• Published 17th Jan 2022
  • 2,679 Views, 126 Comments

Mane Mothers - MASTERMIND360

For getting kidnapped many times by the Dazzlings, Sunset was being treated like a kid by her own friends because of their paranoia through their mom act, to protect her. But this leads to madness.

  • ...

Not a Dentist

It was a lovely morning in Twilight's house. The early sunrise and the birds chirping outside are more than enough to get the Equestria Girls up for another day. Although, it turns out that Sunset is the first one who woke up early before them.

Twilight yawns as she slowly sits up and just as she puts her glasses on, she notices Sunset was not beside her.

"Girls..." Twilight called to them with a little worry. "Where is Sunset?"

The other girls look around and they are getting worried. Anxiety was slowly building up inside of them.

"Okay, okay," Rainbow wave her hands. "Let's try not to jump to conclusions here. Twilight's security in her place was tighter than a jar of pickles."

"She's right," Twilight agreed. "There is no way the Dazzlings can somehow break in here and-"

"Don't yah say it, Twilight!" Applejack alarmed. "Ah don't wanna think about it even if it's possible!"

"Then where is she?" Rarity wondered, and looking around and see Pinkie Pie was not seen on her sleeping bag. "And Pinkie Pie is not here either."

"Did someone say my name?!" Pinkie Pie appeared above Rarity, causing her to scream in surprise.

"Pinkie Pie! Can you stop that?!" Rarity screams.

Pinkie Pie suddenly appeared next to Rainbow Dash. "You don't have to worry anymore, because Sunset is just downstairs in the dining room." Pinkie informed them and her friends all heavily sighs in relief. "And I want you girls to get changed now, because I know we're going to have a [long day ahead of us."

"That's what we're doing now."Applejack stands up and stretches her arms.

"No, I mean literally," Pinkie corrected her. "I know we'll be having an interesting day ahead of us!"

"Then what's so important for today as you know?" Rainbow asks her.

Pinkie smirks. "Just get changed and follow me."

After the girls got changed, they followed Pinkie downstairs. And Pinkie wants them to stay quiet as they followed her. They want to question her, but Pinkie keeps silencing them, so they followed Pinkie. Without a word.

They stopped by the entrance from the living room to the dining room. Pinkie slowly peak to see Sunset in her usual clothing style and munching over her cereal.

"You see?" Pinkie said quietly and turning back to them with a huge grin she's wearing on her face.

"Yeah and what?" Rainbow whispers to her. "She's eating cereal."

"I knew Sunset would love that cereal I bought for her." Twilight added silently.

"So why are yer asking us to spy on her?" Applejack whispered, and she was a little annoyed.

"Just wait and see." Pinkie whispered back and Rainbow just rolled her eyes. Pinkie turns back to Sunset. "Wait for it. Wait for it...." And then Sunset yelped in pain. "There you go!" She turns back to her friends. "Girls, this day only becomes interesting because we are about to take Sunset to a dentist!"

Twilight raised her eyebrow. "You could just tell us and we'll simply just take her to the dentist."

"It's not as simple as that when we're about to give chase." Pinkie said, smiling.

"What do you mean, "give chase"?" Rainbow asks her.

Pinkie snaps her fingers. "Let's check on her and you will all see what I mean."

The girls followed Pinkie to the dining room as Sunset moan a little while holding her left cheek.

"Are yah okay, sweetie?" Applejack asks her with a concern expression.

Sunset realizes her friends are already here, so she quickly hides her pain and force a little smile on her face.

"Of course," she immediately answered while keeping that smile on. "Why wouldn't why?"

Applejack's face becomes stern and places her hands on her hips. "Sunset, yah know ya could never fool me. Tell me the truth."

Sunset's smile dropped and tries to close her mouth as tightly as she can. This just makes Pinkie giggled so much.

"Sunset, sweetie," Pinkie said in a sing-a-song tone. "My Pinkie Sense me is telling that you have a cavity. Of course I can tell when you are noticeably avoiding sweets for the entire week. You even declined the sweets I offered you this past last week."

Sunset gulped. Twilight sits beside her. "It will be fine and quick. We'll just get you to your appointment with a dentist, and he will do the rest and you should be fine afterwards."

Sunset becomes nervous. "Can I just finish this cereal first?" She asks meekly.

Applejack sits on her right. "Ah'm afraid yah can't finish that when it's bad for yer tooth."

"But who is going to finish this cereal?" Sunset gestured to her breakfast.

"You can leave some to me or Pinkie," Rainbow suggested to her.

Sunset gulped again. Twilight can clearly see the dreaded look on Sunset's face. "Sunset, are you okay?" She asks her worriedly.

And then Sunset suddenly smiles. "Of course!" She immediately replied and sounds so cheerful suddenly. "Why wouldn't why be?"

"Hmm, well, we can't leave yet," Twilight said. "But just 10 minutes of warming up, we should get going."

"Oh, yeah!" Rainbow exclaimed. "Let's go do some exercise!"

Twilight stood up. "Now come on, Sunset." She grabs her hand to help her up. But Sunset just remain in her position. Without moving a single muscle. She even tries to pull her hand, but Sunset just remains still. "Sunset, is there something wrong?"

Sunset slowly turns her head to Twilight with a fake smile and the other girls can see that clearly.

"Well....." She gave a long answer. "I don't want to go!" She leaps from her chair and runs in mid-air and duck behind a sofa.

However, the girls already saw her hiding behind the sofa. The girls become concern and slowly approach her while Sunset slowly shows her head to them with fear in her eyes.

And then it clicked in Fluttershy's head in realization. "Wait, are you afraid of the dentist?" She asks in her usual quiet tone.

Sunset just gives her the slow nod. The girls can now see why Sunset doesn't want to go. And Rainbow Dash bursts into laughter.

"Are you telling me you're afraid of a dentist?" Rainbow choked out her words and she just laughs harder. "Sunset Shimmer, the illegal pony alien from Equestria, came to this world and ruled the school with an iron first, turned into a demon, and she is afraid of a simple visit to the dentist!" She laughs harder than she can and tears were already spilling out of her eyes as she laughed.

Sunset blushed in embarrassment. Frustrated at her friend for being so obnoxious, Applejack punches Rainbow in the arm. "Ow!" She moans and rubs her arm.

"Please be kind to our very friend!" Rarity scolded her. Her face turns from stern to concern when she turns to Sunset. "Sunset, sweetie, visiting to a dentist is not so bad."

Rainbow can't help but chuckled. "Yeah, you should've known that by now. Kids get over that fear by the age of 6! But you, you're like 18 and you can't even get over your fear of the dentist!" She laughed again and then she earns another hard punch from Applejack.

Sunset becomes annoyed and stood up. "Okay, fine, laugh at me all you want, Dash. My childhood was not so great compared to yours." She pointed at her friends. "My first appointment with a dentist in Equestria is... not what Princess Celestia thought it would. I even blasted the living heck out of him!"

The girls gasp in shock at the revelation. "Then... what happen to him?" Twilight dared to ask.

Sunset crossed her arms. "Don't worry, he is fine. Only he quitted from his status as a dentist even though Princess Celestia gave her sincere apologies." She turns her head away from her friends and let out a long sigh. "But the thing is... I'm still scared..."

Her friends just stared at her with a concern, Applejack walks over to the couch and gives her an encouraging smile.

"There ain't nothing wrong with the dentist, Sunset," Applejack tries to encourage her.

Sunset gives her a scared look. "I heard that one before from Princess Celestia." She said silently

"But this time you will not blast the living daylights to the dentist in this world." Rainbow told her.

Sunset tries to back away. "I am not going to the dentist!" She declares.

"Sunset, you will be fine," Twilight reassures her. "We promise."

But Sunset doesn't buy it. She stares fearfully at the girls who were trying to help her overcome her fears. She needs to get out of here. Quick!

"Hey what's that?!" She suddenly pointed at the T.V

The girls turn around to where exactly Sunset was pointing at. After a few seconds, they turn back only to find Sunset disappeared and the door open.

"You see?" Pinkie said. "I told you all we're going to give chase."

Sunset runs away from Twilight's house as fast as she can. There is no way she's going to see the dentist. That's a big no, no in her book.

But just as she run crossed the street, Rainbow Dash suddenly appears in front of her, forcing Sunset stop at her feet. Of course Rainbow can easily catch up with her.

"C'mon on, Sunset," Rainbow told her. "You can't seriously be afraid of a dentist. Especially in your current age!"

"Move aside, Rainbow." Sunset demanded her.

"Not a chance." Rainbow denied. "You need to get your tooth fix."

Sunset turns back to see the rest of her friends are catching up with her. Fear grew in Sunset. She needed to get away from them if she didn't want to go to the dentist. She tries to run on her right but Rainbow stops in front of her. Sunset runs back but Rainbow blocks her path in an instant. Sunset turns around and runs but again, Rainbow blocks her like a piece of cake.

"Oh c'mon, Sunset," Rainbow said, looking a little annoyed. "It's only an appointment."

"To heck with what!" Sunset retorted. She runs to the road, but Pinkie Pie and Applejack blocks her way. Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity are blocking her other path as well.

"Sunset, it's not that bad," Applejack tries to reason with her.

"It won't take forever, darling." Rarity called to her.

"No, it ain't!" Sunset shouted and runs again but Rainbow stops her yet again. "You block me again, I swear you will regret it!" She warned her.

Rainbow scoffed. "Oh yeah? With what?" She asks with a cocky grin.

Sunset just glares at her. And then a lightbulb clicked in her head. Sunset smirks and she spins up to the maximum rate in an instant. She's using her Shimmer Spinner move! She spins like a raging tornado and the strong wind she's creating makes her friends to cover their eyes. Sunset breezes her away from the girls and stops spinning once she's on the other side of the street.

Rainbow Dash summons her wings and flies straight to her. Sunset turns back and her eyes widened, she quickly reacts and performs her Shimmer Spinner move, causing Rainbow Dash to get caught in Sunset's maximum spin like she got caught by an actual tornado.

After ten seconds, Sunset lets Rainbow go in a blast but she continues spinning and breeze away. Leaving Rainbow being dizzy in mid air. The girls catch up with her as Rainbow slowly descends but barely keeps her balance.

"I should've known she can do that." Rainbow stammered, unable to keep her balance anymore. She was about to fall on her back but Applejack catch her.

"And this is also why I said this day is becoming interesting," Pinkie said, smiling.

"Not helping, Pinkie!" Twilight scolded her. "If we can't find Sunset eventually, the Dazzlings will get her again!"

The girls' gasp in shocked, knowing that she is right.

"Oh, no!" Fluttershy cried out. "We have to find her now!"

"Let's go!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Meanwhile, with Sunset, she runs all the way to Canterlot High. Perfect. A place to hide in the meantime. From her friends, the dentist, and possibly the Dazzlings.

After taking thirty seconds to catch her breath, Sunset reaches to the school doors and yank it open, only that is locked. Great.

"Now where do I hide?" She thinks long and hard, but suddenly runs around the building. "Forget about thinking! I have to run because my friends are going to take me to a dentist!"

She keeps running until she runs past the parking lot and into Wallflower's garden. And just as she arrives, she saw Wallflower watering her plants. Perfect! Maybe she can help.

"Wallflower!" Sunset called to her.

Wallflower stops her work and turns around to see Sunset running towards her.

"Oh, hey, Sunset," Wallflower greeted her. "What's up?"

"Now is not the time." Sunset stops in front of her and panting hard. "I need some tips and tricks."

Wallflower raises her eyebrow at her. "Tips and tricks?"

Sunset nodded profusely. "Yeah. It sounds... odd, but I need some tricks on how to remain invisible amongst people."

"What?" Wallflower replied, bewildered.

"Yeah," Sunset said, scratching the back of her head. "It doesn't matter why I need to know, what matters is how do you do it?"

Wallflower can see the desperate look on Sunset's face. So instead of questioning her more, she sighs and taught Sunset how it's done.

"Okay, what you need is three steps. Got it?" She explained. "Step one, feel nothing but emptiness and loneliness."

"It's that how it works?" Sunset was confused.

"Do you want to be invisible amongst the crowd or what?" Wallflower asks her, annoyed, and she gets a nod in reply. "Okay, just feel so empty. Step two, concentrate. Concentrate as hard as you can as you feel lonely and useless, and step three, think of where do you want to go? Do that and you will be anywhere you want."

"How does that make sense?" Sunset asks her.

Wallflower groans and slaps her face. "Just do it and you'll see! I will close my eyes, but I don't want to hear your footsteps." So she closed her eyes.

So Sunset sits down. She tries to feel nothing as hard as she could muster. She concentrates as well and after a little of concentrating; she thinks of wherever she wants to go. Feeling emptiness, concentrating hard, and think about a place she wants to go. She then closed her eyes...

And then she found herself back in the neighborhood she just escaped.

"Wow!" Sunset was awed as she stood up. "Wallflower's right. It worked!"

"There you are Sunset!" Her blood went cold when she hears Pinkie's voice. And before she runs, Pinkie Pie catches her into a hug. "You will not run away from us again, Sunset." She turns to her friends. "I GOT SUNSET! SHE IS OVER HERE!!"

"Pinkie, you're making me deaf!" Sunset yelled at her.

Sunset struggles to break free from Pinkie's grip to her. Her arms are made of steel. Their friends already came while Sunset is getting desperate to escape from Pinkie's iron grip.

"Sunset, stop squirming," Rainbow told her sternly. "It was only an appointment."

But Sunset is not listening. She only struggles to escape from her pinkish friend. Seeing how desperate their friend is becoming means she's obviously scared. Twilight tries to reassure her once more. "Sunset stop." She firmly grabs her shoulders to get her to stop. "It will be fine. You will be fine. Just trust us. Trust me." She gave her a sincere smile of encouragement.

"I'm don't know if I can believe you..." Sunset whispered and she looks scared.

"Then yah can believe me since ah'm The Element of Honesty." Applejack steps forward. "Ah'm telling the truth when ah say yah will be fine. Pinkie let her go but grab her hand and ah'll grab the other."

Pinkie does what she's told, but she holds Sunset's right hand while Applejack holds her other hand. Sunset was trembling, but Fluttershy patted her back to comfort her. "It will be okay, Sunset." Fluttershy said gently.

"And it won't be long as well," Rainbow added. "We'll just take you there, you just stay calm and you'll fight that cavity of your."

"I fear my first appointment with the dentist in Equestria years ago," Sunset whimpered. "And now I am even more scared of what the dentist is like in this world."

"He won't hurt you, Sunset," Twilight assures her. "Believe in me, believe in us. Now come on, let's go."

So the girls escort Sunset while keeping her hands in hold by Pinkie and Applejack's, making sure she won't escape again.

"I still can't believe Sunset in her current age fears a simple appointment with a dentist!" Rainbow joked and she earns an ear pulling by Rarity.

"Will you please stop joking about Sunset's fears?" Rarity hissed at her, letting go of her ear.

"But it's funny!" Rainbow complained while rubbing her ear. And she gets a slight slap from Rarity herself. "Ow!"

"Serves yah right," Applejack said, and then she suddenly feels empty handed and notice that Sunset had just disappeared. "Where did Sunset run off to?!"

They were surprised that Sunset disappeared on them somehow. It was not long when they Sunset appeared from behind a car and makes a run for it.

"Oh, no you don't!" Rainbow channels her geode and runs to her only for Sunset to disappear again. The second Rainbow blocks her path. "Hey! Where did you go?!"

And then suddenly, Sunset was on a rooftop of a house. "Up here! Come and catch me if you can!" Sunset teased.

Rainbow flies up. Only Sunset disappeared again. "How are you doing this?!"

Then Sunset appears around the corner of the neighborhood. "Wallflower taught me how to be invisible amongst the crowd!" She shouted from afar as she runs away.

Just as Sunset runs away again. Rainbow Dash descends next to the others.

"What are we going to do whenever Sunset tries to run from us?"

Pinkie Pie thought long and hard until she snaps her fingers when the answer came to her. "That's it! We can just lure her instead!"


Sunset was hiding in Sugarcube Corner. Despite having a cavity, Sunset still enjoys her favorite treat. Trying to ignore the pain in her tooth as she enjoys her drink.

The girls spotted her through the door. "Man, ah never realized that Sunset was too stubborn to keep trying some treats despite having a cavity." Applejack said.

"And that just brings a favor to my plan!" Pinkie said.

Twilight turns to her. "Okay, Pinkie Pie, what is the plan?" Pinkie just smirks.

As Sunset was rubbing her cheek with her half empty drink. She suddenly noticed something. Something familiar and yet tasty at the same time. She gazes to where the smell comes from and sees a pink cupcake. Never letting this one slide, Sunset stands up and reaches for the cupcake by the door. But the cupcake moves away from the door. Confused, Sunset chases the cupcake as it is being pulled by a hook.

Sunset followed it until it went into the alleyway. And much to her surprise, the girls were there and Pinkie was using a fishing rod to lure her out with a cupcake.

"Gotcha!" Pinkie exclaimed, quickly grabbing the cupcake and eat the whole thing.

"You tricked me!!" Sunset shrieked, pointing her finger at Pinkie.

"Of course I did!" Pinkie replied.

Sunset turns around but was stopped when Rainbow Dash and Applejack blocks her. Sunset gulped.

"Sunset please..." Twilight begged her.

But before any of her friends comes in closer, Sunset performs her Shimmer Spinner and breeze away from her friends. The girls cough out some dusts from their mouth just as Sunset goes further again.

"Great," Rainbow coughed. "She got away again. Now, what are we going to do?"

The others think of a solution. Until Twilight has it, "What if we tire her out?" She suggested to them.

"What do you mean, darling?" Rarity asks her.

"Sunset went through an intense fitness training last school year before I showed up," Twilight explained. "She's been practicing day and night until she got it right with her Shimmer Spinner. So if I say we can use our powers to catch up to her, we'll make her use her signature move as her only means of escaping from us. Make her keep doing it until she gets tired and we corner her. Fast!"

"Does that sound like a good plan to yah?" Applejack asks with a little uncertain.

"I don't know," Twilight replied. "But it's the best I can think of. We find Sunset, and we tire her out."

Rainbow clasps her hands. "If that's what you can only think of, I'm in!"

"And me!" Pinkie added.

The others agreed to this as well. "Okay, now let me pinpoint Sunset's location on my phone," she taps her phone a few times until the location was on screen, "there! She's near Applejack's neighborhood! Let's get there and fast!"

Ten minutes later, Sunset took a rest for a while. She sits down by the sidewalk and starts thinking, can she really keep this up? Getting away from her friends while they're just trying to help her with her cavity? Can she avoid the dentist for a long period? Yes, Sunset knows she needs it. She knows her friends are just trying to help, but she is scared.

Before she can think any further, someone tap her shoulder. Sunset turns around to see Fluttershy just appeared out of nowhere.

"Hi Sunset."

Sunset panics and dash away from her animal loving friend. However, she was stopped when Rainbow Dash stops in front of her, wearing a sneaky grin on her face. Sunset does one thing that saves her life. She uses her Shimmer Spinner once more and spins past Rainbow Dash.

"It's working!" Rainbow exclaimed. "Keep going gals!"

Sunset continues to spin until she was caught by Twilight's magic. "I got you!" Twilight was holding Sunset with her magic.

However, though, Sunset uses her signature move and fights against Twilight's hold on her until Twilight gives up and Sunset was free.

Sunset didn't go away much further when Rarity stands on her way and creates giant diamonds to block the whole road. Sunset turns her left to the intersection and quickly hides behind a trash can before anyone can see her. Unfortunately, since she was panicking, everyone already saw her hiding there. And Pinkie turned it into sprinkles. Sunset runs for it again and uses her Shimmer Spinner.

However, though, Applejack blocks her way, Rainbow Dash appears next to her. The other 4 were right behind her as well. Realizing they're closing in on her, Sunset uses her Shimmer Spinner to breeze through them once more. Her spin becomes stronger and stronger as she becomes desperate.

After about thirty seconds, Sunset finally stops and, much to her horror, her friends still stand tall. Not moving a single muscle, Rarity form giant diamonds and place them all in a circle so Sunset can't go anywhere now.

Realizing she has nowhere to go, Sunset eventually gives up and sits down on the sidewalk. Her friends take this chance to talk some sense to her once more and they all sit beside her.

"Sunset, look at me." But she just covers her face with her hands. Twilight gently grabs her hands and keep her gaze on her eyes. "Not everyone's first time with the dentist is not always been great."

"What I said about the kids getting over that fear by the age of six was true," Rainbow added. "But hey, I can't even get over it when I was only ten."

"We were also dreaded about visiting to the dentist," Rarity said gently. "But of course, we went through it anyway if we want to fight our cavity."

"Ah ain't gonna lie," Applejack said, laying a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's scary at first, but it ain't when yah go for it. And ah'm telling the truth when ah say it was all worth it in the end."

"I almost fainted during my first appointment with the dentist," Fluttershy added silently.

"I never have a cavity in my whole life!" Pinkie said.

"Sunset?" Twilight told her. "Not all of our first experiences with the dentist were alright than we thought it would, but it was all worth it in the end. The dentist themselves never intended to hurt you." She gave her a begging look in her eyes. "Please. You need this..." She begged.

Sunset stared at Twilight for a moment. Yes, she is scared, but then, she knew she needed this. She just can't face the dentist, but after hearing from each of her friends about their own experiences may... give her some comfort and closure.

After a while, she finally sighs and said, "Okay... I'm ready to go." It's all she can say. They can barely hear her, but they hear her.

Twilight pulls her into a hug. "Good. And believe me, you will be fine."

After an hour of waiting, Sunset exits the dentist's place and glares at her friends. They were sitting by the sidewalk waiting for her and they were a bit surprised to be greeted by an icy stare Sunset was giving them.

"So darling, how did it go?" Rarity asks her. She gets nervous the harder Sunset's glare gets.

"At least it's all right now, ain't it?" Applejack dared to ask. Sunset just turns her back around and crosses her arms.

Pinkie Pie launches herself to her for a hug. "C'mon! Don't be that way! I will give you desserts forever!" She pouted when Sunset was ignoring her. "Sunset, please say something!"

But Sunset just ignored her, so Pinkie sadly let her go. The others don't know what to say about this, but Sunset just simply walks away from them, out of their sights. Without saying a word.

The girls were saddened a little by Sunset's cold behavior towards them, and the silent treatment they received from her. But they knew her, they understand why she is being this way. Knowing her, she can get over it in no time. She just needs some space.

Just then, Rarity's old analog phone rings in her purse, much to Applejack's annoyance. " Will yah please turned that thing off?!" Applejack demanded and she is really annoyed.

"I don't know how!" Rarity replied, panicking a little. "This thing never turns off!"

"Unless that thing never has an off button during its prime," Pinkie told her.

Rainbow chuckled. "Wait, seriously?"

Rarity sighs. "Yes, it doesn't have one." Rainbow Dash laughs in response, Applejack groans in annoyance. Rarity answers the call and puts it on speakerphone. "Listen, I sincerely apologize, but I don't seem to have time-"

"I will get you back." That was Sunset's voice over the phone, and she ends the call.

Author's Note:

And done! Took me a few hours since I got distracted at times :twilightsheepish:

Anyway, next chapter is done, next update will be coming soon. But for the meantime, I've been planning for another series and I hope I can make it right soon enough. But for now, it's time for me to enjoy my break and see ya'll next time. Peace! :pinkiehappy: