• Published 4th Feb 2022
  • 1,166 Views, 55 Comments

Monster Inside - Penguin17203

Starlight's old collectables are delivered to Twilight's castle, among them is a dusty Starswirl The Bearded scroll. One that transports her into a different dimension.

  • ...

Pharmacy Raid pt. 2

Lee, Applejack and Kenny ran through the streets of Macon. It was late in the afternoon, the sky was a gradient of orange and grey. Lee and Applejack carried wooden SAKO rifles with scopes and Kenny had a simple Glock.

Lee hid behind the wall, moving up to the corner. He took a peek, finding nothing in the area. The streets were in ruins exactly how they had left it before. A couple of cars were tipped over, the stores' windows had been smashed in and there was rubble all over the road. Lee looked behind him, at Kenny and Applejack. He nodded, signaling that it was clear.

The trio came around the corner, looking over the ruins of the town. "Well, looks like this is our lucky day," Kenny said.

"Finally, about time we caught a break," Applejack replied.

"We should keep our guards up, you know how they like to take us by surprise," Lee replied before continuing down the street.

Applejack glanced at the pharmacy ahead. The building looked like a half-done bulldozer job. The whole front entrance had been decimated with nothing but rubble and debris replacing the front doors. She frowned at the helicopter that crashed inside the roof of the store. She rubbed her rib, feeling the healing scar.

Lee side glanced at her. "How's the wound?"

"Mm... it don't hurt too bad, honestly," Applejack replied.

"Really?" Kenny asked, skeptical. "You just got shot like, a week ago."

"Yeah, ah know but, it still don't hurt as bad."

The fact that Applejack and her friends were ponies from a world called Equestria was still hard to process. Living corpses had arisen from the dead and now interdimensional beings were crossing over to their world?

It's been a week since the dairy farm when Twilight had singlehandedly taken down the remaining St. Johns with her magic. That was a whole other thing to process.

"Y'all made up your mind yet?" Kenny asked after a few moments.

"On what?" Applejack inquired.

"What do you mean on what? The motor inn situation. We need to get the hell outta that place, it's too goddamn dangerous."

"Eh, you're right. The attacks are becoming more frequent." Lee agreed.

"We've been doin' fairly well so far," Applejack said.

"Yeah, but how long can we keep that up?"

"Again, we've been doin' well so far."

"So, you sayin' we should stay?" Kenny directed a look at her.

Applejack nodded. "Yeah."

Kenny scoffed. "Stupid."

The farmer debated on firing back but relented.

The trio continued over to the pharmacy. A huge rig was in front of them, blocking off the rest of the street.

"This should be pretty easy, now that there ain't any walkers to bother us." Kenny walked over to the rig, a ladder was attached to the side.

"Yeah, should be is correct," Applejack said.

Kenny began climbing up the ladder and as he reached the last step, one of the hinges had come off. He climbed onto the roof, turning toward Lee and Applejack. "The damn ladder's come loose."

Using one hand, Applejack pulled the ladder off of the truck and carefully place it on the ground, not wanting to alert the walkers.

"How are we supposed to climb up now?" Lee asked.

Applejack frowned, looking between Lee and the height of the truck. "Ah could maybe boost you up there?"

Lee turned at her, wary of the idea. "You can do that?"

"Yeah, ah'm pretty sure ah can. It ain't like we can do anythin' else." Applejack shrugged.

Lee raised his brow. "You... sure you wanna do this?"

"It's fine, Lee," Applejack reassured. "If you're worried about hurtin' me, don't be. Ah'm pretty sure ah can lift you easily."

"Oh really?" Lee asked with a smirk.

"Yup. Come on." Applejack gestured for him to come closer. He did so, stepping toward her. The farmer knelt cupping her hands together, allowing Lee to step in. In a fluid motion, she pushed her arms upward, allowing Kenny to pull him up onto the roof.

"Alright, so what do we do, now?" Kenny asked.

Applejack sighed, looking around and spotting a military car; covered underneath rubble by the pharmacy entrance. She walked in front of it and placed her rifle down on the ground. She kneeled, planting her hands underneath the car.

"You sure that's a good idea?" Lee called out.

"Ah lifted you up, didn't ah?" Applejack replied.

"Yeah, Lee ain't a whole vehicle, lady," Kenny interjected.

"Ain't no biggie." The farmer began pulling on the vehicle. At first, it didn't budge but, after a few moments of straining and clenching, the vehicle finally gave way. Bits of debris fell where the vehicle once was with crunchy thuds. She stopped for a moment, catching her breath before continuing; her fists clenching as she did so.

"Christ," Kenny muttered causing Lee to look at him. "There anything these people can't do? Just got shot and now she's pullin' a fuckin' car."

"Well, Twilight did say she's an... Earth pony. She's stronger than all of us combined," Lee replied.

"Earth pony," Kenny repeated before scoffing. "Sounds so fuckin' weird sayin' it out loud."

"You're telling me," Lee replied.

Applejack was a few feet away before she stopped, went around to the back of the car and pushed it up against the rig. She was panting by the time she was done. She leaned against the car, attempting to catch her breath.

"You okay?" Lee asked, frowning.

Applejack nodded. "Yeah, ah'm fine." After a few moments, she went back over to her rifle and picked it up. She climbed onto the hood of the car and gave it to Lee which he put aside. "Ah hope both of ya can lift me up."

"Ah guess we'll see." Kenny and Lee lowered their hands for Applejack to grab onto. She grabbed them and the two men began straining as they pulled the farmer up.

"Jesus H. Christ!" Kenny exclaimed, his other hand grabbing onto Applejack's arm as he struggled to maintain his grip on the girl.

Kenny panted. "How the hell... are you so damn heavy!?"

Applejack chuckled. "Perks of bein' a hardworkin' farm pony."

"Farm pony!?"

The farmer frowned before nodding. "Yeah, didn't ah tell you this before?"

"If you did, ah sure as hell don't remember it."

"We should make this quick before the-"

A shriek rang out through the streets, drawing their attention. They scanned the surrounding area and saw a figure run out of one of the stores. A walker came out soon after. A few more walkers started to show up as the shrieking continued, drawing them out of their hidden spots.

"What the hell is that!?" Kenny exclaimed.

"It's a girl, what's it look like!?" Applejack frowned as she watched the woman continue to scream out her lungs, trying to flee from the building mob of walkers.

One of the walkers that were trapped under a car caught the woman's leg and bit into it. She somehow managed to scream louder. It was a wonder how her vocal cords weren't ruined.

"Fuck, she just got bit," Lee said. "We gotta shoot her, put her out of her misery."

"Hang on, hang on a sec," Kenny said. "The walkers don't know we're here."

"Yeah and?" Applejack frowned.

"Think about it, while she's over there screamin', all the walkers that were hidden come out of their holes and go over to her. It'll give us time." Kenny explained.

"Are you serious?" Applejack replied.

"What do you think!?" Kenny replied in a hushed voice.

"We can't just let her suffer," Lee said.

"We're all sufferin', this is her problem! Not ours."

"You sayin' we use her as bait?" Applejack asked, frowning.

"She's already in this position, we might as well mind our own business. She's the one out there drawin' all this attention to herself! Why the hell should we do the same!? We got a group to protect!" Kenny scowled.

Applejack and Lee exchanged a look.

The farmer turned back to the woman who was still screaming. One of the walkers had grabbed her and bit into her neck but, she still managed to get herself free. Applejack sighed, shaking her head. "Dammit..." she muttered before walking over to the other side of the rig, near the back door of the pharmacy.

Kenny nodded, satisfied that he was listened to for once. He turned. "Lee, come on!" He exclaimed in a hushed voice.

Lee furrowed, looking over at the woman. She was still alive but, at this point, she was limping. He sighed before dropping down. They ran over to the back door and entered the pharmacy, a few walkers on the other side of the street.

They were inside the office. Applejack and Lee were still feeling guilty over leaving the woman to die. It felt like they were using her as bait. The room was dirty, filled with tipped-over furniture and scraps of rubble littered all over the floor.

They walked over to a door in the corner of the room and opened it. It led behind the counters, there were supplies of all kinds all over the floor. The occasional packet of medicine appeared on the shelves. "We don't got all day!" Kenny exclaimed, walking over to the shelves. "Get everything you can outta these shelves!"

Applejack ran over to the cupboards and started gathering supplies. Some of what she was gathering were snacks, bars, a packet of chips. Others were medical essentials. Pills, boxes of medications, bandages, tablets. This carried on for a few moments when suddenly, the woman outside stopped screaming.

"Looks like she's gone," Kenny said. "Come on! We don't have much time!"

Applejack was still feeling guilty over leaving that girl to her death. She shrugged it off and continued gathering supplies. The shelves and cupboards were empty. She continued to search, attempting to find more. "Alright, ah'm done!" She shouted, concluding that everything was empty.

"Me too!" Lee yelled.

"Alright, come on! That girl didn't die for nothin' then!" Kenny hopped over the counter, Applejack was next then Lee.

Applejack and Kenny ran through the lobby, noticing the helicopter they saw outside. It was completely shadowed in debris.

A crash suddenly came behind them, followed by a yelp. Applejack turned and saw Lee pinned under a door, walkers were on top pushing it down and trying to get at him. She ran over immediately, kicking the door along with the walkers off of him. Another one came through the doorway and she gave it a thrust kick, sending it flying back.

A few of the walkers that she kicked earlier were back on their feet but got shot down by Kenny. "Come on, let's fuckin' get out!"

Applejack and Lee were about to meet up with him but were stopped by a walker, coming out of the wreckage of the helicopter. It was dressed in military clothing and had a pilot helmet. Applejack gave another thrust kick, sending it back and impaling it onto a rebar.

Kenny, Applejack and Lee ran over to a rather large crack in the wall and left the overcrowded store, leaving behind a mob of growling walkers.

Author's Note:

I legit just edited this on the fly bro, as in I speedrunned this edit. Anyway, I was sick for the past few days but I'm feeling better now. Wanted to continue this as soon as possible.