• Published 4th Feb 2022
  • 1,166 Views, 55 Comments

Monster Inside - Penguin17203

Starlight's old collectables are delivered to Twilight's castle, among them is a dusty Starswirl The Bearded scroll. One that transports her into a different dimension.

  • ...


The group ran inside the building, one of the humans slammed the door shut behind them. The building appeared to be a pharmacy store, it's windows had boards nailed up against them; the only light source came from over the counter, emitting a halogen glow. The supplies were noticeable on the shelves, unfortunately it was also blocked off by a shutter.

Trixie was panting heavily. Somehow, she was able to muster up the will to run inside and escape from those... monsters! There was no way... was that the reason this town was destroyed!? It had to be, what else could it been? Either way, she was done. Done with all of this.

"We can't take risks like this!" There was a woman, she was light shade with dark brown hair wearing a black tank top and she didn't look happy either.

"And we can't just let people die either!" The woman that saved them on the street replied back to her.

"When I say that door stays shut no matter what, I fucking mean it! We don't know who these people are, they could be dangerous!"

Applejack frowned but held her tongue, she spotted a counter on the right side of the store and went over to it. She gently placed Fluttershy down on top of it.

"Is she okay?" Rainbow asked, coming over to her.

"Yeah... o-or at least ah think so. She just fainted... ah can't say ah blame her though." The farmer gave the wonderbolt an anxious look. "Did you see that!?" She whispered, loudly. "Those... things... they were... dead, weren't they!?"

Rainbow didn't respond, images of what happened mere moments ago rushed through her mind. The pictures of those mangled corpses... just walking around. Some even had limbs missing, hacked off. A few had their lower body removed and it was just the torso moving, it made the wonderbolt sick.

They couldn't possibly be alive and with how were they groaning? How were they even able to make noise? The sounds of their rotten vocal chords, it was awful.

"Dash?" Applejack called, bringing her out of her train-of-thought.


The farmer had a concerned look on her face. "You gonna be alright? You ain't gonna faint too, are ya?"

If this was any other situation, she probably would've shrugged it off as no big deal; probably even laugh too but this was something else. "No, I'm... fine. Just a bit shook up... that's all..." she trailed off.

"With all due respect ma'am but shouldn't we be focusing on what's out there rather than what's in here?" Starlight Glimmer interjected, trying to stay neutral even though she didn't understand the distrust. There was clearly a bigger threat here and they were outside trying to break in.

"That's what we were doing until you decided to lure them all to us!" One of the humans said, a bigger-older looking man with grey hair, wearing a grey polo shirt.

"Lure them? Who? Those monsters outside!?"

"Who else are we fucking talking about!?" The man snapped, causing her to frown at him

"Look, we appreciate what you guys did, we do but how about we just take it down a notch?" One of the humans that came in with them, the darker one with the blue shirt, tried to de-escalate the tension.

"Exactly! Surely, you can understand that we mean no harm." Rarity added.

"You brought them all to us! We were perfectly fine until y'all came along!" The old man rebutted.

"They got kids, Lilly!"

"Those things outside don't care!" Twilight frowned at the one known as Lilly. An odd name, she thought.

"Maybe you should go join 'em then! you'll have somethin' in common!"

"Can we all just relax!?" Starlight exclaimed, annoyed at the petty argument.

Lilly glared at the man with the trucker cap. Twilight kept her silence throughout the argument. This world was in complete disarray, the humans were fighting amongst each other when they should've been working together and on top of that; there were monsters roaming the streets and they probably destroyed half of, if not the whole world!

Twilight signaled the girls and quietly slipped away from the humans. She, Starlight, Pinkie and Trixie went over to the corner of the store; away from the others. Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow decided to stay near Fluttershy; keeping an eye on her.

"Why the hay are we still here!?" Trixie quietly exclaimed, not wanting the others to hear. "Obviously, this place isn't safe so we might as well go... NOW!"


"NO!?" Trixie gawked at the bookworm. "Are. You. Crazy!? We almost just got eaten on our way in here and you're saying we should stay!?"

"I have to agree with Trixie, Twilight," Pinkie suddenly interjected, much to everyone's surprise. There wasn't a cheerful tone to her voice, not even a smile. It was strange seeing the girl look so serious, not that they blamed her. "This universe or dimension... doesn't feel like fun."

"See!? Even Pinkie Pie agrees!" The magician went to snatch the saddle bag from Twilight only to grab at thin air. "What are you doing!?"

"We can't leave yet!"

"Why not!?"

"Because there's obviously something wrong with this universe-"

"Oh really, really? Something weird?" Trixie sarcastically asked.

"What I'm saying is that we can't just up and leave when the humans need our help!" Twilight explained.

"I agree with Twilight here, Trixie." Starlight interjected, earning an awestruck expression from her friend. "Whatever's going on in this world, I'm sure we could help find a solution?"

"It's too dangerous to be here though," Pinkie softly argued.

"I don't understand what you're saying, Pinkie. Are you trying to tell me that we should leave these people behind... on their own?" Twilight inquired much to Pinkie's shock.

"What? No! I'm saying that we need to get back home otherwise if we get hurt, we won't be able to help them at all if we're hurt!"

"I-I'm not sure... how do you know we'll end up in the same place as before?"

"Well, you know what? This is not our universe! In fact, we shouldn't even be here. This isn't our world, it's theirs and we should keep it that way! Now hand over the scroll." The magician went to grab the saddle bag but was stopped by Starlight.

"Trixie, enough. Okay? Just take it easy."

Her friend went to lay her hand on her shoulder but Trixie slapped it away. "Don't 'Trixie take it easy' me! I feel like I'm the only one who is actually being rational here! W-wh-what is this!? Did everypony just put on their stupid hats today!? Did everypony just suddenly lost their minds!? We should go while we still have the chance!"

"We shouldn't just abandon these people when we have a chance to help them!" Twilight argued.

"Well guess what P-r-r-rincess, this is not our problem, it's theirs!"

"Do you even hear yourself right now!?"

"Loud and clear, now give me the scroll!"

"No!" Twilight and Trixie's voices were growing louder. Luckily, the others (the humans) were still arguing amongst themselves; they hadn't noticed.

"Alright, how about we just relax okay? Lets not argue over this alright?" Starlight turned to her friend. "Trixie, go sit somewhere just go clear your head alright? I'll come talk to you in a sec."

"What are you, my therapist?" Trixie rebutted.

Starlight ignored her, turning to Pinkie. "Pinks, can you... give us a moment to talk in private?"

The one who was usually smiling and laughing nodded. She walked away, joining Rarity, Rainbow and Applejack.

"Hey Pinkie," Rainbow greeted but frowned, seeing the girl's state. "You okay?"

The girl in question sighed. "No, not really. This place... isn't as much fun as I thought."

"Well, dear I'm sure we'll be leaving in a few moments. Just as soon as Twilight gets everything situated here, I suppose." Rarity said, in an attempt to lighten the girl's spirit. Honestly, she was hoping to lighten herself up considering what she had just saw outside. Those monsters that tried to get at them, she visibly flinched at the thought of what would've happened if they had gotten a hold of one of them.

"What about the others?" Applejack suddenly inquired.

"What do you mean? The humans?"

"Yeah them." The farmer spared a glance at them over by the door. They were still arguing about who and who not to let in. The girl looked back at her friends. "Can't exactly just leave 'em here with their world in shambles, now can we?"

"I guess not. They could come with us maybe?" Rainbow replied, sounding slightly unsure.

"Yeah but this is their home, shouldn't we try ta help 'n figure out why this is all happenin'?"

"I'm sure Twilight will figure out what to do but in the meantime I say we should help out however we can." Rarity concluded. She looked at the group who were continuously arguing back and forth. "I'm gonna go see if I can help calm things down." With that, the fashionista went over to the group.

Trixie was contemplating on just snatching the bag right out of Twilight's grasp. They were spending way too much time here, they overstayed their welcome here. Whatever was going on in this world, wasn't their problem. It was the human's problem.

If it was up to her, she would've been gone a long time ago before they even came across this town. It may be selfish but she didn't care. This wasn't her world and her conscience was clear. She didn't even want to come here in the first place... for this exact reason! She knew there was going to be trouble and look at it now! They were stuck in a pharmacy store in a town called Macon!

She eyed her friend speaking with her mentor by the corner, everyone in the store was still arguing (for some reason). She wasn't able to hear what her friend was discussing with Twilight.

She groaned, shaking her head. She leaned against the wall, right beside the latrine and tucked her hands into the pockets of her hoodie; letting herself drift into her thoughts.

She kept her eyes on the floor, the stains, trails of a dark liquid; presumably blood. She gulped, it wasn't the first time she had seen blood but it was the first time she'd seen a walker. By Celestia, they were even more terrifying than the changelings before they converted.

Personally, she'd take a creepy onyx bug over a walker any day. At least, she knew what they were capable of! Walkers on the other hoof... or hand were much more revolting in every aspect of the word. Their smell, appearance; tartarus, even the way they moved was horrifying! Some of them were missing limbs, arms or legs. Some of them had bones popped out of their sockets! For as long as she lived, the magician could positively say that, without a doubt, this was the most horrifying experience of her life.

Infiltrating the changeling was nothing compared to this, those walkers were simply... abominations! To all things living!

Were they even alive?

Suddenly, a creek came from her left. Frowning, she turned and came face to face with the very abomination she was just thinking about.

The walker launched itself onto her before she was able to react...