabbed with his other hoof again towards Semper who was still in mid-air. A beam of red light shot forth from the tip of the blade again, but it had missed the earth pony and a ball of fire exploded from the roof showering the two of them with glowing cinders. Semper, by this time, had retracted his sword strike and swung with his jaw and neck at Blood. Somehow Blood blocked the impact, but the force pushed the unicorn backwards, his rear hooves scraping against the wooden deck. He crashed into a large wooden cabinet that broken open from the impact and a series of dull sounds thuds could be heard as a number of cannonballs spilled out from the broken furniture. They began to roll around the deck.

"Impressive. You're strong, I'll give you that. But without magic, what are you going to-"

Again Blood was cut off as Semper went for him. The blade was a blur as it repeatedly swung by his neck and mouth. Again and again the strikes kept coming with Blood barely able to keep up. Zecora leaned forward and gulped. Was this it? Would Semper actually beat the infamous unicorn once and for all?

"Enough!" Blood spun around on his left leg and stopped Semper's blade mid swing, the impact seemed to bend the air around the source as the two blades sparked from the impact.

The Guard barely avoided getting cut by Blood's other hoof as the second blade swung at the earth pony's neck. That wasn't all. A split second later an orange aura appeared and Semper cartwheeled to the side so that when he was horizontal the orange aura passed harmlessly over him and into the floor just behind him leaving a deep scar across the deck.

A sudden silence loomed from the two ponies. The Elite that was holding her had loosened. Zecora was about to run, but she saw something in the Elite's eyes that was different from even before. A tear. She saw it. It was small, but it had formed. Then the Elite said something that sent shivers through her spine.

"Please... win..." a nearly inaudible whisper came.

She was not cheering for Blood, Zecora knew. Semper had awoken some deep seated feelings, and this Elite wasn't the only one. They all were staring at the battle. A battle they knew that would change everything. They had finally been reminded of an emotion that they had thought they'd lost. Hope. They had begun to hope again.

The fighting had been fierce, but the dogs had overrun them completely. With their backs to the wall and every Wallarmbrust turned towards them, they had no other option.

"Drop your weapons!" the commander shouted. The Watu looked at their leader not sure they heard right. "Didn't you hear my order! Drop your Celestia-forsaken weapons, now!"

The remaining Watu warriors did as they were told and threw their swords, shields and crossbows on the deck of the ship. They had been thoroughly defeated by the canines. Their defeat was so sound that they had not lost that many ponies in the process. Quite a few dogs had died, but the Watu knew they had been decimated. Those that had dared to call the dogs Disloyal were not spared, even when they surrendered.

"Sir, what will happen to us?" A young Watu asked staring at the dogs taking the weapons from the ponies' reach.

The commander stuck out his lower jaw. "Whatever happens, know that out here there are no laws for them to abide by. Our lives are at the whim of their alpha."

"No," a deep rumbling response came. A large silver wolf stepped right up to the commander. "I sense honor with you. You've served with the queen of your lands."

"She's a princess, but yes, I did. A long time ago," the commander replied standing tall.

"Then you will tell your kind that they have no choice. They will enter the very bars where they had placed me and my kind, and there they will wait until the omega judges them. You," the wolf pointed with his snout at another Watu, "will get the others to drop their weapons, or I will tell the large arrow-makers to pierce them."

The commander understood. "Drop your weapons! All of you! We've lost! Blood isn't here and most of you have no idea what to do in a battle. You will surrender, or you will die! They will order the Wallarmbrusts to open on you if you refuse!"

For effect, the ponies at the captured Wallarmbrusts pointed them in the intended directions. The Watu did as they were told.

"Your name?" Lupis growled.

"Flint. I am in charge. All I ask is that you spare some of them. Most have followed orders and did not have a say in the matter-"

Lupis walked past the pony. "I do not care about your lies, pony. All I care is doing as my omega wants. You will all go into the prisons and lock yourselves inside. That is what you will tell your others and that is what they will do. Understood?"

"So be it," was all the commander could say before he relayed the orders to his troops.

They were all escorted down into the lower decks of the ship, the dogs keeping a careful watch on them. Some of the foolish ones tried to flee when they thought they were out of harm's way, but the dogs had expected that and some were waiting further down the halls to end the chase.

It took a couple more kills before the others got it into their heads that fleeing was perhaps the least intelligent thing they could do at this point. They needed to obey and, when the time come, act accordingly. If they kept ignoring his and the other superior officers' orders, there wouldn't be a need for them to fight back because they wouldn't have the numbers capable of doing it anyway.

"What now, sir?" one of the other commanders asked.

"Now we wait. There is nothing we can do but wait and hope."

"Hope for what, sir?"

The commander couldn't respond.

Blood was keeping his distance from the earth pony. It was clear that he was trying to avoid direct combat and with magic on his side, Blood certainly had an advantage. Whenever Semper tried to close the gap, the unicorn would deploy that red smoke-screen and push away from the contact zone. There he would shoot a series of those orange slices and red bolts forcing Semper back in order to avoid them.

The fight had degraded into a stalemate.

Then, Semper dashed into the newest created smoke screen, the red fog obscuring his view. Blood shot his orange beams at where the fog was and waited for it the clear. When it did, Semper was not there. In fact, he was on the other side of the room standing with his blade still in his mouth.

"So, you've given up? Are you ready to-" Blood's voice was silences when something whizzed by his face and exploded behind him causing him to take a step forwards. The distraction was almost enough for Semper who found a gaping hole in his defenses. The blade almost taking his head off, but the unicorn was experienced in battle, and used a quick teleportation spell to duck away at the last second.

"I'm getting sick and tired of-"

Another object charged towards him, and Blood took note of this projectile as it zoomed back him. It was a cannonball. One of those that had rolled out when Blood crashed into the cabinet.

"Two can play at that game." Blood summoned his magic gathering up the nearest cannonball and lobbed it with all his might towards Semper.

In retaliation, the Guard quickly got behind another ball and kicked it with his hind-leg. The power sent the explosive round charging towards Blood. The cannonball was too accurate and too fast. Blood had to break his magical hold in order to avoid getting hit by the ball making both explode behind one another.

The blast gave Semper momentum and as he closed the distance. Blood did not expect that and moved to the side. The blade passed and there was an eery silence.

Blood touched his face. Nothing. He had thought that the blade had cut him there. But there was nothing, not even a nick along his cheek. There was a moment where everything seemed to stand still. What had just happened?

A loud snap was heard followed by a dull thud as the entire rear half of Blood's armor fell to the ground. For the first time ever, they all got a look at the mark on his flank. A sword of a similar shape as the ones he held in his hooves. .

"I don't know how long it has been since the public has seen this." Blood grinned sadistically. "Yes. My talent is with the sword. Couldn't you tell? There is one thing that I have to thank you for. That armor was getting heavy. Not that it's off... well, I'll just show you. Don't blink."

Zecora screamed as she saw Blood charge towards Semper. Using an air spell to propel himself forward, the unicorn was practically on top of him before the stallion could duck away. The blade was too close. But it did not end just there. Blood went after Semper leading with his right hoof in a downward strike. Semper blocked it by holding his sword perpendicularly to the strike and spun to the left quickly to counter Blood's second blade as it came in a swipe via the right hoof. Then, Semper moved backwards and away as the three spikes charged towards him, each missing him by mere inches.

As Semper tried to get some distance, the red unicorn charged in again. Each time the blades were getting closer and closer.

But Semper wasn't to go now so easily. Before Blood could deliver the final blow, Semper reached behind him and pulled out a bolt from a quiver. He threw it upwards just as Blood collided with him, their swords pushing against each other.

"What now, Guard?" Blood hissed.

Semper kicked his hind legs out and struck the ground with enough force that it pushed the unicorn up and away just as the three spikes surged forwards, each one aiming for a vital organ. Semper bounded away and flipped backwards over his head landing some distance back.

Blood, not wanting to allow the earth stallion any time to recover, charged forwards.

Semper did not move.

"What's he doing? Why is he not putting up a guard? Is he really already that tired? Is he mocking me?" Blood thought to himself. The thoughts flitted by within a second or two, but that is how one must think when engaged in combat. Something told him to stop. His instinct. A gut feeling. He turned his body at once when he realized that something was amiss and came to a sliding halt two sword swings away from the Guard.

Semper lowered his shoulders and turned his head slightly to the side, as if were about to strike, but the distance was too far and there was no possible way that the earth pony had the kind of magical power a unicorn had. Their magic was differed and much inferior to his own, or so he thought. The Guard looked up at Blood and the Watu noticed something fall not far from the Guard. He hit it square on with the side of his blade sending the object careening towards him. He could scarcely see it coming, but it looked very familiar. Again, out of instinct, Blood dove to the side, using the momentum to roll forwards and away, then he stood up as his hooves carried him backwards in a long slide. It was that moment that the object exploded in a ball of ice, the spikes growing at an impossibly fast rate. Blood bounded three times backwards to avoid getting impaled by the spikes.

Sliding to another halt in order to maintain his balance, Blood looked at the Guard dumbfounded.

The object was a bolt. No, not a bolt. A quarrel. An ice-imbued quarrel. If he had charged in, the quarrel would've hit him from above which most certainly have killed him in the worst case, or freeze him to the floor where he stood making him an easy target. But the stallion in front of him improvised again by actually hitting the missile in the air activating the tip's contents. Those icicles would have skewered him as the momentum of the quarrel's travel had forced the ice magic to solidify in its aerial motion creating long spikes. Something at the back of his mind brought up an uneasy question. Did the Guard actually improvise, or did he expect Blood to stop? He shoved the question out of his mind.

"No more games," Blood stated and reached into his peytral and pushed a buckle on the rear center of it.

The rest of his armor peeled off, landing on the ground with a dull thud. He heard a quiet gasp and glanced over in the direction of the door. The Elites and prisoners were still there. He wanted to reprimand them, but he could not waste an ounce of concentration on those fools. He would pay them back for disobeying him after he finished with the Guard.

"Do you like my scars? Do you what to know how I got them?" Blood taunted as he walked sideways. Big scars crisscrossed his entire body, some of them worse than what the Elites had. Deep, long scars where his coat could no longer grow. The only thing that seemed pristine was his face. "This is what happens to weaklings. This is what happens when you fight for what you think is right. You are banished from the kingdom. Harmony? Ha! What harmony? I was right! I was always right. They had no right to banish me. I never did anything wrong! I was correct! I was cheated! They had no right! No right!"

He glared at the Guard.

"I'll kill you and the rest of them!" he shouted pointing at the Elites behind. "Then I'll torture the two prisoners slowly to the point where they'll beg for me to kill them! But you know what I'll do? I'll give them hope, let them taste that sense of relief before I tear it away from them again as I will slowly extinguish their lives!"

The Elites shifted uncomfortably where they stood, but none of them left.

"I'm ending this farce right now!" The unicorn yelled. His horn lit up and the armor now on the floor began to glow. Soon four more spikes joined the other three in the air around Blood's body. "You're going to die, Guard."

Semper stood up on his hind legs and let go of the sword from his mouth dropping it into his hoof. He held the blade to his side, the light seemed to be drawn into those eyes. Like all the light going inside disappeared into oblivion. There was something there that Blood understood for his own eyes saw the same thing every time he look into a mirror. Eyes that had seen too much. Even the Elites with what they had been through did not have those kind of eyes. Their had eyes that had no life, their spirit within killed. They were puppets that did as he ordered. The Guard had held back, as had he.

"Very good. Then I suppose warm ups are over." Blood cricked his neck, and dashed forwards.

The Guard moved towards the unicorn and spun around on his left rear hoof and swung the blade with all his might. Blood put his left scimitar forward and stopped the blade before it could cut him, but he did not expect the strength to be that powerful and he found himself flying in the air from the impact. His hooves were actually above the ground. His horn began to glow and and aura of light red surrounded his body making him stop in midair and drop to the ground.

Blood looked up to see three bolts whizzing towards him. He dodged the first one, the blade passing by his left check so close, he felt the wind push his fur. The second bolt passed by his left leg, he felt it cut his flesh slightly. The third one came straight for his face, and out of reflex Blood used a wall of air to stop it from colliding with him. As he did, he noticed the red tipped color of the bolt and opened his mouth.

The explosion knocked his head back so he was gazing up at the ceiling and as he moved his head down to see the Guard, he noted that his blade was descending rapidly towards the center of his head.

Training with the Guard, you are taught to use your horn under highly stressful conditions. One thing they do is force you to have an escape move, a move that your horn will automatically do whenever it is in extreme danger. The most common one is a short teleportation spell that would send the pop the unicorn a short distance away. Others formed a shield. But Blood's was unique. Instead of defending himself, he would attack. A strong offense usually was a good defense. In the moment of desperation, Blood did the only thing that came naturally to him. He attacked.

Seven spikes shot forwards, two of them hitting the Guard in the left foreleg and the other stuck into his side. Still he came forwards and down came the blade. Five spikes crisscrossed over Blood's head as the blade's sharp edge was blocked by the large weave of metal. It did not stop the impact and Blood felt his body slam into the deck beneath him.

Zecora watched as Semper limped back a few steps. It looked like an easy kill, but the Guard backed off. He had hit Blood so hard that the ground where he was now lying was broken. She could see the large cracks along the floorboards from where she stood. The fight had been going on for no more than a few minutes, but each moment Semper delayed seemed to give Blood an edge over him. She did not want to accept it and, from the facial expressions of the Elites next to her, they didn't either.

The room started to darken and the area around Blood grew brighter and brighter as a wall of light seemed to erupt from around his body. A terrible feeling of heat seemed to push her back and out the door. There was a bright flash or white light and the next moment all that was left of the area around Blood was charred wood. It had formed a perfectly round ring around him, the outer-most portions still were glowing as the magic receded.

There was a long moment where Zecora could not think. Did Semper just die? Was that sudden burst of fire and magic the cause of the Guard's disappearance? She wanted to shout, to scream, to say something, but she could not find the words.

"Guard! I will find you! And I will kill you!" Blood roared and stomped his hoof. His horn again glowed, this time a bright orange as he cast it around himself and the floor groaned and creeked as the wood separated itself from the others and the Watu descended below the floor and into the darkness of the lower floor.

The Elites looked at one another before turning around and rushing to the stairwell.

In that moment Zecora could not decide what to do. If she turned and fled now, she might have been able to get away. If she stayed where she was, she might get captured again. But she wanted to know. She wanted to see Semper fight. After all he had come all this way to save her. Right? Why else would he come? Then he admitted it also.

She decided to take the gamble and chased the other Elites down into the lower deck.

Saying that it was hard to see in the darkened deck below was an understatement. The Guard had come here, that was for sure. He had somehow blown a hole beneath him and disappeared into this very space. Ponies did not have good sight in the dark. They did not have the advantage of the felines with their adaptable eyes, or the canines with their keen sense of smell. If he could not see him, then there was a high possibility that he could not see him either.

Or could he? The past few minutes to an hour had taught him otherwise. He felt tired, his horn ached and he felt soar along his hind legs. They weren't designed to remain in that standing position that long. Now in the darkness he could wait and rest a little before hunting down the Guard.

He took a step towards a light.

A dull thud echoed next to him. He reached over delicately and felt it. A blade. A short knife used for throwing.

Taking one of the spikes in his hoof, he lobbed it a few feet away. As soon as it hit the deck, another thud echoed. Blood did not have to go closer to know that it was another knife. Perhaps not as good as a canine, but he was pretty accurate with his knives.

Slowly, Blood took a step. The sound of the wooden deck under him groaned but it was impossible to pin-point that source, so nothing happened. Blood understood what there was no way either of them could find each other unless there was light. But he also knew that he would get his chance if the Guard made one false step. He could cast magic, but he would give away his position. There was nothing to do but play along. The patient one would triumph.

The sounds of the battle had long since receded. He had not heard anything in quite a while. Did the Watu already die out? Was there some that managed to surrender? He would have to teach those a less. They were there to fight, not to lay surrender to a bunch of backward mutts. It was an insult to all those that called themselves Watu.

A creek echoed to his left and Blood reacted immediately. He took the knife from the ground in front of him and threw it into the direction of the sound.

Nothing. Not even the sound of the blade hitting the wood or floor.

A moment later, Blood had his sword in front of his face as the blade of the Guard's was one again aiming straight for him. How had the seen? What trickery did he use to find him in the dark. Surely he could not smell him like the dogs.

Without taking a chance, Blood rushed in and collided with something. He felt a blow to his face that could have come from only an earth pony. The unicorn retaliated in much the same way, but Blood was not having it. The next moment the entire area lit up again as Blood got ready to decimate the area with his Shockwave spell. The same spell that surrounded him with a super-heated ball of fire that he pushed out in an explosive burst incinerating anything within its vicinity.

He felt a tight grip on his horn followed by a savage twist. Blood yelped out of reflex, the pain nearly blacking him out as he stumbled to stay on his hooves. He looked up to see a hoof right next to his face moments before impact. It felt as if it had shattered his jaw. The power rocking his head and insides. Blood felt his mind slowly slipping, but he wasn't going to go down that easily. With his horn firmly in the Guard's grip, he used his sword in his hoof to swipe at him. It had the desired effect, the horn was let loose and Blood felt the magic from his surroundings build up almost instantly; like a high-pressured hose bursting forth.

The two spikes that were inside the Guard were gone now, perhaps he had hid them in the darkness of the room, but Blood was not going to let up now. He had the advantage. He was a unicorn after all. What would a simple earth pony be able to do against the magical might of the unicorn? This was his fight. He understood that the power of an earth pony was always greater, but he had pushed his own limits far beyond that of a normal unicorn. He was one of the best Guards to have ever lived, before his banishment anyway. How had it all come to this?

"This ends now!" Blood roared and stomped the ground as hard as he could with his hooves. As the magic started to build, silence came to his ears as the air around him grew still.

And his life flashed before his eyes.

(Mood Music - Optional)

"Hey, B."

The voice made him perk up and look that way. The sight of her always brought a smile to his face.

"Hi," the unicorn replied. He looked down at his notebook and started to write something in it again.

She leaned over his back and placed her head on his shoulder and looked down. "Still using your hoof to write? Why don't you use magic? It's easier."

The first thing that he noticed was her scent. He loved it and drank it all in. He loved her more than anything. He so badly wanted her to be his special partner. But he knew deep down that could never happen. How could it? She was one of the smartest and most powerful unicorns in the Guard. She had been their leader throughout the entire training, and her performance during the Crucible was nothing short of amazing. She was the best of the best, and every single stallion and mare from the Day, Night and Border Guards wanted to court her. What chance did a slow, untalented cowardly like him have?

"B-b-because I can't," He admitted. "I'm not good with magic."

She smirked and leaned back on her hooves away from him. "But you're good with the sword."

He felt his body screaming for her to come back, to lean against him once again. Still, he kept himself together and even blushed a little at the praise. "Even so, what good is a unicorn if he can't use his magic?"

"What good? Every single pony has a purpose. Every one of them! Why do you think we have the Guard in the first place? It's because if the princess needs our help, we'll be there. If she could do everything on her own, then why would she need us? Like you and your sword. If I was in trouble and couldn't use my magic, then I'd expect you to come and save me, okay?"

He smirked. "Okay."

"Okay!" She stood up and stretched her back. "Well, I've got to get to the next class. We're being taught how to use our magic to create an emergency escape. It's all very interesting." She looked at him. "Why don't you come and try it? You might like it."

He thought about it. Did he really have a chance? With her? He smiled and nodded. He had nothing to lose. "Okay. Let's go."

"No! No, no, no!"

"Sh. It's okay." Her words sounded so weak, like a whisper's whisper.

The wounds inflicted by the Guards were fatal. The Guards that were his friends. He had killed them, of course. Killed his friends like a coward, stabbing them from behind. He didn't care. He only knew that she was dying there in his hooves; her life slowly being sapped from her body. He had gotten to the cave too late, others had long reached it long before he did. There was a battle within, the many long scars and singe marks along the floor and ceiling were evidence of that. The dead lay strewn about, ponies that had died protecting her. Ponies that had loved her. Her final line of defense. Her most faithful followers.

"Why? Why did you do this?" He just couldn't understand. "Why!"

"Because," she coughed and took a deep breath trying to shove the pain from her body, "b-because... isn't the night beautiful? D-don't you love the stars?"

He couldn't hold back his tears. "Y-yes..."

"Yet, I know that they're not her stars, B. I can't love her, B. Not like this. D-did you know? She killed her own sister. Her own sister, B. How can somepony like that love? I-I can't... and when she sent us on that mission to kill all those ponies... how could I respect her? I don't love her, B. I can't love her. She betrayed us, B. She betrayed us all..."

The unicorn didn't understand what she was saying. She? Sister? What was she talking about?

"Stop talking. I'll get you help. Then you can explain and this whole misunderstanding will go away, okay?" He stroked her mane pushing a lock of her mane from her face. Blood slipped from the corner of her mouth.



"Get away from her!" A voice shouted from behind. "I said get away from that traitor!"



"I said get away from her!" The voice came closer and a rough hoof tried to pull him away.

"No!" he screamed and hugged her tighter.

The voice growled dangerously. "What did you say to me, pony?"

He turned around and saw his sister, his superior officer, looming over him. "Ruby... please... I can't..."

Ruby walked up to her younger brother and smacked him. "I said get away from her! She's a traitor! She doesn't deserve to live! Do you know how many foals that monster has murdered! She doesn't deserve any pity!"

"Please, Ruby! She didn't do anything wrong! It's not in her nature! I know it!"

Ruby couldn't believe what she was hearing. "I gave you an order, private. Get. A. Way. From. Her!"

Blood. So much blood. Her blood. He looked down at her eyes and saw her smile at him one last time and then the light that burned so bright for his vanished into the ether. She was gone now.

Something inside him snapped. He refused to believe it. How could it be true? There was no way she could be dead. That was not possible. Not her. She was good. Kind. She just didn't know any better. She just...


"What? What did you-"

"I said no."

Ruby furrowed her brow. "What are you talking... what are you doing?"

He drew his blade and stood his ground.

"Y-you're drawing a weapon against me? Your superior officer?" Ruby asked incredulously. "Against your sister? For her? A traitor? For that murderer? She attacked peaceful villages! She killed those who didn't want to listen to her lies! She ordered entire towns to be destroyed! She's evil!"

Nothing. Her brother remained.

"Death is too good for a pony like her."

Inside feelings of anger and hatred welled up. What Ruby was saying was true. These things were done in order to protest against the princess. He didn't understand it. Why would she, who had given him purpose, have no respect for life? Was life worthless? He couldn't wrap his head around it.

"No! She didn't mean to do those things. They misunderstood. I know. I know..." Of course he didn't know. He wasn't there, and all witnesses had been killed. There was no way of knowing.

"Out of the way or I'll take you down as well."

He did not listen. He did not want to listen. Why should he listen? She was dead now and brother or not, he wasn't about to allow any pony defile the corpse of the one he loved. He would fight to protect her honor even from his own sister. He wiped the blood from her lips and pressed it against his. She was now with him. Inside him. He then gently closed her eyes. He looked at her adoringly, everything seemed perfect, like she was sleeping. The quarrel through her heart had fused her wound close. There was no blood there.


Ruby did not expect her brother to actually choose the traitor over her and when he charged, she reacted normally. Thorns of red fire-based magic erupted from the ground and over his body pinning him to the ground. The reaction was totally involuntary, it was her escape measure. The thorns pierced through the stallion's skin and held him down.

He screamed in agony and anger. He felt nothing but hatred. Hatred at everything, but especially towards his own sister. He wanted to kill something. Anything, and she would have to do. He shouted and pulled himself towards Ruby, the thorns in his flesh slowly tore through his skin with every step he took.

"Stop! You'll only make it worse!" He heard her cry out, but he didn't care. He just wanted to get to her. To reach her. To slip his blade into her body. To take her life. To see her bleed.

As the last thorn released him from its grip, the young stallion charged at his sister. Ruby held her blade in her hoof and raised it above her head. She saw him coming at him, but froze. This was her little brother. He baby brother. How could she raise her blade against him? She never actually meant the words she said, she only wanted her brother to get away from that mare. She found she could not bring herself to kill her own brother.

"Ruby!" A shout came and a bolt of green rushed in front of her followed by a shower of red.


"Mint!" Ruby screamed as she saw her brother's blade stuck in the ground.

The green stallion in front of her turned his head slightly to the side and Ruby could see the horror of what he knew was an inevitability. As the life escaped him, Ruby caught him before he hit the ground. She looked up at her brother who stared down at the two of them with eyes that looked broken. The blade had cut across the pegasus' peytral, the armor wasn't thick enough, Pegasus armor never was. Didn't need to be. Had to be light. Had to be light to let them fly. Fly through the skies. Fly free.

"H-how could you?" Ruby cried out in anguish as she held the body of the stallion in her hooves.

He grinned. He actually grinned down at her. "A life for a life." He stated dropping his weapon. He walked over to where the traitor lay, sat down next to her and gently stroked her mane.

When the others came for them after the others had been dealt with, they found only two Guards left alive in the whole place each one holding the corpse of their special ones. Neither one was willing to let go.

He knew the sentence even before he was asked to stand in front of the just. The verdict was obvious from the beginning, and there was only one sentence he could be given. Such was the way of the Equestrian Military Courts. His charge? The murder of Mint Breeze was one, but his banishment was going to be for helping the rebels in their coup attempt. Of course the last part was just made up to justify the banishment they were going to give to him. He had learned the hard way that the ponies of Equestria were delusional. He did not belong here. He did not belong anywhere like this.

"Red Blaze, you have been accused of helping the rebels in their attempts at taking the princesses' life. You are also accused for allowing your brother-in-law to be die by your own blade as he protected his betrothed from your blade. You are hereby sentenced to banishment from Equestria. You will never be able to set hoof in our beloved nation. You have tarnished the prestigious title of the Guard. Get out of my courtroom."

As he was escorted towards the airship that was going towards the furthest border, he wondered what he should do. Should he just end his own life? There were plenty of ways to do so.

He spotted Ruby watching him. He stopped and looked at her to the side. "You should have killed me when you had the chance, dear sister. If you had, you would've had your lover here with you."

Ruby glanced up at him, but could not bare to look at his face. The little brother she loved so much had been broken. There was nothing she could do. She had wanted to tell him the truth. The mare he adored had betrayed the kingdom. The Day and Night Guards had managed to isolate her and her followers to the far north, but not before she had claimed the lives of countless innocents along the way. She had abused her powers completely. The beliefs that she had were not illegal nor treasonous to the kingdom, but her actions were pure evil.

And yet Ruby couldn't bear the thought of her own little brother knowing the sickening truth. Indeed, he had been brainwashed, her charms had infatuated him. It wasn't love that he felt, but obsession. The fact that he was willing to go that far in following her revealed that. As much as she wanted to forgive him, the deaths of too many were on his head.

Still, Ruby's weakness was the worst of all. Her inability to kill her own brother despite having had so many chances led to the deaths of so many. Especially Mint's. No matter what, she had inadvertently orchestrated it all. She had lost her Guards and her best friend and lover to him. Yet she still could not bring herself to blame her own brother. She understood and knew deep in her heart that the true culprit would always be that monster. The one that had broken her brother's mind and used his skill as a blade master. But she was going to get what she deserved. She would be demoted to the lowest rank allowable. Already her papers were in the process of getting approved. Whatever came, she would honor it without question.

She watched as her brother was led away in chains. That would be the last time they would ever see one another.

The magic emanating from Blood seemed to envelop him in a glow that looked as though the unicorn was on fire. It was, however, because his power was forcing its way out of the unicorn despite his attempts to hold it in. He had not used this much power in a long time. While some unicorns had trained to use massive amounts of magic, it took special expertise to control it. Some unicorns used their magic in large burst, exploding them outwards in a display of raw overwhelming power. Others kept it inside, like holding their breath, and slowly let it out over a period of time. Few unicorns, if any, could do both. Blood was one of those, and his glowing red aura was a sign of this. It was enough to illuminate the area around him. He looked up and spotted the Guard. He leaned on his hind legs and gave an almighty thrust. The speed that Blood surged forwards was practically impossible to follow. Within moments he was on top of the Guard before he could even turn his head to the side. He slammed his hoof downwards the floor imploding from the pressure of the blow. But he wasn't done. A second strike put a large gaping hole where Semper and Blood had been.

But the earth pony was not done either. He swung himself around and slammed a kick right into Blood's face.

Blood's face was pushed aside but the sword foreleg was too slow and even as Semper brought it down for a strike, Blood had kicked the Guard upwards towards the ceiling. As the Guard reached the crest of his fall, he spotted Blood rushing towards the space underneath him. With a roar of magic, he pushed his way upwards to meet the Guard. With a swipe of his sword, he struck at the earth pony when they were level with one another, but Blood was shocked. He had been blocked. His blade had classed against Semper's own and the power sent him flying over the hole, landing him safely distance away.

"Good! Now try to avoid this one!" Blood roared and a series of red balls popped up around his shoulders. Each one launched themselves at the Guard with deadly precision. Each time the balls collided with the ground, it would explode in an inferno similar to those long pin-point strikes that emanated from the tip of his blade. But Semper dodged them each time, despite the orbs of fire coming uncomfortably close a few times. Each and every time he attacked, the Guard would get out of the way. Then, when Blood thought that he had this entire fight under his control a bolt sung towards him. He moved his face out of the way in the nick of time as it grazed his cheek. Blood only dodged out of instinct, his mind half focused on the magic power he had summoned from the ether. He was not used to it, not used to holding so much power in one go. He never needed to. Blood failed to use his magic to provide himself with a shield and as a result a second bolt hit his leg. The pain was enough to get him to lose control of his magic.

A unicorn must never lose control of their magic. Ever. One of the hardest and most painful lessons a unicorn can learn. The greater the power, the grater the disaster could be. A unicorn must never, ever, ever lose control. Ever. Yet that is exactly what had happened.

The first thing was the sudden feedback from the horn. The sudden surge of powers hit the top of his skull like a hammer. An overwhelming feeling of dizziness overtook him and he felt that he would collapse from the force of it. The instant the magic hit the base of his skull, it surged upwards again like a volcano, and erupted as thus; the power could not be held nor controlled by the user. But Blood, like so many others of his kind, had trained for this, and forced his body to reject and to push the magic out. Like how the syringe forces its contents out, the same way Blood pushed his magic through his horn. Upwards, outwards, towards something, anything, except him, for a unicorn can still die by their own magic if one were to be careless enough.

The red lightning licked the insides of the hallway bathing the area in quick succession as Blood's power went out of control. The light blinked through the corridors as it spread cascading long shadows and blinding lights in alternative succession as the two ponies fought. Sparks flew as the two pieces of metal collided, and Blood held his own. Even with his magic spiraling out of control, even as the lights played tricks on his eyes, his blind rage led his sword towards his target. A blast of lightning struck forth and one of the many pillars that held the upper deck aloft exploded in a flurry of wood splinters that shot into the darkness.

Still the two fought. The long tongues of the lightning shattered windows, destroyed columns, decimated the floors. As the two thundered through the decks far below the surface of the ship, the tremors were felt from aft to bow. The Eleonora seemed to be in agony as she shook and swayed slightly at the chaos that rumbled deep within her recesses. A battle that none could see, but all could feel continued. But the decks could only take so much and the floor beneath the two warriors was destroyed sending the two plunging deeper into the darkness beneath.

Here the light illuminated the remnants of the Dragon's room, the gold sparkling on the walls where the gold had clung to for dear life, lest it befall into the dark abyss as did its master.

It was Blood who broke the silence, his horn tired, his eyes heavy, and the pain in his body throbbed like never before. The last time he felt anything close to this was when he was a mere recruit. An age that was long lost to the likes of him.

"You have fought well, Guard. Very well indeed, but without any magic you cannot-"

Semper stepped right up to blood and the three swords clashed together echoing within the room with their clamor and once again the two engaged one another. Their blades were coming within mere inches of their necks and throats. Semper swung upwards, Blood parried and swung to the side. Blood's blade would never reached its mark as he could barely prevent Semper's counter strike with the first blade. It was just enough to protect his vitals. The way the Guard moved was like a snake striking its prey. It was quick, ferocious, accurate and deadly.

"Why won't you die?" Blood vociferated to the Guard.

In response, the earth pony struck back with all his might sending the unicorn through the air and almost to the opposite end of the room. Here the Guard shook his head and removed the mask that hid his face. For the first time Blood clearly saw the pony that had caused him so much grief and annoyance. He memorized it. He took in his cheekbones, his jawline, his neck. He traced his eyes, nose and mouth with his memory.

He did all this and vowed, "I will kill your family, Guard. Your wife! Your children! Your mother, father, brother. And your sister."

Time seemed to stop as he uttered the last word. A great shadow passed over him and when he looked again he saw the Guard standing practically on his hooves. He glanced up at the Guard's face and felt his stature shrink in the presence of such a stallion. He swallowed hard. He felt humbled. Stepping back, Blood struck forwards with his blade which was slapped aside as if he were a mere recruit. Again, with his other blade, he struck. Again it was blocked, parried and pushed away without any trouble. Again and again he attacked, each time was met by a perfect parry until he felt something against his back and stole a glance at it.

The wall. He was pinned to the opposite wall of where the salty water had poured into the massive ship. To his left he saw the deep blackness of the water. The ship was truly a testament to its builders for it remained afloat despite the great hole that had now marred its deep interior. He marveled at it. Truly marveled. He turned back towards the Guard.

"S-stop. I-I surrender..." He whispered.

But Semper had not come to force the unicorn to plead for mercy, nor did he come to capture the notorious stallion. Why would he?


"What?" Blood couldn't believe what he had heard.

"No. You don't."

Blood smirked. "True."

With all his strength, Blood lunched forwards and attacked Semper. Standing on his rear hooves, he balanced perfectly as he struck the Guard again and again trying to break past his iron-like defense, but the Guard did not falter. Even as they fought and stepped into the ice cold waters, the light from his horn illuminating so that the red light cast along its surface so that it resembled blood, neither could better the other. Desperate to end it, Blood kicked the salt water into the Guard's eyes and charged. He was surprised that the attack was blocked, but he could scarcely believe how. With his eyes tightly shut, Semper had parried the two blades and twisted his body in a round arc bringing his blade into him at full strength. The blade hit his two as he crossed them in front of his chest and felt himself pushed out of the water, through the air, landing further back coming to a sliding halt.

"This is it! I've had enough of this." Blood lowered his stance, crossed his blades in front of him and brought it to his side.

Like a dance, Blood twisted his body around and with all the strength he could muster, summoned the power from inside himself. lt streaked across the surface of the water towards Semper, who dodged it by stepping to the side. Again Blood swiped his blade, this time in an upward motion that send another sent another orange curve careening towards him. The tail end hit the water with a loud hissing noise, like some sort of snake that could hold its breath indefinitely. Again, Semper moved to the side, the orange aura missing him by mere inches. Next, Blood cut with his blade across his chest again sending another arc of power towards the Guard. Semper ducked beneath it, just as Blood sent another arc from a downward swing of his hoof. Each attack barely missed.

"Let's see you dodge this!"

Blood repeated the steps in a fluid fashion moving from left to right, from down to up, from right to left, and from up to down. The moves were strung together in an elegant but deadly ballet, each other cut causing the water it touched to instantly superheat bathing the entire area in a fog. Still Blood refused to relent his barrage. Again and again he sent his power through the fog. Then, after what seemed like ages, he stabbed through the area in a series of straight shots that rumbled as the explosions echoed through the empty room.

Panting, dripping with sweat, Blood waited. He waited and watched.

And there he was, still standing before him, but he saw the many cuts, burns and grazed along the Guards body. Smoke emanated from some parts of him where his magic had actually hit. But he still stood up.

Blood laughed. He threw his head back and laughed. Laughed towards the skies.

As he looked forwards he cricked his neck. "This is it, isn't it. The moment where we both decide who is better with the sword."

At this, Semper lowered his body to the ground, slid one hoof forwards and placed the blade in a slight downward angel from the left side of his waist. Blood took one blade and sheathed it, but did not remove his hoof. The other he kept on the opposite shoulder and waited.

Time seemed to stand still again. Somewhere a drop of water was heard. Somewhere a voice screaming was cut short. Somewhere something was happening.

The two ponies charged. They moved with the deadly grace they had been taught. They moved with a surgeon's precision. They moved with all their might. In the blink of an eye they had passed one another with a deafening clash which sent sparks high into the air before hissing into the black water.

There was a period of time when neither pony moved. It was doubtful that they could.

It was Semper who fell first. His knee touching the floor. Blood smirked and turned slowly. He looked at the pony in front of him and nodded once before his chest burst open from a single cut that extended from his chest to his thigh. His blood spilled from the open wound and across the golden gilded floor collecting in the many tiny undulations where the precious metal had dried unevenly in the chaos of the dragon's battle. Blood at once accepted his impending demise. He had truly met his match, for this stallion was far stronger than he had hoped to believe. He had bested him with all his tricks, magic and power. He had lost with the sword for the first time and last time.

"You have... done well, Guard. Before I die, at least tell me your name."

The Guard pushed himself up from the floor with his blade, turned and walked towards Blood. He raised the sword above his head. "The dead need not know my name."

He nodded and laughed. This was a perfect death for one such as him. He would go now to the place where he was destined to and hoped that he might glimpse the mare he once loved once more before descending beyond the gates of Tartarus and into the oblivion awaiting him. He found himself capable of a tiny smile despite the pain crushing the life from him. He just felt so, so tired. He would sleep now.

Sleep for a while.

He never felt Semper's sword come down.


He awoke with a start and quickly turned around to look into the face of the most wonderful mare in the whole wide world. His eyes stung.

"You crying?"

Instantly he wiped them away. "N-n-no. I-I'm just... yeah. I'm crying."

She looked at him curiously, but a smile formed on her perfect face. "What for?"

He dabbed his cheeks with his hoof, wiping them dry. "I... don't know. I can't remember. It's like I've been dreaming for so long..."

"Well, wake up, sleepy head. The others are waiting for us. Let's go!" With that she jumped up and started walking towards the others in the distance. He could not make them out, but he felt as if he knew them. He stopped for a moment and looked back the way he came. He saw fields of green as far the eye could see. He felt light, as if a huge weight had been shed from his shoulders. "Blaze!"

For the time in what seemed like an eternity, he smiled from within his heart. He turned back towards her this time not hiding the tears streaming down his face, for he had never before felt this happy. "Coming!"

Author's Note:

Sorry it took so long.

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