• Published 17th Jan 2022
  • 2,663 Views, 126 Comments

Mane Mothers - MASTERMIND360

For getting kidnapped many times by the Dazzlings, Sunset was being treated like a kid by her own friends because of their paranoia through their mom act, to protect her. But this leads to madness.

  • ...

They're gone! Wait, what's this? Ooh! A treasure map!

Sunset yawned as she slowly open her eyelids.

"Yer, okay, sweetie?" She heard Applejack's voice pretty close to her, too close. Sunset instantly realized she was sleeping on Applejack.

She gazes up to see Applejack gazing down at her, embracing her in a comfortable position. Sunset's head was laying on Applejack's chest.

"You have a nightmare again, sugarcube," Applejack told her.

"Oh..." Sunset muttered, feeling a little bad, Applejack can tell that.

"Yah want to talk about it?" She asked her sincerely.

But Sunset shook her head, "No... I don't want to..." Sunset replied silently.

Applejack sighs, being the Element of Honesty, she always tells the truth and she needs to hear the truth from others. But she knew better than to push Sunset even further to tell it to her if she's uncomfortable. But then, she has a bright idea.

So Applejack's concern turns into a warm smile, "Yah know what will make ya feel better? Eating brain food for breakfast," the door creaked open, Applejack's smile turns into an annoyed look, knowing who exactly entered her bedroom and why is that person here, "And for the last time, no, Apple Bloom," The youngest apple member's face turns from a bright hopeful smile to one of stubborn look, "no more of that Chicken and Rice of yours. It only makes Sunset's nightmares even worse the next time she goes to sleep!"

"Now come on, Sunset, get up," Applejack said as Sunset slowly sit up, "Let's get us ready for breakfast.

So the two head down to the dining room where the rest of the Apple Family are waiting, breakfast was almost ready. Both Sunset and Applejack sit next to each other while Apple Bloom and Big Mac sit over the other side of the table, Granny Smith was almost making breakfast.

"Granny Smith, can Sunset here have some brain food so she won't have nightmares again?" Applejack requested.

"Sure thing mah little seed," Granny Smith replied, "Actually, it's just about done."

After that, Granny placed down a plate full of eggs and vegetables for breakfast. This is the perfect brain food for Sunset! Just as Sunset was about to eat her breakfast, the same goes for the others, Applejack takes an extra spoon, scoops some of the food, and reaches Sunset, knowing what Applejack was going to do, Sunset gets embarrassed and tries to get her to stop.

"Applejack, I can eat on my ow-" But Sunset didn't finish her sentence when Applejack shove the spoonful into her mouth, not wanting to choke, Sunset just chews it and swallows.

"Delicious, ain't it?" Applejack asked her.

Sunset nodded, "Yes, it really is delicious. But again, I can eat-" but another spoonful was shoved into her mouth.

"No talking while eating," Applejack told her.

"How long are yah and the girls gonna keep babying her, Applejack?" Apple Bloom asked her.

"It's not babying," Applejack denied, mentally cursing herself for lying, "Okay, yes, it is but we're doing this to protect her until we deemed she's safe to be on her own again. Ah was just making sure she eats her brain food today."

Apple Bloom is starting to feel creeped out. "Yeaaahhh... but it's still pretty weird to see yah babying yer friend who's just around yer age," she turns to her big brother, "Don't yah think, Big Mac?"

"Eeyup," Big Mac agreed.

"Thankfully, ah ain't never seen the problem," Granny Smith said, "But Applejack, it's best if yah let Sunset on her own."

Applejack nodded, "Yes, Granny Smith."

After they finished their breakfast, they washed up in the shower and got dressed. They exit the farm and what surprised Sunset the most is the very familiar car on the driveway!

"My car!" Sunset exclaimed in surprise as she runs up to hide and tries to "hug" its hood. Rubbing it with her hands, "I miss this bad boy!"

AJ chuckled, "Yer sure do. Now come on, let's get in."

They enter the car with Sunset in the driving seat. And then they both noticed a letter on the steering wheel, Sunset picks it up and reads; You can have your car back. But the condition is to let any of us ride with you if you want to go to someplace. Love Twilight Sparkle.

"That seems fair," Sunset agreed, placing the letter in her skirt pockets, "Why don't we go to my place? I need to get my plushies if we need to play with them for detention later."

"Sure, let's get there, quick," Applejack said.

So Sunset starts up the car and drives back of the driveway, she makes her way back to her house. It was a 10-minute drive but they made it back to Sunset's place. Sunset's pet Gecko was doing fine back in Fluttershy's workplace, but she'll get him back soon.

So Sunset pulls up and exits the car and Applejack were telling her, "Hurry up, sweetie. The Dazzlings might be watching and we'll be likely to be followed."

"I'll be quick!" Sunset said, rushing into the house.

After a little bit, Sunset was screaming. Way too loud from the inside that the whole neighborhood can hear that. Applejack immediately rushes into the house, and she climbs upstairs to Sunset's bed to see Sunset lying on her bed, crying.

"Sweetie!" Applejack cried out, sitting next to her, and picks her up to get her head resting on Applejack's chest, she holds Sunset tight, rocking her back and forth while trying to comfort her. "It's okay, sweetie, I'm right here. Now shhh..."

Sunset continued sobbing, "They're gone, mommy Applejack!" Sunset choked out her words, "My plushies! All of them! Gone!"

"Gone?" Applejack replied in shock. How can they be gone? Twilight's super motion sensor should've detected trespassers and the girls should be notified by that! Unless...

Sunset stopped crying and sits up straight, she wipes her tears as well, "We have to find them," she declared. And she then notices a note on the ground, her tears suddenly evaporate, "Oh look! A note!"

Applejack glances below to see the note, she picks it up and reads it loudly with Sunset listening closely to her; Dear Shimmer, we got your precious plushies. We disabled your motion sensor, if you want them back, make sure you follow this treasure map. Don't worry, it's not that far, but you have until today you uncover this treasure. xoxo A.

"A?" Sunset asked, "Who's name begins with A?"

AJ shook her head, "Ah dunno, sweetie, but whoever this person is, try to make a sick game for yer. And that treasure map, where is it?"

Sunset, without thinking, pulls a treasure map out of her hair. (Wait, she can stash items in her hair like Pinkie does?! Is someone gonna make her pay Pinkie Pie copyrights?) and gives it to AJ, the apple farmer opens the map.

"Wait, that's in CHS," AJ said, she and Sunset were taking a closer look at the map and yes, it's indeed in CHS.

"We need to recruit the others," Sunset suggested.

"So is this the treasure map that should lead us to Sunset's toys?" Twilight clarified, holding the map. Both Sunset and Applejack nodded, the girls were gathered together in the band room.

"And the treasure is in this school?" Rainbow added, raising her left eyebrow.

"Pretty much," Applejack confirmed, "Whoever this person is, is not only he or she makes a sick game on Sunset but also broke into this school last night just to set up this treasure hunt."

The thought of her missing toys makes Sunset sighs in sadness and sit down, leaning her back against the wall. She's so sad that the girls never saw Sunset being this sad.... since, the Fall Formal.

Pinkie went out of her way to give her a hug. "Aww, don't be sad, Sunset. We'll find them. Pinkie Promise!"

"We're just going to follow this treasure," Twilight suggests. "Or we can just not waste our time with this wild goose chase and ask Principal Celestia for security footage."

"That sounds like a plan," Rainbow agreed.

"Sweet! Let's go, Sunset!" Pinkie was about to help Sunset up the poor girl was just heavy to stand up, and too depressed to even move. "Sunset, come on!" Pinkie tries to drag up her but Sunset just remained still.

Rarity stepped in, "Darling, you can't just sit there, sulking while letting the hooligans get away with stealing your toys. We need to help you because you're our friend and we love you."

But Sunset's just too sad to even responded back to her.

"Yeah, losing her toys like that must have messed her up more than in the Fall Formal," Rainbow Dash said.

Seeing this is going nowhere, Twilight channeled her geode and lifts Sunset up with her telekinesis. Sunset is still frozen but rather let the magic lift her. Their fellow schoolmates watched in awkwardness when they see Sunset being lifted by purple magic while staying still like she's frozen.

The girls made it to her office, Principal Celestia smiled upon seeing them. But then her smile drops when she sees Sunset being lifted by Twilight's powers.

"Principal Celestia, we need your help," Fluttershy started.

Celestia tries to maintain her composure, "I am very happy to help but... Twilight, can you please put Sunset down?"

Twilight immediately realizes she is still lifting Sunset, so she sets her down on the chair. Sunset is still looking sad.

"Sunset Shimmer, why the long face?" Principal Celestia asked her concerned.

Since Sunset is too sad to say anything, Rainbow Dash decides to answer herself, "Someone broke into Sunset's home last night, stole her toys and that person broke into this school just to set up a treasure map so she can get it back. And we need security footage from last night."

Principal Celestia is shocked and she gazed to her computer. "Give me a moment, girls. I'm going to check the security footage."

But as soon as she start checking the footage from last night, all footage was cut off, this shocks her and the girls even more.

"Someone is trying to cover their tracks," Principal Celestia confirmed, shaking her head, she tries to rewind all the footage back to where it began before the rest of the footage was cut off, but sadly, she can't find any hints, clues, or anything.

"Why don't you fast forward?" Twilight suggested to her, "They should at least leave some clues before they left."

Principal Celestia thought about it, "You might be right there, Twilight." She tries to fast forward all the footage until one footage shows some kind of note, facing at the camera, Celestia immediately paused the video, "And it seems you are right. They did leave something behind."

"What does it say?" Twilight asked her.

Celestia lean closer to the computer screen, "It says "Next clue, it's underneath your principal's desk," she read.

Without any thoughts, Pinkie grabs the paper from underneath the desk, "I got it!" She unfolds it and reads; "We know you're trying to check the security cameras, so we disabled them. But don't worry, we left a clue for you to find this map. The next clue is the place where people filled their empty stomachs and gain more energy. Go there, and find the map that should lead to your missing, plushies."

"That's the cafeteria!" Rainbow clarified.

"Of course," Twilight confirmed, grabbing the first map, "This map leads to here, and that note was a clue for the next treasure map, I believe this person is trying to be more cryptic, but setting up a treasure map in a place we all go is not how you're being cryptic."

"Then what are we waiting for?!" Pinkie declared, she turned to Sunset, "Sunset, if you could please have the will to get your toys back, I will put in a good word with the chefs to give you free cake every morning for breakfast!"

Sunset's mood brightens up, upon hearing the promise of sweets, especially it's one thing that should help motivate her to get her toys back. So Sunset instantly rushes out of the office, leaving the door wide open.

"That's an unhealthy way to offer, Pinkie Pie!" Applejack lectured.

Pinkie shrugged. "What, it's the only way I see to get her to do something."

Rainbow Dash groans in annoyance. "I swear, Pinkie is too childish than Sunset was, how about we should start mothering her too to get her to eat healthier?"

Pinkie gasps, "You'll never take me alive!" She runs away too. Leaving everyone in the office baffled.

Principal Celestia clears her throat and looked directly at the girls. "I trust you, girls, to solve this mystery. So go on."

Minutes later, the girls searched everywhere in the cafeteria. The tables, trash bins, and for Sunset and Pinkie's case, they even searched underneath people's food when they were just eating their breakfast.

And Sunset, she tries to search Octavia's well... soft pillows but Applejack immediately and firmly stopped her before she does so, earning them a weirded look from Octavia. They went into the kitchen and see if they can search there, they searched the cabinets, drawers, stoves, and ovens.

While searching, Rainbow Dash spotted a tray full of pepperoni pizza, being tempted by the food, Rainbow looks around to see if anyone is watching. Rainbow greedily bites one slice, however, the taste was terrible and she spit it out.

"Augh! Chicken and rice pizza?!" Rainbow exclaimed, she felt so sick in her stomach, she turned to Apple Bloom who just appeared next to her. "Will you stop making the same secret recipe and disguise them as different types of food on the outside?!"

Apple Bloom's face turned annoyed. "Oh, c'mon, it can't be that bad," she grabs the slice and eats it like it was nothing. This caught Rainbow off guard and makes her sick so she super-dashes all the way to the restrooms.

Twilight was checking underneath the sink. "Did you girls find anything?" She turned to Sunset who is slowly getting desperate.

Sunset shook her head in desperation as she flips over the plates and Twilight catches them with her powers, "No, no, no!" She cried. "I can't find the next map! Where can it be?!"

"Sunset calm down!" Twilight shouted, setting the plates down on the table, she reaches up to her and embrace her from behind, "We'll find them. But please don't freak out so much!"

Just as Sunset gives in to Twilight's warm embrace, Pinkie Pie pops up from the sink Twilight just took a look at earlier, "I found it!" She called, holding the map, Rainbow Dash just comes back. "Let's see here..." she studies the map carefully, "It leads to the school gym!"

"The gym?" Applejack wondered.

Pinkie nodded. "That's what the map says," Pinkie repeated. "It's all the way to the gym."

Sunset's mood went up to determination, "Then what are we waiting?! Let's go!"

A little later, the girls made it to the school gym, it's not gym class for today, well for their schedule at least. But it should be open soon for some of the students who were scheduled to be here when the first bell rings.

"Okay," Rainbow said, "So we're in the gym. And where do we start looking?"

"Fret not darlings," Rarity's voice called over to them. The girls turned their right to see Rarity in her detective uniform, the gym becomes dark gray all of a sudden, "With the help of my detective skills, we will the find the treasure, and find our darling Sunset's toys back."

"By playing dress-up?" Rainbow tried to joke, she earns a bump to the shoulder from Applejack.

"Certainly not," Rarity objected, doing a detective pose, "I just need my detective skills to be ready for this case."

"We're not going around asking people if they have seen the treasure, Rarity," Applejack told her annoyed.

"Of course, we're not doing that," Rarity replied, "Like I said, with the help of my detective skills, we can find the treasure."

Just then, her phone rings, she picks and it u[ she was still using that old analog phone, some of the girls laughed, "Listen, I sincerely have no time but-" she heard Sunset's giggles over the phone.

"No time? Since you never have time for new school," Sunset joked, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie cracked at that joke.

Rarity just stared at her with an annoyed look on her face, "Sunset, sweetie, I know your trying to pull a joke here but I believe now's not the time."

So the girls spent the next 15 minutes searching around the gym, even in the boys and shower rooms.

"Any luck?" Sunset asked, she was looking in the junior team's lockerroom

"Nope," Applejack called from the restrooms.

"I'm afraid not," Fluttershy called from the ceiling of the gym, she was descending back to the ground with her pony wings.

"Nope!" Pinkie called from the trash can.

"Nope," Rainbow was just playing Basketball instead.

"No, sadly," Twilight called, coming out from the girl's showroom.

"Darlings! I found something!" Rarity's voice can be heard in the boy's shower room.

They all went to the source where her voice came from and find Rarity in the boy's shower room. Rarity was digging some trash from the trash bin, it's pretty disgusting for her taste, but the treasure map has to be in there. After a while, she finally found the piece of paper with a small note on it.

"And this is it!" Rarity announced, and she immediately hand it over to Twilight, "And kindly take this since it smells here?" Rarity then pulls out an old-school perfume and sprays it all over herself, the girls were coughing and coughing and they try to cover their mouth and nose.

"Seriously, Rarity?!" Rainbow choked through her cough, "First, an old school phone and an old school perfume?!"

Applejack coughed as well, "Ah'd rather take Apple Bloom's chicken and rice ingredient than this one!"

"Couldn't agree more!" Rainbow agreed.

Sunset tries to fan the smell of the perfume away, "Girls, can we get back to the topic at hand, please?"

After the smell was gone, the girls then breathed for air, Twilight clears her throat and reads; Your next clue is where all that footy action takes place." She looks confused, "Footy action?"

The girls think hard of what does the clue means by that, only for Rainbow Dash and Sunset to answer, "The football field!"

The girls were at the football pitch.

"So where do we start?" Fluttershy asked her friends.

"We start of the course is by looking around," Twilight suggested, "We should check everywhere."

Sunset groans in a childlike way, "How can they hide a piece of paper in a wide-open football pitch and make it even harder? I want my toys back!" She then runs to the center of the pitch, "Stay back girls, I need to vent my frustrations!"

Whenever Sunset gets angry, she would always go outside and perform her Shimmer Spinner to vent her anger. The strong breeze hitting her face is more than enough to keep her calm. So she does, the girls can feel the wind getting stronger just as Sunset's spin is getting faster, the angrier she gets.

After 30 seconds, Twilight saw a piece of paper flying around the wind caused by Sunset's unpredictable signature move, she quickly catches it with her magic and tries to call Sunset, "Sunset stop! You just made it easier for us! We got it!"

Sunset instantly stopped and her mood brightened and rushes back to the group and snatches it from Twilight's hand. It's a map and a note as well.

"There's also a note," Sunset read, Perfect! You found the map and another note! Just follow the directions shown on the map, and you will get your toys back! Oh, make sure only you Sunset Shimmer, must come alone. To yours, love Sonata." "Sonata?!" Sunset cried out in shock.

"What?!" Rainbow exclaimed as well.

"Let me see that!" Applejack snatch the paper from Sunset, and she read again. "Of course! The first note has someone's name that starts with an A! Ah should've known, the only person whose first name is A is Adagio!"

Now the rest of the girls were surprised as well, so Twilight added, "So they used Sunset's plushies against her! If she goes there alone, the Dazzlings will catch her and will come as far as taking her very, very, very far away from Canterlot!"

"Oh no!" Fluttershy gasps.

"That's horrible!" Pinkie added.

"I will give Adagio an early kickoff once I get my hands on her!" Rainbow Dash growled.

Twilight turns to Sunset, "Sunset, we know you want your plushies back, but it's too dangerous," Sunset lowers her head in sadness, but Twilight lifts her chin up, "But don't worry, I have a plan."

"Like what?" Applejack asked her. "Using Sunset as bait?"

"No," Twilight answered, "But we're going to make it look like Sunset went there alone." She then smirks, knowing her plan is genius.

"But where is it exactly?" Rarity asked her.

Twilight checks the map again, "It's at the time parking lot. During school hours, no one is there, giving the Dazzlings the advantage to grab Sunset."

Rainbow crossed her arms, "So what's your plan?"

Hours later

At the school parking lot, Sunset stayed still. She waited for minutes until the familiar van pulls up in front of her. And then, the three Dazzlings exited their van, smiling viciously at the vulnerable teen.

"So..." Adagio said in a sultry tone, "You nailed that treasure hunt and made the ultimate decision to come forward. Sonata," She called her, Sonata steps forward while holding handcuffs. "We're just going to handcuff you and take you with us and we'll make extra sure you don't escape this time."

But Sunset just glared at her, "First. Toys," she demanded them.

Adagio nodded to Aria, Aria grinned in return and throws a bag towards Sunset and it landed before her feet.

"It's all in the bag, Sunny, honey," Adagio taunted her. "Now, if you're ready, we can go now."

Sunset just simply nodded.

"Sonata," Adagio ordered. Sonata stepped forward and handcuff Sunset's wrists but they just went through her arms like it was nothing.

"What?" Sonata was shocked, but the next thing they don't know, the Sunset Shimmer in front of them disappeared like a hologram was closing.

"And that's what you called, holograms!" They heard Twilight's voice to their left and see Twilight hiding by the pink car with the hologram machine in her hands.

Applejack and Sunset popped up from their hiding spot next to Twilight. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy pop up from behind the dumpster, and Rainbow Dash zooms in and grabs the bag and hands it over to Sunset.

"Here you go, sweetie!" Rainbow said, giving Sunset the bag.

Sunset is getting hyped the second she touches the bag, she kneels down and opens it, and she can't believe what she's seeing, "My toys!" She exclaimed happily, grabbing the plush toy of her own pony form and pony Applejack.

Applejack approached the Dazzlings with a menacing glare, "Yah got some nerve to try to make that sick game on Sunset!" She barked at them.

Pinkie turns to Sonata, "And how kind if you to leave your name on the last treasure map and a note," she taunted the third siren.

"What?!" Adagio and Aria cried out in shock, staring angrily at Sonata.

"I-I thought we-we're being unfair to them, that's all..." That was all Sonata could say.

"You idiot!" Adagio grolwed at her.

Back with Sunset, she was pulling more of her plushies out of the bag and she was about to get the last one, however, her smile drops when the bag was empty, and her collection is not complete.

She looked up to the girls with a sad face and said, "Where's Princess Twilight plushie?"

Twilight stared coldly at the Dazzling leader, expecting an answer from her, "What?" Adagio shrugged, "It should be in the bag."

"I'm afraid it's not in the bag and Princess Twilight is gone!" Sunset shouted, she stood up and face the three sirens, the girls stayed close behind Sunset, being ready in case the Dazzlings tries something, Sunset glared at the leader, "Where's Princess Twilight?!"

Adagio was unfazed and she turns to Sonata, who just shrugs.

"What does that mean?!" Sunset cried, staring at the third siren.

"Well...." Sonata explained, "when we broke into your house last night, we stole the plushies, but the moment we return to our own place, one of them is kinda gone..."

"Kinda?!" Sunset shouted, she's getting desperate, she marched towards Sonata. "No, knowing you, you gotta be lying!" She reach out her hand to Sonata's, Sunset's eyes turned white just as she looks into Sonata's head.

Last night, the Dazzlings pulled in front of Sunset's house. They somehow disabled the motion sensor and unlock the doorknob with a hairpin, they went inside quietly, looking for something to use against Sunset. And then, they come across Sunset's bed with plush toys laying there together. The sirens grin and took them, and stuff them in the brown bag, and Sonata was carrying it. They quickly head outside, lock the door and drive away.

When they returned, Sonata discovered that one of the plushies went missing, and she's like, "Oops..."

After it ended, Sunset lets go of her hand and she has this shocked look on her face, she was speechless, Sonata doesn't know what to do nor what Sunset will say. And then after one minute of silence, she was like, "You.... LOST IT?!"

Sonata recoiled and backed away from the girl who was about to cry, "I-I was holding the bag the entire time! I swore I even put that Princess Twilight plushie in the bag along with the others as well!" Sonata explained.

But then, soon enough, tears were all over Sunset's face, she knelt down and begin to cry. She even cried, "No! Princess Twilight!"

The girls quickly formed a group hug and held her in their embrace as Sunset continued to cry, the Dazzlings, on the other hand, were unfazed by the scene, so without word, Adagio heads back into the van with Aria and Sonata following. Sonata was feeling quite terrible today but she doesn't want to speak that out.

Adagio takes the driver's seat while the other is at the back, they closed the door just as Adagio started the engine and drives off. They're driving away from the parking lot and CHS but Sonata can't stop thinking about what just happened.

"Poor, Sunset," Sonata said sadly. "she'll never see that plushie ever again."

"It's only a toy," Aria said annoyed. "she's such a crybaby."

Later at night, Sunset was starting to feel better, the girls made extra measures to make her happy, even coming as far as bringing their old toys with them to Sunset's house for another sleepover.

The girls are playing with their own set of toys and also sharing some of their toys with each other.

Pinkie Pie is playing with her fidget spinner and Gummy with Sunset's own pony form and Applejack plushie. The fidget spinner knocked both plushies, thus Pinkie wins the "battle".

"Aww, you lose," Pinkie said playfully.

"Well, it's not a fair battle," Sunset playfully complained, both of them are playing on her bed. "I want a rematch!"

"If you say so!" Pinkie declared.

But before they continued playing, Twilight comes over to them, "Hey Sunset, are you feeling better?"

Sunset nodded, "Yes," she replied. "I felt a little embarrassed and stupid for crying and sulking the whole day."

Hearing this makes the girls stop playing and turned their attention towards her, Rainbow Dash, leaps to her bed. "Hey, it's not stupid. We get it, we understand why you cried so much for the whole day. A long time ago, Pinkie Pie cried for the whole day when she thought she lost Gummy."

"And it took me one day to find him again!" Pinkie added.

Sunset smiled, "Yes but still, I shouldn't cry so much about it," she said. "Even though I loved that Princess Twilight plushie so much and it sucks that I'll never find it."

"Don't say that sweetie," Applejack said, she was holding a small toy apple.
"Who cares if people think yer too old for toys? Pinkie still has toys."

"And you did make your point that other day where you told the whole football team that it was never weird that we treated you like a mom would do and you responded back by acting like a child." Rainbow recalled.

"And besides, no one at school is laughing at us," Twilight told her as well.

Sunset nodded, knowing that her friend is right, "You're right. But one thing I learned long ago since the Fall Formal, there are things you should let go of if they're holding you back. So I should let go, that I would never see that plushie ever again."

The girls smiled, agreeing with Sunset.

A few hours later, the girls went to sleep, Twilight was sleeping next to Sunset in her own bed. But unknown to them, the Princess Twilight plushie landed in front of Sunset's doorstep with a parachute, landing to safely. A security camera from across the street watched the plushie just land on the doorstep.

"Agent S. I made the drop, I repeat, I made the drop." The pilot confirmed over the headset, he was flying over Sunset's neighborhood and he was the one who made the drop.

"Good," A female voice replied. "Now fly outta there, I'll call you soon."

"Roger that, agent," The pilot replied and fly away in his black helicopter.

The woman is watching the drop happened from the CCTV camera, and in her office. The footage of the plush toy was played in the woman's computer. She uses her computer's futuristic feature and zooms into Sunset's house, there, she saw all the girls sleeping in their sleeping bags and Sunset and Twilight sleeping together. But her attention was mostly on Sunset.

"Take good care of that thing when you wake up, double," the woman spoke. "I'll be watching. This is a small favor I did for you compared to the last "magical" incidents that had been happening around you and your school that I had to cover up to interfere government response. And since I was you, I'd get some sleep too."

The woman shut her computer stood up and left her office. She was wearing a black suit with black shades, she seems pretty older, well likely in her late twenties, she has fiery hair and amber skin. She has a name tag on her chest that shows her status as an FBI agent and with her name on it.

F.B.I agent Sunset Shimmer

Author's Note:

Human Sunset Shimmer is an FBI agent?! :pinkiegasp: What a surprise! No wonder no cops, no government officials come forward to CHS despite many magic incidents taking place there!

Anyway, I did make some changes around here for a bit, especially the short description of the story. I've been trying to seek help from editors recently but I knew better than to rush them to respond. So I gotta wait for a week to see if I can seek their help again, also, I hope you were surprised by the fact that the Human Sunset is an FBI agent, and she's responsible to prevent government response when a lot of magic stuff happens.

But that doesn't mean they should meet, no, that can't happen. Well, just no.