• Published 4th Feb 2022
  • 1,166 Views, 55 Comments

Monster Inside - Penguin17203

Starlight's old collectables are delivered to Twilight's castle, among them is a dusty Starswirl The Bearded scroll. One that transports her into a different dimension.

  • ...

Plan For Revenge

"Woah, lady, relax! Uh... me and mah brother, w-we... we were just wonderin' if y'all could help us out." One of the men said. This one was wearing a black sweater, carrying a gasoline can and the other one was wearing a blue polo shirt; a hunting rifle strapped around his torso.

"I said back off!" Carley shouted immediately afterwards. The one wearing the polo shirt had his hands up, showing they meant no harm.

"I think you two better turn back the way you came! There's nothing here for you!" Starlight interjected.

"Starlight..." Twilight warned.

"What? We don't know these people."

"Yeah but they said they needed help."

"So? Did you not see what just happened a few moments ago?" Starlight folded her arms, a frown on her face.

"That's got nothing to do with this, we don't even know what they need and you already shoving them off." Twilight rebutted. This was getting ridiculous, these two strangers haven't done anything and already we were treating them with hostility. They may be part of a larger community, one that had food for all they knew.

"Look, we don't want any trouble." Lee said.

"Yeah, w-we don't either. M-mah brother and ah were just hopin' for some gas." The man replied, leaving the group with an open ended question.

"What do you need the gas for?" Twilight curiously inquired, not seeing a vehicle in sight.

The man's brother spoke this time. "This place we stay at? It's a dairy, protected by a fence that runs on electricity! The generators need gas for it to work!"

"So, as you can see, we need gas!" His brother added. "Look, ah think we might've gotten off on the wrong foot here. Ah'm Andy. Andy St. John and this is mah brother Dan. Are you fellas willin' to do a trade?"

"How're y'all doin' on food? W-we got plenty at the Dairy." Dan added, the one wearing the polo shirt.

A slight sense of relief passed through Twilight when she heard that they had food. Luckily, they didn't scare these people off when they first saw them. So distrustful against strangers that they don't even realize they could be great assets.

The mention of food spiked everyone's attention even the ones who had their rations. Most of the group didn't know whether or not to trust them but if they actually had food, they needed it. Twilight, in fact, didn't trust them but it wasn't to the point of blatantly ignoring them; like Lilly and Starlight.

"Enough for all of us?" Applejack inquired.

"A-ah... ah think so. Like, mah brother said, we got plenty. You give us gas and we'll give you some food. That sound fair?" Andy answered.

Twilight and Lee exchanged a knowing look to one another. "What do you think?" He asked, folding his arms.

"I think we should go, see what they got." Starlight interjected and continued when she saw Lilly's gaze. "A few of us, I mean." She elaborated. "If they have food, we'll take some back with us and we need the food."

"Yeah, plus if they're telling the truth and everything works out, this will end up being extremely beneficial for us in the long term." Twilight added. "We may be able to establish some sort of ongoing offer."

"Don't get your hopes up, we don't even know if they really do have food." Lilly said.

"That's why I said a few of us should go. Not the whole group." Starlight reminded.

"Seems like a good plan to me," Lee said.

After a few moments of thinking it over, Lilly sighed through her nose. "Alright, why don't you take Mark and Applejack and check this place out?" She suggested.

"I'll go as well." Carley volunteered.

"So, uh, what're y'all thinkin'?" Andy inquired, awaiting their response.

"We agree." Twilight answered. "A few of our members will bring some gas to your dairy but we're expecting food in return."

"That's fair, coupl'a gallons should power one of our generators for a while."

"Just give us a second and we'll be on our way out."

"I'm all set, ready when you guys are." Carley said, only needing her pistol.

Everyone went back to tend to their own thing while Lee, Mark, Applejack and Carley were preparing to leave. Mark left to fill one of the gas cans up. Carley was saying her 'goodbyes' to Doug.

Applejack found herself staring at the recently deceased Mr. Parker. She's noticed, compared to all the members in the group; her strikes, kicks, whenever she threw a punch was practically ten times more powerful than everyone else's. Pinkie's too. Although, it was a rare occasion.

There had been a time where Pinkie Pie had to defend herself against a walker. It would surprisingly easy for her, kicking to the ground and squashing the skull to mush.

"Applejack?" Twilight called, shaking her out of her thoughts.

"Hm? Yeah?"

"Just... be careful, alright?"

She nodded. "Ah'll be fine, Twi. There's four of us and only two of them."

"That's not what I meant, they seem friendly enough. All they need is gas."

"Yes, they seem friendly and I admire your compassion but how do we know it's not just a ploy?" Rarity came over, her arms folded.

"What could they could want? We don't even have food. I don't think they're gonna do anything."

"Yeah! They could be our new friends too." Pinkie suddenly interjected, startling them.

"Still... we don't know if they're telling the truth."

"It's crazy about what Ben told us, huh?" Pinkie inquired, looking around at the reactions of her friends.

Applejack nodded. "Yeah, ah mean when Lee said that we were 'all infected' did he mean we were too?"

Twilight sighed. "I don't know but let's just make sure none of us are gonna find out."

"I don't plan to," Rarity replied, grimly.

They all nodded in agreement.

Ben walked over to Lee who was still standing by the fence, waiting for everyone to be done. "H-hey, uh, I-I was wondering if I could come along too."

Lee raised a brow. "You wanna go?"

"Y-yeah, I mean if you let me of course. Y-you guys did save me and I want to help."

Lee wasn't sure if he should bring the kid along. He seemed too nervous and didn't know much about him and who knew how it would go if they ended up getting into a fight. "A-are you sure you want to come along?"

"Y-yeah positive!" Ben said with a small smile.

Lee was going to sigh but held it in. "Alright, if that's what you want."

Everyone who was leaving came over, Mark carrying the gasoline can. "Are we ready?" Carley asked.

"Yeah, let's do it."

As they were moving the dumpster out of the way, Mark noticed Ben trailing close behind. "You coming too, kid?"

"Y-yeah, I wanna help out since you guys helped me."

"You sure?" Applejack asked.

"Yes, I'm sure." Ben said, becoming a tad bit irritated.

"So, this dairy... you guys really have food?" Mark asked the St. John brothers as they were trailed through the woods.

"Oh Celestia..." Applejack muttered to herself, she, Carley and Lee were a bit further behind. "Ah hope they actually have food for us, really gotta eat."

"Didn't you already have your rations?" Carley asked.

"A piece 'a jerky ain't a meal."

"I hope they have food too." Lee replied, walking in sync with her and Carley.

"You think we might bump in Rainbow and Fluttershy out 'ere?" She inquired, looking at the nearby trees surrounding them.

Lee's brow furrowed and suddenly he wasn't just hungry but also worried about the two. Not to mention, he lied about Rainbow wanting to hunt for more food. "Maybe. They've been gone quite a while. They could on they're on their way back." He said, hoping that it was actually true.

"Yeah, hopefully..." Applejack trailed off.

"It's nice to get away from that motel for a while. With Lilly and Starlight always screaming at Kenny. It's just really irritating to listen to and you don't make it any easier, either." Carley said, throwing a knowing look at Applejack.

"Me? How?"

"You and Rarity always get into a debate with those two. Personally, I'd prefer it if you were to take charge for a while." She turned to look at Lee. "You and Twilight."

"Ah agree with that. Both of y'all would make great leaders. If not you then Twilight definitely would." Applejack said with a confident smile. Twilight always did have a good strategic plan for whenever she went out on supply runs.

"I... suppose... She does have the best ideas when it comes to planning and getting everything organized but me? Eh, not everyone thinks I'm trustworthy." Lee replied.

"Because of your past?"

Applejack frowned, now curious. "Did somethin' happened?"

"I'd rather talk about it, at least not now. No offense."

She nodded. "Naw, ah get it. It's personal."


"Hey, Applejack, what did you do before all this?" Carley asked, a few moments later.

"Worked on a farm."

Carley nodded. "Figured, you seem like the type. How's Larry working out?"

Applejack sighed. "Tirin', just wish ah had more time to sleep." She said, rubbing her eyes.

"I mean, thank god Lee showed up when he did. Right, Lee?" Mark inquired, speaking slightly louder and looking back at him.

"Yeah, why don't you tell us a little bit more about yourself, Lee?" Andy asked, he and brother slowing down to talk with him.

"Where you from?" Danny asked.

"I grew up in Macon." Lee casually answered.

"Right 'ere in the heart 'a Georgia. That's what ah like to hear!" Andy said, enthusiastically. "Y'all seem pretty settled in at the motor-inn, uh... who's runnin' things over there?"

"Uh, it's a bit of a democracy. We all look out for one another."

"You know, what you said about Twilight bein' the leader back at the motor-inn? Ah agree with ya. She's gotten us out of a jam more than once." Applejack said.

"I know, I mean, it's not really much of a discussion. I don't understand why she doesn't just take charge, I'd prefer her over Lilly or Kenny, any day and I'm sure it's not just me." Carley replied.

"Well, one thing's for sure, the group would be in good hands if she were in charge."

"I don't doubt it."

After a few moments, Lee was further now; speaking with the St. John brothers. "What do you think about them?" Applejack asked in a hushed voice, making sure they weren't going to hear her.

"I dunno, they seem like good people."

"Yeah, seem like it is one thing... but are they really?"

Carley looked at her. "Don't trust them?"

"Haven't known 'em long enough."

Suddenly, they heard rustling coming from their left; a distance away. At first, the group didn't think much of it, continuing on down the trail like nothing happened. That was until they grew louder which forced the group to stop.

A few moments passed, panting was heard right as a girl dashed out of the brushes; tripping over. Applejack quickly recognized her and ran over to help her up.

"Dash! You okay!?" She exclaimed as Carley brought out her pistol and the others followed suit; bringing out their own weapons.

Lee's brow furrowed and his concerned turned greater as he quickly caught on to the fact that Fluttershy wasn't going to come out of the brushes of leaves either.

"Dash, where's Fluttershy?" Applejack asked, in a stern but worried tone.

Rainbow Dash didn't say anything for a few seconds, her panting getting in the way and fists clenching.

"Fluttershy? Y'all have strange names, that's for sure." Andy commented to which everyone ignored.

"Dash?" Applejack said, more stern this time.

After a few moments of Rainbow catching her breath, she finally answered; a dark look strewn across her face. "She..." she sighed, slowly shaking her head. "S-sh... urgh! She ran off!" Rainbow nearly shouted.

Applejack paused for a moment. "What...? What do ya mean she 'ran off'?"

"I mean exactly that! She ran off! Are you deaf!?" Rainbow snapped.

Applejack took a step back, her friend's furious but shameful gaze directed at her. She glanced at the others behind her, all looking just as concerned as she was.

"...But I... I-I did see her though..." Rainbow admitted.

"And you didn't think to go after her!?"

"Y-you see, that's the thing. I-I couldn't, wanna know why? Because, she was captured by bandits!"


Andy and Danny shared a look with each other but kept silent.

"Yeah! Bandits!" Rainbow walked over to the rest of the group. "Wearing masks, had guns, tents! A camp! I couldn't go after her!" She shook her rifle at them. "No ammo either."

"Was she still alive?" Lee asked, now alarmed about bandits being in the area.

"Yeah... she was..." Rainbow shamefully answered, her head slightly hanging and not wanting to think about the possibilities of what may be happening to her.

"Alright, do you remember where?"

"Woah, wait, hold on now. Have y'all thought this through?" Andy suddenly interjected to which Rainbow spontaneously responded.

"Yeah! I have thought this through! Who the hay are you anyway!?" Her eyes darting between the brothers.

"They're the St. Johns. We... just met but they say they have a dairy farm full of food." Lee explained.

"We were just on our way there now," Danny said.

"Oh, well great but I'm not focused on that, I'm focused on trying to get my friend back!"

"And we're more than willin' to help you out but seriously... think about this for a second." Andy said, trying to convince the hothead. "You said they had guns, right? Well, not all of us do and we're carryin' gas. Listen, you help us get the gas back to the dairy and we'll hand over any firepower we got. We'll go out and search for your friend? That sound fair?"

"You have the guns?" Applejack asked, more than ready to storm through the woods for these 'bandits'.

"More than enough for all of us, that's for sure," Danny answered, leaving Andy to nod.

"'Cuz right now, we are not prepared for a firefight," Andy reasoned.

Rainbow had already wasted enough time blindly flying through these woods, trying to get back to the motor-inn; the amount of detours she was taking was just wasting time! She grunted. "Alright fine! whatever! We get to this farm, get our guns then go out and find Fluttershy, yeah!?"

The rest of the group agreed while Ben was more reluctant. Rainbow can recall seeing a handful of those bandits back at that camp, perhaps around seven; most of them armed. At least, she was finally back with the group; now the next step was to take the fight to them. Something that Rainbow was more than willing to do.