• Published 12th Mar 2013
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Semper Pie - deathtap

Meet Pinkie's long lost (more like forgotten) brother: Semper Pie.

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Mission 4, Part 7: Revelation

“There you are!” Tourmaline said aloud as he walked over to the pegasus. The slow music coming from the small live band in the corner really set a calming ambience to the restaurant. Not as impressive nor as famous as some of the other better known names in the city, Tourmaline and his friends had frequented this establishment along with a large number of Guards for years. It is somewhat of a tradition for ex-Guards to meet with current Guards and catch up in an informal place.

Plus, the drink is cheap.

Misty smiled her beautiful smile. “Heya. So, how was work?”

“Oh, you know us,” Tourmaline replied, a smirk appearing on the corner of his lips, “always looking for that next good mystery. Apparently there’s been an increase of vandalism around Canterlot and the Princess wants us to find the source.”

“Which one?” Misty asked as she kissed his cheek as he leaned close to her.

“Why, Princess Luna of course.” Tourmaline threw his coat over the back of the empty seat and sat down heavily next to Misty and she nuzzled his chin. He put his hoof around her shoulder and pulled her close, kissing her on the forehead. “Princess Celestia calls it ‘expression through art’, but without a proper permit it’s not allowed. I think Her Highness Luna will forgive them after making them do some form of community service, but honestly the vandals are really great artists! You know the mural of the clouds under Musical Chords boulevard bridge was done by them. I thought it was a commissioned job and suddenly a dragon ate me up and chewed my bones before spitting me out onto the street.”

“Oh? That’s good.”

“You’re not listening to me!” Tourmaline frowned. “What were you thinking about?”

“Hm? Sorry, I was letting my mind wander,” Misty replied and lifted up her wine glass, taking a nice long sip.

“Of course you were. That was abundantly clear when you completely ignored me. So, what’s on your mind?”


“What? Princess Luna?”

“No, you ninny. Her.”

Tourmaline looked at Misty for a long moment before sighing and pouring himself a glass of wine from the bottle using his magic. “Ah, yes. Of course. I know, I was trying to lighten the mood a little. It is her day after all. Her anniversary.”

“I don’t know if I’d call it that, but yes, today was the day she died.”

Tourmaline sighed and leaned back onto his seat. Reluctantly, Misty released him from her embrace. “You know, I was just talking to Solid at the station – you remember him right? Solid Mortar? He was the one that went down into the lower tunnels with Semper…”

“Yeah, I know,” Misty replied, “and?”

“He was just explaining to me how Semper had trapped him and Rain Maker by knocking them out and locking them inside a toolshed. They claimed that they knew something was wrong, so they tried to talk Semper out of it. Then he said that he fought Semper, to which I couldn’t help but chuckle a little. He, of course, didn’t like that, but I explained that not many ponies could go head-to-head against Semper.”

Misty nodded letting Tourmaline know she was listening this time.

“Anyway, he brought up the green blood thing, and it got me thinking. Where did that stuff come from that could change a pony’s blood from red to green, right? I mean, there’s no place we’ve seen that before, right?”


“Wrong!” Tourmaline shouted, slamming his hoof on the table making Misty’s wine tip over and spread itself across the cloth. grabbing his glass and downing the contents in one gulp. “We have seen it before, but we just never connected the dots because, a, it was too long between the events to see any relationship, and b, because we never knew they existed except in legends until they came to Canterlot.”

“What are you talking about?” Misty asked, clearly annoyed. She wiped the wine on the table with some paper napkins pushing them all towards the center as the one of the waiters went to get a proper cleaning cloth.


Misty froze. “What?”

“Changelings. It has to be the changelings. Think about, we never could identify the source of that horrible narcotic despite understanding that it was some sort of blood. Well, what color is changeling blood?”

Misty lowered the napkin in her hoof. “Green…”

“Exactly,” Tourmaline chuckled mirthlessly. “And what is the majority makeup of a changeling?”

“Dear Celestia,” Misty gasped and put her hoof to her lips.

“See? That was why we couldn’t help. That was why we couldn’t save the Elites. Because changelings had moved out of common knowledge at the time and were relatively unknown until the invasion. And even after that, nopony could put two and two together because the events of those horrible days because the reports were marked as confidential and locked away. I mean the Zebricans knew of them, but how would they connect the two? I don’t think they would’ve thought of changelings at all. Despite their noblest efforts, I actually don’t think they even considered that changelings were capable of thinking for themselves, but were just hybrid mutant ponies that lived in their deep jungles..”

“But what about a source?” Misty asked. “If they were mass producing it then—”

“That even makes more sense. Those guys, those slavers, who were running Freeport must have had access to a hive hidden deep in the Zebrican jungles. Only a select few would have knowledge and in exchange for a couple changeling bodies the slavers would have traded slaves. This arrangement must have strengthened them enough over the years to actually have enough power to invade Canterlot! It all fits!”

“You… you know, I think you’re right,” Misty whispered.

“Of course I’m right,” Tourmaline muttered and took another long sip from his glass, “but hindsight is twenty-twenty.”

“That’s… wow.”

“Besides, I don’t think it’d make much of a difference for Rose anyway. Her higher brain functions had stopped. I don’t think she would’ve survived long enough to find a cure, or at least I tell myself that. Ever since I thought of this, I hear Valor’s words in my ears.

“It’s incredible she managed to stay alive for as long as she had,” Misty replied.

“But she spoke to Semper,” Tourmaline replied. “Misty. She actually said something to him before he… ended it. Some higher brain functions must’ve remained.”

To that, Misty couldn’t respond.

Tourmaline shifted in his seat and looked up. “Oh, there they are.”

“Thanks for inviting me,” Question said as he sat down opposite from Misty. To his left sat a much younger pony.

“Hello, Iris, how are you?” Misty asked.

The young unicorn shrugged. “Could be better I guess. Did you hear about the vandals?”

“Sort of,” Tourmaline replied for Misty.

“Okay,” Iris said slowly, not getting the joke. “Anyway, Tourmaline’s vandal case has brought Her Highness’ attention. Princess Luna, as much as I love her, keeps clinging into these things like they’re her fault! Just because it happens at night.”

“Well, I think she’s trying to make up for lost time, don’t you?” Misty replied.

“Really! Her Highness should just relax and let us do our job!” Tourmaline intoned.

“I don’t think that’s it at all,” Question interrupted gently, his eyes scanning the menu in front of him held up by magic as he used his hooves to pour himself a glass of wine. “She has a very mischievous streak and I think that she’s getting herself involved because she wants to avoid going to the Night Court.”

At that everyone at the table nodded in understanding. They were quite aware of their Night Princess and her ways of finding ‘fun’.

“I would have to agree with her on that. I’d rather chase down vandals than sit and listen to old crones talk about subjects they know little about,” Iris said after a moment.

“Another thing. Why is the table soaking in wine?” Question asked despite not looking at the large debris pile in the middle of the table.

“Nothing,” Misty cut in before Tourmaline could open his mouth. “I hit my glass by accident.”

“I see,” Question intoned, and lowered his menu to peer at the mare. “Despite seeing your boyfriend smash the table with his hoof from across the restaurant, I guess I would have bought your outright lie. But you must have your reasons, so I won’t press it.”

“Thank you,” Misty replied feeling the color rise in her cheeks. Question was much sharper than she realized. “I think we ought to leave that topic well alone.”

“If you say so.”

Tourmaline gave her a warm smile and placed a hoof on the mare’s shoulder. “He’s always like that, don’t worry about it.” He turned towards Iris and poured her a glass of wine. “Your friend was an amazing mare. What she endured for her sister, I don’t think anypony can compare. She lives in our hearts and inspires us to do better.”

Iris smiled weakly. “I know. I miss her. I’m just glad that she didn’t have to suffer any more than she had.”

“To Rose!” Tourmaline offered raising his glass in the air with his hoof.

“To Rose!” the others reciprocated and all lowered their glasses to their lips.

“So, is Semper coming?” Question asked.

The bluntness made Tourmaline and the others nearly gag on their glasses of wine.

“What? No. Of course not.”

“Oh? I thought he’d come this time,” Question replied.

“What are you talking about? When has Semper ever come for one of these things?” Misty asked. “In fact, when is Semper even in Equestria not to mention Canterlot to be able to come to these things. Those three are always away on some mission. Last I heard they went out west.”

Question nodded and looked up at the ceiling as if lost in thought. “Yes. I’ve heard something along those lines too. Shame that he has to stay away from the kingdom for so long.”

“I don’t think he has a choice,” Misty interrupted. “Those three don’t have very many friends here in Canterlot, and I’m not talking about actual friends.”

“I loved my time in the Guard,” Tourmaline said in the silence. “I mean, I really loved making a difference despite all that had happened, but I’m so happy that I’m not a Border Guard anymore. I think that I was never really suited for the job. I think I like sitting at a desk and coming home to a beautiful mare.”

“You were a wonderful Border Guard, dear,” Misty said and gave Tourmaline a peck on his cheek. “I am so proud of you. Not to mention that you stood up to Semper. There aren’t many ponies alive who can say that.”

That brought a dry laugh from the others around the table.

“Terrible reputation he’s got, hasn’t he?” Tourmaline sighed and took another sip from his wine. “It doesn’t really help that nopony outside the Guard really knows who he is.”

Iris nodded. “Yeah. I know, right? I mean he deserves a little more recognition for what he’s done for Equestria. I mean, I never heard of him until I signed up for the Guard, and even then only because his name was still on top of most of the records held there. I don’t know why we don’t welcome him home as a hero”

Question shrugged. “The Council. Even after all he’s done they still fear him. I think it’s ridiculous myself, but there is little I can do about it. I do know that if Semper was in the Royal Guard, then he’d be a glorified hero. But he chose the Border Guard, and he’s where he is because of that. But you know something else, I don’t think there’s any other place for him.”

“If you must know, it’s because they’re jealous,” a voice stated, “after all, he’s been doing things that make some of the other Guard divisions look… lacking. No offense to present company, but that’s pretty much the bottom of it. Nopony doubts Semper’s loyalty anymore, but they still don’t know what to do with him. You can’t keep a wolf locked up with sheep. I don’t think he’d function within Equestria, to be honest.”

At once everyone stood up and welcomed the two newcomers with hugs and genuine affection. Except Question, who remained sitting and gave a nod and a smile when the newcomers made eye contact with him. Each had exchanged the usual snippets of pleasantries, asking how each were and how their day was. But Iris spent a little longer with the young mare who came with the Lord.

“How are you today, Lisi?” Iris asked and offered the seat next to her.

“Fine. School has been rather difficult as of late, but His Lordship has helped me by hiring some tutors that have helped me grasp some of the trickier concepts in magic.”

“Please don’t call me that,” the unicorn replied, “the title serves no other purpose that to annoy me. I am not like the other Lords of the High Council, and wish very much that I didn’t have to participate. But somepony has to keep track of them.”

“Yes, yes, we all know your difficult job of making sure that those dubious other Lords don’t waste Equestria’s bits,” Tourmaline interrupted. “That, and your love for touring Equestria’s high society circles.”

Fancy Pants smiled a knowing smile. “Don’t forget that I am the most important pony in Canterlot. Despite what you might think, I do hold significant sway over my peers in the Chamber.”

Desperate to avoid another pointless argument, Lisi bulldozed her way into the conversation. “Did you know that he actually asked Princess Celestia to recommend Princess Twilight to tutor me in magic?” She rolled her eyes. “I mean I would have loved for that but I couldn’t impose. Plus the commute would’ve been quite… tedious? What about you, Iris? You never come visit me anymore.”

“Well, things have been busy lately and just don’t have the time. Once this new vandal case is solved, I’ll come to the mansion. And what do you mean ‘anymore’? We saw each other just the other week.”

“That’s too long,” Lisi bemoaned and the girls giggled with one another.

“Well, since all members have come, I have some… ‘news’ that might intrigue you all,” Question said as everyone at the table got comfortable. “I would daresay shocking even.”

“Something that shocks you?” Fancy Pants asked raising an eyebrow. “Must be quite substantial.”

“Well, rumor has it that the three are coming back to Equestria.”

“Wait. What?” Tourmaline leaned closer to Question. “You’re kidding me, right?”

“I don’t ‘kid’.”

“But… weren’t they banished?” Iris asked, confused.

“No,” all the others at the table stated.

“They were given an impossible to complete mission,” Tourmaline pointed out.

“Exactly,” Fancy Pants agreed.

“Did the High Council rescind their order then?” Tourmaline looked to the Lord for confirmation.

“Of course not,” Lord Fancy Pants stated, “and even if they had they would never actually say it with those words.”

“His Lordship is right,” Question said getting a dark look from Fancy. “They simply completed it.”

Question looked up from the menu when he heard nothing. All he saw were half-open mouths and stunned stares. Except for Fancy Pants, who was swirling wine in his glass and inhaling the vapor.

“You’re joking,” Tourmaline managed to say, “I mean, I don’t know what the mission was specifically, but they said it was impossible to complete.”

“It was.”

“And… what was it?”

At that question, Question only smiled. “Wouldn’t that be something, to actually know what the mission was, right? You should ask His Lordship.”

“Can’t say. Confidential,” Fancy Pants replied without missing a beat. “But I will say that it was indeed an impossible mission which I had hoped would be rescinded. It wasn’t. Now, once again, the High Council has to face the consequences of its inaction. I know you know the rumors, but I’m forbidden to speak about Chamber matters outside of the Council, so you’ll have to excuse my inability to acknowledge nor deny anything.”

Lisi sighed. “He’s always like that. For everything.”

“A good politician through and through!” Tourmaline announced, raising his glass in air. “To politics!”

None of them reciprocated that.

“Fine then,” Tourmaline grumbled good-naturedly and pretended to sulk, which ground a light chorus of laughter.

“Well, we all know the rumors that have been making their circuits around the Guard since their exile, they are now coming back. And, as usual, they are coming back without any bells or whistles. I don’t think anypony actually knows they are coming back.”

“I don’t think anypony knows if they are all alive,” Fancy Pants muttered, “except for Semper. They’ve been gone for so long that we were shocked to actually get news of their return. But if there’s anypony within the Council genuinely glad to see them return, it is I. I immediately signed the petition to allow them to return legally, and I made sure that the others did the same. But I’m curious, outside of a few select ponies, how had you come by this bit of information. I had known that this was inevitably going to leak out, but nowhere nearly as fast as this. It’s literally been several hours since I had signed that document.”

“I heard about this because a certain ex-Captain of the Royal Guard had requested a specific courier to expedite a train from the Crystal Empire straight to Ponyvill, non-stop. In that he was saying that it was a matter of extreme urgency.”

All exchanged glances.

“Ponyville? Why?” Iris asked.

“Isn’t that where his sister lives?” Tourmaline looked at Question.


“Wait. Semper has a family?” Misty asked. “I… I never knew…”

“What? You think Celestia chiselled him out of the mountain?” Tourmaline asked, remembering the rumor from his days at the Circus.

“Well, no, but again, yes… maybe…”

“Seriously? But that means news came from the north? I thought he went far west?” Tourmaline said scratching his chin. “That makes no sense.”

Question shrugged. “If I were to list all the rumors I’ve heard about where those three went, we’d be sitting here until Celestia raises the sun.” Question poured himself some more wine. “Well, the rumor that I am partial to is that he went north, past the northern mountains and beyond our maps, straight over to the other side.”

“Other side?” Iris looked at her mentor and superior officer. “What’s on the other side?”

Question shrugged again. “No clue. I have some idea, but I don’t like spreading outlandish tales. At least, not without a purpose.”

“Honestly, I don’t think that anypony really knows for certain if Semper will really return to Equestria,” Misty declared in the silence that followed. “He might just be sending the letter to Ponyville for that reason. To apologize. There’s no guarantee he’s actually physically going to come back.”

“I wouldn’t,” Tourmaline stated, “if it were me.”

“Neither would I,” Fancy Pants shared.

“Why?” Lisi asked.

“You know, but we don’t actually know the real reason for Semper’s exile,” Iris said. “I’ve looked everywhere for some reasoning behind it, but I can’t find anything solid. I mean, there he is listed under an active mission card but the purpose of it seems rather… vague. It’s like somepony threw it together at the last minute.”

A sad smile appeared on Question’s face. “That’s probably because it was, but you shouldn’t believe everything you read or hear. Semper’s exile was on a condition that could never be met. Or so it was thought.”

“That is?” Iris prompted when Question did not continue.

“And somehow we’ve come full circle.” The older unicorn shook his head and shrugged. “I don’t know, but I do have my suspicions, which I will keep to myself. Anyway, we’re not here to discuss rumors or of Semper’s return. We’re here to offer a toast to Fleur de Rose and to celebrate her life and bravery. To Rose!”

“To Rose!” the others echoed as they raised their respective glasses.

“And to the House of Fleur. May it live long, as it has, and honor her memory,” Lord Fancy Pants said, nodding towards the youngest of the group.

Fleur de Lis blushed. “Thank you. I am sure that, no matter what, I’ll make my sister proud of me.”

They all raised the glasses one more time and downed them. Hours had gone by and the group of friends talked and reminisced, listening to the tales that Iris and Lisi told about Rose. Some were repeats of the last time, but it didn’t matter.

By closing time, only Question and Fancy Pants remained. The others had gone home together, Fleur de Lis heading to Iris’ to spend some time catching up and to reminisce some more. Later they would head over to the mansion and to the memorial out back to tend to the roses that grew under her statue. Iris would be late for work, but Question already knew that and would cover for her. He always did.

Question made to reach for his wallet, but Fancy placed a hoof in front of him. “Let me get it this time, dear friend. You got it last year.”

The sound of chairs being mounted on tables could be heard as the waiter started to clear things away.

“Thank you,” the black unicorn replied, his sharp green eyes gazing at the moon outside the window. “She really does wonders with the night sky.”

“That she does,” Fancy replied counting the bits onto the little silver plate. He left a sizeable tip for the waiter, as per usual, and he started to wrap things up, putting his coat on his back. It was not too cold this time of year, but there were still scheduled showers and it was hard to keep track sometimes.

“Honestly, Fancy, I know that you’re not allowed to say anything, but we both know that Semper’s mission north wasn’t merely an exploratory one. The fact that he’s succeeded is another sign of huge changes to come.”

Fancy nodded. “I know. He really is rather bothersome. I, for one, shudder to think of it.”

“As am I.” Question got up and placed his coat over his shoulders. “As am I.”

As they exited, they both nodded farewell outside the restaurant. Question paused for a moment, hesitating, but then turned and headed his own way. Fancy watched the Inspector. He always admired that colt for his intuitiveness and skills. He tipped his hat to the back of the unicorn and got into his private cart.

“Where to sir?”

“Home please, Jams. And take the scenic route. I need to think.”

“Very good, sir.”

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