• Published 4th Feb 2022
  • 1,166 Views, 55 Comments

Monster Inside - Penguin17203

Starlight's old collectables are delivered to Twilight's castle, among them is a dusty Starswirl The Bearded scroll. One that transports her into a different dimension.

  • ...

Rescue Mission

"Is there anything that I can do to help?" Starlight asked as she approached Kenny at the counter; over by the right corner of the pharmacy. The stall sold sodas, it was most likely out of order now. That was unfortunate, she could've used the drink.

She had managed to calm Trixie down a few moments ago. By Celestia, it was strenuous process. Starlight even felt somewhat exhausted after it. Trixie was, by all means heated with the fact that they were stranded on this world; believing that they would never make it back home.

Starlight needed to bring up the fact that even if they were stranded, she wouldn't be alone. It was enough to stop her from raising her voice but she was still a tad bit agitated.

"Umm, not at the moment. Glenn's out lookin' for supplies at a nearby motor-inn and Lee's still lookin' for Larry's medicine." Kenny frowned. "By the way, name's Kenny and that's Katjaa and Duck." He gestured to his family, sitting on the stools on the other side of the counter.

Starlight was still caught off guard by how strange those names sounded but then again, this was another universe after all. There was bound to be some differences but the humans also spoke the same language they did which was... very coincidental; at least to her. "Oh, I'm Starlight Glimmer," she blurted out.

Kenny merely stared at her while Katjaa and Duck were puzzled. Okay, perhaps telling them my name was a dumb a idea... .

"Starlight... Glimmer?" Kenny repeated incredulously.

"Uh yeah, that's my name." She was just gonna go with it, no point backtracking now.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you... Starlight," Katjaa spoke, thankfully. She seemed more welcoming than her husband who didn't seem to like her at all.

"You have a funny name," The boy suddenly said and her eyes darted toward him.

"Duck, you shouldn't say things like that." His mother scoldingly said.

"But it does."

"I don't care, you should show some manners."

"I-it's fine. I know that my name does sound a little... weird." What a thing to say, saying your own name sounds weird. If anything, their names sound weird.

Kenny sighed. "Where were y'all headed anyway? Just move into town or somethin'?"

"Oh, uh... honestly? We were just exploring the area." Starlight explained, deliberately skipping over the inter-dimensional travel part.

He chuckled. "You guys picked the worst time to go road trippin'. Where y'all from anyway? You guys come from up north or somethin'?"

"Umm... y-yeah. Yeah, we're from up north. We just arrived here like a-a few days ago but, yeah. So far, this place is great. Yes, the monsters roaming around, the buildings that are destroyed? All looks astonishing. It's a real breath taker!" Her sarcasm didn't go unnoticed by Kenny.

He scoffed. "If only y'all had gotten here week ago..."

Fluttershy's eyes slowly crept open, her vision being met by the pharmacy roof.

"Hey, sugarcube." The girl turned to her left, spotting Applejack with a worrisome look on her face. "Y'okay?"

It took a moment for her to respond, having just woken up. "U-umm... I-I think so... what hap-" She abruptly stopped in the middle of her sentence when recent events suddenly came back into her mind. The... monsters she saw. "I-is... is everyone okay?" Fluttershy looked up at the farmer. "The girls?" She gingerly brought herself to sat up as she looked around the store.

"Yeah, they're all okay." Applejack stood to the side, gesturing to the numerous spots their friends were. Trixie was still standing by the restroom, bouncing her feet. Rarity and Rainbow were by the door talking to the one known as Doug and Starlight was speaking to Kenny and his family. "No one's hurt or nothin'." She said, turning back at her.

She felt a sense of relief when heard Applejack's answer but still those monsters were still roaming around outside. "T-that's good." She then frowned when she noticed the set of new faces around the store. Her eyes landed on a certain old man with a considerably much younger woman with brunette hair gently rubbing his back. "W-what's the matter with him?"

The farmer turned to where she was looking at. "Oh, he... got a heart attack ah think that's what it was..." She trailed off but almost immediately, the usually timid girl was off her hind quarters and went over to the man.

Applejack didn't really know why she was surprised, this was Fluttershy after all. It was second nature for her to want to help others who were hurt or injured.

She sighed, not knowing what to do with herself. All she was really doing was waiting for Fluttershy to wake up and now that's happened, Applejack had nothing else to do but to just stand there; staring at practically nothing.

Twilight said she would try and figure out a way to get them all home but until then, all Applejack could do was wait.

Trixie walked over to the counter where Carley was. She was fiddling with a strange rectangular device and she wore an irritated expression. "Hello?"

The reporter gasped and turned, startled. "Geez, you scared me."

"Apologies." She said, condescendingly before gesturing to the device. "What's that?"

"A radio but I can't get it to work though." The reporter leaned her forearm against the counter.

"May I see it?"

"Knock yourself out."

Trixie looked at the radio for a few moments, examining it's contents before picking it up to fiddle with it herself. There was a button with the word "power" written on it. She pressed it a few times but nothing happened. The confusing part was the series of numbers and a scale. For what purpose? She had no clue.

She turned the object over. There wasn't much to tinker with, save for the long antenna and a small slot. It had two even stranger looking symbols. It appeared almost like a cylinder shape with a small notch at the end of it and they both had the negative and positive symbols inside them. She nearly gasped when she realized that something probably had to go into the slot in order for the device to work.

"Something's supposed to go in here... I think." Trixie held up the device for Carley, pointing at the slot.

"Oh." Carley mentally face palmed herself. "It needs batteries."

The magician raised a brow. "Huh?"

"Batteries. They're... things that make the radio work." Carley explained as best she could, she was no expert on technology. A very accurate description of a grandma not knowing how to work any device that required electricity.

"Huh, well in that case." Trixie handed the device back to Carley. She didn't even know what a radio was. The numbers on the thing barely made any sense; what were they even there for? And the only way to use it was to have batteries... something else Trixie had no concept of. "Good luck with that." She wasn't going to waste her time with that, it wasn't like it was going to help them get home anyway.

"Again, no. Can ya quit wastin' my time?" Kenny said, irritated by Twilight's questions.

"You're not even doing anything, so therefore there's no time to waste. Now, are you absolutely certain that there is no magic in this world?" Twilight's been making mental notes ever since the scroll was torn. There had to be something here that could get them home.

"Yeah, ah'm very fuckin' certain."

"Kenny, why don't you just relax? She's just asking questions." Katjaa interjected, throwing a disapproving look at her husband.

"Yeah, stupid questions."

"They're not stupid and at least I'm trying to figure out a way to get out of this mess. You on the other hand, you're just standing here." Twilight rebutted.

"Well, magic ain't gonna help. Why? Because there ain't no such things as spells or portals."

"Alright, you do whatever you want." Twilight dismissed by the wave of her hand and turned away. She looked around the store, for no particular reason really. She sighed before she noticing the door behind her that lead into the office. A place to think where there was no one around was exactly what she needed.

She turned and opened it to find Pinkie and Lee along with Clementine. She was sitting on top of a bulky table and Lee appeared to be doing something with her and Pinkie was fidgeting with something in her hands. "Pinkie?"

"Oh, hey Twilight!" Pinkie greeted her. Twilight saw the object in her hands, it was black but held a curved rectangular shape.

"What are you messing around with?" She eyed the contraption in Pinkie's hands.

Lee looked over his shoulder and saw the newcomer. He stood up from his position after he was done bandaging Clementine's bleeding finger and walked over to Twilight to greet her. "Hello." He offered a welcoming smile.

"Hi... I-I don't think we've met yet." Twilight extended her hand. "I'm Twilight Sparkle."

He gave her a weird look before he shrugged it off. He extended his own and shook hers. "I-I'm Lee."

"Nice to meet you."


"How do you get this thing to work?" Pinkie thrusted the device into Lee's face. "What was it called again?"

"A remote." He took the device known as the "remote" and aimed it at another object. It was bulky black box that sat atop of one of the taller cupboards. There also seemed to be glass stuck in the center, covering up a large proportion of the face of the box. Then it hit her, recalling back to when she arrived at Canterlot High, it was a television!

Lee clicked on one of the buttons of the remote and television came on. There was a blue light coming from behind the glass. "Yeah, that's what I-"

"How did you do that!?" Pinkie Pie abruptly said, bewildered. "Show me! Show me!"

"Well, that's all there is to do, you could switch through the channels but there isn't any signals." He gave the remote back to Pinkie before turning to Twilight. "Was there something you needed?"

"I actually just came in here to... think. Thought this room would be empty..." Twilight trailed off as she looked around the room.

"Needed some time alone?" Lee asked, almost soothingly.


He paused for a moment. "We were just about to head into back into the drug store. We came in here to try and get that door open." He gestured with the nod of his head. "But it was locked."

"Any particular reason?"

"Well, Larry needs the pills for his heart to help him calm down."

She frowned. "Who's Larry again?"

"The old grumpy asshole."

"Swear." Clementine suddenly interrupted.

"Sorry but yeah, that guy." Lee walked past her. "Anyway, we should head back into the store now."

Pinkie turned away from the T.V, at Lee. "Aren't we supposed to be getting the door open though?"

"It's locked, we'll have a look around the store. Maybe the keys is around there somewhere."

"Why don't we just kick it open?" Pinkie suggested as if she was about to actually carry out the act.

"Uh no. Don't do that, it'll attract walkers."

"Oh, right. The... walkers." Pinkie deflated slightly at the mention of them.

Lee waited for Clementine and Pinkie before turning to Clementine. "We'll let you have the room."

As he said that, Pinkie stopped and turned back at her friend. "You're not coming, Twilight?"

"Oh, no. You go ahead, I-I'm gonna stay in here for a bit." She looked off to the side.

"Oh well, have fun." With that, Pinkie left the room, followed by Clementine and then Lee; leaving her with a welcoming silence.

Lee closed the door behind him, giving Twilight some space...

He was confused at this point. It wasn't any of his business just as his conviction wasn't any of their business but these girls... he just couldn't help but wonder if they were okay, as in mentally okay. At this point, they all appeared to have some type of psychosis disorder. It was either that or they have a very wicked imagination.

Their dispute over a scroll was more than enough to help confirm the theory and their names... that was just icing on the cake. Fluttershy? Pinkie Pie? Now Twilight Sparkle? Lee only narrowed it down to two conclusions; one, they were all equally psychotic or two, they were all playing some weird fairy tale roleplaying game... and taking it very seriously.

Honestly, he didn't know which one was worse.

Static suddenly started coming from Clementine's walkie-talkie and a voice came through. "Hey there, uh this is Glenn and um I'm... kinda in a jam here." Clementine handed the talkie over to Lee.

"What's going on?" Starlight came over to Trixie who was standing on the other side of the counter, listening to Lee speak to Glenn.

"Stick around and you'll find out." Came Trixie's snarky answer.

Starlight rolled her eyes but said nothing.

"-hey Glenn, we're gonna talk it over and send a group out to come get ya, alright?" Lee assured.

"Awesome! I'll sit tight until then."

Lee looked at Clementine. "I'm gonna hold onto this just for a little while, alright?"

"What's happenin'?" Applejack came over.

"Glenn's hold up at the motor-inn, says he's stuck."

"A-are we gonna go help him?" Starlight asked, willing to volunteer to go with. She still knew walkers were out there but Glenn needed their help; she'd be glad to offer her assistance even if it meant going out there to face those things in order to help someone.

"Yeah, we just need to decide who's coming with."

"Ah'll go." Applejack offered which was quickly followed by Starlight.

"Yeah, me too."

"Yeah, I'm in." Carley said.

"Alright, so that's it then?" Lee inquired.

Starlight turned back at Trixie expectantly to which the magician frowned in return. "Don't look at me, I'm not going."

"You're not even going to bother to help out? You're just gonna sit here and do nothing?" Starlight was starting to feel irritated by her friend's attitude and behavior toward the situation.

"Yeah, sounds about right." Trixie didn't give her the chance to reply, she walked away from the group and stood by the restroom once again.

Starlight sighed and shook her head before turning back to Lee. "So... we going yet?"

"Yeah, if everyone's up for it." He said, glancing around at everyone's expression.

"Yeah, we're good." Carley said.

"Ah'm ready." Applejack added.

Lee nodded before he gestured for everyone to follow him. They passed through the office then out the back door; to an alley. Although empty, the group could hear the mob of walkers coming from all directions, it was going to be difficult to tell if there was a walker just silently lurking around the corner.

The streets were probably flooded with them. Lee looked back at everyone. "Alright, we're gonna have to be very quiet when we're moving otherwise they'll hear us." He whispered.

"What exactly attracts these things?" Starlight Glimmer inquired.

"Just blood and noise." Carley answered.

"Great," Starlight not-so-enthusiastically muttered to herself.

"We ready?" Lee asked and everyone gave their approval. "Alright, let's go."

They quietly began making their way out of the alley, stopping at the end so Lee could peek around the corners. Hopefully, the group would be able to make it to the motel without any trouble. The last thing they needed was someone getting hurt, or worse, dying.

Applejack and Starlight both had the same level of confidence. Confidant that everything will be okay, but there was also a distant feeling that was mutual among both of them. The thought of what if they didn't make it back?

Author's Note:

yo, sorry for uploading so late, work tends to make ame tired a lot. Anyway, any feedback would be appreciated and I hope you enjoy the chapter.