• Published 17th Jan 2022
  • 2,679 Views, 126 Comments

Mane Mothers - MASTERMIND360

For getting kidnapped many times by the Dazzlings, Sunset was being treated like a kid by her own friends because of their paranoia through their mom act, to protect her. But this leads to madness.

  • ...

Friendship Get-Together

Author's Note:

Okay, before reading this, I got some things that needed to be changed before making this chapter. Earlier, I did hint that Princess Twilight was now a new ruler of Equestria, however, though, I have this idea I have had for a while where Twilight is not Equestria's new ruler yet.

So, back in the plushies chapter, if you have read that before and if you go back, you'll notice that I changed the part where Sunset introduces her toys, It's changed from She pulled out a plush toy of Equestria's new ruler, to She pulled out a plush toy of The Princess of Friendship.

That way, we can say this story took place around season two of the series, most likely after Spring Breakdown and previous special episodes. And this idea for this chapter should work.

I hope this clears some things up for you all. :twilightsmile:

The girls were in their detention room, serving their time in detention after class. The girls were either minding their own business. Applejack and Rarity are talking about family matters, Twilight is helping Fluttershy with their studies for the test next week, and Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Sunset Shimmer were playing at the far back of the classroom, with some of Pinkie's and Sunset's toys.

"And they are down!" Rainbow announces dramatically, making their toys lose their balance, "And superstar Rainbow Dash wins! Yeah!" She waves the plush toy of her pony counterpart over her head to come off as if the Rainbow Dash plush toy is flying.

"Oh no!" Sunset exclaimed dramatically, checking over her pony Sunset and Princess Twilight plushies.

"Aww, man!" Pinkie added.

Rainbow chuckled, "You two should've up your game when you're up against the," she held out the pony RD plush toy, "speedster!"

Sunset placed her hands on her waist like a child, "Well in Equestria, if you are a unicorn, you can teleport."

Rainbow raised her eyebrow, "And what pony are you again?" she question her.

"A unicorn," Sunset answered plainly, "And no when I'm in this world, I can't teleport."

"At least I am a pegasus in Equestria, so I can fly," Rainbow bragged.

"If we're in Equestria, I want to bet if you're superspeed can challenge my teleportation speed," Sunset challenged.

Rainbow Dash grinned, knowing her, she always loves a challenge, "Oh you're on!" she declared.

But before their conversation continues, Sunset's journal in her satchel glows, knowing it's Princess Twilight wanting to talk to her.

"It's Princess Twilight," Sunset informed everyone, the moment they heard the name, they all stopped what they were doing and turn their attention to Sunset. Sunset grabs her journal from her satchel and Pinkie moves closer to her.

"So what did she say?" Pinkie asked her.

Sunset opens the book and turns to the latest entry, Hello Sunset! It's been a while since we last spoke. I've been thinking about something that should benefit us all. So, I thought I should host a Friendship-Get together! Basically, I invited my own friends to my castle while you invite your own friends here! It will be fun! I know it can be a little weird for your friends to meet your counterparts but it will be fine. I promise! We will all have lots of fun with a lot of activities, U can't wait to see you and the girls here.

But all of you can't stay here for much longer than you have to. For balance reasons.

Your friend, Twilight Sparkle.

Sunset smiles, feeling excited to see her friend in Equestria again. She closes the book and faces her friends, "Princess Twilight invited us to Equestria to have this Friendship Get-Together she's hosting. It means she's inviting her own friends to her castle and she also invites all of us to be there as well."

"A Friendship Get-Together? That sounds awesome!" Pinkie said excitedly.

"A chance to meet my own counterpart?!" Rainbow added with excitement, "I'm in!"

"Wait for a second," Twilight stopped them firmly, "Isn't bad enough that all of us were going to be in another world with our counterparts already living there?"

"The princess said that while we're all going to have fun with her and her friends, we can't stay there for much longer than we have to," Sunset told her.

"But there is one question remains," Applejack said uncertainly, "What if the Dazzlings are watching us going through the portal and they'll figure it out where yer homeland is?"

Sunset frowns knowing her friend is right. "I... don't know," she said silently. Not knowing what to do about that.

"Actually, I already got it covered," Pinkie Pie answered, she smiles and steps aside, showing the gang a Sunset Shimmer cardboard.

"A cardboard?" Twilight asked her.

Pinkie nodded, "Yes! The plan is, since Rainbow Dash is the fastest, she has to take this cardboard with her and lure the Dazzlings away from our school as far as possible. And once she's done, she makes her way back here and we're all going to portal safe and sound!" she rapidly explained her plan.

Rainbow Dash, being the speedster, can easily keep up with Pinkie's rapid rambling and nods in agreement, "Yeah, this plan is perfect. It makes sense for me to do the distraction since I am the fastest."

"Are you sure you will be okay, darling?" Rarity asked her a little concern.

Rainbow scoffed, "I'll be fine. Besides, I won't take long. Anything for Sunset."

Applejack sighs but she nodded, "Anything for Sunset," she repeated.

"So it's settled," Sunset said, standing up, "Later at night, we went to the portal. Rainbow Dash carries cardboard that looks like me to lure the Dazzlings after that, she joins us and we will have fun with the princess."

"Sweet! Let's get going!" Pinkie shouted in excitement.

Later at night, the girls were standing by the portal, the school is already closed as well. They've been waiting 5 minutes for Rainbow Dash to show up. She should distract the Dazzlings with the cardboard making them think it's the real Sunset Shimmer.

While they were waiting, Twilight's phone rings, her ringtone is the song Side by Side, she picks it up and answers the call, "Hello?"

"They took the bait like morons," she hears Rainbow speaking over the phone, "I'm coming back like.... right now."

Rainbow Dash suddenly appears next to the group the second she finishes the last part of her sentence.

Twilight just simply puts her phone down, "Okay, so, did you make sure it's far enough?"

"Yes I made it even further from here just in case," Rainbow confirmed.

"Okay," Sunset said, "Now, listen girls. The last time we went through this portal back here just to get home since spring, the feeling of going through that portal was.... kind of unnatural in a way." She explains carefully to them.

"No worries, sweetie," Pinkie Pie hops her way to the portal, "I kind of liked the feeling," and then she leaps into the portal.

Sunset shrugged, "Welp looks like it's our turn now. Come on, girls."

So one by one, the girls each went through the portal. And when they're going through, Sunset was right, the feeling of going through here was unnatural and maybe a little doozy. They'll never get used to this no matter how many times they go through the portal.

Rarity was the last person and she landed on her hands I mean, hooves, she looked around her surroundings. Yes, this place is familiar to her since the spring, and she gazes at herself, grumbling that she's naked. To her front, her friends in pony forms were already there, still getting used to being pony despite the last time they were here.

Applejack tries to stand on two hooves but barely tries and goes back to use 4 hooves, Fluttershy, and Twilight tries the same but realized they are now ponies so they stand on 4 hooves instead.

Sunset can see them struggle a little, so she tries to relate to them, "Believe me, the first I came to your world, I had trouble walking with two feet and how hands work."

"I still can't get over the fact that all my things are horse things!" Twilight shouted in fear.

"Again, those are called pony things," Sunset told her calmly.

Pinkie Pie on the other hand was used to this and she has no trouble at all, "Yeah, for some reason, I don't have any trouble with this kind of thing," she continues hopping around the room. "Weird but cool!"

"I am very unsatisfied that I am naked," Rarity complained.

"Ah dunno 'bout yah but ah still got mah hat for some reason," Applejack said as she readjust her hat.

"INCOMING!" Rainbow shouted from above, she zooms in and landed into a pile of books, creating a big thud.

The ponies rush to the pile of books to check on Rainbow Dash just as she pops her head from the books.

She chuckled, "Yeah, I got a little excited there," she said sheepishly.

Just then, the big doors open revealing a very familiar purple mare, "What was that?! I heard a crash and-" she stopped her rambling when she sees Sunset and the girls, "Sunset! Girls! I'm glad all of you were here!"

Sunset gallops to her and gives each a warm hug, "It is so good to see you again, Princess Twilight," Sunset replied happily.

"Yes, you too, Sunset," Twilight answered back as they let go of each other, "Now let's go. My friends were waiting by the dining room. Pinkie Pie is making delicious chocolate."

Hearing the word "chocolate" makes Sunset, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie's eyelids turn into an image of chocolate, so they quickly rush through the hallways and they all match Rainbow's magic speed. However, though, Rainbow stops in mid-action when she got a little confused, "Wait, where is the dining hall again?"

Meanwhile, the Mane 5 were chatting with each other by the dining hall. The dining table was bigger than the other one to give room for their guests, Pinkie Pie is still in the kitchen making the chocolate. And to their surprise, both Sunset and the other world's Pinkie Pie stormed in and leap into their seats, rapidly asking for chocolate, the Mane 5 were uncertain about this sudden welcome.

"O... kay...?" Rainbow Dash said awkwardly, "that's kinda not the welcome I thought it would."

Human Rainbow Dash, the others, and Princess Twilight eventually catch up with them, "There you two are," the princess told Sunset and Pinkie, "Okay, this is not the welcome I expect it would. But anyway, while we're waiting for our world's Pinkie Pie, why don't all of you make the introductions?" she suggested nicely.

With this, Pinkie zooms to the kitchen to meet her pony counterpart while the others begin to conversate with each other.

"So is there anything that Sunset's Twilight is anything relatable to you?" Starlight asked Princess Twilight,

"Well, I always love studying," Sci-Twi answered, "my favorite subject is science. But it really is more interesting to study how magic works."

"Me too," Princess Twilight added, "But one thing I like studying is more about Friendship, so I can help ponies feel happy and make Equestria a better place."

"And the only difference between you two is that one of you has her hair down, and the other one wears a ponytail and the glasses," Sunset pointed out.

"Yes," she turns to her counterpart, "please don't take this as an offense but why did you wear glasses?"

"Well it's because I lost my eyesight before back when I was a student in Crystal Prep," Sci-Twi replied, "And also, I like the ponytail a lot.

Meanwhile with the Fluttershys.

"So do you have a pet rabbit whose name is Angel?" Fluttershy asked her human counterpart.

Fluttershy nodded, "Certainly, and to top it all off, I have met and befriend a lot of animals in my world," Fluttershy said her story.

"Oh me too!' Fluttershy replied gleefully.

And next, we got the Applejacks, "So anyway, what was the Sweet Apple Acres like in this world?" ASJ asked her pony counterpart.

"It's the same as how yers work in yer world," Applejack replied, "Except that there are ponies doing the hard work. Ah've been working hard today and Granny Smith let me take the day off."

"And what about yer sister?" AJ asks her carefully, "does she also makes that... you know... chicken and rice?"

"Ah sweet Celestia no," Applejack denied, "we would never eat meat. Although, the closest to that is when she usually makes rice fish," she shudders at the memories of her little sister's "secret recipe", "Ah rather stick to haybale."

Applejack also shudders as well, "Yeah, let's not talk about it."

"Tell me, other me, do ponies here wear clothes as much as we do in our world?" Rarity asked her pony self, "I mean, look at me! I'm naked!"

"Oh, don't fret," Rarity told her gently, "We do have clothes, but not most of everypony wears them and clothes were only an option for certain events. But don't worry darling, it's nothing wrong with galloping around butt naked."

Rarity shivered at the thought of going around naked but she knew she must trust her pony self, "Thanks darling, I will keep that in mind," she said quietly and uncertainly.

"How about we bet to see who is the fastest?" Rainbow dared to her pony counterpart, knowing both of them, they were being competitive when it comes to challenges.

"Oh I will show you who's the fastest!" Rainbow Dash bragged arrogantly.

"How about we make things a bit interesting?" Rainbow added with a smirk, "Let's put my friend, Sunset Shimmer into this since she brags how unicorn's teleport speed is faster than our speed." She turns to Sunset, "Hey, Sunset," their conversation was interrupted when Rainbow calls her, "We still got a bet to do. To see who is the fastest. You and your teleportation or our magical speed."

Sunset smirks, "Oh, I will indeed show you the speed of the unicorn's teleportation power is faster than yours!" Sunset bragged competitively.

"Just don't waste any more time," Princess Twilight warned them, "As I told you before, Sunset, you and the girls can't stay here for much than you really can. For balance reasons of course."

Just then, two Pinkie Pies came back with Equestria's Pinkie Pie pushing a push tray with bowls filled with chocolate with sticks on top of them.

"We're back!" Both Pinkie Pies announced happily,

"And we also got a special hot chocolate with sticks!" Pinkie added, "They're solid and hot, so you better your sticks instead."

They each receive a bowl of their own. After a while of giving them their bowls of hot chocolate, they went to their own respective seats and begin to enjoy this delicious dessert.

"Ow!" Rainbow whined when she bites the piece, "It's hot..."

"But that's what makes this chocolate even tastier!" Pinkie told her.

Some others like Sci-Twi and Rarity were having trouble using their own horns. Rarity steadily levitates the piece of chocolate and the stick and lifts it to her mouth but it hits her face instead, she shrieks at how hot it was and her face was already "ruined".

Sci-Twi tries her best to levitate the treat to her mouth as she did last time when she, Sunset, and Rainbow Dash were here during the spring. But this time, she has chocolate all over her face.

"Oh man," Sci-Twi complained, "I'll never get a hang of this horn."

Sunset swallowed some of her food and turns to Twilight, "Look, just levitate it like how you do back in our world," she advised her.

"Except that we're in Equestria, and my things are all pony things, and the only thing I could use to activate my magic is my horn!" Twilight retorted.

"Then try to concentrate a little," Sunset advised her carefully, "watch me, just focus on any object you want to levitate," Sunset then demonstrates this by focusing on her bowl until her horn activates and she was levitate the stick, sticking to the small piece of chocolate and she takes the bite. She chews and swallows and turns back to her friend, "See? It's not so hard."

Twilight studied Sunset's demonstration, "Hmm, okay. Let's see if I can do the same," she tries what Sunset does and she did! She can now easily levitate her treat and lift it to her mouth, taking the whole piece except for the stick.

"But what about me?" Rarity gazes down on her bowl again and tries to use her horn once more. She manages to get it right and lifts the piece into her mouth, taking the chocolate with her teeth and lifting the stick out, she takes her time to chew and then swallow, "My goodness, this is delicious!"

"Now that wasn't so hard," Sunset gratefully, now that her two friends were getting a hang of their horns.

Pinkie swallows her chocolate as well, "I even helped my other me to improvise a little!" She continues munching her chocolate.

"Exactly!" Pinkie exclaimed, "If it weren't for her, this wouldn't be a hundred times better!"

The ponies continued to munch over their chocolate, using the stick to pull the very hot, hard piece of chocolate out of the bowl.

"Anyway, I've been meaning to ask." Princess Twilight puts down her stick. "How were you girls since last spring? I was relieved when you girls and all your classmates didn't stay here for much longer. For... balance reasons."

"In my defense, I never heard about the balance thing," Sunset defended.

"I know, but still, it's not the best idea, Sunset," Princess Twilight told her.

"We were stuck in the middle of an island, Twilight," Sunset said.

"We could've just waited for the rescue team to come and get us," Pinkie suggested.

"Yeah, imagine they know we were in trouble, and when they arrived at an island where we are last seen, there is no one around," Rainbow stated.

Applejack sallow her chocolate, "Yep, ah imagine we made them waste their time."

"But it's all good now," Princess Twilight reminded them, "you girls defeated Storm King, save everyone, and returned home safely."

"And afterward, the whole student body agreed we would never talk about this again," Sci-Twi added, "And we have to stop Lyra from talking about it on a video."

"She couldn't stop rambling about everything that happened last spring," Sunset said with an annoyed look on her face.

Pinkie nodded, "We had to tie her up and force her to stop!" She rambled.

"You what?!" Starlight shouted in horror.

Pinkie chuckled, "I'm only joking! No, we did not do that. We just simply told her to stop for a reason, and after reasoning with her, she agreed and never talk about Equestria again."

Rainbow Dash sighs in relief. "And I really thought your Pinkie Pie has gone insane." She munches over chocolate.

"I was never insane," Pinkie Pie told her, "I was just me." She let out a big wide smile on her face.

Princess Twilight stared at her pink friend rapidly eating her chocolate. "Uhm, yes. Well, anyway," she maintains her composure, "We have a lot to catch up on, so when we're done eating this, I would like you, girls, to get along with your own counterparts. But please, don't take too long, as I said, balance issues."

Rainbow Dash raises her hoof up. "Oh yeah!" She exclaims, looking at her counterpart, "We are going to have so much fun together!"

"I know, right?!" Rainbow exclaimed excitedly. "This is going to be AWESOME!"

Rarity turned to her counterpart with a smile. "Oh darling, I would love to hear so much more about you and what your world was like."

Rarity smiled back at her as well. "Oh, I'll happily tell you all about it." She giggled.

After about 10 minutes, the ponies split up into each pair of groups. Hanging out with their own counterparts. Princess Twilight, Starlight, Sunset, and Sci-Twi were walking through the hallways while the rest are hanging with their own counterparts.

"So, Sunset," Princess Twilight starts to talk, "I've been meaning to ask you; what were you going to do in your future? I mean, like after you and the girls graduated school or something?"

Sunset sighs, she's been thinking about this for a while. "I'd be lying if I said I want to come back here," she answered.

Starlight raised her eyebrow. You don't want to stay here anymore?" She asks her.

"It's not that I don't want to be here again but-" she stops for a moment, and then continues, "sure, Equestria is nice and all but I don't feel like this place is my home anymore." She lowers her head a little. "But the mirror world does." She raises her head. "With my friends, the only friends I had ever made in my whole life. I am much happier in that world that I even made a life for myself there, and made it even better since the Fall Formal."

Princess Twilight gave her a smile. "Well then, I respect your decision, Sunset. And knowing Princess Celestia, she would respect that too."

"But what about your family?" Starlight asks her. "Your real family?"

Sunset frown at the memory of her bad relationship with her parents. "My relationship with my parents," she stops for a moment, "was not so healthy. Princess Celestia was like a real parent to me than my real parents."

"And how are you going to stay in the mirror world where there, you are basically an illegal pony alien with no legit documents?" Starlight questioned her.

"I'm sure that this Twilight Sparkle can think of something." She gestures to Sci-Twi. "She's good with science and technology."

Princess Twilight raised her eyebrow at them, "Are you talking about illegally applying for college?"

Sunset waved it off. "Well, how do you think I illegally enrolled to Canterlot High?" Sunset questions back at her.

Princess Twilight thinks of something. "Well, I can ask Discord to provide you with papers, documents, and everything else that should make you look like a legal citizen in the mirror world."

But Sunset shook her head. "Thanks but, maybe it's for the best if Twilight and I will have to think about it ourselves." And then a thought click her head, and she knew the princess needs to know. "Princess Twilight," she said to her, a little hesitant, "there is something I need to say to you?"

The ponies stop walking as Sunset ask her something personal. The Princess of Friendship can tell the look on Sunset's face. "Yes, what is it?" Sci Twi can tell this was coming so she decided to let Sunset answer.

Sunset deeply inhales and exhales and carefully explains the story to the princess. "You see, I...." she gulped and then continues. "I've been kidnapped a lot by the Dazzlings."

The look of horror was visible on Princess Twilight and Starlight's faces. The last pony in their friendship group who got kidnapped was Rainbow Dash.

"You mean the sirens?!" Starlight shouted in horror.

"The sirens that tried to take over since the Battle of the Bands?!" Princess Twilight shouted in fear of what Sunset had gone through and anger at whatever the Dazzlings did to her. She grabs Sunset's head. "What did they do to you, Sunset?!"

"Twilight, wait! That's not all!" Sunset replied back, getting softly pushing away the purple mare's hooves. "It's not just that. Well, when I got kidnapped once, I escaped. But they kidnapped me again, I escaped again, they did it again, I prevailed once more. Some other times, my friends may come and rescue while most of the time I made it out myself in one piece."

Princess Twilight with a dreaded look on her face step towards Sunset. "How many times they kidnapped you?" She asks quietly.

"Fifty-five times...." Sunset replied sheepishly and let out a sheepish grin.

"Fifty-five times?!" Princess Twilight shouted in horror. "What do they want from you?! And why only you?!"

Sunset tries to defuse the situation. "They want to know where the portal is," she tries to explain carefully. "So they can come over here and take over Equestria. And kidnapping me makes sense to them since I was born in this world."

Princess Twilight growled. "I should've known," she said with a hint of anger in her voice. "When you and the girls return home, I will close the portal for a while. Just in case if they somehow figured it out where it is."

"Thanks but I am not finished yet," Sunset replied. Earning a confused look from the princess and Starlight. "Well, you see, the number of times that I've been kidnapped by the Dazzlings, my friends, well, let's just say they went all crazy about and they were being too overprotective."

Sci-Twi stepped forward, "I let my paranoia get the better of me and I wasn't thinking straight. Like, that one day I had Sunset to be put in a hamster ball that should protect her...and I made her attend school while in the ball. But," she looks away, feeling a little guilty, "well, it turned out the worst for Sunset and us as well."

"And let's not forget that Twilight and the girls were not only overprotective to me," Sunset added, "but they all went and act like moms as well. It gets stronger the number of times I get kidnapped, Twilight here, went overboard on her part."

Starlight stared at Sci Twi. "Is it true?" she asked the Princess' counterpart.

Sci Twi meekly nodded. "Yes. Not my best part, but we tried to learn from it. We even tone it down every once in a while, and keep it to ourselves if we have privacy."

"And you thought babying Sunset is the way to protect her?" Starlight asks her again.

Sci-Twi nodded in reply. "Yeah...that too."

Sunset cleared her throat. "While I have to admit, a while back after getting kidnapped each and every time and escape from the Dazzlings, the girls' motherly and overprotective act was driving me crazy. But recently, I got no choice but to give in to this... ridiculous behavior from and them... and.... it was not so bad at all."

"And you're enjoying this madness from your friends?" Starlight asks her as well.

Sunset smiles as well. "Yeah, that too. And I had too much at school while waiting for the girls in detention. Oh!" She grabs something from her saddlebag and shows them the Princess Twilight plushie. "Again, I want to thank you for making me these plushies, Twilight."

Princess Twilight nodded with a smile. "I'm glad you appreciated, Sunset. It was an odd thing you asked at first but who am I to say no to a friend?"

Sunset chuckled. "Yep, I am sure you do." She puts it back in her saddlebag.

"Anyway," the Princess turned to her counterpart. "Back to you, after hearing the full story, I understand why you and the girls acted that way, but one thing I do know is that you can't let your fears get the better of you. If you say you and the girls can't survive for five seconds when Sunset was out of your sight, I can see where you're coming from. But it's important to let go of your fears and paranoia."

Sci Twi sighs, knowing her counterpart is right. "Yes, I suppose you're right. But the thing is," she said hesitantly, "we got so scared if the Dazzlings come and capture her again. We were just doing what we possibly can," she turn to her best friend. "to protect her." And she turns back to her counterpart. "But you are right, we should stop worrying too much about Sunset and try to enjoy our friendship. Although, we still need to be more alert just in case the Dazzlings come and get her again."

Princess Twilight smiles at her counterpart, feeling glad that her double is now seeing reason. "Good. Now that was settled, I will be closing the portal for a while after you girls return home. But for now, let's get to reading!"

The three ponies squeal with delight, beginning to get excited to read some books.

After about 2 hours, the girls and the Mane 6 were gathered together back in the library where Princess Twilight gets the portal ready.

"I hope you girls have fun hanging with your own counterparts," Princess Twilight said delightfully.

"Heck yeah, we did!" Rainbow exclaimed, hoof bump with her double. "We even fly around the region for 5 laps to see who's the fastest!"

"And in the end, it turns out we're both the fastest!" Rainbow added enthusiastically.

"Ah sure don't want to try some of Apple Bloom's chicken and rice recipe," Applejack said. "But here? Fish and rice?"

Applejack shuddered. "Ah know, right? Ah will have a word with Apple Bloom later."

Princess Twilight smiles brightly at the ponies. "I am glad to hear that the rest of you had a lot of fun for today, but it's best for you girls to return to your world. After that, I will be closing the portal for a while," she turns to Sunset's friends. "that should ease your worries a little."

Sunset gave her a smile. "Thank you, Twilight." She turns around to her friends. "Now come on girls, let's go home."

So, one by one, the girls each jump into the portal. Sunset was the last person but before she go, she gives Twilight one last hug. "I will see you again soon."

Twilight returns the hug, "Yes, may I see that we will meet again soon."

When they broke the hug, Sunset jumps into the portal. While the rest of the Mane 6 watched with smiles on their faces.