• Published 4th Feb 2022
  • 1,166 Views, 55 Comments

Monster Inside - Penguin17203

Starlight's old collectables are delivered to Twilight's castle, among them is a dusty Starswirl The Bearded scroll. One that transports her into a different dimension.

  • ...

The Broken Road

The R.V. zoomed down the road. The interior of the vehicle ran high with emotions, chaotic chatter echoing throughout.

"What the hell was that about!? They just attacked us out of nowhere!?" Rarity exclaimed, sitting by the table by the back end of the vehicle.

"Everybody stay calm," Lilly urged.

"Calm!? How do you stay calm after that!?"

"We need to find supplies, Trixie's still got an arrow stuck in her!" Starlight said, sitting beside her friend on the built in couch.

"I can deal with it!" The girl in question gritted out, her hand still clutching to her injured shoulder.

"No, she's right." Twilight interjected. "You need to get that treated soon, otherwise it's gonna get infected."

"Trixie is perfectly fine with that!" The magician stubbornly retorted, Twilight simply rolled her eyes.

"What the hell are we gonna do now!?" Ben exclaimed. "We have nowhere to go! We're homeless!"

"Exactly! Are we gonna be living in this tiny miniscule trailer from now on!?" Rarity added.

"Oh Celest-..." Twilight rubbed her forehead, swiping her hair out of her face and gave a quick sigh. "Everybody settle down!" She yelled. "Look, we're fine right now. There's no reason to be panicking, everybody is fine. We got away, the bandits aren't chasing us, there were even walkers attacking them. There's no reason to be panicking!" She earnestly concluded.

"Actually, no there is." Lilly grimly replied, her voice deep and slightly scratchy. A deep glare on her face. "We just lost everything because someone here, in this very R.V. was giving the bandits supplies." As she revealed this piece of information, the chatter gradually became quiet. "The reason why they attacked was because they didn't get their last care package."

"What are you kidding!?" Rainbow exclaimed, leaning forward on the table with her elbow propped up.

"No." Twilight shook her head, frowning. "She isn't."

"We found a bag of supplies hidden outside the barricade," Lee gravely added. "It was filled with meds."

"There you go." Lilly stared at Ben, sitting by the table on the opposite end to Rainbow. "So, Ben, is there something you wish to tell us?"

"W-what!? What do you mean!? I-I-"

"Woah, hang on a sec, let's just take it easy before we start accusin' each other of anythin'," Applejack said, holding out her hand. Sitting beside Ben.

"Hang on!? AJ, they just said someone was trading with the bandits! What are you talking about hang on!?" Rainbow exclaimed.

"There's a better way to go about this." Twilight interrupted. "We only have proof, that is it. We don't know who it is. So, instead of blindly accusing people, we should give them the opportunity to confess."

Rainbow scowled. "Really!?"

"They're not going to confess to shit, Twilight! Besides, I do know who it is!" Lilly countered.

"No, you don't. Somebody was stealing supplies, you're only going off of blind accusations! Give them the opportunity to confess! It'll better if they aren't pressured through interrogation!"

"I agree with that," Lee suddenly said. "I'm pretty sure if someone was more comfortable than scared, they'd confess."

"Oh, screw that!" Rainbow launched across the table, snatching Ben by his collar and pulled him closer. "Was it you!? Was it!? Were you sneaking over supplies!? Huh!?"

"W-w-what!? N-no! I didn't-"

"Rainbow-" Applejack shoved the wonderbolt back into her seat. "-back off! Now!"

Rainbow stared up at the farmer and scoffed. She rubbed at her denim vest, her hand sliding across her chest where she had just been pushed. "You seriously gonna stick up for him!? This backwoods bandit freak!?" Rainbow pointed at the teen who was trembling in his seat.

"You don't even know if it was him or not. You need to calm down." Applejack sternly replied, holding her gaze.

"You know..." Starlight started, leaning forward on the couch. "We aren't gonna get anywhere if we beat each other to a pulp. Why don't we just stop for a second, just a quick second and think about this?"

"What is there to think about, Starlight!?" Lilly angrily inquired. "We found the supplies, all that's left is to sniff out the culprit and deal with him!"

"And how do you suggest we deal with them?" Lee asked.

Lilly remained silent for a few moments, her glare staying remaining on Lee's gaze. "By-"

The vehicle suddenly rocked, a loud bang as if something had exploded, causing everyone to stumble.

"The hell was that!?" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Ah hit somethin'! We gotta stop!" Kenny shouted from the driver's seat.

"Perfect! The perfect time to deal with this!" Rainbow turned her head toward Ben who avoided her eyes.

Lilly's eyes fell upon Ben whom the teen also refused to meet her gaze. Everyone, with the exception of Rainbow Dash and Lilly, threw uneasy looks at one another as the R.V. began to slow down.

"Is it clear?" Lilly asked, once the vehicle pulled to a full stop.

"Yeah, all good!"

"Everybody out! Now!" The woman exited the vehicle, a heavy weight sitting on everyone's shoulders. The group reluctantly left their spots on the vehicle and stepped out, the cold breeze meeting them immediately.

"Absolutely wonderful, we're stranded out here in the middle of nowhere. Freezing temperature, no jacket. So marvelous." Rarity muttered, rubbing at her exposed shoulders, wearing a maroon colored tank top. She'd have gotten changed into more suitable clothing had it not been for her spar with Starlight and the bandits attacking them out of nowhere.

"Yeah, well, you can thank Ben for that." Rainbow replied, seemingly overhearing what she said as she limped out of the vehicle afterward.

"I-it wasn't-"

"Shut up!" Rainbow shouted.

"Yeah because yelling over the top of your lungs is definitely not going to attract the walkers." Starlight remarked.

"And you shut up too!" Rainbow flicked her finger at her, Starlight's eyes narrowed afterward "I'm tired of hearing your bullshit complaining!"

"You need to pull that stick out of your flank, Rainbow. I think it's starting to annoy you."

Rainbow stepped up to her forcing Starlight to back up. "You wanna say that again?"

"Are you threatening me?" Starlight smirked in disbelief. When the wonderbolt simply scowled at her, she continued. "You know, I remember when I went hoof-to-hoof with Twilight in magic and came out on top. What do you expect to do against me with that little injured leg of yours?"

Rainbow went to throw a punch, her fist hovered in mid-air and she noticed the faint glow of pink around it. Applejack got between them and pushed back the wonderbolt.

Twilight stepped forward. "This-" She started, her tone leaving no room for discussion. She gestured at the air between Starlight and Rainbow. "-whatever this is, is stopping. Now." She tossed hard stares at both girls, her jaw tightening as she did.

Starlight relented, holding up her hands and backed away. "I apologize. I was only saying that screaming at the top of our lungs isn't exactly a good idea, you know since we're on the side of the road at night and all."

"Besides that, how do you even know it was him? How do we know that it wasn't you?" Carley folded her arms.

"Because I would know if I was handing over supplies that we barely have to the bandits." Rainbow spat out, facing the reporter with a scowl. "And I would not trade anything with those bastards because of what they did to Fluttershy."

"Was it both of you?" Lilly asked, her expression equally as vicious as Rainbow's.

"What are you talking about!?" Carley exclaimed, an incredulous look thrown onto her face.

"I've seen you two together before, talking, acting shady, was it both of you!?" The brunette's eyes budged as she stared them down. Her voice raised.

"I bet it was, I know it wasn't any of us!" Rainbow added.

Applejack stepped forward, planting her hand on her friend's shoulder. It was quickly smacked away by her as she turned to face her. "Do not touch me, AJ." Rainbow said, her voice oddly steady and low.

The farmer locked onto her gaze unblinkingly, never breaking eye contact. "Dash, you need to stop and settle down."

Starlight scoffed but, stayed silent.

Twilight sighed through her nose. "What did I just say Rainbow? You want to continue fighting over trivial matters?"

"How is it trivial? How is having a traitor in our group trivial?" Rainbow asked.

"You know what I'm talking about. Don't act stupid, Dash."

"Then why are you trying to minimize the situation, Twilight!?" Rainbow shouted, turning away from Applejack. "You say let them confess well, look at them! They're not even saying anything!"

"B-b-but, it wasn't me! I swear!" Ben exclaimed.

"To hell with you, Ben. You're a fuckin' liar!" Lilly spat.

"Damn right you are!" Rainbow added.

"I did it!" Everyone turned to Lee, looks of confusion and bewilderment.

"What!?" Lilly said.

"Lee?" Twilight asked, giving him a confused frown.

"Yeah, it was me! Can you two settle down now!?"

"No, you're lying." The brunette shook her head. "I'm not stupid, you wouldn't do that. Not with her in her life." Lilly glanced at Clementine standing by the doorway.

"Then who was it!? Ben, Carley if it was you, just tell us so we can deal with this!" Rarity snapped.

"T-tell you what!? They'll kill me!" Ben exclaimed.

"So, it was you!?" Rainbow shouted.


"This is seriously getting out of hand! I didn't even do anything!" Carley frantically glanced around the group, holding her palms out in front of her.

"Seriously, we're all yelling again." Starlight interjected. "Walkers, hello!? On the side of the road here!?"

"Exactly while they're all screaming, there could be a herd in these woods hearing all of th-"

A loud crack exploded with a flash of light causing them to flinch. They turned to see Lilly holding a pistol, a dark expression over folded over her face. Carley laid on the ground, unmoving and blood pouring from her head.

Applejack grabbed Lilly's wrist, snatching the gun from her grasp and shoved her back.

Nobody said anything, locked in place by what had just happened like an invisible entity was holding them in place. Staring, eyes budging out of their sockets, mouths slightly agape.

"Kenny! What's happenin-"

"Keep Duck away from the windows, Jesus Christ!" Kenny exclaimed, cutting off Katjaa during mid sentence, coming over to the group. "Get in! We're leavin' this crazy bitch!"

"What was that-" The words stopped abruptly from leaving Trixie's mouth as the magician leaned against the doorframe for assistance. Her eyes stuck on Carley's corpse.

"Leave her!?" Rainbow exclaimed. "What do you mean leave her!? She did exactly what we should do!"

Everybody who was still stuck in the entranced state was suddenly pulled out of it. Their gazes flew over to Rainbow, heavy frowns and eyes that said "We can no longer trust you".

"You aren't serious... you're don't mean that," Applejack said.

"No. I do mean it."

Rarity shook her head, sucking in her lips with a hard bite. "I told you. Sociopath! Sociopath! She has lost her mind completely! Absolutely unhinged!" She pointed wildly at the element of loyalty.

"I'm not unhinged! I'm doing what I have to to protect the group!" Rainbow fired back.

"By killing one of-pfft! You have lost your mind, Dash! Ever since being here, you've been slowly losing your mind and becoming borderline delusional! You've become a soulless, maniacal husk of what you once were!" She clapped her hands together in a swift and heavy motion that sent out a loud crack before stepping over to Twilight. "I can't do this anymore, Twilight! I can't!" Rarity was now breathing erratically, her shoulders all the way down to her legs were vibrating heavily.

"Rarity, just clam down," Twilight gently said.

Generosity shook her head adamantly. "No, no, no. I won't. I won't! Not while this-" she threw her finger at Rainbow. "-psychopath is near us! You wanna know what she was doing at the motor inn!? While we were being shot at, scared for our lives! She was laughing and enjoying it! She was laughing, Twilight! Laughing, killing ponies-p-p-people while doing it!" She then pointed at Applejack. "Applejack was there! She saw it!" She turned toward the farmer, her eyes pleading with her. "You saw it! She was a complete lunatic! Am I lying!? Am I lying!?"

Applejack softly clasp her hands around the fashionista's shoulders, looking dearly into her friend's eyes. "Sugarcube, just go back into the R.V., alright? We'll sort this out."

Rarity swatted her hands away, furiously shaking her head. "No, no, no, NO! I'm not going back in there if they're there!"

"So what are you saying right now?" Twilight asked.

"We leave them behind!" The air amongst the Equestrian suddenly became difficult to hold, a heavy realization, one that was too astronomically big for them to comprehend weighed down on their shoulders. "Just like Kenny said! Leave them on the side of the road!"

Twilight was now the one shaking her head. "No... no, hang on, Rarity-"

"No, she's right!" Kenny interjected. "They're too fuckin' dangerous, she just killed Carley and now she-" He pointed at Rainbow. "-is saying that she was right in doin' what she did! Fuck that! Ah've got a family to protect and ah ain't gonna have these murderers with us while our backs are turned!" The man shouted, concluding what he had to say.

"W-wait, just hold on a second-"

"No! 'Ole Rainbow here was literally just about to throwdown with Starlight, one of her friends and then soon after, ah come to found out from her-" He flicked his head toward Rarity. "-that she's goddamn serial killer! It's one thing when it's bandits but, it's another when one of ours!"

"I didn't kill anybody!" Rainbow exclaimed, her face caught in a scowl.

"Don't fuckin' backtrack now! We all heard what you were sayin'! You ain't gettin' in that R.V.!"

"No, wait!" Twilight exclaimed, her chest beginning to thump was pressure. "Wait, just-w-we can work this out-"

"Ain't nothin' to work out, they ain't comin' with us! Even your pal, she's uncomfortable with her!" He gestured at Rarity. "And what? Y'all are like the elements-or whatever the fuck, y'all are supposed to be close but, yet here y'all are! How do you think ah feel!?"

Twilight found herself unable to respond as if her lips had been sewn shut. From all she's been given, everything that had just been said, she didn't know how to refute or disprove. Something that would change their minds. Instead, nothing. Nothing came out, her brain worked on overdrive looking for something. Something to pull up and convince them to let Rainbow stay. With that heavy pressure on her chest, the slow tremble in her hands... nothing came up and she turned to Lee for help who appeared as though his mind had already been made up. "L-Lee?"

With a deep apologetic frown, he turned to Twilight. "I'm sorry, Twilight but-"

Twilight shook her head. "No, no." She turned toward Rarity who's gaze was targeted toward the dirt below them, her arms crossed over one another. She stepped over to her. "Rarity, you don't-... you don't mean that!" Generosity said nothing as she stared at the ground. "Rarity! Come on! We've-we've been through a lot together! We saved Equestria thousands of times! We've been through everything together, you can't just... you don't mean that!" She pleaded.

Rarity stayed quiet for a few moments, a hard stare at the ground. She drew in a deep inhale which left through her nose. "I don't feel comfortable around her, Twilight." With a quick shake of her head, she concluded. "I just... can't. Not anymore..." A few tear trails escaped her eyes and she turned away and sniffed.

The farmer beside her gingerly placed her hand on the crying girl's shoulders.

"Applejack?" Twilight searched the farmer's eyes for any sort of reassurance.

With a conflicted frown, Honesty found herself struggling to meet the girl's eyes. "Ah... Twilight-"

Twilight turned toward Trixie, ignoring the farmer's reasoning. The magician stood against the doorframe, meeting her gaze before shaking her head. "What? I won't lie, I agree." She let out a low groan, the sharp pain in her shoulder ahcing as she adjusted herself on the frame.

"Do all of you feel this way!?" Twilight glanced around the group, at Starlight and Fluttershy. "Starlight? Fluttershy?"

Starlight pursed her lips, frowning and she tucked her hands into the pockets of her black fleece jacket. "Maybe, we could... I don't know... tie them up and bring them with us?"

"No, ah ain't lettin' them in that R.V." Kenny retorted.

"And you have the final say?" Rainbow interjected, the scowl no longer there but, replaced by a frown.

"Yeah, ah fuckin' do! Considerin' ah fixed the damn thing in the first place!"

Silence rung out around them, not even the rustling of leaves was enough to break through.

"I think we should let them stay." Eyes landed on the bloody girl who had been silent throughout the whole ordeal.

"You!? Naw, ah already said no!" Kenny exclaimed.

"They can be useful," Fluttershy replied.

"Yeah, for stabbin' ya in the back!"

Applejack drew in a deep breath as she elsewhere. While the group debated on whether or not, they should leave Rainbow and Lilly behind; in which, she didn't want to. Rainbow, at least. She didn't want to leave her behind however, that was merely one part of her. Others were saying something different, saying she was too dangerous. She might kill one of them. She was sporadic, careless.

She was too unpredictable. Applejack had thought that she would never lay a hoof or hand on one of them, one of their friends. But, after the little confrontation between Starlight and Rainbow? She was wrong, Applejack didn't know anymore. She thought Rainbow would've been more aggressive toward the others, the humans but, not them. Their friends.

The farmer frowned when her eyes caught something... or rather lack thereof. She began glancing around, at Twilight, at Fluttershy, Rarity, everyone, the whole area they were surrounded by.

She walked over to the R.V., entering it. Her eyes scanned the interior only to find nothing. The room was void of anyone else, nothing by cabinets, a sink, a couch. There was no one there. She left the vehicle, rubbing at her head and her Stetson fell off. She looked down the road they just came down, a sinking feeling in her chest.

"Applejack, what's the matter?" Twilight came over with a frown of her own.

"Where... where's Pinkie Pie?" As soon as those words fell from her mouth, Twilight's eyes widened as the color drained from her face.

Pinkie Pie panted, her legs carrying her through the woods. She didn't know how long she had been running for. She escaped the motor inn through one of the rooms, exiting out through the windows. The only thing in front of her were woods and a herd full of flesh-craving monsters behind her.

She slowed down to a stop and panted. She turned behind her, from where she came. Trees were the only thing she saw, no walker, nor animal was in sight. The crunching of leaves underneath her work boots were all she heard, that and the occasional that blew past her.

Deciding that it was safe, she scanned her surroundings. As with every other direction, trees filled her eyes. Every where she looked, every way she turned were nothing but trees and brushes.

Her friends were gone, they left her behind. Not intentionally but, still. She was alone. No weapons to defend herself with. She was chased into a forest where she was now lost.

Pinkie Pie stood there for a moment, aimlessly glancing in every direction. Subconsciously, she was debating. Debating on which way to go. She needed to get to the road, issue was that she didn't know where. Whatever direction it was in. Even then, when she did get to the road, it was going to be a problem. She didn't even know where her friends had gone, whatever route they took. Kenny's destination was unknown to her. Perhaps if she tried hard enough, she might be able to remember if he had said anything about it.

She tugged on her brown leather jacket, zipping it all the way up as she began to feel cold. For a while she stayed there, her mind futilely coming up with theories. She withdrew an unsteady sigh before she wandered further into the woods, hoping she'll meet the road at some point.