• Published 17th Jan 2022
  • 2,680 Views, 126 Comments

Mane Mothers - MASTERMIND360

For getting kidnapped many times by the Dazzlings, Sunset was being treated like a kid by her own friends because of their paranoia through their mom act, to protect her. But this leads to madness.

  • ...

Nightmares and Brain Food

Another day later, true to their word, the girls planned sleepovers every night for Sunset's safety. Despite Sunset tried, keyword tried, to protest that they don't have to just to protect her, she gets silenced, as usual, telling her they will do better, their motherly behavior Is still up to 100, Sunset can't help but give in to this... thing in defeat. But at least they tone it down for a bit. That's good. A little.

A sleepover was held in Rarity's house, and knowing Twilight at this point came up with another idea. Great, I wonder what she's got in mind this time?

"Are yer sure this sensor motion thingy works, Twilight?" Applejack asked her, taking a bite of her slice of the pizza.

The girls were all in Rarity's room, pizza boxes laying on the bed, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were talking, Twilight was helping Rarity with her math homework, and Sunset and Rainbow Das were playing Dream League Soccer on console, Applejack was a little uncertain about Twilight's invention.

"It's 100% guaranteed," Twilight answered. "Unlike my hamster ball just yesterday, this thing is perfect. It can detect unwanted visitors."

"Twilight, those things were already a thing during this time and age," Rainbow told her whilst bothering to look back, keeping her focus on the video game. "You don't need to make your own version of the motion sensor and brag about it."

"Well, my motion sensor can do things what ordinary types can't do," Twilight corrected her, "It can contact the police immediately as the intruder steps in, I can go on and on but all I can tell you it does more than the ordinary motion sensors."

"What, can it teleport intruders to the moon that are the size of your tits?" Sunset joked. Rainbow laughed at that joke.

Twilight stood up and looked so strict of a sudden, "Now don't you sass me, young lady," she told her friend sternly. And then, the timer on her phone suddenly alarmed, telling her the time was up, "Anyway, time's up. That means it's time to remove that recovery boot."

Oh yeah, while Sunset was sitting on a soft armchair, she had this big metallic boot on her right leg. The machine was enormous that it covers up to the knee part. Twilight walks over to Sunset and Dash. She presses a button on the foot part and the machine opens. She picks it up and puts it aside.

"I'm sorry Sunset, but this thing takes a long time to recharge," Twilight informed her. "It took one day to recharge this thing to 50% and two days for this to reach to 100% percent. I just hoped that one day is enough to keep your knee healed."

"And I got something just to be sure," Rarity added. She pulled out something from her drawer to reveal a purple knee bandage that was made by herself with her style. She steadily puts it on Sunset's weak spot and, of course, gives it a kiss as well, "There, that should do it."

Sunset smiled, "Thanks but I'll be fine soon enough."

"Oh no no no no," Rarity quickly denied. "You are not fine until we can be sure that you're fine. You and Rainbow Dash have a game against Crystal Prep this weekend, and before that, we need to be extra sure your knee is ready for the action."

"You just need to take it easy, Sunset," Twilight advised her.

"And besides," Rainbow added, "While you, me, and the team were at the pitch, I'll keep my out on the opposition, to make sure they don't slide tackle you, or worse."

"Thanks, but it's getting weirder and weirder when you girls are acting like you're my mo-"

"Say no more!" Pinkie Pie suddenly went up to her face from out of nowhere. "We'll do our best! Pinkie promise!"

Sunset sighs just as Pinkie returned her original spot. At least they can't get out of control, right?

Just then, someone was knocking on the bedroom door. Applejack was the first to open it, only to see her little sister, holding a plate of small cups of ice cream.

"Bloom? Is there something yah need?" Applejack asked her sister. "Yah girls need help with the movie yer watching downstairs?" Yes, Apple Bloom and Scootalo were here too. They're just downstairs with Sweetie Belle, for a movie night.

"Well, ah've been meaning to serve yah lot with ice cream ah've been making," Apple Bloom offered. "Scoots and Sweetie Belle already got theirs by the way."

Upon they heard the magic word, Pinkie, Rainbow, and Sunset instantly rushed towards the door.

"You kidding?! No way!" Rainbow exclaimed excitedly.

"Yes! Now we're talking!" Pinkie shouted in delight.

"Ice cream! Alright!" Sunset cheered.

"Then come and get 'em!" Bloom challenged

So, a moment later, the girls took each of the small cups of ice cream. However, though, as soon as they take the bite, the mood was instantly ruined when the taste stopped them and they spit it out in disgust. They realized what was inside the ice creams, or technically, it's not ice cream at all.

Rainbow spat out some of the food, "Chicken and rice ice cream?!" She cried out, looking closely at the food and she can see it clearly.

"Gross!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Fluttershy widened her eyes in horror. "C-Ch-Chicken?!" Her face immediately turns green, and she instantly rushes to the bathroom.

Rarity shivered in disgust over the taste of the food, and some of its remnants were on her carpet, and then she tries to maintain her composure, "Well, this... food may be unfortunate but I still admire Apple Bloom's skills of... trying."

Rainbow Dash looked at her with a "Da heck" look and reach out her own cup of "ice cream" to Rarity's face. "Does this smell like she's trying?" Rarity smelled the food and her face instantly turns green. She covered her mouth with her hands to prevent herself from vomiting.

Applejack spits some out of her mouth. "Bloom, why are yer doing this?"

"Well, yah said I'll try something better this time around," Apple Bloom recalled.

"Ah didn't specifically mean to "go make the same dish again, but try to improvise to make the taste better," it ain't how it works," Applejack told her.

Apple Bloom sighs in defeat, knowing that her sister is right, "Okay, ah'm sorry," she apologized.

Applejack smiled at her apology, "It's alright, Bloom. Now help us to clean up this mess," AJ told her.

So an hour later, the room was cleaned; they finished their pizzas, empty pizza boxes were placed neatly by the left corner, sleeping bags were placed. Rarity offered Sunset to sleep with her in her kingsize bed. Sunset was about to refuse but again, they silenced her, telling her she needs to sleep with Rarity in her bed. Sunset decides maybe it's not worth it to keep protesting, so she gives in her friend's offer.

But before that, they have something for her to do.

"Wait," Sunset blinked, "how many glasses of milk?"

"3 glasses," Pinkie repeated. She had 3 glasses of milk in her hands.

"Isn't that much...?" Sunset asked them hesitantly.

"It's only 3 glasses of milk," Twilight told her. "It should help you with your sleep. Now please, drink."

Not wanting to question any further, Sunset drinks 3 glasses of milk each. When she was done, she suddenly felt sleepy. Well, worked anyway. Seeing the effects of the milk work their magic in her, Rarity gently pulls Sunset down on the bed. The blanket was pretty big and soft. She tucks her in. Rarity follows suit and sleeps next to her friend. The other girls lay back in their own sleeping bags and went to sleep as well.

3 hours later, as if a goodnight's slumber is not enough, Rarity slowly opens her eyes, hearing someone muttering, and from the sounds of it, it's not good at all. She turns to her left to see Sunset tossing her head, she's muttering but being the older sister to Sweetie and has been dealing with this situation with her little sister before, Rarity immediately concluded that Sunset is having a nightmare, and from the looks of it, it's not good.

Sunset, in her sleep, moves her arms around and knocks over a hairbrush. And it fell on Rainbow's head.

"Ouch!" Rainbow cried a little, rubbing her head, "What was that?" She slowly stands up and sees Sunset rather... moving while in her sleep, and she's muttering as well. Rarity was patting her head in hopes of calming her down. Rainbow's face changed from an annoyed look of concern and worry. "Rares, what's going on?"

Sunset's constant muttering disturbed the girls of their peaceful slumber. They stand up and look over the two girls in the kingsize bed. Rarity gently picks her up, getting Sunset to rest her head on her chest, and holds her tight, rocking back and forth in order to ease her nightmare.

"It's Sunset," Rarity answered quietly whilst doing her best to calm her friend. "She's having a nightmare."

"Oh, poor Sunset," Fluttershy said worriedly.

"Can't you wake her up and tell her she's having a bad dream?" Rainbow suggested.

"No, darling, because it's only making it worse for her," Rarity denied, she continued rocking Sunset back and forth, "This takes me a little of time, but I know what I'm doing."

After a minute, Sunset stops muttering, however, she looks so discomfort. The girls can't tell if that means her nightmare has worsened, or it stopped. However, only Rarity can tell. To make Sunset feel comfortable, she tries stroking her hair and gently continued rocking her back and forth. She even went as far as singing her a lullaby she once sang to Sweetie once, then they were little. After a while, Sunset is now looking comfortable, confirming that her nightmare has stopped.

They watched her sleeping peacefully on the Fashionista's chest. The girls can't help but find it cute. And they were getting tired and really needed some sleep.

"Yer sure yer comfortable in that position, Sugarcube?" Applejack asked her and she let out a yawn.

Rarity yawned as well. "Trust me, I've dealt with this situation with Sweetie Belle before, so yes, I'm used to this."

"But your sister is short than us and Sunset is just as tall as you," Rainbow pointed out.

"I said I'm used to sleeping like this," Rarity repeated. "What matters is that now we're all here, the Dazzlings can't get a hold of Sunset. Not when I'm keeping her in my hold."

So the girls agreed to this and head back in their sleeping bags. Rarity is the last one to fall back asleep, but not before she holds Sunset as tightly as she can, and then she drifted asleep as well, knowing Sunset will finally have a peaceful slumber.

"Morning, bedhead," the sound of Rainbow's voice was more than enough to get her awake. "Get up or we all be late."

"N-no..." Sunset said in a sleepy, childlike way. "5 more minutes... I'm still too tired to go to magic school..."

Rarity sighs, she moves her head to get her awake, "Now, now, darling. You heard what Rainbow said. We should all get up now if we don't want to be late for school. We need that education, darling."

Sunset slowly opened her eyes and soon realized she was resting her head on Rarity's chest. She felt her arms clinching her. Sunset was confused and embarrassed at the same time.

"I don't understand... how...?" She was lost for words.

"Well, darling, you have a nightmare last night," Rarity answered, "I can tell, you were being uncomfortable, you were muttering in which I can't comprehend what you're saying but I can tell it's not good. So I'm the one who calms you down."

"Oh...." Sunset looked down, feeling so embarrassed. The girls can tell she was embarrassed. Who can blame her?

"Hey, cheer up, there's nothing to be embarrassed about," Applejack said, "Now are yer gonna tell us what yer nightmare was about?"

Sunset still looked down, with Rarity still embracing her. "No, I don't want to talk about...." she replied quietly.

AJ sighs, "Okay, we understand. But tell us if yah need," she told her.

"But hey," Rainbow added, "At least the Dazzlings can't grab you as they did in their past 55 attempts."

"It's not the time to talk about that, Rainbow Dash," Twilight lectured her, and she turned to Sunset, "Maybe it's the lack of brain food, added to Apple Bloom's "secret recipe". You just need some brain food and it will lessen the chances of you having those nightmares again."

Sunset sighs, agreed to Twilight's suggestion, so she looked up to her friends, "How about I'll eat that for lunch period?"

Moments later, it's time for lunch period in CHS. The students were in the cafeteria, chatting and eating their food with their friends and schoolmates.

Sunset was the last one to receive her food on her lunch tray and walk over to her and her friends' usual spot. She sat next to Twilight and Pinkie Pie, Applejack, was sitting next to Pinkie while the other three girls were sitting at the other side of the table.

"A vegetable salad," Twilight said, examining Sunset's food, "Now that's brain food."

Sunset nodded, "Well, I am a vegetarian," Sunset claims, but before she eats her food, Pinkie reaches out her fork and picks up one small piece of cabbage.

"Sorry, Sunset, but I need to examine this carefully," Pinkie suddenly answered. She looks at the small piece of cabbage carefully and even takes a bite of it. She smiles in relief, confirming its actual food. "Okay! its real salad! Not Chicken and rice!"

Sunset sighs in relief. "Now that was a relief."

"How did I not notice that carefully?" Twilight said.

"Well, at least we're eating actual food here," Rainbow said. "Then again, I sure hope Apple Bloom tries something new for once."

But she was wrong, because, at another table, Flash spits his food out in disgust, "Ugh! What is this?" He looked close to his hotdog, "Chicken and rice hotdog?!"

Apple Bloom froze in the spot. She was sitting in between Scootalo and Sweetie Belle. She quickly makes a run to the exit before Flash connects the dots.

"Oh, Apple Bloom..." Applejack sighs, shaking her head.

Author's Note:

To be honest, I have no idea what Sunset's nightmare was about while I was writing this chapter, so I just basically leave it off, her saying, "I don't wanna talk about it..."

Again, chicken and rice secrets! :scootangel: