• Published 17th Jan 2022
  • 2,679 Views, 126 Comments

Mane Mothers - MASTERMIND360

For getting kidnapped many times by the Dazzlings, Sunset was being treated like a kid by her own friends because of their paranoia through their mom act, to protect her. But this leads to madness.

  • ...


Later at night, a sleepover was held at Flutershy's house...

Pinkie Pie spins her fidget spinner on the ground, Sunset watches it amused.

"And that my friend is how fidget spinners work," Pinkie finished.

"I still find it funny that Sunset has no idea what a fidget spinner is," Rainbow snickered.

"Well, excuse me that we don't have phones, cars, and computers back in Equestria," Sunset objected, "All we need to rely on in my homeworld is our magic. We used our magic for everyday activities."

"But here we can't even use our powers every day because it will give us a crazy energetic boost," Twilight added.

"Yes indeed," Sunset agreed.

Until then, Pinkie's pinkie sense is tingling and she can tell Sunset has got something, and she knows what it is.

"Sunset, sweetie, my pinkie sense is telling me that you have plush toys," Pinkie confirmed.

Sunset beamed up, "Oh yes! I do!" She unzips her black bag, "It's all in here!"

Rainbow snickered again, "Plush toys?"

"Ha! Childish...." Pinkie muttered, and then she picks up her own toy, Gummy, "Now tell me, Gummy; is Sunset too old for plush toys?" she asked her toy, "Yes, yes she is," Pinkie said in a mocking tone.

"Why should I be worried about anyone thinking that I'm too old for plush toys?" Sunset asked, "Who cares what they think about it? The last time I have toys is back when I was Princess Celestia's special student, but I lost interest in my old toys when I began to focus more on magic. Speaking of which, I have new plush toys that remind me so much about you girls! Of our friendship!"

"Oh really? That sounds beautiful, darling," Rarity said.

"Sure it is," Sunset replied, digging out her toys from her bag, "Say hello to... Princess Twilight Sparkle!" She pulled out a plush toy of the Princess of Friendship.

Twilight had her jaw dropped, "Wait whaaaattt???"

Rainbow blinked her eyes, "Okay, now that is weird," Rainbow commented.

Sunset continued digging, "And here we have Rarity the lady!" She pulled a plush toy of Rarity's pony counterpart, "The element of Generosity!"

"Darling, when you said you have toys that reminded you of us, I never thought you literally mean it," Rarity said.

"And here is Applejack!" Sunset pulls out a pony version of Applejack, "The element of-" but the plush's hat falls off, Sunset stops and puts it back on its head, "The element of Honesty!" she continued, and she pulls out a pony Rainbow Dash plush toy, "Rainbow Dash! The element of loyalty!"

"It may be pretty weird but I look cool as a pony plush toy," Rainbow said.

"And here we have the Element of Kindness!" Sunset announced, showing them a plush toy of equestrian Fluttershy, "Fluttershy!" And then she pulls out the plush of the pony version of her pink friend, "And this the Element of Laughter, Pinkie Pie!" She announced. "But wait, there's one more," she grabs something in her bag again and pulls out a plush toy of herself in her old pony form, "Me." She let out a cheeky grin.

Fluttershy looked over the plush toy of her pony self, "I remember that I looked like this back during the spring," she recalled.

Pinkie grabs the plush toy of her pony self, "So tell me, pony me; is Sunset playing with you often?" she asked playfully, "Sadly, no, she hasn't," Pinkie dramatically gasps at Sunset, "You didn't play with them?! How could you?! That's it, you need some of that "Pinkie discipline"!" And she grabs Gummy, "And with a little help of Gummy of course." She playfully smirks at Sunset.

And then what happens next is that she tackles Sunset to the ground, and then used Gummy and the plush toy to tickle her. Sunset laughed like a child, begging Pinkie to stop but Pinkie continues. She giggles slightly as she continues to tickle Sunset.

"Wait! Pinkie, stop!" Sunset laughed, trying to resist but Pinkie just tickles her with the toys,

"Don't tell me to stop!" Pinkie laughed, "Tell these two to stop!"

"O-Okay!" Sunset now has tears in her eyes, she's getting tired but she's enjoying this, "Pinkie Pie! Gummy! Stop!"

"Only if you promised to play them next time," Pinkie mocked in Gummy's voice.

Sunset laughed even more but eventually, she gives up, "Okay! I Will! I promise! No, Pinkie promise!"

Pinkie stops and places the toys on the ground, Sunset was breathing heavily but still wears that big smile on her face. Even her tears of her laughter instantly become dry.

"Now that's what I want to hear," Pinkie said, "You Pinkie promise?"

Sunset nodded, "I Pinkie promise... mommy Pinkie," she giggles.

"I don't know if anyone saw that but did Pinkie's toy just moved by itself while she's tickling Sunset?" Twilight pointed out, feeling creeped out. She can't be wrong, right?

"Is better not to question more about Pinkie Pie," Rainbow told her, pretty annoyed.

Applejack yawned, "Anyway, ah don't want to ruin yer fun but we have to get some sleep for school tomorrow. Besides, we have to explain ourselves to Principal Celestia ever since the ball incident."

Rainbow scratched the back of her head, "Oh, yeah... that," she turned to Sunset, "Did we do a bad job protecting you?"

Sunset nodded, "Yes, Rainbow, you guys have," she pointed up, "Although, you did save me, so I'll give you that."

Rarity yawned as well, "Darlings, can we get some sleep now?" She asked tiredly.

So then, Fluttershy closed the lights just as the girls lay down in their sleeping bags. Sunset sleeps with Fluttershy in her own bed, while hugging the Princess Twilight Sparkle plush toy. Tomorrow's going to be a long day...

The next day at school, the Rainbooms went into Principal Celestia's office. They explained everything to her since the ball incident, and when they are done, Celestia looks, pretty much disappointed.

"So, let me get this straight," Principal Celestia recalled, pinching the bridge of her nose. Her sister, Vice Principal Luna stood beside her, her arms crossed, Celestia glared at the girls, "You girls went all the "motherly" act on Sunset, using extreme measures in keeping her safe from the Dazzlings who were always out for her for the knowledge to take over Sunset's homeworld, by having her attend school inside of a "hamster" ball and we all know how that turned out."

Twilight hesitantly answered, "Well, yes. It was meant to make sure she's completely safe."

Vice Principal Luna stepped in, "May I need to remind you Twilight Sparkle that Canterlot High School is a public School. And the word, "public" means that a criminal can't get away with crimes when there are witnesses. Also, here we have a lot of witnesses that will immediately report to us, especially if the Dazzlings come here and strike."

Twilight stops. She knew Luna have a point, and there's no arguing at that one.

"But we didn't think of that," Twilight said.

"You didn't think of how your actions can not only affect Sunset but others as well," Celestia pointed out very strictly. "I get you girls are willing to take responsibility for your actions but it doesn't change what happens to the ball incident a few days ago. While whatever you do outside of school is out of my jurisdiction, I find this "mom" act of yours is disturbing, so behavior like this can't be tolerated here in my school. I'd suggest you girls stop this mom act or at least tone it down or otherwise, someone will have the wrong idea about you girls. It's bad enough we have to deal with magic threats but now antics from all of you? Do I make myself clear?"

The Rainbooms nodded, knowing that she was right.

"Now," Celestia continued. "I heard complaints from your teachers and fellow classmates that you outright refused to remove that ball, and to be honest, I should've done something instead of just ignoring it in a span of one day. I'm very sorry."

Sunset nodded, "It's alright, Principal Celestia," she replied genuinely.

"But Principal Celestia, I covered for her," Rarity said.

"Yes, you did, and I appreciated it," Celestia replied. "But still, of you girls, minus Sunset, must still get punished."

"Why not her?" Rainbow gestured to Sunset.

"Well, you would be right," Celestia explained, "Sunset would still get punished despite shrugging off the fact how silly the ball was. But after realizing how you girls are responsible for putting her in that mess in the first place, I say she gets scoff free."

"Fair enough, but I should be the one who should be punish for not looking after her," Rainbow insisted.

Celestia nodded. "Yes, Dash, but you girls except Sunset will still have detention for a few weeks."

"A few weeks?" Applejack was surprised, "Ain't that a bit much?"

Sunset stepped in, "But Principal Celestia, with mommy Applejack, Twilight, Fluttershy, and others in detention, what am I going to do? Without mommy Rainbow Dash on the pitch, who's going to help us break Crystal Prep's Gem Formation and their Jewel Defense?"

"Did you just call your friends "moms"?" Celestia asked but then stopped herself from asking, getting tired of these childish antics from the girls, "If you really want your "moms" so much, I suggest you wait for them when exited that detention room. Does it sound easy to Sunset?"

But Sunset just sighs, crossing her arms like a little kid.

Hours later, the school day was over. But not over for the students when it comes to extracurricular after-school activities, and then the girls' detention time. In a few weeks, they'll spend two hours in the detention room, sure, the girls knew they brought this to themselves and two hours is worth the wait. But with her friends being in detention, Sunset got bored, especially its 2-hour detention. That's not helping either.

"I am so boooorreed...." Sunset whined, leaning against the wall, and slid down. She sits down and looks up at the ceiling, "Maybe if I count to 2 hours, then time will finally pass. This is genius! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...."

Almost a minute later

"57, 58, 59, 60...." she finished counting, and then she let out a whining moan, "This is hopeless!" she complained. "I am going nowhere with this!" She then realizes something, she pulls out her Princess Twilight plush toy from her satchel, "If Twilight and Fluttershy can smuggle their pets into school, then why can't I smuggle you guys here?"

"Maybe because toys were obviously not allowed in this school, Sunset," Sunset said in a mocking tone of Twilight's voice.

Sunset scoffed, "Please, Angel and Spike have been Twilight and Fluttershy's hands most of the time, especially during school," she pulls out the pony Fluttershy plush toy, "So tell me, Fluttershy, how do you excatly smuggle animals into school? Because I am likely to get caught even faster."

"Just keep them hidden until you went in a perfect spot in this school," Sunset said in Fluttershy's voice.

Sunset snapped her friends, "That's perfect! I should find that spot now! Although, let's hide you guys first before someone sees us, and that would be really awkward."

"Too late," a voice told her, she turned to her right to see Wallflower, "I've been watching you since you started counting. If you want privacy to play with your "toys" I suggest going to the janitor's room," Wallflower suggested.

"Oh cool!" Sunset said, she puts her toys back in her satchel and runs off, "Thanks, Wallflower!"

Sunset makes her to the janitor's room. She finally arrives and begins to turn the doorknob, it's locked.

"Aw, heck it's locked," Sunset said, and then she shrugged, "Oh, well, I'm sure there are more hiding spots. But I think it's better if we can get some fresh air first. Oh! We can practice to break Crystal Prep's Gem formation and break through their Jewel Defense," she pulls out her pony Rainbow Dash plush toy, "What do you say, Dash?"

"Heck yeah! Let's go!"

"Sweet!" Sunset exclaimed excitedly.

Sunset headed outside to the school's football field, she was holding pony Rainbow and Applejack plushies with both of her hands.

"I am keeping my eyes sharp as much as I could muster," Sunset said, looking around her surroundings, being wary as possible. "I don't want Adagio to come back here and start off another early kickoff."

She places her plushies on the bench, Sunset looked at them with a smile, "Now, watch me figure out how to stop Crystal Prep's doozy formations and their impenetrable defense."

She was on the pitch, she puts her foot on the ball, "Now, Crystal Prep's Gem formation is basically them shapeshift into random informations we can never figure it out, and their Gem defense is basically like a shape of a gem or something. Even if we can never figure it out, our last resort is my signature move; The Shimmer Spinner."

So, Sunset imagines herself being outnumbered by Crystal Prep players, so with that, she'll be able to get the action going. So Sunset kicks the ball to her front, heading towards the goal, and jumps over Indigo's slide tackle, she was immediately marked by Sugarcoat and Sunny Flare, but then Sunset immediately does her signature move; The Shimmer Spinner. Basically, Sunset spins up to maximum rate to the point that she looked like a raging tornado. So, Sunset breeze through the two imaginary midfielders.

She jumps high, avoiding Lemon Zest and Sour Sweet, while in mid-air, Sunset kicks the ball to the goal. She lands on her feet and celebrates.

"Woohoo!" Sunset cheered, running around the field. "Now that's what I'm talking about!" She turned to her plush toys, "What do you guys think?" But then again, toys don't talk, so Sunset takes that as a yes, "Thank you! But we still got a lot of hard work to do."

So in the next 20 minutes, Sunset continues working on her signature move and tried numerous strategies by herself to push through Crystal Prep's tough defense. Sunset used her imagination again, so she jumps over Indigo with style, she dashes her way to the goal, she moves left and right to avoid Lemon Zest and Sugarcoat's slide tackle, and used her Shimmer Spinner to breeze through Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet. To make things more fun for herself, she added ninjas, dinosaurs, alien UFOs, cannons, zombies, and most of all, the past villains she and her friends beat in the past. Now she's gonna beat them all!

So Sunset moves quickly, avoiding Indigo and Sunny Flare's slide tackle. Ninjas were zooming in, but Sunset avoid them with sharp and fast turns, she carries the ball with her feet and flips backward avoiding the shots from the cannons, she uses her signature move to breeze through the zombies and avoids the UFO's beam thingy to prevent from being "abducted" by aliens. She slides tackles underneath the dinosaurs. Now, is the past villains, she shoots the ball to Post Crush's time twirler and speeds up quickly to get the ball back to her feet. She rapidly turns left and right to avoid the Storm King's lightning attacks, she slides on the ground to avoid Vignette's phone flash and Wallflower's memory stone beam, she jumps even higher to dodge Juniper Montage's magic mirror attack. She lands on her feet and keeps moving, she zooms through and miraculously passed Gloriosa's monster form, Midnight Sparkle moves upfront to her but Sunset kicks the ball high, she jumps, and went upside down, catches the ball with her feet and lands with her hands and did a front flip. She uses her awesome tornado move again to bypass the Dazzling's monstrous forms.

Sunset stops in mid-action to see who's guarding the goal, her old self. The She-Demon. However, though, all of this was just all of Sunset's imagination, so she smirked and kicks the ball as hard as she can. In her imagination, the ball flew like a bazooka and it blew the daylights out of her demon self just as the ball hits at the back of the net.

Sunset cheered loudly than she could ever cheer, and then she instantly went all fatigue, "Okay, okay," Sunset panted, "Now I need a break."

Sunset sits back to the bench where her plush toys are waiting, she grabs pony Rarity and Pinkie Pie plushies from her satchel.

"Yep, you two saw that," Sunset said to Rainbow and Applejack plushies, "That was epic!" She turned to the Rarity and Pinkie Pie plushes, "You girls should've seen that but don't worry, I got more tricks up in my sleeves," she let out a long sigh, "I never used my crazy imaginations, not ever since when I was a filly, back when I was with Princess Celestia."

She also brings out Princess Twilight and Fluttershy plushies, "When I said you guys reminded me of my actual friends, I mean literally. It may be pretty weird to have plush toys that look exactly like your friends' pony counterparts, but who cares if people think it's weird? It's too bad when my actual friends were in the detention, and I'm out here waiting for them without anything to do. How about it would be more fun if we see something good inside the school? Let's head on over there."

She puts her toys back in her satchel and quickly makes her way back inside the school, "Let's make this quick or the Dazzlings might possibly be watching and I'll be doomed."

Inside the art room, Sunset placed down the Pinkie Pie plush toy on the chair.

"I am the best artist in this school, I might have been accepted into art college," Sunset said, holding the paint and a paintbrush, "but I believe there are more options," she focused on her work. "Now what should I paint?" And then a lightbulb turns on, "I got it!"

She then paints a portrait of Pinkie's pony counterpart pretty quickly, it was neatly detailed and perfect as well. She showed it to the Pinkie plush toy. "So what do you think?" Again, toys don't talk but Sunset still takes that as a yes, even though she knew her paintings were always perfect. "Now, let's make some more."

So, in the next minutes, Sunset draws each portrait of her friends in their pony counterparts, and for the last, it's going to be perfect. So Sunset brings out the rest of her plush toys puts them beside the Pinkie plushie, and then begins her last work.

After a while, she's done and steps aside to show them her work, "And here it is! My specialty!" She announced.

The last portrait was Sunset Shimmer and her friends, sitting together on a grassy field, holding each of the plushies of their equestrian counterparts.

"The thing with the plushies of my friends' pony versions may be weird but c'mon, you see this, this, this is beautiful!" Sunset said.

And if we look around her, she's made a little mess on half of the room, "Okay, I admit, I've been making a little bit of mess but no big, I clean this up. I just have to put all my hard work aside and I'll start cleaning."

After she does that, Sunset spent most of her time cleaning up the mess she made in the art room, after a while, she wipes her sweat off her forehead and was satisfied with her job.

"Now, that was done, let's go to the library!" Sunset announced, she picks up her plushies put them back in her satchel, and left the room.

Inside the library, most of her schoolmates were spending their time reading, Sunset was at the far back of the library, sitting in the chair, with 3 books and the Princess Twilight plushie on the table. She opens the first book and it's a math book.

"So, tell me, Twilight, what was actually the answer to 9+10?" And she grabs the plush toy, "19," Sunset playfully scoffed, "It's not 19 you goofball, it's 21."

"No, Sunset, the correct is 19."

"Or not," Sunset retorted to the plushie.

"Or to."

"Or not."

"Or to."

"Or not." Sunset continued but stops, "Okay, then, how about you let me prove it to you?"

Sunset grabs one sheet of bond paper and begins writing 9+10 and then they wrote the answer; 21 and showed it to plushie Twilight. "How about this? This is correct, right?"

"Hhmm, nah, still wrong."

"Oh c'mon!" Sunset exaggerated, "I just showed you, this is the correct answer!"

"Miss Shimmer," upon hearing Mrs. Cherilee's voice, Sunset panicked and hide her toy underneath the table. She turned around to face the stern teacher, "I do hope you knew this is a library, not a place to make such a fuss."

"Oh, o-o-of course not, Mrs. Cherliee," Sunset stuttered.

Mrs. Cherilee just glared at her, she has her suspicions but she decided not to push further, "Okay, just keep it down will you?"

Sunset nodded, "Sure, but anyways, I have to get going!" Sunset quickly runs away, leaving the teacher in the dust.

"It's wartime!" Sunset announced loudly.

She's in the school gym, she has set up small barricades from the left and right side of the gym, her plush toy, pony Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and her pony self were at the left barricade while the pony Princess Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy were at the right. Sunset positioned herself on the right.

"It's time to fight!" Sunset shouted, throwing a small baseball to the opposite side, and it directly hit her own plush pony self. "That's one down!"

She rushed to the other side and throws it all the way back, and it hits Fluttershy, "Oof! That hurts a lot but they're gonna get their vengeance soon enough!"

Sunset runs back to her original position and throws the ball to Rarity, and she runs back there, "The laydee is down! I repeat, the laydee is down! Time for payback!" She picks up the ball and throws it, and it hits Pinkie Pie. And she runs back there again, "We are losing, Princess! Failure it's not an option, we must," she held out two baseballs while wearing a playful grin on her face, "improvised."

She throws two balls at the opposite side but it didn't hit them. Sunset growled and then throws another pair of baseballs and one of them hits, Applejack. And the last plush toy is Rainbow Dash, Sunset playfully grins and throws directly at the toy. And it fell off the barricade and lay down along with the rest of the plushies.

"We won!" Sunset cheered and grabs Princess Twilight plushie, "We did it, Princess! I told yah that we can win this battle to the death by improvising!" She continues celebrating until she notices the volleyball team, Octavio, Lyra, Bon Bon, and Derpy watching her, awkwardly, Sunset's cheer died down, and quickly grabs her stuff and moves out, leaving the team dumbfounded.

Sunset ran as fast as she could until she gets tired, she stop for a moment to catch a breather.

"They can't see the whole thing, right?" Sunset asked herself, feeling a bit anxious to see her in the act. "Great," she groaned, "I should've followed Wallflower's suggestion had not that janitor room been locked. But... Fluttershy said I should hide them until I found a perfect place in this school," she turned to her left to see a classroom, and the door was unlocked. Sunset smirked playfully. "Perfect...."

"Finally, after two hours in detention, ah can't wait to check up on Sunset," Applejack said as she and her friends walked through the hallways.

"Twilight, darling, are you sure you confirmed that Sunset was still here?" Rarity asked her friend, pretty skeptical.

"I pinpoint the location of her phone," Twilight replied, showing her the location on her cellphone. "See? The location is somewhere around this school, so that means Sunset is still here."

"Unless those Dazzlings somehow sneak their way in here, kidnapped her again, and left her phone around in this school just in case if they're being traced," Rainbow speculated.

"I don't want to think about it," Twilight said, "But that might be a possibility. Let's just go to this location just to be sure."

As they get closer, Twilight's phone beeps like crazy just as they're getting close to the supposed location. But before they can check anywhere, they crossed paths with Principal Celestia.

"Oh, girls," Celestia said, "I am pretty sure your detention is over for the day, correct?"

Rarity nodded, "Certainly, Principal Celestia," Rarity answered, "And we are looking for Sunset."

Celestia's face grew strict, "Oh, yes, recently, I've been receiving reports that your friend, Sunset Shimmer is reported to go around the school holding seemingly, what, plushies that looked oddly like all of you girls in some way." And then they heard laughter inside a classroom, Celestia turns her right to the door, "And I think we found her."

Celestia opens the door and she and the girls couldn't believe what she was, they say is that all of the chairs were built together as some sort of fort, Sunset was inside of it, playing with her plushies. However, her fun is over when she sees Principal Celestia and her friends catch her in the act. Sunset's smile faded and her cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

Celestia groans in annoyance and facepalms, "The last time that I had to tolerate such childish behavior is Pinkie Pie. And now Sunset?"

Rainbow Dash just snickered.

Sunset enters a classroom the next day, and her friends are waiting for her.

"Finally, glad to see you, joining us in this detention," Rainbow remarked.

"Oh shut up, Rainbow Dash," Sunset replied, sitting in between Twilight and Applejack.

"So Sunset," Twilight started, "Earlier Principal Celestia wants to have a word with you, alone. What did she say?"

Sunset then explained, "Well, she told me that my punishment is to join you girls in a few weeks detention. It sucks."

Pinkie Pie pops up behind her, "It may suck, but at least we're all together! And you were never captured!"

Sunset chuckled, "You're right, oh! Speaking of which," she digs into her satchel and brings her plushies, "Principal Celestia even let me take my plushies with me in school for detention. You know, since we can all play together."

"Well, that was a small win at least," Fluttershy said.

"But I still find it pretty weird when you have plushies that looked oddly like us in Equestria," Rainbow commented, but then she shrugged it off. "But whatever, give me me," Sunset tosses Rainbow Dash plush toy to her, "Why, hello there little buddy."

"I know what we should do!" Sunset suggested excitedly, "Let's use these chairs and build us a fort!"

"Now that's more like it!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Twilight shrugged, "Count me in."

Author's Note:

That took me some time but I did! If you want to know what Sunset's Shimmer Spinner was about, then let me tell you, the move was inspired by my favorite cartoon character; Twisting Tiger from Supa Strikas.

This is him and how does it.

I like inspiration! They help a lot but I don't mean copy and paste or anything like that. Anyway, I hope the part with Celestia disciplines the girls may make up for what happened in the hamster ball chapter, and, I'm really sorry for that, I hope I've done something to make up for it.

Can't wait to see you again! :twilightsmile: